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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Sep 1930, p. 2

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I PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1930 The Whitby Advertising, wv WhitLy Branch Of Alter Business Hours 1] , and news will be Gagstte snd Chronicle ~Telephone 23, Phone 359 Daily Tinies 4 REPRESENTATIVE~JAMES H. ORMISTON WHITBY ATHLETES 00 WELL AT FAIR Four Young Men and One Girl Took Part in Meets ---- Many of the residents of Whithy paid a visit to the Routh Ontario Agricultural ¥alr in Oshawa, dur- ing the three days that It was In progress and not A few wpent con. siderable time during Wednesday ond Thursday afternoons watching the Amateur Athletic Meet heing 'held on tho new cinder track in front of the Grand pand, Those "who took the time to waleh the race a8 found something to chear about in the splendid mannor in Which the athletes from the County "lown performed, Although thay confined their efforts In the main to those events for the Counties of Ontario and Durham, the open events Laid no terror for them end the shows ing made by Whitby was Nine in avory event in which the fown was represantod, Whitby has always heen well ve prevented in the athletic eld in the Inter-school meets ind it wan not surprising to find them up , With the best in the days eveoris , Those who upheld the honor of the County Town were Clifton Muund ' voll, Douglas Maundrell, R, Douglas MacLaren and ¥rnest T, Northam, Both the Maundrell brothers wera entered In the second evant "of the afternoon, namely the Open High Jump, Nalther of the boys made a place In this avent, which was won by C, Btargreatt, of Hamil. ton Olymples, In the 100 yards event for uth. 1stes from the Counties of Ontario «and Durham, Ernest Northam placed wecond In the first heat "which was clocked in 10 4.3 nec onds, Douglas McLaren won the socond heat of tho event In 10 3.8 seconds, The finnl found McLaren a A. UU. a a font, ROOF ALEXANDER Murrays PW p---- 3 a at aa ---- \NADIAN PACIFIC CANADAS » GREATEST To Liverpool Sept, 17, Oct, 10, Duchess of York Sept, 10, Oct, 17, Duchess of Rioh- mond, Sept, 24, Oot, 24, Duchess of Athol Oct, 8, Oct, 81, Duchess of Bedford To Cherbon Southampton Sept, 16, Oct, § Mmpres of France Mept, 18, Oct, 15 +s. Montolare Sept, 28 woo Empress of Australia Bopt, 80 4. v Empress of Mootland Oot, 20 suvsnennenses Montealm To Delfast-Glasgow Hept, 10, xOct, 17 Duchess of Rick. mond, Rept, 27, Oot, 25 vesspeo Molita, Oct, 8, Oct, 31-=Duchess of Ded ford) ) Oct, 11 sesssvensse Minnedoss xDoes not call at Belfast, To Hambourg To . Antwerp Oct, 8, Oct, 89 sss vesMontoalm Oct, 15, Nov, 15 ,.... Montclare To HavresLondon Oot, 8 sivvasriivinie, Montealm PACIFIC SAILINGS To Hawall«JapanChinasPhillipines Sept, 160 ,,.... Empress of Ania Oot, 2 ,...., xEmpress of Canada Oot, 18 .. Empress of Russia xCalln at Honolulu, Anply local agents or dB, MacKAY, General Agent, Canadian Pacific Bldg, Toronto Bept, 18 Monteclare trafling ¥ngel, of Oshawa, and Col- mer, of Bowmanville, to the (aps, to get third prize, Douglas Maundrell by very cred. itable . Jumping secured second piace in a feld of sight, in the Vole Vault==Opon, Douglas was baaten out by Robert Stoddart, of Code rich, Stoddart cleared 12 four and Douglas was not very far from equaling that height, The 440 Yard race open to Onlar- lo and Durham Counties only was entered by Krnsst Northam and Douglas MaoLaren, both of whom were in the second heat, Northam took second places and Melaren took third piace, being hesten out by J, Bhrubb, of Bowmanville, The time for the heat was 66 2b sec. onds, In the final of the event neither of the local athletes wore able to make a places in the monay, In the Girl's events on Wednes- day afternoon Lenn Watson took part in the 100 yards event for Durham and Ontario Counties Lona got her bit of the prizes hy coming In second to Aly Weeks, of Oshawa, The race way run In 18.2 seconds, WHITBY BRIEFS OLD CROCKN WIN The Mouth Ward Ratepayers, sponsors of the Town Leagus Cham pions, The Neafleas, are an nmbits fous crowd and full of goud sporis- manship, "The fact that the Kea flons won the Town Leagus thins your, did not stop thelr sponsors from challenging the Champs Lo game of ball on Wednossday