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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Sep 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 PACE FIVE omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Co mmunity {Imittee Is to be convened by Mrs, Young, IL was also decided that Mrs, Cousins should proceed with preparations for a concert to be held lutor In the fal) 1 SOCIAL AND . PERSONAL Mr, Ralph Knight, of Confluence | Penn, has been visiting his broth pr; Mr. Charles Knight, of 611} Christie Avenue, for the past (wo wooke Weddings PASCO a= MeCULLOCH A very pretty wedding took place ut Columbus United Church yestor- day afternoon, Wednesday, Septem- hor 10ih, when Hazel Kleanor dunghter of Mr, und Mrs, Hugh Me- Culloch of Columbus, became the heide, of Walton Grant Vascoe, son of Mr. und Mrs, M. 'ascos, of Col: im bin The coromony why pers fomred hy Ney, Dy, Cooper, pase tor of the church, To the wralpe of the wedding march played by Miss 1da MeCulloch, of Columbus, n eousin of the bride the hridel party entered the church, The two dainty flower girls were Mary and Beswlo, the twin daughters of Mr, and Mra, Wenley Real, of Urbridge They {wore pretty Hitle frocks of white [ana blue French organdie and had {hows of blue tulle on thelr heads | Between them they carried a basket of rosses and baby's breath, The two bridesmnids. Misses Jean Mes Ciullock, wister of the hride and Doris Nesbitt, wore gowns of pink, tushioned with eape colors and (rile lod skivis falling to the floor, Miss McCulloch's was of a paler shade [than the other, Each wore pleture [hint to mutch, and carried bouguety | qf mised summer flowers, The | muld of honor Miss Bornica Martin, lot Lindsay, was gowned in pale WOMEN'S ANSOCIATION OF KNOX CHURCH The Women's Associintion of Knox Chureh held thelr first meeting since the summer vacation on Tues. day afternoon, Weplember 9th, The attendance was very satisfying, The indies anticipiuie holding a sipper n the near future, 'I'he summer ¢om. BU A A Sheer Chiffon Mull Pashioned HOSIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Mmcos Me "JUST ARRIVED Full range (TH Couts una the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Mimeoe Street South Ladd he Drenros EN ,. YES, GREASE JUST VANISHES IN RINSO'S CREAMY SUDS, DISHES ARE DONE IN NO TIME THROUGH WITH THE DISHES 80 QUICKLY? YOU MUST HAVE USED RINGO ] hy ' . « + « this quick, easy way 'S A SHAME to waste time and Got the BIG household package of energy three times a day, when Rinso Rinse, Of course you'll want to use it makes dishwashing so easy. Its rich, on washday because it soaks clothes active suds out the grease in a flash, A whlier than they can be scrubbed! hot rinse==and your dishes dry bright Follow the easy directions on the box, , and clear without wiping! i puffed-up soaps because it's © Rinso's suds are creamy and lasting evon in the hardest water, Marvellous ol granulated, compact, The ih ilaied snp Acoli i 5 Guaranteed by the makers of LUX wsLaver Brothers Limited, Toronto, a) dishes pots, pans IT for 5 pans, tubs, basing und a Roar. Feonomical, too up for cup Jt goon twice as (rr ro light. weight, FS ¥ Cl . tie's WATER. ICE Delicious for Dessert at all times, Packed in Assorted Flavours, mauve and yollow, with pleture hat of mauve and yellow velvel stream. ors falling from It below her waist, I'he three bride's attendants wore the fashionable luce gloves of =n whad® blending with thelr dresses. I'he bride In her nuptial gown was charming, The skirt was of white georgette (alling to the floor In graceful folds while the tight fit. ing bodes was of sliver lace and rhinestone (rimming. Wer tulle vell, that was caught with orange hlossoms Around her face, wun heavily