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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Sep 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1930 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS SIX IN HOSPITAL Smiths Falls, --Six residents of Smiths Falls are in St. Francis Gen- eral Hospital as a result of an auto- mobile accident on the Perth Koad when the car in which they were rid- ing crashed into a telephone pole, The injured are: Michael Meareau, the car driver: his wife and three children and Charles Mallary, SEVERELY INJURED Brockville ~While attempting to repair a roof of a portion of the Blaine apartment building, King St. east, George Blaine had the misfor- tune to fall a distance of about 23 feet to the ground, sustaining a frac- ture of the right ankle and disloca- tion of the bones in his right hand BAND OFFICERS Brockville.--At the organization meeting of the Pipe Band Thomas Marshall was clected pipe major 'and James Kemp was given the post of assistant pipe major, THREE BARNS BURNED Peterboro,~During a heavy elec trical storms three barns were struck in this district, including George Shields and Son, of Smith Township; La Vergne McKinley, of Lifford Line; John Parkin Valentia and Gar- net McMahon, near Omemee. Train- men arriving at Lindsay reported having seen nine buildings burning between there and Belleville, John Coveney, of Hastings had four val uable head of cattle killed by light. ning BIG FAIR ATTENDANCE Peterboro, ~The 1930 Peterborough Industrial Exhibition went over the top with flying colors. Attendance for the five davs of the Exhibition swelled to a total of 38,247, This is of his cattle had been killed by bears, On visiting his pasture field he found that one of the yeir- lings had been glain and its carcass censumed. He found bear tracks leading Into the bush, Traps have been set in the district. and hunt. ers have taken up the chase to ex- terminate these animals from the surrounding district, HOUSE AND STORE BURN Brockville,--Fire of known gin destroyed a two-storey building at Phillipsville, containing the household effects of the oceu- pant, Thomes Warren, who also conducted a general sicre In the lower portion of the building, the stock of which was lost orl THREE BARNS DESTROYED Belleville, ---A owned by Clifford Hagerman, situa dinaga, was struck and totally des troyed in a severe electrie storm In this district, down towards the city struck the barn ¢f H. W. Bloliker on the se ond concession of Thurlow and des troyed the same Three were struck and Instantly the lower part of Tyendinuga town ship and the Indian Reserve as the storm passed cver that distriet myton Milligan of Tyendinaga lost a horse and KE, W_ Ruppert of the Indian Reserve lost a fine team Apparently the heavy extended far east' of the city a Walter Huffman, resident on 4th concession of North Fredericks burg, lost his barn when struck bs lightning COLLEGE OPENS Belleville Albert, Collegé ha brick | large frame barn, | thrown open its portals for the fall LL AL LE Ed ted on the 4th concession of Tyen- | The storm sweeping | | horses | killed in | disturbance | the | 6 Gas and Oil Cached Among the Spruces Await All-Canada Pioneer CHAIN OF "SERVICE STATIONS" BRIDGES BIG GAP IN TRANS.CANADA HIGHWAY ¥ TELEPHONE + Five Direct Lines -- Crem 262 FOR La a Jeddo Premium Coal \ ay Semet - Solvay Coke Pocahontas, Cannel Dixon Coal Company SIZE - SIZE MAKES NO DIFFER- ENCE HERE are spaced over a distance of nearly 1,000 miles, The picture shows Needham, upper right, and on the left a view of the country 'where the emergency fuel caches have been located by Imperial Oil, The map background gives an idea of the difficult area through which Needham will travel, the eaches being indicated by crosses. Below, left, Needham is shown with his eight-eylinder roadster and on the right a sketch of a typical shack in the bush with fuel supplies | awaiting the gallant motorist's arrival, Current discussion as to the best route for the Trans-Canada Highway through Northern Ontario adds interest to this sketch of the route chosen by Healy Needham in his attempt to pioneer a motor trail from Halifax to Vancouver without going out of Can. adian territory. The odds against Mr, Needham in his pioneering effort through the swamps and forest between Hearst and the Manitoba boundary, have been considerably reduced by the caches of gas and oil placed at isolated points to await his coming. These supplies were placed by train and boat, canve and pack trail, and ot opposite aziz DUTY INGREASED mentees ore tier on (IN| 30 PRODUCTS. conductors, the individu units of such electrical conduc he of f No . TIA to « qd th