THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Mr. Dan Dudley, of Colborne, is visiting at' the home of his uncle and 'aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dud- ley. | since the end of April, will end Saturday at midnight, or 12.01 a.m, Sunday to be exact. This means that citizens will have to move their watches and clocks back an hour before retiring on Saturday, also that church ser- vices on Sunday will be on Standard Time, In Oshawa, To- ronto, and other cities, old time will be reverted to at the same time in Whitby. Daylight saving has been longer in effect in Whitby this year than in for- mer years, the extension of time heing arranged on the sugges tion of the Railway Associa- tion of Canada. A number of railway train changes go into : | effect at the end of the week, able relief work for the winter| and particulars of these will be months were discussed and agreed| found els ewhere in this | issue, upon. The Association will do some- | -- thing towards meeting the many calls ma® on individual ministers | | Worshippers Are Caught in Gun Figh Rev. Canon Baynes-Reid and Grand Supreme Secretary David Proctor, of the Sons of England. The bearers were J. W, Bateman, W, J. Hallett, John Lynd, W. E. Hewis, John Noble, Whitby, and Cecil Wilson, of Woodstock. The many floral offer- ings, coming from far and near, testified in no uncertain manner to the esteem in which deceased was held. It took three cars to convey the flowers from the church to the grave. WHITBY MINISTERS PLAN WORK FOR WINTER MONTHS Interdenominational Bible Class and Relief Discussed Elect Officers drew's Presbyterian Church, who has been president for the past two years, retired, and Rev, D. B. Lang- ford, of St. John's Church, Port | Whithy, was elected to the presi-| | | meetings were held throughout the north, the various Jostmasters being called upon, Mr. Whitfield [ing and repairing being under way for which no permits have been is- sued so far. The only large work contemplated this fall is the ware- | house and storage building at the | Ontario Hospital, estimated to cost $60,000. Permits issued so far this year The 'Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and ocews will be received at the Whitly Branch Office. at Gazette and Chronicle.~Telephone 23. After Business Hours--Phone 359. REP RESENTATIVEJAMES H. ORMISTON wag very much taken up with the north country and marveied at its development since the fires of 1916. Cochrane is 4 very modern town in layout and will some day be a city of note. Haileybury, the capital of the judicial district of Temiskam- ing, has all been rebuilt with fine homes and a very substantial business section. The town boasts one of the finest and most up-to- date hospitals in the north coun- try. The city of Timmins paved streets, fine churches, schools and theatres would com- pare favorably with any city of its size in Ontario. The party witnessed great de- velopment of the pulp and paper industry at Iroquois Falls, A gi- gantic power dam is being built there, and the paper companies are erecting a modern town, The famous Hollinger Mine was visited, Mr. Whitfield getting down to the 3,150 fool level, and was shown all phases of mine op- eration. David Wood, seven-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Wood, Athol Street, fell from a tree on Friday evening last, fracturing his wrist. Re is now progressing satisfactor- ily. Mr. Robt. Deverell has a fine peach tree on the south sidexof his residence, from which he picked a basket and a half of peaches last week. The fruit was of good size and color. dent's chair, The Association discussed the or- ganization of an interdenomination- al bible class, as suggested by Capt Best. While favorably impressed | with the proposal, it was felt that! the better plan for its ultimate are: Fred Allin, addition to dwelling, Centre street, $300. : B. N. Coombe, frame dwelling, Whitby Schools Have ania Alors Of 779; |i viv beck'? cy Largest on Record 0. W. Quinn, garage, Kent Street, $50.00. Harry J. Wervy, Oshawa, gaso- line station, west side Brock Street, Public Schools Have 502 Pupils With Extra