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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Sep 1930, p. 4

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PACE FOUR. Ba THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 The Oshawa Daily Times Justasding = THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMEK (Established 1871) An independent newspaper published every afternoon except Sundays and legal heli days at Oshawa, Canada, by Fhe limes Printing Company, Limited, Chas, M, Mundy, President; A, R. Alloway, Ses mmiary, The ave Daily Times is 8 member of the Canadian Press, the Canadian Daily News apers Association, the Ontario Provincia) Dies and the Audit Bureau of Cireulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 156 a week, By mail in Canada (outside Oshawa carries delivery limits) $4.00 a yeev; United States, $5.0 n year, TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, [esidder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, rowers and Stone Inc, New York and Chicage THURBDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1080 PICKS OR RTEAM SBHOVEL® A very practical method of relieving uns employment has heen put into effect in the construction of an important building in To ronto=--a factory building of considerable dimensions, Instead of using the more mods ern steam shovel method in making the ex» eavation for this building, the contractor de. cided to use manual labor, in other words, to substitute human muscle, plus pick and shovel for the work of the steam shovel. In this way work was provided for some BIXLy men, This may not be a large number out of the total of Toronto's unemployed, but nevertheless it is a definite contribution to providing unemployment relief, Hixty homes will be afforded the means of pur chasing the necessities of life hy reason of this commendable decision, and that in it. self is much to be desired, Bixty homes will he maintained hy labor instead of. charity, and sixty men will be able to retain their self-respect from the knowledge that they Al'® WARE earners, This object lesson should be borne in mind by the city [athers when they are letting the contract in connection with the building of the Bimcoe Street subway, Were all of this project to be handled by the use of mechans leal construction devices, little relief would he provided for the unemployed of Oshawa, But by following the same practice as was adopted by the Toronto contractor, work could be given to a large number and the city's charity resources would he relieved considerably, It in futile to say that this can't be done, It has been done and ix being done, as the illustration shows, and the city fathers should make it their business to see that the subway project is made to produce the max- imum amount of employment for the works ers of Oshawa, ATHLETICS IN OSHAWA The people of Oshawa and District have demonstrated that they are interested in track and flald athletics, The attendance ut the Athletic meeting at the Fair yesters flay, while not quite up to what was expects ed, was excellent for fivat venture into a new realm of entertainment attractions, And it was clearly shown, by interest taken in the events, that the people of Oshawa and the surrounding community are quite willing to support athletic contests, when they are of the proper calibre, There are some who may be a trifle dis: appointed because the attendance was not larger, particularly in the grand stand on Wednesday afternoon, But it ghould he not. ed that on the opposite side of the race track a splendid natural grand stand was provided on which hundreds 'of people as. sembled to witness the events of the day, It should be noted, too, that before the aporta program was completed, a crowd of many hundreds more had flocked into the grounds for the final softball game, It is to be hoped, however, that having heen started, track and fleld athletios will he developed in Oshawa along proper linea, With the right kind of equipment provided in the form of an excellent cinder track, there should be a concerted effort to organ: ige the young men and girls of the city un- der the ausplees of the Oshawa Amateur Athletic Association, so that Oshawa may, in the future, use its new equipment to de. velop athletes who will be out to represent the city in provincial, national and interna tional