a ip a a a ~ Sit wm The Oshawa Daily Tomes [75 5 La Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer : ; VOL, 7==NO, 61 3 Nihawn, Uni, Lesads, vw OS IAWA, ON TARIO, F RIDAY, SE PT EMBE R 12, 1930 16 Cents a Week; 2 Cents a Copy TEN PAGES ool Sundays and end Publle dary ==1R.0.M.P. OFFICER SHOOTS WIFE, SELF Tom Moore Re.Eleeted Reging, Tom Moore, Ollawa, who for twelve years has presided -- over the Trades and Labor Con: iin House Adopts Unemployment Relief Re solution TORONTO CONSTABLE, IN "tp ng SHAMROCK MEETS | causes sewamon is cunmiroWinh | FIT OF ANGER, SLAYS HIS diz, BILL 10 PREVENT DUMPING ENTERPRISE SAT, SLAYING HUSBAND. ~~ BRIDE THEN KILLS SELF Hamilton Herald Publishing Com pany, dled at his residence here lagt night in Me Tind year, OF GOODS IN THIS COUNTRY | ' . ol 4 Motorist. Killed : Sudbury Woman Appears inl" Halleybury,--= An automobile Lipton's Challenger and U.S, i + which he Jolie delieve way gs. MAY BE BROU GHT IN TODAY plot Rewiring De Bi Court After Spouse Died Show Too Real, Double Yoogely Occurred in turned over near here bringing | Contests 2 i, Today Performers Hurt Toronto Home After Hus- : band Had Come Home instant death to the driver, Prank Montgomery of New Liskeard [ y t Hudhyry, Hept, 12 Mre, Lugenie (By Canadian Press Jasin id " Intoxicated, Police Say "vos House to Consider Today| . Canaria py na Wie ey vn out : 8 Peters, Hoot London Population Lp 1080 Second Reading of Bill to Argentine Would | (By Consdian Proms J 4 Maken #4 of Coniston hypaated Wii tarhon 'to Re ramen vesterdiy [RT Newport, W.1, Kept, 14 ham ind this morning hafors Magistrate g London, Ont.=London's Ww | » P | oy \ | #0 PE fifi 11 ad i Keskook on n charge of murdering | wt exibition park hers and two | HAD BEEN MARRIED assessment, shows an inereasa for Provide 20 000 000 For CLC 'ome ringe fou : Bh J imag 1, P bo ] J 4 ia » wuamhd: Rydne farhert, Me | members of (he Walch Brother wy y $ ' ' hanllanger | the Amerieas Cup, 4 4 her husband Mydn Herhey ) B i Heatlare ONLY WO MON IHS the year of $3,008,010, the new A ' ruldeo troupe mie hi f 50)! 7 Tha J ind aptarpreise, Harold 8 Yander Kan, 40, machinist forthe Interns ion np | fatal peing 146.408, 147 The rity Relief of Unemployment (i Cannan rook Casond Wire) Wilts defender, today entered thai Sa onal Nickel Company at Coulton, | kevers rms, rocelyed Auring thay population in 18 muniely lust duy of prapareiion for 1 hie who died thin marning from fnjuy performance of the fuming ehiek Couple Had Had Many Dif» fos wintained on Tuesdu aveaning | YWREOD rae regula Hem on boundaries, according to this com " BEATE . Buenos Alves, Arientine, Bop | goeiect of all railing confess 4 | , of | VENIOT CREATES i Ant § punts what it Is #lleged Wis wife strgek | thelr progrim ' ferences and Wife Had pilation, 18 71,810---a gain 18, The board of directors of th a tamoryo v Two Heh wagons diawn by tour 1.568 for the Yea MILD SENSATION Britiair. Chamber ol Commerve |, horth Ralare hook SH y hime hahind the esr with a hes ! Th t | Di 16 Twn hoats wre sehed { { (LT) harases racing at top speed wronnad Irentenec IVOrce == | eh BE glove lifter fy i omplimentar call ll f { | il NEWHE IN BRIE] ' ~ have made uw comj the starting Hoe of a H0-mile open i A doctor snd a polices uMeer [the track with the wagons burst . Medal Vor Hollinger Hern Charges Improper Practices HGR provisional Pre Het Withury OEBATL CONT RE Fhe tira ey h will " i attend | \ i | smmaoned and Medes was | 10g Into flume halt wa round Husband Had Been R.C. OtAWA Vred Jackson, miner of x . ' : nn nformed him o I" FILIRS Lhe over mw windward-lesawnrd conree | HON, 1, 1, VENIOL rushed to the Coppercliftf hospital | Was part of the act Ton mueh i T rimming, Ont, who hy ronspienens mn Connection