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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Sep 1930, p. 9

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A PIL SI GREE, a Np THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1930 PAGE NINE add OS : CIASS 'D SECTION meets Mr. Seller "soos essee CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS -. Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. and general prac tice of Law. Offices 7% Simcoe 8. South, Oshawa, Phone 4. G. D. Conant, B.A., LL.B.; A. F. An- nis, B.A., LL.B W E. N. SINCLAIR KC. BANK of Commerce Building. JOSEPH P, MANGAN, B.A.--BAR- rister. Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Money to loas, Of- fice 14% King St, East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837, GRIERSON, CREIGHTON AND Fro=sr, Borristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Office over Standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe coe St. Phone 17. J. F. Griorson, K.C., T. K. Creighton, B.A, N. C. Fraser, B.A, a fiOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARKISTER, Rolicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 67. Resi- dence 3473W. : GREER AND HUMPHREYS BAR- risers, Solicitors, etc, 24% Sim- coe St. N, Phone 3160. Money to Loan. ALEY C. HALL, 3.A, BARRIS ter, et, Conveyancing and general practice. 2215 King St, Basi. Phone 5237. (tf) A. j. PARKHILL, BARKISPER et=. Money to loan. Alger Bldg, op- posite Prst Office. Phone 1614 FRANK 8S. EBBS, BARNISTER, Solicitor, Notary "ublic, Convey- ancer, money to loan. Third floor new Alger Bulllin-, opposite Pos. Office. Phone 2996. Medical ---------------------------------------------- pn DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disnes Block. Phone 2050. Of- fice hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 pm, Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, special attenticn to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, B. H. Harper, special attention to child- ren"s Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun- day and night calls 2416 or 122, DR. McKAY PHYSICIAN, B8UR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence. King St. East, corner Viec- toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94, DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155, a DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D., C.M, 1. R. C. P. and S, Edinburgh. Phy- sician, Surgeon and Obstetriclan. Office 143 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 40 Cadillac Ave, North. Phone 31655. DR. C. W. CARR, Conveyancing PHYSICIAN, / Surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 512 Simcoe Street north. Phone 2415. DR. J. ARCHER BRCWN, PHYSI- «ian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residen:e, 185 Simcoe Street, North, phone 3107. Veterinary Surgeon "DR, SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. (5 aug. tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist "throat only. ""p.m., for consultation and PR. FF, T. BRYANS OF. 160 BLOOR Street West Toronto will be at his oftive over Juv & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 treat- ment of diseases of ear, nose and Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PR. EY. RICHARDSON, specialist. Office over Mitchell's . Drug Store. Phone 2660 and 432J. Architects 0.0. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Cecond floor. Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909J. THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- doclate architects, Simcoe St. 8. Over Felt Bros. Watch Repairing 'FA VON GUNTEN EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at wi J St. 