competition, There are great possi bilities along this line, and it anly requires the right leadership to make it a success, SPENDING MONEY AT HOME It is amazing to find that, even in times like the present, there ave many people who "gend their money out of the city to make essential purchases, instead of spending it with the merchants of their ewn commun: jty, In times like these, when local mers chants need every dollar of business that can be placed their way, these people fail fo yealize that when they send money out of the city, they are really the losers, for thelr community loses, Dollars which are spent at home come back again, either directly or indirectly, They are working to build up the community, By spending thelr money in Oshawa, the people of Oshawa would be helping to make # busier and better city for themselves, Dol- lars spent at home make It possible for loeal merchants to carry bigger stocks, to ine crease thelr payrolls and to aid in civie im» provements, Dollars spent in Oshawa help to bulld up Oshawa, while dollars spent in some other city help to build up that city at the expense of Oshawa, Cities do nol grow by accident, They are built hy men and women, with the aid of capital, Bpend- ing money at home helps to keep that capi: tal working to build up the community for the benefit of every citizen in it, Help build your own eity, or -------- A ------ $20,000,000 FOR UNEMPLOYMENT Premier Bennett has Introduced a resolu- tion in the House of Commons calling for the provision of a sum of $20,000,000 to he expended in providing relief for unemploy- ment, presumably by the undertaking of various public projects, There is no doubt, of course, as to the granting of this money, The only question which arises Is that of how it is to be spent, That, probably, will come out during the debate in the House, but there are some thoughts on the matter which might well be expressed, It would be quite easy for the $20,000,000 being provided by the federal government, to give three times that amount of employ» ment, The policy which has prevailed dur. ing previous periods of depression, and which has been considered a sound one, is that public works and construction projects undertaken for vellef purposeg be financed jointly by the federal government, the pros vineial government and the municipality in volved, By adhering closely to this policy, that $20,000,000 would hecome $60,000,000, with each of the three parties paying one third of the amount, The expenditure of $60,000,000 as suk gested in this way, would go far to relieve unemployment during the critical few months that lie ahead, and it would be spent only in those municipalities which are wil: ling to do something for themselves, which is only fale, One could hardly recommend that the federal government should lift the entire load from the shoulders of any munis cipality being prepared to spend a falr shave of Ita own money, That is a point which the eity council of Oshawa should keep in mind, This city has a large number of unemployed, but it is not likely that it will shave in the government's funds unless it takes the initiative to secure that share, It would he quite in order for the counell to go to the federal government, foi instance, and ask that the construction of the Bimeoe subway be undertaken on the basis of a relief project, One can be sure that the suggestion that this be so will not come from the government, [It must come from the city council, and that body should lose no time in pressing its cuse, first for an early start on subway work as soon as yousible, and secondly, for assistance from the government out of the special fund of $20,000,000 being provided for unemploy- ment, EDITORIAL NOTES The weather man haa for once heen kind to Oshawa air, Every person who attended the athletic meeting at the Fair went homes hooster for the continuance of such events, When it comes to relieving unemploy. ment over the whale Dominion, the $20, 000,000 provided hy the federal government will not go very far, unless it in supplement. ed hy the provincial governments and muni: eipalities, Kvery day in every way, business is hetter and better; should he the modern adaptation of Dr, Cone's famous motto, And now comes the General Motora pies nie, to complete one of the higgeat weeks of the year for important local events, Orme Gamsby of Orono, passed