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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Sep 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Cockerel, 1, H, Grey, 2, H. Sonley | ullet, 1, H, Sonler ; 2, H. Grey. O A.V. Rock--Cock, 1 and 2, Andrews; Hen, 1 and 2, R. Crosby; Cockerel, 1 and 2, Andrews; Pullet, land 2, An- drews. White Wyandotte--Cock, 1, Andrews, 2, J. Boyd; Hen, 1, An- drews; 2, E. Langstaff; Cockerel; 1, Andrews; 2, Boyd; Pullet, 1, An- drews, 2, R. Crosby. S. L. Wyandotte --1, E. Langstaff; Hen, 1 and 2, E. Langstaff; Coekerel, 1, Langstaff. A. 0.V. Yyandotte--Cock, 1 and 2, R. Crosby; Hen, 1, Andrews; 2, Crosby; Cockerel, 1, Andrews; 2, C. H, Kel- lett; Pullet, 1 and 2, Andrews. Bred to lay Leghorn---Cock, 1 & 2, F. Andrews; Hen, 1 & 2, J. Boyd; Cockerel, 1, J, Boyd; 2; R. Crosby; Pullet, 1 & 2, J, Boyd. Bred to lay Rock--Cock, 1, J. Boyd; 2, F. Johnson; Hen, 1 & 2, J. Boyd. Cockerel--1, leck; Pullet, 1, Crosby. Bantan Cochin Cock--1 & 2, R. Crosby; Hen, 1, F. Andrews; 2, Crosby; Cockerel, 1 & 2, F. An- drews; Pullet, 1 & 2, F. Andrews. Bantam Clean Leg, AO.V-- Cock, 1, W. Crozier; Hen, 1, R. Crosby; 2, W. Crozier; Cockerel, 1, W. Crozier; Pullet, 1 & 2, W. Crozier. Bantam Feather Leg, Cock; 1 & 2, R. Crosby: 2, R. Crosby; Cockerel, Crosby; Pullet, 1 & 2, Pekins--Duckk, 1, Edna Jsck- son; 2, Frank Andrews; Drake, 1, F. Andrews; 2, Edna Jackson, under} Rouen--Duck, 1, F. Andrews; E. Langstaff; Drake, 1, F. Andrews; Shearling Ram--1, W. R. Robbins; 2, W. R. Robbins. Ram Lamb--1, A. King; 2, J. S. Miller. Ewe, 2 Shears--1, A. King; 2, W. R. Rob- bins. Ewe, Shearling--1st and 2nd W. R. Robbins; Ewe Lamb--I1, A. King; 2, W. R. Robbins. Flock-- W. R. Robbins. Class 10--Shropshires--Aged Ram 1 and 2 Harold Skinner; Shearling Ram, 1, H. Skinner, 2, Geo. Smith; Ram Lamb, 1, H. Skinner, 2, A. King. Ewe, 2 yrs, I H. Skinner, % H. Pur- vis; Shearling Ewe, 1, H. Skloneh, H. Skinner, Ewe Lamb, , H. Skin- ner, 2, A. King; Frock" 1, Harold Skinner. Class 11--Cotswold, aged Ram--1, W. Gaspell; 2, G. H. Mark & Son; Shearling Ram--1, G. H. Gaspell; 2, G. H. Mark & Son; Ewe, 2, Shr, 1, W. Gaspell; 2, W. Gaspell. Shearling Ewe, 1, W. Gaspell; 2, G. H Mark Ewe Lamb, 1, G. H. Mark; 2, W. Gaspell; Flock, 1. Gaspell. Class 12--Suffolk--Aged Ram, 1, Stuart Hall; Shr. Ram, 1, S. Hall; Ram Lamb. 1, S. Hall, 2, Leith Bye- ers; Ewe, 1, Shr, I, S. Hall. Shear- ling Ewe, 1, S. Hall. Ewe Lamb, 1, S. Hall; 2, S. Hall. Flock, 1. S. Hall. Class 13 -- Berkshire -- Boar, un- der 1 year, 1, G. H. Mark & Son; Breeding Sow, ! year, 1, G. H. Mark 2, G. W, Graham. Breeding Sow, under 1 year, 1, G. H. Mark & Son Class 14--Tamworth--Boar, under 1 year, 1, Geo. Forder, W. Page: Breeding Sow, 1 vear, 1 and 2, W Page: Breeding Sow, under 1 year, 1 and 2, 'W. Page. Class 15--Yorkshire--Boar, vear--1, G. N. Graham; 2, Graham; |," . Breeding Sow, 1 year, 1, Ray Mec- E. langstafl. Laughlin; 2, Graham. Breeding Sow, A.0.V.--Duck, under J] year, 1, Ray McLaughlin; 2, {drews. 