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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Sep 1930, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE GRANT REFUSED Cornwali.~--The Federal Govern- nent has definitely refused to grant v sum in the neighborhood of $100,000 for the erection of an armory in Cornwall. CLOTH STOLEN Cornwall. -- Thieves raided a tailor shop at 113 Pitt Street, op- srated by S. Packer, and carried off 26 bplts of fine cloth. The ma- terial was later recovered but the thieves are still at large. &. GOLDEN WEDDING det Cornwall.--In the home to which they went as Young bride and groom in 1880 and in which their Jamily were born and grew up, Mr, 1nd Mrs, Curtis P Deruchie cele- brated the golden anniversary of their wedding. HOME, STORE BURNED Pembroke.--Lightning during a jevere electrical storm Is believed '0 have been the cause of a dis- 1strous fire which demolished the store and home of Thos. A. Brow a. Westmeath. Mr, Brown estimates ris loss at $25,000. J CHURCH SHEDS BURN Pembroke.--The hall and sheds »f St. Stephens Church, Greer- mount, were burnt to the ground rhe cause of the fire is unknown ASK NEW HIGHWAY Lindsay.--Feeling that there is lovment in the district, ome unemp } ; y Township Council, at he Verulam ) y+ recent meeting. decided sver the Lindsay-Bobcaygeon and build it up immediately road SHELTER FOR, FISHING BOATS Picton.--A harbor is being dredged at North Bay, near ( onse- con, where a large fishing colony is located. This harbor will pro- vide shelter for the fishermen's boats which in the past have been damaged by storms on the unshel- tered shores. The estimates 10: thie work were passed In gime of the Kinz Government the re- ARREST FOLLOWS INQUEST Kingston.--At the close of the inquest into the death of Richard Oliver of Ottawa, Anton Copp, of the same city, was arrested on a charge of criminal negligence He He wag named as the driver of the car which overturned near Ganan- oque, pinning Oliver beneath and injuring him fatally. Copp also will be charged with operating a without a driver's permit MORE PARALYSIS Lindsay.--Two more infantile paralysis have ported in this district, one in town and one in Fenelon Township. In both cases serum has been ad- ministered and some prozress has been noted cases of been re OLD AGE PENSIONS Kingston.--The records at City Hall show that there are at the present time 341 4 Kingston sharing in the grant un- der the Old Age Pensions Act. Fizg- ures for the month of July show | Ho! For A Refreshing Plunge ! How much nicer your Bath will be if you use a good Soap. -- For guick and plen- tiful lather, sweet scented, that's just what the ELITE BATH CAKE is like, so you should try it for your next bath. Inciden- tally, you may save by pur- chasing now. FOUR 10c CAKES --25c-- 69c Per Dozen THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Ltd. Ring St. E. Simcoe St. S. Phone 28 Phone 6% car | the | residents of | el | eee that the total amount 'paid out for these pensions was $6,720.45 The average pension was $19.70. PREFERRED "PEN" STARTS Kingston.--The first permanent building for the new Preferred Class Penitentiary, located on the Bath Road, about two miles east of Kingston, has been started. The building is the pump-house. BOYS DAMAGED CHURCH Picton--=Several young boys from Glenora district appeared in the local Police Court before Po- lice. Magistrate R. A, Norman, charged with doing damage to Glenora Church. They had smashed the windows by throwing tomatoes and also did damage to the walls. The magistrate gave the lads a lecture and three of them were placed under bond for good be haviour. The costs, amounting to $30, were paid hy the boys' par- ents and the boys will make resti- tution IN TWO ACCIDENTS Peterhero.--While undertaking repairs in a well, Elmer Worr Garden Hill. sustained injuries which necessitated his removal to hospital He was placed automobile trailer and the ney to Peterboro was undertaken When approaching this city on the Port Hope-Peterboro highway, automobile and trailer became ditched, and the unfortunate pati ent was subjected to a further painful experience on to take | GOLDEN WEDDING i Picton.