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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1930, p. 2

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930 Bowmanville Daily Times N ad pg vestising Block, King Street. of will be received at Times in the Cowss Telephones Offico B87; Home151, Bowmanville Representative---B. Herbert Mortlock Bylaws Passed, Work Starts Today on Watermain to the Cream of Barley Camp Special Session of Council Considers Unemployment ~Councillor Lockhart In- censed at Newspaper Re- marks Concerning Unem- ployed ' Bylaws received their three read- ings and work is to commence to- day on the watermains to the Cream of Barley Camp it was decided at the special session of the town coun- cil last evening, Council had been patiently waiting for permission to cross the highway from the high- ways engineers and this permission pow having been received the town council met and passed the neces sary legislation to start the work, The job will only be of short dure ation but will tide a number of the unemployed over until the council can find other works, or get gov- ernment ald, The bylaw calls for a six Inch main from Liberty street to a point 2350 feet east or just be. yond the Simpson Avenue intersec- tion, Irom this peint a two inen pipe will carry the water tn the eamp, a distance of some 300 feet. The work will be done as a local improvement under the regular terms whereby the town pays 20 per cent, and the property owners 80 D. and E, ANTHRACITE COAL 2,000 Ibs, to a ton W. J. TRICK CO,, LTD. 25 Albert St, -- a % Bond Street, West, per cent. in 20 annus! instalments, Consider Works In giving his report of the ynem. ployment situation in the town, Councillor Lockhart announced that the original sixty-one, registered as ['] ployed, had grown to eighty snd"that this number presented a serious situstion, He urged upon the council the necessity of making provisions for the coming winter so that there would be no suffering or want, "These men do not want hand- outs," he skid, 'they want work for every dollar they receive and | think that we as a council should endeavour to provide this work." He urged the necessity of apply- ing to the Unemployment Kelle Fund in the very near future and of submitting to the government a pumber of works from that fund on which the town would like finan. cial ald, Mr, Lockbart was much incensed at reports that had appeared in the local and outside press recently with regard to the situation, It had been stated In some of these re- ports that the unemployed were looking for work and praying they would not get it, he sald, Counell- lor Lockhirt wanted it fully under- stood by the council that neither he nor his committee had authorized any of these reports and that all he had given the press was statistics concerning the situation, Uneom- plimentary things said about the unemployed were the opinions of the papers concerned, and Mr, Lockhart considered them very un- air, In conversation with The Times after the council meeting Mr, Lock- hart stated that the reports appear. ine {pn this paper had not been un- fair to the unemployed but that his remarks were mainly directed at other newspapers, Council on finding that the situ- ation was getting serious, decided that the various committees should report on any work that might be done as relief work this coming winter, at the next meeting of coun» cil on Monday. Two works spoken of last night were the erection of A new cement equalizer fank at Salem and the preparing of the new town park entrance at the foot of Temperance street. It was stated that the cement work could be un- dertaken and would not be affected by the frost, Mayor Elliott suggest- od that should this work be pro- ceeded with the work that would usually be done by scrapers should be done by hand labor. He con- sidered it an opportune time to get the work done at a saving to the moe 378, NDXT TVE POT GPRD town and at the same time as a help to the unemployed. ---------------------------- A short talk about a much talked about subject, +. SERVICE .. I" A 5) Lg You will find it is something of which we are proud, and it is always forth. coming without asking for it. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821-2820 "Guaranteed U Cars" 11929 ESSEX COACH, in first clase $745.00 32 ONTIAC COACH, vicic F093 ON rk sole, sels © $995.00 ko 91 CHEVROLET SEAN, or 300000 . $395.00 eo i $100.00 11928 CHEVROLET SEDAN, oss, Ames & Gartshore Co.,Ltd. Phone 1160 Phone 1160 MODERATOR OF THE UNITED CHURCH INTOWN YESTERDAY Dr. Edmund Oliver Spoke to 180 Ministers and Lay- men of Presbytery Dr, Bdraund Oliver, Moderator of the Vnited Church of Canada, paid a visit to Bowmanville yester- day and addressed some 150 lay ministerial members of the Presby- tery in Trinity United Church, Dr, Oliver was accompanied by Dr, Ro- bert Laird, Treasurer of the United Church of Canada, Practically every minister in the Preshytery was present at the meeting and the Rev, W, P, Rogers, of Newcastle, chairman of the Presbytery, Dr, Oliver, who i» a brilliant speaker addressed the gathering for some sixty minutes during which he based his remark on the work in connection with the Mis. sionary and Maintenance of the United Church, He urged upon his hearers the necessity of filling each year the allocation of the church for missionary and maintenance work, Ho was, he sald, particularly pleased with the work of this pres- bytery which had always subscrib- ed its full amount but he urged that more general interest be taken in mission work and that congrega- tions give more thought to the| spreading of the Gospel, REV. DR, E. H, OLIVER { Moderator of the General Council of the