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage is solicited. ~: Second Hand Dealer : A ND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor Phone 1817M. (Aug. 22-1 mo) - Classified Ads. | Minimum charge 30¢. Each subsequent oconsecu- tive insertion 1c per word, Ra Sy tions for AI o (nsertions two first (three cents a word), Mintmam charge fur three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10¢ additional Professional or Business Cards, $2.60 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each wdditiona) word, JULES ULASSUTED ADS CO TTLE: A COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 88 Ask for (assified Ad Department Dental Dit, © J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's, Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1312, DR. H. M, COOKB, 9 SIMCOB ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phode 54. DR. J. ¥. BROCK, DBNTIST, 16 Simeoe St. N, over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res, 202W. Evenings by appointment. PR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES Dencists, 37 King St. B. Special attention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse In attendanee. Phones 1243 and R64. Optometrist GC H, TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, specialist in mascle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, The Chila and Its Development. = Dis- ney Bloek opposite Post Office. Phone 1516. (Aug. 17-1 mo) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO., 67 KING ST.: East, Ambulance. Residence 6542 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO., M, I. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1082W, 87 Celina, (4tr) Insurance DAVIS AND EON, INSURANCE. 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire Companies, a WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe porth, Your insurance wants at- tended to and your interests pro- tected, Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE- man's, 85 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving slorage ware- house and moving van equipment. Phone 82, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long dictance hauling. Smith & Cox Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB- lished furniture movers, Park Road cartage. Local and long distance. Frank Cowle Prop. 65 Park Rd. South, Phone 215. (Aug. 22-1 mo) MOVING, CARTAUE, ALSO SAND, gravel, stone, black loam, « hauled anywhere. Phone 1979W, (Aug. 29-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Speclalists in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Per- manent wave prices $5, $7.60. $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2968. Apply 86 Simcoe street north. Lis EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET- ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and 'sham- poo $1. Phone 2068, a WATSON"S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We spec falize In ladies' hair cutting, mar- celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For app>rintments phone 2653. (Aug. 17-1 mo) BRADY'S BARBER SHOP, 38 Richmond street east, ladies' hair cutting, curling, marcelling, etc. P. M. Brady, prop. Phone 9386, (66¢c). Radio Service BATTERIES CHARGED 76¢ with rental $1.00. Fepaired and rebuilt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. (Aug. 22-1 mo) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE--RE- pairs on radios, power packs and eliminators. Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for cale, Batteries charged and repaired. Phone 3350J. Charles Wales, 146 Elgin east. (Sept. 13-1 mo) CAR OR RADIO BATTERY, called for and delivered, Tbe. Phone 15566J (18Aug.-1 mn) ANY MAKE OF RADIO SETS RE- paired, battery sets electrified, ac- cessories for sale, [Irices reason- able. Phone 2806W. George Bure roughs, certified radiotrician, (Sept, 2-1 mo) of this nature. and collect for same. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of smal) arcoun For ths convenience of customers who find it inconvenient . to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 2.5K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCKS, SAND AND gravel for sale--To fasrure prompt delivery, place wders in advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdale, Phone 1618, Palmist For Rent unfurnished. Kvery convenience. Phone 1550 or 2347W, (Ztr) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors Apply Bradley Bros. (¥6LL) MADAME RENA, PALMIST, 846 Buena Vista. Appointments. Phone 3424W, Sept, 4-1 mo) MADAME BROWN, PALMIST. Phone appointments 2636F, 93 Louisa street, (Aug. 26-1 mo) MADAME KAY--PALMIST AND tea cup reader, 57 Division street, Phone 1486W (64c) Caulking NOW 18 YOUR OPPORTUNITY to get your house caulked, makes house warmer, saves fucl, shuts out insects, drafts and dampness, stops window leaks, gives comfort, For estimates apply to J. H. Law- (gon, route 2, Oshawa, phone 72 rd. (Aug. 21-1 mo) -- = 3 Agents Wanted "TTTAGENTS MAKING $15 PER WEEK UP, IN SPARE TIME (more according to time given) gelling "Imperial Art" made-in- Canada Personal Greeting Christ. mas Cards, acknowledged by agents and public the greatest selection in value, price and new variety. Season in full swing. Write for sample book on ap- proval, British Canadian Publigh- ing Company, 51 Wellington West, Toronto. (Sept. 12 to Oct, 31) Music LEONARD RICHER, LP.AM, Su- pervisor of Music Public Schools, di- rector of Music Oshawa Collegiate. Lessons: Violin, Theory, etc. Only limited number of pupils accepted. 652 Carnegie Ave. Phone 2578F. _ (Aug. 25tf) MRS. MEREDITH MOFFATT, A. T.C.M., is prepared to take a lim- ited number of pupils in plano~ forte. Apply 90 Roxborough Avenue. Phone 3511W, Aug. 27-1 mo) AERBERT C. TRENEER, A.T.C. M., Organist and Choirmaster of King Street Church, will accept pupils in plano, pipe organ and vocal music. 650 Willlam Strest East, Phone 2806. (Sept. 2 tf) VETA STEPHENSON, A. T.C.M,, teacher of plano and theory, On the staff of the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music. Studio, 28 Aberdeen St. 'Aug. 30-1 mo) ANNIE McMASTER, A.T.C.M. Teacher of Plano, studio 17 Con- naught Street. Phone 116), (Sept. 3-1 mo.) Painting and Decorating ft. GUTSOLE, VIRST CLASS PA- perhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, work guarauteed, 840 Pine Ave., phone 3066w or 2087w. (72tf) Money to Loan LOANS ON GOOD CITY PROPER- ty and farwns. Apply A. J Park- hill, 37 King St. East. Phone 1614, (July 31-tt) ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE. 'CARS re-financed. Payments reduced. Additional cash given, Terms rea- sonable, Motor Loans and Dis- counts, Suite 6, 143) King et, E. Phone 2790. Open evenings, (Aug. 15 tt.) Auctioneer PHONE 716) W. J. SULLEY AUC. tioneer. 346 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ont. Special attention given to household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements. Your Patron. age solicited. Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, PICOTING, nine cents a yard. Pleating skirts one dollar, dresses cu' and fitted perfectly. Embroidery work and all kinds of men's repairing, ete, The Dell Shop, 261% Simcoe scuth, hone 1656. i (Aug.. 22-1 mo) Spirella Shop SPIRELCA DRINGS STYLE, health, comfort. Personal atten- tion and service. Phone Mrs. Blat- ter, District Manager, 2189M, (Aug, 22-1 mo) pr -- Dressmaking DESSMAKER WILL GO OUT B the day or sew at home, Phono 3310W. (Aug. 21-1 mo) MA DIES' AND children's dress and nurses' unl- forms, Phone 577J or call at 211 Albert St. (Aug. 18-1 mo) HOUSE FOR RENT, NEAR MOT- ors office. All conveniences, Hard- wood floors throughout, fireplace, sun parlor, Apply 91 Ritson Road North (Ang. 20-1 mo) 5 ROOM BUNGALO TO RENT, 120 Oshawa Blvd All conveni- ences, with garage. Apply 10 Bond West. Phone 024 (60tf) SIMCOE MANOR -- FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, convenl- ences. Apply superiutendent phone 2671. (56tLL) VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera- tion, electric stove, washing mach- ine and dryer. Apply superintend- ent. Phone IF. (65tr) FRONT APARTMENT, 4 ROOMS and bath with Murphy