4 G. N. Graham. Toulouse--Goose, 1, F, Andrews; Class 16-Best Bacon---G 2, N. Whitfield; Gander, 1, F. An- Yam 3; 2, Mrs, I. Johnson. LO. 7008€ P, Class 17--Poultry--Anconas Cock-- DY roost: bX 1, Geo. Forder; Bull, 2 years--1, Al-|1, Frank Andrews; Hen, 1, F. An- 2 Andrews ' bert Wright; Bull Calf, 1 year--l,|drews, 2, C. H. Kellett; Cockerel, 1 any varietv---Hen. 1 J. E, Leask: Bull Calf, under 1 year |and 2, F. Andrews; pullet, 1 and 2,| Johnson: 2, C. Howsam: Male --1, J. Hadden, 2, F. E. Pugh,3, J. E.| F. Andrews. Brahmas--Cock, 1, F.|yonnson. : y Leask; Heifer "Calf, under 1 year-- | Andrews; 2, Jas. Boyd; Hen, 1, F.| po Rabbits--1. F 1, J. E. Leask; 2, J. E. Leask; 3, A.! Andrews; 2, Andrews, pullet, and { Mrs H Grav : L Wright. Cow, any age--1, J. E.|Frank Andrews; Cochin--Cock, 1 and |™" ~ = 50 Leask; 2, J. E. Leask; 3, A. Wright. 2, F. Andrews; Hen, 1 and 2, F. An-| _ Pair Pigeons--1, Heifer, 2 years--1, F. E. Pugh; 2, J.| drews; Cockerel, 1 and 2, F. Andrews | N. Whitfield. E. Leask; 3, J. A. Howden, Heifer, | pullet, 1 and 2, F. Andrews. Campine | _Butter--5 Ibs. in crock, 1, 1-2 years--1, F. E. Pugh; 2, J. E Cock, 1, R. Croshy, 2, F. Andrews;| Wm. Medd; 2, Mrs. E. Ploughman; Leask; 3 TA Howden. Herd of 4] Hen, 1, R. Crosby: 2, F. Andrews;|3, Mrs. F, Crozier. 5 Ibs. in print, --1 JE. Leask: 2, Albert Wright. Cockerel, 1 and 2, Roy Crosby al- {1 Mrs. E. Ploughman; 2, Mrs. Wm. Class 7, Holsteins--Bull, 3 years, | let. 1 and 2, R. Crosby; Corr Medd. Tbs. Creamery Solid, 1, Geo. Smith. 2 year--1, Ray Mec- Hig baR xd 3 Laughlin. Bull under 1 year--Fred Cock wild an a > Holliday. : Bull Cali~I, Geo. Smith; | pho re yz. ANOTEWS, J ae pe > Der . Ry der 1 Pullet, 1, F. Andrews rs all Six-Row , Ray McLaughlin. Heifer under 1] pyorpiho' Cole 1 Andrews: Hen, 1, |Sellers; 2, FW. year--I1, Geo. Smith; 2, Ray Mec-|p Andrews; 2, Andrews. Game Beans, 1, J. F. Gerrow; Laughlin. Heiter under 1 year--]1, Cock, W. Johnston. Hamburg--( Rye, 1, W. A. Geo. Smith; 2, Ray McLaughlin. 1 and 2, J. Boyd; Hen, 1 and 2, haw. Field Peas, Cow--1, Fred Holliday; 2, Geo.| Boyd; Cockerel, 1, E. La i 2 . Sellers; 2, L Smiths 3, Ray McLaughlin. Heifer, | J. Boyd; pullet, 1 and 2, E. Langstaff. |A.V., 1, Thos. Sellers; 2 years -- 1, Ray McLaughlin; 2,| White Leghorn--Cock, 1, F. Andrews, Timothy Seed, 1, Geo. Smith; 3, F. Holliday. Heifer,| 2, 2. Boyd; Hen, 1 and 2, J. Boyd; | 3 3, 5. Sellers. 1-2 years--1, Ray McLaughlin; 2, R.| Cockerel, 1, F. Andrews, 2, J. Boyd; |1, A. Parish; 2, McLaughlin;, 2, R. McLaughlin; 3,| Pullet, 1 and 2, F. Andrews | Alsike, 1, M. Fralick; 2, Thos. Geo. Smith. Herd of Four--1, R.| Brown Leghorn--Cock, Collection, Lorne Bagshaw McLaughlin; 2, Geo. Smith; 3, Fred | Boyd; Hen, 1 and Holliday. Heifer Calf by Amateur | Cockerel, 1 and 2 --1. F. Holliday. let, 1 and 2, F. / Cow and 2 Progeny--I, Geo. et J aM Lf 1 Smith; 2, Fred 'Holliday. 1, F. Andrews, Class. 8--Milking Grade -- Cow---1.) crel, 1 and 2, F. / N. Williams; 2, N. Williams. Heif- | and 2, F. Andrews. L: er, 2 years--1, F. Bradley. I, F. Andrews, 2, R. Cro pehy ; Special--Calf for Boys and Girls, | F. Andrews, 2, Crosby; Cokie 15 vears and under--1, Jno. Hadden: | 2nd 2, R. Crosby PRIZE LIST FOR PORT PERRY FAIR| Port Perry, Sept, 22.