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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Sep 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women s Interests in the Home --- and the Community 7 RLS WORK | BOARD! | Women' Es Memings E-- FORMS COUNCIL 52220, # Specials Mrs. James Whitson and daugh- assissted by Mrs. Bickell. Mrs. Pythian Sisters held their regular ters, Sylvania, Sask., is gpending a [Hodgson presided over the tea -- . | meeting on Thursday evening, Ow- few davs with Mr. and Mrs. A. |table, assisted hy Miss Marjorie | Mrs. W. Tait Elected Presi- ing to the" seriolis illness of MF. F, Pipher, Bruce St. Moore, Mrs. Frank James, Mrs. v1.9 3 : ~ J : G Fletcl 1. Stewart Gamsby, Mrs. Ayers, Mrs. Samp- | dent of New Girls Marks, Sister Emma Marks, E.M.C. Among many of the extraordinary specials we r eorge "letcher and Stewart | son, Mrs. Valentine and Mrs, Pet- . : was unable to be present and the have chosen for the week-end are Hosier » Carver, both graduates of the Osh- joy | Organization chair was occupied by Sister Iva | Th h held f R " i bas. 2 LADIES SILK AND WOOL UMBREL- awa Collegiate Institute,'left at the a it Re cadbr of bust +Glovs, etc. ese we have held for a fina h LAS in all new shapes with amber tips beginning of the week for Kingston Mrs W, R. Miller's group of St. The annual meeting of the Girls' |Cliff. Among other order of busl- touch Saturday. {4 and furrels, guaranteed rainproof in all where they will attend Queen's Uni- | Andrew's Ladies' Aid Society held | work Board was held in King St. | ness the Grand Temple report of 3 colors. - Reg. $2.95 versity a tea yesterday afternoon at the |ynjted Church last evening. Miss | Pythian session, held in St. Thomas k i ski det The fadics Asti { - (he | Summer home of Mr. and Mrs. R.| Marjorie Blewett, chairman of last |in July was given by representatives SIRLS FANCY ART Mex LISLE Hose ; Saturday The Ladies' Auxiliary ol 0€ip Preston, Prestonvale, Kingston [year was in the chair. The follow- |sisters Ethyl Northey and Ellen with exceptional wearing qualities. Sands an Canadian Legion held a Whist |poag, east of Oshawa. Many ladies |ing officers were elected for the en- | Graham. It was a splendid report tans only. Sizes 8 to 10. Subs. of 4% LADIES' SERVICEABLE MCRECLas Drive in the Oshawa Club rooms | prom town went out to attend the |gying year. and the representatives were high- 85¢ li P : 3 i in red, green, navy, brown, black, purple. last evening. It 'was well attend- | ¢pair Mrs. Preston and Mrs. | Chairman, Mrs. Willis Tait; Vice- |v complimented. Sister A, F. At- our reg. YJc line. er par Regular to $1.95 =4 and everyole enjoyed ite Sven. Broomfield, president of the La-|Ghairman, Mist Dorothy Van Lu- |kins, of Stratford, was a visitor $1.95. i "1 x Wer . y e - inc? id Crnid anal . 13 . ia % 2 ing, Prizes were won by th dies' Aid Society received the guests | yen: See-Treas, Mrs. Olive Petley. |at this meeting and spoke on 1he { LADIES' PURE THREAD SILK HOSIERY lowing: Mrs. Bentley, Mrs. R.lon the lawn while Mrs. Lethbridge | Preceding the election, two very | work of the. order. Grand Chief, . hs Gutsole, Mrs, E. Smith, Mrs. Taylor | .onqucted the guests to the tea interesting reports were given by |Sister Ada Gillard was presented in most of the new autumn shades, but not \ Ladies" French and 'Messrs. H. Rae and Beswick. | oom where Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Sims, | the cirls who attended Camp Coun- | with a houquet of roses by the of- : in all colors. Sizes 814 to 10. Reg- 7 Mr. WV. Sever: N03 the special far * Singer, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. |g I ionan Can re ficers of the Temple. At the close | ft sees at $1.00. Firsts 12 CAPE SKIN GLOVES prize Kyle, Mrs. Rowden, Mrs. Shaw, |ppyllis Clements and Miss: Erring- |of the meeting refreshments were | y 3 : Plain. one dome. and fancy cuffs All new iio many friends of Mr. and Mrs, | Mrs. Sproule, Mrs. Sutton and Mrs. ton Parsons handled their reports |served by past Chief, Sisters Wal- + ¢ 4 " and § Y : 1 Matthews were assisting in the laply and gave very complete re-|lace, Clif, and Northes g 4 shades, all sizes. 100d value at x 21. 