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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Oct 1930, p. 8

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\ Eastern Ontario Ne Brockville~C, -E. Robinson, of inson & Gilroy, has. purchased m F. L. Tooker the latters' busi- s and residential building in 1 street. Comwig A defec 1l.--A defective lantern believed to have been responsi- e for a fire whicly broke out in a m on the farm of Mrs. Janet 3, east of Cornwall Centre. pt assistance was rendered by thbors prevented the complete truction of the structure but estimated at $1,000 wag "BAKERY ROBBED °° Pembroke, -- Burglars entered store of A. 'F. Yates, baker, in n and got away with $50 in ROBBER SENTENCED ' + Pembroke -- Pleading guilty to a of breaking and entering a store at Killaloe on Sept. 17, Al- _phonse Vaillancourt of Renfrew was tenced by Magistrate Chown of enfrew to six months determinate i and eighteen months indeterminate at Burwash. ed + MOVES TO PEMBROKE » Pembroke. -- Changes affecting e local plant of Canadian Warren- nk Limited have been announced b following a recent directors' meet- 2 g, the most important of which 1 result in the ultimate transfer ail the company's operations in Ontario to Pembroke. 3 OLD AGENCY CLOSED ® Kingston--The Hanley Ticket Agency for the old Grand Trunk ilway and the present Canadian | National Railways officially passed out of existence when preparations for removal of the Canadian Nat- jonal ticket office to Bagot and Princess Streets were made. The Ontario Street office is being closed, after having been the tite of the Hanley Ticket Agency since 1871. ¥. C. Hanley was named passenger agent of the Canadian National . Railways; J. I. Hanley city ticket agént, and Thomas Percy, city | ticket clerk. CONDUCTOR KILLED Smiths Falls.--Apparently mis- | judging the speed of the train as it drew the Canadian Pacific Conductor into Railway Station here, . Elswood Weidmark, C.P.R. employ- ee, of this town, was killed when he stumbled and fell beneath the * wheels of "The Royal York" Mont- "real-Toronto train, RECTOR APPOINTED Kingston.--Rev. AT L. McTear, _ wector of Wellington, and Canon of © St. George's Cathedral, Kingston, has been appointed rector of Christ 2 Rev. Church, Cataraqui, in succession to Austin Smith, Rural Dean, who has retired and removed to tawa. Rev, A. 0. Cooke, of St. Mark's, Barriefield, has been ippointed Rural Dean of the Coun- by of Frontenac. * SUSTAINS FALL ' Brockville--Reuben Montgom- ary, Frankville, fell in a barn last week and was esriously hurt. MECHANIO MISSING . » Kingston.--The police have been home here on Jan. Asked to look for Monty Alfred El- mer Roileau, aged 44, who left his 11 to go to Montreal and who has not been en since. It is Yeared that he y have met with foul play, The ing man is a mechanic and is bed as being six feet in Reight, weighing 160 pounds, " \! FINED ON LIQUOR CHARGE _ ,. Prescott. -- Solly and Simon 3 rg of Montreal were each ed $200 when they appeared in Prescott Court charged with illeg- ly possessing alcohol, but they still held in jail on account of ector: tary; Rev. C. D, McLellan, Treasus\| er; Rev. C. C. Miller, Convener of Home Mission Committee; Rev. W. A. E, Doe, Convener of the Mission- ary and Maintenance Committee; Rev. R. H, Rickard, Convener of Education and Students Commit- tee; Rev. H. A. Mellon, Conyener of Religious Education Committee, PROMOTIONS AT QUEEN'S Kingston, --Among promotiens at Queen's University are: Professor E. Flammer, Professor of Mathe- matical Physics; Professor A, B. Klu Associate Professor of Bio- in R. L. Dorrancé, Assistant Professor of Chemistry; L. E. Law, Asgistant Professor of Classics, TIME TABLE | WA, BOWMANVILLE WHITBY, OSHAW A 30% " WEEK DAY SCHEDULE / after October 6th, 1930) (Effective on (and o Going West Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 6.20 a.m, 7.05 am. 8.05. a.m. 8.50 a.m. Arrive Hospital = » 2 a So 2 ¢ p.m. pom. p.m. p.m. p.m, p.m, p.m. Going East Leave Arrive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 630 am. 6.50am. 7.20 am, 7.50 am. 8.20 a.m. 9.00 a.m, 9.25 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 11.00 am. 1130 am. tv. 10,05 p.m. 12.35 p.m. 1,40 pom, 2.00 pm. 2.30 p.m. p.m. ar, 3.15 p.m, lv. 4.10 p.m, 5.05 p.m, 6.05 p.m, 7.45 pm, 8.30 p.m. , 10.10 p.m, , 11.45 p.m. 883 - Sonanmn ee L835 1.25 p.m, 3 4 4.40 p.m. 5.40 p.m, 6,40 p.m. 8.20 p.m. 9.00 p.m, 10.45 p.m. 12.15 p.m. 4.25 p.m. p.m, p.m. 7.15 p.m. pom. Saal, Sx Oshawa Bowmanville . 10.15 a.m. 10.45 a.m. v 12.15 p.m. 12.45 p.m, 3.00 pom, 3.30 p.m, 50 p.m, 530 pm, 7.00 pm. 7.30 p.m. . 6.45 p.m. 9.00 p.m. 815 pom. 8.30 p.m. 10.45 pm, 11.00 p.m. 30 p.m, Times marked * connect at Whitby with Lindsay Busses. Special Busses for all occasions and Careful Drivers PROPRIETOR C.P.R. TIME JABLE September Wi (Standard Time) Eastbound 2,50 a.m. Daily. 3.00 p.m, Daily. 9.08 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 12.05 ant Daily. 1.05 a.m, Dai "6.28 a.m, 7.21 a.m, 8.25 a.m. *3.23 p.m, 7.30 p.m, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS ective September 285th, 1930 (Sf Time) 8.23 a.m. Daily, except Sunday. 55 . Daily. . Daily, except Sunday. 13 p.m. Daily, . Daily, except Sunday. . Daily, except Saturday. . Daily, . Daily, Ke oe 88 eT 53 BRepnile » 2 agg2g 8 Westbound . Daily, except Sunday. aily. . Daily, . Daily, except Sunday. 10 p.m, Daily, except Sunday. p.m, Daily, . 04 p.m, Daily, p.m, Daily, except Sunday. sR BR ol ES ANOS na is 8R& CLEERCOAL The Supreme Anthracite Less than 5 per cent, ash : $16.50 Per Ton 'MALLETT ROS. Albert St. Phone 3000 The Romance Of Color Colour is in vogue today-- brillignt costumes, varie- gated colours in automo- biles--and in the home-- colored stoves, kitchen utensils and washing ma- chines. Now we have col- oured hot water bottles and at the same values former- ly given in the plain color. DEFENDER HOT WATER BOTTLES In pastel shades of orchid, wisteria and jade $1.49 Moulded in one piece from pure rubber with stopple of hard rubber also, this bot- tle is a thing of extreme utility as well as of beauty. Sold only at THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell King E. Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 ! "Pullets, straight bred, 'ge y HANGED FOR MURZER OF THREE YOUTHS Sanquentin, Calif., Oct. 3.--Gor- don Stewart Northcott, 23, cinviet- ed of murdering three boys on his Wineville, California, chicken ranch two years ago was hanged at states prison here yesterday. INDIGENTS ARE HOSPITAL BURDEN Place Institutions in Financ- ial Difficulties, Associa- tion Is Told Toronto, Oct. 3.--Penniless per- sons who through {illness or acecid- ent require hospital care are plac- ing these institutions in financial difficulties, it was revealed at the annual convention of the Ontario Hospital Association, "The situation regarding these drifters is very serious," sald Dr. Fred W. Routley, honorary secre- tary-treasurer. The burden on the THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1930 'Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS (Buying) Toronto wholesale dealers are buying precduce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases. return- ed, fresh extras, 37c to 38c; fresh firsts, 34c to 86c; seconds, 24c¢ to '26e. 4 Butter--No, 1 Ontario cream- ary solids, 32 to 38¢c; No. 2, 30 to c. Churning cream--Special, 33c; No. 1, 32¢; No. 2, 29¢c. Cheese--No. 1 large, colored, paraffined and government grad- ed, 16 to 16%e. . Quotations to poult shippers are as follows: Y Pre Poultry Alive Dressed Yatted hens, over 5 lbs, aol ...... e030 Over 4 to 5 lbs. each ..16 Over 31; to 4 lbs. each 14 Under 3% Ibs. each ...12 Spring chickens, over 5 lbs. 25 Over 4% to 6 lbs. each 23 Over 4 to 4% lbs. each 20 Under 4 lbs. each ..,.17 Broilers, 1% to 2% 1bs. each .24 20 18 16 Cina 18 above chicken prices. Spring ducklings (white), Over 5 Ibs. each Over 4 to 6 1bs. each ... Colored, 2¢ 1b. less, Old roosters, over § Ibs, each Over 4 to 5 lbs. each . os Guinea fowl, pair .......... 