With Road Trade Exhibition 10 he opened in tht 1%, the (wo sloops will pun WEEre hy dil mR CH Lt | EnaiTin Ao Fatoheie ry a, 1a ut M.P. Officer I'wo Years Buenos Atves next year hy the fis | 15 miles Inte the. wind and ron | Whe caused a sensation In the | PTT An 1iguest 16 bis | nnd straw. on the WHEONE, HOW 8Y 61 hravery was able to save many of WwW t his fellow workers in the Hollinger ork in New Brunswick peril government I hame hefors it | Mouse of Commune Inst night ine hold tonight nearly suined. it (By Canadian Prass Leased Wire) J ; i { i " " : : A. ' Mine Gleasiar of 1016, lau nigh Prior to Election he Ting \eveslariion mod Forento, Sept, | 2e=Angered } J f R INL " [] "" J awarded tha sliver medal of ihe payment on round work In Now when his bride of two months iackaon nan 8 thorouen notes | oi cat, nm MeL Threats of C Vics ago Methods Brumwich of "Arse ald and he mudd Many of Commons has & heavy REendu . trips into tha fume-ehokes ne | hefor aday, | I" tl Lo, Ministar 10 averooma Workers, | ant noon 'vn deration of 1h Alleged in Intimidation Case EE EE second reading of a government A ------------ . | Prisoner Viaeapes hill to provide $20,000,000 for | ) | Hamilton. ==Phillip O'Brien, of | unemployment relief based on # (By kata an From Lassi (iret y [Hi fin you" Ia the hilefed ne | laterhopo apt, 12-=WIiIl the (handed the gun over to Provinels Detenlt, escaped from Barton street | vasolution (0 that effect passed Torants apt, | W J Hm | midating remark grid to have finding. of an old rusted shotgun | Police jail vester afternoon, hy seals | late last night. From that, it wit] Loven, wiiarhations) Pe, UA aby | | buen Jude My a ove 10 Fatanioh, [tend to the solving of one of Hast Toronto, pept. 12. Deputy Comes | rear of the house he turned the 4 g ant of th ) ae 0 il aro f 16 TRI ing a eonductor pipe on the stone | turn fo a resolution recommend I ng hte [Tolan [a |Inee County o most baffling murder (missioner Alfred Cuddy of the Ons |gun en himself, killing himself wall which surrounds the Institus| ing considerable changes in the J \ | turin Provinelnl Police stated lant { tan dumping provisions of the uss | WA8 Arrested leva fast night on w| Covert denied making any such instantly, Mrs, Melntosh died «un» toms Aet, If sufficient progress be | "HATES of Intimidation of an Inde: [remarks ta the Hamilton theatre Tha cold-blooded slaying of Jor phone message yesterday regarding | 20 arrival at St. Joseph Hoss o' Ie a awner, | nw "lo ma. Kean In his shack tn el ' yop . 1 Piastaiort Ahn made in Alia canagction. thE Saks pend m Hamiiton thi ta Owner owner, W he I arrested he fo I" u d 0 fee un aana i ac! a Jab. the finding of the gun, The district [pital where she was removed by Mantreal Work on a number of | #rnment's tariff ehanges may com GYEFL'A Arve) R 16 Atant. 4 Hea denied canhagtion with 4 lob 4d J offledrs, he sald would endeavor to | the olice 4 Montreal is heing | hefare the hawse a lvelopment In an long-waged war | tons of Patealel that the latter's topla of disoussion among residents ind the owner. and he: diryossd Pp buildings Hh Snipe . Bach of the thres. measured | PeiWeen anton and so-called | thentre had heen continually har [of Marmorn, following (he recovery HAVING RY GADEIL Hip gH I kel Mrs, Melntosh's body was found hampered hy a strike of plasterers " is | Open-shop" movie theatres tu | asked hy the nightly explosion in | "Ht po (OF 8 shotgun from the marsh lands hy / pe gunsmith Hk lying an the Hying-room floor hy The men, whe have heen reealving [forms a part of the government's Hamilian the aithoriom by Uhion Patron ot | Wellknown 'Riverman [half mn mile from the ruined shack |"XPeriments, Tha murder always Hor moth A + . g 1) \ y - . " . . ) | i 1] 0 BN . r ! La) who 1BnYe 18 BNOLA $1.06 per hour. are asking for an scheme to meat unemployment In . x | i ji £ the murdered har on the case althoughte § increase of 10 cents, Canada: the first designed to pros H Anthony Patani k . hii 0 , A | hadnt Jt o Dietionably ani Nearly Victim of Thugs 4 ' re du huffled the oMeers who worked on nu wan upstairs at the time of the . » vide work and, If necessary dirveet | M0 } Movie house, usted 10 | sokeniug Diink homie The shotgun was found hy Wils{the cuse, although they were fajply [¥N00UNE, Malntosh's body was Cermtdl Sl Tailed reliat] the seoond ta prevent dumps | 09/100 that Covert, who fs not only | Ihe arrest of Covert follows Across the Border Ham Emith und bis son as they [well convinced that an frrespone|fUNd on the kitahen flooy \ Pry 0 f the. } jest | ME of certain products into the prominent in loon) lahore afveles | closely on the sxplosion un week were returning neross the marshes [sible person in Hastings County had Came Home Intoxicated Winnipeg. Gna of the heavy country injurious to. Ganudian | ut 18 well known throughout Cans | uke in a Hamilton theatre which from (he cutting of driftwood on [committed the orime, No motive |, Jtom the incoherent. story res seniances over Afwinissarod " ik workers and producers; and the | 9% had (hveatened him while [ rocked (he whole downtown part (By Canadian Presa Laased Wie) the river hed, The 1nd noticed the [had ever heen suggested for the |1810d by Mrs, Hustler, mother of 8 taunts toy Jeane hot the Manh third to foster the Canadian mars | ATEUINE for the untonieing of the | of {he oity, The union denied ah Buffalo, N.Y, Mopt, 18 Wile [butt of the gun sticking out of a|murder, Keone had no money, |e dead girl, police gatherad that jo y rig » ' wae goes Fh ket far Canadian produeers theatre \ {Holutaly any connection with the [yam fnisler, 84, of Fort rie, was [bor 16 had heen embedded, mugs | When his hody was found his faee [NF son-in-law was intoxicated when Hi as Aned $1000 _~ nentenced Relief Resolution Passed You don't want a taste of Clije: | explosion hound hand and foot, stunned hy [le fist, over the look, and it was [had been vietuslly blown off, He [10 came home (hik morning after wf! ir BL Gl Bild ARLE A QAYIONE AEDAIE YORE: | mes -------- i blow at the base of Wu skull, [deeply rusted and divty an if (0 Hiyed wlons in his shack and had | Peng out all night iy ment \ ! le inarpatual day, the resolution reeommend- and tossed Into Buffalo Creek [had lain thera for years, They ino enemies MeIntosh was of Meottish birth i iad 0 aur PAFRAIURL | ing the introduetion of a bill fe er n ues 10 anrly today hy two thugs, aocord and In understood to have resided Of \ A i . ---- a ------_-- menmm---- | (OF ROMA time In innipex. He provide the 820,000,000 for une a ways e! sti n {ay e ng to a report at police head Hipex tsa or nem ) t I | has heen with the RCMP. for twe Montreal Terminal Approved Rovian, vail Wad Paneed wit. Discussed i m House T oday| mi kK of being thrawii into South Afric a Adds Vic Ce - Foy te. dnughter, Min Mualer wate Montreal. The Mantreal «ity | shortly after 11 o'clock #t night council yesterday ratified plans of | and olimaxed un day completa with . | the Water partially revived Nhinies od, had complained of hin conduct he Canadian Natianal Railways to | sur i - LJ] and he managed to work loose Ot '] B it h l and mentioned divorcing him, The the Canadian N 1 10 | surprises and high Hihtn Halt an hour later er Tl Is Peace P eas ig 4 His fivare ¥ hi « ha nrddered him out of her parents' Finding of Shotgun May Solve [nu him ou of her parents Simon Melntosh, aged 30, Royal Canadian Mounted Pelie d Old 3 lastings Murder Mystery AMAA i he i ee Fence aged 23, with his service ree volver today Walking to the -------- night that he had received a Isle "he end (Ay Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Ffeam his honds permit the vallway te proceed Im Cantinue 2) mediately with he eonsruetion of (Lanting lh on Hage 2. Ottawa, Nept, 12.