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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Sep 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT AE SI -- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1930 CHEVS-OWEN SOUND GAME IS POSTPONED TILL MONDAY NIGHT Montreal Winged Wheelers Plan to Retain Allan Cup And to Win Memorial Cup M.A.A.A, Is Lining Up Two Strong Teams, Senior and Junior, for 1930-31 Hoc- key Season--Plan to Keep Allan Cup and Win Mem- orial Cup as Well Montreal, Sept, 17=To reign su preme as senior amateur hockey champlons of the Dominion and econ sequently of the world, is not enough for the Winged Wheelers, holders of the battle-scarred Allan cup, MAA this winter is setting out not ony to successfully defend the histori trophy they won last Spring, but ul 50 to achieve Canada's jutior lanrels represented by the Memorial Cup And to this end, the association ha begun to build up two: new teams, cqually powerful in their respective divisions and expected to be para mount to all other clubs opposed to them, M.AAA's prior attentions full, of course, 10 the seniors, inasmuch as the retention of the Allan Cup de- pends on amassing a team as strong us last vear's which has been riddled he graduations to professional ranks And there again the Wheelers are not content, The tewm that the red and blue colors this shall be stronger by far than great machine that was the best it the Dominion last season==so say the officials And not yet heurs Winter the list i club complete because secure d has though the disclosed, has not definitely players on whom it some hint of the potential strength oi the new team can be gleaned from three men who are practically sure to be with the Wheelers this Win rer, All three centre players amongst the greatest that { anndian amateur hockey can boast, They are Buzz Williams, Bunny Scotland and Ralph ' St. Gerpain here is need to introduce the third member of the trio, for St, Germain has star vad locally for several wit! McGill hockey and rugby teams, St Germain is a whirlwind skater, brainy and possessed of as wicked and wn erring shot any amateur in the Deminion Germain has heen the subject of many a professional offer but has rema.ned in the ranks of tl simon-pures, Williams is another who has beer sought by N.ILL, teams, A Canadian by birth, hailing from Carleton Place, Ontario, Williams gained his hockey renown at Clarkson Tech, Pottsvill N.Y, He is rated as the best amatur the United States, Willams wis seen about MA AA, grounds during the rugby practice, and it was learn ed that he has a position here with Northern Electric, which mea will alse play in the Railway phone Hockey league Bunny Scotland played with Kenora last year and Scotland is employed by the CPR locally and will be seen in a Cana dian Pacific uniform in the Railway- 'Phone group as well, - Boast All-Round Strength These are the only three names that have been made public so far, but with such concentrated strength at centre alone, it is to be. assumed that the power will be propartionate throughout the line-up. Last year the MAAA, team posscsed nine players of more than ordinary cali. hre, seven of which will this Winte be seen in pro company. This year the club forecasts that it will have nine forwards alone of that same cal. ibre, while in all. 16 men of unusual ability will comprise the team to de- fend tha Allan Cup. "Put with all these elaborate pre. parations for the senior campaign, the junior aspect has not been neg- lected, In fact, a general movement the all is eyes we YOUN ns hl | l'ele hockey starred is afoot locally to boom Junior hoe« key to au peak never attained here- totore, und the Wheelers aim to lead the way In this branch as well, ' They wish to hold the Allan Cup, and add the Memorial Cup to it, With this in view, the MAAA, has combed the eity for the most prom ising junior material it can produce particularly from the High School League, And what with transfers fron other teams locally, and sever. al Immigrants to the city from Tor onto and further west, the Wheelers' outlook