pie Et a RE 'big werpents, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 PACE THREE First Day of the Fair Is Greeted by a Huge Crowd of Visitors Young Man Seriously Hurt In Fall From Grandstand At Fair Grounds Yesterday Accidem to Thomas Riordan Is Only Incident to Mar First Day at Fair HAD BEEN PERCHED ON THE RAILING Spine Is Injured and Limbs Partially Paralyzed ----- Re- moved to Hospital Slipping from the north rail of the grandstand at Alexandra Park, upon which he had been perched, Thomas Riordan, 16-year-add son of Mr, and Mrs, TI, Riordan, William street east, fell a distance of about twenty feet to the ground below and sustained injury to his spine which has eaus~ ed 'paralysis of his legs and partial paralysis of his arms, The accident happened yesterday afternoon ju full full view of hundreds of spectators and was the only incident to mar the Oshawa Fair Riordan with some others had heen sliding down the rail and it is thought that he lost his balance and fell, It happened with such sud. denness that no one had opportunity to save him, The unfortunate youth was re moved to the hospital where he has been placed under the care of Dr A. E, Stewart, An X-ray examination this morn Ing disclosed the fact that the 15th cervical vertebra of his spine had been fractured, His condition is con sidered very serious, MIDWAY AT FAIR HAS ATTRACTION FOR EVERYONE Thrilling Contraptions, Side- shows and Games of Chance Well Patronized To most of us, whether boys of eight or eighty, there Ix always something fascinating about tha mid way, with its blare and glare and it in drue of the Harry Lotteridge Shows, which are providing amuse. Ment, fun and entertainment galore at this year's Oshawa Falr The merry-go-round, the whip the-whip, the circling airplane and the ferris wheel are among the me. chancal contraptions at the midway oaloulated to provide thrills and laughter, They are patronized hy old and young alike and Cirandpa from Brooklin is just as much tick lad to have a ride on any one of them as his little grandson in Osh. awn, who hag just started to school The penny arcade, the glass hlow- ors, the mysterious tent housing the the mechanical eity Sidelights on The Fair The high ground on the east side of the cinder track formed & nat- ural grand stand for antomobiles und for hundreds of spectators, Nome hundreds of people gather wlong the buck stretch, and while the crowd in the grand stand was not up to expectations, those on the far side helped to swell the at- tendance, Fair oficials are delighted with the weather provided for them, and they are looking for a record at. tendance this afternoon apd even. ing to put them over the top The unfortunate accident to # young man who wag climbing on the end of the grand stand and fell off was the only thing fo mar the success of yesterday's proceedings, The dining tent of the Hospital auxiliary was well patronized around the supper hour yesterday, and the visiting oMcinls and ath lotes were loud in thelr praises of the service given to them by the ladles In charge On the whole this was one of the features of the mesting which appealed to them, The city police gave splendid co- operation in the policing of the grounds, Chief Friend baving a large siaff of constables on duty throughout the entire afternoon It. won Interesting to hear the comments In the axhibition hulld. ings from people who were loud In thelr assertions that 'they had something at home "a whole lot better than that first prize one These are the people who never make entries, but always wish they had when it is too late The people crowding on the race track In front of the grand stand, and over to the far side of (he track, played havog with the wires for the amplifier system The wires were broken three times hy careless people who did not look whare they were going, and the op. aerator had great difMculty in main. taining his lines of communication The Malleables softball team cer. tainly made a nama for Itself yos- terday, Its game and sensational playing in the final game against the Toronto Parkdales delighted the large crowd, wheh gave the lo oal girls every support, of fortune, games of chance and games of skill all combine to tempt the money from the pocket! Hot dog sellers shouting thelr wares and novelty sellers proclaiming the value and uniqueness of thelr goods provide further atmosphere. to the fair and feteh in many unwary dimes and quarters, Even eanny Scots from Columbus are foreed to look more stern and cluteh thelr pennies In grim determination