muster for a newapaperman at the CNB, And we are quite ready to admit that Orme ia a real live newspaper correspondent, Art Ravenadale, youthful Cobourg ath- lotie atar has been lured away to Marquette University in the United States, Thus it is that the lure of foreign athletic, fields somes times proves ton atrong for our star ath. letes, Bankers are not cold-blooded, said a bank manager in addressing the Oshawa Kiwania Club, But doesn't it all depend on the size of the averdraft, » Oshawa school inspector saya daylight saving in June and September ia harmful, Toronto school inspector saya it is net, Gentlemen, choose your weapons and name the referees, pr After the auecess of thin year, it is safe to say that the Oshawa Fair ia as yet far from becoming defunct. : "I cannot underatand the meaning of moat of the music that is being written today" ==lgnace Paderewaki, ¥ By [ames W. Barton, M.D, EGGS FOR SMALL CHILDREN Fodon't talk about infants very of ben for the reason tht the family doctor and the children's speeinfist hive worked 1ogether so wonderin Iy In the past few years tht the lives wl thousands of children are saved yearly, which in former times would have heen lost, And the biggest Taetor in prevem ing the loss of these little ones is the proper diet, However, | came neross something veeently frum Dv, Bloehsner, of Ber lin, that L think is worthy of being handed on to pathers whose ghildren do nut seem to he progressing very well; und yet are not i need of the doctor's services : . As youl know exis wre i good feed with body hulding yuwlitles bul ey en with adults there seem to be gute wher who cannot eat them with out some stomach distress, Vor ba ies or young ehldren ers hive likewise been considered insite, de spite ther wondestol food vain Hiuweyey 1 Bluelengr recom mends the tollowing ere which im hia hands hus given excellent 1 IT A gruel le prepared with three le il teaspaniuls of fine corn esl wid a opt of winter. Va this is add eh ow pit wb dresh milk and four teaspoons ul of stg Fhiba 1istine in bled for a short Hine wlier that is stirred into 4 beaten suk Fhen the epg wid left to ewol, Before euch feeding the Hecesaary quantity is heared Fhe wse of this egg snp ha le + harimtul el Huted soli nid SOU 18 strained brought goal ve fut YH revelyed Heke Aer this alin vieh in earpiseli heing I the vey mall babies who this ex soup it the load wa dd hate lah ih showing I al ented an Avia I hin Teil the whigh {§]] In the child's he \nather paint naidered a ute tin muther's own taeltener points Loniriment worth noting cular] weather, 1s tht this een Nest used hy a Fioinish physieinn as a means of cor Curing Marrhoes in fart during the warm BO Wis Feciing ahitldren young wlie Tl] the we have known af the A loud fof betng righ in albumin, aiid 4 hody vepairer Lats and vitam OF vil ub white t hody builder and the 1 Heh in ois certainly gratifying kn wonderiul taod can thus he fF Young ar a Hime that thi Hinile iviclluhle AFULE ver Hye SEO to in thi Hered In wee whine Tn lance ha hia! (Regi rane Hh the Act) Eye Care and Eye Strain by €. N, Tue', Opt, D, (Copgright, 1988) BIGNIFICANCE OF OCULAR AYMPTOMN PART v0" Intolerdnce af Maht 18a a symp tam often aceampanying many of the foregoing symptoms nf strain, where stealp exists there are many and varied wenknessas tn ha econ sidered and Heht, therefore, Is found amaravating to the already sanaltive tewnes A pertain few Among whom are tha very fale hatred type mre found ta he easily augravated hy artificial or strong sunteht In ohildeen It Ia found that as thay grow alder nature looks after the laying down of pig ment (nthe hisdy and this plement In nature's way of anatemionlly filtering the Hght entering the oye, The use af certain tinted lens may he decided an a carpe: tion after examination, 1t Is of ten elatmed that tinted lens are followed up hy deeper and deeper nts and on this aceaunt should net ha warn This 14 wot necessarily true When the proper eolor is present ad as a correction after exnming ton and the health of the patient tn good, very Hitle change fs ex: pected. Many arowing fn health And strength may remove the onlay In a subsequent change of lenses Where a color 1a placed Mipon the ayes Indisoriminately without ex amination, however, anything may he expected an a follow-up, If, however, a person's health hes comes lower, it ta possible for an Inoreane in tint to he appreciated, Thin like any other change of oon reotion, however, should only he deolded fram the vesult of the ex: amination, Ta be continued HAMPTON Hampton, Sept, #.