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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Oct 1930, p. 9

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" THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1930 PAGE NINE RBLE D SECTION. So! Notary, over 's Shier, Hea fax Dae: porth, Phone 67. 24% Money Rest: Sim- to alee. po i Phos ad " to Fines BA Hf ig A Horpett Shicial_aabtion to cl a pr i night ealls 3416 or 123. DR. McKAY YSICIAN. sub , seu, : Accouchen A toria a os hawa. Phone 94. RAND BERRY, PHYSI DR. G ' fatap ts oy shildren. residence, 07 Bond Bast. of and Phone north. Res Phone 3020. Office hours ah (Sep.t 22-1 mo) "Veterinary Surgeon Shug! DR™W. TD. FORSYTHE, honofafy graduate of Ontario Vou eérihary College, seventeen years experience. Fees moderate, Thorn. ton's Coram, Phone 203 r 2. Oct. 11-1 me) (Sept. 18-1 mo) 7 Bast, Ambulance. Residence 542 Simeoe stroet, north, Phone HH and 210W, Armstrong & Son, Funeral and Ambulance Service, day 4 ri night. Phone 1083W, 87 (at) Ee Hand Biture bought and sold. 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1817TM. (Sept. 24-1 mo) Insurance 1g King St. west, Osawa, The ola. A. est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Fire LA I comsult A. N. Johis, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants at- Seuled to and your interests pro- ia furniture moving house and moving van equipment. | Fhote 82 x d Fr and cinders. Local and distance hauling. Smith & Cot Phone 924, 10 d t A'S Ol Nish B furaiture movers. Park Road Local and long Sistands. Frags oft Fraak Cowie ne 65 Park Rd Bont. 23-1 mo) te Beauty Parlors UP A Shop. Specialists tn pérmanent, finger - and marcel Fe stag rs t wave priees 60. and $16." All other Ines ot Baanty Culture. Phone 2968. Apply § Simeoe north. Y . ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2068. A uty Shop, 6 Celina St. We spec falize in ladies' hair cutting, mar celling, shampooing, facials. Matcel 50 cents, For AR sebt. 1 phosie 2663. 8:1 mo) Nursing , Maternity work preferred. ohe 1618. (Sept. 40-1 mo) All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Agents Wanted For Rent AGENTS MAKING $18 PER WEEK UP, IN SPARE TIME (more according to time given) selll "Imperial Art" made-in- Ca Personal Greeting OChrist- mas Oards, acknowledged by agents and public the greatest selection in value, price And new variety. Season In full swing Write for sample book on ap proval, British Canadian Publish ing Company, 51 Wellington West, Teronta (Sept. 12 to Oct. 31) RELIABLE MAN FOR ONE HUN- dred store route; this county; ex- perience unnecessary; no selling} distribute and colleét. Should net seventy dollars weekly, Bhana# Mfg. Co., New Toronto, Ont, (86a) Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE IN BOWMAN- ville. 85 acres, best clay loam. 12 acres orchard, bank barn, 36 x 100, water in stable, § room, stone house. Hydro lighted. Apply owner H. Pawson, 550 Bimcoe North, Oshawa. (86e) USE. Modern conveniences. Garage: Horse stable, chicken house, 3 acres choice garden land, well drained, acre asparagus full beat ing. % acre raspberries and straw- berries. Apply Mrs. G. A. Gillespie. Bowmanville, (86a) A $80 A MONTH buys nice bungalow In the north end, property is belng mold for the amount of the first mortgage. Ap- ply » Bradiey Bros, (86a) SIMCOE MANOR ~~ FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, conveni- ences. Apply superintendent phone 2671. (66) VICTORIA APA --- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera- tion, electric stove, washing mach: las And dryer. Apply suparibtong. ent. Phone 3633F. (56¢L) FRONT APARTMENT, 4 ROOMS and bath with Murphy bed extra. Eiectric stove, sink, | undry com- bination. Newly decorated. Box 942 'times. (66tr) STORE AND DWBLLING ON Prince street, all newly decorated. $86 per month, Apply J. D. Ruths erford, 134 Celina street. Phone 638J. (58tr) HOUBH FOR RENT, NEAR MOT- ors office. All conveniences. Hard- wood floors throughout, firepla sun parior. Apply 1 Ritson roa north. (Sept. 25-1 mo) 0 RENT----TWO UNFURNISHED -- with light, heat water, rent reasonable. Phone 1887M. aide) coe street mofth. Phone ad J. (86a) room apartment and garage, eclec- tric 'refrigeration, stoves and grates; hot water heating. Large rooms. 161 King St, East, tor 86¢ OM WIT use of kitchen. 