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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Sep 1930, p. 5

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Fitna ti beater starts enund at f gf | IE TT EI AE TT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1930 PACE FIVE ro S-- N-- 'Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs, Russell Storks and Mrs. Fred Green, McMillan Drive, mol ored to Arden yesterday to visit thelr mother, Mrs. H, Knight, 'Miss Mary Welsh, Burk street, is visiting with relatives this week at Gooderham, Ont, Miss Nancy Caig, of Oshawa, has been spending her vacation with friends in St, Cat'arines, Ont, and Buffalo, N.Y : Miss Anne Storie, King #treot Bast, ontertained at a shower on Monday evening in henor of Miss Marion Storie, whose marriage to Mr, Reginald Burr of this city takes place next month Miss Betty Wilson, Brock Street East, loft on Monday for Toronto where she will attend the Toronto Normal School, for the coming term, Mrs. R, §. Morphy and Mrs, ¢., 0, Miller entertained at the tea hour yesterday afternoon at the Oshawa Golf Club, Mrs, Henry E. Fletcher and daughter Dawn Jean, of Cincin- nati, Ohio, have returned home af- ter visiting with Mrs. Fletcher's parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. 8 Oke, of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Hutchinson and family, Quebec wstréet, Are spending their vacation on the Rid- eau, near Ottawa, During Mr. Hutchinson's absence his duties as agent for the Canadidn National Railways will he taken over by Mr. 8. J, Chessell of Belleville The home of Mr, and Mrs, W Mosier, known as the "House thal Jack Bult' was the scene of a most ddlightful function on Saturday evening when ahout Afty of thelr friends and relatives gathered to do them honor om the occasion of thelr twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. Mosler wera the re. ciplents of many charming gifts of silverware, but ths most out. standing of these was the silver basket of lowers presented to them FURCOATS REPAIRED AND RE-LINED #2 Nassau Strect 864) ye) CRLOVE and dayout. Persian | H -° Bain laome the chanson 1! pliable, oves redness and relieves irritation, PERSIAN... PZ BALM PP rear et Fall Coat or Suit with H. ATKINS LADIES' TAILOR 14 Simeoo St. N. Phono 169 JUST ARRIVED Full range of Ladies' Kall Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe Street South DIETITION PLANS MEALS FOR 150,000 "Mother to Millions" Is Name Given to Miss Emma Smedley (By the Canadian Press) Toronto, Ont, Sept, "Mother to millions" might be the term applicable to Miss Emma Smedley, one of the dietitians attending the convention here this week of the American Dietetic association, Miss fimedley's business is to feed 150, 000 school children of Philadelphia dally, From her central office she plans the lunches that all the school children in all the schools of the city will receive, The basis of a typica school lunch according to Miss Smedley, Is one milk product, which may he either a milk soup, cocon or milk itself, a sandwich of lettuce or vegetahle and a sweet such as ice cream, Miss medley plans diets and menus for 110 public and high schools and omploys 800 people, Trained diet- {tians are under her supervision fn 36 schools. She is financially responsible for the organiaztion She runs her lunches on the money paid in by the children, Her price list contains such figures as Half pint soup, five cents; two slices of bread, one cont; fresh fruit in season, three cents; cookies, one cent: and sweet chocolate, one cent; The kinder. garteners receive rations of milk and crackers and the teacher in charge takes this means of educat ing the tiny tats tn ent the correct food and eat it properly, | Young People's Meetings A meeting of the Christ Church AY. PA, was held on Monday aven- Ing in the Parish Hall, This was the first oMeial meeting of the sea- son although a corn roast was con- ducted under the auspices of the AY.P.A, on September Sth, [Last evening the meeting took the form of a social with games under the direction of Mr, A, Colbourns, Re- freshmments wore served by the Indies. Kveryone was glad to get back again into the young people's elrcle, and a very active winter Is expected, The next meeting which will take place on Monday, Septem. ber 22, will be set aside for the installation of ofMcers ANNOUNCEMENTS On Beptember 15, 1930, the mar. riage of Hazel V., youngest daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. W, 8, Oke, to Herbert E. Robinson, son ot Mr, and Mrs. A. H, Robinson, took place, Rev, C, E. Cragg oMclated, ---- A quiet wedding took place In Hamilton on April 5, 1030, by Rev, W. I. Davidson, when Winnifred Jey Grundy, daughter of Mr. and Mra, J. Mills, Oshawa, was united in marriage to Norman Robertson Small, son of Mr. 8 Small and the late Mrs. Small, of Orton, by the guests present. 