when passing through the midway Rut to many hundreds the falr would not he a falr In any sense of the of a thousand wonders, the Whee! jword it theres were no midway, FINE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITS MAY BE SEEN AT THE FAIR Manufacturers And Dealers Have Combined in Inter. esting Displays Manufacturers and merchants, hy vhelr exhibits of a variety of artic lew ranging from automobiles to cream weparators huve dane much to add to the interest of Oshawa Valr A stroll through the various tents housing the exhibits is well worth while and Is both instructive and entertaining. Courteous individu als are In charge of the various ex hibits and ars only too glad to pro- vide any information concerning the price, operation ete, of the ars ticles shown Gienernl Motors of Canada, Lid, hog provided in miniature iis ex: hbition at the Toronto falr. Hous od In un large tent are one of every muke of car manufactured hy the company Including Cadillae, La Hille MeLaughlin-Bulek, Mar quetie, Oakland, Oldsmobile, Pon tae, und Chevrolet, Various mo dels are shown Including the large deluxe sedan and the smart looking coupe The Willys-Knight and Whippet, shown by Roy W. Nicholls, of Cour. tiee, ure tha only other cary on dis play and these also hive received much favorable attention from the crowds at the fair A fine display of Findlay stoves and ranges 18 being made by the Willson Hardware Co, King street west, In an open tent near the en tranes to the grounds Radios are heing shown by sev. oral dealers Including the Luke Furniture Co, agents for Stuart Warner, Deforest Crosley, Sonora, und Federal; Geo, C. Alehin, the Majestic; while thh Phileo people have a display of thelr own n N. Johns has also a fine display of planos, radios and phonographs in the grain, fruit and vegetahle hulld. ing which {is filled with musle throughout the day Kiwanis Model House The Carew Lumber Cn; has pro vided maicrinls for a model house which has heen built by the Ki- wanis Club and stands near the entrance to the midway, Through the generosity of the company tha Kiwanis will he allowed to move this building to thelr camp at Ked. ron after the close of the falr, The building demonstrates Donnacona All Canadian insulating and need: less to say It has been visited by hundreds of curious spsctators W. J. Trick Co. has provided an interesting display of window sashes, door frames, fire-place man. tels and builders: supplies The Silent Glow OU burner lg shown in an adjoining tent Mallett Bros, who are importing a cargo of Russian anthracite, known is Clearconl, are showing thi on the fair grounds, Lister gas em ginen, displayed by TT, 8, Mount joy, of Bowmanville, and Delaval soparators are included among the articles which are of special in. terest. from the country The Pedlar People Ltd have sev. eral fine exhihits of roofing, siding, eavetroughing, culverts, and other sheet metal products, demonstra. tion of washing machines hy the CORI DRUGS OF MERIT An Effective HAND SPRAY Given away with every 16 on, 758¢ a Bottle FLY-KIL The sure clean way to rid the place of flies, Just spray it around Both for 75¢ DRUGS Kruschen Salts .......69¢ Gin Pills ..................38¢ Sloan's Liniment ...28¢ Scott's Emulsion .....99¢ Mecca Salve ...........22¢ Ipana Tooth Paste ..39¢ Vick's Vapo Rub ....48¢ Pepsodent ........ .....39¢ Dodd's Pills ............35¢ Castoria ......20¢ Pink Pills ....35¢ "Mi 3-1 » Antiseptis A clean refreshing 8 Blades With Razor All For $1.00 Me" JURY & LOVELL LTD King St. E, FREE oy patterns, n cards, will pay 780 elses where for these, lar Special 8h Herve Is Just the opportunity you, our friends and customs ers have heen waiting for, A wholesale slaughter of Drugs and Sundries from almost every department of our stores, You can't afford to let this opportuns slip hy, HUY Now No More Indigestion Eat and Enjoy Your Meals RIKER'S MILK OF MAGNESIA Free yourself of heartburns, gas and other digestive diss orders ; 39 c Large bottle , ... Bridge Playing Cards 187 Smooth, Coal Shaves in a tube of KLENZO SHAVING You price THE PROBAK RAZOR IS HERE Come in and see this improved razor for with the famous Probak Blades, THE REXALL STORES Free Delivery to all Parts of City FRE OREAM Glant tube, Regus Boe, Special ane A BOe hottle of DUSKA PERFUME Given free with every purchase of a regular $1.00 box of Duska Face Powder Fine, adhering and deli. cately scented, Blends with the complexion, Both for $1.00 ~ Sundries Palmolive Soap 4 OF cour 380 La Reve Stationery 859¢ Household Gloves ,.49¢ Fountain Pens ........98¢ Coty Face Powder ..89¢ Motor Goggles, Pair se to $1.50 Bath Sprays ...........89¢ Velvo Sanitary Pads .......30¢ Three 10c Cakes Tiny Tot Soap And a fancy knits ted Washcloth, All for 29¢ Simooe 8t, N Judges Have Difficult Time As They Decide the Prize Winners at Oshawa Fair Judges al the Oshawa Valr yes terday had a dificult time as they chowe first, second and third prize winners from the large number of splendid entires which were recelv. ed in almost every class, There were Judges for horses, cattle, grains, ples, plekles and what not and each one had to he an expert to determine the merits of the var. fous products shown, The greater part. of the judging was completed yesterday but there still remains considerable work to do today, Gay. ly colored vibhons and tags may he seen now on many of the ex. hibits bringing pride and joy to the respective exhibitors, The following is the list of prizes in various classes: SHEEP * COTSWOLDS AND LINCOLNS Ram, two shears and over--1 & 2 W, Glaspell, Oshawa Shearling ram---=1 & 2 W, Glaspell, Ram lamb--1 & 2 W. Glaspell Ewe, two shears and over--1 & 2 W. Glaspell Fwe lamb Pen, one and 2 ewe 1 & 2 W. Glaspell, ram, 2 shearlings ewes W. Glaspell, | Shearling ewe--1 & 2, W, Gls. ¥ ell, SHROPSHIRES Ram, two shears and overs1, 'I Baker, Hampton; 2 & 3, Harold Skinner, Tyrone, Shearling ram--1 Harold Skinner, 2 T. Baker, 3 John Baker, Ram lamb---1 & 2 H, Skinner; J J. Baker, Fwe, two shears and over-1 H Skinner; 2 John Baker, 3 H, Skinner, Shearling ewe=1 & 2 H, Skinner; T, Baker, Fwe lamh--1 & 2 H, Skinner; 3 John Baker, Pen, one ram, 2 shearling ewes and 2 ewe lamhs--1 H, Skinner, 2 John Baker, 3 T. Baker, SOUTHDOWNS Ram, two shears and over=1 J, H Lockie, Zephyr; 2 A, EE, Ayre, Hamp fon Shearling ram=1' A, Ayre, 2 & 3 J, H, Lackie, Ram lamb A, Ayre, Ewe, two shears and over =1. A Ayre, 2 J. Hl. Lackie, 3 A, Ayre (Continued on Page 7) 1 J, H, Lackie; 2 & | THEFT GHARGE 1S DISMISSED BUT NEW GHARGE LAID Accused Woman Claims Sis- ter Stole Money From Local Shoe Store The charge of theft of $60 from the Agnew Surpass Shoe Store pres ferred against Lottie Wilson, of To remo, was dismissed hy Magistrate Willis in Police Court this morning but police forestalled the release of the woman from jail when they im mediately laid a charge of receiving stolen goods against her The presented many es and while accused admitted that the money found in her possession was the money stolen from the store in question' she denied having taken it but laid the blame on her sister Susie, also a resident of Tor. onto, but unable to he found, An other surprising featfire was the fact that Lottie Wilson was not the cor- rect name of this woman and her real name was Catherine Whitty the former name heing fictitious as was the address she gave the police on her arrest I vide nee show that case surpris for the crown tended to the accused had entered the store and asked to be shown some shoes. She had then left hur riedly and later a sum of sixty dol lars was missed from the register I'he police were informed and a search was made for the woman. She was found with her 12 vear-old daughter on Centre Street and ar. rested, On the way ta the police stition she was observed ta be trying to hide something and on her arrival the sixty dollars was found in her hand, She alsa had $93 in her purse She gave her name as Lottie Wilson and a fictitious address of Main st, Tarontn In the box this morning when told Beatty Washer will no doubt ats tract many lady visitors Don't. Miss It All in all, a visit to the fair to: day would prove profitable even if one confined his attention to the industrial exhibits alone to tell her story hy her counsel A, C, Hall, she stated that she was In the store and that her sister Susie, was with her, 'The latter told her that there was a lot of money in the cash register at the back of the store and then put sixty dollars in the hands of her little girl. She was so nervous she added that she immedi ately left the store with the stolen money while her sister disappeared I'he little girl who has been an in mate of the children's shelter since the arrest of her mother was sent for and in evidence stated that her aunt had taken the money and had giv en it to her, She had told her mos ther where it came from when they were outside the store Defendant claimed that her sister was a "rascal" when the crown confronted her with a previous case of a like nature occurred in Boston, Mass, and in which she was implicated She also stated