79 ; $2.50 pair. Saturday t . Garrison, 211 Gibbs Street, : % 1 . bl jr [serving of tea at small tea tables |yjewg of the work and fun enjoyed | memes LADIES' FULL FASHIONED PURE will be pleased to learn that their : i 3 g Ord autumn + Ie : has been con- prettily decorated with au by the girls this year, little soh Keith, who has been con flowers, donated by Mrs. George Mrs, Tait also reported at length | | Ex- Kitchon Boy Now THREAD SILK. Black, oly Ipregulars of fined for some time to the Hotel . : ; Dieu Hospital, Kingston, with a |Hart The sum vealited ; Suriug the work undertaken last year in our $1.50 quality 7 fractured limb, has been removed the afternoon was about thirty-five |ner Jeadership Group Mrs. Tait | Trades Union Head Saturday, pair ayomns to his home and is improving nice- dollars. So Is leader of a group of girls study- | : lv, but will still be confined to his i |ing for C.G.LT. leadership, girl ; bed for some time. UNCONSCIOUS MAN representing many of Je churches | [ondon, Eng., Sept. 26.---A man SUPERSILK Grenadine, Crepe Chiffon Hosi- market which has so niany uses~~namisiy {in shawa. A note of thanks was vl started work in a market gar- | i : : : i 4 On Wednesday afternoon a very IS REFUSED ENTRY extended to Mrs. Taft for her ef- hii hi years of age and soon TY, pure lk fo the top Ta New "$1 08 slips, linings, underwear, fancy work, enjoyable tea was hel d at the home Ae forts of last year and a request that | iter rose to the position of a kit shades olzes , 2, . egular $1.95. cushions. draperies, etc., etc. of Rev. and Mrs."S. C_ Moore, Ruffalo.--_Citizens of the United |She continue the classes this year chen. bov has heey chosen presi: Substandards, although no imperfection in the : ia ive i Juffalo.- zens of t m as swted . os : Elena St. The tea was given un States returning to. their homes The Board has indertaken to or- | yent of the next Congress of the silk. Saturday, der the auspices of' ene ol the | * ar annti ir Canad «t | 8anize a Girls' Council for Oshawa. | prides and Labor Unions P ai groups of the Ladies' Aid of Albert | after vacation in anada must Representative girl from every | er patr .... i ry | . : 7 1 | cross th rder F: scious | n haa : = p yd ¢ p . i 4 fendi yea nd and blz | cro the border in a conscious C.G.IT. group in Oshaw tori } He is Arthur Hayday, member | 4 lac 20¢ St. United Church. Not only did tate. If tl P ut ti an't f 1 t for West Notti { SF ; mem- | state hey pass out hey Cé oa . em ter 0 parliamen or es Nottng- o ps . . . a great number of their own the council and meet re ly ham since 1918. Mr. Hayday has ORIENT Silk Chiffon Hose with lisle top, point " 1. } : : 1 3 y y rocaded in the same number of shades. ip % ass in be | bers attend, but former friends of | Pass 11 3 discuss and plan the co-operative |'* : 1 J strict di ! ; ! | been a paid trades union official and square heel. All shades, all $1 15 Se ------ Y The most popular Art Silk Fabric on the Plain colars, in rose mauve, pink, ligit gen, nile green, white, Mr. and Mrs. Moore took this op-| Arthuy Karnuth, district hy work of the different groups : portunity of renewing old acquain- rector of - Jmmignat on, revealed The Girls' Work Board have | for forty years. He is 61 year of sizes. Reg. $1.50. Firsts, Saturday tanceship this rule recently when confronted planned to meet monthly, not only | > and rejoices in a family of 2 Pairs for $2.15 Mrs. Moore received the guests. with a comatose citizen at the far for ordinary routine busine but hildren, having been mar , ) | end of the Peace bridge. The man, | eo. discussion of Girls Group prob he declared could not pass until |1gme in general. Leaders of Girls ---- he came to sufficiently to. say |oroups will be given an opportunits Place your order for your where he was born of exchanging plans and ideas, and : I'he man in question lay in the |jt jg felt that not only will the indi Fall Coat or Suit back seat of an automobile. TWOo {vidual groups be strengthened bu with companions shook him and whack- | the C G.I T programme as 1 whole H. ATKINS ed him until he regained a sembl- a : LADIES TAILOR | ance of consciousness, wherein he | Stockholm --Arctic expert 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 182 | managed to moan "United States' | gested that the dirigible Graf | In answer tor the question "Where pelin fly to White Isl: | were you born." He was then al- | Spring to search for 1 : rl - a N ; it ! lowed to proceed lon the Andree expedition h any Ww : x --- lished there in T8097 ) bo 3 Felt Bros. ooo ee 7 El. + vv «YOUR 8 ise: Rapids laa