'The enjoy- able evening was spent In dancing and oards. The guests included Mr. and Mra, J. E. Mosler, Mra, W, Howard, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs, W. Mosler, Sterling, Mr, and Mrs, A. A, Farrar, Mr. and Mra, J. Le worthy, Mr, and Mrs, O. Farrar, Trenton: Mr. and Mra, R. Leworthy, Hamilton: Mr, and Mrs, H. Cole, Mr, and Mrs. R, Gych, Mr. and Mrs, B. Langhill, Mr, And Mrs, W, McMullen, Toronto: and a number of friends from Oshawa, MRS. T. V. HILL tario Singha N 'My Other was visiting in Detroit a year ago and she was in very poor health, My sister: in-law got a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Yagetable Joffe pound and it helped her more than Snything she had taken, She advised me to take it too ,and I did. My back used to ache and I suffered so with pain at times that I could not work. I feel like a new woman and can do my housekeepi and work in the store. I wi answer letters," ~Mrs, T. V. Hill. Lydia LE certainly done me can help others." -- Lafleur. MRS, WILLIE te 3, Hemmi Was nervous, NO a tite and all rundown, Most every day [ had to lie down for two or three hours. I saw one of the lets Lydia E. Pinkham's. Compound so | went to my druggist and bought a bottle. My nerves are lots better and I am now on my feet again doing all my own work around the farm. The Compound has .Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ( Weddings ROBINSON--=OKE A quiet marriage took place on Monday, September 15, in King Street United Church parsonage, when Rev, C, BE. Cragg united in matrimony, Hazel V., daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W, 8B, Oke, of Oshawa, to Herbert E. Robinson son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Robinson, of this city. Attending the bride and groom were Mrs, Henry Fletcher, of Cincinnati, sister of the bride, and Mr, C., W. Crandell of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will spend their honeymoon In New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohlo. On their return they will reside in Oshawa, HERANCOURT--BRADLEY A wedding of Interest locally took place last evening In Port Perry United Church, when Marion Noreen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, F. W, Bradley, formerly of Oshawa, became the bride of Mr, Ross Her- encourt, son of Mrs, H, Herancourt, of Oshawa, The church was hand. somely decorated for the occasion and Rev, E. Harston of Bimcoe Btreet United Church Oshawa, of flcinted, ansisted by Rev, R, T. Richards of Port Perry, Mr, Mat thew Goldbourne, organist of St, George's Chureh Oshawa, played the wedding music while the bridal party entered the church, The bride, given In marriage hy her father, was charmingly gowned in a period gown of white satin with vell of tulle caught with orange blossoms, Bhe carried a shower bouquet of sweetheart roses, Her only attendant, Miss Jean Bradley of Orillia, wore a becoming frock of coral colored chiffon with ple- ture hat of mohair and shoes to match the gown, Her bouquet was of pink roses and delphinium. Mr, Kenneth Lander of Toronto was best man, Miss Irene Gray of Toronto sang 'Because' during the signing of the register. Seventy guests were at the recep tion at the home of the bride's parents, following the ceremony, when the bride's moter received with the bridal party in a gown of beige lace over satin, and the groom's mother received in black lace with fox fur and wearing a corsage of roses, Mr, and Mrs, Herancourt will spend thelr honey moon In Quebec and the Eastern States, and on their return they will reside In Oshawa, The bride looked stunning In her going away costume a brown and beige ensem ble with brown fox fur, The wedding guests Included: Mrs, Howard Bradley, Mra, Fred Ellis, Mrs, W, TT. Henry, Mrs, Vas- binder, Mrs, Gamby, Mr, Arthur Henry, Dr. and Mrs, Henry, Mr and Mrs, E, M, Henry, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs 1.00 Wood, Mr, and Mra. H, 0. Nob bin, Mr. and Mrs, G, W, Hezzle wood, Mr and Mrs, Ross Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Verne Caverley, Mrs, Herancourt, Mr, and Mrs, | PA Lander, Miss Ruth Lander, Mrs, A. M, Stevenson and Miss Louise Stevenson all of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs: Robt, Gemmell, Mr, and Mrs, liam Pearson, Mr, Kenneth Lander, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Enlow, Hamilton: Mr, and Mrs, J, Newton Lander, Mr, and Mrs, Wil. R. Young, Winnipeg; Miss Jean Bradley, Orillia, co or -- TORONTA OFFICER IS CHARGED WITH MIIRNER ATTFMPT (Continued from Page 1) an argument developed regarding the domestic relations of the young Loouple, Motherdin.Law's Story Mra, MePhee claims Llayd fired the first shot while sitting In a ohalr talking, She rushed across the 'room and gripped his hand. As she did so another report fol. lowed and she ran from the rcom Lloyd Is alleged to have fired the third shot that lodged in the waing coting, Mrs. Ruth McLean, a helghbour, informed police she had seen Lloyd chase the two women, Mrs, Mo: Phee and her daughter, from the apartment and wave a revolver as he did wo. He then returned to hig apartment, and Is alleged to have shot himself, In a statement to police Lloyd claimed his wife walked out of her bedroom and fired several shots at him, one of them striking him, He olaims he then chased hoth wo. men out. Police say they found a trall of blood leading from where Lloyd had been sitting to the street level below, Mrs, Lloyd denied her husband's sllegiations, claiming she had never loft her hed, FINDS JOBS FOR HOLLYWOOD EXILES Mrs. Clara Wilson Has Pri- vate Employment Bureau Toronto, Ont, Bept--'"To the public they are glamorous figures that fit through stirring romance and adventure on the screen, but to Mrs, Clara Wilson of Hollywood, formerly of Toronto, movie stars are Just people with whom she denls nearly every day of her buwi- ness life, in an effort to provide work for ambitious young people who falled to make the grade In the world's weirdest community, Mrs, Wilson, who conducts a pri- vate employment ageney in Holly- wood, has heen In the city attend. ing the convention of the Inter. national Aswociation of Employ- ment Agencies, "Running an employment agency in Hollywood should: be one of the most dramatic vocations In the world," she said, "but to me it is no thrill, 1 only feel sorry for the ones that I have to turn back, In their dreams they see their names In lights, and pleture the ndulation In reality they wash dishes and act nx mother's helper, perhaps in the home of the star they expected they would some day supplant, 'Hollywood eats youth and hennty The tragedy i» not the girl who gots work of some kind, but the girl who gets Into the movies, tno The stories that come out of Holly wood are not overdrawn "They are not all dumb little morons, these girls They come from colleges and hoarding schools, and from fine homes, They do not all come from the little towns, aither, Many are sophisticated girls from the bigger cities, hut this does not save them from Holly. wood BISHOP BETHUNE COLLEGE OPENS FOR FALL TERM Attendance Will Be the Same as Last Year Forty-one years ago, in 1880. the Church School at Oshawa was ine corporated under the title of Bish- op Bethume College, In 1802 the trustees decidad that owing to the financial difculties the schocl could not ba carried on But the Reverend Canon Middleton, at that time Rector of 8t, George's church, was very anxious to have a church school in the Diocese outside To- ronto and applied for fees to Dr J. C. Roper, then the chaplain tc the Sisterhood of St. John the DI vine, now Bishop of Ottawa Dr Roper undertook to try and raise the sum necessary with the help of business men who were also churchmen In the province. He was enabled to do this and after being closed for a few weeks, the schocl re-opened In February 1803 with three pupils under the care of three Sisters. Since which time the school has grown steadily, So, yesterday Bishop Bethume College began its forty-secdond year, Numbers are ahout the same as last vear Elaven old girls have left tha school and fourteen new ones have arrived There are few changes to report in the faculty, Miss V. Murphy, B.A, and Miss G, Brock, B.A, both of Teronto University, have come into residence and Miss Leslie Jonea a well known elocutionist of Toronto, han joined the visiting staff, Miss M, Oughterson, Head Mistress of the College, Who han spent the summer abroad, is back again and states that the staff and students are anticipating a won- derful year, A hog is alwavs happier than a man, and a bacillus is happier than a hog, says H. L. Mencken, He may be right, but who eares ?--Winnipey Tribune, James W. Gerard has named fifty. nine men, as the real rulers of the United States, but he should have consulted their wives first. -- South Bend Tribune South America has gone native Peru and Argentine have revolted, Who will be next? It is a wonder, they have continued so long in one stay, ~Hamilton Herald. About | OVER 500 SCOUTS WILL TAKE PART IN BIG JAMBOREE (Continued from Page 1) camping at Alexandra Park which will be the scene of the Saturday afternoon program, A cup for the best all round troop is to be presented, points to be awarded for Scout handicraft and for the success of the troops in competitive games, The games and displays to be indulged In Sat- urday afternoon constitute an im- portant part of the program and will prove well worth witnessing. Saturday's Program All troops are expected to assem- ble at the Armories at 1.20 o'clock Saturday afternoon and will then parade to Alexandra Park with the visiting troops leading, followed by the Oshawa troops and the Wolf Cub packs according to troop nums- bers The band of the Ontario Regiment, which has generously of- fered its merylces free of charge, will probably lead in the parade while it is expected that there will #lso be a scout bugle band, Arriving at the park at 2.30 p.m,, the flagg break will occurr follow- ed by the march past of all trops. Addresses of welcome are to be de- livered by Mayor T B, Mitchell and the District Scout Master, The Heout games and displays and wolf cub games will be held from 5.106 pom, to 4.46 p.m, follow- ing which the grounds will be cleared for the grand rally of all the troops at the saluting base At this juncture brief speeches are to he made by headquarters' repre wontative and President C M Mundy of the Oshawa Local Assoc! ation, Saturday's program will be con cluded by a rally in the G.M.C, au ditorium at which moving pictures of the big Scout Jamboree in Eng land will bg shown, ™ fy Church Parade At 9.30 a.m, Bunday morning, all troops are expected to assemble at the Armouries and will parade at 10 o'clock to the Garden of the Unforgotten where they will place | 8 wroath on the War Memorial, At 11 o'clock church parade is to be held at 8t, Andrew's United Church and at the conclusion of the service all troops will parade back to the Armouries for dismissal, Arrangements are being made to provide billets and meals for the visiting scouts during their stay in the city, The program of competitive games for Saturday afternoon is as follows: Skin the Snake (One team con- sisting of 10 boys from each troop), Message Carrying Relay (One team consisting of 4 boys from each troop.) Fire Lighting and Pot Bolling (2 teams of 2 boys each from each troop), Push and Pull Tug of War, (Ope team of 8 boys from each troop) Land Boat Race. (One team cone sisting of 6 rowers and 1 coxswain from each troop), Knot Tying Relay each troop)--knots to be standard tenderfoot knots Monkey and Crub Reélay. (One team of 8 boys from each troop) Barn-yard Relay, 8 boys from each troop), Bolster. Bar (Pillow fighting) (Two boys from each, troop). Friction Fire Lighting (open ovent), Special prizes will for boys winning {tems 9 and 10 only. Troops will work for points on the All-round Cup in all other events The Fields and Grounds Commit tee reservos tho right to omit any of these events If time does not permit the running of the com plete program us scheduled. Do You Dread Pain After Eating? Almost ay bad as digestive pain it- self is the anticipation of it; the knowledge that if you eat certain foods (always the ones you like best) pain and distress will surely follow. This feeling is us unnecessary as the pain itself, because you can prevent all possibility of digestive trouble, or if the pain has already started, you can relieve it instantly by taking a little Bisurated Magnesia, either pow « der or tablets in water atter meals, This removes the cause of the trouble by neutralizing the excess stomach acid which is present when pain fol- lows eating. You can get Bisurated Magnesia from any droggist, It is the sure, safe and speedy treatment uted for vears, the 'world over, for banishing digestive disorders. (One hoy from (One team of he awarded By Thornton ---- There's truth in what we have been told, { That love will make' the timid bold, ld Mother Nature, Impy, the black Chipmunk, was certain there wasnt another Chp munk in all the Great World as beautiful as little Mins Frisky, You wee, Impy had fallen in love Ittle Mun Frisky, She wae a very see, Impy had fallen in love with Impy to be very timid ttle person, Sometimes whe would run from Impy; sometimes she would |, stay for a litle while, but if he tried to approach closely she would run Awmy It got so that most of || the time while he was awake Impy |r was thinking cf little Miss Frisky Impy had tried to find out Just | where little Migs Frisky lived, hut lr #0 far he had not succeeded He lt knew that It was not a great di tance from his own home and he | knew In a general way whers ft |¢ was But though he had and hunted he had not entrance When little did not come over would go to her; that is, he | 1 would gc over near where she lived | Sometimes ho saw her and some times he did not, f I i f wth |¢ away |, Mi Frisky |: he | to wes him non | Miss Frisky to appear, grown overnight found the|ky W. Burgess Now, It one hat Impy happened tarted to look for her, nost over to the place hought she lived when « glimpse of a Chipmunk along a fence rail, His heught was where nunk nind "If that I» Frisky, she ug grown overnight, )y "You, sir, she certainly are Just as 1 them Can It be Chipmunk?" mn cout not nemhered here is another hey morning waited in vain for little nally hé He was al- he he caught running first that it was ttle Miss Frisky and he started after her ag faut a8 he could go got a real good look at this Chip- little doubt crept into his But when he certainly ' thought Im- has And the stripes re- that Tust then he heard a rustle off fc me side, and turning quickly There herself it No, was no Ir, there was loubt about it, Impy knew hat the other Chipmunk wa tranger. He was just preparing jump down In front of little "risky when: he heard thot he hunted (caught a glimpse of little Miss Iris doubt no then H to Mins rusting cf leaves again; and there was the stranger racing after litle Miss Frisky as fast as he could go, He the slightest attention to Impy., Impy didn't know Just what to do, In the first place he was almost too much surprised to do anything, excepting to sit and and stare, tt A "My goodness, that stranger is bigger than 1!" thought Tmpy, "Ye sir, he's chasing Frisky! 1 won der if he knows Frisky," pald not Impy started after the other two, Presently he came in sight of them, Little Miss Frisky was sitting on 8 hig stone, The hig stranger was sitting on another stone facing her, He not only was big but he wars handsome. Fven Impy had to ad mit that he was handscme, Ap- parently 1ittla Miss Frisky though! s0 too, When the stranger moved toward her ghe darted down be tween some stones, Impy could ses her peeping out at the big stranger. It was quite clear thal she admired him, Right then and there jealousy filled the heart of Impy the black Chipmunk, He was jealous of that big stranger. He didn't want Jit. tle Miss Frisky to admire him, He didn't © want that big stranger around at all, He wanted little Miss Frisky all to himself, Al- most hefore he realized what he was dcing he had barked a sharp challenge to the big, handsome stranger Instantly the stranger turned and barked back at him. Rago an black ag his own coat fill- ed Impy. | (Copyright, 1530, W, Burgess.) A The next story: The Fur Flies. rm" SHE THOUGHT: "If only someone would tell you that 'B.O.'" keeps you from making good." Yer, to be polite, SHE SAID: "I'm very sorry you're leaving us. Couldn't hold a job owas "B.0." the reason? ISMISSED again! secretary suspected others in the office. But no one wanted The president's why. So did to tell him. It was too personal a matter. Was "B.0." the reason--body odour? Judge by the facts, When he discovered his fault at last--and how "luck" changed. Today Junior executive -- advar knows the easy way to keep perspiration odourless. * oo 0 Even though you feel tha be guilty of "B.0.," this is a matter to take chances with, . Remem- ber this. We all perspire. a quart of odour-causing cool days, science says. True we don't notice because we so soon becon to an ever-present odour. VING CREAM No pull, No friction, it moothest Lever Brot i Lion no Dept. 322 ovones. Ord to correct it-- he's a valued wing fast. Hp t you couldn't too important Pores give off waste even on it in ourselves 1e accustomed But it can be Lifebuo HEALTH SOAP most annoying to others. offending? It's so easy to be safe. Just wash and bathe with Lifebuoy. Why risk "Most refreshing soap I ever used!™ say millions of delighted users. A Life- buoy bath drives away fatigue, makes you feel gloriously fresh and fit. And no worries about "B.0." For this creamy, abundant, searching lather purifies pores destroys all odour, True complexion beauty Lifebuoy's gentle, yet thorough cleanse ing, frees clogged pores of impurities-- brings dull, sallow complexions back to healthy, radiant freshness. Its pleasant cxtra-clean scent--that vanishes as you rinse--tells you Lifebuoy purifies. Adopt Lifebuoy today. Y TILLIE "THE TOILER--A Dog's Life for Mac nue YOU SWEET, LITTLE THING == WANT, 0 1086 Wu MAC tL BET Vou KNEW | LOVE DOGS com NULL | NOPE Ths woRNs oN Ni HNN sil nth $ A CAANGE NOW «+f { \TILLIE ISN'T BACK FROM WNCH VET «SO 1'LL MAKE OH!!? 99 \

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