<A statement™ he was rescied by two men whose ha Joarned, had gone together for ite tunnel terminal and construe: ar la ¢ 0 With respect to eorreap mdenou NOW | names pollea did not disclose (Ny George Hambleton mi two yenrs prior to their marriage tion of elevated tracks from that proceeding hetween the Canadian Mhikler told polices he was held Press Balt Correspondent ) two months ago, and had had seve terminal to Victoria Bridge, . und United Wiates governments on prisoner from Monday night untll tieneva, Nept, 19.-=Ueneral, the oral differences 4 8 N b F the , Laws hy aterwave vil he was (own inte the creek, He [Hon BN M, Hertaog, prime min He Tied To Nave Hepself POW WWOBADIY ha made shortly ater the iter of Mouth Africa, today added L Ix thought the yonng wife had ( 'revents Salelde | ! ' sald he wet two men In accord LE LT rr Ci ! Havens ede BIG; oR © um ere opening of the House of Commons aid 8 A telephone appoints [DI8 voles, and in no uncertain termy ween the gun In her hasband's hand from death on the Canadian Pacific this afternoon ment and lewving his own cap tn [10 the peace pleas made yesterday i and tried to stop him from shoot Railway tracks here yesterday hy " 4 | Yaelgin "i Oe Kn the | 4 downtown parame went with [by the Rt, Hon, Nir Robert Borden, Ing by putting her hand over tha hi " " ouse, Ith, don, W, IL, MacKanain ide in thel Canada's delegate, and the Itt, Hon, | musele of the revolver, The shot the watehfulness of the engineer of | Animal Escapes Cage And Checkup Reveals Many King, hime minister, drew Pronitap | 16M for a vide in thelr cai Arthur Henderson, Dritain's Mot went directly through the palm of the train, The man, evidently enn " Bennett's attention Lo nawapaper The men, Nhisler sald, demand | 4 Resrata psy . " : har hand: and enters templating ielde, had piace him, Soon Empties Crowded Houses Damaged, 18 Ine [Loni aun NE | Tl ry Baty x fully sxrend | TT00 Conference lo be Held vf, hand: utd entared ed DY rr hh. Ey Grandstand jured in Italy Minister ald that he could not | fered $600 which wan refused, Jwith the neitish position (hat rat] With Canadian Govt, at [Intosh went. directly to the kits Jie fasbapplagehing trait hut hia i ; dineuss. it without notice, "Neen Mhialer was described by poles |fleation of a. general act of arbi ehen and committed aulolds, The Ey Port Royal, Fa, Rept. 18 A iy Canadian Pratt Lonred: Wied Meo King nuked that his remarks [aw a well-known "viverman' and [tration treaty and the finanelal Ottawa (Continued on Page 3) JT al olrous Hon escaped from Hs oan Pl Mie Hen! LoiaA he vegarded an notlos, and Promier | patios commisstoner Austin J, [guarantes involved should ba con ------ First Kleotrieal Tug during a fireworks celebration last | check-up today revealed (hat five Rennett ukreed to Hin Roche waid he Wis Investigating (ditional upon acceptance of a gen (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Dangerous Maniac Queer, =The first electrically [night at the Port Royal fair, and | people were Killed and fiftesn in It 18 altogether probable that the | connection between Bhisler and [eral disarmament {realy Victoria, BC, Hept, 12-=While driven tug ta he built in Canada| for 20 minutes sat in the unlight jared 8 a consequence of (he question wil he vatsed hy Mr. 560g [Jogaph Red' Bulvani, believed to "liwrops, "declared the South | matters pertaining to trade rela Gains His Freedom was launched at Lauzon when the | od grandstand unnoticed earthquake and