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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Sep 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1930 HOY Kingeton, ler, by a truck at INJURED --Rundoliph I'nion and Centre sireeis, dents In ast and od. od. BUSY Athens, --As far 715 AT Kingston, ~="There are attendance at ston Collegiate Tostitule, registration teachers' Fvery room is practically fil and hotel this has been KOT 710 in course ever TOURINT SEASON guests ure one of i. Gourdler, uged 6 years, son of Karl Gourd- was Injured when he wan hil fhe Intersection of LE the King the high matriewlation records us the tourists concerned, the busiest STOP! "Chasin" Flies With a Swatter. pray 'Fly Kil Germs, are are these sclence spread ullowed dnys there for. one Sp! day, rn y with insecticide that yy" and Death wherevar flies to gather, In of modern Is no excuse fly in your home, the rooms once n FLY:KIL, a new really kills flies and your troubles are over, win not. harm the most delicate fabric, harm less to humans and leaves only a mild pleasant. aroma, Protect baby, protect the childre health, these n, protect 'Phone your own for any of FLY-CHASERS Hand Spray With 75¢ Flykil. Both for 75¢ Fly Ki Fiytox Flytox Sprays Whiz hit Wilson's Fly 3 for ' Tanglefoot. Fly Paper i Sheets for Fly Colls, 3 for in When Jury & Lovell Ltd. King St Phone 2 Th T™ Hoe A400 Boe 100, co 20 hoe ,D0e & & a : Joe Need of Drugs "hone N. 08 Nimcoe St, Phone CLEERCOAL The supreme Anthracite $16.00 Per Ton MALLETT BROS. Albert Nt. Phone 8060 | gonsons that Charleston Lake hay ween for some. time, WORKMAN INJURED Prescott, == Lloyd Moore, oi] Prescott, un employes al the (er minal elevator construction work: cust of the town, was Injured when he was struck In the chest by o heavy beam, while assisting to un load them from a scow 10 the ele. vitor GOLDEN WEDDING Brockville,--"The both wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- Ham Burns, of Lansdowne, was celebrated in conjuction with the former's 75th birthday and the baptism of thelr youngest grand child, Gordon, son of Mr, and Mrs Witmur Danby, UNEMPLOY MENT (CONFERENCE Gananoque,-A conference {xs Lo ba called of citizens the first week in October, to discuss (he host meuns to deal with the unemploy- ment. situation In town during the coming fall and winter BRIDGE CONDEMNED | Helleville Replacement of the | upper bridge al the earliest po sible date but not that hulld Ing would he mado necessary dur Ing woveres wenlher fmmediate | closing of the structure nll | vehicular traffic nnd prevention of | foot traffic over the bridge during flood conditions, was the glist the report on the striueture wlter | un investigation by Willlam Gore of Gore, Nasmith and Storrle gineers of Toronto, made a request of the counell In 0 mn tis HESINESS CHANG) Bellaville A busine Front. street culminated the taking aver the Music Stora hy W Trenton Dn his represented the company fhe Nene ha moved ston change with | name on Helntzmun | Wenver, nydey Heintz past tn ol W Burton of who an for night | King hora heen | Another COMPLLESORY VACCINATION Kingston The Board of Health acting under the advice of hh J. Keyes, Medical Officer of Health, | has ordered (hat a be lusued announcing attending chools Kingston, must ba refused admittanens places of learning, There oral cases of smallpox the Medical Officer deem i visable to enfores vied ull young proclamation that pupil college in vaccinated or to or he thone Hey nd ud of here, ination people PARK AND RALLY BOUGHT Kingston, --The council ha necopled the offer the front Rallway Company purchased the Lake Ontario with all | ita equipment for an well | as the steel rally of { company | In the paved sireat $5. hon | cit of nnd Mark $17,510, the urea tor | WORKMAN KILLED Brockville A Dregnook was killed and three others Injured in| un