night in the Town Park, Rumonr has it that the Ratepayers pulled an fast one on the younger genuration und won the game by a considorable margin, Bill Harden in the hox for the Old Crocks, had tha Neafleaws outing out of his hand or so the story. goes, RINGLES STILL IN PROGRESS The Singles competition for the wrist wateh, wo kindly donated by Mr, Bassett, of Oshawa, tor play at the lawn Bowling Club, Is still in progress, It is not known when the event will be finished, aa there are still a number of games to he played to bring the event to a close, TENNIS CLUB TOURNAMENT The Whitby Tennig club have ex- tended an Invitation to wevoral clubs In Oshawa as well as to the Ontario Hospital to take part In i tournament to be plnyed on the court hare on Matusday aliarnoon It Is expected (hat thera will be in the neighbourhood of thirty playsrs on hand t5 start play, The tourney will be rin on a {itney basis, a draw heing made after onch game, high scores to win, Afternoon ten will be served dur- ing the afternoon, BILL TO PREVENT DUMPING GOODS COMES UP TODAY (Continued from Page 1) Was Accompanied by a sharp pas- sage hetwesn Premier Bennett and Rt, Hon, Mackensie King, leader of the opposition in which the former sald ho was 'amazed' that the house should debate the res olution wo long, The people of Canada were guaranteed against abuse In the expenditure of the fund because of two reasons, the premier de olared,. One was the fact that the provinces and the munlelpalition would place thelr money and thelr oredit jointly with the federal au- thorities In any construction pro- gram Initiated under the scheme, Secondly, the federal government must account to parliament for all the money expended from the fund, King Denies Obstruction The leader of the opposition denied there had been any obhstrue- tionary practices from his side of the ohamber and he resented, ha sald, the Instnuation made by the leader of the Jovarament, Hon, Robert orke, former We Pay You $100 a Month -«» An Income for Life! You merely endorse and cash a cheque each month, Business or market conditions would never trouble you, heeaune they could not dtiact thin Income in Any way, You could "afford" to take things eaaler later on If you wish» od; or If you were foreed to retire from active work--you would be secure financlally=--come what may! ; And in the Meantimes should your plans be interfered with because you hocome totally "disabled, on account of rheumats fam, tuberculosis, total blindness, or similar disablement, this Ine come would go on building up aus tomationlly, Moreover, you would be pald $100 a month an long an your disability existed, This incomes bullding plan Is within the reach of the average man, It {sn backed by a company with over One Billion Dollars' business in force, Nooklet Explain You will find a full explanation of this plan in our apes let which you may have for the anking, THIS COUPON WILL BRING BOOKLET TO YOU BY MAIL! FE a a a a aha -- i -- The CANADA LIFK ASSURANCE COMPANY, Toronto, © Without obligation on my part please send me hooklet With ins formation an to how 1 can secure $100.00 a month for life, I would Hke thin to commence when I reach ARS ouvir vsnininrany Name , (Mr, s AAATORR |. PARA RRR RRR ERE EEE EE EEE EE EAE ER EE EE ERE REE | REE EE NI EE SE SSS SS TO TY dale OF DIPFLR covenant onus nnsanssnavssanannssny vi (B03 | too early, the opening has beon > minister of Immigration Iu (he King government and a prominent Manitoba farmer, announced In the Wenate yesterday he had seve ered his connection with the wheat pool, When his five-year contract oxpired, he did not renew it al. though he had "no criticism to make of the treatment received or complaint of my experience with the wheat pool." The fenate today will continue ths debate on the address in reply to the spesch from the throne, and possibly will adjourn until next onday, pending receipt of legis tion passed through the House of Commons, The upper chamber has heen marking time all week for lack of measires passed on to i. by the commons, Commitiee buggestod Bir Kugono Viset (Lib.