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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Sep 1930, p. 3

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EEE MAS 57 MA 57 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1930 PAGE THREE Manufacturers Receive New Tariff Schedule With Favor Over 500 Boy Scouts Will Take Part in Big Jamboree Here on Saturday and Sunday Three Hundred Scouts Atel Expected From Outside Points--Fine Program Is Arranged CUP TO BE GIVEN TO BEST TROOP Pictures of World Jamboree to be Shown Saturday Night -- Church Parade Will be Held Sunday Morning Over B00 scouts are expected to take part in the big Boy Beout jamboree to be held here Saturday and Sunday. The occasion will be eventful in the scouting annals of Oshawa and should prove of in- terest not only to Scouts but to thousands of citizens, And there is no doubt but that Oshawa will afford. the youthful followers of Baden Powell a genuine and hearty welcome, Two hundred local Boy Bcouts will take part in the jamboree while the number of scouts from outside towns and cities is expect. ed to exceed 300, The Jamboree is in carge of the Oshawa Local As- sociation of the Boy Scouts' Assocs fation which has a big job on its hands at the present time arang ing billets for the visiting lads, A few of the outside troops however have indicated their intention of (Continued on Page 5) MISS ADA MAXWELL HAS WRIST BROKEN Local Girl Sustains Injury in Accident on Torento Street Miss Ada M, Maxwell, daughter of Rev. and. Mrs, I, J. Maxwell, is recovering In Western Hospital, Toronto, from the affects of & broken wrist which she received In an unusual accident at Tarontn last Friday, Miss Maxwell was accompanying her parents while motoring through Toronto, The party was returning to Oshawa and was driv. ing east on Bloor street when Rev, Maxwell stopped the car just west of the Yonge street intersection in obedience to the red light signal, Miss Maxwell, who was sitting in the front seat with her father, held her right arm out of the win. dow to signal that the car was stopping. The street was crowded with traffic at the time and as she thrust her arm out it was caught hy a passing truck, her wrist being fractured, The young woman was immed! ately removed to Western Hospital where examination proved (hat she was suffering from no other injury, Miss Maxwell is a graduate of the Oshawa Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute and is planning to enter Victoria College this fall, A clergyman declares that playing golf helps him to think, If he wasn't a clergyman he would probably put his thoughts into words,~Humorist, Lendon, Born SHAW--0On Sunday, September 18, 1030, to Mr, and Mra, Jos eph Shaw, (nea Muriel Carey), at 12 Robinson street, Toronto, a son, (Ronald Edward), (65a) Card of Thanks Mrs, Harry Sills, Mr. and Mrs, D, Cook and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors, for their many kind expression of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement, (65a) IN MEMORIAM HUDSON~-=In loving memory of my dear husband, Charles Alex- ander Hudson, who fell asleep on September 11th, 1830, in his 68th year, p God saw that he was suffering, And the hills were hard to climb He closed his weary eye-lids And whispered peace be thine, It is sweet to know we'll meet again, When sorrows are no more And the one we loved so dear Has just gone on before, Ever lovingly remembered by his wife and children, Gordon and Myrtle, i DIED FERGUBSON-=In Oshawa, on Wed: peaday, September 17, 1980, Stanley Keath, Infant son of Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Ferguson, 240 ne street, age § months, 19 aye, Funeral, from the family reald- ence, 240 Tresane street, on Fri. day, September 19, 1030, Service 2 pm. Interment Uulon Cemetery, J ON WORLD COURT ALD, GEORGE HART spending two months in Englan®, Ald, his Hart, CITIZENS' BAND T0 PLAY AT BOYY' TRAINING SCHOOL Will Take Part in Fair -- Band Proving Popular The citizens of Oshawa will be pleased to learn that their Band has again been chosen to play at the annual fall fair of the Boys' Training School at Bowmanville The Oshawa Citizens' Band Is fast becoming popular, not only with the eitizens of the city they represent, but outside districts also Their popularity is quite manifest by the erowds which gathered 'around the band stand and listened to thelr music all Sat. urday afternoon at the General Motors Plente, They have also played their way Into the hearts of the citizens of Bowmanville