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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Oct 1930, p. 9

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PAGE NINE D SE ON_4 to losn, Third fotnry opposite Pos one 2996. " Huned 5 futpiture movers. Park Road Frank Frans Cowle V0 | South, Ph ", W. J. SU AUG {PK To Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, gig -te-financed. Additional cash given. Terms rea. 'CONTRACTING -- rg. Ju Surdstion ion 3 in 48 and 8 184. ® (Sept. 18-1 mo) EE 00, SI. 7 XiNg ee street, oo gy Phone ates an 0 Armstrong & , Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1083W, 87 Celina. 3 (4L6) Insurance AND SON, INSURA Oshawa, The Oshawa. 30 DA 19 King 8t. w est Fire Agency putable rn 0 Com I RA consult R. oe Johns, §0 Simcoe sorth. Your wants' sb tended to and your interests pro- tected, T B COLE- man's, 85 Bond Specialists n furnitere moving ware. house and moving var equipment. Phone 83. sand and cinders. Local and long [A distance 2s Smith & Coz Local and long distance. Prop. 65 Park Rd. 5. 11 (Sept. 38-1 mo) a. Maternity work preferred. ™ Music 1618. (Sept. 20-1 mo), uctioneer furniture sales and Fares and Implements. Your Patron. golicited. Watch R 5 Swiss w oy shop at 4% King Street aE Duross Woes Your pate} [ONE ON GOOD CITY POPE; ro | lit" "King Se basi. Phone 1614. : (July 810) LB. sonoble. Motor Loans and Dis , King St. Bb. HEMPITTOHING, PICOTING, nine cents a yard. Skirts pleated, Fs dollar. All All kings of beautiful | Smbroldery worked § ocks and dress 28% Bim bor oy phone' 1656. ¢ IPE mo | King ere' Guitar, y | 1 Times. -- "CONCERTE | - This rule and loss secounts of this nature. ry. ¢ TRY em arising from handling a large J Coming Events, Etc. ull STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE expense of small For the convenience of Oshawa customers who find it "Times Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 dn Auctis Wael PER AEEK UP, IN SPARE Prue (more rdiog to time given) selling "Imperial Art" madedn- a Personal Greeting Christ. mas Cards, acknowledged by agents and public the greatest selection in value, price and new variety. Season in full swing. Write tor sample book os Ap- proval, British Canadian Publish- ing Company, 51 Wellington West, Terozta tame SSL IL 13.00t; 1) dresses, also smocking and em- heuldery work, Phode 5777. 211 Ibert Street, (Oct. 15-1mo) Lost and Found NERAL Phofe 3148W. {OST =A GE Badge, No. 3011. installed complete. Caniking, Phone 3126W for prices. Plowright & Sharp. (Oct, 1-1mo) HOUSES CAULKED, WINDOWS storms replaced. Haye it an Oshawa man. one - rant Oct 9: Imo) Dancing WADANE HENDRIE'S SCHOOL of dancing and physical culture for ] rer and adults. Lessons given evening from 6.30 p.m. and i ardar's from 2 pm. For call at 169 Church street, rv: Bg or phone 874M at above hours. (Oct. 6-1 mo) a ol frig blic RAT ( rector of MN na Coll Lessons: Huse 652 Carnegie Ave. , 25tf) Cholaastor "of ne By its will netott n 00, Pipe organ an music. 50 William Strost, | Gast. Phone 3896, _ (Sept. 2 Lf) MISS MARY P ATCM, will | adept pupils | in Piano and. ory. at Colum- nt. Phone 1 5 bus, hg di A Phone ; 1221]. . Special at: Fecond tioor, Phone 1496. p payment real bargain, Central. Apply 33. 9¢ limited number of oi Ed King tive room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, lauvodry, coavenl- ences. 