-Rimou- ski) offered the suggestion that special committes of parliament, similar to that functioning in con. nection with the Canadian Na- tonal Rallways, be established to consider the proposed expenditures In detail, To this, Premier Bennett retorted that all expenditures un- der the Vund would come under the review of the auditor-geners) The government, he continued, had received an mandate to deal with the unemployment situation and he asked If it were not to ha trusted (o soo that the money ap- propriated went for work and, {if necessnry relief, ' The premier agrecd that no wx 'ponditures out of the fund save on contracts already entered into should he made after the eng of the present (iwc! year which clones on March 31 next During the debate, the premier reiterated his avowsl not to leave Canada to attend the Imperial con farance until the present session prorogues, If he were to attend, h must leave Quebse on Bept, 23, he informed Mr King, but his kolng was contingent upon Ade velopmenis and progress made In Ottawn, Improper Practices Charged Hon, I, J, Venlot, former post master-ganersl created somewhat of a sensation by reading n letter denling with romd work In North» umberiand constituency prior to Lhe election, He charged the Lib. arals were not given equal oppor tunity to recurs this employment and supported the claim hy read- Ing the letter which he wald was signed by Premier Baxter of New Brunswick, He read that "those who vote for Mr, MeDada will ro oolve favorable consideration" in! the allocation of the employment The formar minister objected to linnding over money to a provine cial government of the type he described Later in the day, Mr, King and savaral Ontario members, particul. arly from northern Ontario, refer red to the expanditures made hy the Ontario government on road work during the olection as Ime proper use of public funds Red Wings Win | 100th Victory from Toronto Leafs 12-1 Rochester, N.Y, Sept, 12<Ro hester defeated Toromo here yess terdny 12:1 to hang up its 100th win of the season, a number of victories sufficient to elineh the International League flag of 1930, unles the Wings lose the majority of their remaining games and Baltimore Orioles win all of theirs, Three more triumphs in the remaining. nine starts will turn the trick John Berly, who has given hut nine runs in his lust six starts, hurl ed sevem-hit ball, and did not walk a man in limited the Canadian team to one run, scored in the second on Ruble's single and Davis's double down the left-field foul line, 'They were the only men to reach danger ous posts, although out in the sixth, Rabbitt and Burke bounced out hits North Bay Rinky Dinks Win First Game of Playoffs North Bay, Sept, 12.-~In the first of a home-and-home series in the Northern Ontario Women's Softball Association playdowns here last night, the Rinkey Dinks, 1030 Provincial intermediate champions, oaslly won from Sudbury contest ants 14 to 8 at Wallace Park, The featura of the tit was pitehing by Miss Feliman for the winners, who held her opponents runless until the third and then permitted the only other run In the ninth Inning, The North Bay girls played wspec- tacular ball throughout and notch. ed counters in all but one innings, DRITISH POLOINTS TO PLAY IN UNITED STATES TOURNEY New York, Hept, 18.The liri- tish quartet which was Wednesday defeated by Tommy Hitehoook's United States polo players for the International Cup, will take part in the United Htates open cham- plonship tournament, starting Hats urday at Meadowbrook, ART RAVENSDALE LEAVES TO ATTEND MARQUETTE "U" Cobourg, Bept, 13,-~Arthur Ras venadale, Canadian hurdiing oham- plon, will leave Cobourg on ('une day to enter Marquette University at Milwaukee, His removal to the United States will be a distinct loss to Canadian track avents, where he is not only successful" hut popular, STARTING TIME CHANGED VOR GRIMSBY TOURNAMENT Grimaby, Sept, 10,-=Late last night a change was made in the arrangement for the fourth annual fruit tournament of the Orimaby Lawn Bowling Qlub, which is billed for Saturday, Sept, 13, To suit the convenience of several out-ol-towa entries from distant points who found the advertised starting time ut forward to 1 pm. standard time sharp instead of 9.80 am, Owing 10 the ohanging starting time ons trion will be accepted up till 8 pom, thik (Friday) evening, 'Those in. after two were | Bowmanville News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times in the Cowan Block, King