that she did not roiember trying to hide the money or telling the officers where it had come from. According to the offic er- who arrested the woman she stas ted that she fourd it outside the Agnew Surpass Store Magistrate Willis was not inclined to convict her of theft and therefore dismissed the charged but police held the woman and charged her with re. ceiving stolen property, She will ap pear on September 19th OBITUARY MES, HARRY JACORS Cobourg, Hept, 10,-~The funeral of Mrs, Harry Jacobs took place this afternoon, Nefore her marriage, Margaret Pollock, she was a daugh ter of the late William and Ann Pollock of Cobourg, Burviving her are her husband; three sons, Orin, of Kyle, Bask.; Edward, of Osh. awa, and Stuart, of Rochester, and three daughters, Miss Cora, Mrs, Veale, Bunderiand, and hiss Verna Jacobs, A hrother, Daniel Pollock, is at Kastend, Bask, and na sister resides here, DRUNK 18 FINED Ernest Lamotte, of Ottawa, stop ped off in this city while on a jour ney but stopped a little too long and just long enough for the police to arrest him for being intoxicated, He was fined $20 and costs or thirty days by the Magistrate this morn ing. His downhearted countenance looked as if he might decide to spend the 30 days when there is no liquor store to asuage his thirst, " Stock Market Prices Marke Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and Now York Wock Quotations Supplied by Biggar ang Orawford, Alger Building, Oshawe Toronto Stock Ex } ee ---- Btock High Low Closs Br, A, Oil 18% 184 18% Braz, ., 860% 86% 20% Qookshutt, 20 Vg 20 20 Cty, Dry, 60 an Dis, Sgm, 10 Dm, Stra, 21 Gypsum 20% Hr, Wal, 8% Ford ., 204% Int, Util, 46 Int. Nkl, % Int, Pet, 10 Ind, Aleh, 8% Tmp, O11 233y Lob, "A" 18% Ms, Hr, 0% Mo, Fri, 10% Mt. Pr, M% Pg. Hr, 8&9 Shaw, 70% 8, Station 43% Ajax .. 208 Amulet LR] Rig Mis, 64 De, Mns, 876 Faloon, © 230 He, Oil 870 'Hy. Gold 38 Hd, Bay 780 Lk, 8h, 2825 Nrnda., 2450 8h, Grd, 1438 Btook Sd, Re, 140 148 Tk, Hg. 676 70 Ventures 00 no Wr, Hr, 187 179 New York Exchange High Am, Can, i! 1d Am, Fr, Pr. 1 Am, Tel, 218 Am, Inter, Anaconda Auto Strop Rendix ... Beth, Steel Byers AM, Can, Dry Can, Pao, Cn, FI, Pr, Co, Fl, Co, Chrysler ,. Col, Gas ,, Fox Flim Gen, Bleo, Gen, Mot, Int, Tel. ., Kelvinator Mt, Ward Nat, Cash Pl, Rd, Coal Paramount Ph, N, Jer, Radio .... 43% Radio Kth, 87% Simmons ,, 20 ft, NJ, ov 708 U.8, Rubber 19% U8, Steel 172% Vanadium LL] Yel. Truck 834 Money 2% per cent, Low 188% 06% FINE LIVESTOCK SECTION FEATURES THIS YEAR'S FAIR Good Showing of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Swine feldom, {f ever, has there heen ns high grade a showing of live stock in all its branches than Is to ha seen ut the Oshawa Fair this year and while in some classes there 1% ween a drop in exhibits, increases In other classes ara more than sufficient to cover this short. ngs In fact all told thers Are far mors entries In the 10380 faly than in any previous year, Much of the stock has recently returns ed from winning many prizes In Toronto and Oshawa can well he proud of the high wrade of live stock bred in its neighboring farms, . Horsey ' 4 In the horse section can he seen sleek and beautiful animals vying for the honors of the judges rih hong rent Clydesdales reor thelr heads proudly as the judges make thelr rounds as if they fully understood the fmportance of thi occasion Close hy chubhy little colts frisk in the excitement of their first showing at a fulr while the splendid percherons in thel sleek sliver cont proudly display the qualities of thelr hreed, It must he a moste diffienlt Joh for judges to make thelr decisions in view of the high class of exhibits at the falr and while those wh finish the proud owners of the coveted rvibhons those who are not quite as lucky can he Just as proud, as they exhibiting In ona of the showings of horses In tha af Ontario Carriage horses and hunters also make a fine showing in the falr while the ponies are the par: tieular delight of the ehildren who can ba seen standing for a long time gazin nt these dimunitive members of the equine trihe Cattle showing of haps the finest ever seen at falr and there is more than competition in all classes display of Ehortharn partienlarly impressive and the massive hrutes didly groomed and looking hetier than is possible at any other tima of the year, The heat cattla were another fine exhibit and well con tasted and one look at this clas hatokens many a fine roast of heef for residents of Oshawa this coming winter The docile lonking Jerseys were thera in all thelr