Large Entrance] Class--High School Attendance of 213 Exceeds All Former Years--Thirteen Are Taking the Agriculture and Farm Mechanics Course--Schools Filled But No Crowding Exists $500. "George Burgess, dwelling, Brock Second ' . A total of 779 pupils are now in Boparate at the High, Public and re- | as alization was for each church to or-| ganize a Bible Class of its own, | looking towards union of them all later on, at which time, it was sug- | gested, a banquet might mark the | With its Migses Jean Heard and Dorothy Deeasion | Forester entertained at Miss Fores- ter's home, Ash Street, on Wednes- day evening, in honor of Miss Mar- guerite Toms, whose marriage takes place shortly. The bride received many useful and pretty gifts from her girl friends. east side of Plans for carrying on consider | and churches and social workers by | hungry men, The Association anti- cipates that there will be a greater demand than ever for relief during the coming winter, ow to much unemployment. On Friday afternoon a very pleas- ant meeting of the Women's In- stitute was held at Woodlands, the home of Miss E. Fletcher. The program of the remaining month of the Institute year was discussed and plans made to make the 'meet- ings interesting and helpful. Six new members were added to the roll. Afternoon tea was served. A hearty vote of thanks was given Miss Flet- her for her hospitality On Sunday morning the | "% hurch will held the annual ell- ¥ i's Missionary Society service, The | -- pecial speaker will be Miss Effie ---- iamieson, of the Dominion Board. | A Buyer' 8 Guide to Economy 111s., Sept. 25.-----Jewisl trolléd down the steps services embroil hicago gun battl¢ ing nagogue after thei | yesterday only to become led in a en det five DAYLIGHT SAVING ENDS IN WHITBY SATURDAY NIGHT furions ( Ld a meeting of the Whitby Min- Association held on Friday afternoon at the home of the Sec- retary, Rev. T. F. Best, officers for the season weré"elected and a num- ber of important matters discussed relative to the Association's plan of work for the: winter months. Re John - Lindsay, of St. At isterial autor 3 hetwe ind bandit Four o wounde ad. down | treet, studying agriculture, farm mechan- ics, ete.,, and a good term in this department is expected. St. Bernard's Separate School has a normal attendance this year. The enrollment is not quite as large as last year, as some families have moved away during the summer. 1 5 ral Bereiiie dodged behind phone 1 ked 0 ped church-zoers f NEW PRESIDENT side { Street, between First and Streets, $3,000. William Meeker, addition to house on Gilhes Street south, $700. A. J. Fluke, cabins and tourist place, $150. : George Allin, frame cabins and eparate Schools of Whitby, accord- g to figures furnished by the prin- vipals this week. This total attend- nes constitutes a record in Whit- Every school is filled to capa- ele. although there is no actual yrovding. The figures for the schools booth, $250.00. Mrs. A. McIntosh, improvements High School cirri le Wr Schools can sns D0 to dwelling, Centre Street, $800. t. Bernard's .... . 64 - George Harris, improvements to i NOT BEEN BRISK | | jon in and this will | house, Garden Street, $300. Mrs, Campo, refreshment Miss Jamieson was the Board's rep- | ig init § OPPORTUNITY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN | In the Public Schools "the atte nd- { g | nce is divided as follows T TER 15 i w her first public appearance since fe | 2 4 5 oi her return. She is an able speaker | { ; fi ind ha ; y k Among those BACK FROM TRIP Permits Issued to Date Total Brock South, $100. rations at the United Church mis pee i dived AGNEW.SURPASS End-of-the-Month an interesting who $14,750--Some More | Secretary Ontario Postmast-| John Yarmola, dwelling, West Africa, undas Street .. $d resting story to tell. . 