Area 0 f (Continued from Page 1) du conductor, per pound term Ninety-two crease over the past gistered an increase of 14,305 over last vear's students, an in attendance, and is a. close challenge to the Exhibition's record attendance of 40901 set in the golden days of 1927. In 1928 the was 31, J83 vear, have re ATTENDANCE Up The smallest order and the Trenton Trenton High School opened this term with the largest | enrolment in its history Two hun dred and seventy-five students in attendance | M attendance largest are equally welcome CAT CONTRACTS RABIES Morrisburg Mrs. Leonard W, Barkley, residing north of Morris. burg, had the uncomfortable experi- ence of being attacked by a cat, -- gu " which was later ound to have been TARIFF CHANGES wild with rabies | | Pembroke. --Concerted effort of the ARE ANNOUNGED towns in the Ottawa Valley to in fluence the Ontario' government to al open up the north country by a road (Continued from Page tors not from Temiskaming to Mattawa, ra-| and finished in Canadw--1; | 7.0 gauge ther than from the former town to a| 45 p.c point . on the Ferguson highway | Woven fabric above North Bay will he sought by | silk, not to contain w the Pembroke Chamber of : Com- | ing fabrics in chief part | merce of artificial 'silk, 4 and each receives the same nre the commodities which | ted by higher imposts wiley cases and and printed mat. ment rmediate nnd Wy AMONK bes uff carpal ice $1.35 int general will be type of service, the best. und rate Wd veral enumervations thereto In | the se | of duty schedule, Copper imposed the Approximate! vy dozen wavertising plement clas ter, gare fresh water-proof clothing, for. heating buildings, and fire extinguishers, refrigerators, Wish clothes wringers and with bollers farm in will hu mong the ifieations ine hoot SEEK NEW HIGHWAY changed, Mo ( hore Provision Imposition i engine of them upward pment | bean made for he farm something the Canadian which electrical (Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820 CAF on tractor Vile i pastenrizers 11.400 entirel tr muchiney overnment from tog low because had definite a { the producers of Canada that, a result of the upward revision in tariff, they will increase the her of In their mill tuetorl the hedule cngine have entered | adn free In the past will he ject to un duty of 5 per { Ish preference, 7% per tarmedinto and 10 feral, Implements | under tiltzers | Free, 4 cont, 4 cent urance whol! cent Instant Travel | nynute required telephone | and in a flash | sod a hundred | _-- a, future. | Miles of space---=or a thousand! | ° as a " Indien TDIstance > ments Hitie and rates) Me (gnawing. at wife's hard eake) (I'd have a chance to get a decent general trend in n remarkably low especially I's a phy U'm not an ostrich." [feather for my hat once in a while," Wife Yes, you're right; then Answers, FUTURES spot og and | CHICAGO PRODUCY n.oj 2 ' " . Chicage ept 16 num nnd cent more than cul the. average drill 1 OBE omplets preadey ing [Call Just witl enter Can Our voice ha workmer orkmen per cont one MENACE OF BEARS Belleville, -- According tn far- mers in the northern part of Has- tings. County, bears were never more plentiful than this year. John Davison, who resides, on a farm near Millbridge, reported that one marker weak ngaln on focks are not cleaving sat Hime to | 1 | iy Every indication at this time produced by chemical processes, hy { ' 1a wool, not including points to slow trading for balance of day and perhap ome reduction of price again to-morrow Navem future under from the | serve offer Ings In evidence eh a factor n long distance nminute! I ' : | Woven ics whol part artificial sill ntheti | bre 5 not fabrics in silk, mo.p~270s 1 ne | And per pound--J30 | ber 40 cents Increases harrow No the prime of there bm posed by | the govern shall have the right remove duties rice tors aid rakes, manure of that typas nda at a higher duty hi ligt of machinery | tive of the ication Later minister In the gddition in pries reason of these duties to contain CHES being any | other chief pant weight. of in the wore pressure opening' with ample re. | Orin council ! i ama . on . those cls er 7 pn, on every | 10 Te duce o 108¢ | 7B ef AY ULG Supreme Anthracite Less than 5 per cont. Ash Furnace Coal 4 1 bh Nut and Stove Coal SCREENED Per Ton Mallett Bros. Phones 3000-3061 671 Albert St. NOW--- IT'S EASY TO CLEAN " DAINTY FROCKS Summer Chiffons, Georgettes and Organdies are of such fragile loveli- ness as to demand constant attention, ' Dances, Plenics, Bridges, Parties, Indoors and out, are certainly try- ing on your good dresses, It's tho sheer froshness, not the cost of your clothes which is taken as the key to your background and culture, UNIVERSAL CLEANSER . A non-inflammable cleans perfectly, gloves, lace, clothing, felt hats, curtains, kid and silk or satin shoes, without injury to the fabric. Always keep a B0c tin on hand, A fresh stain is easier to remove than an old one, Yes, we have: ENERGINE, ...