So GH nh RRS, ' Ls agi 4 jukiis, ~ J ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1930 "~ : BREAD PRICE DROPS ericans, received ogders to report " Ottawa~Because of what they lon: Deioher 3 Jat Galt where the term "very unfair competition, the | Americans wil} hold their pre-season Ottawa bread companies have | training grind. ! "dropped the price of bread-to eight]: i] cents a leaf, The action is. regarded RUSH HIGHWAY WORK Kingston~The work on the high- as the start of & bread war. ' way between Kingston and Ganan- e is. being rushed in. order that the entire | ed before the cold weather sets in. . Phone hth s and a. Douset of NEARLY ASPHYXIATED Carleton Place, The damage action| Belleville. -- Escaping gas fumes 'was a sequel to an automobile acci- from a tube leading 0 a kitchen gas dent some months ago in whicl Miss Bove nearly sost : e He of Mrs. J > injuries, - y, wife of the manager of Armstrong; suffered severe injuries [the Belleville Chamber of Commerce, THIEVES ENTER STORE. |at her home, 42 Highland Avenue. Lindsay.~Unknown: robbers igained | Mrs, Herity is a patient at' the Gen- admittance to, the Cataract Co-opera- | ¢ral Hospital and while her condition tive Co. mill, Fenelon Falls, between |is serious, she's practically out of the bridges on Wednesday, and es- | danger. caped with what cash they could lay THIEVES FIRED BARN hands on, which happened to be , ? $1027. An attempt' had also been| Port Hope--Fire, said to have been set by chicken thieves, letely de- wade to enter the sales and service comp itation, in the same block but with-|stroyed the barn and its contents of jut success. As yet no trace of the [this season's crop and a chicken thieves has been found. house on the property of Robert : ---- Falls in Hope Township east of Bail-, « JOINS PRO HOCKEY TEAM lieboro. * Port Hope.--Stanley Crossett, po- ' pular Port Hope Intermediate Hockey Star; op option to the New York Am- PARTRIDGE ENTERED HOUSE Kemptville.--~Startled by the break- ing of glass in another room whilst going about her household: duties, Mrs. T. K. Allan, Kemptville, was surprised upon entering the room to discover a partridge lying upon the floor. The same experience befell Andrew Clifford, of Kemptville, on the same day. LE FOR SALE ; PONTYPOOI, POTATOE $1.25 "= COX MOTOR SALES 10 Bond treet West Phone 924 may be complet- [ing COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Brockville, -- Held. on a serious charge in connection with the recent disappearance from 'the home of a relative here of a young Ottawa girl, Percy Beckstead was committed by Magistrate McCormick, of Winches- ter, to stand trial at the fall assizes in Cornwall and returned to the Corn- wall jail, NEW COMPANY Brockville: -- Letters patent have been granted by the Lieutendnt-Gov- ernor of the province incorporating the Brockville Insurance Agency, Ltd, of which the provisional: direc- tors are Arthur Gould Parish, Loyola Vinvent Fitzpatrick and Miss Marion Beatrice VanDusen. _ Pile Sufferers You can only get quick and perma- nent relief by removing the cause-- congestion of blood in the lower bowel and a weakening of. the parts. Nothing but an internal medicine can do this--that's why cutting «and salves fail. Dr. J. S. Leonhardt dis- covered a real internal Pile remedy, After prescribing it for 1000 patients with success in 960 cases, he named it HEM-ROID. Druggists every- ,. where now sell it, and Jury & Lovell Ltd. tees money-back if HEM- ROID does not end Piles in any form. jury. reyman, ston Mills, was found wounded near his home. He was rushed to the Ho- tel Dieu Hospital in this cify and died the same evening. KILLED BY TRACTOR Peterboro.~William Knapp received fatal injuries on the farm of Ivan 'Wright, Tifford Lane, while operat- a tractor, in preparation for threshing. 23 PUPILS EXPELLED Gananoque.~Hearing that Inspec- tor Hoag of Toronto would visit the continuation school of Lansdowne, ten miles east of here, 23 pupils ab- sented themselves. The Inspector ex- pelled these pupils for two weeks as punishment for their action. There are about 40 pupils in the continua- tion classes. HALL DEMOLISHED IN POLITICAL FEUD Hundred Irishmen Over- power Police and Sack Building (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Loughall,' Northern Ireland, Oct. 20.