--Half a century of ded life were this week celebrated [by Mr. and Mrs. N. M | Rednersville, Prince { County wed- Edward Brockville, --1It undet TO ENLARGE PLANT | that, tenders have been called, to close on September 30, for the construetion of six additional units ockville Philli} in connectioh with the Br Eugene F Works, Limited RFDICE DRINKING | plant of | the Electrical PICKETERS, £141 { Toddy Drinking Has Fallen Off 80 Per Cent., Say Gandhi's Followers Toddy drinl 80 percent ov Bomba ifallen off | picketing movement ina [the National Congress par vs jan announcement of the Gandhi fo | Prohibition. is No on |the congress program which would | make India Indian | women, have come Purdah, the ancient custom {here of remaining always are given credit of | down the number of toddy | scattered about the city, and espec- |ially in mill districts | where "a the | palm juice [dian cent H City officials, however, assert {that the toddy shop picketing, | tirely in the hands of the women {is only partly responsible for the reduction in toddy saloons The | real reason why such a large num- | ber of drinking places have closed { the officials maintain, is because of lack of bids hy a Parsee syndicate for the toddy shop licenses, a dis- j bute having arisen between the bid | ders and the government as to the excise duty which should he paid The syndicate contends | view of poor business duty should he ent |and for weeks there has been a deadlock, while 'Bombay got along on about a fifth of the todd shops |as it had previously, lowers, independent some of whom jout of in geclu- | sion, cutting ghops the cotton of costs about glass fermented Gana one en that in the nearly in half, | DOG AND WILD CAT FIGHT TO { DEATH Trure, N.S.--'Bozo", tooth dog owned by L. C and a large wildcat had a fight to the death. The feline was cow | auered by the large bull doz hut not before the latter received ser ious and painful injuries. The doz had a broken left hind leg and was scratched and torn considerably the Spears, Jeddo Premium The Best Produced in America ~ At Usual | | Coal Prices of | an f jour- | Wilson, | excise | gold | Blower Coal ° made from - CLEERCOAL 15 #p®*. cent, more efficient than Americ $7.50 Per Ton MALLETT BROS, Coal Importers Tel. 3060-3061 TORONTO HOSPITAL WILL CO-OPERATE IN CANCER INSTITUTE | Will Go Slow on Own Plans Until Larger Project Is Unfolded A desire to co- every way with Premier Ferguson in whatever plans he a provincial cancer. hos- pital was expressed by Chester | Decker, general superintendent of the Toronto General Hospital Announcement that plans were un- | der consideration for establishment ned radium institute made by Tues London ) 6 Toronto, Sept operate mm GH | | i | | | | for jospital was at Quebec y embarking | attend the on ton imperial ¢ Hon. Bread stop { whole been ing dc ed to tional leavin that firms profit them It is ferenc The equal that world | Owens company promi - {tablis plant - | vent [1922 [the « { to { is el raw duty | | | FOUE Belleville | aculo Jor pe L.abat "I'the 1 TWO DROWN TRYING TO RESUE LUNATIC (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) FRUIT MARKETING INDUIRY ORDERED Expert on Advertising And Sales Is Engaged by Ontario Toronto, Sept. 26. --W. B , Ontario, has Hon. T. I.. Ken- Agriculture, in "ersett, of Bu been appointed by Minister of Ontario. Government, the question of ma nedy, the into fruits standpoint The appointment is made to car- rv on work started by Hon. Mr Kennedy previous ment to the cabinet rketing the and vegetables from of the farmer, to his is one of the 1} salaried ad- visers eve Government in any branch of work and an expert 'and marketing. It is the intention of the govern- ment to concentrate his efforts to improve market conditions upon two centres, Winnipeg and Mon- treal on PRESBYTERIES TO DECIDE QUESTION | Ordination "of Women as Elders to be Considered by United Church London, Sept. 28.