%.....50 CARBONA ...... 28¢, 85¢c PUTNAM'S DRY CLEANER ,.... ZIPPO STAIN RE- MOVER .,... 50¢ THE REXALL STORES Jury-& Lovell Ltd. King St. E. + Simcoe St. N, Phone 28 Phone 08 Your liquid, Boe Embroideries, hraid and tassels tinsel, or not chenille, whether nets, nettings and boninet p.c., NR! Clothing, made all textile partially manufactuied, posed wholly ar in part of silk pe. 30 pe, 45 po Clothing, wearing articles mada from and all textile manufactures, wholly or partially manufactured, n.o.p., of which the component of chief value is artificial silk or simil ar synthetic fibres produced hy chemical processes; fabrics coated or impregnated, n.o.p.,, composed gimp contamng nep ws § pe, 38 pa wearing apparel cles from woven manutacture n.o.{ nnd apparel woven ords, | | ment of | { | OPPOE ition fabrics | | | | | | wholly or in part of artificial silk | or similar synthetic fibres produec- ed by chemical processes but not containing silk--30 pe 40pe. 50 p.c. ! Knitted garments, knitted under wear and knitted goods, n.o.p.--258 p.e. 36 p.c. 45 p.c. Socks and stockings of all kinds --30 pe, 32% pe. 35 p.e, nnd per | each one dozen paire---3$1.00 #1.35 $1.50. ' Gloves and mitts of all kinds 25 pe. 35 pe. 45 pee, Carpets Turkish or imitation Turkish or other floor rugs or carpets, n.o,p.-- 30 pec, 36 pe, 40 pe, and per square foot--10 cents, 15 cents, 20 cents, Enamelled carriage, floor, and table oilcloth, linoleum, and cork matting or carpets-=25 p.e, 32% pe, 35 pe, and per pound 4 canta, Window ghades, mounted on roll. ers-- 20 p.e, 30 pc, 40 pe, Boots and shoes, pegged or wire fasténed, with unstitched soles close edge--15 p.e., 26 pe, 35 pe Boots, shoes, slippers and insoles of any material, mo.p.--25 p.c.,.35 p.c., 40 p.e. Rubber or gutta percha hose, and cotton hose lined with rubber: rub- ber matts or matting and rubber packing--20 p.c., 30 p.c., 35 pc, India-rubber clothing and cloth. ing made from waterproofed cot- ton fabrics--25 pe, 30 pe, 35 p.c. And on each article of cloth- ing--560 cents, 60 cents, 50 contn, Jewellery Jowellery of any material, for the adornment of the person, n.o.p, -- 30 pe, 37% pe, 45 pe. Fertilizers, compounded or manu- factured, n.o.p.--5 pe, 7% pc, 10 pe : Copper rods when imported hy manufacturers for use in their own factories In the manufactura of ol ectric conductors the Individual units of such electrical conductors not to excead the area of No, 7/0 gang conductor---1'ren, ree, Froe, When he Is satisfied that copper bars are not available, in the coun. try of export, to Canadian pur. chasers on conditions of sale and delivery identical with those oh: taining in respect of sales and de lHveries for home consumption, hy order-in-Conneil direct that there be substituted for tart item 779 In schedule A to the customs tariff, shelf {coming nt | day | extras, pretence of a bulge Better move tock of hutter time when the kets report had tended to make op erator view the more favor with re advance on A mar tuation wit) to-dan some change pect to pot There wa voleed against hut situation raise, Falreslzed rally November with near the close appears to took place on some easines Open commitment butter, 1,947; December butter November egg 1.264: December, CBR", 2, Two market receipts 26,280; last year, 87.861; Butter fo 32.513 last vear 36.788 market Butter, standard ARV, firm ligg graded firsts tone steady to easy, York spot market 10¢ no fone Fges 20he; unsettled to-day, Chicago spot A81u¢ tone hee, Now extras, "44 to Butter, firsts, tone GRAIN AT TORONTO Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol lowing quotations for car lots Manitoba wheat-- No, 1 Northern 84%¢; No, 2, do, Sic; do, 9%c; No, 4 feed, 76%¢; No. bh 71%c; No.6, food, 45 '%he (el f. Goderich and Bay Ports) Manitoba onts--No, 1 feed, 34}ec; No, 2, do., 31 Ve Argentine corn, Colborne Millfeed, delivered Montreal freights, bags, Included -- Bran, per ton, $26.25; shorts, per ton, $27.25; middlings, $32.25 Ontario grain Wheat, 75¢; bar. ley, 30c; oat, 28¢; rye, 50c; buck. wheat, nominal, No. 3. 