eruption of the vy this afternoon and Premier | have esoaped to Canada after being [African prime minister, "has too tions between New Zealand and - ga "Prescotont," Diesel sleotrie tug The shout af a small hay, "Inak | voleano Nivombel yesterday hjiel a he In a Position to | released on ball of 826,000 fn sons [little 10 hear witness (o ita Will to [Canada are al present more or lens (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) for the Canadian Paeifie Cap and [at the dog" vevealed the animal Ashen were piled today fay Make nn tant tel | hovtion with the amblotmed Sf pegve hlugion, Noh 4 wv Forbes, Hujitez, No, Henk, $ave Pagsenger Transfer Company's | to the crowd, and several thousa\d | inches deap on roofs und haloon: | 'a th s Wil R thoy u: ement ves {young hoya Lo wmugkle hoatlonds | Bouth Africa, in ita ANXIBLY, Wal | prime minister of the former couns | lunatics, ona thought to be dans gervice hetween Prescott and Og. | persons rushed for the exits, Have [fon of small eountey houses oon Shogbing fokicn: 0 Woleg this | of Lyuoe atrony the Niagurs yivey ins Rg Sg Rorove HOW [ry ated on the arrival of the gurous, wate sill ut Jari todey denshurg slipped gracefully Inte | eral women fainted fn the crush. | structed for (he most wart ot Savas hd Jue ni Ede une | trom Canada mueh mora are You going to add RM, NX Aorangi here today Aer escaping from provinelal ins the waters of the Wt, Lawrences, | A few peraan, who vemained in the | petrified lava in the hamlet of fle tht Hie nited Minted has _-- Lo your harden of armaments "Iam prepared to state that on | stitutions thin week, after the traditional bottle of | stands, fled in confusion when the | Ginestra, Fiftesn = houses were 6) he vied that Canada Will ha When the question WHR put, sald [our arvival at Ottawa, Dv, Dralg Police believed thelr seareh for champagne had been hroken | Animal roared damaged badly prepared to enter into further Peauharnols Plant Progresses General Hertsok, Burope would un: foomptroller of customs, han auths | Tolx Guptil, wald to be a homicidal againat her howe, State tropers with darwn vevely OF the nearby hlaokehivt and Fenian nus ot tio sombletion of Monten, The work of pouring [doubtedly he embarrassed, not [opity to Initiate conversations with | mantue who broke out of the ers formed a colvole about the Hon | yaval force at Liparl sland aided 4 leant) on the Bt Lawrenon des | na ggnerate foundations of tha |KNOWINE what answer to make the object of formulating a new | Kings county home on Tuesday, m-- until etreus attendants lassoed it vastly in the resoue work bi Ohiment, after tha conoluston of | san. 000 H.1, plant of the Neila . trade agreament between our couns [Was narrowing down in the vielns the imperial eonterence, note Pawer Corporation at eau try nnd yours Ity of Kentville, and dragged it bio kK to ith cage, ET ---------- PRINCE THANKS CLUB Mr -------- narnols, Que, was started today, | TROOPS MUST LEAVE "Whie ft may not be porsible to cn pu. FOR GIFT OFPEACHES BROWN JACK WINS Ntart New Building at Onee The steel framework will he erevted come (0 any definite understands | go KENORA MEN DONCASTER cup Toronto==An immediate start ia | this winter, SAAR BY DECEMBER ing during the limited time at our ENDORSF KENORA wl Conudien ain Teast Witt) 4 i ha made with constrastion of a 3 A gl i Jn wis re hi he 4 . y S$ S ot 200,000 addition to the mining Tp op (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) other opportunities of discussing N TT gy 1 Zales The (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) butlding of the University af Fors vd Hen Ae tun Hattie | Geneva, Sept. 12=The Leagye of [L140 Matters between Canada and Doncaster, England, dept, 13 ==] onto, Hon, Charles MeCren, mintsts Ruffalo, Yie=Two ochenter | 0 council: today decided the New Zealand while the London cons » conveyed ta St, Catharines Flyin ' ow \p POR O OR 9 } h i A slxyear-old brown gelding today [er of Wines, has Announced men worn aviasted toduy wtter nf 0 0 dine' defense force of |(ETENCS progresses. 