glory and ap- peared to ha perfectly aware that their's was the richest milk, as far As eream poes, of any cow In the conntry While these wra not as much in evidence as the holsteins they eartainly made a fine exhibit and one that Oshawa can well be proud of Ry far the biggest sxhibit In the cattle classes wan of Holsteins and thera was not a class In this hreed which was not fully exhibited, thus making competition all 'the ioener, The ealver, with thelr height hiaek and white coloring, mada a fine Impression in this elngs, ure finasl province The cattle 1s per the kaan The hinllu Wis this year were splen Kheep One thing can ha sald of the sheep exhibits in Oshawa Fair and that Is that nowhera will thera he found finer ones than here, Pra tically all sheep who were award. ed the ribhony yesterday hy the judges have heen consistent win ners at tha Canadian Nationa) Ex. hibition Of conrse, Harold Bkin ner, of Tyrone, and Alfred Avra of Hampton, who take all the major priges in their classes at all the big exhibitions in the provinee were well represented and carried away most of the prizes Other local breeders had their share hows (Continued on Page 12) BOYS FACK CHARGER Cobourg, Bept, 10, Thro va from Haldimand Township came up before the Magistrate this | and wera vemanded until Hept 19, They are charged with oruelty to animals, It is alleged that the hays nome little time ago, put sulphurie aold on the backs of a pure-hred yearling hull and two horses he. longing to Gordon Findley Jr, The acid ate into the flosh of the anime. nls, and the services of a veterin. Ary were required, The youngest of the trio came up in Juvenile Court, and all wera remanded, ATUDKENTS GIVEN HOLIDAY Students of the Oshawa Collegl ate and Voeational Institute and the public sohonls are enjoying a half holliday this afternoon in ore der that they may attend the Oshs awa Fair, -- -- Card of Thanks Mr, Charles Soper, Harmony, Wishes to sincerely thank the Osh. awa Fire Brigade for thelr prompt and effiolent service at the aooas alon of the fire on August 81st, Also the friends and nelghbors who gave thelr services at the time, (60a) "Coming Events # Oats word each fee sertion, nim am OLDE TYME DANCE WITH CORN and weiner roast, Gené Goods ell's Hall, Courtice, Wednesday and Friday evenings, Come and have a good time, (800) Opened Until Spectacular Events And En. joyable Entertainment Kept Large Crowd Well Satisfied NUMEROUS FINE FEATURES PROVIDED Midway Well Patronized -- Officials Hopeful That To: day May See Even Great. er Attendance The attraction, which the Oshawa Palr holds for the people of Oxhe awa and the whale surrounding community, was splendidly demons strated yesterday, when the Arst public day of the falr was greeted with a huge crowd of visitors, It wis # day of action from the time the program gol properly under way until the "Good-Night' sign nt the fireworks display hrought to a close n day of spectacular events and enjoyable entertainment, Girls' anfthall, girls' track and fAeld ath. letics, with notable athletes com peting, a vaudeville and revue per formance in. front of the grand hre, und many other features stond out in the minds of the visitors to the Oshawa Fale yesterday as mam orahle, and as reasons why the Osh. awa Pale continues to hold its own LOCAL CONSTABLE ATTRACTS LOST BOY Last Three Year Old Takes Great Liking te P.C, Tom England England must have a very sympathetic nature, at leant among children, This morning a little hoy with a tear stained face arrived at the Police Btation and announced that he was lost, Where his mother or father was he did not know and in the excitement of gotting lost the little fellow had evidently forgotten his name, That is It he ever really knew it, Hows ever the strong arms of P.C, Eng land Hfted the little lad up and the tears stopped flowing hut only for a short time, Immediately the constable endeavoured to hand ove, his charge to someona else the little hoy was determined that he was having nothing of it, He stoutly stayed with the constahle in question and even the open army of Mrs, Walker, matron, who in a motherly tone asked him to come to her falled to attract the young fellow and the constable was forced to take the little fellow for a motorcycle ride to the child. ren's shelter, PC Tom DIED KELLY At rest in Oshawa, Sep tember #, 1080, George Lorne Welly, beloved husband of Kath er Katharine Babeoek, in his 21st year, - Funeral fram the residence af his father, George A, Kelly, 8 Re: gent street, Lindsay, on Thursday, September 11, 