84¢, c.f. Port ENTIRELY DIFFERENT "So you don't want to marry me, Doris?" "That's different! something about heing ever," --TIt-Bits, You sald yours for 00 YOU SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION? " Countless remedies are advertised for constipation, Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form= ing and' must be continued, Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the sys= tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains, Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect, Avoid lubricating oils which only "grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy, A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass away. The stomach liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. All druggists 25¢ and 75c red pkgs. the justify | November | fry Eggs | | duties, ns | give as to the safguard This is the answer stops that taken to rights of added that and are In soma instance manufacturer government actual follow pro ducer nusur given: to the ances that raductions in price would fnerensed pro duction government's inten Bennett said, thal insofar as possible, Canadians would Fupply Canadign require ments, Importations into the coun had heen very great, creating unfalr competition to Canadian industry and development of the Tha principla of initintnd hy late government, would ba discontin ued, the premier announced, With two exceptions, the specific and fixed duties to he applied against the commodities which formed the 1st affected by tha countervailing duties, will he included In the tariff schedule The government was giving study to the problems relating to the sale of Canada's wheat crop, the pramier said, He alluded to the possibility of future action in this respect. Fvery It was the tion, I'remier country the have Major Group Affected Practically évery major group in the customs schedule was al- fected and, in the vast majority of cuses, the revision was upward, In many instances, the increases were very material, sometimes brought ahout by the use of both ad val: orem and specific duties, Among the groups affected were textiles, clothing, farm implements, fron and steel and agricultural pro ducts, In the latter Instance, tha countervailing duties were re- moved and determined duties sub. stituted, which, in tha vast major ity of cases, are higher than the former rates, For Instance, the duty on butter was advanced from 4 conta British preference, 6 cents intermediate and 7 cents general to 8 cents, 12 cents and 14 cents. Practically all the changes in the fron and steel duties were up- ward, In many cases, the Inter. mediate tariff, which is applicable to certain countries with which Canada has a trade treaty * wag brought up to the level of the genoral tariff which applies to all |, other countries outside the British ompire, Terttle Rates Increased The textile group was affected by imposing both a' specific and an advalorem impost, They are ap- plicable to cottons, woollens, silks and from the yarn to the finished product in other goods of that na- ture, Many. of the upward revi: sfons were quite drastic, one striking example helng that of socks and stockings of all kinds, Under the new tariff, these ar: ticles will enter Canada subject te an advalorem duty of 80 per cent, under the British preference, 38% per cont, intermediate and 46 pet ent, under the general rate, But in addition, a specific duty of $1.00 per dozen under the British prefers the consumer', He | had | Look! What Your Dollar Will Do at The Arcade THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY retarding the proper | countervailing | heretofore | 300 Men's Dress Shirts attached separate Smart designs and Al $1.00 Collar ol collars. good quality. sizes, Fach Children's Stockings Black or fawn, Good qual ity cotton, 6... 91.00 Men's Ties Regular price up to $1.00 ca. Dollar days special, $1 00 3 for Heavy Crib Blankets $1.00 Nursery designs, Regular 69¢ ea. 2 for Boys' Tweed Long Pants $1.00 Real value. Sizes to 32. Pair Pillow Cases $1.00 Good quality, hem- stitched, 4 for ,... Turkish Towelling By. the yard, heavy quality, neat patterns. 2 $1 00 5 yards for [Heavy Quality 27 in. Flannellette White and grey. Astonishing $1.00 10 yards for ,.... Only 10 yds, to a customer 40 Only Ladies' Smart Felt HATS The Season's newest While they last, $1.00 Men's Spring Needle Combination Underwear Heavy weight, long legs and sleeves, You cannot realize the wonderful value until $ you see it. Pair un 1 00 WOMEN'S SILK HOSE Service weights and chiffons, Dollar value. $1 00 2 pair for. ...., Turkish Towels 19 x 38. Heavy. $1.00 5 for a Cotton Filled Pillow Forms 17 x 25. Extra $1 00 Special. 2 for , . Men's Work Pants Don't be skeptical, Come and get a pair and he $1.00 convinced, Pair It is to your interest to see our Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes Also rubbers. All brand new merchandise at the lowest possible 'prices. THE ARCADE

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