'The people of in battle hetween threa wen in Naw Zealand want to do business very glad to receive the peaches A \ FAT Jeo alintst ia won the Doncaster Cup for three . gun Pug p which arrived in excellent condition, WORK p p year olds and upwards when Cap: front of the Niagara street polioe Shana and Beiitun Hanis should he [with YOU, Ad We Alncerely hope We | JW ONTARIO CADIS station, Polloa sald the two men . 0 naar QIEE foam arvive al an agreement bene but abave all he appreciated the cour: , ! i } taln 1, A, Wernher's Brown Jack aid I ont A. anlloped home five lengthy ahead fired three bullets inte a third wile Hy raat nds [1OIAL to both countries heih thus ehahiing hg : i impive Builds Man, Who was taken to a horplial Vat bby Lak "Wa are looking forward wit WT In the epeiing of a new braneh of | Drought Situation in Ontario " hia Moran sya dwoite nol. in & oritieal condition, po A ar cia of Hay, please to hosing rar oh Northern Ontario Municipals nterempire trac . + i " " _ y y "CH minister hap Club for the basket of Niagara Town Worst in Many oid, nM bY Lord Rope ¥ i th departure of foreign tinister hii ytd hope What io til, be ities Unanimously A Ask rane Claloda conferred with fon [io onel oo While the new Hea For Building of Road peaches which was sent him an the Years Eh N ) P I nist and oF o-- SEN minister ray M Prance HH Thon. pny id fon : Rinoman_Hloctruruted Frederic Watt, Guelph M ews n ar lament Chrtin of a AL onl 1nd pariiament fa also in session mr ! Brampton, == Terribly burned eric Yvatt, Lauelp ag. problem, ft wan the wish of all members in (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) cludes: "His Royal , Highness was| Kenora, Sept, 12 Prevailing lows A when electrocuted tn an acoldent the house that 1 should go to Lon ) Wate 1 \ F \ A A to, Sept - \ ater conditions on the Take of the | t*a Jitave mole. Kanara doen istrate, President--Peter- don, and it Wan agreed that no or rant Rep d vRepreauy ' i a Hg (By Canadinn Pross Loased Wie) : Waoads threatens to add some 00 died from shock tn the Peel Mem. bore Man on Executive Ottawa, Hept, 123.-Today In TRAVEL BY CANOE tontentiou legislation would be lakey, in conference here vesterd ' (nfroducad during my abaence," v tr ena, v men 10 the list of unemployed in this | p i WEATHER distriet. Kenora's hoard of trade, ONlnl Hopital lant night ---- Pariiainan. ARCTIC TO PANAMA mm presented a resolution to Hen, Wil town council and other hodies, fea . (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) The senate will continue (to de Ham Finlayson, minister in charge of Pressure is Nett aver Quehee | ing closing down of ihdustries, have October to See Hrantford, Sept, : 18. == Frederic | bate on the address in reply to the Lord Willin don northern development, unanimously Watt, KO, Guelph's maglatrate, | speseh from the throne, (Ry Canadien Po Leow Wire) Aged 64 oday endorsing the UpsalasGinaces Dryden Hudson Bay an n the | communicated with the Lake of the aw of St, Bay and pw in . Woads eontral hoard, the dominlon's By-Elections? wan thin morning selected hy the The House of Commons will diss Prince Rupert, RU, Sept. 12+ The Kenora route as the route whieh in trough of low pressure extend. premier and minister of lahor and 3 -- magintrates of Ontario to head thelr founy the bill which provides twenty retin tos Panama canosisty, three - . their apinion, the trans-Canada high ing from Minnesota northwest: the premier of Ontario asking assists Forante; Sept. 12+ Rycelections to provineial organisation. We &ues | million dollavs for unemployment | Fisher brothers, Vieter, "Alvin and Ottawa, sept, 13.