-=Tha Young People's League met on Friday MEht with the Preaident. N. Horn, (nthe ehaly, After the opening ex: orelnes and husiness part of the meating, Rev, I. R. Riek spoke an the words of the lesson, Acts 2nd Chapter, and fivat olght verses, read In concert. Raveral hymns were sung throughout the meeting And prayer was offered hy the pass tor, On. eTosing, Mispah bhenedte: Hon was used, The Young People enjoyed a OOFR roast an Thursday night, thin helng the second one thin season, held in Gresnaway's flats, Me, and Mes, Howard Cowling, Accompanied A.B Billets on a mos tor trip to Grimsby recently, develupud : i | | Boy Scout News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout lead. ers, Contributions te this column will be welsomed, and should be Times office not morning each week, SCOUT NOTES News regnrding the Jamboree on Rept, Anh and pi is beginning 19 Dreak fast, and requests sor billets hive started to come in In order to look after our visiting brother scouts i will he necessary for everybody to help as much us their elrcumstances peri, There wre wbout two hundred Beouts In Oshaws and we need (0 billet whout two hundred visisors There will he some who will #lso he here for supper on Baturday night and there js a possibility that some pirents, while not helng able to take care of wn boy for the night, could invite one of the others who will not he slaving over, to this mes Mennwhile we are sire tht lirge number of boys will be com ing eon "Foromao, Hamilton, Grim hy, Burlington, Peterborough, ind iy, Whithy, Viekering, Brooklin Bowmanville and Port. Whithy, and wa expect to hear from several other localities in the near future A bugle bind ts coming from Tm aide, and this troop hes notified us thitt they wre going to bring som handlers tt dispdave and wlso thes notihed us thst they intend eitering the Campetition I looks we I Oshawe 1s Kulng to he forced to step In a very lively fashion if they intend to hold that Hl romnd cup for the eaming year Phen we have heard that there Js ta he wu Cup presented to the best Clinwin troap, ang anoter Cup of the hest Oshawa Wolf 44 Pack Bo It 1s up to us to see that oi troop lund of the prive Don't forget, i vou wre no gone ur bit at the hive ne | Wis you can do yi baniierutt displa Get going boys, und don't forgery 10 tell I) iy tun TE 1 voitimaater if 1] billet veek end Bove being billeted will aloanolg pm al and luneheon nd uw bed on Saturday Liekets for the to the Janiharee nu HAY now. he ih Wot tor AM woke and Walt Cubs In unifarm HE he admitted free of charge Tam ONE OF mare Reouls or the quire Naturda Sunday, Wife Hreakias on night admission of elvl VINE pie purchased from Hains rns -------- . ret-- Mi, and Mra Owen mound af his sintey inday Hey ( has feffre and My Harb. Johnstan, Toronta, Dy, ¥ W Heath Goodland, Indiana Mes, Dr. MoCulloch, Orono, Miss Annie Allin, Mr, and Mrs, Nathan Hayes, Howmanville, Mr. and Mra WIL J, Trénouth, Napanee, were recent visitors at the home of © WwW. Houeh Me LT Pascoe and daughters, Mrs, I Pascoe and daughter, Mar gnret, visited Hrooklin friends on 'huraday of Inst weak Mra, Charlotte Miephens and Howena visited Taronte and al tended the Exhibition recently Mavjoria Pascos has returned from a two weeks' visit with friends In Detroit and Pelle River Mri and Mra, Ho Halter and Minsen 1, Wood and Ruth Johns visited Orone friends on Nunday, Mr, and Mra, Frise, Toronto, visita M0, Groat, for un few days David MoRride, Baltimore, ¥iaits of at the home of Mes, W, Amale on Thursday, Mr. and Mes. K, Horn were In Toronte on Wednesda) Rev, J, R. Wiek and Mes, Mok Were In attendances at tha HEmith Paso wedding at Oshawa on Monday, Meptembear 1st Congratulations are extended to Frank Pascon on his vecent mars Ving 10 Margaret Bmith, Oshawa Mr and Mes, W, W, Harn, and pon, Wallace, were in Kingston on husiness on Tuesday, Mes, © W, Houeh apet a days with Taranto friends Mra: 1. Wiheax has returned fram Blenheim whera she visited har davghter, Mra, D, Rogers, Nhe aloo visited her alster, Mes, N, Colex, of Wheatley, Mr, and Mes, Lovenso Trail) and family visited Niagam Falls on Monday Mra, J, Jehaon, Misses Lulu and Kdna