--The list of prize winners at Port Perry Fair held on Sept. 17th, 1930:-- Class I. -- Horses -- Clydesdales, Brood Mare, Ist, G. Christie; 2nd, Yas. White; 3rd, "Jas. Forder. 1 Year Filly or Gelding--1, Jas. White; 2, F. Millman; 3, G. Christie. 2 Year Filly or Gelding--1, G. Christie; 2, H. Kerry; 3, Jas. Forder. Foal, 1930--1, Jas. Forder, 2, Jas. White; 3, G. Christie. Pair in Harness--1 Geo. McMillan; % W. Cook. Best Mare--1, G, Christie; 2, Jos. White; 3, Jas. Forder. Class 2, Agricultural-- Brood Mare--I, Chester Lee; 2, W. Crozier; 3, W. Crozier. 1 Year Filly or Gelding -- 1, H. Kerry; 2, Ivan Rodd; 3, M. Fralick, Foal, 1930--1, C. Lee; 2, Geo. Mc- Millan: 3, Ray Dusty. Pair in Harness--1, Ray McLaugh- in; 2, R. Vernon; 3, H. Kerry. Class 3--Light Horses. Brood Mare--1, N. Whitfield. 2 Year Filly or Gelding--I, Rodd; 2, Geo. Forder. Foal, 1930-1, N. Whitfield; 2, F. Bradley. 3 Year Old Filly or Geo. Cochrane. Single Roadster--1, D. McMillan; D. Ss. 2 0 2. M. Fraleck; Fra- R. Boyd; M. a Ivan A.0.V.-- Hen, 1 8 1&2 R R. Crosby. Gelding--1, 2 2, A. Dowson; 3, M. Bowles. Lady Driver--1, R. Byers; McMillan; 3, Geo. Cochrane. Class 4--High Steppers -- 1, Dr. McMillan; 2, R. Rogers; 3, R. By- ers. (1ass S5--Ponies. 12 hands and under--1, W. A. Par- ish; 2, R. Vernon; 3, G. Christie. 12-13%: Hands--1, Morley Ross; 2, Williams; 3," G. Christie. Class 6--Shorthorns. Bull, 3 yrs, " " 2 0 1 & F. An~ N. Gra- F. 0 . Andrews; E. L, FF. An drews; Turkey, Ww. 1. 1 > ck, d 2, N. Whitfield; 56 M. Fralick; 2, Wheat, 1, Lorne Thos. Sellers. Bagshaw; 2, Barley, 1, Thos Bradley Spring ° 2, Stan. Parish; 2, AY., 1, . Bagshaw, Oats 2, M w Red Closr, Thos | lers. Vegetables and 1, Thos. Sellers; Blood Beets, 1, 2 Heads Winter 1, N. Willams; 2, Geo. : Pullett, I | Raines. 2 Heads Red Cabbage, 1, m k, | Geo. Raines, Six Long Carrots, W, {A. Parish; Geo, Raines, Six Ta- |ble Carrots, 1, C. H, Kellett; 2, Wm Minorca--Cock, Dyer, Caullflowers x 2 WW 2, F. Bradley. F. Andrews; 2 . Johnston ; Hen, |1, D Corbman; 2, Thos ica - vod Ri 1 and 2, Andrews; Cockerel, 1, ons, Bagshaw; 2, Thos JB Nricestery ! Axe : --- drews, 2, J. Boyd; Pullet, 1, Andre Musk Melong, 1, Thos : 12, Boyd. Buff Orpington--Cock, 1 an J. F. Gerrow. 2, Water- 2, F. Andrews; Hen, 1 and 2, An- Thos. Sellers; Bag- drews; Cockerel, 1, Andrews; Pullet, | Red Onions, 1, Thos | 1, Andrews. White Orpington--Cock | Caesar. Yellow Onions, 1, R. Crosby; Hen, 1, F. Andrews; 2 |Corbman; 2, Thos, Caesar, Pota- | R. Crosby; Cockerel, land 2 joes, Irish Cobblers, 1, Geo. Raines | Crosby; Pullet, 1 and 2, Crosby. Bar- | Vm Dyer. Green Mountain, 1, red Rock--Cock, lL Andrews, 2, J. Sellers; 2, Geo. Smith. Lar- Boyd: Hen, 1 and 2 2 J Boyd ; Cock- | Geo. Raines; Pul- Andre | Andrews: Pul- | nip Beets, ews. A. O. V.