cousbustt What New York "A ain b= ; de" " Bedroom Beautiful broke the longest dry and hot peri- | : » od in Cedar Rapids' history late . So in fy x : The Leading Jeweler yesterday, when nearly four inches Is Wearing By Thornton W. Burgess "7,7 Plan it for the many hours you Established 1886 of rain fell, the first since July 4 a oes a spend in it. Attune it to night and ! s- me By Annabelle Worthington . Weise N11 and ¢ . . . A # IMI'Y BRINGS HOME A PRIZE was very meat hungr its an : morning moods. Let its dominating 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | do BY Sunatelle Worthington | ) Nats ane say what you please, most folk eds and mushrooms are lv . ; note be one of restful cosy comfort m-- -- = the dvess and Jacke! frast vou] Are better for a little meat. to go with them once in a while." . . . with an underlying hint of | JUST ARRIVED welcome this mods Imp the Chipmunk 1ite Hight, 0) Seas rep! ed cheery brightness. Eve dav Impy, the black Chip i np AK at uNEry J Full range ot Ladies Fall HIGHLY ENTHUSED If you choose brown crepe 1} 7 aivd Vit le unting. Fi . : have heen out looking J , : li coats ana presses ar the tor. ge it may be worn with aT ink, gid a 1 CIT or a mouse, but T couldn't find Start with the floor . . . choosing y ( ¢ beige printed 8 » hd 2 4 FASHION SHOPPE | ares 1 nave blue shantune it ts | Impy lived entirely on nuts and | one. This will do quite as well from the colourful array of Do- J it dition had me in : RE 11's and thins 'o of o Itnbv and s. Impy di ™ ss : ' % 84 Simcoe Street South \ neuritis cor dition n had me in its vout hi worn wit in y ceeds and things of that kind All So Impy and Mrs. Impy dined or minion Inlaid Linoleum designs. » vears and T was so weak | Wool crepe : alia has. the : and of course this includes the | many of their friends do not know No floor could be more distin- "I ket weave, Ba linen also Chipmunks. like a little meat now iat Chipmunks go snake-hunting : re ; Yes. sir they do 30. once in 2 while. Thév do, howeve: guished nor give greater decorative opie ¥ i Style No. 2652 may be h n [and then - : « i 5 sizes 14, 15, 1 0 yes 3 ; Ti ot only like it but they get | jt as they go stealing the eggs = SCOpe. 4 ] 2 40, '42 and inch ust ind voung of the nests of birds who char HANDS 4 2 ™ No. 285% size 8 31: Yards 39 ( articular morning Imps | re fool £h snouzh to build hi the Permanent because inlaid, wonder- ! g AN inch, 2 vards 39-i1 ning artéd out to look «ome | ground. It 1s.all because they do ye ra SV ¢ . BN rY Tor Mam) ot | Wave the need of a little meat once fully clean and easy to keep clean, Busy baniomar hard tasks i | Pattern price 2 ts in stamps meat. He felt hu f hae iy ot sirul ; g insects would | in a while Dominion Inlaid Linoleum with its in 1da out. Persian | ? or coin (coin preferred) sure t ( some good big i Balk i kinsoftand || | |an in size of pattern. Add do very nicely. He thought of | "I feel better," said Impy lovely soft-lustre Domolac Finish is eps the skin soit an tern Department Our larg 11! gr oppers, but he hadn't had "So do 1," replied Mrs. Impy . . pliable. Removes redness | Eo and Winter Fashion A 1% con ich luck getting grasshoppers of I don't suppose we'll have any an ideal floor for any room. Quick and relieves irritation. f * tains most: interest »s for late. You see, they were beginning meat through the winter." and easy to lay. Odourless. Mod- adults for town or ion wear. to be a little out of season. Never- "I don't suppose we ghall," re el Also darling styles he kiddies. | theless, Impy started out to look | plied Impy erately priced. It ie 10 cents a cop) for some He knew, that if he , . . . + iP 3 J I'hey were quite right There ;, tMn 2652. 8z . could only find some, they would | 114 he no chance for them to Other Beautiful Dominion Floors Nod en 16 ra h ROY aan ine get meat In the winter Dominion Printed Linoleum and Do- { ha o arlier i SEARO { nvrie an vT » HT oas . . wheit If Whe warmer Cony ign 1 Bb TE oid minion Linoleum Rugs offer lovely and Impy had hunted about for some |, vars Great Mistake appropriate designs for every room. | ime in places whera he had tound is " Durable, practical, work-saving and | &rac shoppers before, but without i . a sold, of course, at popular prices. an / uccess this time He was getting FREDERICK CRUMPLER | j 4 discouraged when he noticed a lit SCHOONERS TO HAVE i 1 y 3 tle. movement in the grass just A Made i | : . i Coie po At House f Made in Canada ha e taken 4 bottle: of Sargon, the | 4 ART ahead of him. Instantly he was al] INTERESTING RACE Co Furnishing fo. by the makers neuritis pains have about disappear- £ AL alertness He stole forward softly, ; and of the famous n . g o hs 1A " . hb i ed, Pye quit being nervous and can 1 CASEI. 