where they have had large crowds at their Sunday afternoon and evening concerts during the summer, The band which Is now under the able lead ership of Mr, Andrew Knox is im- proving fast and with such an able musician as Mr, Knox directing it this band will be a credit to the city of Oshawa, | Who has returned to the city after was accompanied by Miss Hart daughter, Margaret CITY NEWS REMANDED IN CUNTODY Bert Wood of this city, charged with non-support was remanded in Jail for one week when he appeared before Magistrate Willis in police court this morning, Woods was ordered last March to pay his wife $8 each week hut has as yet pald nothing, Magistrate Willis order. ed him baek to jail unless he would immediately pay the sum of 350 of the arrears, - GARAGE FIRE The Fire Department were called to a fire at the West Find Garage at 11,30 last night when a defec. tive electric light switch caused a small blaze, The building on King Hireet West is owned by Hond Brothers, and Wilson and Holland are the tenants, Despite the small amount of damage done the fire department were obliged to stay at the fire for nearly an hour to prevent a further outhreak which might have had serious results, The bullding war insured, DIVISION COURT Owing to the summer vacation which caused a number of cases to be held over a third messon of the Division Court in one month was held this morning, There were a large number of cases before Hin Honor Judge Thompson this morn- ing and the session Is expected to last well into the afternoon, SHOWER FOR ,,, On Tuesday evening about thirty friends of Misa "Teenie" Grey, whose marriage to Mr, Percy Reid takes place on Saturday afternoon, gave a surprise party and shower in her honor, at her home on Col bourne St, Miss Grey received many beautiful gifts, and along with them the best wishes of her many friends, The pleasant evening was spent in dancing and games, ACCIDENT AT FAIR Lindsay, Sept, 16.-Malcolm Bailey, of R.R. No, 8, Uxhridue, suffered painful injuries on the left arm and hand yesterday when a dog owned by one of the carnival men knocked him down and bit him as he waa leaving for down town to get his dinner shortly he. fore 10 o'cloek, The boy was ats tended by Dr. Hugh Logan, NORTHMINSTED WA Mrs, Jason Lennox, Colborne 8t,, a member of Group four of the Women's Auxillary of Northminster "e DANGER CAUSED BY INFECTIOUS DISEASE STRESSED Dr. Stewart Gives Timely Advice to Kiwanis Club The danger of infeeticus diseases was emphasized by Dr, A, KE, Blew- art in a timely address before the Kiwanis Club at its regular lunch: eon held yesterday noon, Dr, Blew: art dealt particularly with policmy- elitis or infantile paralysis as he stated that it was & matter of paramount interest to Oshawa in view of the present outbrenk, As he is himself & member of the club the speaker scarcely needed any in. troduction but for the sake of the visitors present he was made knewn by Kiwanlan 1, Virtue an one of the leading physicians and surgeons of the city, As a matter of precaution in times of an outbreak of the nature now affecting the eity, Dr, Blewart advigeh that parents keep (hel children out of crowds, Plenty of rest, nourishment and fresh "als helped build up resistance to dis ease and above all he counselled avoiding over fatigue, In this re spect he stated that he heartily favored the suggesticn of © Cannon, loeal school Inspector, that daylight saving be dispensed FIRE PREVENTION COMMITTEE OFFICERS 4 From left fo vight are Ald, George Morris, chalrman; Fire Chief W, G, Elliott, viee chairman; or Pr -------- Fire Prevention Committee and Col, B, J, McCormick, secre. tary, of the newly organized Vipe Prevention Committee, By the Organized and Oshawa is Now Entered in Dominion Contest with during June and September keeps the children up too ' he sald Describing the symptoms of poli | omyelitis the speaker urged that if | # child became 11) he should be Im mediately put to hed and isolated from other children, If he showeq no signs of improvement a doctor should be called within a few hours Referring to the eMclency of the serum for infantile paralysis Dy Btewart emphasized that it should be administered in the early stages of the case In order to check the dread effects of the disease, While acknowledging that' sclence has been perplexed hy the spread and manifestations of poliomyelitis Dr, Btewart pointed out that (he Kreatest danger of contagion was from comparatively mild cases which were probably never hrought to the attention of a