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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Sep 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 FINDS BRITAIN 5 BUCKING UP British Making Strong Effort to Make Work for Un- employed London (By C, HW, J. #nider of the Toronto Telegram )---Britain is noticeably brighter, It is not only the weather, clenr blue skies and yo much hot sunshine that London. prs are heing knocked out by a tem- perature of 92 in the shade and a gusrdsman has died, There is a definite tone of optimism and what Is better, trand of action, More Have Jobs Unemployment figures ave down, Btill over the two-milllon mark and appalingly, but seemingly on the ebb, Latest figure is 2,017,057 nut of work, 1,312,000 entirely so This is fewer than two weeks ago, but 865,073 more than a year ago. Hopeful explanation is that Bri tons are trying to work and to get work, Lloyd George and his hench. men were in consultation with members of the Cabinet on the un- employment situation, Meaning of that is Liberals are dickering tor changes in the formation of the con. stituencies so that they won't be under their present handicap of hav. ing to poll twice ns many votes pey candidate as other parties, This does not find employment for more than a few Liberal M, P's but it helps Government go on with its jobs, 1 molor prige cuts; open new factories en- cournge und definitely America motor enrn perambulators, magnates to make drastic vices and reduced Wrance for supremacy in world markets, They are going 0 specinlize on small cars and small in Britain already resemble Kightean British firms are exhibiting at Buenos Alves and they will be represented very strongly at the Paris salon and London Olympia in October Motor Industry Up British motor products exports for seven months this year were valued at $43,480,026 an Increase of $840,250 over the same period a year ago, Imports were of less than half thal amount and as com. pared with 1920 were eut In two, In contrast with these figures 1,» 241,872 féawer motors were pros duced In the United Hiates in the last woven months than in seven months of 1020 British Ford fue. tory at Dagenham and at Slough and the British Citroen factories will co-operate with the Morris and Wolseley outfits in gonng after a world market, Russin Buys in Britain Order for $16,000,000 worth of by fight buying electrical equipment has been placed in Manchester with the Metro-Viek- ers works who have sold $560,000,« N00 worth of equipment to Iussia In te nysurs and always heen paid, Home of Britain's swollen unem ployment list is attributable to dras tie action of the London North Eastern, which has laid off five thousand men since March Other rallways have done (he same for rallwny staffs were greatly over-manned for ftraMe, carrying 14,400 more men in March, 1080 than the year hefore For example, keels of destroyers Crusader and Comet and mining- school tender Nightingale will be aid at Portsmouth next month and that means £8,000 or $240,000 for dock-yard labor before March, Not much in itself, but it all helps After Disarmament Too Somewhat amusing to find au Gon ernment of sincersly pacific, iL not pacifist, sympathies agreeing to na. val disarmament in May and solv. ing unemployment by building war. | ships In Heptember Craft men tioned are within treaty stipula-! tions, More significant than slight stop gaps is the decision of Stops ~-- the Headache FIXED WAGES FOR ~~ CATERING TRADE RE » . Minister of Labor in Britain Studying Problem of ETT | Tipping seh London I the Government about to attempt to determine what relation tips have to wages in re taurants and tes room It Ig re ported that Miss Margaret Bond flald, Minister of Labor, is resolved to extend the Trado Board Acts to the catering trade This means that a statutory minimum of wages and hours, with overtime rates, would he fixed for this trade The proposal applies to the restaurants, dining and ten rooms No men tion 1s made of hotels One of the ohylous diMeultion fae Ing An attemt to imposes uniform standards of payment in the eater 4 lal od | WORM POWDERS ®] Sr i SLE SOL tno wou ing trade les In the widely differ. ing classes: of customs which this trade embraces, As thiugs stand the trade is singularly free from in- ternal disputes, though It Is at toast permissible to wonder whether this may not In part he due Lo luck of organization among the workers, In the tea-shops of London most of which are controlled hy two or threo large companies, (ips are not loked for, +A