embroidered, Wer only orn. ument was a necklneo of pearls, The bride's bouquet was of roses and valley lille, The bridegroom was attended hy Mr, Murray Williams, of Port Perry, Mowers Hugh Me Culloek, of Lidnsay cousin of the bride and Kenneth Heddon of Co- lumbus were usher¥, The church had been tastefully decorated with autumn flowers and white strenmers, Mrs, Wesley Heal of Uxbridge sang a nolo "All You," during the signing of (he reginter the church ceremony the wedding party proceeded the home of the hride's parents, where a reception wis held, Mrs McCulloch, mother of the bride, re. celving In a fashionable gown of hiue georgette and cut velvet with hat to mateh and wearing a should or corsage of roses, and Mrs, 1 Pascos, mother of the groom, colving In dark blue, with black velvet hat and a corsage of roses The bride and groom left last evening on an motor trip to Montroea und the Eastern states, The bride travelling in a brown ensemble with brown fox fur, On thelr re turn they will reside In Bowman ville, Hevenly guests wera at the wed ding party, Among them were Mrs Kleanor MeLaughlin, Oshawa grandmother of the bride, Mr, and Mra, Jim Ross, of Oshawn, Others wore: Mr, and Mra, H, 1. Pascoe Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Scott, Mr, and Mra. Thomas MNcott Mr and Mrs Harvey Pascoe, Miss Lorraine Pas coe, of Columbus; Dr, and Mrs, W, MeCulloeh, Orono; Mrs, Hately, grandmother of the groom, Miss ldn MeCulloeh; Mr, and Mrs, Chas Mackie, Mr, and Mrs, Ells Pascoe, Mr, and Mrs, Christopher Hudson, Mr. and Mrs, James Moore, Hrook lin: Mr, and Mrs, Les Pascoe and Miss Dorothy Pascoe, Mr. Wallace Pascoe of Enfield; Dr. and Mrs, "red Hately, Indianna; Mr, Ross Courtice, Oshawa; Miss Bernice Martin, Lindsay; Mr, and Mry, Wes Neal, Uxbridge; Mrs T, TT MeWat tors and Miss Ester MeWatters, Mr, Kidin Hodgson, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs, Goorge McCulloch, Mra, A, J, Courtice, My Douglax Courtice, Brockville; Mr, and Mrs Mervin Hobbe, Hampton; Miss Marion Ross Oshawa; Mr, and Mis. Cecil Simp son, Grace, Elsie and Theudore Guelph; Dr. J. R Fraser and Mra Fraser, Dunbarton; Murray - Wil Hamu, Port Perry Major RR. D0 imith and Mrs Smith, Hon, W,. M Smith and Migs Besse Smith; Mr and Mrs John Nesbitt, Mr, Russell Nesbitt and Miss Doris Neshitt, Dr, Cooper, Mra. Cooper and Miss Maud Cooper, Columbus; Misses Mildred and Gertrude Webbe Konneth Heddon, Columbus; Mr and Mes Arthur Hardy, Bowman ville; Mr, and Mrs, I'. GG Purves, Columbus; Mr. Fay Conlin, Miss Margurete Conlin, Miss Florenes hl Following Varicose Veins Rapidly Reduced simple Home Treatment That is Giving Amazing Results It vou have varicose veins or hunches you oan start tosday to hring them back to normal alee, and it you ars wise vou will do so Just get an original hottle of Moone's Kmorald Oil (full strong th) at any drug store and apply it night and 'morning bo tha en \nrged veins, It Ix very powerful and penetrating, and only u Jittle ix required, After a fow days' | valine will begin to and by rogular use duce to normal, Moone's Kmexald Oil ix also a | marvelous hoaling agent, One np | plication for instance stops the ltch- | ing of ecwemn, and a few applica- | tions causes the eruptions to dry up, scale off, and completely dis appear. It Is equally as effective in barber's (teh, salt rhaum, red ness, and Inflammatory skin tron. ble, People who want to roduce vari gose veins, or got rid of ecuoina, ulcers, or piles in a few dayne should not hesitate to get a bottle at once, It Is so powerful that a small bottle lasts a long time, Jury and Lovell Ltd, and leading drug stores soll lots of It treatment the grow amallen will soon re Vor | re. | | WOMEN'S TOWELS VOR BATH AND Kiron | Autumn hrides