230 Drew street. Phone 3265'W. (86a) D Rurminnied centrally located three rtment, very nicely decor sen oh eerie stove and frigidares rent le. Phone 847M be- tween 6 and 8 pm, (85¢) house. All conveniences, newly decorated inside and out. Geo, Sal- ter, 38 Bond E. Phohe 28 ah Every convenience. Close to Col Jeglate, Apply 242 Golt St. (855) + | 320 Alice street. Phone 8078W. nicely decorated, vety central. Rent reasonable. Possession at once, Apply 26 Church Street, or phone 2323. , (85e conveniences, also large bedroom with or with- out board, Athol east, Phone 3179W. (85¢c) THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Every conveniénce, electric; gas, phone, also garage. Apply 21 War- ren Avenue. rooms and sewing room, wood, plastered cellar, well decor. ated, conveniences, garage, blinds, fixtures, reasonable remt, north end. Box #01 LT (85¢) IC oar floors, fafr- 2667 or 3097J. (85¢) All conveniences. ly central. Phone able for light housekeeping. 331 Gliddon Ave, (85¢) FU RNISHED HOUSE WITH GAR- age, reasonable rent to couple without children. Apply Au Elgin street east. Phone 316W. (85¢e) Articles For Sale FOR RENT-=201 ATHOL BT. Seven yoomed, rug brick bunga lo, new, all conveniences. Apply 256 Athol street. Phone 616, (Sept. 80-1 mo) FOR RENT--TWO _ OR THREE nice rooms. Central. Phone 3081). (Oct. 141 mo) MODERN APARTMENTS 3 AND 4 rooms, every convenience. Jaf- itor service. Phone 1550. (sote) § ROOMED HOUSE, 8 PIECE bathroom, e, newly decorated, at 291 Colla Bt. Apply 289 next door. (86¢) O0M¥, Situations Vacant LADY OR GENTLEMAN TO ACT as local representative in Oshawa and district for old established firm with very ular line of Personal Christ: mas Greeting Cards. Whole or part time. Generous commissions. Regal Art Co, 310 Spadina Ave, Toronto. (80-82:84- 86:88-90:92) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist RY NS OF 140 BLOOR eT B YAN nto will bs a iy a ava ths Fin "ad. treat floss and |: A of at, on may ry Phon: 0 37 Eile oral Baer Ee one Tove. Res. phone 9 . . soclats mrchitects, Simeoe St iy 8. wher 10e adds tional. $5.50 per Phone 38 Ask for Classified A2 ~~ Dephrtment A. VON GUNTE Swiss whtchmaker, repair: shop at 4% King treat West Your pat: " fa -------- )D CITY PROPER Jus. ADP A A J pot ( i Her '0 B. ments reduced. ven, Terms rea- ns and Dis King St. B. Open even: Aug. 150) and oy 87 King 8t EX 4 UR A re-financed. Additional cash sonable. Motor counts, Suite 2, 14 (upstairs). Phone HENRTTTCHING, PICOTING, Lo, A nine cents a yard. Skirts pl T oné dollar, All kinds of beau embroidery Hi ing, ete. Alte making. The Dell Eh. ¢oé south, phote 1 3 SoHE role (Bept. 18-1 mo) MADAME RENA, PALMIST, 346 Bilena Vista. ADbpolatments. Phone 1166W. (Oct, 6-1 Be) pre ING = CONURET Sats oi eta A to get your house caulked, makes house warmer, saves fuel, shuts out insets, drafts and dampness, stops window leaks, gives comfort. For atinate 5 m Ho to J. H. Law- son, og Py 3 nob R. awa, heasured installed complete. Caulking. Phois 8126W tor prices. Plowright & Sharp. (Oet. 1:1mo) ame worms epi Woe cleaned, storms replaced ave it one an Oshawa man. ry 27]. (Oct. 9- phone ant LEARN insurance business. Married mah preferred. Apply Box 707 Times. ( joc) perienced single man for farm work. Apply to A. L. Smith, Rag- lan Pest Off (85h) : P Clerks, S J as Postmen, Clerks, Stenographers Customs Examiners, etc., in Govern. ment Setvice, For Jartieulars Juiite Civil Service Dept. M Sch Ltd., Toronto 10, Coo y for light house (83e) every col { birt "Phone 8388W. heat and water. Phone 3226W. (84¢c) 6 ROOM HOUSE; ences, garage, $20 a month. Apply assau Street. 84¢ 1 staialy located at 137 Alice Street. gh D! suitable for ome or two gentlemen or young married eouple. Apply 137 Biméoe north. Phone 1236W. (82tr) OR light housekeeping or bed sitting foom. 307 Bimeéoe Bt. South. Phone 2378M. (85¢) E TO T == L Street West, all conveniences. Apply 85 McMillan Drive. Phone 176W. (86¢) COTTAGE TO RENT, VALENCIA Road. $12 per month. Phone 1653 r 1:2 (86¢) A Kitchenette suitable for light house: keeping. Apply 180 Bruce St. Phone 2860W. ( ence above at REE i oo tober t. Pp nt an: Annis, Battisters, Othaws A central, decorated, i Roos, |? floors, steam heat, eleetrio refrig: eration, Also ¢ roomed house Phone 140 (84¢) Is or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, very central, Hb] [porhas 172 Mary street. 