'Apply superintendeat phone 260171. (66tL) VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera. tion, electric stove, washing mach. ine and dryer. Apply superintend- ant. Phone 2533F. (6680) HOUSE YOR RENT, WEAR MOT: ors office. All conveniences; Hard- wood floors throughout, fireplace, sun parlor. Apply: #1 Ritson road north. (Sept. 26-1 mo) -- "OR THREE nice rooms. Central, Phone 3081J. (Oct, 1-1 mo) 0 ' every convenience for light house keeping. Phone 3338W. (88e) suitable for one or Lwo gentlbmen or young married couple, Apply 137 Simcoe north. Phoie 14 b the minute. Moderate rentals. one 1560 or 2347W, hy (87t0) A ROOMS AND tiled. bath. Murphy bed, water. electric. light, telephone, 'central, steam heat. Newly Aucorajel rt ply. Box 993 Times. Ss All con- (89¢) 4 modern rent, on Gibbons street. veniences. Phone 3095F. M bath apartment. All electric, ree frigeration, with garage. Reason- able prices. 161 King Fast, Osh- awa. (90¢) BRIGHT APARTMENT, CEN- "tral, 3 rooms, electric refrigerator. hot: water, steam heat. Also 6 roomed house. Phone 1400. % ' (90¢) rooms at 137 Alice street, Light, heat and water, * unfurnished or partly furnished. Phone 3225W, (0c) BIX™ ROOM gonveniences. $20 por. month, 339 Bt. West. (90c water. $13.00. ADply. 46 Royal St (90¢) $25--STX ROOMED HOUSE, ALL| Sonvemences. Brick. Hardwood hn and d Phone f lc newly decorated, 12. ton Roud iT -- Bungalow, all, conveniences, Sei stove, $25 per month, Phone EA able. A ® Brock St. E. | (01 Y 1 nished two room apartment, Hot water, private emtrance, conven ofon Very central.' 98 Contr i pe) five rooms, Phone 848. . (89¢c) unfurnished of Ris tooms. All conveniences. Reasonable tent. Apply 730 Simcoe street th, Phone 1502W. (89¢c) house at 18 Athol St. W. 17 Athol.8t, West... ( ment a » | King West. Phone 48. SEVEN ROOM House RENT] All conveniences, Furnished of Sotarnlaled Reasonable dit #8 Richmond St. Arp to 26 Chureh 'St. 914d) home, very reasonable, Apply 864 Simcoe north, Phone- S0W. ii ) seman $12 tamarack $1 nders, King St. i cles, » ref tor, hone, table, chairs, desk, etc. "Apt. ,, 153% Simeoe South. Cc OR SA A A SO wood slabs, Fred Bailey, phone CHI FEED SULTRY NEW C 'S REED SULKY. N condition, cheap, 254 Ritson Road South. a 1 R BALE -- FAINT, We bave the largest savor. li King street rt (Apr. [1] down, also automobile tires and tubes, all sizes, cheap, 264 Eulale Avenu (Sept. 18-1 mo) ders, black loam. $1.50 ver yrad, For quality and service phone Es- sory Bros. 332 r 11. (Oct, 8-1 mo) ¥o stove, burns coal or wood. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 206 Albert St. (89¢) SALE ~ DININ M suite, new. Sacrifice, $50. 246 Que- bec Street. rots, beets, pumpkins, Mike Gravelle, north of Tooley's Mill, Darlington Township. ooh FOR A . chen range and walnut plano cased organ, 6 octaves. Apply 122 Church St, or phone 1364M, (90h) stoves, 1 Quebec cook, 2 "cook stoves, 1 heater, 2 ofl stoves, 3 electric and 2 gas ranges. Apply Harry D. Wilson Hardware, 23 For #500 titul mew brick home, six rooms, close to Motors, for house in To- ronto. Apply Box 4 Times Oiieh, ¢ brick house, 2 acres of land, on highway, east of Oshawa. All con- veniences. Would exchange for Oshawa property, 329 Alice street. Phone 3078W. (370 acres of good clay loam, brick Bouse, good out bulldings. Owner retiring. Bargain at $5,600, Will take property in or near Oshawa. 'Horton & French, Times Bldg. ) (80c LOT 40 x 240 WILL. ® N for car. What have you? Phone 2401F, (90c) A OSH- awa residence, solid brick house, fine rooms, sunroom, divided: cellar, hot .water- heating, gas. and: electric, mutual side drive, in good residen- tial district," Toronto, near Oakwood Collegiate. Apply giving full par- ticulars, Box 1002 Times. 