|Raines Andrews; Hen, | Raines Crosby: Cock- | bages, td 2, Geo. Geo Six Sellers > Sellers, Sellers | melons, shaw 1 1, " | 12 2 R Made by Murr 9 Hd gest Pumpkin, 1, 2 erel, 1, F. Andrews; 2, J. Boyd; Thos. Sellers. Largest Squash, 1, let, 1 and 2, F. Andrews. White Rock | Thos, Sellers; 2, Geo, Raines. Col- --Cock, 1, Andrews, 2, Langstaff; lection Tomatoes, 1, Mrs. H Son- Hen, 1, Andrews, 2, W. Johnston; 2 Raines "ALEXANDER Murray= oly EXTRA SAVINGS FROM OPALINE The Extra Service Motor Oil If you can get more mileage--if you can lessen your carbon trouble and lower your repair bills--simply by using Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil, it certainly is worth while trying. Opaline will save you money and trouble be- cause it supplies not only lubrication for moving parts but also piston seal in the cylinders. "Whats your mileage?" Answer that question for the authorized Opa- line dealer and have him fill your crankcase with the motor oil that helps fill your driving hours with comfort and satisfaction. SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL X-$ Power Gusoline and Oil Company Limited 407 Central Bldg., Toronto 2 PHONE 14 BOWMANVILLE ART COLE DISTRICT MANAGER a ---------- Andrews; 2, | Mrs. | Croby, 2, F. At vs: Grain and Seed--Fall Wheat, 1, | M. |! White | Fra- | T! A. Par-|1 Sellars. | Sel- [1 | Roots--Six Tur Cab- | Celery, | 1, D.i Six Tomatoes, Rheumatism23 Yrs ¢ Discovers Way to Banish all Pain "Hud rheumatism for 23 years. Ilospi- tals couldn't help me. Was in bed when [ took "¥Fruit- a-tives'. They have done wonders, Can do my work and no more pain."'--Mrs. A. N. Field, Wynyard, Sask. Just one of thousands who say rheumatism, neuralgia, neuritis iy away quick with "Fruit-a-tives." Chronic constipation and liver troubles end overnight. Bad stom- ach biliousness, indigestion, Leart- burn, gas vanish ike magic. Kidney and bladder ills, pain in back go in hurry. Nerves quiet, sound sleep at once. Ten of nature's greatest r.medies combined in handy little tablet. Marvelous discovery of 'famous Canadian doctor. Speedy results. Get "Fruit-a-tives" from drug- gist today. Sleep fine, wake up great, 0 1, W. A. Parish; 2, Geo. Raines. Best Hubbard Squash, 1, Mrs. L. G. Brown; 2, D. Corbman. 5 Swede Turnips, 1, F. Bradley; 2, L. Bag- shaw. 5 R. Mangels, 1, Edna Jack- son; 2, L. Bagshaw. 5 Yellow Mangels, 1, Geo. Raines; 2, C H, Kellett. 6 Parsnips, 1, N. Whit- field; 2, Parish. 6 White Carrots, 1, Geo. Raines; W. A. Parish. 6 Golden Bantam Corn, 1, Kellett; 2, Geo. Raines. Collection Vegeta- bles, 1, Thos, Caesar; 2, Geo. Raines, 0 Davis) 1, (Nor- 2, 4. F Haves N 9 (Ben H. Kellett Hayes; 1, H. Raines; 1, H. Hayes; Fruits-- Apples M. Fralick; 2, C. thera Sole + 1, BP, Gerrow. (Greenings), ( Belleflower), 1, Geo Williams (Russets), 2, M. Fralick. (Snows), 1, Hayes; 2, C. H. Kellett. (McIntosh Red), N. Williams; 2, J, F. Ger- row. (Talman® Sweet), 1, H. | Hayes; 2, Wm. Dyer. 1, H, Kellett; Mrs, H Lawrence), 1, M. Fralick; 2 Gerrow. (Wealthy), 1, H 2, Mrs. F. Crozier, (Duch- ess), 1, Jno. F. Gerrow 2, M. Fra- ¢ (Ontario), 1, H. Hayes; 2, Dyer. (Blenheim Pippin), H (A.O.V. Apples), Whitleld (Hyslop Raine (Bartlett Pears), Sellers; 