--Armed men numbering about 100 have overpowered the police guard and demolished the Hiber- nien Hall here. The action was supposed to be an outgrowth of a political fued. The raid was conducted with the greatest secrecy, only the leader of the crowd speaking. An armed. force drove up, fired on the guard, which dispersed, and sacked the building, This was the third time a building on the site had been de- stroyed, motorists driving by while the band was wrecking the hall stopped but were allowed to proceed unaware that rifles had been trained on their car. ' There's no. telling how good busi- ness might be if all the people study- ing unemployment would go to work. CHINESE: HURT IN % FIERCE STROGGLE Thorold Township Laundry Man Badly Beaten by Robber ) -------- Welland, Oct. 20.~Roused early Saturday by the noise of a fierce struggle in the back yard of a laun- dry establishment on, the Niagarp Falls road, a resident sent in 'a rush call to police' Chief Dennis Harold of Thorold township who quickly responded. The chief found Lee Chong; proprietor of the laun- dry 'lying in the yard unconscious with his head severely battered in. The Chiffese was rushed for medical a An investigation by Chief Har- old disclosed a blood, covered flash~ light and a cap, together with par. cels of laundry. It is thought the Chinese discov- ered a robber attempting to rifie the till and that a struggle followed. SAYS MARRIAGE IS WOMAN'S BEST JoB American Psychologist Puts Beauty and Charm Be- fore Brains New York.--Dr, John B, Watson, the founder of the American psycho- logical principle of "Behaviourism," declares that beauty and charm are more! important to a woman than brains. A universal education for a girl, Dr. Watson thinks, is of little use, if any. Young women, he says, should be done with all 'that 'at nineteen; and if they insist on matriculating at a university, "doubtless that is as good a place for them to grow up as any other place." Dr. Watson believes the only ca~ reer for a woman is marriage; and if she takes up business it is "prim- arily an escape." "Why can't a wo- man take up art or music or sport for her escape?" "Experience in love or business," he goes on, "does not necessarily heighten a woman's desirability. The ideal marriage is between a woman of 20 and a man of 35. At these ~Nashville Southern Lumberman, ages there is the best chance for -- BE Model AC-51-Upusually atiroctive cob- A STORY OF SCIENTIFIC MANUFACT THE story of Clarion compares with that of outstanding in other industries--It is a story of Scientific manu- factoring and of modern economy in production. Applying methods devised through long experience and a thorough know- ledge of the scientific elements of radio, Clarion builders have produced an overwhelmingly superior radio receiver at an amaz- ingly low price. See and hear Clarion before you consider the purchase of any other radio, regardless of the price you are prepared to pay. Any Clarion dealer will willingly oblige you with a demonstration. A Few Clarion Features: -- "inet of swirl walmut end satinwood, 40 inches bigh. Full sized--yet not too large for smaller rooms. Stenderd chassis, electvo- dynamic speaker. 8 Tubes (3 Screen Grid), Fully Shielded, Power Detector, Push-Pull Amplifice- tion, 12 inch Electro-Dynemic Speaker, Automatic Line Voltage Control, Power 40% ebove Standerd; Locd - Distance Switch, Phomogreph Jeck. : 462% : less tubes, What Clarion Gives You:-- "Richer Tone, Unusual Beauty of Cabinet, Greater Selectivity, Greater Sensitivity, Sturdier Construction, Permanent Satisfaction, : Wholesale Distributors SPOTTON ENGINEERING CO., GUELPH, ONT. INITEYRADIO OF CANAD Model AC-55 Clarion Radio- Com-~ °H, ONTARIO ATLIMIT D, in 'Battery Sets URING Model AC-$3 De luxe cabinet 44 inches high. Stendord. chassis 4 dectro - ¢ speaker, a. less tuber. L} Canada Ontario; | encountered difficult Married Woman Fears Gas ~-Eats Only Baby Food "For 8' years I ate only baby food, everything else formed gas. Now, thanks to Adlerika, anything and enjoy lite."--Mrs, M, Gunn, Just ONE spoonful Adlerika re- lieves all GAS so you can eat and sleep better, Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel removing poisons you never knew were there, and which caused your ' stomach trouble. No matter what you have tried for stomach and bowels, Adlerika will surprise you! Jury & Lovell, Ltd., drugs. happiness. My own daughter mare ried at eighteen, and | agreed to it, provided that she did not have a child until she knew her marriage was successful, and provided, too, that she was willing to risk a 25 r cent. loss of physical health and cauty." Best Job of All Women do not develop at their West in business, "Women blossom best in atmos- pheres of leisure and serenity. A strenuous business live is exhilarating for a man, but not for a woman. -It wears a woman down and makes her old. This talk of business experi- ence being good for a wife is