<-Felleitations | way should fallow to the Maniteba ward to Alberta, Showers have | ance th preventing possible calamity, | Al four vacant seats in the Ontars [eeeds Magistrate H, P, Moore, Ao vellef, on wecond vending, Later] Evany, and Charles Reader. have [from all over the "world poured |houndary, and mging the Ontario occurred in northern district of Commencing Sept, 18, outflow of [10 legislature will he held hetween [ton The election was hy acoles | amendments to the Customs Act | arvived here, All are from the (ils | inte government house today as [government to undertake constr Ontaria and Quebec and in soma | water at the Norman Dam will he Oct. Mand Oct, 31 says the! Tears [mation as was that of Wis Honor | will be considered lage of Tyvan in Naskatehewan Hin Jixepllency tha Governor Gens | tion immediately ax an unemploy anctions of the Witla and Mars [cut down from 9500 1a 6000 cubic | onto Evening Telegram taday Judge Coataworth, Toronto, honor | yvosionday fn. Parliament The: youths have travelled P5001 eral celebrated his 84th birthday. | ment relief measure itime provin The weather has feet per second 1 The vacant seats are Waterloo [ary vieespresident; Col ¢ & Wood The 8 aia miles fn thelr canoe, and more than | There will ba ne funotions to mark Mr, Finlayson pronvsed the depu heen rather cool in all viness This, it {5 believed, will campel at | South, were K, K. Homuth resigned [row, Narnia, 'vice-president; Wows AY Senate tontinued: the debate 1000 mites hy dog team on sido | the event, in fact Viscount Wills | tation the government's serious eon with the exception of the lawer [least one of the large losal nduss [to contest the daminion riding of [ard Gover, Coldwater, © seeratarys ih thie etre Ih reply ta the trips, They have Mirtedd with death | IM&don wan at hin desk in the east | sideration of their request, No ac lake region, tries [to close dawn, throwing hun | Waterloo North Nipissing, where [treasurer and Dr. Margaret Pat. | ®peech from the throne often, running dosens of unknown | Blok of the parliament buildings | tien, however, can be taken from the Forecasts dredy of skilled employees out of | Harry Morel gesigned 10 enter the [terson, Tavants, Librarian, The Honea of Commons parsed | and dangerous rapids, being attacks [thin morning as usual, praviveial and vat the © dominion Lower Lakes and Geovglan | work : dominion eantest; Lanark South, left The executive committee will be | a verolution for the expenditure of { od hy walves, and: finally having a From many wections of the | government at Ottawa {x consulted Bay: Moderate to fresh east and At an emergent meeting last | vacant hy the death of De, A 1 Ans [composed of J. WH, Campbell, K€, | $20,000,000 for the veliet of Mn: | tussle with the rollers of the pacific | Britiah Tales, from distant India Fhe route in question is about 300 southeast winds; partly cloudy night the situation was characterized | devsem, and Perth South, where the [81 Catharines; © A. Langley, Pats | employment in committer of the | in Pixon entrance | and other parts of the Britigh Rms miles in fength, The whole of it has tonight and Saturday with local a the worst faced hy citizens of | late David Boni was the sitting [erboral Willlam Joynt, Ottawa, W | whale, and gave thet reading to Deapite their adventures, they are | Dire came mesnages of congratulas | heey surveved, and party of it are showers, Kenora in many years, member, Co Mikel, K.C., Belleville, C, Jeffs, | the bill, + in the best of health, Hone and goodwill, wow: travelled extensively