1080, Hervice al 8,80 o'clock standard time, Inter ment Riverside Cemetery, (Aa) Too Late To Classify HOME AND RE COUNT HOO meets on Friday, twelfth at four fifteen In "Y' instead of thivd Tuesday, (0a) § ROOM RUNGATOT TO RANT, 120 Oshawa Blvd, All convenis ences, with garage, Apply 10 Bond 8t, West, Phone 924, (GOL) FURNISTED -- BEDROOM 70 rent, hreakfast if desired, near Motors, 118 Agnes §t, (60a) tand, fireworks of the highest call: | Yesterday Was Crowded With Action From Time Gates Were Late Last Night an one of the most progressive and wuccensful fairs of the province of Ontarin, There could hg no questioning that the crowd was well satisfied with the Falr., The large afternoon, which enjoyed the sectacular sports ing events, und which grew to huge prapartions for the sensational Ane al softhall game, was of one mind, und thet was that the afternoon's program had heen one of exceptions al merit, Champion girl athletes gave of thelr hest for the formal opening: of Oshawa's new cinder track and athletic field, and won the warm plandite of the crowd fop thelr splendid efforts Many Prombent Features Yel that was only one feature which attracted the crowd to the Fale, Throughout the whole afters noon and evening every departs ment of the Valr was well patronis wed Around the horse and cattle Judging rings thers were large crowds of interested spectators, onch choosing the particular field of endeavor, which held hig or her terest, The classes for eompetis ton in the departments of the fair were splendidly matched, and the Judges and spectators slike found keen delight in observing the splens aid type of farm animals brought Intn the Judging ring from the farms of Ontario and Durham couns fies And today should see even mare keen competition, and more setacular judging events than was f aslerday In the buildings the erowd mills od wlong, examining the exhibits With meticulous ears, and express Ing thelr comments on the work of the judges, In every one of the Inside departments, the directors in charge had excelled themselves, and had dane splendid work in arrange Ing the settings for the exhibits, so that in each case the hest possible affect. was obtained, This was pars oularly true of the flower show, the frult and vegetahle exhibits, and the women's department, which in itself was worthy of more than case ual Inspection, Along the midway, the many eons cossions did a great husiness, The people were there, they were in a festive mood, and they enjoyed #8) that had heen provided for them, The gldeshows and games did & large business, partieulrly in the evening, when the erowd reached the maximum fgures, The tents with the commercial exhibits, and partionlarly the autembile tents, were the centre of much attention, and those In charge of them were well satisfied with the interest shown hy the thousands of visitors to tha Fah Great Crowd at Night In the evening the erowd of oon) ple readhed huge proportions, he seane ip the grandstand and in front of the platform, erected for the pers formance, was one well worth sees Ing. In the dim lght, a sea of faces arose from the grandstand te confront the performers, while the whole avea In front of the stand, Ineluding the race track, was jams med full of people, all enjoying a vaudeville and revue performance that was wholesome and entertains ing, and which was one of the hest ever presented to patrons of the faly tL People Well Pleased. The hest advertisement, which the Fair could have had for today, wis found In the multitudinous axe pressions of satisfaction which were heard on all sides, The Fair had gona over the top with the people, who wera there yesterday, There was no question ahout that, and they left the grounds talking about it, They will talk about it even more today in their homes and their places of employment, and the result, with a continuance of favors ahle weather, should he to make the 1080 Fair one of the greatest ever held, Fair OfMcials Hopeful The fair oMolals wera delighted with Wednesday, even although the grandstand was not filled to capacity In the afternoon, and, with plang set in motion at onea to improve on some things foy this afternoon's program, they were confident that the vesults would mora than justify the experiments made in this year's program, and would firmly fix the Oshawa Faly in the minds of the people of the (Continued on Page §) Cloarooal tivery Ton of od tomorrow, we Huarantee $1.00 Saving to Oshawa O Clttsens CLEERCOAL The Supreme Anthracite unload. R | D A Y MALLETT BROS. 671 Albert St.