accident, ones half t of Lansdowne on the. Canadian Na | flonal Railway The men members of an extra Bang employ od on the C.N.R. main line ware returning to thely work and | were riding on a train of two mo: | tor cars and two lorrie Thelr | feet wore rosting on the motor car when the rod or pin hetween the motor car and the lorry came disconnected and the guny totte wars thrown to the roadbed mile we wer he |General {deed poll a {William | lay They | DODD'S KIDNEY val SARS whare (he lorry ILLS ae i SSN A y and m following struck (hem olor cur TO ERECT WAR MEMORIAL Lindsuy, ity endenvor Al", and resulting funds memorial hoya wi AM, necegsary to th th Maso taking th to erect 0 memory Bix years of commun ¢ Lodges o lead Is in Coboconk raising the fitting the i" of Who served In the Great Way (CATHERINE BOOTH TAKES NEW NAME Daughter of Late Salvation Army Head Now Miss C. Bramwell Booth London, Booth, Con ering an sum in ad Booth, whiel Bramwell name of hy know Army "In rine throughou thea first Aramwell I have taken h nami Ir fre luton the inners t mark of r restson vent people name who war alro Ca of course, wis | Dooth Salvation Arm Mi Catherin {is engaged In wr lof father wervi Ahne gtor hej committal hurled nt token Neowin associated with [all her life and } nt part in its a Bramwell nto membe Amwell pect to hi from with that o missioner ughter of Booth, od the ditfon thu 1 hey su fo wdoy fut I'n of the I the place,' M Booth » thi top if my fa A is that it confu f my therine he wife fle gran Ie of a Hr iting he ammwe the cond when y Park ( | he he TAN ocinl work snlvatl IL DUCE ADOPTS NEW SUMMER GARB ome Mu ample of sensibl Italian mer recent pub attired In for most VR white treated cotton Ish foursin-hand, and white viiehting cap Ww vizor Ho has the uniform of in the Fascist vier affair, until gray CANVHN man (she stockings) Warth dou pattern fast won't shrink, an Customer' (polite ton==\Vall Street Sale sports voll est militia, int ha 6 summer | At i single sult, hoes nnd ith black evidently honorary Aan full VINK Custer Just the ble the m colours, d it's a ly) Ver Tournal Smartly Fashioned New fort and outstanding chic. WHEN TRIMMED WITH VELVET TOO velvet--If they smartly boast chic, cappy, beret styles. On sale tomorrw a 3 King St. East t only VELVETS 4" New Crush Shapes Featuring the off-the-face "Cushion Brim" the long-back, black and white. In this notable selection you'll find everything that's new this fall---and hats are completely different this season. Velvets--which you can wear with com- All copies of imported models selling as high as $15.00." On sale tomorrow at $4.00. Black, brown, English green, navy, in small and large headsizes. FELTS Are Smart ia All in fine quality Lyons velvet. Felt hats are smart this scason==too=if they're trimmed with deft touches of "cushion brims"==if they are molded to head in Here are hundreds of styles in good quality Eng- lish felt, all the scasonable shades-~Black, brown, green, navy, royal, sand, Copen, large and small headsizes. Dorothea Hats Ltd. vor 82,80 founder one appear Cath Inte hing by rmame of the sur "ing the her wa Mulvation the world | ('ath silained, to keey ther hi woth, and memaoy will pre Ing my dmother, woth General of the she, Il Booth ifn jeted ha story the wis ameter) has heen on Army tuken a promin tf the » dressing of his nncos he breasted soft col. with white leather discarded corporal meh hous mer some thing for mey, Lat holeproofl varn well told, / Farm News and Views BEEF EXPORT RESUMES The current Live Stock Market Report of the Dominion Department of Agricultural carries an tem of more than ordinary interest relat ing to the resumption of the export cattle trade with Great Britain after a lapse of more than a year. The Manchester Commerce took the first uverseas shipment of 128 head, These cattle were purchased in the Tor onto yards and