2, C. H. Kellett, [Lorne Bagshaw; ¢ (Lombard Plums), J ". Gerrow; 2, M. Fralick Claude Plum), 1, J. F. Ger- M. Fralick (Prune Plum) Fralick Geo. Raines Plum), Thos, Sellers. Grey | (st fo. P | Hayes; Wm Hay 's Crab), | Geo | Thos OV. Pears), 1, (A. (Rene row; 2, M | (Burbank Domestic | Home-Made | Sweetman; ing Powder Biscuits, 1, | Sweetman; Mrs. Frank | Home-Made Buns, 1, Mrs | Mrs. J. L. Sweetman Fr | (dark), Mrs, Thos. Sellers Mrs Brown Fruit (lig Thos. Sellers r 1 8. Jas, Boe; 2, 1. G row Cookies, 1, | Fred Raines; Mrs. Jas. {Date Cookies, '1, Mrs, Jas. Boe: Mr F Raines Layer C | (light), 1, Mrs. Thos. Sellers, 2, Mrs. Jas. Boe, Layer Cake Choc., 1, Mrs. L. Honey; 2, Mrs. J. L Sweetman, Layer Cake Spice, 1 [Mrs. J. L. Sweetman; 2, Mrs. Jas Boe Apple Pie, 1, Mrs. J. L weetman; Mrs. I. G. Brown. Lemon Pie, 1, Mrs Jas, Boe; 2, Mrs. R. Stiver Raisin Pie, 1, Mrs R. Stiver; 2, Mrs. L, G. Brown. Pumpkin Pie, 1, Mrs, Gordon Me- 2, Mrs. E. Ploughman. Bran Mrs. J. L. Sweetman; 2, Honey. Doughnuts, 1, Sweetman; 2, Mrs. Har- vy. Cocoanut Macaroons, 1, Jas. Boe; 2, Mrs. LL G. Brown Brown Bread, Mrs. Fred Loaf White Bread, 1, Boe; Mrs. J. L, Sweetman, .oaf Date Bread, 1, Mrs. F, Raines: Mrs. F. Crozier, Short Bread, Mrs. Jas. Boe. Sponge Cake, 1, 1 Gordon McKee; Mrs. Fred | Rain Butter Tarts, 1, Mrs. Jas | Boe: Mrs. L. Honey. Collection Fruit in jars, 1, Mrs, Fred Raines; 2, Mrs. L. G. Brown, Variety of Jel- { lies, '1, Mrs. Fred Raines; 2, Mrs. | Harry Grey. Canned Peaches, 1, Mrs. L. G, Brown; 2, Mrs. L. Hon- Canned Pears, 1, Mrs, Fred | Raines; 2, Mrs. L. G, Brown. Can- ned Cherries, 1, Mrs. J, L, Sweet- man; 2, Mrs. L, G. Brown, Canned Raspberries, 1, Mrs. L. G. Brown; 2, Mrs, Fred Raines, Canned Plums, 1, Mrs. L. G. Brown; 2, Mrs, W, A. Parish. Canned Pineapple, 1, Mrs J. L, Sweetman; 2, Mrs. Jas. Boe. Canned Citron, M. White. Mrs. Canned Thimbleberries, Mrs. Jas. BACKACHE Wonderful Relief from Pain Backache is 'one of those wearying complaints which bind all their vic- tims together with a common bond of misery. And when any one suf- ferer from backache finds a sure re- medy, fellowship prompts the quick report of that discovery to others. Here's a woman who has her friend to thank for knowledge of a remark- ably successful treatment. Now grati- tude compels her, in turn, to pass along the good news to you, "I am writing to tell you of the great benefit' 1 have received from Kruschen Salts. My friend, Mrs. H., had received so much benefit that she begged me to give Kruschen a trial, although at first I was doubt- ful, because I had tried so many things. At last, however, I tried some of her Kruschen, and, feeling hope- ful, I purchased a bottle, and I can honestly say that before. 