selecting utility | linens for thelr new homes show » | praference for solid color, next white with colored horders, and Inwtly, all white, A# the black bathroom hag come into prominence, with its chrom- fum plating or glided taps, furry rugs and long modern mirrors, 0 new demand has arrived for black und white linens, White terry tow cin with binek borders prove a mont attractive accent in the black und white bathroom, The solid black chenille hath mut which ensembles with smaller covers Is new, as Is Also that In black with white mottfs, The towel assortment #n longthy list, but every homemaker whl discover for these requisites: Twalve regulation tarry towels Twelve small terry towels Twalve face towels of huck, da mink, hird's eye, In assorted color Twelve poring Bix guest colored And for the kitehenstte, whethe' Ki m hl In Ll he hi w hi pe [8 In he Wy ny sl Is rather young an need ny washcloths in corres color fowels, either white | hi | | HUGE CROWD AT FAIR FIRST DAY Mi " Ar (Continued from Page 1) kept pace with the trend of mod: | ern progress, and has provided for! its putrons a type of attractions and entertainment which, whilé retain. | Ing all that is attractive in the form of agricultural exhibitions, vet hus | includad new features which have | proven thelr worth Tony's Attractions Thin afternoon, the Baby Khow will attract. attention, this event starting at three o'clock The live tock parade Is to be staged in the contre of the Athletic field, while the athletic events, which will bring out scores of Canada's finest athletic stars, should A the stand to eapneity Thea preliminary events start at four o'clock this af tarnnon, with finals and relay races due to be staged after five o'clock and continuing te ahout poven, wo that there will he avery opportunity for working people tn on the fouture avents, even If they [do not reach the grounds until af {ter fAvesthirty {ah | (41 i] Mi rn Ie the Mr w MINCELLANROUS {He Classes 4D [pre Hei chil spueee Mrs, W, | {Monr, Maude Reynolds, Mrs, Harold Hnyon Roe Roynolds Cryderman 574, plekled Hatenian, on nid M Maude Jd. hia, tomnain entsup Maude Mothersill, Mr My onions 2, Maude Rey. Roe Mrs nolds Hoe Mrs Mra " Mi cucumbers Mrs, W Hoar, bh, plekled Bateman, Johnston Noe, B76, mixed plekles Ashton, Mra. Albert Johnston, Cryderman See, O77 Cryderman, Reynolds fee BTR, Hoar, Mrs bh " I Ww John I Ww J. 1 Maude mustard plekles fohn Anhton, | | M | W grapes catsup Mrs, W Johnston Hee, KTH, plum catsup Mothersill, Mra, W, Hoar Sec, A80, salad, decorated--Mrs Johnston Boe. BRI plo John nton, Mrs Sec HRY, ple Mando Armubury fac, HRY, canned mmple- Mrs. 1, Middleton, Harold Hayes, John Ashton HR4, canned strawberries, J. 1. Cryderman, Mra 1 Maude Ie Ile 1 canned plums, one sam Ashton, Mrs, 1. John I, Bateman canned pears, Reynolds, ! Mra Am Lol M M raspherries, | Mrs, | joe M 1 Hoe sample Johnston see, ARS, Mrs cunned cherries ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, A. G. Storie an: nounce the 'engagement of their oldest daughter, Marion Isabel, to Mr. Reginald Burr, second son of John H, Burr, of Oshawa, the marriage to take place in October, m-- Mrs, John Gibgon, Oshawa, an-| la nounces the marriage on Aug, 206, of her daughter, Anne, to Franch Fleming Reattie, von of Mr, and Mrs, W, Reattie, of Preston, On- tario, Re n Hepburn, Columbus; Mr, and Mrs |! A. Murison, Messrs, Stuart and Ross, Mr, and Mra, Lou, Graas, Vie: torin, BC: Mr, and Mrs, J Rens ised chenette, although weheme, cups finn days | community as one Falr, which his | vr IH Mr Nateman, Mra Mrs Hayes, Lovekin, Mrs, Harold Hayes. Maude CORNER | gmall or medium pized, there will he n need for; Twelve glass towels, Twelve dish towels, Hix dish cloths, Twelve dusting cloths