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Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Oct 1930, p. 7

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et UA +. "\THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1930 PAGE SEVEN OF GHICAGD'S TOBE , HELD AS HOSTAGES Datective' Norton Orders 'Wives Arrested Prior to 5 Other Relatives. p Mee next of kin of Chicago, 's "public enemies" have 'arres to be held as h for the enemies themselv Chief Norton, ordering this action, told his men to arrest the wives of the enemies wherever possible. Failing in this, the near- est relatives of the hunted men are to Be taken. Vagrancy Avarrants have been signed for the 'public enemies' -- the 26 most notorious figures of the Site gang life--and the rela- Sven are to be held until such time the enemies surrender or are Four of them already are under arrest. One surrendered, another was found in a police cell on an- other charge, and two were found in hospitals. One of the latter, Terry Druggan of the ertswhile beer trust of Drug- gan and Lake, is at the University Hospital. His doctors say he will die if he is moved, but police insist that he be taken to Bridewill Pri- son Hospital under guard. In ad- dition to 'the vagrancy warrani, a féderal charge of having evaded in- come tax payments has been made against him 2 The state attorney's fight against labor racketeers--the men who have taken congrol by force of a number of union treasuries re- celved a setback when a number of union leaders called on Col. A. A Sprague, anti crime leader and pro- tested against the campaign. Legiti- mate unions are being made suffer- ors, the labor then charged. They asked the removal from the fight of assistang State's attorney Charles J, Mueller, Meanwhile, the police depart- ment struggled with {ts own pro- bléem, which cropped out last Thurs- day when men raiding a hotel seiz- ed a police department memoran- dum containing a list of known hoodlums marked for possible ar- rest on vagrancy charges. The memorandum bore check-marks before eight names, all. of Al Ca- pone men, and 'when the police wy was located, these eight names d been omitted. FIVEDAY WEEK Ww. AT ONCE i Boston, Oct. 7.--Immediate in- auguration of the five-day week in industry was urged by Presi- . {dent William Green at the opening session of the golden jubilee con- vention of the American Federa- tion of Labor here yesterday, | Perhaps you've never made Oatmeal Macaroons.. Recipe for Oatmeal Macaroons 1 sablespoon batter 1 cup white sugar Rez > § teaspoon salt Rub together butter, sugar; rolled 2 teaspoons Powder Wry this delightful recipe. 'They're ar. with MAGIC ' BAKING POWDER The kind that 3 out of every 4* Canadian , who bake at wr ily say they use because it gives Magic Baking oats, salt and baking powder, then drop in the egg anbeaten, add vanilla, mis well with wooden spoon. Drop mixture about the size of 8 haselout in buttered pant and ; (bake 10 to 15 minutes. consistently better *7%is fact seas boveglud in. & recent Dominiane STANDARD BRANDS LTD. GILLEIT PRODUCTS "MELODY MIKE" TO BE BROADCAST. rime from Mody Mi over the Canadian arith "Railway's transcontinen as the above picture shows, runs a music shop near 2 station at a railway Qivisional The shop becomes the centre of numberless adventures in which Mike ishaelt, Mary, his wife network. "Melody Mike", point. ("Molly Maloney, as wuz"), T sons, Scotty Macgregor, an argumentative but friendly quite the most sur- neighbor, and Jack-a day 1 daa, prising of the char oll pl All are competent ent! Wr r adventures are sprikled wi 'ed and Larry, their|t hate i TO and | Fleming, h charming music, | CKLC, old-time favorites and fame of their musical beyond the division, and when a train halts at t | Junction thére is a stream of visitors to Mike's emporium, many of whom contribute to the enjoyment of the evening. first programme from "Melody Mike's Music Shop" will be broadcast from 9 to 9.30 p.m, on day, October 6th, by the following PL ig linked together by the broadcast transmission system of he Canadian Pacific Railway's Telegraphs, CKAC, Montreal, CHRC, Quebec, London, "CFCO, Chatham, CKY, Winnipeg, CKCK, Regina, 10-RB, Moose Jaw, CFQC, Saskatoon, CIRW, Sask., CKCA, Edmonton, CJCJ, Cal Deer, and CKWX, Vancouver, song hits. Also, the onday evenings has s elody Melody Mon- CKGW, Toronto, CIGG, gary, RAILWAY ACCIDENTS KILLED 54 IN JULY Ottawa, Oct. 7.