1.60 Dressed poultry, if in good con- dition, will be paid 3 to 4c above list prices. (Selling) Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 44c; fresh extras, loose, 42c; firsts, 38c; seconds, 30c. Butter--No, 1 creamery, prints, 34c to 34%ec; No, 2 creamery, prints, 32¢ to 32%e. Cheese--New large, twins, 17% c; triplets, 18¢c; stil- tons, 21%ec. Old, large, 28c: twins, 20c; triplets and cuts, 50c old stiltons, 28e, Poultry Chickens, § lbs. up ... Do., 4to51bs .... Do., 33% to 4 Ibs, . Do., 3 to 334 1bs. . Do., 2 Ibs. Hens, over 5 lbs. .. Broilers Ducks Turkeys 17%e¢: Dresscd .33-.38 .32-.36 .30-.32 .29-.30 .28-.30 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in effect on the St. Lawr- ence Market, Toronto: Produce Eggs, extras, per dozen 0.45 Do., firsts, per dozen 0.40 Butter, dairy, per pound 0.25 Do., creamery, per pound, .......... 0.25 Fruits and Vegetables Carrots, 6 bunches . Beets, doz. bunches .. Onions, dry, 11 qt. basket Do., 6 qt. basket Cabbage Cauliflower Spinach, peck san Mushrooms, per pound ... 0.50 0.45 0.30 015 0.25 0.42 | CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Oct. 2.--Local spot egg conditions and prices this morn- ing "were generally © unchangeg from yesterday. Trading econtin- ues quiet, especially refrigerators. Volume of sales on Novembers call were only moderate and for most part option was under 'pressure throughout session. Weakness of centralized grades of butter which has been noticeable for past few days was again In evidence this morning, Extras and higher scor- ing lots of wholemilks are in light supply and are clearing well, dealers in many cases reverting to storage wherever possible. Novem- bers and Decembers also showed effect of a generally weaker spot and slipped to new lows for pres- ent decline. Long support near the close brought about a slight rally. Open commitments--Nov, eggs, 1,292; Dec. eggs, 49; Nov, butter, 1,059; Dae, butter, 178. Wo market receipts-- Butter today, 17,063; last' year, 16,680. ES toda, 21,047; last year, Chicago spot market-- Butter, extras, 383g¢; standards, 36¢c; tone barely steady. Eggs, firsts, 27c; tone steady. GRAIN AT TORONTO Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat--No. 1, North- ern, 80%ec; No. 2 do., 78¢; No. 3 do., 76%ec; No. 4 do., 71%e¢; No. 6, 60¢c (c.f. Goderich and Bay ports). Manitoba oats--No. 1 feed, 33c; No. 2 do., 30c. Argentine corn, Colborne. Millfeed, delivered Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per ton, $21.26; shorts, per - ton, $22.25; middlings, $29.25. Ontario grain--Wheat, 73¢; barley, 36¢; oats, 28¢; rye, b0c; buckwheat, nominal, 80c c.i.f. Port BURIED IN GRAIN, BOY 13 RESCUED Lindsay Lad Revived With Difficulty After Barn Floor Collapses Lindsay, Oct. 8.--~Mansel Arnott, of the Scotch Line, near Dunsford, was almost smothered to death yes- terday when a grain separator crashed through the barn floor, burying Arnott and a lad named Orville Burgess beneath bushels of grain, for relief, but Arnott sank deeper. He called for help until the grain filled his mouth and silenced his cries, . Burgess finally gained his freedom and soon brought men to the aid of the lad, who was resus- citated with difficulty, The thresh- ing was about completed when the accident happened and the weight of the grain on the floor is blamed for the collapse. LEAGUE REFUSES to Amend Covenant to This End Geneva, Oct. 3.