Reynolds, attended the funs aval of Mya, L, Hands, Rearboro, on Wednenday Rev, J, R Patnton and family, visited at the home Mis Lewis Allin, on few Nilok, asalated in the marriage of hiv nlege Zetta Jean Anderson, Bowmanville, to Ray J, Dilling, Bowmanville, on Wednes day, Nept, rd, \ Thelma Robbing visited her uncle, W, G. Rabbing, of Rowman ville and algo attended the weds ding of her eousin, Viela Callan, Who was married on Monday, Hep: tember 1st, to Harold Delmar Harvie, Toronto We had a few local showers on Friday, BETHESDA Retheada, dept, bo==Miss Paria Cole spent Sunday with My, and Mra, J AC Were, 0 Bandekillen, Mra, DK, Fraser tn spending few dnys With My, and Mes, Kens neth Fraser in Toronto, Mrs, G, Joli, of Newcastle, Mra Herman Gray, of Hamilton and Mra, #ylveater Potter, of Detroit, pent an atternoon Vielting Mw W, G4, Rundle, Misa Winunitred Cole motored from Toronto and visited hey par ents, Mrs, Cole and Mise Hooper, of Tarent, My, and Mra Frank Wery, Misses Mavian and Helen Weny motored to Millbrook on Sunday and visited friends, Migsen Wisie and Irene Bragg: of Toronto, My, W, J, Brags, M.D By of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mes, Howard Coueh, 2 Miss vood, hime Miu spent. the '4 Activities wil har home My, and Myy nd Liberty, the Mr West wanks il Mrs, CO, 1, to the A Tussday sent Inter than returned home and Mrs. CO, 1 Mr, home after In the West Mrs, (Dr) won, Mich, gnrihi, home of Mi key recently All troops wre preputing Tor the Jamboree, and Ws surprising how difficult some of the events ure which appear to he so simple One troup tied to skin the snake and fomnd 30 quite u Jub not to break the hide Fhen the message carrying relay Oh dear! What shapes and twists i simple message can be turned into It is good proot how we murder the language we profess to talk And then the push and pull tug-o Wik of the village It ba rumored tht one troop tried | the steering rod i, und found thst the rope they were welng wus not strong elough They suy that wfter the word "oul" wus given they found it diffi cit to make both ends meet Well, evoryvhindy will hive portunity to do something, ust wilt und see what happened the Juwimboree nnd Brougham, with glass Mrs, I, € week wih hey wlook wh on 8 we of mi ny Oy Troop Notices th troup will meet ai Pridiay next Boys are requested (to bring run ing shoes Court of Honour, 7, pan Troop Meeting, 7.0 pin The 4th Oslinwa Troop will mest an Iriday, Sept, 14, 1040, a1 7.40 pn, In Rotary Hall, lyeryone Is requested to he present, A mes! ing will he held of the Troop Com mittee on Yreiday, Hept, 14, at § pom, in Rotary Hall AIL Committees men ave request ed to he presant The in the Y MUA Young mont Whithy halng well dry wenlher fulr, upplos and vegetnhley Visors at Byer Lhe wd Mrs, Mr and Mrs and Mrs, i, | Mr, and Mrs aring spent Het the i Witton 1s now Cotmusteg iin from Wh Tromp re "LT fof the with now that hie 1s back on the job Fhe dud Oshawa 'Troop will meet on Monday, Wednesdny und Viiday ight this week and next, ever hav ta helig his rome and sty I hye asks that all hoya En out in their uniform, und ta le which Is set for 7.00 pm vacation ther with th Mis, § renewed vigor Kant hinyer hepherd Mhaver | i Hepy (ne Mis The made a good racent operation My hore Mloavanson Hin Miavanusnn passed away The Rn Beoubininster Fhoman an time died REVENTH WOLKE CUB PACK I'he Beventh Cub Pack will meet on Friday night of this week In Mt, George's Parish Mall, Cen tra Mi, at 7.00 p.m hore brother -- Mr. and bray, Mr #laone, of Ink lant -------- lh heavy mtorm, Mrs, Motes, of Cams and Mrs, W, H, Van Waondville, ware renew segunintances In this district week Hinday Mr findey Tok Mr. Beatile and Mrs, Wabhh BROOKLIN NEWS Brown on Munday Mr, Harry Brookiin, Mept MY, Hordon Hunter, of Mamilton, apent the weel-end at his home here day Mise Mlewart, Bernice Whites, of wesk end al Csvoyns, of York, 1s spending her w, Mr Ww lows, homes of Muvkny, #nd Mig, I and deughter, of Montreal, have uller few days with (heir Muiokey, WwW. Morrison spending Vistehar of Kalnmas My of legging, and Mrs, C, 1, BROUGHAM Hep! mont car came to grief just north on sending the eur oul of control, I'he CAF Wal somewhat orenpants ware peratehsd and out Brown Mister BRerament of Lhe was naministered (o the members dohn'e congregation on Buns people ure all off to Bhool uwenln some going to