--Fifty-four per- sons were killed and 263 injured in Canada in railway and railway crossing accident during the month of July, according to a return by the Board of Railway Commission- ers. Railway accidents totalled 184, MONTREAL WINNIPEG TORONTO Branches in ell the princips! Canadian Cities - This TREAD Brings You Safety INQ other tread compares with the All-Weather for sure. footed traction, quietness, long weer and good looks. blocks offer many sharp edges against _ Is diamond-shaped skidding in any direction. These beck are in the amie of the Sway ell wit of grooves that y S0y . {2m Two ribs give smooth riding---act as a pair of/rails--quiet, steering. i Betending up she sidewalls are more sharp-dged blocs sideskidding when You. speed Aung curves prevent Or 25 ge you out f ou 50 dept ta mo, sand, snow And a hick smh eubbes SPEEA. tha) ross punctsny and wears and wears and "More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind ta " a CTRL ST Se involving 48 killed and 219 in- jured, while railway crossing acel- GOODY EAR MEAN dents mumbered 27 and involved six persons killed and 44 injured. The largest number of crossing accidents occurred in Ontario, which had a total'of ten. Quebec had seven, New Brunswick four, Saskatchewan three, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and Alberta one each. WALL STREET HAS WARNED BROKERS "Bear Raiders" Will Be Dis- ciplined, Statement Says New York, #0ct. 7.~--~What amounted 40 a declaration of war against Wall Street's rampant "bear party," issued from the New York Stock Exchange yesterday, when it admonished brokers that they were risking disciplinary measures when they sold, or as- sisted in the sale of seaurities "for the purpose of bringing about a condition of demoralization in which prices do not fairly reflect the market values." The purpose of this move, it was made plain, was to put an end to reckless selling campaigns de- signed to depress the stock market unwarrantably. The effect, it was predicted, would be to discourage short selling of any character, al- though it was said the stock ex- change was concerned -only with what was known as 'bear raiding" and the part that its 'members might play in such operations. His ERROR You stole eggs from this Have you any excuse? Yes, 1 took them by Judge: man's shop. Accused: mistake. Judge: How was that? Accused: 1 thought they fresh --Hummel Hamburg, were Tells Dyspeptics What To Eat AVOID GAS--INDIGESTION Strict diets are often unnecessary in' stomach troublé. While some foods do produce excessive acidity and many stomachs do generate "too much acid" causing gas, sours ness, bloating and after-eating paing, the trouble may be safely andvquickly corrected by the use of a good alkaline, Bisurated Mag- nesia--powder or tablets--is ideal for this purpose. Just a little af- ter meals neutralizés all the excess acid, prevents souring, breaks up gas and ends Indigestion. Favor- ite foods no longer upset stomach and digestion is easy and painless. It will do all this for you or money back Reliable druggists every- where sell Bisurated Maghesia with this guarantee. KAYSER Hosiery in all the Favorite Colors at KAYSER SILK HOSIERY GLOVES YOU ALWAYS GET THE SHADE, SIZE AND QUALITY YOU WANT AT THE "ARCADE OUR STOCKS ARE ALWAYS COMPLETE Yes! We have the Sansheens too. Has Sfartling Values HOSIERY at * 50 MARTNESS -- fine tex- ture--long wear and low. price combine to make Kayser hosiery a Made in four popular numbers in « smart » buy. many shades including the latest shades for the new fall fashions. No. 152x Slendo* Heel Chiffon Ne. 118x Slendo* Heel Medium Service Weight No. 151x Slipper Heel* Chiffen No. 148x Black Slendo* Heel Chiffon 4 \ Yh mn lj I } I LL 0S | AUTUMN SHADES 11 | 1 Caravan Sahara Algiers Noniad Tunis

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