physician When a case has heen diagnosed and the patient placed In quaran tine this source of contagion is det- Initely checked he affairmed, Dr, Btewart also dwelt upon the damage caused to the human syss tem hy the after effects of such common . contaglous diseases as measles whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet fever, He stressed the nead of rest and eare for patients recovering from much diseases, Hearty appreciation for Dr Stewart's splendid address wan voiced by Kiwanian Ross Birchard President R, B. Smith was un- able to remain until the close of the meeting, his place heign filled hy Vice-President W. J. Trick, CUSTOMS OFFICERS WANT $10,000 BAIL FOR PAUL CORNET D. A. J. Swanson Makes Ap- plication Which Is Defer- red by Magistrate Willis D, Swanson appeared hefore Mag- istrate Willis this morning with an application for ball for Paul Core net, a patient in the Oshawa Gen. eral Hospital, who was shot when endeavoring to elude arrest west of Whithy two weeks ago, Cornet was charged with having liquor in an illegal place and bail was al lowed yesterday in the sum of $6000, Shortly after hewever, Customs officials laid further charges of hav. ing liquor illegally and of being In possession of liquor not manufac tured In Canada, They demanded ball of §6000 in each of these charges which Mr, Swanson cons sidered excessive, He agreed how. ever, to give bail for a further $5000 in addition to the $6000 hut the Magistrate declined to accept this until he had conferred with the Crown Atterney, The application will be made again tomorrow morn. Ing, ' RXCHANGE OF COURTERIES Wife-'1s that the hole naughty Fido made in your seedbed, dear?" Husband--"No, darling, this is the hole I made for him." Church lent her home yesterday for a tea given by her group, Asmist ing. Mra, Lennox were Mrs, Pers king, convenor of the group, and Mrs, Keel and Miss Ruby Smith, The proceeds of the afternoon and avening were very gratifying, they will go to the treasury of the Wo men's Auxiliary, WILL CHANGE PRICES At the regular meeting of the Oshawa Master Barbera Association held on Monday evening, with a full attendance present, much Import ant business was discussed, and a decision of much Interest to the public was made, It was decided that owing to Industrial conditions and the unemployment prevailing at the present time, that a change in the seale of prices for children's work would be greatly appreclats ed by the people of Oshawa, An announcement regarding the new prices appears elsewhere in this iss Ald. G. T. Morris Is Chair- man of New Committee Which Airs; to Foster Work of Fire Prevention in the City MANY LOCAL BODIES ARE REPRESENTED Records of Fire Losses and | Reduction Being Kept to Qualify Oshawa for Par- ticipation in Dominion- wide Competition Co-operating In the organization of # Dominlon-wide fire prevention competition and campalgn, the Oshawa Chamber of Commarea has taken the lead in sponsoring a lo cul commities to enter this city in the competition This move has heen under consideration since. the month 'of June, when a conference was held hy Fira Chief Elliott, and Cal, Bd, MeUarmick, secretary of the Chamber of Commeres, and Oshawa's formal entry submitted This was followed hy a survey dur Ing the months of July and August, and al a mesting held in the Cham hear of Rooms, the or ganization of the local fire preven thon commitiae was completed, with Ald, 1, T hy chalrman of the fire protection and elty property committees of the elty council as chalrman Fire Chief Elliott as vice chairman, and Col, MeCormiek as HOCTEILArY The following person nel, representing the different clan sifieantions of civie Hfe, make up the fire prevention committe The Commities City Council, Ald, GT," Maorpis] Mire Department, Five Chief Killott and Captain Hobbs, Rotary Club, Owen D, Friend, chief of polies; Kiwanis Club, Phillip Sims; Manue facturers, Fire Chief R, I', Mae Kengle, General Motors of Canada, Limited; Retail Merchantd, Frank Tait; Press, T, 1, Wilson, adverts ing manager, Oshawa Dally Times; Fire Insurance companies, J C Young: Clergy, Rev, KK. Harston Boy Heonts, Harry Hester; Girl Guides, Mra, Victoria C, Radeliffe; North west Ward Ratepayers As sociation, ® G, Carnell; Southwest Ward Ratepayers Assoclaticn, Fred Kirby: Cedardale Ratepayers As- sociation, J, Caunt, At this meeting Fire Chief Klliott stated that he had already made aver seven hundred inapedtions throughout the olty, and that plans had heen made for a series of meetings to he held during the Commarea "DEFENCE COUNSEL ALEX, HALL Oshawa harvister, who was today complimented hy Justice Raney for his able defence of William Morvison, charged with murders ing his wife, 4 next few weeks, at which fire pre vention officers will address the ratepayers on the subject of fire prevention Keeping Records The contest in which Oshawa In entered will closes an May 41, 1081, and In order to qualify fer i, the following records are heing kept In tha aofffea of the fire chief Reduction In number of per 1,000 of population, Reduction In number of fires ex ceeding $1,000 In lows Reduction in fire loss per of population Reduction In number killed or Injured Objects of Committee The objects for the functioning of the loeal five yevention commit tea are glven nn follows 1, To atimulate support for a continuous fire protection program 2 To promcte fire prevention anotivitios In Business Men's Clubs and other loeal organizations 1, To secure the adoption and enforcement of bhullding codes and fire ordinances In 1020, Oshawa secured a per cent, reduction In fire insur anea premiom and whila the sporting factor in tha competition will he watched with considerable Interest. in the hope that Oshawa may win the cup ifn the class in which it Is entered, the main obs lective 18 to davelop a definite vee. ord of five prevention as a basls to appeal to the Fire Underwriters Asnoolation for a further reduces tion In the fire insurance premium races which now prevail, fires cap! a Cf persons 12% Stock Market Prices Mark Summary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Crawford, Alger Bullding, Oshawa Toronto Stock Exchange | Low Close 18% 18% 6% a 11% 11% 204 204 01% (1) 105% 10 84 19% 20 20 20% LRT 8% TEN 28% 24 20% 19 19 2 1% 18 18 20% b8 | 10% 10% AE" 07% LER LR T7005 a | 14% 10% Standard Mining Exchange "Abana an vr ---- » Stock Br, A Bras, .. Can, hed, Cockmhuti Oty, Dry, Dia, Sym, Dm. Strs, Gypsum Hr, Wal, Ford .. Int, Nkl, Int, Pet, Imp, Ol Lob, Ms, Me, Mt, Pwr, Pe, Hr, Shaw, 8, Station High Oil 104 HER 114 20% as 109 20 14% as a8 sue of The Times Ajax oo 250 2h 240 |] nd ago alo 418 ans Amulet Ch, Res, De, Mns, Faleon, Holl, He, Oil 850 460 Hy, Gold 32 Nn Kt, Flr, 4 { 1 Lk, 8h, 8400 2080 200 Kenda, 2300 2275 2400 Sh, Grd, 100 108 140 Sd, Ra, 1356 140 140 Tk, Hg, 670 70 470 Ventures 87 87 87 Wr, Hr, 100 187 187 Wainwell 4 4 gr New York Exchange High 180 % 79 a0 0) 8h ah 144 ERT a0 hao hin 2135 61h id Ado ho 21h 08 ann 04g Close 180% 7 Low 130% MY a 40% TEN (ER 186 208 104% 4Th LIL Block Am, Am, Fp, Pr Am, Inter, Anaconda Heth, Steel Can, Dry Can, Pac Cn, FL Pry Cn, FL, Co, 194 Chrysler My Col, Gas 0 63% Can formation of this committee, Oshs awn haw entered Into a Dominion. wide contest for fire prevention, GARDENS OF ROBT. BRODKS PARADISE T0 FLOWER LOVERS Wonderful Growth Beauty Achieved in Spite of Prolonged Drought privileged In fow Any flow Rob Times . was having an opportunity a Hugo to visit' the magnificent or and vegetable gardens of ert Brooks on William sireal enst, from which came many of the prige winning exhibits at the Oshawa alr In his grand-daughter, Miss Mhea Brooks, Mr. Brooks has an ardent disciple and ro-worker and he gives great pralse to her for help ing to bring the many heautiful varieties of flowers to a high state of parfection This has heen a hard season for gardens, as yone knows, and It has required wsunvise to sunset work dally and unstinted nee of the hose to maintain normal growth, hut in the splendid resuits obtained despite an unusually dry wummey i Brooks feels amply rewarded Anapdragons three feet high and with 18 inches of hloom, Immense dahlias of perfect formation, ver hena, coxeomhes, astnrs and many other flowers in profusion of heans tiful enlors and dellieate shades make Mr. Nrooks' flower gardens un veritable fairyland, The amateur Is sure to ask many times, "What In thie?" an new and strange floral creations tmported from the United Htates and England are anconnter od, "Chinesa Ianterns', "detura" und "splder flower are some of the new fmportations Then too, Mr, Drooks 1s successfully growing wneh-evops (In an small way) an peanuts and sweet potatoes, which ona usnally thinks of as helongs me to foreign elimes In the vegetable garden numer OUR Kpocimens nf enormous and porfect mangels and eabhhages such wn captured first prizes at the Osh nwa "alr are seen, also mammoth pumpkins and squash, peppers and many other things good heth te look upon and eat Altogether a visit to Mr, Nrooks' gardens In a treat