--Efforts Both struggled frantically |' TOOUTLAW WAR Committee Rejects Motion to ferred to the member Governments in view of further discussion by the Assembly in 1931. KISSING CAFES: TABOO IN TOKIO No Longer 'Do Customers Get Pecked Freely in Japan Tokio.--~The Metropolitan police have placed a ban on "kissing cafes." In several cafes the waitresses used to be under strict instructions from the proprietors to kiss their customers freely and with fervor, but now those places have taken warning and no longer do the girls kiss the guests, Instead, they rush to them as they enter, throw their arms about the defenceless necks and chorus: "We don't kiss any more." v That, at any rate, is the finding of an investigator, 8. Okuyama, who has been making the rounds of the Tokio cafes in the interests of sev- eral newspapers. The question of cafe tipping, he finds, is a difficult one. Twenty- five cents is about the standard, he says, but fifty cents is the least that a foreigner can leave behind unless he is prepared to be ealled "kechimbo"--meaning "miser" -- as he leaves the premises. FERGUSON HEADS HOSPITAL BOARD (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Torento, Oct, 3.--Dr. John Fer- guson, of Toronto, was elected pre- sident of the Ontario Hospital Board at their seventh annual meet- ing here. : Dr. Fred Routley, also of Toronto, was re-elected honorary secretary treasurer and Brig, Gen. M, Nellis, of Niagara-on-the- Lake, was elected head of the chair- man's trustee section. Miss B. L. Ellis, of the Toronte Western Hospital was elected head of the nurses section of the board. POTATOES Ontario Stock $1.25 amend the League of Nations Cov- enant fn a form that would out- law all war, thus making it har- monize with the Kellogg-Briand anti-war pact, failed last night in the League Assembly's Judicial Subcommittee by a vote of 10 to ° Heated discussion preceded the balloting, with the final tally show- ing only Lord Cecil of Great Bri- tain and Dr. Chao Chu-wu of China in favor ef accepting immediately amendments to that end. Now the question probably will be held over for another year, as a resolution adopted by the sub- committee earlier in the day pro- vides that the amendments be re- . Per 90 Ib, Bag New Brunswick Stock $1.40 Per 90 lb. Bag HOGG and LYTLE LTD. 54 Church Street We Deliver Phone 203 RADIO PERFORMANCE BEYOND THE AVERAGE NEED Leaf Lettuce, three for - Head Lettuce, two for Parsley, per bunbh Onions, bunch, three for Cress, three for ,... Celery, dozen Oranges, per doz. Honeydew Melons, each Grapefruit, 3 for .. oroo 1D ao power, distance and sensitivity [foting ability. selectivity at makes it a constant delight to those who know and demand the best. But it has more than that--much more --Automatic Volume Control which main- tains reception at a constant level. No matter where you live this device automatically counteracts fading and holds the volume at whatever level you like to hear. Daylight ion is eo vastly improved by Auto- PHILCO Philco Screen Grid Plus has a surplus of Screen Grid Plus 4 4 A the SUPER SET with PHILCO Tone Control and Automatic Volume Control... Frankly you don't need the kind of performance Philco Screen Grid Plus is designed to give, any more than you need an automobile that will hit an 80 mile an hour clip. But there's a wealth of satisfaction in owning a radio set or a car whose surplus power, though seldom used, means velvet smooth effortless per- formance at all times. OTHER PHILCO MODELS - There is a Philco nfodel to suit every purse, sseta o QR\OHT "Mp from the Baby Grand at $74.20 to the gph Radio-Phonograph Combination at 00 (tubesextra), The PhilcoLowboy with either 7 tube screen grid chassis, or 9 tube screen grid plus chassis is one of the most popula models ever produced, The Babs d nsole represents value beyond compare and is the ideal set for the small home or apartment where space is at a premium. Your Philco dealer will gladly demonstrate matic Volume Control, as to make iporfing the liquor through illeg- real companion for the woman in the home. 