Street, Telephones--Office--587; House--131, Bowmanville Representative--B, Herbert Mortlock Attractive Prize List is Announced by Directors of the B.T.S. Community Field Day Ploughing Match Under Direction of E. P, Bradt Will Be , a Feature of the Fair--Competitions in Fruit and Grain Junior Farmers Competition Under the Auspices of the Bowmanville Rotary Club Livestock Poultry, Potatoes, Fruit and Grain Will Be Judged in Junior Section Great Interest is being evineed concerning the Community Vield Day which is to be held in conjunction with the Boys' Training School Vai and under the auspices of the BT.S, Society, on September 24, wis sold but this Is not so, The a bigger fair than ever at the will again be back on the map, Of Field Day came too late this year to make the Fair as big us might he wished but citizens will look forward to seeing the buck on its feet as a good live exhibition next year, the Community Field Day is published below and while it is confined to a | There will be no charge for admission | | few classes it will be worth seeing and citizens ure asked to take advantage of attending thi encourage It with the ides in mind natural comeback, Class 1 Bbingle furrow plough, open Darlington and Clarke, ages 16 to 2 $1 It appears to be a common thought around the town that the Agricultural Society became defunet when the Fair Grounds ¥ decision not to hold his no bearing on future years and in all probability next vear may see Boys' Training Sehool ides of Dr, Keaman's, the superintendant of the school, when he suggested the a,malgamation of the two fairs and if this policy is carried through in ensuing years there is every reason to believe that Bowmanville Fajr Wednesday, September 24th Ploughing Mateh--Under the direction of E, P, Bradt Daily Times Will Be Keenly Contested-- und the West Durham Agricultural a fair this year It was a fine course, the idea of the Community Sowmanyille Fair The prize. list for and uv make a fair of letting the Bowmanv!le First Second Prize Pr Third | Prize | | $5.00 12€ to boys of 500 $1000 Class 2Single furrow plough, open to boys un der 10 Cope n Ban} Years double of Ce Class J furrow ing in the In charge O-quart basket quart O-quart ol Northern Spies Snows R, 1, Greenings Golden Russets Wealthies Alexanders Wolfe River Falmon Sweets hasket husket basket busket husket husket basket O-qunrt quart O-quart O-quart OH quart Oepunrt mmerce Lup to be g ploughing husket Melntosh Reds ..... 15.00) 5.00) 18500) 10.00 10.06) ven to the best turnout co matches 1] mpet- | Fruit Competition Russell Osborne H. Carruthers 73 0 7 () and W &j ) 0 ) o) 4 {) 0 d) ) | | | Grain Competition In charge of Col 1.1 { bushel of Fall Wheat 1 bushel of White Outs ) | bushel of Six-Rowed Barley 1 bushel of TwosRowed barle entry JUNIOR FARMERS I'he classe being Club, all prize money supervision of the Agricultural following are I. All classes are open to any young man or MeLaughlin fees or admission will be charged C, 1. Mason as soon as possible, | and Joh | 100 80 | 100 () | 10 5) 100 0 | Entries should be left | vith | Forster, | markable escape ORONO SCHOOL FAIR ATTRACTED | LARGE NUMBER Work of Pupils And Teach-| ers Deemed Exception. | ally Good The annual school fair held at Orono ast Tuesday sitracted a large number of spectators includ~ ing the parents and friends of the children who took part, Compared with other years the falr was very successful and the work of Lhe scholars and thelr teachers is worthy of commendation, A splendid school parade wis one of the main events on the pro- gram and the Arst prize was award. ed to Enterprise No, 19, while the second prize went to Clarke Union No, 22. Lockhart's No, 9 ranked third, the judge being Col, Me. Laughlin of Bowmanville, In the singing competition, Clarke Union No, 22 was declared winner of the first prize with Orono No, 12 and 8ixth Line No, 21 com. ing second and third respectively, Mr, Btanley acted as judge, Clarke Union No, 12 ranked first in the physical training compet! tion, Orono No. 12 second and #ixth Line No, 21, third, George Rowe, of BH, N defonted ull competitors in ing while Helen Beott, of 88, No, 2. was awarded second prize floy Carleton of 8.8, No, 12 came third The opening exercises were con ducted by Mrs, Robb and Mies | NO, 12, recit A TRUCKMAN DOZES, FALLS