bed extra, Electric stove, sink, | undry com- bination. Newly decorated. Box 942 "I'Imes. (GS8tLr) LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM for rent, with twin beds. All con- veniences, Phone 2320 W St, (63¢) STORE - AND DWELLING ON I'rince street, all newly decorated $356 per month, Apply J. D. Ruth- erford, 134 Celina street, Phone 638J. (H8tr) NEW FIVE ROOMED BRICK bungalow, hardwooa floors, all conveniences. Bloor street west, $20 per month. Phone 638). (Sept, 9-tf) TO RENT--ONE PRIVATE, ONE semi-private apartment, with mod- ern conveniences. Apply evenings between 6 and 8.20 p.m, to Dr, I. I. Henry, 231 King street east, 18ept. 11-2 wks.) TO RENT--STORE ON DIVISION street, Bowmanville, good display window, newly decorated, reason- able rent. Apply J. B. Martyn, Bowmanville, (631) FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, MOD- ern block, electric stove, refrigera- ter, Murphy bed. Rent $50 per month, Phone 2726). (63c) CASA LOMA, ONE FIVE ROOM apartment with bath. On ground floor, Modern, Available now, Ap- ply 161 King St, E, Phone 847W. (63¢) TO RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE, 10% Albert St, Apply 91 Alice St., or phone 1388W. (64b) FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, suitable for young couple, Apply 210 Prince street. (63¢c) FOR RENT--§ ROOMED NEWLY decorated throughout, very close in. $36 per month, Phone 3479. (63c) FOR RENT--3 ROOM BATH flat, unfurnished, heat, light, wat- er, telephone and garage. Central, Phone 1168J. (63e) TO RENT--FURNISHED FLAT, | suit young couple or 2 gentlemen, 10 Simcoe N. Phone 72, (63¢) y ED IMMEDIATELY -- room brick cottage, $18 or less per month, 316 French street, or phone 2119), (Gde) TO RENT--MARY 87, NEW eight roomed house, brick. Apply 194 King St. W. (64c) For Rent STIX ROOM HOUSE, ALL ~MOD- ern conveniences, Well decorated. $256 monthly, 43 Bond St, west. Apply 134 Celina street, Phone 638J. (64tf) GARAGE TO RENT-251 ARTHUR street, Phone 969W, (65¢) APARTMENT -- 4 ROOMS AND bath, All modern conveniences, Centrally. located. Apply Covent Gardens, Phone 1507, (644d) WILL LEASE OR RENT MOD- ern six roomed house, furnished, north, reasonable to responsible party, Phone 3227W, (64c) TO RENT--2 ~~ UNFURNISHED rooms, All conveniences, rent reasonable, Apply 142 Roxboro Avenue, (64c) THE HOUSE YOU'RE LOOKING for, 7 nicely decorated rooms, Hardwood floors. Double garage $35. Bruce St. Phone Holden 371W, (64b) FURNISHED OR PARTLY FUR- nished ground floor apartment, All conveniences, hot water and gar- age, Good locality, Quiet home. "hone 969W. (64c) 6 ROOMED HOUSE, WILLIAM tireet east, Conveniences, Posses- sion first of October, with or with- out garage. Phone 185. (64h) TO RENT--ONE Ot TWO UN- furnished rooms for light house- keeping y 322 Kingsdale Ave, I'hone (G4c) TO RENT--3 LARGE BRIGHT hotwater heated rooms, hardwood floors, all conveniences, very reasonable to couple, 583 Mary St, Phone 3411W, (65h) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE On EXCHANGE---=200 farm in Napanee district, buildings, implements, stock Apply 17 McLaughlin Phone 452)", (640) FOR SALE, EXCHANGE OR rent, HO acres at Barcovan Beach, located 7 miles from good market, Apply 230 Gliddon avenue, IPhone 154M (6he) acre good and crop, Blvd Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE--NEW RUG BRICK hou Highway, east of Osh acres of land, Kasy 30 Gladstone Avenue, ie (631) FOR SALTE--I5 ACRES OF LAND on highway, west Also brick house, 1 to 3 acres of land on highway Apply 17 McLaughiln Blvd, 452K (64c) SACRIFICE SALE, MODERN SI roomed brick honse," All conveni- lot 44 x 110, nicely situated, terms, . 