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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Sep 1930, p. 10

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a Ww ee THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1930 ROAD WORKER INJURED Peterboro,--Nerman Bickell, 24, a resident of the Lakefield Road, received cuts to his hands and face | and bruises about his hody, when the road grader on which he was riding was struck by a car driven by Norman Blewett, 18, of Buck- horn. POST OFFICE ENTERED Brockville.-- Thieves tried their hand on W. RBillings' store and C. G. Nunn's butcher shop and stole game groceries and provisions, but did not disturb the post office or tills RESIDENCE BURNED Brockville. A frame residence in the village of Jasper, owned by Mrs. James Murphy, was totally destroyed by fire together with most of its contents, The fire wis first noticed by Mrs. Carlisle Con- nerty, who gave the alarm, and a call Smith's Falls fer aid wa eont to STRUCK BY CAR Brockville Darting out from the sidewalk near her home, Marion Manoll, 2 Home Terrace, was struck by a driven by Thomas = Guest 'and injured ahout the face and head, The child is three years of car age FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Brockville ~The fiftieth anniver- gary of the foundation of An drew's Presbyterian congregation at Seutlt Mountain was last Sunday. with Rev ner, of Winchester, a preacher WwW. DD Tur the special OFFICE BURNS When a lamp post-office and POST Peterboro ploded the ox in | eral store at Crookston as the own- to in- was was about the property house Mr, just er, Grant Coulter, turn out the lamp cluding his dwelling completely destroyed Coeul ter escaped injury. but had time to rush from the blazing build- The damage is covered by in Neighbors organized a brigade obtaining from a nearby and a losing fight flame over an hour ing. surance, bucket stream the for with TO OBSERVE CENTENARY Prescott Rev. Dr. R, Laird, To ronto, will at tha 100th anniversar; establishment of Methodism the in of ' Made" by Murray © SALEXANDER Murray. Eastern Ontario News about | celebrated | gen-'| be the special speaker | | Prescolt on Sept, 29, to be observed in St, Paul's United Chureh, LIGHTNING RIKES STORE Pembroke. --Lighining struck the tore of T. A. Brown. at Wesl- meath, about 15 miles from here, and destroyed the building, with its contents, as well as his home, which formed a wing of the store and two or three outbuildings. Near-hy houses caught fire, but hard work on the part of volunteer firefighters them from des- truction. Brown's hooks and weounts burned saved Mr were CHURCH CORNER STONE LAID Brockville.--1In the presence of a large congregation, the corner stone of a new Presbyterian church in Lansdowne, to be known as the Church of the Covenant, was laid hy Mrs. D. W. Darling and.Dr. Eli- zaboth Beatty, venerable members of "the congregation, Rev. Dr. | MacLeod, rockville, temporary pastor, presided, and addresses delivered by. Rev. Dr. Mae- Brockville; Rev. C | Gananoque, and Rev. W., W, of Caintown were Odrum Kidd, | Purvis ENTERS 90TH YEAR Campbellford Mrs, Jane recently celebrated her 89th birth- day Mrg, (lay iz enjoving splen did health and is in possession of {all facultie Gay her FAMILY REUNION Belleville A re:union of the family and descendants of the late James B, and Mary Ann Johnston, pioneers this district, held Belleville There were 64 pres of was in ont TRANSFERRED Lindsay Re Father Black, {who has been curate at St. Mary's | Chur h for the past four years, has to the parish of His lordship Bis f Peterborough been trans Lind PASTORS | been transferred | | Parry Sound bh) O'Connor o Father Begley from Parr { hop Re ferred has Sound to gay water | fought | HOSPITAL WING mtracts were let and work started on the maternity | wing at the Ro Memorial Hospi |tal this week F: R. Wilford and town, and T.'J. Morrow, Wood got the general contract, The yv=t will be about 380.000 NEW | Lindsay C new Co In le I tot 1 al « CEMETERY Matthew's Pres Bast Oxford decided improve of plang which putting TO