4) but rapidly, peering ahead with a : : # Departmental rw Dominion step along the street as lively as the BY i 0 R those 'bright little eves of hig for Lunenburg, N.i Efforts are Ra Stores 5 J A Battleship pg next one. The strengthening and in- A ; > 4 \ | whatever might be there. Some- { being made to secure the schooner . Linoleum. ATLANTIC CITY'S NEWEST vigorating effect of this medicine is 5, us $3) | thing, or some one. was moving | Haligonian, commanded by Cap- CimirallyLovwiod Piroptost Howl ' wonderful. : t #7 471A) o% rs through that grass. Presently he | lain Moyle Crouse, as an entry for £20 ROOM xith the lat werd : Farge Pills regulated my liver 0 4) aA 3% saw :enething green The gras: the fishing "schooner race that 18 ; - hs » ot he ed an owels perfectly and I've never . ] C05 Y " was no 'nnger green, it was hrown scheduled to take place off here ; AR 3 i i Design ill d is Do- Salt Water Baths | seen anything to equal this remark. a f the first of October during the EE ; = {De Mrbie Tae Inbon ®ocun Dock Bathing Hold} able treatment."--Frederick Crump : 3a' It was i half-grown grase snake | On the fir B i ! : : minion Marble Tile Inlaid @verlooking the @cean o or du he 4 $ . Sar $3 urA ne the ler, Deer Lodge, Winnipeg Manager| , 72d the meat he needed P competed with the Bluenose is a | race off Halifax some of the Exchange Advertising Agency i 3 Juet then the little snake saw Garoge duiashof Sargon may be Shipiieg in Oshawa uo | ; : him and faced him. 'There was | 'rovincial Lady, BD) °F x ite from Karn's Drug Store. y 77 3 nothing cowardly ahout the little | Y62rs ago, and is considered a fast (adv.) . snake He raised his head and | Sailer. The entry, along with two | [ran his tongue out at Impy, and if | Others already secured, the Mar- | ® | | he was afraid he didn't show it. | garet K. Smith, Captain Frank | Impy danced this way and danced | Whynacht, and the Alsatian, Cap- that wav, looking for a chance to | tain Harold Corkum, should make | pring in and seize that little snake | | the event one of unusual interest i J by the hack of his head. Presently | The Margaret K. Smith, a smart i / | he saw hig chance and, darting for- | contender, won the race last year | ward, he seized the little snake. | °Ver the Leah Beryl and Shirley . ' | The latter struggled and struggled, | B- Corkum, two newly launched time you're hungry, enjoy [but in sain. Vers proudly mos |and untried vessels, FOR SALE BY . . sales. a Pe : 3 ) 1 Kellogg' 8 Corn Flakes and milk ! started home with his prize. | The prizes offered are: First Hae Mrs. Impy saw Impy coming, |brize, $375; second, $325; third, or cream. For breakfast, for Street Address "What have you there?" she de- | $300; fourth $250. The Arras, 15 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 26 Caan ae tim ws reise Imanded. | Captain Barkhouse, will officiate lunch, for supper -- for a late City Prov. "Fresh meat," replied Impy. "I |as committee boat. { snack. They're great... between TILLIE THE TOILER--Over Mac's Head ; A meals and at any : = PPR a -- -- | HEAR BUBBLES \S) (NO, | NO, BUT IT SEEMS T'S OF COURSE YOURE OH, 1 KNOW WHAT YO, ENGAGED, TILLIE - HAVEN'T | | STRANGE YOU HAVENT.|| HER NOT =You HAVEN'T MEAN - THAY (2t TRY.LTO HAVE: YoU MET HER [ | HAVE BEING THAT SHE ANDI| AFFAIR | [| MEY MIM YET, gut NOTHING VJ GET HER MAN - LISTEN, YOU ARE SUCH @oob J | aN tM 1 MR. WHIPPLE, WHEN | @eY pas gr Sl | Rh EI : EFFOR Al INTER! : BECAUSE He : | : a WON'T HAVE ® d 33 3 ANY STRINGS ON Him membe of the Squirrel fami! the ittle snake 1 suspect that that I x air that 1 was atraid the strect by myself. I Fisheries: Exhibition and Fisher- |: 2s a iE io SH ; : i } Linoleunt. No, 7616, avails 2 : I able in two different colourings. Impy's eyes sparkled Here was | 2 men's Re-Union. This schooner | BU Extra delicious with fruits or honey tt Mi added. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont, © 170. King Fears Syndicate, Doe. Great Britain rights veserved |/5

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