Color depends upon the shade in the new kitchen or kit contrast stil) Green Is first choles in tehen linens, then orchid, peach, wlze and: blue In tots that will end fn with almost any furnish g tones, -- -- - SCOTCH COOKIES Half cup butter, ons and a half Hght brown suger, one teu won elnnamon, threes eggs well sten, half teaspoon allsplee If teaspoon cloves, half cup coll ater, half pound dates, cut fine, English walnuts, I teaspoon soda flour, Cream the sugar, Add the well mion eggs gradunlly Add tha ean, water, dates and nutments id finally the flour and soda fled together, Drop the ten. if enp d fine, ips sifted with the chop three hut y hy poonful In nn unbutterad tin and The for hrown keep golden will the n and ff nre severnl Hour, ¥, B, Lovekin, J, I, ( rman Y. 3 din Mi wide hi86, eannad 1, Middleton Reynolds Currants Lovekin, ine, BRT, eanned mteman, I, B mahury 8K, Goopeherry Lovekin, Mrs Middleton 80, FRB hoon, peaches Mrs Lovekin, ¥ Mrs fam Mra Johnston, Fag n I ( collection Lovekin Display, canned fruit varieties, Women's Institute | Women's Institute, Brooks | n nf rannad uit hil, 19 Prize ronklin L002, preserved citron Mr Bateman, Mrs, 1. Middleton, | vide Meynolds | Bee, O00, preserved hlack ne Mra 1. Middleton, vinolds, Mre, 1, Johnston D004, presarved fruits, 2 flay named My I. Middleton, | Armuehury, Mrs Iolington Wha npple jelly Mra I. Johnston, Mra, | Display varieties, canned vegat Women's Innti Women's Institute len tn Hoo cur | Maude Hoo ru Ll I ernh Mrs a Bateman Hoar a 07 Middl Tohnston ' 08 hnston I mr Hoo mr red currant jelly FB Miu Mi alton, Lovekin ( | Hoe jell Lovekin Morn Mrs I w apple n AO auinee n B00 enllection W.,. Hoar, ™ Nh Middinton 601 orange Iohnston, Hoar 602, raspberry Middleton, Johnston KO, eurrant Mrs, A folly. Mr, W ry Lovekin nf Lovekin Hee folly Mra Hoe marmilnde Cl Maude Reynolds 'n, W Her vinegar Ashton I I lohn He Mra Mi | rhubarb wine Mes, P| Maude Mothersill, Mrs wine Lawrence, Hoar See, 604 iteman, Honr inh, othersill Hon 607, two loaves white hrend Lovekin, Mrs. A Lawrence, Nee wine Made Rateman, Mra | grape Mrs FV See rR John Ashton broad 1 Hee, 600, wnolds, J wekin Nec. 610, vderman Maude Fn rolls, & Cryderman, home-made huns 1. Maude Reynolds, John | Ashton nee ra 11. plain. sponge cake W. Hoar, Mrs. 1. Johnston rs. Li, Middleton Hee, 612, layer cake, plain white d~=John Ashton, Mrs, |. FPise re, Li Johnston Soe, 614, fancy layer cake, jeed | Mrs, I. Bateman, John Ashton, JR, Bell, | See, 614, tarte--Mrs, W 8, Langfield, Tvane Wray Seo, 616, doughnutsMry, Hoar, n Holl Hee R16, apple ple I. Bateman, Isnne Wray, Mrs, Harold Sec, 617, ce, Mrs, naton, Nee, G18, cookies, wronee, Hoe, G10, tea lamon Harold 1 1, Mrs, Mrs, ple Hayes, H Mrs Hay hiscuits, §~F BR wnolds, Nec, G20, dozen hrown eggH---=M Burke, L. Hawkin, C. I, Warry, Nee 621, dowen white egga--M, Burke, Mra 1. Middleton, Mrs, Mes, POULTRY AND PET STOCK Orpington Buf 1&2 GN, Irwin Cork THESE LOWERED PRICES WILL BE WELCOMED ENTHUSIASTICALLY Linvgest Mize, 70 x B4, Pink or Blue Bovder, "IBEX" FLANNELETTE BLANKETS White or Grey $2.15 pr. Full Size Comforter Bats Pure White, Downy Cotton, all in one plece, Opens up to a bavge double bed size, 72 x 00 inches, The price ds the lowest on record for this very fine guiskity with 27 INCH WHITE FLANNELETTE To our knowledge this Ix the lowest ever quoted In any year for this fine, pure finish, softly napped quality, 13¢c yd. 1 1%e One Pound Cotton Bats \ price ery The famous "Cpescent" quality poptdar bit. for quilt host offered anywhere nnd comforters for the money, This price represents 20 per cent, over last same good quality, I thoroughly recommend 34 INCH WHITE FLANNELETTE definite year's price for the In for any pugpose and a quality