RESTORE Brockville St | byterian cemetery at undergo result to | " a 3 iments as a | zation is into the congre foree TO UNVEIL MEMORIAL 'arleton Place Rev. C. E, Kidd, Gananoque. is to cenduct the unveiling service in § | of 1 } memorial CO SEMET - WE ARE SOLE AGENTS KE SOLVAY POCAHONTAS SCREENED AND CLEAN CANNEL SIZED FOR FIRE PLACE DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262 Five Direct Lines Less than 5 per cent. Ash Nut and Stove Coal $16 SCREENED Per Ton 'Mallett Bros. I'hones 3060-30061 0671 Albert St. Furnace Coal Presbyterian Church, Place, on Sunday, Setem- Andrew's Carleton her 28, GRAIN AT TORONTO (Grain dealers at Toronto are quoting the following prices for grain in carlots: Manitoba Wheat orn, 82c¢; No. 2 Northern, 80c; No. 3 Northern, 78c; No. 4 North- orn, 74c; No. 6 Northern, 61¢c per bushel. Price on tracks 1c higher than bushel, Price on tracks lc higher than above, Manitoba Oats-- No 1 feed, 3314¢; No. 2 feed, 293% c per bush- No. 1 North- el Agentina Corn--384c (cif. Port Colborne), Millfeed (delivered Montreal, freights, bags included); Bran, per ton, $23.25; shorts, per ton, $24.25; middlings, per ton, $31.25, Manitoba Ilour---First patents, in jute, $6, Toronto; seconds pat- [ ents, in jute, $5.40. | Ontario Grain Wheat, oats, 28¢; barley, rye, buckwheat, 62c. T5¢; hoe; aoc; PRODUCE Sept. 22 FUTURES ~ Conditions in cash egg market have not changed for the better over the week-end, and dealers are continu- ing to push, sales at every oppor- tunity, Buyers permitting dheir stocks to run unusually low and taking their chances of replacing at lower cost from day day. Withdrawals from stor in four markets were a bit favorable today, but only | enough to check decline in November eggs futures and nbt enough reverse it, Top grades of centralized butter were lower- ed in quotations on today's spot butter call, with entire market unsettled and Futures open- cd steady and higher on Novem- bers, but offerings soon increased sufficiently reces- on Chicago extras, CHICAGO Chic go are are to age more help to easy to force price market standards, tone weak Eggs, fresh 2410; easy New York spot market 4010: 2212 to 231%0¢; spot 48%: Butter, 28e¢: firsts, tone Butter, Eggs, steady. MODERATOR SHOULD BF FULL-TIMF MAN Committee Makes Recom. mendation to General Coun- cil of the United Church | extras, firsts, no tone tone l.ondon, Ont, Sept be detached from ordinary duties, said Ion, Newton W. Rowell, K.C., reporting for the special committee on position and duties of church officers, before the general council of the United Chureh The committee thought the work of the moderator required his full time. Sir Joseph Flavelle, Toronto, urged that adequate provision he made to provide for executive of- ficers on retirement, other than | payments from the pension fund. Rev. Dr, W, Armstrong of Toronto, { however, declared executive offic | ers should not' receive any more | retiring allowances than ministars. | "There is no equality in the | ministry at present" retorted Rav, James Little of Toronto. "The church places no limit on ministers' | | Canada should salaries while it fixes those of the executive officers," "Lat the preshyteries decide," In- terjected Sam Carter, ex-M.P., of Guelph It. was impossibl- to prevent lay- men from paying lage salaries and retiring allowances to their minist- ers, sald Gen, J, G, Ross of Mon- treal. The matter will go to the { presbyteries for consideration, : KEEPS "Once-a-week" REFRIGERATORS Sweet and Clean soluti ASH out the inside of your refrigerator regularly with a on of one tablespoonful of Gillett's Lye dissolved in a gallon of cold water® and you can be sire that discase germs of all kinds will be OME, | Pour down week some of this same solution the waste pipe once each and it will never clog with germ-laden grease accumulations. Gillett's Pure Flake Lye has many other daily household uses. Send for our new free booklet explaining how it will help you with all your cleaning, GILLETTS Lye STAN Toronto "Fats Dirt" DARD BRANDS LIMITED GIL) ETT PRODUCTS ' Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver and offices in oll the principal cities of Canada. (c.f. Goderich and Bay ports). | 23 The | {| moderator of the United Church of | Twenty-six educational institu- tions numbering 300 teachers and more than 8,000 students were des- cribed by Rev, Dr. J. W. Graham, secretary of the board of education. Including the new building of Em- manuel College in Toronto, these' institutions represent about $16,- 000,000 worth of property, itr was reported. "In Victoria College, at Toronto, we have more than 1,000 students," sald Dr. Graham, "and we have adequate accomodation for only 600. The board of requests are now considering some way of lim- iting tho registration." Dr, Gra- ham stressed the importance of religious knowledge courses for arts students, RURAL SCHOOLS HOLD ANNUAL FAIR AT PICKERING Much Interest Taken in Vari- ous Contests--Many Fine Exhibits Pickering, Sept. 18.--One of the most successful school fairs ever held in Pickering, took place on Wednesday. Officials claimed that it was the best fair held this year to date, there being the big- gst and first aid contests, and the finest physical culture display. It was a red letter day to the child. ren of the community and at an early hour they began to arrive with their exhibits, which ranged all the way from live calves dead insects. The inanimate jects were arranged on tables in the school rooms while the live stock was given a corner in the Memorial Park. The after: noon's activities began in the Park with the march of the schools, followed by a massed physical cul- ture display, under the capable leadership of Miss O, Beare, teach- er of the Pickering No. 4 West, Junior Room. Kach school part, was presented with a basc- ball by the Dept. of Agriculture The first aid contest much interest and it was a ure to the way in which girls and boy carried Qut simple remedies for S. No. 7, won the prize, a first aid Kit The harmonica' and speaking contests were excellent the pupils entered onthusiastic effort contest in which four classe competed, received by the awards in these follows ob: pleas- see the accidents, 'S, The quartetter Was audience classes wero, The ns (1 I (2) P. Lock- Harmonica Contest Straughan, 8.8, No. 4 W: Sobal, 8.8. No. 7: (3) G. wood, 8.8. No. 4 W Recitation Contest (1) Blanche Balsdon, §.8. No, 4 W; (2) Leigh- ton: Grew, 8.8. No. 7; (1 Alma Carter, 8. No. 4 W. Public Speaking Smith, 8.8. No. 4 W: Grew, 8,8. No. 7; (3) Singing-----(1) No. 4 W, toom: (2) No. 3, Senior (3) No. 4 W, Junior Room At the close of the open contests, a program of sports was run off, which held the attention of the children, while the were given an opportunity viewing the exhibits in the school No exhibits were. removed until four-thirty, so that all had = chance of seeing «ll the effort of the children. The local of the Women's Institute had re freshment and tea hooths on the grounds; which were well patron- ized Miss Tsabel a week with Richardson, {1} Arthur (2) Phyllis Helen Seott loom; Squire is spending her aunt, Mrs, Jas in Georgetown, United Chureh met in St. An drew's 8.8. on Tuesday afternoon, when arrangements were made for the anmiversary supper to be held in October, | Mrs, F. Boyer, spent Sunday with friends in village, Little the Miss Ruth Heron, of Brooklin, is visiting her grand- parents, Jabez and Mrs, Hallett, On Sunday morning last, the pulpit of the United Church, was occupied hy Rev. Dr, Gilmour. who, for fourty years connected with the Inland China Missions. He told many interest- ing incidents of his life in China. and gave a vivid description of the conditions of the rountry at | the present time, : | Mrs. P. Staring, spent a few days in this week, Mrs. Thos Johnsto . 