box Is placed near the cash desk in which customers may mike contributions to the "Hilt Fund," Whether customers contribute very largely is somewhat what doubtful, Ono large firm which haw a chain of hotels of the good wecond-clags grade used t prohibit tipping nitogether, assurin their patrons that the staff were well-nld and did not expect gratuls Hews, Yxperiences showed, though, that it was impossible to eliminate the tipping habit in such places, Miss Bondfield may have in mind more particularly the case of wai- tresses In the ordinary teashop, Her attention Is helng drawn to the pro. bability that thousands of the young women so engaged evidently prefer guch occupation to the dome estle posts which are eclamouring for workers, WIFE HAS HAIR CUT AND GETS BEATING Chinese Court Fines Barber For Acting Without Hubby's Consent Shanghal Chinese court autho- ities in this city have made iL an offence for a barber to cut & wor man's hair without the consent or knowledge of her husband The ruling was handed down at the conclusion of A cane hrought | hafore the Shanghai District Court in which an harber was accused of [enuning A rupture hetween a man [and his wife by cutting the latter's hair The if pleaded with hey [frous the dietpte | her locks wife transpired, had husband on nume occasions to let her follow of fashion and to have shorn, stressing the dis comfort abundant hair in the SUMM¢ The husband resented the Idea, condemning It as Immod- [ ont, While out shopping one morn. [ing the wife chanced to look inte [ the window of a barber shop An. [ other of her sex wan Insde having hier hair bobbed. The vision made her envious and throwing discre tion to the winds, she hurriedly en tered the placa and within a short pace of time was out again, minus liar Lrosses On arriving home, her hushand heat her for disobeying his orders Hor wersams attracted the attens tion of the pollesa and rue mala soon found himself standing wfore the District Court Judge on i charge of cruelty to his wife Al though he pleaded guilty to the of [charge of wife-beating, he placed | (all the blame on tha barber, who Wis hrough necordingly arrested t hefors the tribunal, and Hold. a. Cream Soups Entrées Chowders Sauces Vegetables Quick Breads Raisin Bread Salads Puddings prt Jor CREAMIER COOKING ST. CHARLES MILK (UNSWEETENED it is the way to surer health, I make milk dishes attractive... nearly 200 tested recipes. Mall COOK BOOK Ice Creams Pastry Cakes Candies Beverages HOLESOME, nourishing, well-balanced, home-cooked food , , . and plenty of it will keep your family healthy and happy, Use lots of milk, ..all expertsin the science of nutrition agree family will "eat" its quota of milk. This new St, Charles Recipe Book will ald you to vary menus, point out delicious new ways to use milk, Contains Provider's f you know how to appetizing... your coupon today, You will like these Borden Products, also 140 THE BORDEN CO, LIMITED, Send me, free, new illustrated St, Charles Rec/pe Pook, ; St, Paul Street West, Montreal, to this honour organization and re- ing that the act of cutting a wo man's balr was pot illegal in itself but became so when IL tended to upset the peace of tamily life, the tonsorial artist was fined two dol- lars, The barber protested that the snction was unjust, He didn't know the woman's husband had objected to her getting a halr-cut and be- sides If he did, what difference would it make and whose business was It anyway, The court replied that he had better make it his busi ness in the future to find out wheth- or or not women who came to him for a halv-cut had first obtained their husband's permission, The husband was fined one dollnry ut the same session for heating his wife on the grounds that even though she had disobeyed his or- ders, he had no right to whip her, Escaped Prisoner Shoots School Head Boonville, Mo, Sept, 11, supt, ( IZ, Chrane, 45, of Boonville public schools, was shot and killed near here last night by a 22-year-old youth, es- caped from the boys' state relorma tory, Tony Vilski, 22, of St, Louis, sery ing a five-year term for robbery, was captured soon after he had forced Chrane to drive him two miles cust of here and shot him, Young Vilski wis secreted away from Boonville shortly after threats of mob violence had heen heard from irate crowds which gathered on the streets HARDWOOD MEN ARE OPTIMISTIC Remarkable Pickup of 20 Per Cent, in Business Noted During August | | | Toronto, Sept, 11 Announcir that there has heen a remarkable | plek-up of 20 per cent, in the hard