2 / I $ 10 attended the uneral of the late E. R. Blow las t| veek were Rev, Canon Baynes-Reid, 4 Supreme - Grand Chaplain of the | 'ons of England; J. TI. Proctor, Su- to Come | + ers' Ass'n Impressed ; Garden Street, $1800. | Mrs. George Davey, dwelling, east | rock Street 95 | At the King Street School there | ireme Grand Secretary of the same | Norman Ham, of Montreal; With H the North { ald Ce by, according to figures of permits | Postmaster G. B w hitfiel ec- | : side Byron Street, $3,000 D. A. Wilson, sunt room on dv ing, Dundas East, $500. il J. Ridgley, double garage, ls an exceptionally large Entrance Class this year, there being 40 on Lomer Beard, daughter of the | Ham; Mrs. Lucan and son, : tary-treasurer the Ontario issued supplied by Building Inspect- | rétary-ireasure | Somm Postmasters' Association, accom- RARE NREA,. 0 + H. L. Pringle. | Schaal, as Street, $150.00. the .roll. A division has not been june necessary, however, Principal | Toronto ;a nephew, Norman Souch, f the C.P.R.,, Toronto; Principal | "Up until 'this week seventeen per- panted b; President McGuire, of | A mits had been issued this year, with | Tilsonburg, has just returned REV. D. B. LANGFORD ennett reports. Sommerville, of the Preparatory | a value of $14,750. There are stilll from = tour of New Ontario, {Who has been elected new Presi- 1 other booth, ing tale east doorwa Time, which in Whithy bullets United | Daylight Saving Hil has been in effect Worm. An- Dun- | ree | | | 244 163} rder, Mrs. late Col. teachers Here's a great country-wide event prauned by Agnew-Surpass to free yon from the bondage of high prices, a sales event that will undoubtedly show yon that THERE'S NO NEED TO SACRI- FICE QUALITY IN THESE STRAITENED TIMES. Agnew-Surpass' immense volume business has produced Bargains for every member of the family on footwear of quality far in excess of the low prices. The new re Miss Wylie, at King Street, and he Jermyn, at Brock Street. Good progress is being made in all three schools, with the term work well under way. At the High School an enrollment »f 213 pupils is the largest in the schools' history. There is a good ounty pupil list this year, also a good "registration for the Agricul- ano! Four not 4 Days, Friday, Saturday, The year 1930 ha: very active building year' in Whit-| Days ~of Whithy | the held from attended number Churche Quite Anglican a going " Public School Upper Canada College; and | Blow, of Toronto. far north as Cochrane. District | dent the Whitby Ministerial hural classes. Thirteen pupils are some permits to come, some build- as Sugar 101bs. 44¢€ WETHEY'S PURE ORANGE MARMALADE 40-oz. jar ope TE A Red Label ---"'Sea King" Lobster, Y's oi. LL. tin Lobster tin ----Sea King" 17. =] | | | em Shirrit s Orange Marmalade 16-0z. jar RE 29. & B." Branston = Millionaire Sardines; coemiN 88 sv +s 2 tins "Dinner Blend" Coffee .1b. 27 -- New Cheese 35 =--01d Cheese =----FEagle Brand Condens- ed Milk ...... 2 tins 33¢ Grape Nuts.. .. .. .. 2 pkgs. ---Kellogg's Rice Krispies .. ..2 pkgs. 29. 21 =Aylmer Assorted Soups ...... 3 tins Except Chicken and Chicken 25 with Rice Pickle 8-oz. jar vv 1b es .1b ~---- Salt, Free Running TE qe 24 == Libby's Pork &Beans 2s .... .+'3 tins -- Brooms, plain handle, four string .... each ==] pkg. Velveeta Cheese 29. and 1 jar Kraft Salad 31°€ Dressing... .. .. .. BEEF Round Shoulder Roast w. [le Chuck Roast of Beef, ib. lle LAMB Legs ........ Ib. RGEC Fronts ...... Ib. T4¢ PORK Fresh Hams, half or whole,. . Boiled Ham, r Sliced .. 1b. 45¢ Macaroni Loaf Ib. 25¢ Sliced .. 1b. 27¢ Salada Tea 1b. BUTTER .. 1b. Horseshoe Salmon Large Tins 2 for 53¢c 31c | | 69c | Shrimps tin 21¢ Raisins, seedless, bulk, 2 lbs. 25¢ Prunes. med. size .... 2 1bs. 23¢ Heinz Spaghetti, med. .. tin 14¢ Roman Meal . .. ..pkg. 28¢ Honey, 4%; 1b. pail ........ 50¢ Saran we is rector of Nt, Port Whitby. Association. He John's Church at PENNY BANK IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS ON OCTOBER 1st The Penny. Bank System will be inaugurated in the Public Schools of Whitby on October 1st, according to an announce- ment made by Principal R. A. Sennett. This week, it is ex- pected, a meeting for organiza tion will be held at the school. Early last Spring, the Board of Education, on petition of the Dundas Street Home and School Club, sanctioned the establish ment of the Penny Bank in lo- cal. schools, and appointed a committee to make the neces sary arrangements. The Bank, which has as its chief