91h) Ocean Tickets A x COMPAN- fes, 39 Bimcoe Bt, South. Tele. phone 515 for & persodal call, if desired. all lines 4 expert staff. C of tice. 11 King X. Phone 40 x 4 for private terview at Lig home, $-1 mo) Building Supplies win chines gravel tor sale~To elivery, place "wilers ot delivery date. W, Borrowdsle. Phone 1818, YOU CA Sil Pact ou, provide ori outfit and, su; yor with e remit prompt Write today for free booklet. Phe Riddell- (901) for free price list. MEN WANTED, Oct: 8-1 mo) |g: 3 Ho gt gun; 8) EE eat while. ini, opera " George Foughs, Kor n. 2 pairs 8 on ra power packs and eliminators, Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for cale. Batteries red. ales (ch 13-1 mo) led for and delivered. Tbe. 1566). (Sept. 19-1 mo) upholstered, Chestertields made to order. tisfaction guaranteed. Phone Whitby 549, Oshawa 2932J, Bowmanville 58. George A, Con- stable. (Sept. 30-1 mo) CHIMNEYS, BOILERS, FURN- ees, stoves and stove pipes cleaned, work guaranteed. Phone 0- bert Ball, 93 William west. ~~ (89) A like position as housekeeper for respectablé gentleman, no children, Phone Brooklin 46232, (91a) anted--Male STORE MANAGER . WANTED for Oshawa, Experience unnecessary. $50 weekly and substantial share of profits to start. $1250. cash deposit required on merchandise. Manager St. Denis St, Montreal. (89) Books ROBERTSHAW'S CIRCULATING library. You will enjoy reading the latest Fiction at minimum cost. (TFS tI) Storm Windows make homes warm. er and reduge fuel bills, One user says, * We always burned 6 tons of coal, but since we had storm win- dows, we only 'burn 4." Another man reports "Fuel bill was $77.50 instead of $122.50." Still another says, "We burned $42 less fuel -- saved more than the windows cost." Get Storm Windows Ready 'Glazed at low freight paid prices, Prices 8s low as $1.48 up, according to size. Write make money selling Storm Win- dows in every community. Write Dept. 14, The Halliday Company, Ltd, Box 16 Hamilton, Ont, ( 79-83-85-88-91-94-97-100-103) Help Wanted--Female HXCEPTIONA men selling exclusive patented Hygténle Product, No competition. No investment. Pro-tex Mantg, Co., 18 Dundas Sq., Toronto. (W. F. M.) grapiier, for two months' - work, Must be experienced. Apply Box No, 5, Oshawa Times office, nn (Mb) resident of Oshawa, who is in- telligent, ambitious and of gooa sppearance to sell a highly patent. od, well advertised article. Ex- clusive territoy. Apply Charis of Canada, Dineen Bldg, 2 Temper. ance Street, Toropto, (91a) For Sale or Rent _ FOR BALE OR RENT--NO. 243 Court St, Oshawa, brick house, Oshaws, frame house, water and electricity. Cromwell Ave., (near' Elmgrove Ave.), small frame house. All immediate on. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barris ters, &c¢., Oshawa; Ont. Phone No. (Wand Pt) 5 Al J Cottage and Barn. Phone shawa. lc) mma OF RETISION © Court' of on © ¢ City. of' Oshawa will meet to hear appeals against ' the assessment 'made in 1030. for: 1931 in the Municipal Office, 106. Simcoe Bt. South, on the following dates: Oct. 28th, 7 "o'¢lock p.m. ard 1' (South-West Ward) Oct. 28th, 8 o'clock p.m, --Ward § (Cedar Dale)' a 7 o'clock p.m, Ward hd {South Busy. Ward) aogx im Wary Oct, 30th, 8 og ARR rd ho or Dion Sotpany, 9 9 La Wellington oe -10-14:17-21-24- | 4 (North-East Ward) F. B. HARE, City Crk, | tional opportunity for a successful peonveniences. No. 486 Cubert St. |: GROWING DEAF WITH HEAD NOISES? TRY THIS It you are growing hard of hear ing, and fear catarrhal deafness, or if you have roaring, rumbling, hissing Dolses in your ears, go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength) snd add to it 3; pist of hot water and a little sugar. Take 1 tablespoon- ful four times a day: DISNEY OFFERS Prosperity Week Opening 6 room house, lights, furnace, garage, hous. newly decorated. full size veranda, lot 44 x 133. See this special at 110 