Clare others to Harvest 1s over and in this dig Lriet evops ure up to the AVEruge ndvianead in, rather HWYBThEn Mathew's houso waok-and Kidd and doughter; Hiehard Witter; Crocker and son Hesteh, Unday with the War ren Wilson family and Kingston If tenohing family Phiylls Gerrow reutrned from Osh Awa beach on Monday reiovery Mlavenson, of on wan horn and grew up David and Mrs Visited Pavitt family had a nar row escape when thelr house was ruck by Hehtning in ant week's the done was shattered window glass Hobert Harvey and family spent the terrow, Mis ware with Jermyn and wers Hrougham visitors on Batis of Atha, Lhe week-end at the home of her Onl Mr, and Mrs, George her grandparents Duncan Mrs, Gsorgs Vhillp visited her nephew, Mr, Dobson und brides of Oshawa, on Wednesday nfiernoon, Miss Brodie is with Beaverton friends at prosent Mra, Philip and Migs Brodie en Joyed u delightful host trip to Lhe Thousand Islands a week ago, Mr. and Mrs, Viank Virown and Mry, Graeme, of Losminglon, were with Broughnm friends ast week spending #» L. Muthews enjoyed un motor parents, Mr. | trip to Hamilton and other wen arn points lust weekeond New vacation at Muckey nnd MeGulloeh, of spent, two Mr, und It, Wichardson hin returned two weeks THORNTON'S CORNER: Thornton's Corners, Wept, The Thornton's Bundy school soft ball team defenlad the Whitevsle tagm on Paturday evening ot Port Parry 17:6, "I'hin minkes our tenn shamplons of the Fouth Ontario Sunday Behool Jengue, The vom munity extends heurty congratila tions Lo the hoys, On Vriday evening (he (eam plays un sudden death game with ths champions of Durham county at Brooklin, All wish them the best of Mek, Mr, N. MH, Hireock had a ver ghecassful snls lust wesk of hi furm stock and implements Visitors 1ast week at the Bxhibi tion were Mr, and Mrs, Hohert, Bully, Mre, A. Robinson and Chest ar Robinson, Mr, and Mrs, W. II, Parviman and Willy, Mv, and Mrs, Arthur Jackson and family Mr, Coacll Dean spent Sunday al Niagara Valls Mr, and Mrs aorge Woe visited at the Mis ] A Clare Monday, dropped when down damaged and spent ast in Wood Liovd's Bupper Markham and Oliver Pierson and ahildren spent Hundoy ot Clare mont with Mi arenn's gister The many friends of Mrs, Lewing ton, Br, will ba sorry to hear that whe 18 not well ugaln and has heen taken to the Oshawa Hospital, Threshing has heen in full swing for the past wenk The school children mre ariting for the school week, Meplembar 18th Many from here are planning to attend the Oshawa Valy this w» Mr, - Ray Heott, Toronto, was # guest of his parents, Mr, and Mrs W. A, Beott, for the waek-end Mr and Mra, J, Dick, of Madison, Wisconsin, nre guests of Mrs, Dick's aunt, Mrs, Thon, Bepherd and Mr, Bhapherd Mins Nora and Mr, Charlie Heott of Mount Albert, were guests last week of their unele, W, A, Heol and Mrs AIL In this community wera great ly shocked to learn of the sudden tragle death of Lorne Kelly early this morning, Mr, Kelly lived for sometime In this neighborhood and was well known He leaves a wife and hahy, hafore the full frufi Is senree, roots or more Included Mr UTE Mr, alr pext of Plok CL vile have where LU hool und Miss Phylls hus from her Mr, Beott Aug, 25 him betors he only damage Jones Is Elected to United Church Post Sn ------ Montreal, Sept, 11 Jones, pastor of Calvary United Chureh, Montreal, was elected ohairman of the Montreal Preshy tery of the United Chureh for the coming year at the fall meeting of the presbytery parental roof . Misa Yates, Walls ang Mr Minn Rey, I', W family spent a eT a HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY To See Some Splendid Values In Ladies' DRESSES, COATS, MILLINERY WINTER COATS Npecial Nelling Friday & Saturday $40.00 for Regular up to $29.50 These Coats are up tosthosminute styles In materials of vipple sheen Nroadeloth with furs of Muskeat, Am ablan Lynx, Cavacul, and Wolf, Well lined and interlined, Nhades of Green, Brown, Niack and Blue, Mires 14 to 40, v SPECIAL PRICED Ladies' Dresses $5.95 In small or large sine on, pleated skirts, fits ted hipline with belt, flared skirt effects, smart collar and cult treatments, All the new leading fall shades of browns, black, greens and wine, Kvery number sar, youthful and becoming. Come In and see us, Bises 14 to 44, WELL CHOSEN STYLES SMART MILLINERY AT $3.50 BUCHANAN'S

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