rot. Marriage is woman's best job, It is an "interesting and' difficult and de- manding job. What can the busi- ness world offer a woman as interest- ing as marriage?" The woman who leaves her home for eight hours per day in an office 'and £5 per week is lacking in imag- ination. Making a success as a wife is a whole-time job. What does a husband want when he comes home at night from a busy day? A wife who can talk to him intelligently about business? Not at all. Does he want a wife who has a mature u:.derstanding of life because she has gone through the mill herself? does not, He wants to go home to a wife who is fresh and charming and restful, in a pleasant and 'well- ordered and beautiful homie that she has created. "Ip there isn't enough in keeping her home to keep a wife busy, she cen spend some time sleeping, so that she 'will be fresh and radiant in the evening." The Best Ages Instead of spending their twenties going to business, Dr. Watson ad- vises young girls to be making ready. for marriage. That is far more im- portant for their future welfare and their future haps iness. "A woman is at her best between 18 and 28. For the next four years she remains at a level and after 32 the downward curve begins. A man, however, does not reach his prime until 35, and his best years are from 35 to 50. It is difficult, and often impossible for a woman of forty to be smart and beautiful and appear young. A man, however, is different. [ have seen too many tragic wives, old at 40, married to husbands, young at 40." The American woman at 30, he says, is not so well situated as the Furopean woman. The American woman has Been allowed to do much as she likes from the age 15 on- ward, being free and unchaperoned. When she reaches 30 she becomes the victim of an inferiority complex. She fears the rival charms of the 28- $ear-old woman, and then she secks to emphasize other values of attrac- tiveness. The European woman, however, who has been restrained by more rigid schooling and arranged mar- riages, develops, by the time she is 30, a superior dignity. He NEW GOLD DISCOVERY RESULT OF ACCIDENT Toronto, Oct, 20--An accident 18d to the discovery of gold in Bannock- burn Township, Bert Ashley, who found it, claims. The night before the find he and Bill Garvey camped with two other prospectors at the head of the rapids. In the moming southwest; Garvey south and east and Ashley north and east. Ashley country and changed his route, Heavy rains had washed the moss off the rock. He stumbled on the vein which had been washed clear after being covered by || nature for years T0 RELIEVE CATARRHAL DEAFNESS | AND HEAD NOISES Persons suffering from catarrhal deafness' and head 'noises will' be glad to know that this distressing afliction can usually be success: fully treated at home by an inter- nal medicine. that in many in- stances has effected complete re- liof after other treatments have failed, Sufferers who could scarce- ly hear have had their hearing restored to such an extent that 'the tick of a watch was plainly udible seven or eight inches away rom either ear. Therefore if you know of someone who is troubled with head noises or catarrhal deafness, cut. out this paragraph and hand' it to them, and you may have been the. means of saving some poor sufferer, perhaps from total deafness. The medicine can be prepared at home and is made as follows: Secure from your druggist a 1 oz. bottle of Parmint (Double Strength). Take this home, and add to it 3 pt. of hot water and a little sugar, stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day, ' Parmint' is used in this 'Way not 'only. to reduce by . tonic action the Inflammation and swelling in | the fustachian "and thus to eq) the air pressure on the drum, but to correct any excess of | secretions in the middle ear, and {he results it gives are mearly al- Ho i s quick and 'effective, y, Every person who has catarrh do-any, form should give this pre- the other prospectors elected to go | EARLY REPORT ON YORK PROBE Judge Quick Decision Inquiry (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Dect. 20~Following the completion of the York Township probe, Judge J. H, Denton, who con- ducted the inquiry, assured the court he would do all in his power to pre- sent an early report on the hearing. His Honor's statement was made in reply to. Reeve Gilbert Dean's as- sertion that $1,000,000 of work which would relieve unemployment was be- ing held up in the township until judgment of the findings of the probe had been rendered. The final day of investigation was featured by' the denial of ex-alder- man Brook Sykes that he had re- ceived any money to assist him in any election 'campaign, Deputy Reeve J. J. Little also denied charges made by Joseph Ward that he had asked Ward for money to assure the use by the township of a plug which Ward was selling. NEW GOLD FIND ON FOREST RESERVE Mining Prohibited by Gov- ernment in Ban- nockburn (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 20.