which any lover of flowers and good gardening cannot fall to appreciate The avary PARLIAMENT MAY PROROGUE SATURDAY (By Canadian Proas Leased Wire) Ottawn, Sept, 17=Prorogation of parliament on Saturday is generally expected, The $20,000,000 ynemploy ment relief hill has received third reading in the commons, The mea sure amending the Customs Act in respect to dumping comes up for final reading in: the house this after noon, and it is helieved that the tar iF bill will be enacted by the end of the week, BRITISH CAPITAL FOR OIL WELLS HERE rr-------- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Calgary, Alta, Sept, 17==1live mils lion dollars of Heitish capital, organis rod under the name of Anglo Wess tern Olly," Limited, with a federal charter 'and headed hy Sir Edward Manville, ¢haitman of the Phoenix Ol and Transport Company and of the Daimler Company, both of Great Gritain, has been made available for Alberta oil development, According to J, OC Dallas, managing divector ol Calmont Oily, Limited," the Anglos Western Company has acquired 49%), 000 acres in Alberta and two wells will be sunk immeidately in the Milk River area, Pr ------------------ pe 60% LEM 44% 13% 5 an Th 10% a0 03% 10% RR hE} (ERY Fox Film Gen, Klee Gen, Mot, Int, Tel, Kelvinator Mt, Yard Nat, Cash I'l, Rd, Coal Paramount Ph, N, Jer, Radio... Radio Kth, Simmons St, NJ, UR Steel 170 Vanadium 88% 87% Yel, Truok 21% UK 0 W Wy NERY ET (TEN 170 884 NIK 168 \» Money 2% per cenl and | General Opinion That Industry Will Benefit Thus Providing Canadian Workmen With Jobs A Ln BOUCKLLEY Gena) proprietor of "Mike's Place" and well known local patron of sports, who with Mes, Bouckley, In buck in Oshawa after touring England and: Wales, NEW NIGHT TRAIN T0 MONTREAL WILL GIVE FAST SERVICE C.N.R. will Inaugurate Fast Midnight Trains With Few Stops on September 26 -------- The now midnight trains hetween Montreal and Toronto of the Can adian National allways, which will come Into operation Hepl will give travellers an extra hour In each eity, necording Lo ADNoubDCes mant made today by CC, W, John wlon, general passenger trafllg man ager of the system, Leuving Montreal and Toronte an hour late) at night, the trains will arrive In the morning at practically the same time as at present Wosthound, the arrival time will be the same as now, 7.400 a.m, The ousthound train will reach Monts rend nt 7.45, ncocrding to the Fall and Winter schedule, instead of the present 7.20, Ny leaving at mid night or to he exact, ong minute to the hour, the trains will greatly facilitate the visit of passengers Lo hoth elties Al present the trains leave at 11 o'clock "Pheatre-goers and will benefit hy the new service, My, Johnston said, "and with the knowledge that the train does nol pull out until 4 minute from mid night, dances and other parties and social functions need net he hrok en up or interrupted, The mid night trains should make for grout op woclal Interchanges between Montreal and Toronto, Daparting from Montreal nt 11.60 the westhound train will stop at Cornwall, Brockville, Kings. ton,. Belleville and. Danforth, areivs Ing at Toronto at 7.00 a.m, In the cther direction the train will leave Toronto at Y1LAH, making the same stops except Danforth, and veach Ing Montreal at 7.46 am Looal CNR, OMoials have hot an vol received thair orders in cons nootion with this train and although the statement fasued in Montreal of the service does not include a stop In this city it ts hoped that this ¢ity may be included in the few stopping places on the trip hockey fans PRIMATE OF CANADA IS IN HOSPITAL Ottawa, Sept, 17=<In order that he may have absolute quietness und vest, Most Rev, 8, b, Matheson, primate of the Church df England in Canada, has been removed to Ot tawa Civie Hospital, It is expected he will remain in the institution for two or three days, Here to preside at the dominion rallies of officers of the church bes ing held this week, the primate, who celebrates his 78th birthday, Sats urday, is said to be seriously run down and suffering nervous strain probaly engendered hy the hig gaths ering. His resignation from the wimaey i to be considered hy the louse of Bishops during the present church meetings Duty Will Bar All New Zealand Butter (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Sept, 17==An eight cent per 1h. duty on New Zealand butter would be "prohibitive" as far as the oxportation of that ecommadity to Canada was concerned, declared the Rt, Hon, G, W, Farbes, prime 'mins ister of that dominion, in