were of the type known us "light Manchester feed crs," averaging around 1,100 pounds in weight, Another shipment of some 200 head is now reported av being on its way to seaboard from Albertu for direct slaughter ship ment, "This enterprise on the part of the producer, trade and steamship companies should invite a renewal of confidence in the market, and in deed is already having a good moral effect," observes the report, MARKETING GEESE The time to prepare geese for market is when the weather turns cold in the fall, state poultry experts of the Dominion "Department of Agriculture, They should then be taken off pasture and those selected for market should be plgged in small penned | enclosures, provided with plenty water and grit and kept clean, They should be fed heavily whaele corn, the best medium for the fattening of geese, and about two weeks' heavy feeding should fit them market, Twenty-four hours be fore killing geese should he starved, but given plemty of water, Care hould be used in plucking, the dry steam methods being recommend for the the feathers are particularly valuable, bringing as much us 60 cents per poungl. The dressed bird should be ribbed over with a damp cloth and set aside to cool, The twelvebird box makes a desirable market package of on for reason that | INSPECTED FRUIT Lhe shipping point inspection ser vice administered hb the Fru H rach of the Dominion Department Agriculture more than la invihing else the. qualit und extend range of fruits and vegetables in both the domestic and export markets, Pro viding us it neutral deter mination the certificate of the federal uccepted ever Ihe well 1s dog to improve fo the market does a mspection service ix the criterion of quality applies to the fresh product buying canned knows that when she mark Choice which appears where us canned and the products gets buys by Fane on service us the wife Canada she bu quality Standard i house m what the or the she | home determined by at the canning factory the can before the label I'he Federal Grade marked container is the consumer's and the assurance of label, The inspection goes Into goes on, on the safeguard quality, THE BACON CYCLE "The production of hogs mm Can ada at the present time is at the low point in the production eyele," state the Live Stock Branch of the ominion Department of Agriculture Current supphies, and supplies in prospect are not more than sufficient to meet a very active home demand It is noted, however, that there lax been very little falling off in hog production, but rather that supplic have falled to keep pace with a groy ing domestic consumption, There are signs at the present time that the coming vear ay show a sub stantial increase in bacon production while at the same time ad fustment of prices may result in the resumption of bacon exports, quality ( the re CURING PORK Temperature is an important fu tor in the home curing of pork ob serve experts of the 1 )e partment of Agriculture "The to "take sult when thi fulls below 36 degrees wAleeelore dy must be done the femperature remain below this point curing care must he t fermentation whi fetperature and also the Dominion nit tem al Cousens perature renheit successful in which long birine to avoul when the 15 degrees | the temperature of not drop bel Curing to m u roo does not In 5 degree ell to freshen brine tends to Defailed 1 ing of vluble {oy the also w as thi tion freqgue prevent ferme fraction } out ir) ind of charge meats 1s a free pplication ta A NATIONAL MARK IN BRITAIN Ihe tise i identifving the of a nat ml " guality of meats rd in Great Brit factor file the British Ihe Re the nhatie in Canad i" farm product pre current report Inter of Agrica Blue brand marks of Beef Grading ¢ i" t of Hare wing vet on beef are qualit of the 1x ultire ¢ ind m r the the one ervice ion Department of the quality in ofthe J \ gr lishes of beef