1 had fin- ished the bottle my backache was gone. I have suffered for years with kidney trouble and dreadful headaches and now to be free from the pain altogether is wonderful'--(Mrs, C.) Collection Mrs. J. L Boe. Bak- Science -- Cooking, 1, 2, Mrs, Jas Crozier it on Kee; [ Muffins, 1, Mrs." L L 2 Aldred, Black Currants, 1, Mrs. L. G Magid 2, Mrs. Jas. Boe. Cur- t Jelly, 1, Miss Edna Jackson; . i Fred Raines. Crab Apple jelly, 1. Mrs. A. L. McDermott; 2, Irs, Fred Raines. Grape Jelly, 1 Mrs. L, G, Brown; 2, Mrs. Fred Raines. Mustard Pickle, 1, Mrs. Jas. Boe; 2, Mrs. W. A, Parish. Tomato Catsup, Mrs, Jas, Boe. Onion and Cucumber, 1, Miss Edna Jackson: 2, Mrs. Parish. Collection Pickles, Mrs. Jas. Boe, Home-Made Candy, 1, Mrs. R. Stiver; 2, Mrs. L. Honey, Flowers--- Gladiolag, 1, Wm. Dyer; 2, Mrs, Jas, Boe. Snapdragon, 1, Wm. Dyer; 2, Mrs, R, Stiver. Dahlias, 1, Mrs. Jas. Boe; 2, Mrs. Geo, Raines. Best Basket, 1, Mrs. L. G, Brown; 2, Miss Edna Jackson, Asters Single, 1, Mrs. R. Stiver. Aster Assortment, 1, Miss E. Jackson; 2, Mrs. H, Grey. Pe- tunias, 1, Mrs, Jas. Boe; 2, Mrs. R. Stiver. Pansies, 1, Mrs, H. Son- ley; 2, Mrs. Geo, Raines, Fern, 1, Mrs. Geo. Raines; 2, D. Corbman, Geraniums, 1, Mrs. Jas, Davey; 2, Mrs. Geo. Raines. Begonia, 1, Mrs. J. A. McKitterick; 2, Mrs. J. Da- yey, Sweet Peas, 1, Mrs, Geo. Raines; 2, Mrs, Stiver. Ladies' Work--Child's Dress, 1, Miss Butson; 2, Mrs. H. Grey. Tow- el Emb, 1, Mrs. W. E. Sonley; 2, Miss Lois Lundy. Towel Bath, I, Mrs. Jas. Boe; 2, Mrs. W. E. Son- ley. Child's Knit Bootees, 1, Mrs. J. A. McKittrick; 2, Miss Butson, Pr. Knit Sox, Miss M. White. Knit- ted Mitts, Men's, 1, Mrs. Jas. Boe; 2, Mrs. L. G. Brown, Knitted Mitts, Ladies', 1, Mrs. A, L. McDer- mott; 2, Mrs. J. A. McKittrick, Kit- chen Apron, 1, Mrs. W. E. Sonley; 2, Mrs. Jas. Boe. Spec. Cut Work, 1, Mrs. Gordon McKee; 2, Mrs. Son- ley. Ladies' Bed Jacket, 1, Mrs. A. I. McFarlane; 2, Miss Lois Lun- dy. Spec. Tatting, 1, Mrs. A. L, McDermot; 2, Miss M. White. But- ton Holes, 1, Mrs. Fred Raines; 2 Mrs. A, L. McDermott, Table Run- ner, Emb., 1, Miss Buston; 2, Mrs. McDermott Plain Sewing, 1, Mrs W. E. Sonley; 2, Mrs. A, L. McDer- mott Tea Emb., Miss L. H. | (Pewaukee), | 1, Hayes; | 1,1 | vey Mrs. J. L.| | Ladies' * | Miss *{Mrs. L Mrs. | Towel, Butson. Plain Patching, Mrs. A. L. McDermott Sofa Cushion, | Quilted, 1, Mrs. W. E. Sonley. Sofa | Cushion, any other style, 1, Mrs. Boe; 2, Mrs. Ben Jones. Col- lection Towels, 1, Mrs. Sonley; 2, i Mrs Jas Boe Handkerchief Tat- ,|ting, 1, Mrs. Fred Raines: 2, Mrs. {73s Bie Hdkf., any as other style, [1, Mrs, Ben Jones; 2, Mrs. W. C nley Pillow Slips Emb., 1, Mrs, | Jas. Boe; 2, Mrs. L.. G. Brown. Pil- [low Slips, Crochet, 1, Miss White; 2, Miss Lois Lundy | Rug, 1, Mrs. Jas, Davey; Mrs. {Gordon McKee, Hooked Rug, 1, [Mrs. F. Crozier; Mrs. Jas. Quilt 0 Pieced Cotton, 1, Mrs {J. McKittrick; 2, Mrs. Jas. Ruddy. { Rag Floor Runner, Mrs, J. Me- | Kittrek Quilt Applique, 1, Mrs Jas. Davey: 2, Mrs. | Hand Bag Fancy, Mrs, Bed Spread, Emb., 1, | White; 2, Mrs, Ben Jones Cushion, 1, Mrs. Gordon McKee; 2, | Miss M. White. Sheets and Pil- low Slips, Crochet, 1, Mrs. G. Me- Kee; 2, Mrs, W. C. Sonley. Ladies' Smo Mrs. A. IL. MacFarlane. Night Dress, Emb, Miss L Ladies' Night Dress, any |other style, 1, Miss Lois Lundy; 2 Mrs. A. L. MacFarlane Bed Lamp, 1, Mrg. Gordon McKee; 2, Mrs. Jas Boe Baby Bonnet, "Crochet, 