wood lumber husiness sines Aug: | ust, the secretary of the National | Association of hardwood men last | night predicted that the industry | would be 100 per cent, hack to nor mal early In 1031 | This man, 1. § Beals, went fur- | thar than that, He claimed that | the lumber industry felt any flue tuation in sconomie conditions ha fore most other industries, and the recent uptrend of his business could he taken as an announcement of a genaral Improvament of trade in Canada and the United tates in| the near future His organization, officially known | as the National Hardwood Lumber | Association and comprising hard wood men from all points of Cun: | nda and the United States had heap | In a depression for more than three years, he sald, And from last Oe. | tober to July thare had heen LY marked decline In tha husiness of | Whe association's members every month Then came the turning point in August Mr. Reals is in Toronto {n con nection with the 3ird annual con vention of the association now In session here | | NEW GOVERNMENT INNORTH CHINA But Power of Hsishan Group Exists Largely on Paper | Peping, China, Sept, 11 The | new northern government Was | formally inducted into office yes terday, Gen, Yon Halanan, the new chief executive, took the oath as president of the state.councl) A goneral holiday was proclaim od Halshan's of office, for With General Yen formal assumption mation of a rival government In north China took a step further although the new administration exists chiefly on paper, The allotment of portfolios ap parently was held up hy the un certainty regarding Manchurin's attitude, Thin should be decided at a conference with (leneral Chang Bauellang, at Mukden, noon, JOINS WATERMAN 91 YEAR CLUB' R. E. Dickson Receives Ad-| dress and Cheque for $1,000 The IL, K., Waterman Company, Limited, have a very practical way of showing thelr appreciation of faithful service, : Years ago they inaugurated the Waterman's "21 Year Club" and every employee of tha Company who serves for 21 years ia admitted celves an illuminated address and # cheque for $1,000, On July 0th, Mr, Robert 1 Dick son became a member of this club, Mr, Dickson oame to the Waters man Company on July 0, 1000, In a mechanical capacity, He rapidly won promotion hy excellent work and then graduated to the sales force, a position he hag held for a number of years, coveying parta of Ontario, Mr, Dickson ia the Sev: oenty-third member of the "81 Year Clubi™ and the second to hecome an member this year, the first being Herve Leroyer, one of the staff of the Waterman Factory in St, Lam hert, Two distinguished owners of farm lands In British Columbia, Oanada, recently pald a 'visit to thelr holdings in that province, in the parsons of the Marquis of Kxe- Laerion, ter and Loxd FIVE NAMED FOR 125 cic United time In Church convocation of the fathers and hre thren (with un few sisters) of a nat- | fonal Chureh, (lenoral Church of Canadn fore General terian Churel In Canada met In Ht, | Andrew's (Church Dr, to th minister of the chureh he shout 420 Commissioners to the [ten Connell, tives of Lhe Forelgn Mission Coun ells, und provision for thelr billet | descendant of eleven generations of ing Is holng made He Itey the t he from city ehurehe the give inated hy ay College, -puskatoon; Hey pastor of Chal Rev, W, 1, (, Brown, pastor of Hydenhsm wireet Church, Ottawa; ey, Robert | Lard, Treasurer of the Church; | and Rey, I", Alhert Moore, Secretary of the General Councl) These | nominations do not include the | nomination ut Council of others | who may he eligible, MODERN WOMEN: eit TURN GRAY EARLY of tw por bor | ilar to Brush Hair Given | "he forty-ihird | As Reason for Early Ageing; of Hair Andrew' WwW. Woodside, MODERATORSHIP Church General Council Meets in London, Ont. London, Ont.-=WFor the second its history, HL, Andrew's is to entertain a general Lrenbments In many young halr today as thelr mothers when the dren? Then the haly {nlive And now hey [It is not," Fhe v 0 Connell women I was wltnrs, Awsemhly HE] of tha Preshy | In 191% !, Mellvagor, Assembly In Hav, | who was host | Chicago Young women of to 101K, In stilt {day are turning gray five years There will {sooner than thielg mothers did and yours earltier than their grand. tha representa: (mothers, That sthtement. was made hy Otto de Donato of 8, Louis, nD ed was emphatically de Donato including calffenrs, the first of which eurlod Vednesday, [the locks of Viorentine ladies in | | moderntor {the days when Florence wis a sep will open pt, 17 The retiring bry. W