it with tect nd | n nyvenience of heef { hovice and co sumer In buying order by grade and watch for the or Blue You Graded Deel marl Red cating brand will enje Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) dealers are following Toronto wholesales buying produce at the prices Eggs Ungraded, ed, fresh extras, 32 firsts, 29 to 30¢; seconds, Butter--No, 1 Ontario ory solids, 80¢; No, 2, 20¢ Churning cream No. 1, 20¢c;: No. 2, 26c, Cheese ~ No, | large, colored, paraffined and government graded 156% to 16%, Quotations to ure as follows Poultryee Fatted hens, over 5 Ibe Over 4 to 5 Ibs, each Over 815 to 4 ba, each Under 3'% lbs, earch "pring chickens, over each ' ' Over 4'g to 6 lbs, each Over 4 to 4% Ibs, each Under 4 Ibs. each APPR 15 | Hrollers, 1% to 24 Ibs, each 19 ['ullets, straight bred, 2¢ above chicken prices, Spring ducklings (white), ) Ia. each 'a ? Over to 6 Ibs, cach 19 tar, 2c. 1b, less | 01d roosters, over 5 1b, cases returns to 47¢; fresh 24c cream Special, 30¢; poultry shippers Alive each 21 18 14 Jad 5 lbx ns 0 "n over 18 each 17 Over 4 to bh Ibs, each 08 Dressed poultry If in good cons | dition will be paid 3 to 4c above | ditla prices, (Selling) Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers ut the following prices: Eggs -- Fresh extraw, 49 to 40¢; to 48¢; =6 to 2%¢, Hutter 1 No, in cartons, fresh extras, loose, 37 firots, 34 to 30c; seconds, No. 1 creamery, prints, J creamery, prints, 31 to Se, . Cheese---New, large, 17¢c: twins, 171qe; triplets, 17%c¢; atiltons, 0 to 21e, Old, large, 28¢: twins, ¢0c; triplets and cuts, 30¢; old etiltons, 26¢, Poult rye Chickens, b lbs, up .. Do, 4 to § lbs, " Do, 8% to 4 Tbs, ,... Po, to 3% Ibs, .... Do., 8 lbs, . 5 Iba, Dressed A008 M2.,30 0.83 20-80 28-30 a0 82.8% 82.04 A648 'MARKET quotations, St. Lawn ry Hens, over Rrollers .. Ducks Turkeys TORONTO FARMERS The following are rotall, In effect on the ence Market, Toronto; Produces liggn, extras, per dosen Do, firsts, per dozen . Butter, dairy, per pound 0.25 Do, creamery, per 1b. 0.33 Fruits ana Vogetabloge Carrots, 3 bunches ... ,... Beets, dos. bunches ,, .,.. Onlong, dry, 11 qt, basket Do, 6 qt, Cabbage Cauliflower Spinach, peck Mushrooms, per Ih. Leaf Lettuce, three for Head Lettuce, two for Farsley, per hunch Onlons, bunch, three (EERE 0.40 0.43 0.48 0.40 0.40 10 025 0.60 0.80 0.10 0.20 0.85 078 -- Boris 0.10 for three dozen 'es 7h Oranges, per doz Honeydew Melons, each Grapefruit, 3 for Potatoes, hag Cucumbers, each Lemons, per dozen Bananas, per dozen Apples, bus, Can, Groen basket Eggplant, each Grean Beans, § qt Green Pepper, basket Turnips, bus Tomatoes, hasket Rhubarb, 3 bunche Radishes, 4 bunches Apples Cantaloupes, Panches, 6 qt Do, 11 qt Rlueberries, Crabapple: (ross for . 0.30 Celery, 0.70 eh 0.4 Peas, 6 10 20 qi 0.85 0.75 1.00 11 gt 00 f qt It is remarked. that the ocean the only pe on earth that make a woman indifferent personal appearance er-Post wer Regina head of the Chinese has offered Now that the National" Army troop money rewards for capturing certan, cities, you may expect his men here after to talk in terms of their cash surrender values. --Guelph Mercury, wis the hottest month in 21 years: in- other words, the most torrid in almost the average lifetime, «= Winnipeg Tribune, So August Shoes are being featured at the Arcade. brand new merchandise just from the Bench; Styles, naturally. the latest, and as for prices, everybody knows prices are down, for cash, gives us still further advantages in being able to sell for less. The First Time In 40 Years You are now assured of getting Buying quantity and Black Satin Pumps A gore style, with ornament. erably Price, paly BKINNERS' a fancy metal Usually sold at consid. more money, Introductory 54.45 al |B be | 1.00 measure unl 0.40 | The Newest Black Kid Pumps, spihe heel, nnd funcy metal how, A wonderful fitting shoe, slzes, alr $4.45 All Black Calf Oxfords Thrifty parents will certainly these prices. Mlzew 510 7%, pr. $1.55 $1.65 $1.85 These shoes are blucher cut and double soled, CHILDREN'S Patent Leather, two eyelet tle ox. ford, Medium spike heel, Very smart appearing. All slzew, Introductory Price, pair $3.50 not hesitate at Bio 10g, pr. 11 to 2, pr. Outstanding Value Ladies' Arch Support Slippers made of the finest quale ity black kid leather, cuban heel, with a bullt«in steel arch, Cutsout design, A comfort. shoe with style at fast Introductory price, pul $4.75 Women's Dressy SLIPPERS Very stylishly black buckle trim, made kid strap, und Combination Lieels, paler of high Men's Oxfords You will say it ix the best value you have ever seen, Blucher Cut Oxfords made of first grade calf leather, with double soles and rubber heels, solld leather counters in the newest, Insts, all sizes, | Intro. ductory Shoe Price, Paly $4.50 grade, leather with suede fitting, troductory Price, $4.25 cuban In. THE ARCADE | KING DELIGHTS IN BULGAR THINGS Building Summer Home Entirely of Bul- garian Materials King Borig, y bnehelor monarch, has extrema tional sentiments and insists on + everything around him Bul garian His sister, Princess Eudos | ju, follaws the example of her bro {ther and always wears Bul arian costume ihe King's hobbies is the of kniekerknacks and reproducing national ideas qua colorings pre: Borls han wo, Bulgaria near! | One [collection [furniture {and the pletures fv lent In this country just given Instraetions for the bulld. in thin Valley of Roses of villa In the styla of the peasant's cottage, Great arround the house and all made of national various specles bearing ling here LoKimmey ordinary [porches entrance tin of national motif he peasant of hood, earrving out the will | It vhers | the neighbor local custom lin paying homage to their soverign p have presented the King numerous tupestrion, embroideries, pleces of furniture and ornaments carved in Bulgarian style, As soon as the in Ix ready for occupation, which will ba next summer, the King In tends to pass several weeks every vear in his new residence, and will takeo.ndvantage of the famous ther mal baths nearby, Now we suppose the US, will have + sensational tree planting campaign to provide sufficient perches for world champion "tree-sitters,"=Que hee ChroniclesTelegraph RIG T he Best A a et Jeddo Premium in America At Usual Coal Prices DIXON COAL C0. Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines Produced | A los ried aloft, Millions To Call 900,000 Angeles couple mar and then left in the same plane for a flight to New York It is thought to be the only, instance vhich an entire nation was cros ed in love Detri New were There are over * tele phones in Quebec and Ontario alone, This means that literally millions of persons in these prov. incon are at the other end of the telephone line What a mighty group of neighbors! Over 70,000 times a day they place calls for friends in other towns, mn i" The Communist candidates the Dominion poll chronicled 5685 vote in a total of 3898995, This is a healthy sign, = Brantford Expositor a i a SEE EE Sr 5 Never Slept MARSHALL SPRING MATTRESS You can work harder, play ro more if you have the right kind of 1 Dee ig] of tiny springs in the Marshall Spring Mattress form a resilientspring centre that conforms to and supports every curve of your Body tenijt-lusuriouns comfort ~perfect rest--truly health.giving sleep. Your Marshall Spring Mattress will prove a priceless investment in good health. Let us show you this famous mattress to-day. A grade to suit every purse. Call at our show rooms and we will be pleased to give you a demonstration on any of the following makes of Radios, Stewart Warner DeForest Crosley Federal or Sonora Luke Furniture Ltd. Phone 78-79 Com 63 King St. pn

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