object the encouragement of thrift among school children; has been very successful throughout the province, and school children now have over two million dol- lars on deposit. The Bank will no doubt prove successful here. WHITBY VETERANS WILL OBSERVE ARMISTICE DAY : | Annual Parade and Service November 9th--Arrange Winter Programme | At a well attended meeting of { the Whitby branch of the Legion | held on Thursday last, tentative ar- | rangements for the coming winter's | program were made, { From now meetings will. be | held on the first and third Thursday {of each month, the next meeting | being scheduled for Thursday, Oc- tober 2nd, at 7.30 p.m. This meet- ing is called for 7.30 p.m., instead of the usual eight o'clock, so that a short business session can preface an evening which is to be devoted to entertainment and refreshments. The members of the branch will wel- come all Veterans, whether they are members of the Legion or not, to this or any of their meetings. It has been decided to celebrate Armistice Day with the usual an- nual parade and church service at the Town Hall on Sunday, Novem- ber 9th, and the annual banquet will be held this year on Armistice Night instead of in April next, at the anniversary of Vimy. Commit- tees have heen appointed to arrange for both these events, and Veterans will be acquainted with the-final ar- rangements through the medium of the Press, and also by letter from the local branch. For the present Veterans are ask- ed to bear in mind the social even- ing to be spent in the Legion Club Rooms, over Allin's Drug Store, on Thursday next, October Bnd, at 7.30 p.m. on The Week in Whity Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dudley spent the week end at their cottage, Vie- toria Beach, Colborne, Ont. Mrs. McQuay attended the Spir- ella Convention held at the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa, recently, Mrs. Morden, of Hamilton, has been visiting Mis WwW. J. H Rich- apdson, | Robert Simpson Compan | teacher, | where he | | | { | Thompson | onge, | from | ters, Banquet Court of y on Laymen Arcadian Anglican in the The | Mon- | day night, be interest- ed to learn that Mr. J. M. Sherlock, from Toronto, will resume in Whitby for this season | October 1st, at the Frank G. Erskine, vill be glad to meet for- mer pupils and others who contem- | plate taking singing The special rate of last season to choir members will be continued this Fall | Whitby vocalists will his clas on Wednesday, residence of Mr lessons. | algo Howard E. Thompson, with | wife and their two little daugh have returned to their home in Dubuque, Iowa, after visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt Dr. Thompson enjoys fishing and while here tried his luck in our northern lakes, and was re- warded with two very fine maskin- Dr his OPENS NEW LAW OFFICE Donald Ruddy, who graduated Osgoode law School in the | spring, and was called to the bar | last week, has opened a law office | over Allin's drug store, next to Dr Mills. Donald is a Whitby boy and should meet. with much success in | the pursuit of his calling. | i | Grand | Sons | Ren 'as health of pride. ~-- LAID TO REST funeral of the late Blow, ex-mayor and public spirited | citizen, held on Wednesday after- | noon last from his late residence on Brock Street South, was very large- attended. Service was held in St. | John's Church at Port Whitby, in which deceased has long been an act- i ive worker. Rev. D. B. Langford, | rector, conducted the service, as- sisted by Rev, Canon Baynes-Reid, | Supreme Chaplain of the of England. In his address | Mr. Langford referred to Mr. | Blow's loyal and valuable service to | the church, of which he -had been for many vears a warden, as well as one of the most faithful of workers: | His work for the community, as a member of civic bodies, and his in- terest in all branches of community | welfare, were also referred to. The rectos stated that the town and St. John's had sustained a great loss in Mr. Blow's passing. Following the service in the church interment was | made in the cemetery nearby, where many of the town's pioneers now | sleep their last