Gibbon St., and make us an offer. Disney, opposite Post Office electric This will often bring quick re- ilef from the distressing hea noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy, and the mucous stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to take. Anyone who is threaténed with ecatarrhal deafness or who has head noises should give this prescription a trial, > EYESIGHT SPECIALIST axclutlvaly in fuscle anomalies eyesight Ilo Phons 18 i Pot Office Wanted To Buy -- PP IA kitten, male from three to five months: old, Must. be cheap, Phone | 2114. (91c) Pets and Livestock FOR SALE--1 MALE FERRET. Apply E. P. Burns, 61 Alexandra 8t., City, (89h) > ROCK sale. William Edgell, awa. North Osh- (91d) Elocution ress of elocution, will prepare pup ils for examinations set by Toron- Mockinery Reps NOTHING TOO BMALL . Adanac Machine Skip 161 King St. W. Phone op | | | to Conservatory. Phone 134. (Oct. 14-1 mo) 'fON AND public speaking, private or fin classes, For terms phone Lois Mundy, No. 35 or 312. (Oct, 13-1 mo) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--3 UNFUR- nished rooms for light housekee ing. 10 Simcoe St. 8. For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S We Delivers Central and all conv, must be reasonable. Phone VI. "Second Hand Dealer niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1617TM, (Sept. 24-1 mo) LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard. Phone Oshawa 324 Whitby 12 Motor Cars GHT YOUR OAR WASHED AT dominion Garage, §8 Bond street west. Phone $198. All cars at obe¢ price $1.00. (Sept. 18-1 mo,) ALEANA D TOURING car, in splendid running order. Ap- ply after 6 at 69 Brock St E. St E. (91a) TIAC SEDAN, for quick Model 6-29. Bargain AH Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Retablished 1856 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH sale. © Apply D. ) Agnes St. (91e) Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN WANTBD-- BXCEP- salesman with initiative and vision as district repesentative for To- ronto firm, Preference given to a man with investment security ex- EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always perience. Give resume of achievements in strict confidence. Our staff know of this advertise- ment. Box 3 Times Office. on (91d) POLICE TRAILING Men's Suits. S90. S125 50] Co. Phone 8141 | ob King St. W. CLEVER BANDITS Worked in St. Thomas: HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics. Old floors finished like new. General Contractors, B. W. HAYN 161 St, West Phone 481 idence 3073W London, Ont, , Oct, 17--For almost 2. year pi ncial police have been on. the tral of two gasoline station robbers whose. technique bears a marked similarity to that of 'the pair 'who 'held a Toronto attendant' and made their getaway. f to" the hold-up the' men' posed as insurance agents and learned the intimate workings of 'the station under the ise of selling: the proprietor burg: r insurance and police here said he a similar plan was used in the robbery' of St. Thomas gas station | Special Reduction Al few 1930 model Philco almost a year. Inspector H. idan stated that evidently the both robberies were work of thé same gang. Since By date of the St. Thomas robbery, Dec 17, 1929, he has his men working on the case and it was learned that 'these men had approached other gas- | oline station owners with robbery insurance proposals; Only in the one 'case, however, did they go through with the robbery. 1 Jie CAREW | fo {0 -- wh GU TER AY alate . | a electric or. alterations. 10 for estimates. tL) WAKE UR ano svor ||| THAT HORRID | SNORING, ar om--

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