that we ean for 19¢ yd. : 35¢_ White Table Oilcloth the niwny saving of ame dependable wold, for Tins New gunlity low prices n splendid width this store 51 inch, per yard 47¢ 15 Inch, per yd 38c wWenr, Made with belt. Leatherette Sport Jackets AT A MOST REMARKABLE SAVING Raglan Sleeves, adjustable Rings. Girls' Sizes 8 to 14 at $2.98 FLEECE-LINED Comes in Navy, Brown, Green and Red, Misscs' Sizes, 14 to 20 at © $3.95 Hen 1 ' Cockerel--G Pullet=-1 & Plymouth Hen 1. (ockerel nell I'uliet man N, Irwin Irwin , UG Irwin tock, Barved Cryderman $4 Dn & A J C le, CF (3 N. Irwin, Wyandotte White 1 & 3 WW, Edgell uwn, 2, , I. Osborne son Hen-W, Edgell, vderman Pullet Cook ~ 1 & 3.23 I Kdgell \. Ww 0, 1, 2 Wyand Cock--G, N, Irwin Hen==G, N, Irwin Rhode Island Red, Cock==-G N, Irwin Hone, N Pallote1 & N sussex, AV, 1 & 2, Brooks oh 3 otte, A, Irwin no G Irwin (3 | Coekerel Oshawa Pallet Brooks & Rice Leghorn, It, Cor N, ( Hen Dod O'Donnell Coeckerel---1, 2, & linwon, Whithy Pullet-- Edna KK. Atkinson feghorn, RC, or 8 UC, Broy ('oek A. Li, Tubb, Oshawa Hen-~1 & 2, A Li, Tubb, ('nokerel 8 AL 1 & Tuhl Pullet--1 & 2, A, ly Tubb, Toghorn, A, O, V, ('ock--G, N, Irwin Hen--G N, Irwin, Cockerel CG, N. Irwin Pullet--G N, Irwin, Bantam I, Black or Whi Cook==1 & 2 G, N, Irwin Wh Hen --T Sheridan G, N, Trwh ('ockorel--"T, Sheridan G, N vin I"ullets win Whi dna K T, Sheridan GN A. N N ov, Irwin Irwin, 2 GN Bantam Cock---1 & 2G Hon1 & 2 G (ockerel 1, Pullet--=1, 2 & 4, G4 N Geese, A, V, Old males=J Ll, Cryderman Ducks, A, OV male--Vernon Old Oshawa Old female Woodward Class 26 lying homers-=Morley Ross PPaney pigeons-=R, MeMaste "Live Table Poultry cockerols, any hreedD, Thomas Gibson, Vv " 0 O'Donnell, Whithy, Pen heavy exhibition--G, win, Thomas Gibon Pen heavy utility--1 Atkinson, 2 & 8, Kdgell, N dna Pen Hght utility==W. G Murray, 0'Don | Osh tee 1 Al an ) te thy \ I Irwin Irwin Woodward, | Creyderman, | rv A Por Irs EE [ id - bg IN speci Oshawa Fdnn tabh hildren's Colds Chec i '® iecked without 4 | © Bent Irwin | Hest Kdgel be lin colYection "dosing." Rub on 4 collection Ame a. collection, Bantam Exhibitor lay show (} Host irwim | Bost hen derman | Be goll having Irwin hird In eock show FUR COATS REPAIRED AND RE.LINED 92 Nassau Street hird in show t cockerel in show Ww kd Rest pullet in» Fdna K At kinson 10W i db, LN MRS, G, W, POSLIFF 263 Huron St, Stratford, Ontario R. R, 4, Cobourg, Ontario "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vers. table Compound is » goad | sick father and a nursing baby medicine. Anyone who is in|to care for, I got all rundown poor health should not hesi-| and I took Lydia E, Pinkham's tate to try it, When | was Vegetable Compound to get taking the Compound I tried | strength to do my work, An. the sample Liver Pills I found | other time at Change of Life, I i the package. I have taken | had severe headaches and felt them every night since and I] tired all the time, I took seven can feel myself improving, [am | bottles of the Vegetable Com: so thankful for the Sh they | pound and felt like a new do me that | have told several | woman, I recommend it to any women about it,"=Mr, G.|woman who iy at this age." W. Posliff. =Mps, T. E. Sleeman, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I Medicine Va { bourg "Years ago when 1 hada | Pinkham ( lynn and Lo Untario, Cg TILLIE THE TOILER RODS BUSY 2 ol MUST WWE 6 DATE Wi MARIAN BERGEN ab WELL, SHE'S A SWELL GIRL, AND SHE DOESNT Go OUT WITH ME BECAUSE SOME BoPY |<; ELSE WONT) TAKE WER, MAC | OH, HELLO, Miss BERGEN ~VES, ERE « 'N 0 AR \. DVN King Santures Bindiate tus "THANIES | [OW = YOU'RE GOING oLT WITH AN. OLD FRIEND # No, \'\ NOT SORE «. NOT Mpc ANY HOW PY TILE

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