~Announcement has been made by Thomas Gibson, Deputy Minister of Ontario Mines, that what is described as the first big gold rush since Red Lake and which is luring hundreds of prospec- tors to Bannockburn Township, in the Fort Matchewan area, is on government property: where mining of any description is prohibited. No action will be taken by the au- thorities, Mr. Gibson said, until the return of H. C. Rickaby, geologist of the department of mines, who was rushed to the scene by aeroplane when word of the strike reached here. If indications of gold which have caused the stampede are born out ijt is considered likely the regulations closing the territory will be brushed aside. "Be RULE THAT ANIMALS HAVE LEGAL RIGHTS Paris.--~An international committee for the protection of animals has been formed on the initiative of M. Louis Lespirie;, legal adviser to the Society for the Protection of Ani- mals. Qualified jurists represent all the Great Powers on the committee, The international committee lays 'down that animals should not be leg- ally regarded as inanimate objects, only protected by a sentiment of self- respect on the part of their owners, but as living creatures, having legally defined rights on the same basis as man himself, In Belgium it is forbidden to blind song birds, and rabbit hutches must be sufficiently high for the rabbit to stand on his hind feet. In Spain, the land of bull fights, punishment may Toronto, Oct. Bands Fg ry XINeD. aved. nine, Wins. a Shek Xoo. Fo aeedns_ ono Seay know AA 7 A C 3% vale Yo yanparaollyy shows MOLY, Rep Rose Tea | "ia quod Ta," - Two Qualities = ~ RED TASEL Kk Onance Pexop Lui be meted out to those who inci poultry. KISSED BY UGLIEST mals to fight, who throw stones dogs and cats or tie objects to them for amusement and who pluck live WOMAN IN CROWD London.--Even if he achieves his ambition of - becoming an M.P., P. te ani- at local practice of a piece crib, Then, according nobody good, October's to tradition, was kissed by the ugliest woman, than he was in aiLedbury hopfield. He had gaily started helping to pick the hops, happily unaware of the of fun known as "Ribbingem," when he was suddenly grasped by women, #v off his legs, and ducked into a hop he Though it's an il! wind that blows amazing weather has put an umbrella mend- L. Thomas, prospective Conservative candidate for the Hereford division, will never be put to a sterner test er in jail as a vagrant in New Jer- sey.~Detroit Free Press. AM., will be held in Charles S service will Tuesday, the 21st. Emergent Meeting CEDAR LODGE NO. 270, AF. & AM. Monday, October 20th An Emergent Meeting of Cedar Lodge No. 270, AF. & Masonic Temple, Oshawa, at 7.30 o clock p.m. on Monday, October 20th, and the mem- bers present will proceed to the home of our late Bro. pilsted, 629 Carnegie Ave., be held at 8 o'clock. The remains will be interred in Victoria Lawn Cemetery, St. Catharines, on where funeral Members of Sister Lodges kindly accept this intimation. L. M. ARGALL, Secretary, Cedar Lodge, No, 270, AF. & AM. Oshawa, October 20th, 1930 women and conditions, it is great new head office structure of the Sun Life Assurance pany for the protection of the home by modern methods should be located where the first setters gathered in block- houses and behind stockades to defend When days were most dangerous 'it was behind the stockade that the pioneers sought safety and shelter for their loved 'ones. Today, under trying business | Company of Canada in Montreal overlooks the original site of the Indian village of Hochelaga . .. the palisaded capital of the warlike redskins which Jacques Cartier found at the foot of Mount R Nearby still stand the stone towers where the i of the white settlers took refuge. protection of life assurance that prudent men everywhere increasingly turn. qr ing to the sure and tested SEE A SUN LI ) n proof of this, during the first nine months of this year, the new iness of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada was over $50,000, 000 in excess of that of the correspond- period of the great boom year of 1929. @ In times of stress, as well as of prosperity, Sun Life policies solve both business and personal problems. FE MAN a SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA