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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Sep 1930, p. 7

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u SLL TTI RAALY + be welcome, It wan also decided to ry Ll RS \ I" 'HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1930 NA 5 Et CMA A PAGE SEVEN ZION NEWS Zion, Bept, b.-Mrs, Retford Cameron and Miss Kathleen have been visiting Mrs, Cameron's sis ter, Mrs, Arnold Venner, of Mark. bam, The Women's Associstion met for the Beptember meeting at the home of Mrs. Alf, Ayre on Wed- nesday, Sept, drd, with a good at- tepdance, Mrs, Fice presided, Gen. eral business was conducted and It was decided to hold the commun~ ity quilting at the Sunday Fehool rooms on Wednesday, the 17th of this month, when all the Indies are invited, as there ars four quilts to finish, Refreshments will hold the fowl supper on Oct, 7th, School Valr Is to ha held on Thursday, Sept, 18th, at Hampton Park, when all the parents and any others interested are asked to be present, Lightning played a funny trick on Tuesday when If struck Mr Russel Robbins home burning out the phone and knocking down viaster, Mr. Arthur Langmald's phone was also put out of come mission, No person was huyl, The program at the Ladies' meeting was interesting when Miss Annie MeMaster played the plano in severs! different numbers and gavo a little talk on thelr origin, Mrs, Peter Llement sang a preity solo, after which Mrs, Ayrow group, Mrs, Perkins and Miss Blve Pascoe served delicious refresh- ments for which they were accord: ed a hentty vole of thanks, My, and Mrs, Perkins have been yvigiting her mother in Owen Sound an she has suffered two strokes, Mrs, R, VV. Richards, Oshawa, has returned home after being with her daughter, Mrs, Dalson for a week Sympathy Js extended in Mrs Walter Vivian, formerly of Zion, byt now at ¥imeroft farm in the death of her brother, Mr, Oscar Stephenson, Courtice Mr. and Mrs, Thos family, Mr, and Mrs, and family, and Miss FEttie Flin. toff, Mr. and Mrs, Herh Flintoff and Migs Orma, Anson and J, W, Balson, Prank Walker, Jerry and Ralph Glaspell are among those Martin and Alan Fisher [y-- , Lifetime iscount of A HE home thet is hard to beat is hard © sell, Th insulated home saves fuel ~-- as much as 24%, This saving 1s not to be ignored, nor can it hg ignored by the prospective home buyer. Donnacons Insulating Board is home comfort thet pps for iself, The yearly savings in fuel multi plied by the years of the life of the building soon gs you back its low first cost an and leaves you unexpected balance which can be epplied to mprovements and repairs. For he future valug of your home, loan and rental value, with Donnscons the prodmet of PRICE BROTHERS Quebec, Canada, (Eriablisbed o all won for increased resale ort and economy, build 4 insndsung board, A & COMPANY Lund, eer 100 wow.) Wein for bookier "Our of the Fores, Wamth and Comfort for the Home. WHAT A [mbmralated roofs oe rarponsible for 25% of the bow (011 1m the average bossa, For added comm! and lower fuel balls mabe toes ibe roof ii Insniared, DON Carew Lumber Company ONA LUMBER i a hh i A lb s--O who attended the Toronio Wahible tion, Miss Audrey Ayre has gone to Oshawa High School and in stays ing with her aunt, Mrs, Newton Edgar, Mrs, Will Stainton and Miss Frances have returned to Buffalo, N.Y,, after a lengthy visit here, Master Lloyd Staluton Is on the slek 1st, BROUGHAM NEWS Brougham, Hep, 11,~~The Wor men's Institute met at the home of Mrs, Shepherd on Tuesday afters noon, There wns a good attendances and an enjoyable program, Mrs, Brownridge, district president of Whitevale heing present and glv- ing an excellent address, dealing with the subject of child traiping, beginning in the early formalive years to teach and practise Lhe truths of the Bible so that n. good foundation is laid for future citi. zenship, The subject for the day was Literature' and a discussion followed on books of today, many voleing thesopinion that many of our newer novel are adopting a frankness and tons, prejudicial to our young people, The roll call was Answored by names of prominent Canadian women Mrs, B, Harvey ul the piano, led community singing The popular hostess, Mrs, Hhepherd and duugh ter werving an excellent tea to al) present, This was an exceptionally fine meeting, Miss Jones visited with Miss week, The W, Gray family vile, visited the Albert Gray family on Huhday, Miss Jennie Duncan of the East Yory teaching wsiaff Sundayed with her paople The John Millar family heen suffering from the epidemic of flu Mrs, Clark and taken up residencs In Work on No. 7 highway in going forward vapidly, and traffic eon inues heavy, although the cutting down and lavelling makes the | bed pretty rough in places Misses Ida Diwson, of Toronto and Miss Myrna Annis called on friends here on Sunday It Is reported that (he hooth was hroken Inte on any night Mr, Jack (ernw at his home here Mrs. Hunter and children ot | Galt have heen guests at the R, Devitt home for several weeks Miss Marie Devitt spent the past week In Bt, Catharines, Falls and other points Mr. and Mrs, Holly, sen | daughter of Oshawn, and Migs | Dorothy Yates, nt Toronto, were | guests at tha Gerow homas on | Sunday | ---- family have Markham Holmes Hatur. apent Sunday Salem, Sept. 10.~Miss McKeon: | gle, of Colborne, in visiting Mrs, C M. Carruthers | Miss Annie Thompaon Is visiting | ooo' maward, = of Mrs. J, Poster, Miss Stevens of was A Bunday guest at of har hrother, Mr. G. A Miss Mary Rundle and Mr. and ! Mrs, Knox and family Bowmanville JO/€ HE LEAVES EACH MORNING HEN he starts for his skin is as soft end clean as o litle baby's. When he re different. The dirt seems the uninitiated would say that enly a scrubbing brush applied with the sternest measures could possibly restore the morning's. bloom to his But the mother of a boy who leaves home with a glowing complexion knows school each day better. turns, the story is so indelible that skin, sure, boracic is JOHN TAYLOR a CO, LIMITED Eastern Ave, Torente Even though his skin is a little roughened from the wind, she knows 4 soap he needs. warn him what to use. She merely puts a cake of Infant' Infant's Delight does the rest. Its pu ity, is guarded, And to make assurance doubly She doesn't even s Delight in the soup dish, added. This mild, healing antiseptic affords added protection to the sensitive skins of young and old Beatrice Stevenson during the past | | of White: have | road | Ningara | and | the home | stevens. | yng Mr, J, H of Hampton | | a. on Haturday | | i wore visitors on Bunday of Mr, and Mrs, W, J, Cann, 'Mrs, W, McDonnld and grand- daughter, Miss Helen Gerry, of London, spent a few days atl "The Maples" last week, Mr, and Mrs, George Cornish und Mr, and Mrs, Wreford Cornish and habe motored to Oshawa on I'riday and visited friends, Mrs, W, J, Cann and Miss Gladys Cann motored to Newcastle last weak and visited Mrs, Hendry, Lake Bhore Mrs, Wilking and Mr, Nelson Wilking visited Mr, and Mrs, Voley at Maple Grove recently, Mr. Bi, Werry, of Bowmanville, wis a Sunday guest of Mr, and Mrs. Wes, Werry, Mra, Atchison, visiting Mr nish Mr. and Mrs tonville, spent and Mrs, 1, Welsh, Mr. and Mrs, Wilber Prite, of Inneiville, visited her parents, Mr, and Mra, Geo, Cornish Mr. Kenneth Werry is tiling & tempornry vacancy on (hes teach. Ing staff at Newcastle Miss Gladys Cann has atcepted un position on the teaching staff at Toronto and has gone to her new field of labor Mr, Ewart Pollard who has been hollduying at home hgs returned to Toronto Mr. I, I, Lockart, of Bowman. ville, conducted church services on Bunday afternoon and deliver. ed n fine address ) of Toronto, Is and Mrs, George Cor. I, favery, of Naw. Sunday with Mr, TYRONE Fr '- ~Miss Viola position as Dummer I'vrone, Hapt short has accepted a tancher for Centre schoo! Miss Beatrice Bigelow, of Lotus, spent the week-end at home Mr, Levi Annis, of Teronto, spept the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, 1H. W, Annis Mr. J. H, Latimer motored from Mae Tiler and spent the week-end AL Mr, (CA, Bigelow's home Mrs, Jack Cassidy, of Toronto, Visiting her aunt, Mrs, Chas Blgelow Mr. and Mra David Noble, of Orono, visited Mrs, James Storie Me, Paul Willlams, of Port Perry, visited Mr, 1. Strutt on sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Keott and Mr. and Mrs Carruthers, of How. manville, motored to Cobourg on Munday and visited Mr W. 8 MeDonald Mrs. Andrew: Cooper, of ston, and Miss Edith Taylar, of Queenaville, visited Mrs, Laura | Burgess recently, Mr, and Mra, CGresnwood, of P'aterhoro spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Robt, MéCulloech Mra, C, Staples, Mr. and Mrs Carl Billings and family of Lea. kard visited Miss Virtue and Mr Will Staples Congratulations toe Mr. and Mra, Howard who are spending thelr honeymoon in Western Ontario Mrs. Annis of Khenezer, Mrs Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cas sidy, Mr, and Mrs, H. Cooper, John Toronto, Mins Elizabeth PBigelow of Bowman ville, Mr. Ross Rigelow, of Osh Awn, Mr, Levi Annis, of Torrente, Latimer, of Mae out-af-tnwn Kuesis Rrent-RNrightwell wedding Tier worn the nt the HAYDON NEWS Hevden, Heptemher 10.- League meeting was held on Tuesday evening, the president, Mra. Henry Askton, taking charge of the opening exercises and pros gram in the abasnce of the mis nlonary vice-president Arrange ments ware made for a corn roast to ba held on Friday evening In tha enclosed shed at the church Mr. and Mya, Richard MeNei) of Harmony, recently Mr. and Mra. Leslis Garrard and daughters of Camp Rorden visited the former's mother, Mrs K. Garrard Master Ross Ashton apant a few Gays with his grandmother, Mrp Henry Warry, Enniskillen Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Gresnaway and Mrs, Greeniway, ar, of Little Britain, Mr. Harry Collocutt and children, of Tyrone, wera visitors of Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Trewin on Sunday My. Edgar Cooper and Will Hansford, of Toronto, wars weeks end. visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Clar ence Avery, Myr, Duncan McKinley, of Aber. arder, visited his cousins, Mr, and Mrs, Richard MeNefl recently Mr, and Mra, Clarence Avery and Mr, and Mrx, Silas Trewin, motored to Lindsay and Roheays goon on Sunday, Mrs, Lou Disney and Fverett of Oshawa visited Mr, and Mrs. JI. Wright recently, Mrs, Elmer Bradley and Mra, T. Cowling spent Wednesday with' Mra, Bradley's mother, Mm, Ed. gorton of Pontypool, Mrs, Thomas Cowling and Myr. tle visited Mra, James Mallet in Oshawa on Thursday, Mrs, Charles Garrard and little daughter have returned home from Bowmanville hospital, Mrs, Montgomery, in visiting her Henry Ashton, Mr. and Mrs, W. Brownlee, of Leaalde, were Sunday visitors of Mrs, Brownlee's brother, Mr, Lloyd Ashton and family, of Toronto, daughter, Mrs, HAMPTON NEWS Rampton, Sept, 11.--~The Hamp ton 'school fair will ba held in the park en Thursday, Sept, 18 W. W. Horn and sen, Wallace, were in Toronto on Wednesday, The blackbirds geem to be gather. ing in large flocks the last week, preparatory to their migrating for the winter, Their cries are heard from the trees and open ground tpaces about the village, They 'cemingly have been more numer. Brin- | visited Mr, and Mrs, Charlia Soper, | the parsonage this week, The ap- proach to the village from the south has already been made with the poles, and it in expected the time I not far off when we will he able to press the button and have the con venience and watisfaction In every way of electricity, Mrs. A, Pennington and daugh- ter, and Mrs, I'ved Crydermsn and daughter, Bowmanville, visited 1, Reaves on faturday, The maples are beginning to take a different hue now that the first month of autumn has been usher. ed In, The chestnuts also are al ready shedding their leaves. One notices an old one almost veld of leaves, which fact makes one won. der If we are Lo prepare for an ear ly winter, The recent. rain and warm wen: ther hava helped ripen the tomatos- os, which are of a splendid quality in this section of (he country, Those who have grapevines report grapes to be quite plentiful also, Moots fer the most part are of an Inferior quality owing te un. favorable weather, some (urnips having had to ba plowed under, owing to decay The Hunday services were fairly well attended, The pastor, Nev, It, Biek, occupied the pulpit, while Lilian Jebhson assisted the cholr with a vocal solo, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Medealfe and family, Base Line, visited her par ents, Mr, and Mrs A Trenouth on Hunday Marjorie Martyn, Bowmanville, spent flunday at home, Milton Slemon and son, Haydon, visited at the home of Mre, Elmina Johns on Sunday, Mrs, Braund, Oshawa, was a re- cont visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs, C', Colwill also vise ips her sister, Mrs, A, Trull Mr, and Mrs, 6, Adcock and fam ily visited friends at Long Fault en Bunday. Mr, ant Mrs, W, Cralg,and fam. {ily recently visited friends at Shel hourne Much sympathy is extended Wil fred and Klas Greenaway in the death of their mother which oe curred at Bowmanville Hospital on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Greenaway had heen il] for pome time and wan admitiad to the hospital on Tuesday night - where she succumbed after an operation on Wednesday Ideal weather has bean in favor of those whe are husy threshing | these days Quite a number tended Oshawa "aly from here al and Mrs. | BROOKLIN Mr. G sent Rrooklin Gordon Wunter of Hamilton, at his home Mr, and Mrs. J ronto, spent friends here Mr GG. Bolomn, of Brighton ited with friends over end Ing relatives in Owan Sound Miss Marjorie Maynard is spend ing a week in Paterborough Mr. and Mrs, Hunter and daugh ter, Marguerite. have returned from a visit through vinces family have spending a Vancouver Mr. A. BN MaeDutf left months | TW oat Miss Allan Gourmley | Miss Fvelyn | Mr. ited with hin parents over the week end Miss Rose Rovd has returned home after spending a three wesks vacation at Balsam Lake Mr. and Mrs. RE Newmarket, spent a their parents, Mr and White SEAGRAVE NOTES Seagrave, Sept 11 SVAning was spent on this week at the home cf Misg Mar joria Mitchell, when tha members of the Graduate Girls' Club met for their regular monthly mesting Elaven answered to the poll-oal) Miss Illa Monn presiding Mueh business wan discussed. It was de. Prouse White, of day future. Following the business meeting A contest was held and presided over hy Miss Alleen Fish. ley, in whieh all took part, A read ing by Misa Alma Frise wag much enjoyed and lunch was served hy tha hostess, A well attended meeting of the Wemen's Association was held at the home of Mra Geo, on Wednesday afternoon chair wan occupied by the vices president, Mrs, 8, Reynolds, The meeting was opened by Devotional exercises and followed by business In the absence of the president, Mra, J. Shunk, several items wera left ever until next meeting, Af: terncon tea was served and a social hour spent, The Misses Alma and Ruth Clements and Miss Alma I'rise gave mupio selections on the plano and Miss Liggie Drum delighted al) present with several readings. Thess vere all enjoyed and added great- ly to the social hour. We hope to hear these ladies again. . The United Church Sunday Sohool on Sunday morning had an attendance of 85, Mr, H, Eagle non, assistant superintendent, was pleased te ses wo many taking an Interest in the achool, When Mr, John Mark, superintendent, comes home from his holiday spent at Da Kolb, 111, and South Bend, Ind. he will likely have some wonderful stories to. tell the wsohool. The birthday box is a great attraction for the children and adds much to missionary work, Mr. and Mra, Heyweod Short and baby visited relatives at Oakwood on Sunday. ' . Mr, and Mra, Gorrow and family, of \Sougor, were guests of Mr. and Mra, HH, Wanamaker on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Blanchard visited At the home of Mr, and Mrs, 0, W, Moon aon Sunday, The un during this summer than usual, The electricians are busy wicik Mra, English, of Toronto, has re. {WEAed Ramo AUSK & RIAD vial the wastern pro cided to hold a concert in the near. Clements, the wask-end | Mr. and Mre. Prank Disney and | returned home after vacation at | A pleasant | Tuesday of | and wan accompnnied hy CARO {mont that Ind fold Routley, of To- | the week-and with | vine | the week. | | Mr. and Mrs KE. Pascos ars oti: | | Manday morning on a business trip te the | af Tarentn | {spent the week-end with her friend, | Rateliffe, of Toronto, vis: | with | Mere. DI Drink the best Tea a your own price In buying tea you are guided by favour or by price, Ask for LYONS' TEA and get the Aav- our you like ot the price you like. LYONS' RED LABEL ot 38c, and LYONS' BLUE LABEL at 30. the half-pound, are blends of the finest teas India end Ceylon can grow, 4d. Lyons & Co, (Canada) Limited, AT Ga TORONTO TE SEE arg of the nurses fn one of the best known hospitiuls in the western Btuten Dus Inaugurated a system under which the foot prints of the child am well as {ts thumbprints, Dawson | rare where these piles in foree visited Alte with her daughter, Mrs. A COU TABS and other relatives Mr, 1, Grogs, of Toronto Mr and Mrs. W, I'rlse on investignilong the stewnrds sunday | of the Jockey Chih sntisfied Mrs I, | drug was administered to the horus for the purpose. of stinilat-| with the thumbprints of the moth. ing It for the race in question or, are tuken immediately and filed with the records, Under this sys fam, 1t is Impossible for babies te PROTEIN CONTENT v= d Mre, 1. Scott, ' . He ' gussie ov. M7. ang no, Cott, on | "Can anyone (all me, demand- Hyde Park orator, "who did Marvin nnd LN; A 1] " od w Miss. McKenzie motored from ('hi IN WHEAT IS HIGH mo 1 4 \ | ralne the in the nineteanth century te Mr and Mrs. N, Bwasiman, of Yeu working clanses?' ¥ guv'nor," replied one of Port Perry, visited at the home of y Mr, and Mra. H, Wanamaker eon 'the Inventor of alarm Wednesday rain cvop for thi ir 11 R---------------------- i grain crop for y year will he ver) » _ 2 Quite n number attended the fig) weys ¥, B. Rumery, head of I'he Friendly Service Nehoo! Fale at Little Britain Tue : y ; wm 4 ton t¢ ' day and Saintfield on Thursday 4 8 SRud/m Siralh ts mimes 0 Millions of miles of wire criss Mr, and Mrs, J Harding visited trade and commerce. Mi country (o Carry your at Cambray on Hundn upon tests' jut wherever you want to ge. Mrs, H. Leas nh, Reichard. com "resent day telephone communis Valentin school for lon chemist, The Birehard a | remarkably swift and and resumed her "Ounlity of thi ure I'he telephone habit for holidays and the ayer. | Keeping In touch with out-of-towa . friends Is growing apace, were Trench and family Mr, and Mra, Neal and won, Min IB. Alger, of Lindsay, Mrs. Marvin and Miss Carrie McKenzie of Chi cago, formerly of Port Hops were the crowd, clock protein Cunnda's Ottawn, Sapt 17 The quality cf the grads of minister of cross the Numsn olne fatement Ix based completed hy 1°, term | mi neenpted the cgutlion Is dutie ifter thelport, say protein enllant 18.4 favorahl (ghitiny In ¢ ry amount! pareent com NAres Vey with that NH SENSATION IN og BR A LAR RACING CIRCLES [{%28 132 raresnt, wnt tor Y¥3? OF GREAT BRITAIN | On and after Sept, 18, the No More Mix-Up following prices prevail at Edinburgh, Beotland apt, 1% war all Association Barber Shops A sensation, hellaved to he With The Babies in Oshawa: «= Halr on cedented in the history of Boys and Girls, 15 years and racing in Great Britain, wags Toronto, Ont ept in under, 95 cents; Ladies' od yesterday with the announces mix-up in the naw-horn huble Halr Cut, 40 cents; Ladies' Ludlow's foudsyonr-| tha Chicago hospital there Las heen Hale Trim, 25 cents; Ladies' brown colt, Gran. duces had tam in Neck Clip, 10 cents. further ran Oshawa Master Barbers' Ape stewards sociation NOTICE unpre horus raven! revision of the sy of the hospitals in the United ftaten, to make It impossible for | the same thing to happen off all] A Canadian nurse, who is nome hean disqualified from man ing under the rules of the of the Jockey Club trainer, D. Taylor, and tha horse nEAin varned the head eb aa EH The MONITOR TOP guarantees Dependable, quiet operation always HE Monitor Tope=juht look at {te scarcely bigger than a hat box-=yet it is one of the greatest triumphs of modern engineering. Sealed air-tight within the Monitor Top in the entire mechanism that will operate a General Electric Refrigerator year in and year out=--quietly and dependably without a pe Or worry on your part, Sa troubledrea is the General Electrie Refrigerator that it never even needs to "be oiled, So quiet is it yon ean barely hear it , , , and it remains quiet in. definitely, Every day the General Electric Refriger. ator will save you money, For a few cents a week it will provide the safe, dependable refrigeration that preserves foods, safeguards health and prevents waste, And the Monitor Top ia bib to give a lifetime of economical, trouble: free service. At your fin tips in a freezing regu. lator for making of frozen desserts and extra ice cubes, The All:Steel cabinet is as rugged as a safe , , , it is easy to keep clean inside, outside, top and underneath, Ask the nearest dealer to demonstrate the many other advantages of the General Electric Refrigerator, woe RT ---- --~ EASY TERMS ARRANGED General Electric Refrigerator dealers are in a position to offer dingly » ble terms, well within the average family budget. GENERALE) ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR Ross, Ames, & Gartshore Co., Ltd. 138 King Street West, Oshawa Ontarir Guaranteed BY GANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CTO., Limiten

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