4c) ER IT as month, Apply 303 iY Julien St. PER S, Avenue. S| For FOR BALE-« FOUR RE-CONDI- tioned electric ranges from $10 up. Apply Harry D. eon Hara- ware, 23 King Wes (85h) Wi (8) WE PHONE 50, (85¢) FOR & SATE=WILLIAN'S SEVEN Tube Radio. Apply 285 Albert St. after six o'clock, (85a) MIXED HA won shba S050 ptr ad Abe peo body Watetous Meek Limited Aor. 26t) VARN- 18hes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, etc. In in the ¢ity. The Paint Store, $0 King streét west. Apr. 25 th) + LITTL down, also automobile tires and tubes, all siges, cheap, 264 Eulalle (Sept. 18-1 mo) SAND, GRAVEL BTONE, CIN- ders, black loam. $1.50 per.yrad. uality and service phone Es- ros. 332 r 11. (Oet. 3 1 mo) R, GOOD condition, Will sell cheap. Phone 1586]. (86¢) SA Cc ER and hall rack, perfect condition. 98 Agnes Street. (84¢) Ocean Tickets C ALL COMPAN- fes. 80 Bimeoe St. South, Tele- photie 515 for a personal eall, it desired. Oct. 8-1 mo) D FOR all lines by expert staff. C.P.R, of- fice, 11 King B. Phone 40 or 41 for private interview at your home, (Oct. 9-1 mo) Elocution ress of elocution, will prepare Pup- ils for examinations set by Torou- to atory. Phone 184. (Sept. 18-1 mio) sory public speaking, private or. In classes, For terms phone Loéls Mundy, No. 85 or fil sep. 11+1 mo) ror og er Xe Mab PASC Tiating abd graining. t, Work afal 4 ig A phone 3065w of Bete) 'oliminators. ° Tubes tested and Phone 1566J. a ------ 652 Carnegie Ave. Radio Service SNARE BATTERIES CHARGED 176¢ with rental $1.00, Mepaired and rebuilt. Called for and delivered. | Prompt: service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. (Sept. 28-1 mo) REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF Special Reduction A few 1930 model Philco and Radiola Radios at 33 per cent. off, terms. Ontario Motor S 1 | . ited 99 Simcoe Street South sets, Prices reasonable. Your radio tested while in operation. Batteries recharged. George Burroughs, Ra- diotrician. Phone di" (Oct, 4-1 | m) CHRi- pairs on radios, power packs and Supplied, radio poles for oale. charged end repaired. Biter rig Charles Wales 146 Eigin east. (Sept. 13-1 mo) CAR OR RADIO BAT/ERY, called for 'and' delivered. 76e. (Sept. 19-1 mo) Motor Cars GET YOUR CAH WASHED AT Jominion Garage, 58 Bond street west. Phone 3198. All cars at oné price $1.00, (Sept. 18-1 mo.) Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCKS, SAND AND gravel for sale=--To insure prompt delivery, place ders in advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. For Exchange NEW RUG BRICK HOUSE, 2 acres of land, on highway east of Oshawa. All conveniences. Would exchange for Oshawa property. (811) Work Wanted FURNITURE REFINISHED AND upholstered. Chestérfields made to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Whitby 649, Oshawa 2932J, Bowmanville 58. George A. Con- stable. (Sept. 30-1 mo) Dancing MADAME HENDRIE'S BCHOOL of dancing and physical culture for children and adults. Lessons given every evening from 6.30 p.m. and on Baturday's from 2 p.m. For particulars call at 169 Church street, Oshawa, or phone 874M at above hours. (Oct. 6-1 mo) Wanted to Rent 4 OR 5 ROOMED APARTMENT or flat, centrally located. Box 890, Times, 84c WANTED TO RENT--GOOD house with purchase option. Fire. place, large living room, All con- veniences, preferably garage. State rent for one year and option price. Apply Box 980 Times. (84b) WANTED TO RENT BY TWO business girls, one or two nicely furnished = bedrooms, preferably north end of city. Box 988 Times, (84¢c) » Music LEONARD RICHER, LE.AM, Su- pervisor of Music Public Schools, di- rector of Music Oshawa Collegiate. Lessons: Vielin, Theory, ete. Only limited number of pupils accepted. Phone 2578F, (Avg. 25) M., if and Choirmaster of King Street Church, will actept pupils in piano, pipe organ ana vocal musie. 50 Willlam Stre:t East. Phone 2896. (Sept. 2 tf) i, For Sale and To Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--26 HILL: croft St, seven rooms, all hard. wood flooks, immediate possession. Jones Real Estate. Phone 2667. (86b) _Room and Board ROOMER OR BOARDER WANT: ed, eomfortable, central home, Y4 Drew street. (86¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR BITHER ladies or gentlemen in downtown section, very central and close to factories. Apply 44 Charles St. (86a) Eee -- -- __ % For Sale or Exciungs | \ 6 FRAME, ALL CO ences, hard and soft water; hot ol? and hot water heating; garage; large fot 60 ft. x. 330 ft.; best of repair; hardwood floors, except kitchen ; built in eupboards; just outside cors poration limits. on't overlook this if you are looki for a real home at a real price. usiness reasons fot selling. Box 987, Daily Times. (85¢) COBTRACK K BE tween Oshawa and MeLachlin's farm. Finder phope 1487. Reward, (86¢) Alsatian. Apply 121 Alma St, (86¢) TWO RACKS BETWEEN ON- ari Motor Sis and Taunton Tues ay evening. 