1, Butson; 2, Mrs. McKittrick. Lunch Cloth and Serviettes, 1, Miss M. White; 2, Miss Lois Lundy, Ba- by Jacket, Knitted, Mrs. McDer- { mott Baby Jacket, Crochet, Mrs. | MacKittrick Centerpiece, Solid | Emb,, 1, Mrs I.. McDermott; 2, Hone) Centerpiece, Eye- W. C. Sonley. Vanity Ww. C Sonley. Five |O0'Clock Tea Cloth, 1, Miss M. White; Mrs. McDermott. Hem- | stitching, 1, Mre. Gordon McKee; 2, | Mrs. W. C. Sonley | Fine Arts--Painting in Oil, 1, | Mrs. Jno, Aldred; 2, Mrs. A. L. Mec- Dermott. Painting, Water Color, 1, Mrs. McKittrick; 2, Mrs A, L. McDermott, Painting on China, 1, Mrs, McKittrick; 2, Mrs. McDer- mott Pencil Drawing, Mrs. Har- old Sonley; 2, Mrs, Jno, Aldred. Crayon Drawing, Mrs. Jno. Aldred, Specials--Best Team, Bank of Commerce Cup---Protested. bs. Creamery Solid, Robt. Simpson Cup, 1st, Port Perry Creamery; 2nd, Allen & Hanbury. Rennies--Vegetable Collection, Thos, Caesar; Field Roots Collec- tion, Lorne Bagshaw; Flowers, Mrs, Harry Grey, Bees Keepers' Association Spec- ial, 10 Is. Clover honey, Stanley Gerrow; 10 Ibs. Buckwheat honey, C. F. Clark, Heaviest, 1 Doz, Eggs--1, Mrs. Frank Crozier; 2, Mrs, Jas, Ruddy. 5 Ibs. Comb honey, 10 Ibs, BEx- tracted honey--Protested. KING OF SIAM TO VISIT CANADA Has Booked Passage to Sail to Dominion Next April Vancouver, Sept. 26.--The King and Queen of Siam will visit Can- ada next year, the Vancouver offi- ces of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way announce. Their Majesties will sail oh the "Empress of Ja- pan' probably from Hong Kong, and will arrive in Vancouver, April 19. They will return to the orient- on "The Empress of Ja- pan' before sailing from here on August 22, The King has been suffering from a serious eye infection and will obtain treatments while visit. ing Canada and the United States. The Royal Party will go &irectly east from Vancouver but their it- ineray has not been announced. McKittrick. Miss Boudoir B itson. A. Mre Mrs. | let, | Set, n 56 MISS TOUREL RECOGNIZED Chicago.~--~Jenny Tourel, con- tralto, born in Montreal, Que., has been added to the list of singers of the Chicago Civic Opera Com- pany. Miss Tourel studied opera. in Berlin and made her debut at the opera house at Danzig. | the M. | Braided | Da- | McKittrick. | M | OTTAWA RETAINS BURIAL CONTRACT But It Must Tov: Proof Corpses Buried, Not Given to Colleges Ottawa, Sept. 26 -- The Ottawa Board of Health has 'decided -to allow the contract with Wood- burn's funeral home for the burial of paupers to run its course un- til the end of the present year but to require presentation of burial certificates before paying accounts. It was recently disclosed that dur- ing the past three years more than a score of bodies had been turned over to the inspector of anatomy in place of being inter- red in Potters Field. Payment for the burial of these bodies had been made by the city but arrange- ments for the refund of the am- ount in question, $72.20 had been made' by the firm. Board of Health was informed that in the case of the bodies giv- en to the Inspector of