is bright, hy Pigeon Racing The Oshawn Homing Boclety held thelr last pigeon race of the sea: son on Saturday last from Tilbury Ontario, a distagee of 208 aly line, This race was flown un der poor weather conditions, but all birds arrived heme in good time, The following the race; Bramley Brow, ley; 1068.02 1068.34; V , Sparrow, 1063.75; 1062.02: W, Cowle, 1027.04, Cowle, 1027.17, Thi chedule is the result 1060.11 Bramley Whiteley, V, White 1067.04 SPATrrOw w ulso completes the ny ernge The winner of the best av ernge for young bird series goos to the loft of Bramley Brox it the NATIONAL LEAGUE CUBS SINK DEEPER Now York, N.Y. Sept 37. The New York Glants, who hold only » slim chaneo of gotting back into the National League pennant but have plenty of ability to trouble, sank Chicago's Cubsg doeper into the doldrums yester day by winning the first gamo of thelr important geries, 7 to 0, Car) Hubbell three-hit pitching ana the ineffectiveness of #& palp of tlie younger Cub hurlers combined to louve the Cubs 0 game and one halt behind Louls and Brook lyn, virtually tied for the nnd place the Glunts ames behind Chicago \ cause Nt to three PHILLIES MAKE GIEAT I'n Sapt RALLIES Philadelphia, 17 The Phillies nosed out the Pirates | wild and | 16 10 14 In a Inning struggle hud scored four tenth Inning, the Phils back to score five in their halt and clinched the. victory In the eighth inning "Chiek' Thompson enginered a triple play, Paul Waner and Grantham were on frist and second when Traynor ht a Tine drive which Thompson speared with his gloved hand, touched second doubling Paul Waner and then threw to Sherlock who nipped Grantham for the triple yestardny wooly the Plrates in the came After ten HE COULD PROVE 11 In the case of a conversation in | mentioned | that a man who was passing had, | at one time, been in a mental home, | a factory yard Jt was "But he looks quite sane to me,' sald one "Bane? Oh, yes, he's sane enough, "And he's the only chap in the district that's got papers to say he Ix sane." ' She Should Know Better Than To Kiss This Boy! Ellen Neal knows from ex. perience that sons think only one thing of speakeasy 'hostesses'! Hut love makes Ellen recke lows! makes a story written In the blood of Ellen's heart, A DRAMATIC MASTERPIECE The Harvard Prize Play By Cleves Kinkead Becomes an Astounding Talking Picture 'COMMON CLAY' with CONSTANCE BENNETT LEW AYRES It Carries a Meaning to Every Human Heart! rich men's Her recklessness Starts Last Timea=TONIGHT . PAUL WHITEMAN ine='"King of Jazz" we Withee JOHN BOLES JEANETTE LOFF THURSDAY miles of Bros, | being the last race of the | VISITOR'S IMPRESSION | Ny \ wi ™ ¥ -- runs | lead, | NY LocAL Go BETWEEN THE TCE DROM iN AT Ti COURSE AND GIVE IS SHOWN aAmoveE OF THE GOCOYEAR ON THE OSHAW cartoon from clever United Stat Paton Ldwards of the Times Tha above the pen of that dartoonlst Akron Sunda cently a visit in and who played n on the Oshawn Course plainly seen from his comment was much impressed with the Horseshoe which who re Bowmanvill round of golf Vil or hae 16h or hola Cardinals Win 10-Innings Game 1-0 When Douthit's Single Sends High Home ~ Sensational Double: play Prevents Brooklyn From Tying Game Up Brooklyn, Sept, 17.-The S&t. Louls Cardinals beat the Brooklyn Robing, 1 to 0, in a titanle 10-in- ning struggle here yestoarday, breaking Brooklyn's 11-game win ning streak and taking the Nation- nl League lead hy the margin of one percentage point, A. crowd of 28,000-~the higgost of the season at Ebbets Fleld----witnessed '¢ the gamo, and most cf them left the park limp and exhausted after sit. ting through more action than has been packed Into a big league bane- ball game in years, Through nine innings, | Digzy Vance, Brooklyn ace, and "Wild Bill' Hallahan, St, Louls southpaw the latter with a smashed finger, on his gloved hand, wera doadlock- LFER WHO LIKES MOR An can he | the | St. Louis Card Lead in National League by 1-0 Victory Over Robin € HAZARDS AND GREEN SHOULD E osHAwA (ONT CAN) IT A WHIRL A SAMBLE, » ON WHICH WE PLAYED Ac A GUEST OF CHAS CATTRAN DEVEL a PLANT AT