'ound, pleas tif T. Hyland, RR. No. 1, Burketon sob Books ROBE HAWS CIRC library. You will enjoy reading the latest Fiction at minimum cost. (T-F-8 tf) ON BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that By- law No. 2027 was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa on the 22nd day of September, 1030, providing for the issuing of debentures to the amount of $7,400.00 for the pur- poge of purchasing a Ladder Truck for- fire protection, and that such by-law was registered in the regis- try office of Whitby in the County of Ontario on the 25th day of Sep- tember, 1930. Any motion _ to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first pub- lication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 26th day of Septem. ber, 1930. F. E. HARE, Clerk. 74-80-86) Male Help--Instruction 0 §10 PER DAY-- N $6 Ambitious, reliable men wanted at once. Part time pay while training for Aviation mechanics, garage work, driving, battery, electric acetylene welding, house wiring, industrial electricity, machinist, bricklaying, plastering, drafting, barbering and hairdressing. Act quick, get your application in now. Write or call for information. Dominion Trade Schools Ltd; 79 Queen West, Toronto, Eastern Headquarters, Employment ser- vice toast to coast. (Sat. Oet. 25) POLAR SUBMARINE PROJECT APPROVED Stefannson Says Under water Craft Safer Than Airplane New York.--Vilhjalmur Stefann- son, Arctic explorer, arrived on the liner Majestic with the statement that the submaine is safer and more ; | practical than the airplane as a means of reaching the North Pole. Mr. Stefannson, who has been lec- turing for three months at Cams bridge Univesity, expressed the be- lief that Sir George Hubert Wilkins, his first aide on the Arctic expedi- tion of 1018-19186, will successful- ly negotiate his under-water ven ture to the Polar eap. The explorer corrected a popular belief that the Arctic seas are filled with deep-reaching icebergs and sald there were none within 400 miles of the Pole. "The human race has centered its activities on the Northern part of the Globe," he said, and will continue its growth and population in this area. "In this development there must be assurance of communications and supplies and it Wilkins demon- strates that a submarine may suc: 'cessfully negotiate the Polar cap, then frogen Canada, around Hud. son Bay, Russia and Siberia be- comes new fields for man's exploi- tation." ATTACK VACCINATION Kingston.--The Board of Education has asked the Boafd of Health to lift the ban it placed two weeks ago on pupils in the schools who were not vaccinated. They pointed out that 97 per cent of the pupils had been vaccinated, declating that the vaccination order had served its pur- pose and that continwance of it would savor of - petty persécution. [ERICINEUPFATHER SPREE SOCETY BE ON THE AA - A AND Ll MEET 3A THEM: - DISNEY OFFERS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 6 roomed brick with' sum. mer kitchen, all conveni- ences, Elena Street, for 4 or 5 roomed house. Disney, 20 King E. Phone 1550, Suits. Regular "ove ... $12.50 Dominion Clothing Co, 46 King Bt. W. . Phone 2141 "COAL COAL Phone 108 W. J. SARGANT xX Hloor Street 8. Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 | For Your Drug Needs | THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Delives LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard. Phone Oshawa 82% Whitby 12 ¥or automobile, house and contents insurance, in good sound companies. Apply J. H. R. LUKE 52 King Street Kast Phone 871, Residence 687TW ROYAL YORK Ts Tea "ne 28 At all Superior Stores 4 " EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Ye CARTY LumBER (© BY GEO. SAY-MAGAIE: | JUST WANT, | Il re Say That THE TO GO ON |v a +g if oy EE yx ord

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