--Congrega- tions and presbyteries of the Unit- ed Church of Canada will be asked to decide whether women may be ordained as elders. At the general council here it was moved by Mrs. A. D Miller of Edmonton, seconded by Mrs. G. H. Oennee of Balgarres, Sask., that an amendment to the basis of union be submitted to con- gregations and preshyteries, sub- stituting the words "members in full membership" for the word "men", in the clauses which limit those eligible for the eldership. Miss Louise McCully, a missionary to Korea, also spoke in favor of the change, Resolutions of greeting to veter- an minigters of the church were nassed by General council and will Ibe forwarded to Rev. W. T. Me- | Mullen, of Woedstock, a former | moderator of the T'reshyterfan { Church in Canada, who. is now in [ his 100th year, to Rev. James Pat- terson of Montreal, who has reach- ed 100 and to Rev. William Ryan. of Bridgewater, , aged 97. meeting 4 Picton, --It is learned that the government intends closing the post office at Mt, View, and have the rural route start from Amel jasburg. | drive | township | eliffe | | at a stand appre | ed in GANADA T0 CURB GLASS PROFITEERS Consultation Called tawa To-day on Steps to Ottawa, Hobbs of Owens Sheet (ilass Company will be here tomorrow colorless Two methods {One is that the the guilty proper Hobbs and Mr statements tomorrow after the con- is designed to curtail imports from {the tr Ot-| in be Taken 26.--John W. Libbey- Sept. the Canadian to discuss with Ryckman and R, W. action to take to profiteering in common and window. glass by certain sale and retail firms. It has established that such is be- me, E.. B. ner what have been suggest- bring the profiteers to time. Department of Na- Revenue compile a list of firms and publish them, to mete out Another is the guilty g the public punishment, Mr. Hobbs notify and if they continue their eering practices to close to a future supply of such glass. announced that both Mr. Ryeckman will issue va. » new tariff, which is nearly to the cost of Belgium glass, has almost a The Libbey- fn 1921, under ge of adequate protection, es- hed a two-million-dollar glass at Hamilton With the ad- of the Liberal Government in protection refused and ompany scrapped its plant It rehabilitate this industry the was imposed country, which monopoly was NARROW ESCAPL mir- | fnjury heavy into | and Sidney | Hinch ditching | occurred but a by- er succeeded in flagging an aching train before it crash- to the wreckage t HAVE Four usly escaped I 8 death, t's persons serious when a crashed ear of a car owned Ed. Hinchcliffe, knocking the feet and ident Crossing beer truck nb car some uck., The acc railroad TIME TABLE | Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville (Effective Lea | Bowmanville Osh BUS LINES WEEK DAY SCHEDULE on and after April 27, 193) Daylight Saving Time) Going West ve Leave Arrive Arrive Hospita) an Lea Hospi Som- | to delve | H SUNDAY Leave | Bowmanville Oshawa *9.00 a.m appoint- | "11.3% Mr, Somersett | v the Ontario advertising | 12.30 p.m. 12.45 1.0 p | | | | cay 6.2 8.2. 3.1 6.3! 3.0; 12.0. 8.2 9.5 1.5 2% na Bnd *6.00 *6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 1.3 I'ime warked Whitby Hospital Special Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers Oshawa's Waiting Room, 10 Prince St. 9.50 a.m. 8.20 p.m 11.10 p.m CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Change in Time effective July 17th 2.56 p.m, 5.28 a.m. Daily, 40 a.m, 338 Leave Oshawa AM, P Going ve Leave tal Whitby 6.30 am East Arrive Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville | an 7.20 an am 10.45 p.m 1200 p.m, are through busses to ospital AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive « Whitby Arrive Hospital 10.00 a.m 12.25 p.m | 3.30 am, 945 a.m 1200 pm 12.15 p.m 1.00 p.m Arrive Bowmanville 1nmam 1.30 p.m 30 pm 5.30 p.m 7.30 p.m, Whitby 15 am p.m 2.45 p.m. 4.45 p.m. 6.45 p.m. 8.45 p.m. m. 1L15 p.m . Oshawa 10.30 a.m 1.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m 7.00 p.m, 9.00 pm. 9.30 p.m. 11.30 p.m. 12.00 p.m, are through busses to 1" T. A. GARTON, Proprietor Bowmanville Phone 417 or 546 Phone 2283 C. P. R. TIME TABLE Effective April 27, 1930 (Standard Time) Going West Daily Daily Daily (Efcept Sunday). Daily Daily Going East Daily Daily Daily (Except Sunday) Daily | Daily 7 am 3 am, 5 a.m, 8 p.m 5 p.m, 5 p.m. 5 a.m, (Standard Time) EASTBOUND Leave Oshawa Daily, Except Sunday Daily Daily, 8 pan. Daily . Daily . Daily, .m. Daily m. Daily, Except Saturday .m, Daily WESTBOUND Arrive Oshawa 6 a.m. Daily 3 a.m, 5 a.m, Except Sunday Except Sunday Except Sunday Daily Daily Daily, Except Sunday Daily, Except Sunday Daily Daily Daily, Daily 0 a.m, am, p.m, p.m, p.m p.m, p.m. GRAY COACH LINES (Standard Time) Effective April 27th, 1930, ave Toronto A P.M Except Sunday 12,30 130 3) FouFmaw Bra =me BlouForamn=i PEER EEE "» S = My "DODD'S < , By .BACkacH