109 Yonge St, Osgh- Apply Jas, Ryan, Cannington, Ontario, ATTRACTIVE HOME newly decorated rooms and sun room, Harawood floors, open fire place, Garage, Central, $4700. See Holden 371W, (64h) , on with Apply awa, term Phone ences, CARY (640) 6 LOVELY Personal WILL THE LADY WHO WAS seen picking up a pocket book on Simcoe north, who turned east off Simcoe on Thursday afternoon kindly phone 2068M, (640) Lost and Found LOST-- WILL PARTY WHO found black felt hat outside Adams Furniture Store on Sunday even- ing kindly phone 1156M, (65a) LOST-- SMALL GREY KITTEN, part Persian, Phone 2111 or write 459 Simcoe north, Reward, (66c) ution LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND public speaking, private or In classes, For. terms phone Lols Mundy, No. 35 or 312. Cs So (Sept, 11-1 mo) MISS EVELYN TRICK, MISTRESS of elocution, will prepare bhegin- ners and advanced pupils for all platform work, Phone 134, (Sept, 13 1-mo) Work Wanted GIRL, WANTS HOUSEWORK, fully experienced, Phono 14790W, Anema (64h) CHIMNEYS, FURNACES AND boilers cleaned, work guaranteed. Robert Ball, 93 "Villiam street west, Phone 2582W, (65¢) YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSI- tion as sales clerk, experienced in ladies' ready to wear, children's wear. Apply Box 931, Times, - (65¢) Situations Vacant KARN MONEY NOW TAKING orders for personal Christmas Greeting Cards. Finest line ever shown, Easy' to sell. Write for particulars, Regal Art Co., 3810 Spad' + Ave., Toronto. (36a) | Al condition | Phone 535 | WANTED TO RE phome 98, | a a | YOUNG MAN IN EVERY CITY, OH, IT'S VERY GOOD Barber (having sold a bottle of hair restorer)---'"Excuse me, sir, but do you play billiards?" Customer--'Yes: why?" Barber--'Then I warn you, sir, after using this lotion to be sure and wash your hands before so much as touching a billiard ball,-- Tit-Bits, / Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 50k1 WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phene 1288 (Apr. 26tf) FOR SALE--HEINTZMAN CO, Ltd.. planos, new and used planos, also radios, latest models; terms arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 15657. (111-tf) FOR SALE == PAINTS, VARN- {shes. We have the largest assort- ment of paluts, varnishes, etc, In in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 25 tr) FURNITURE, RITCHEN CABI- net, dining room suite, Hot Point electric stove and other articles, Apply 240 Ritson Rd. South, (6c) PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE for sale, reasonable, Phone 1508, (64c) Contracting CONTRACTING -- CONURETE plastering, electric 01 aiterations. Phone 139 for estimates. 113te) Motor Cars GIT YOUR CARR WASHED Al Jominion Garage, 58 Bond streoct west, Phone 3108. All cars at oue price $1.00, (Aug. 17-1 mo) FOR SALE-=1030 CHEVROLET Coach, Only. 8000 miles run. In first class condition throughout, Bargain for cash sale, hone 2177F (63e) FOR SALK----1020 CHEV, COACH, Small mileage, $470 (Gide) "Wanted to Rent I adults five or six room self con- tained house, near Motors, Rent not more than $40, Phone 18052J. (63¢c) WANTED TO RENT--50 TO 15 acres. Barn and small house, Ap- ply Chilcott, Box 373, Whitby, (64¢) Help Wanted--Male STORE MANAGER WANTED for Oshawa, Experience unneces- sary. $50 weekly and substantial share of profits, $1250 cash de- posit required on merchandise, Manager 4088 St. Denis St, Mont. real, (62-65-67) village In Canada as miniature 'golf course Write for particulars, Canada Miniature Golf Corp, Wilson Building, Toronto, (661) Pets and Live Stock. RACING HOMERS--THE EN- tire loft of Bramley Bros, birds to be wold without reserve, 171 Alma street. Phone 1258), town and manager of (65¢) | Business Opportunities CLIENT WILL SELL" GROCERY, butcher and ice cream parlor husi- ness, two stores, close to Pedlar's. Long term lease, Sacrifice price, Louis 8. Hyman, Barrister, 16 Simeoe street north, (64c) Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE family. b minutes walk to Motors, Also garage. Phone 10521, (63c) TWO LARGE BRIGHT ROOMS, private home, board, all conveni- ences, 318 Athol street, Phone 3170W, : (Ge Nursing PRACTICAL. NURSE, DISEN- gaged will take invalid, maternity, or general nursing, Phone 3033). (Sept. 3-1 mo) BY. TWO | CANADIAN SOLID FOR EMPIRE TRADE But They TReent Lack British Preference For Wheat, Peer Declares Soutyampton, Sept, Canadian js a one hundred cent, Empire man," Lord Melch the great industrialist, told w ing newspapermen when he rived here after a visit to Dominion, Lord Melchett declared the c zens of Canada resented their country placed on with the Argentine, the States and Russia of Britain's wheat dians believed given some preforence, "It is lamentable," he con ued, "that Great Britain by ad} ing to timid and outworn id of Imperial trade should fall tslie advantage of attractive b ness openings which will not main open to her indefinitely a Uni in imports, they should measure THE HOMING BEE You are belted with gold, little | ther of mine, gold, hke pills 1m the ssamer-winged, little of nine, d, like the mist ere the marshes mine, , like the have longed for, of a veet touch Of ha t Of hy s that love muct 1 are better than [ Jittle bro of mine, Than I, human-souled, ror you bring from. the ble ms | sum Fo the er shine y your gold ~ Pauline Johnse "Suppose," he murmured, "t I should steal another kiss?" "1 defy she replied. "And suppose," he persis 'that I should steal two or thre "1 would never give up," replied. "I would go on defy you,"'---- Answers, : you! of 17,~'"The per ett, alt- ar- the Atle having par ted the matter Cana~ he of Empire tin- 1€T- eas to usle re- DIO~ alice bro- melt rms ther and n, hat ted, e?' she ing HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert mechanics, Old 'loo Ge. ©1 ' Contractors. B. W. HAYNES 101 King St. West Phone 481 « Residence 8073 finished like new. w ROYAL YORK Orange Fekoe Halt Pound Pkg, Tea 28c¢ At all Superior SE EATON GROCETERIA it Pays To Shop | Here Always sie crm rr GUISE I pepe Si ef Men's Suits, Regular | | Zi "812 50 | Special . Dominion Clothing Co. || | 64 King St. W. Phone 2141 | i For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Bt. 8. -- We Deliver S55 LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Sard hone Oshawa 824 Whitby 12 _--= REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is uot giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canaliap National and Osh. awa Rallroads 19 King St. W. Phone 180 A Expert W fing | ph STORE King & Prince Sts. Machinery Repairing NOTHING 200 LARGE NOTHING 100 SMALL AdanacMachine Shop 161 King St, W, Phone 1214 Special Reduction A few 1930 model Philco and Radiola Radios at 33 per cent. off, terms. Ontario Motor Sales Limited 99 Simcoe St. South Ye CART W LumBLR (¢ 74 ATHOL ST W. OSHA WA Diamonds ! Bassett's | On Oshawa's Main Coron | Room and Board Wanted YOUNG MAN DESIRES BOARD and room with private family, south part of city preferred. Phone 3060. (66D) ROOM AND BOARD WANTED by two young men, Write stating rates Box 937 Times. (66a) ET Help Wanted--Female WANTED -- FULLY IXPERT- enced cook general, for out of city. Apply 8 Bond street west, (66c) CAPABLE USEKER good general for small family out of city. Apply Employment Service of Canada, 8 Bond street west, (66D) ELENA Brick, 7 rooms, all STREET BARGAIN conveni- ences, worth $4500, but $3500 will buy it, The more cash you pay the cheaper Make offer to DISNEY REAL ESTATE Phone 1350 you get it. Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 500 Carnegie Ave. [I'hone 1618 - COAL COAL Phone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard~-8 Bloor Atreet KB. Orders Uromptly Delivered a EYESIGHT SPECIALIST uscle ELLA CINDERS--The Masterpiece Sell {te THAT PAINTING 1 ONER, IN THe, CORNER, WAS DONE, THAT ONE, HE NERDRO HWS SIDE! NTED BY MY RATHER MY | EVER COUSIN, FRAN. WAS. J TIRE Trane) ALSO AN ARTIS To WE ) WAS ON FATHER'S SOMEONE. OM THIS PAINTING S PROGRESS! NG BEAUTIFULL ~-- IT WILL mM US BOTH x Saas By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb - AA AAR. --- THAT'S ME ALL Sweep A SAY | ONLY HOPE 1S THAT MY EFFORTS TO SEL

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