sleep. A Sons of | England service was conducted at the open grave by Grand Chaplain The Skinniest Man In All The World! He Was Weak, Sickly and Nervous There's nothing in life so valuable The E. R And any weak, skinny, flat-chest- ed man who fails to take quick ad- vantage of the wonderful flesh-adding strength-creating, rejuvenating sub- stance found so abundantly in Me- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, must want to be a constantly com- plaining invalid--he may like to be called "scarecrow" behind his back! From livers of lowly Codfish come these precious flesh-building elements of the first magnitude--for years prescribe. by doctors for rundown, nervaus men, women and children. Get 60 McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets for 60 cents at Jury & Lovell Ltd, T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn, or any drugstore and if wou don't gain at least 5 Ibs. 30 days-- money back. Banigh that perpetual tired feeling --gain a rugged, well "eveloped body that will justly-be an ever source in Gigantic Savings i Ladies' Black Kid Strap Slippers kid leather Fine Dongola pliable sewn uppers, goles, wide fitting. $1.19 Comfort, Style, Econ- omy in this Great Group Stylish Ties and Oxfords The perfect Fall footwear, " choice of brown or black salf or patent stout Good- year sewn soles and Cuban yr walking heels. Save from $1.00 to $1.50 now, in all sizos, at low Month-End Special heels, Complete Sizes $3.48 to $4.48 Sturdy School Boots for Boys Black box calf uppers, panco or leather soles, every pair iguaranteed, and exceptional Sizes 1 to 51%. $1.98 to $2.88 Take advantage of We A rush order brings another big shipme sma 3-e3 buckle fastening strap styles, tan or bl g£, rubber heels $2.25 shoes for this great event, stout sewn oak leather sole lenges competition, a $1.95 5-7% Sizes 8-1014 Volume Produced This Special Misses' and Girls' Ties and Oxfords Incomparable Values The biggest shoe value of the year, smart patent ties and black calf oxfords, stout soles and low rubber heels, real fit ting, smart appearing and thor- oughly dependable quality. Sizes 8 to 101% and 11 to 2. Month-End Feature $1.69 and $1.98 Smart 'Buyers Will Stock : Up on This Rousing Special | Full - Fashioned Pure Silk Hose Semi-service weight, silk to the hem, all perfect quality and in all colors. Unmatched value. 98c pr. 2 prs. $1.85 Sheer chiffon, silk to the picot tops, the quality you usually pay $1.50 for. All sizes and "™ $1.15 Pair Pair $2.15 this rousing 4-day You'll welcome the generous savings. Stocks are now complete, and you'll find many of the fall favorites are included . . time to practice economy. shopping for best selections. " TEST THE POWER OF YOUR DOLLARS HERE Incomparable Prices On Footwear For School Days Children's Quality Footwear right now is the advise early rt sale, Monday, Tuesday nt of these we onderful ' oxf or atent, let k calf or A value $2.45 black p that chal- Size 11-2 Guranteed Quality Men's Work Boots Full ht grain nppers fm black or brown, panco oF leather soles. All sizes. 4-Day Special. $2.68 and $2.88 weig The Peak of.Shoe Value} | Here Men On Top Quality. | Boots and Oxfords pair Goodyear welted goles, extra weight for Fall wear, uppers of ealf or kid in black or brown styles for every taste in completes sizes 51% to 11. Real savings here at Every Choice of 15 Styles $35 bo 14m] Ladies' Kid Boudoir Slippers Fancy embossed kid uppers § in blue or old rose, padded sofes, rubber heels. Sizess3 js 59¢ Early Shoppers Special ...... The Season's Smartest Footwear at Phcnomenal Savings Ladies' Fall Footwear In All the Wanted Modes Every known style included here, all new Fall lines, brown or black silk kid and calf leathers, flexible sewn leather soles and Cuban or walking heels, ever offered within $1.00 Il Specially Priced for Month-End Selling Ladies' Arch Su full or recede toes, the finest group of these low prices, 3 68 and $2.88 & portShoes Extraordinary 4-Day Special $2.98 Choice of Pps or Ties in Fine Patent Leather AG CANADA'S LARGEST SHOE RFTAILERS™. 3 231-2 Simcoe St. S. -- -- ra te Se \ SHOE STORES oy Cli a Sg aie ec