LE? y AP0ER rROY 4 i + Tap JURYHAN CAUSES FLURRY AT LINDSAY Constable Dismissed For Letting Him See Doctor 2 Special Coat Values Same as illustrated here. Of quality velour, silk lined and high grades, fur trimmed. Outstanding value at $ 3 5.00 New Hats Arriving Daily Come in and see them--you are under no obligation to buy. st. HE ARCADE Without Permission amount. of extra.costs ; be fined the the retrial will cost the county and Sept. --DBecause A province, 1 | | | to see a doctor | about a sore throat, without in torming the constable delezated | to watch the jury, a new trial was ordered for Howard Wilson, Ome mee, on a cliarge of manslaugh- ter in connection with the death of Helen Johnston, of Omemee, killed in a motor car accident Magistrate McEvoy ordered the | retrial vesterday. Simon *Dumon, ofr Woodville, for 25 con- stable in local courts has been dis- | migsed, Chief of Police, Gordon, of Fenelon Falls, anoth er constable, has heen reprimand ed, and C. A, MacMillan, juryman, | who is at present in hospital, may | was Lindsay, i heac juryman went yeacon snow day den, gary; THREE KILLEDIN MAIL PLANE CRASH DURING STORM | | heen The flew years a report 26 - T'h crashed to death in a Wes- Airways Mail plane at Southern Alberta, it | by sterday, It David Regina, Sask Sept ree | ; persons Lary tern Canada Southesk, in discovered ve the believed crumpled in storm southern The dead Calgary; C | when it Calgary, discovery Was | Hollick- along the route to probe the that Hol missing si ter he had hopped off from Cal- for communication 1 | : y : is | been received of the machine lick-Kenyon spotted the wreckage from the air but sped on to Cal- gary immediately for aid. found near the disaster machine, wreckage met the at Southesk, ran into the rain and which swept over the stretches yester- Pilot Pat Hol- McDonald, Cal- Gibson, BARN IS BURNED Belleville.--A large frame barn, containing all tha geason"s crop and threshing separator, owned Lv Percy Reid of Milton was totally dsetroyved by fire. The fire started in the stack at the back of the harn and it is believed to have been caused Irom a heated stack. The separator was owned by Rob- ert Little, also of Millton, prairie are- Passenger, J. F passenger. by who made Kenyon, airways pilot had Tuesday. plane arly olden g nce € Belleville.---- I'rederick Donaldson, Trent Road, passed away in the Belleville General Hos- chased by J. H. Porte. Telezraphic wrecked had Hol- Moose Jaw been storm, and no. report You'll agree Twice worth- ERE is the finest radio that can be built, the Melody would be worth twice its price. dinary radio. INVESTIGATE this amazing value at our store TONIGHT Only when you have operated the Melody yoursell will you appreciate its-astonishing new entertainment value, Then you will know the greater satisaction that its refinements bring to your enjoyment. fades; The New DEFOREST CROSLEY "Melody" Model Brings the cost of owning Radios "Finest to a popular level and success of DeForest Crosley could now make it available at the cost of ors What AVC One of 1930's major developments--DeF orest Crosley's Automatic Volume Control gives you: Uniform volume even when the station ing; reduced static and interference. GENEROUS TERMS WITH 10 MONTHS TO: PAY a ) li complete with tubes 2) Judged by past value standards * Only the outstanding resources Means to you same volume on all stations when tun- . $395 Buys the Supreme Radio-Phonograph + The Minstrel Unquestionably music's greatest entertainer, this finest of all radio-phonograph instruments is also available at a price you'll ind amazing. Actually Cut the Cost of Your Entertainment by Trading in Your Old Set Now-- Your old set is costing you money every day--de- preciating quickly in value. Why not put this fall's depreciation into a new DeForest Crosley. We can actually save you money now. No Other Radio Combines all DC Advantages-- Here are some Harmonic Amplification-- 1930's great new development in tone quality. i. zx. "Tone Golor" Control -- that gives precise tone blending to the finest gradation. Automatic Volume Control--An ex- ceptionally important development in the factor next in importance to tone --tuning. 3. ° 63 KING STREET E. Luke Furniture Co. OPEN EVENING PHONE 78-79 UNTIL -- EEE wre om ins

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