an inter view here today, He hoped an arrangement might be wade whereby some adjustment might he achieved, but "considering that the duty was put on just as we landed in Ottawa, the situation," said Premier Forbes, '"doesa't look too hopeful," New Zealand, however, stood prepared to discuss things, Si ------------ A sclentifio tem says that among those who use extremely fine wires Tariff Does Not Provide Ade ditional Protection For Phillips Glass Co,~Presis dent Considers General Business Will Improve CHARLES ROBSON APPROVES CHANGES Qutlook Improved for Wools len and Knit Goods Manus facturers, Cobourg Man Claims The new tariff schedule ad brought down by the Copservative Government in Parlement at Ole Lawn, yesterdny, with Increased protection for uw number of Are ticles munutactured In Canada is hailed with general satisfaction by manufacturers of this eity, The larger wmount of protection they expect will give encouragement tn home industry thus providing more employment, The 'majority of local Industries interviewed by The Times today howaver had not had sutticient time to study the items In the tariff and therefor declined to make any definite coms ment, The Canadian glass industry has nol received any additional pros tection under the new tariff scheds wie, Col, W, KK, Phillips, president ol the Phillips Glass Co, stated today, Ho was convinced howeven that the majority of Canadian wanufaeturers would henefiy rently und that increased produce tion would result with a subses quent Increase in employment, "Aw tar as the glans industry inf Canada In concerned the new tard II schedule on window glass wil linve no immediate effect," state Col, W, 15, Phillips when qusetione ed by The Times this morning, "I'his glues Is not manufacture in Canada and therefore In hy protected until it is manufacture here, As far as the Phillips Glass Co, Is concerned there has heen no protection given us," Coly Phillips added, "I do helleve," he continued Uthat all manufacturers whose commodities ure protected by the new tariff revision will have ine creased production and that in that way work Will be provided for a great number of men", While the new tariff will have Hitle affect on the Robson Leathe er Co, local tannery tirm, Mpg Charles Robson, prowident of the gompany, expressed the opinion today that it will give an Impetus to Canadian Industry, . He alsq vonsldered that Increased produoe tion would result and that as the your advanced many move men wodlld be taken on by Canadian manufaoturing firms thus reduce Ing the number of unemployed, My, H, A, Brown, vice-president and general manager of General Motors of Canada Ltd, could nog be reached today so that no states ment was fortheoming from this large dnd important industry, 1% 18 notleeuhle however that autos mobiles are not directly mentioned In the more sweeping revisions of the tariff sehedule, I Wy Millichamp, president and managing director ot the Oriental Textllo Co, was not prepared te make any comment today bug ulated that he would do so tomors fow atter he had studied the items in the taritt more thoroughly, Charles Hohotield, proprietor of tho Hohotleld Woollen Mills, was Out of the olty and could not be reached, It 1s understood that the new tariff will prove helpful te the textile, woollen, knitting and alied industries according to press comment and in this connection the following statement made by David ©, Diok, of Cobourg, presis dent of the Canadian Woollen and Knit Goods Manutaoturers' Ase sociation may prove of interest: "I'or some 30 years our indude try In whole or in part, has suffers od lows and unemployment bx reason of importation of goods made in low labor paying couns tries, Under the new Lariff rates, the Industry should show immedi (Continned on Page 8) "Too Late To Classify FRIGHT, OLWAN NOONE, §UIMS able for boarders, roomers or Hghy housekeeping, All conveniences, Central, cheap, Apply 104 Divisio Atreet, (880) Coming Events 8 Cents word each bee i, Wale say 1, GRORGE'S W, A, WILL ROLD A tea on the lawn at Gladstone Villa, (residence of Mr, and Mis, Fowke), Thursday afters noon of this week from # to 6 proceeds in ald of missions, it weather unfavorable tea will be served in doors, (63:08) WHIRT DRIVE OVER MARKET, corner Richmond S§t,, Thuraday, Sept, 18, § o'olook, (66h)! OHOSKEN FRIENDS HARD TIMER dance tonight over Dewland's are surgeons and dentists, And polis ticlanse=Kingston Whig-Standard, store. Admission 280, . {05a

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