I, Ginn Mesilons I preach arate nation Urged for hig ren London atm union germon, wud g nim fsong why (he gray threads nro rushes [motor trae in ministers and elders {ing matters, do Donato gegtuyeed | divisional police cars will nusint, On expressive) with hi und lu demands, Hime avenin br, 6 to | said | units 10 his Modaratorieal | No co litnll not Inte | Regulations mado have been nom {hour not the train of modern {of Transport under oes Moderator [Hiving, but the lack of application | I'rafMie Act, 1027, count i Follows: of the hinly brush in the way moth. {ing taxis In spo H, Ollver of Bt '¢ "allure to brush London, r af senioy hands acenslon hn address no, not minister for the whordinnte Principal ive of ured to use it He wonder iden that finger-waved and | witer-wuved hauler cannotl ha | poo-poned POLICE PATROL TO [a pou SPEED UP TRAFFIC wight With the Increare in| London ure helng ured peed up erawling trae; | hy the the deal with Yerawls | ified sirectg In Ins) "An hut the only way the replied the |» | | Dogging the BOVRIL Saves You ~ Weeks of Weakness the hair dolly apd glve iL proper | poMee can at present des! with the respon Ihe hrush brushed wore « hile How {slow motorists 1x thelr {him on | Fon celusing hy tion cun ha moving lovely, Ling vehicle why | by 1" h-1 Slippery Mr, Jones was | ite asked urocey him to call a pounds of lard, and three wild £ HICH Jones suburbs, | Liters! Reply maohile (ls ina printing plant thelr noon siesta, t type of man do Ministry | Having London | "W]| weet hrunette Footsteps OF SUMMER -- IS Preserving & Pickling Time The Following List Will Aid You in Checking Up Your Supplies: Blended Vinegar, XXX, best for all pickling purposes, gal. Spirit Vinegar, XXX . ' a «gallon Malt Vinegar citi Large Bottle Malt Vinegar, C& B .. 86 oz. Bottle Vinegar, Heinz, Pure Cider " 32 oz, Bottle Vinegar, Heinz, White, Table 16 oz, Bottle Whole Mixed Pickling Splee, Scientifically Blended Ib, 40c 40c 19¢ 29¢ 29¢ 17¢ 25¢ For All Fine Laundering « USE SPECIAL « Diamond Brand 25° ToiletFlush SPECIAL « QUEENLAND = Sweet Mixed or Sweet Mustard PICKLES Mustard, Durham Brand Bulk Ib, Mustard, Keen's, Pure D.S.F, ' 4 oz, Tin Fruit Jars, Medium Size, Corona Brand Dozen Fruit Jars, Small Size, Corona Brand Dozen Parowax, Imperial nti 11b package Zine Jar Rings, Good heavy quality ' ozen Certo, Sure Jell, makes more and better Jam & Jelly, Bot, 40c 24c $1.09 98¢ 12¢ 15¢ 29¢c rr---- LGE. PKG. 2 tins Junior Size 35 oz. Jar They Improve any Lunch or Dinner SPECIAL = Aylmer Assorted SOUPS SPECIAL~Pure Light Condensed Milk, Betty's 6ox. Tin.......... 2 Tins Jelly Powders, Shirriff's Assorted Flavors, 3 pkg Malted Milk, Horlick's Chocolate or Natural arenas SHIRE Sine Molasses, Domolco Brand Decidedly the Finest M in 17¢ 17¢ 45¢ 22¢ AAO. mnie 19° 25° 39° ET -------- HA -------- 3 Tins 25° Except Chicken and Chicken with Rice alle SL These Speeds are on sale or Week of Sept. 11th to 17th Stores close Wed. Afternoons bi Employees Hall Holiday | a ade cad Foods for Health Canned Grapefrult,Dain~ tyDixie,2buffet sizetins 25¢ 36¢ Green Fig Marmalade Robertson's imported. % Sw 1le 2c " e anc] Gf Jar Peanut Butter, Arrow w 15¢ 12¢ Brand, world's best, Jar Sunwheat Biscuits, Es sential to childrens diet Sle 29¢ wt Package Ovaltine, The Food Tonle tin Med, Size Tin Post's Bran Flakes ........... a won Package Toddy, The Health Drink - annmeee 1 10 TiN Lunch Rolls, 15 sheets to pp Rolls 10c Trewin tr P Med, Size 2 Pkgs. 25¢ Roman Meal, Dr, Jacks SON'S win inninn wor PRES Peach Jam, Aylmer... 40 oz, Glass Jar FIAMMA EM RRR 1 THERE 18 HEALTH IN HONKY ~ It is very eas! foods that the h lost by any refining process, truly a defender of the Nation's health, AMMONI SPECIAL « Fresh and Moist Desiccated COCOANUT digested, being one of the few uman system can absorb without undergoing any chemical change, It is far supers lor to sugar, in that none of the valuable miner- ala~iren, ime, sodium, sulphur, magnesia~--are So that Honey ia ao) Powder PKG. v. 165 Of Such Quality it will Enhance the Plainest of Cooking SOVEREIGN Finest Sockeye SALMON rate 44¢ Soaks clothes whiter RINSO 3 rue. 25¢ FRY'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP ib. Tin 24¢ NESTLE'S Evaporated MILK The 29¢ NATURE'S FOOD Groceterias in Ontario Lo 1m or take pnetion against him obelructions-1if ohstrie. charged ngainst a moye gong to town, se and order a pound of butter "hut things will slip you ked the pretty blond kind except the hold-faced"

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