8. J n, of Gorri Zhen Thursday with her irik Miss Annie Marquis : i R. Remmer tam aun, obt. and Myg T: i . aylor, of jeighton, and John and Mps, Tay. or, of Port Perry, spent Sunday With Robt. and Mrs. Stork : Miss Myrtle Lockwood, 1 «0C » left on Xopday lo take up her studies at ® Iolo Normal School Mr. and' Mrs. S.J Chy called on friends in ar ton; on Monday, Mr, and Mrs. John Draper, of Keswick, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Jas. and Mrs Andrew. Upon their return they Nore accompanied by Mrs, An- drew, who is .spending ti Vv with them. E to wock Mrs. Elmer Toms and chi , children % Sawa, are visiting the form- tS parents, Mr, and rer dl uli 1 Mrs. Olive; Born, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. ©. ©. Bradley, a son. W. R. Crummer left on Satur day for Quebec, where he will con- tinue his studies. Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Stork and young faughter, spent Sundar with friends in Mimico. R. A. and Mrs. Hutchison, ot Whitby, were the guests of A. G. and Mrs. Clark, on Sunday. of Toronto, the village Sept. 14, to entries in the public speaking | has been | the village,* to | long | | Spencer's taking | afforded | | te public | : into them with | singing | from | w ell | conver | Liem 1 Orinoc the Senior | air | { used to carry a b adults | of branch | ps | The Women's Association of the of Belleville, | | the | POT BETTER BUSINESS REPORTED INS, Government Official States Bottom Seems to Have Been Reached Sept. 23 Agree boltom of the de- pressfon has been reached and husing is now on the upgrade was given yesterday in statements by Secretary of Commerce Robe ort IP, Lamont and Chairman Sim- econ [ess of the Republican Na- tional committeo, Last - night editors of trade journals predicted favorable de Washington, ment that the | | velopments ip agriculture, residen. | the automobile radio 'speeches Lamont said, "has checked the market decline char acteristic of a wumber of carlier months and there are some dis- tinetly encouraging features,' Fess, who expregsed over the political and vnrest manifest in various of the world, said he thought the U.S. has turned the and is now on the way buck normal Lamont singled out the most encouraging aspects the growth of export trade as shown in statistics, and the "distinct up of retail thi try" WHITE INDIANS IN SOUTH AMERICA: tial building and industry, in "Business,"' corner to picking trade in coun- | Sponsor of the Atwater-Kent concern | economic | parts | [ never August | { that | the | come EXPLORER SAYS Wife Flowers While Tigers Snarled at Her 2a Herbert went a white ha monkey New Yor} opt Spencer Dicke: last March to I dians home a stor vho ay In come wok for Am rod in Sonth pica, with a howler and a re In obtained lead hin year, One discoverie about a tapir, 0 me 'pale yellow dian from whom information which may the his the explorer ped t along white one next of most important aid, wa of the an unmap Orinoco River live the Making It he not un butay banks of ich Quaharibo diffie did languaze, Dickey learned that. *'Guaycas,' lived some mile the jungle. He is vear to 100K along the pale yellow ition wa Cans der eventually even t tand the guide tribe hut Dr avages pel through back next Wild animals the 0 were more frightened than overed as it an out- day, br hed boratoy hard said, dullest from the or white ons, further going avi , the noved up ward moto) Dicke said, a party dis river in t 01 the bo int) and The the tapi a photog undid work tapir "dumbest the world clentist is animal 1 sald she revolver while specimens, Dickey was out collecting Bonth Carolina Ave. at the Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY'S NEWEST? Centrally Loeated Fireproof Hotel 0 with the lest weed BOOMS The @ocan Dosk Bathing from Hotel Overlooking the Ocean a BS Lei BOY Smad aa it | 2 HEADACHES Rheumatism Neuralgia Lumbago Neuritis «here's quick Relief! OU can't always stop work and give-in to a headache, but you can always get relief from such suffering! A tablet or two of Aspirin will case an aching head every time. Perfectly harmless; prescribed by thousands of doctors. Aneffective antidote for pain, taken by millions of men and women whenever they've a cold, headache; neuralgia or neuritis; Yheumatem, lumbago, sore joints, ete. Rea the proven directions thal come with Aspirin and realize how much suffering these tablets can spare you. Aspirin has medical endorse- ment. It doesn't depress the heart. You know what you are taking. The box bears the word genuine in red. ASPIRIN Picked | (ieorge | Mini al coq ! 