Mou OPMENT MOK MANVILLE A GOLLY COL nis) t difficnl of the golf club | me on the cou hey | recognize that trick pleture, which Is ve Edwards assured T reser otter have another your but ! would endeavour to Amn reparation try en ih the mean time mprove inp for thi inals Take S | | Vietory came to the Cardinals In [the tenth inning, after they had been handcuffed by Vanece.on every ed in a thrilling pitehing duel previous epportunity they had to were Little. Andy High batted for Gelbert to start the tenth and drove a double to right fleld, With two strikes on him, Hallahan sacrl fleed, High moving to third, "Tay lor Douthit drove High home with what proved to he the winning run of the game a slashing single over Bisscnotte's head. The Cardinals had won the game, an it turned out but they had to pave ft in the tenth, Glenn Wright "first up for Nrooklyn, drove a long double to left centre which almost hopped into the elrcus seats for a home run, Bissonotto worked Hal. lahan for a walk, Then Hendrick sacriticod with a bunt down the third base lino, moving Wright tc third and Rissonette to second, The stage was now all set for Brooklyn to win the game, with men on third and second, and only one out, Jake Flowers, a danger- ous hitter, was sent In (o bat for fe PI oy 0 "Ra Nr SAR NSS TAS AND THAT FRM THE JMNIN ¥ wo. - | Fin Hallahan elected to pass Flowers, filling the bases | Lopes Hits into Double Play | Then Lopez camo up, Tho crowd went wild, throwing newspapers, | programe, and othe debris on to {tho field. Lopez lashed a liner to- ward Adame, who had moved over to short in place of Gelbert, The {ball took -one hound, and Adams | Holded it near second base, He fugrled the ball, as Wright was racing heme with the tying run ind Disnonette was tearing for third with the winming run, Many ball players would have glven up, but Adams didn't He finally got hold of the ball, tossed it to Frlech to foren Flowers, Then Frisch whipped the ball to Bottomley with an rifle-lika throw to nlp Lopez by n step and complete a double play which ended the game: The standing of the twe leaders ns they go Into the second game of the all-important three-game serios tomorrow In: TP, 11 0 Ww, 83 84 L. 60 61 P. H80 570 St. Louis... Brooklyn .... Mother (lecturing Billy after the company had gone)-'Don't* you know the difference between 'suf. ficlont" and 'enough'?" "Sure; mother!" answered the boy. * 'Sufficient' ifs when a fel. low's mother thinks it time for him to stop eating dossert, 'Enough' is when he thinks it 1s." BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won P.C 104 644 05 586 b67 bb AT2 A447 398 365 Rochester Baltimore Montreal .. Toronto oe Newark ... Buffalo. ... ending ' 97 dersoy City .... 101 Yesterday's Results Toronto at Buffalo--Hailn, Montreal at Rochester-- Rain, fending at Baltimore--Played nreviously, NO others scheduled, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost Philadelphia .., 08 17 Washington ... Ha New York 64 Cleveland LU Datroit 74 it, Leuls LL] Chicago 89 Boston 97 Yesterday's Results Detroit Boston Philadelphia. . 6-10 Chicago .. New York...19 St, Louls Washington at Cleveland -- Lain, NATIONAL LEAGUE Lost 60 01 62 hh 69 78 r.C 676 022 566 524 A490 A411 A866 026 tree EEE P.C, D800 b79 560 D409 M17 462 393 O47 st. Louis Brooklyn Chicago Now York Pittsburg loston Cincinnati Ro Philadelphia 04 Yesterday's Results New York «e071 Chicago AL. Loui «+1 Brecoklyn x10 Innings, Philadelphia . x10 Innings Cincinnati! at until today. n 0 15 'Pittsburg ..14 Boston--Tostpon- led U.S. Lady Golfers Do Well Canadian! Open Golf Tourney | Montreal, ept, 17 (CP) {United States golfers made a splen- | did showing yesterday in the first [rcund of match play in the Can {adlan women's open golf champion | ships, and at the conclusion of 14 matches eleven players from be- low the border and five Canadians advanced to the second round, Miss Helen Hicks Hewlett, Long Island, tur, the defending champion, tri umphed, as wap expected, and so did the remaining favored players, 80 that the opening skirmishes among the survivors cf Mone day's qualifying round did not pro- vide anything in the nature of an upset Prominent among the victories of the day was that of Miss Hicks, | Who defeated Mrs. J, Dag nals, of [laval, 6 and 3 Mrs Dagenals, a | former provineial champion, and a [ notably ttrong match player, prov. [ed a fairly easy mark fcr the Hew [lott wizard, Miss Hicks, after haly- | | ine the first hole, won the next! ve AMERICAN LEAGUE ATHLETICS WIN AGAIN Chicago, Sept, 17.--The Phila- | delphin Athleties took a tighter [ grip on the American League pen- nant yesterday by grabbing both ends of a double-header from the White Sox and boosting their lead over the Idle Washington Sena- tors tn eight full games, "1 §¥" Grove pitched his twen- ty-seventh victory of the season to win the first game, 6 to 4, In the second the A's bunched hits in the sixth andl eighth innings for fivo-run scoring splurges and the ball game, 10 to 2. +The Athletics have hut nine games to play while the Senators have eleven, ALEXANDER'S HITTING FEATURES Detroit, Sept. 17.-~Two timely hits by Dale Alexander gave De- troit a 7 to § victory over the Red Sox in the first game of their series here. Alex delivered his blows--both singles--in the third and fourth innings with twe run. ners on base each time, thus driy- ing In four runs, Russell relieved Gaston on the mound for Boston after four in. nings. and held the Tigers score- loss for the remainder of the game, Waite Hoyt allowed 10 hits, in- cluding a home run by Webh with Miller on base, but steadied in the pinches enough to win. He allow. od no bages on balls, There were no strikeouts in the game, GIBSON DOESN'T LAST LONG St. Louis, Mo., Sept, 17,--Un- loosing a thunderous storm of hits giant SNAPSHOT By Guo, Caxrsmns, Sporis Editor Chevs, Play Owen Sound, Monday The third and deciding game between the Oshawa Chevs, dnd the Owen Sound Wawanekas, will played on Monday night of next w eck, at the Ladies' softball stadium, Sunnyside, Toronto, Quite a number of fans, both from Os wa and from Owen Sound were disappointed last night when the game had to be cancelled on account of rain, terest in this game is very high and there should be a large crowd softball fans at Sunnyside next Monday night In- of Mcanwhile both teams wilk.take full advantage of the opportunity to get in some more valuable practices, 7 LJ * * Ld Oshawa Aarabs Play in Peterboro Today The Oshawa Aarabs face their hardest task of the season, so far, this afternoon when they meet the strong Peterboro C.G.L, the Liftlock City, in the second game of the semi-finals, team in The Aarabs played splendidly on Monday to win the first game and they are out to win today's game and earn the right to mect Ingersoll in the finals for the Ontario intermediate baseball championship, The local boys have a hard job ahead of them and they fully realize it, however, tee Peter boro clan have a harder job as they have to beat the Aarabs twice in a row to win the series, w v » LJ Oshawa Bakery Jrs. in Brantford Today The Oshawa Bakery Juniors are playing in Brantford this afternoon in the first game of the next round orf the O.A.S.A. Junior playoffs, Brantford Collegiate Institute team eliminated the Toronto representa- tives so they must be quite a softball team for coming through in the pinches and if they of the way, they only teams still left in the running are and Oshawa The Bakery team is noted can put Brantford out will be favored to win the Ontario championship, The North Bay, Windsor Brantford LJ] Ad Surprise for Local Rughy Fans cl rugby fans 4 arc for .a as to just what form the surprise is expected that a future. All thos better keep their e; es on this column, yleasan Jefinite details casant Def tail takes surprise, not yet available but it are tl announcement will be made in the very near sport fans who are interested in the Blue Devils, had The boys did not hold their regular workout last night as the excessive. rain made the ground very lippery and dangerous Coach downpour was just a little too be out again tonight SCVC HC A little rain does not defer the boys but "Liz" Walker does not believe in inviting trouble and last night's to allow sure footing, They will of all sizes in the first five innings, the New York Yankees gave the Browns a sound trouneing yester- day by a 19 to 19 score, Yanks hummered four St, pitchers for a total of 23 hits, 20 of them coming in the first five frames, New York started off with four runs in the first inning only to have "Goose Goslin hit his thirty. third home run after Sam Gibson, who only joined the Yankees yes. terday, had walked the first two men he faced, New York, however, scored six more times in the sec- ond and made a third Dunch of five hits in the nont frame for four runs. Lewis ' Eddie Tolan Will Race Leigh Miller on Sat. at H. O. C.'s Meet Hamilton, Sept, 17.-President Bobby Kerr of the Hamilton Olym- ple Club announced here yester- day that Eddie Tolan, holder of the world's record for 100 yards, would be here on Saturday to meet Leigh Miller and others dn the 100 and 220-yard events on the Olymple Club's track and fleld program to be staged in conjunction with the annual marathon, Horse Is Disqualified Trainer Is Ruled Off Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept, 17. A wensation believed to be unpre- codented in the history of horse racing in Great Britain was re- vealed yesterday with the announce- ment that Lady Ludlow's four-year- old brown colt Grand Success had been disqualified from further rac- ing under the rules of the stewards of the Jockey Club, and the horse's trainer, D. Taylor, warned off all race course where these rules are in force. AD, A woman, driving into a village, asked one of several boys where sho could find a Mr, Jenkins, Said the youngster, "That's him over in front of McMick's, leaning against the wall," "Where?" sald the mptorist, "In front of MeMick's," reiterat- ed the boy, pointing, The woman looked in the direc- tion indicated, and there was Mr. Jenkins, Also she noticed, just be- side where he was standing, the legend carved in the stone: "MCMIX", The | | | | | HOME RUN STANDINGY vesterday----Granty liam, Pirates, 2; Suhr, Pirates, 13 Klein, Phillies, 1; Goslin, Browns, 1; Schulte, Browns, 1; Lindstrom, Giants, 1; Allen, Giants, 1; Webb. Red Sox, 1; Bishop, Athletics, 1, The leaders--Wilson, Cubs, 50§ Ruth, Yankees, 46; Gehrig, Yan« kees, 39; Simmons, Athletics, 35; Berger, Braves, 34; Foxx, . Ath letics, 34; Klein, Phillies, 34; Hartnett, Cubs, 33; Goslin, Browns, 33, League totals--- National 825; American, 632; grand total, 1,457, -------------------------- Home runs Employer: "Look here, Smith, when you came here you told me you'd had five years' experience in the city. T found out last night by chance that you'd only just left college, What have you to say?" Smith: "Well, sir, you said the firm needed a man with Imaginae tion." ! MR. BACKSLIDER The vicar was inquiring of one of his flock why he had not been to church for several Sundays, "Well, vou see, sir," sald the man unctuously, "I've beca troubled with a bunion on my foot." "Strange," commented the pare son, "that a bunion should impede the pilgrim's progress." FINGERS CROSSED He had risked his life to save the girl from a watery grave, and, of course, her father was grateful, "Young man," ho sald, "I can never thank you sufficlently for your heroic act. You incurred an awful risk in saving my daughter." 'None whatever, sir," replied the agateur life-saver, "I am already married." # . WHERE BOYS AREN'T BARRED City Urchin (in the country for first time) --This is just like grass, ain't 1t? Priend--Why, 'course it's grass, Urchin---No, it ain't, 'cos yer don't 'ave to keep off it, i] Doe CAREW LumBLR (© 4 ATHOIL TW BRINGING UP FATHER | w Ay "THE NOUSE OF NTS THERE'S THAT COUNT THAT TRIED TO Barrow THOUSAND BLICKS FROM ME: WE COLLD DIVIDE HI1% HRV GOW EN N AMON G THE PEOPLE AN STILL HAVE A COUNT WE ARE TO PLAY MINIATURE GOLF TONIGHT AND SyERY ONE ANTO YOL ay NOT OLLY: HE'S BAD Sor AFTER ALL: | GOT BE AT MY OFFICE \N THE MORNIN V'Ll LEND YOU THE | TEN THOLSAND- LL GO THERE Now AND war FOR

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