DOWN BANK Vehicle Plunges 100 Feet | ' and Driver Is Seriously Injured Sept. 12 trucker, had a from death terday, when the large motor truck that he was driving to his homn on KHzabeth Streei went over the stoop 100-foor embankment, ut the north end of East Street, crashing into the stairs leading to the ath letie park, and stopping near tha bottom of the embankment, afte) turning over twice, Mr, Young was pulled out from the driver's seat, unconseloun Hospital atlendants reported that he sustained seven or olght fractured ibs and, it In helleved that Mr, Young doged momentarily, missing the wireet fhomas, Ont, Young, pt James Yo. | turn which 1s near the snd of Fust COMPETITION | sponsored * by Bowmanville Rotary Representative { woman under the age [ uf twenty years in the Townships of Darlington and Clarke | 2. All exhibits must be the others may expect to he disqualified 3 Calves must he horn after September 4 Lambs and hogs must be born after property parents, and must be prepared or selected entirely hy the exhibitor of the exhibitor, guardiar nr | All| at March 1929 | 1st, 1950 Live Stock [ Lambs Hogs Market Bacon Pair of Pair of Senior Dairy Calf Senior Beel Calf Agricultural Colt SELL 100 1.00 1.00) 100 5a. (0) £1.00 20) I.) 2.00 1.0 200 1.00 | 200 100 | Poultry Pen of Poultry, an erel and two pullets Best Utility en, any Half bushel Deoley variety, me eock Variety Potatoes Potatoes Hall bus, Irish Cobbler Potatoes Te Fruit H.quart hasket of Spies Oequart basket of Melntosh Aequart hasket of Snows f-quart basket of Golden Bushel Fall Wheat Spring Wheat ,.o000000 Oats Harley 17 18 19 Russets : Rest basket showing 10 named varieties Grain 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 to the Mecretary, Grimaby Club, telephone Grimsby 349, BRADMAN, IN LAST MATON, GIVER SPARKLING DISPLAY London, Mept, 12.«-Don INrad- man, Australia's cricket prodigy, playing in his last match in Eng- land, gave a sparkling display against an English eleven yesterday at Hoarborough, The Australian's total was 168 for 2 wickets, Wed- nesday the Kngllish eleven put on 218 for 9 wickets and declared, ------ CARLETON, PLACE ADVANCES Ottawa, Sept, 12.-Carleton Place, Lanark Oounty baseball champions, advanced another step in the titular race by defeating Ottawa Riversiden 7-4 here Wednesday night, Previously the teams liad each won a game of the playdown worios, The Lanark title-holders now meet Ottawa Davidsons in the diss triot semi<finals, best two games out of three, ARTHUR BOWLERM WIN Dundalk, Sept, 18, w= Arthur rinks carried off three of four pris on at Dundalk Seotch doubles howl. ing tournament here. The winuing rinks, with their scores were: Wil. son of Arthur, 4 wing plus 16; Young of Arthur, 3 wins plus 94: Landxboro of Grand Valley, § wins plus 10; Goodfellow of Arthur, i wing plus 18, Seventeen rinks competed, eight being looal entrioa and the remainder from Shelburne, Arthur, Creemors and Grand Vals terested should phone their antries loys Kastern Ontario amateur | MILTON AWAITH RODNKY Milton, Bept, 12. «Kverything is roady for the baseball game to be played here on Baturday afternoon, when Rodney and Milton will clash in the return game In tho third round of the O.B.AA, play-offu, Rodney defeated Milton at Rodney on Wednesday by 4 to § and In the best team Milton has met (Lin sea son, The Milton olub is making arrangements to handle a rocords breaking crowd, Over one hundred fans will accompany the Rodney team, - . FOURTH OFFICIAL OF VANCOUVER HELD Vancouver, B. C.,, Sept, 13, John Morton, 63, suspended head of the city soavenging department, was arrested last night on a charge of theft by ocotiveralon, Morton's arrest followed evidence he gave before the select committee of the olty council, investigating clvio ad: ministration, on Tuesday last, whey he failed to explain to the satis faction of the committee certain alleged irregular entries in his books, Arrost of Morton brings the to: tal arrests of olvie employees since the committees commenced ita in« vostigations In May to four, Bandit at Bay, Suicides Kontwood, La~Crouching nigh In a aweet gum tree, one of three bandits who robbed the Kentwood Bank of #7,000 yesterday, shot and killed himself rather than he -- AIAN RAISER A las captured by the sheriff's posse sure rounding hinm