Anatomy. every possible step had been taken by the firm to ascertain if there were any living relatives. FARMER MIRRERF] IN QUEBEC HOME Police Discover Body of Man Missing Three Days -- --Killed by Axe Montreal, with blood the head the 1 g Trudeau, wealthy farmer of Flod den, Que., near Richmond, has been found. Information of the discovery was ived by provin- cial police chief Lalonde here yes- terday Trudeau had been miss nr three days Sept. 26. -- QCavered from bh re owned bs lieved to have Trudeau, wa dea | been usec found The motive scovered no all appearan- ces, is a case of mu known to be never carried on his person A slim clue ever, to the how- hag cropped uj the deau home on fore the dead man disappeared. The poli think this man have some connection . with farmer's demise ar search him has started. Trudeau dis- appeared from sight Sunday. When search began for him it was discovered that the walls and floor of his bedroom were stained with blood. A stained cap was also found on the bank of a smail killer, the Tru- shortly seen in woods near Monday, ce on blood A man was | be- | may | the | for | Only metal packages can keep its garden freshness 'Fresh from the gardens' Attending the ceremony werd 3rig. Gen, CG. F, Trotter, groom: in-waiting to the Prince of Wales, and | and Viscount Gort. The couple | will spend their honeymoon in | France, river near the Trudeau farm house | which leads the police investiga tors to believe that 'the farmer had been killed in his bed removed from his home, FORMER OTTAWA WOMAN en London, Eng., Sept. lany picturesque details attended the | wedding at the west London regis- try today of Norma Gertrude Rog- ers, daughter of the late Dr. Franlk- ford Rogers of Ottawa, Ont. to! Col. Charles Gerard, formerly of the Grenadier Guards. 25.--1 Found 1 Hanged Dunnville.--Using a trip ropt from a nearby barn, Oliver Lym: | burner of Smithville, hanged him. self to a tree about one and a half miles from his home. Ill-healin Wat given as a reason for the act. Travel The King's Highway CHANGE OF TIME-TABLE Eftective Sunday, September 28th, 193 30 Commencing Sunday, September 28th, new time-tables will be in effect on all Gray Coach Lines routes. Copies of the new time-tables will be available at all offices and agencies on and after Thurs- day, September 25th. GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hotel OSHAWA Phone 2825 \ of NEW FABRICS | and STYLES by Tip Top Tailors Ltd. HIS Fall the world's largest one-price tailors offer at the same old price, dozens of exclu- sive new fabrics of a quality that heretofore has been confined to high-price custom tailors. Com- bined with finer workmanship and style than ever, Tip Top Clothes this season present the most remarkable value for the money that Canadiah men have ever been offered. Come in and look them over--you'll find it a pleasure to choose any style, tabric or color without the re- striction of price--for Tip Top Clothes are all $24, H. Evans 12 CHURCH ST., OSHAWA ONT.

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