'pl channels. ' Hearing on the latter i gharge is set for Oct. 10, when | Marry Goldstein Toronto and Shy er, Montreal will come any Philco model and arrange easy payments when you buy. hodpital of carrying these people, he said, was extremely heavy on hospitals situated on the highways or near the much travelled roads. The government, the association decided, should devise some way Potatoes, bag Cycumbers, 3 for .... Lemons, per dozen ee Bananas, per dozen ...0. Apples, bus. ...,..... 1.50 GRAY COACH LINES Effective September 25 1930 (Standard Fines Leave Oshawa AM, r.M. s < HN - 2 2 8 3 = g 3 J wosomos BO GO CO = TY 0D MoD ONT Philco Tone Control m7.30 ofoes, alleged the four men brought 0 gallons of alcohol into the without notifying excise i iy ie trial on the same count, It ka © PRESBYTERY MEETS Lindsay.--The Lindsay Presby- fory of the Unjted Church met at ©Omemee for its first session of this ce year, Officers elected Rev, C. C. Washington, man, of Fenelon Falls; Rev. 'XK. Edmison, of Lindsay, Secre- 8.30 9.30 10.30 1 J BEss88s Bis Esk Foo@mNOtn Aun =k i m--Except Sunday. a--Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays only. bi ys only. Jeddo Premium The Best "in. America At Usual Coal Prices {ON COAL C0. | Tomine Dies Lo . Produced pep up with whereby the hospitals would be re- munerated for expenses incurred in such ways. Wake up and '| rolls, 25c. La Can. Green Beans, 6 qt. basket 'e Eggplant, each .... Green Beans, 6 qt. .. .... Green Peppers, basket 0.40 Turnips, bag Tomatoes, basket Radishes, three DURCHOS oon veusaii nse Apples, measure ... Cantaloupes, 20 qts, Peaches, 6 qt. ..... Blueberries, 11 qt. Crabapples, 11 qt. Grapes 6 qt. ...... TORONTO HIDES AND WOOL Toronto wholesale dealers in hides and wool are quoting prices to shippers as follows: City hides, green 7c; bulls and brands, 4c. Country hides, green, 6c; do., cured, 6% to 7c. Toronto city calf, green, 10c; country calf, green, 9c; city veal kip, 8c; country veal kip, Te; do. cured, 7%e to Sc; country grasser kip, 4c to be. Horse hides, No. 1, $2; No. 2, 11.50; No. 3, $1. Horsehair, 30c Wool, free of rejects, 12¢ 1b.: rejects, 8c; sheepskins, 26c each. Tallow, solids, {in barrels, 1b.," 4c; cakes, 4%c to bc 1b. TORONTO PROVISION PRICES. Smokes meats--Hams, medium, 28 to 36¢; cooked loins, 48 to 52¢; smoked rolls, 34¢; breakfast bacon, 26 to 40c; backs, pea-meal- ed, 34c; do., smoked, 44 to 50c. Pork loins, 26%c; shoulders, 18% cs butts, 23%c; hams, 22%c. Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 1bs.) 22¢; 70 to 90 1bs., 20c; 90 to 110 Ibe, 19¢. Heavy- weight rolls, 40c; lightweight r re, tlerces, 16e¢: tubs, I; Dali, 17346; prints, 13 to 18% a. Sh 12%e; seve 0000 dd AID od 900 990900 i - GMOS ;Ioooow es or ov oD tubs, 18¢c; pails, 18%c, JH Special pastry shortening-- Tierces, 16¢; tubs, 153e; pails, 6c. er ti dt Et Li Et ~~ And now radio's Newest miracle--Philco Tone Control laces this super set still further ahead ofall competition, Tone Con- trol allows you to bring in programs your way, with the tone simply turning the set you can mood, and to properly in being Toivad Phileo also helps daytim to "m ahi like best. B ithe front of th the tone to suit your et the pro- one Control reception for, by turning ow" or "d positions daylight static and Stet Psu oo noises can Screen Grid Plus Highboy New 9-tubo Screen Grid Plus butt band rubbed sati apestry overspeaker. Chassis bailt into cabinet Oe ramon $210.00 (Tubes Extra) the Industry BALANCED - UNIT RADIO Licensed by Canadian Radio Patents, Limite" ADAMS FURNITURE CO. Ltd. Local Dealers; ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Ltd. . , Oshawa and Whitby. F. J. MITCHELL, Bowmanville.

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