the. top of the that he at Hireet Marks at ombankment showed heing donated by the Club and will be under the [ fampted to swerve tha truck just District { us he was on the brink, Residents have Inaugurated a movement to have hetter protection provided at the end of the street, roporting that there have been several nar row Oscapes THE TRAMP Ship A tramp ship from the fog-bound northern sea, Blinding a course and angry foam, Swung into berth Leside the shiver INK quay I'hat winter' through sleet dawn to bring my Mocking the grimy tramp, all bent and torn murderous wave and fire ice. pointed flake , , And yet to tne, whose prayers were for that morn, More wonderful than purple Tyrain ships, Or golden galleons coming home to Spain, : When he caressed and comforted my ips, Seemed me By the poor hulk that him again, wl aurence Powys, ee ------------_ GOVT. MAY FINISH TRENT CANAL WORK -- Supply Boat Carries New Gate to End of Canal and Starts Work gave Lindsay, Bept. 12.~=The govern ment: supply hoat Bessie Dutler passed through Fenelon Falls on route to Bwift Rapids with 4 new gunrd gate This, It 1s under- stood 1s the commencement of the completing of the remaining two locks on the Trent system, It weems probable that the new Minister of Rallways and Canals Hon, J, R. Manjon, will earry on this very important project, A re polution from the Fenclon Valls Board of Trade was forwarded to Hon, Mr Manion, also to Prime Minister Dennett, urging the com- pletion of the canal without delay, Cox Motor Sales 10 Bond Street West Used Cars Specials! For Saturday Only They Are All Good '29 Chevrolet Coach $6256 '29 Ford Sport Coupe ....iivuni '29 Ford Panel Delivery. Looks and runs like NOW o..cirivireriein 3800 '27 Essex Conch...... $275 '26 Ford Coupe ......$150 '26 Ford Tudor... $150 '28 Ford Touring ..$300 WE ARE OPEN = EVENINGS COX MOTOR SALES lover home I'he doek-hands stirred themselves awake, and cursed 10 Bond St. West Disease $07) afew or Al 1ughIeY WHEAT BOOTLEGGERS Winnipeg, Sept, 12.~~A deley mined attempt to prevent the "Bootlegging"' of grain by Wheat Pool members was started yester. day when eleven Interim injune tions against Manitoba farmers were sought hy the Manitoba Wheat Pool before Mr, Justice Don. ovan in Chambers, Bale of grain by Pool members to non-pool purchasers is a breach of the organization's five-year con tract and constitutes what the trade calls" bootlegging," A Ceaseless Messenger Over 6,000,000 times a doy res dents of Ontario and Quebec turn Lo the telephone, More than 70. 000 dally enlls are for out-of-town friends, There people have learned the wisdom of letting thelr tele phone "go there and back" for them, New Martin SAT. . MON. "BORDER ROMANCE" Musical Comedy Western Comedy "His Operation" William Te"ell Cartoon Capers Today "Kathleen Mavourneen" The normal skin requires . . «~cartain care which may be sup. plied in the home by using the new Hand Principle of DuBarry Beauty Treatments, DuBarry Cleansing Cream, $1.50, $2.50, $4.50, DuBarry Skin Tonle and Freshener, $1.00, $1,75, _DuBarry Foundation Cream, §1.00, DU BARRY BEAUTY PREPARATIONS Created by Hudnut Karn's Drug Store Opposite Post Office~=Phone 378 power blow by! ART COLE < WHERE MOTOR OIL DOES ITS BIGGEST JOB ! When you put oil in your crank case REMEMBER FROM THERE IT GOES TO YOUR CYLINDERS to that SPACE between the piston and cylinder wall. THERE 1S WHERE OIL DOES ITS BIGGEST JOB, seal the piston on every compression and power stroke. Naturally this space changes with wear--and wear comes through mileage! your car is new and the space is small---a heavy bodied oil doesn't get in the space--~ and if you have driven it until the space has worn large, a light bodied oil lets your THIS SPACE MUST BE SEALED if you want full power, if you want more mileage from your gasoline, if you want less dilution and sludge, less carbon trouble, less wear and lower repair bills. Seal the piston and you have greater security and economy of operation, increased pleasure and satisfaction in driving. SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL is the BEST for this BIG job X-H Power Guanline and Oil Company Limited 407 Central Bldg., Toronto 2 DISTRICT MANAGER It must fix that space and If PHONE 14 BOWMANVILLE

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