1 radio | which resumes its winter | A. ATWATER KE hour, program of Sunday, October 5. These concerts are this winter to be broadcast through station CKRGW, Toronto. snarled She use tigers dnd jaguars from the undergrowth, found it necessary fo gun, however. AGENT-GENERAL FOR ALBERTA RESIGNS CAlURn at her the Fdmonton, Alta., Herbert (ireenfield, London, and former province, has resigned position and will retire Government gervice at first of January next. He will then to Canada and to this resident represent financial interests are forming a | development of | resource of pt agent-general Premier of | from | from | the | in the back province tive of in London that company for the Alberta petroleum PERLEY IS NAMED an a certain the | the Ottawa, Sept 23.--~While attending the Hon, Sir he acting pre- will act Commerce, Minister of Ryckman The duties | will dis- | the Prime Minister is conference Perley will Hon. Dr. Manion of Trade and Hon. W. A. Gordon as Justi and Hon, E. B as Minister of Finance of Solicitor-General charged departmentally, Minister said FLOWER POT SERVES AS BURGLAR ALARM Sept A flower | erved excellently as a burglar and two bandits owe their Prime Imperial mier as | be New. York, pot alarm | imprisonment to its efficacy for | {driving | and all necessary documents: great | praise is due to the Oshawa Motor iT wag an | motoreycle guides | through the streets of the City to | the speare"s home, Ann Hattaway's cott- The flower pot was thrown by a guest of the Fulton Hotel from an upper window after he had | een two invaders holding up the clerk in the lobby. The pot barely missed the head of a patrolman Angrily, the officer Tan into the | hotel, surprised the robbers at and captured them after a chage wor) short A. 1 BOUCKLEY ENJOYED MOTOR TRIP IN ENGLAND 3) British to me (Continued from Page ternational license, My license was handed Club for the efficient way in which they handled the car business for I found on arrival at Liverpool that affiliated member of the oval Ruto Club of Britain. The R.A.C. officials were on the handing stage and one of their conducted me outskirts at which we said goodbye and goodluck and we started on our trip to the unknown hearing always in mind, 'Keep on the left side.' Wonderful were the feelings that came over us as we drove through beautiful country Janes with trimmed Hawthorn and private hedges on each side passing large estates, the homes, which wera hidden behind large trees, small cotfages with their old fash- ioned gardens and hotels and inns, where one can get refreshments if one wishes. "We met friends in the town where 1 was raised as a boy and finally reached our head- quarters in Blackpool Lane, where we stayed a week, "We visited Southport, another summer resort, where the greatest flower show in the world is held. We visited the Lake distiict, taking in Wordsworth's (the poet) cott- age also Furness Abbey, the ruins of which are being carefully pre- sorved. Our {rip to the south was through Buxton Matlock. At Nott- ingham we were in the famous Major Oak Tree, where Robin Hood and his merry men used to hide many years ago. 14 of us got inside. "Coventry, the home of Lady Giodwa, also a Motor city, we found full of bicycles. On the War- wick, where we visited the Historic Castle and grounds, also the Ruins of Kenilworth which are owned by Lord Hyde, late of Pickering, Ont. At Stratford-on-Avon, Shake* ago still stands as of old. Banbury Cross with its famous cake. On to Oxford, the seat of learning, and across 'to Bath, famous for Old Roman Baths, 2,000 years old, Across Salisbury Plaing, well known fo the first Canadian soldiers for its mud, is now growing crops. Stone- fenge (The Druid Circle) stands as it did 1700 years B.C. Devonshire is very beautiful and on top of Dartmoor is an Inn in which a fire has heen burning for 216 years. "From Tavistock wa continued to Lands End; along South coast, 3 off mv engine and instead of gaining | Stranraer | pedestriz | only knocked one man down. | provements are taking place includ ing | curve ydrunkness, | came on returning home and hear {ished the apple. through Plymouth, Torquay, Telg- mouth Lyme Regis, Dorchester, Bournemouth, Southampton, Ports- mouth and Brighton. striking north tnrough cur old campaign grounds in Surry and Hampechire, we found all signs of war had vean- ished. Then London with its many Historic sights Ramsgate, Mar-* gate Through Kent, Scotlana : Picture of One | OF the Family, | | | In we visited Fdin- | burgh, Holyrood Palace, the castle where a great war memorial has heen erected to all Scots, who fell {}/ in the war. Sterling, Perth, Dun- dee, along Kast coast to Aberdeen |} (the Citv of Granite). The hills 1 around Balmoral Castle were one ||! blazing mass of Purple Heather. | "Prom Braemar passing over the || Devil's Elbow. we stayed the night | at Spittal Hotel, Glenshee, no telenhones, and went to bed with candle light. On to Lock Lomond and Glasgow, Kilmarnock where |}! { we met all the football players who visited Oshawa last spring. Through Avr, birth place of Bohhv Burns, along the west coast of Scotland. It was here I found the Electric Hill, On going down the hill T shut Well dressed and well cared | for, he is just an example of f how much more you can do | for the children with the money you save when you yo: ih) ; take advantage of our "pee hegan to slow up. and came Lu Cth tn a ston, then hegan to go hack PENNY SAVERS up the hill without nower. Four times IT tried it each time with the same effect (T wasn't drinking Seoteh). It wa« along this coast that in the rocks are used for overnight travellers. On to and Dumfries. We vis- ited Cretta Green, the nlace for runaway marriage and witnessed a mock marriage, 60c Ipana Tooth Paste $1.50 Vacuum Bottle and Kit 8 Cakes Vinolia Castile Hospital Cotton FE H0¢ Riker's Milk Magnesia $1.25 Red Rubber Jath Sprays . 25c A. B. 8. and C. for ; $1.00 Regesan Fruit 39¢ 98¢c 25¢ 59c¢ 39¢ 19¢ 19¢ 19c 29c¢ 19¢ 39¢ 98¢c 59c¢ 19¢ 15¢ THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Ltd. Ss. caves T5¢ in Britain ig entirely different tn this side, driving on the left gide. One is allowed to pasg street cars on either gide even when standin Traffic is not near- ly heavy in Canada. The add 12 make very diMeult Wii : and at any fime a man may sudden- ple Peppermint ly walk or run in front of you. 1 | Patties . He 25c¢ Milk Magnesia got up and bezged my pardon. The Tooth Paste roads are splendid and greater im- 50c French Balm for Se $1.25 Rexalarm Clocks 16 oz. Petrofol eral Oil 25¢c Seidlitz for Fly-K Spray, "Motoring RO it bad many. sta- cutting out there are Bus trafic tremendous, tions are few and far between and widening and of which Min- is ga the service very Powders "Everyone seems to be happy al- though poor Sobriety is the pass- in Britain with little poor, word very "T received great pleasure in visiting parents of many local aec- quanitances, The greatest 'thrill ing some one shout 'Hello Mike'." ; y Ring E. 28 Simcoe Phone 68 WASTED EFFORTS Father Phone "Did you, peel that apple 1 told n "Yes, Dad" "What did before eating if, as vou? Jimmy Father peel?" Said the doctor to a man suffer- |ing from wounds: 'One of is fatal; from the other two may recover." vey do I} u do with the three had t fin- | hem you Jimmy: "I ate it after 1 FALL PRICES NOW ON ALL OUR USED CARS 1--1929 DE SOTO, Special Sedan. Like brand new car. 1--1929 ESSEX COUPE. Runs and looks like new car. 1--1928 CHEV. SEDAN. A real family car. 1--1927 CHEV. SEDAN. Completely re-condition- ed. All in 1st class order. 1--1927 WHIPPETT SIX SEDAN. A family car. Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd. HUDSON--ESSEX 135 King St. W., Oshawa real snappy Phone 1160 HOTEL GENOSHA Comfortable Rooms with Bath, Shower, and Every Convenience Ask for Special Weekly and Monthly Rates, Tel. 3000. It's Good Business To Use GOOD LUMBER Standard Grades Only shawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820

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