United Church of Canada who adressed some 150 minister. ial and lay members of the pres. bytery in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, yesterday, { News About Town| ¥ined $200 and Costs Gordon Campbell of Toronto was | fined $200 and costs, amounting in all to $276, {In Cobourg police court this week lwhen he appeared charged with |reckless dviving, The charge was {laid following an accident which cccurred at Newcastle on Beptember ¢ when the accused crashed head on into another car owned by James | Gifford of Ennismore, His lcense | was suspended for six months, In addition te the fine imposed the accused has paid $2,900 restitution party and car, Fined 885 and Costs Toronto, was fined Campbell $26 and costs when he appeared, charged with consuming Hquor in a publie place, The charge was laid by Trafic Officer Hinch- fle, Express Sympathy The town council at its special session last night acknowledged the receipt of a letter from Town Clerk John Lyle thanking the council for the beautiful wreath 'which had been sent to his wife's funeral, The coun. ofl passed n resolution which will be placed in the minutes expressing the sympathy of the Town Council In the bereavement suffered by Mr, Lyle, 'KING WILL ATTEND CENOTAPH SERVICE London, Oct, 80.-- The King Ia planning to be present at the com- ing Armistice Day sorvicos at the Cenotaph, and will place a wreath on the mémorial, He will be accompanied by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York, It was when attending this sers vice two Yours ago that His Ma- Jesty waa believed to have caught a cold which started his long and sorious illness, He did not attend Jast year's ceremony, Just Ask For a Box of Cod Liver Extract Tablets Do vou want to gain pounds of ood solid. flesh A) at the same time increase your energy and vigor? One skinny woman gained 9 pounds in 20 days--her skin is bewitching free from pimples--60 tablets 60 cents at Jury & Lovell Ltd, T, B, Mitchell, W, H. Karn, and druggists everywhere--now you know how to gain weight, by Magistrate Floyd | THIRTY YEARS ON ROBBERY CHARGES Other Severe Sentences Handed Down In Wind- sor Court Windsor, Oct, 30.~Thomas Bt. Claire, 38, no fixed abode, Was sen~ tenced to a term of 30 years in Portsmouth penitentiary by Mr, Justice Raney of the Bupreme Court of Ontario at Sandwich, He will serve 20 years on an armed robbery charge and ten years for receiving stolen money, William McCrea, 30, his partner in the looting of a Lon- don street brewers' warehouse was sentenced to 15 years for wrmed robbery and ten as a receiver of stolen money, Charles Jenkauskas, 24, was sen- tonced to a total of 28 years on three charges, seven years each on charges of conspiracy to break jail and conspiracy to do bodily harm to his jallors and 14 years for re- colying stolen goods, the maximum penalty, Albert Kurtinitis, 21, who attem- pted to deliver a loaded revolver to Jenkouskas while the latter was in Sandwich jail was sentenced to seven years on each of the first two counts while Clarence Jacobs, and Fred Robinet, both of Tecumseh were each sentenced to seven years on two counts of receiving stolen goods, Joseph Martin, 25, of Amherst. burg, tried for the murder of Clare ence Bullman, Windsor youth who was stabbed in the stomach during 8 street brawl on the morning of Aug, 8, was convicted of mansiaugh- ter and sentenced to ten years in Kingston penitentiary, Kenneth Threapleton, 26, of East Windsor, was sentenced to 10 years for attempting -to wound an officer in an effort to escape arrest, RANGERS PROTEST WEST. WARD'S WIN Montreal, Oct, 230,~A special meeting of league officials of the Quebee Football Union will take place tonight to consider the protest of Ottawa Rangers regarding delay and other affairs with which they were dissatisfied Incidental to the Ottawa Rangers-Westward game played last Saturday at Royal Ave, grounds, PORT ARTHUR RED HEADQUARTERS ARE RAIDED BY POLICE Papers, Books and Literature Seized But No Arrests Made Port Arthur, Oct, 30, Following a quietly executed raid on Bay seteet buildings in which police secured a quantity of papers and literature sald to be the property of Come munist agents, the Canadian Labor {Defense League yesterday announe- {ed n protest meeting would be held, | Printed posters, appearing In {downtown port Arthur, described police action as follows: "Police of {the town, with the aid of the Pro- vinelal Police raided the homes of "Skinny" Run-down Violinist Gains P 10 Lbs. in 4 Wee Weldep, Man ~My, Fred Dune luke, well known violinist, says: "Was badly run-down for months, Then tried Ironized Yeast, New pep st once, Gained 10 Ibs, In 4 weeks." Tronized Yoast adds § to 15 Ibs, in 3 weeks, Ugly hollows, bony limbs fill out, Blemfished skin clears right up, "Nerves", indiges tion, constipation end overnight, Avoids danger of serious jlls, New pep first day, Tronized Yeast Is (wo great tonies in one, Welght-bullding brewer's Yeast plus strengthening, blood-enriching Iron, Many times more effective than unmedicated yeast, Results in half the time, Gain weight, health quick, Avold risk of serious lls, Take these pleasant Iittle tablets, No yeasty taste; no gas, If not delighted with quick, gains, manufacturer re- funds money. Get Tronized Yeast from druggist today, Veel great tomorrow, New pounds quick, Recently returned to Canada from Europe to take his place among Canada's first singers, Hyde Auld, baritone, will be the soloist with the Canadian National Railways' All - Canada Symphony Hour broadcast on Sunday, November 2, He is a native of Quelph, private citizens and the office of the Agricultural Workers' Indus. trial Union of Canada and took away all the books and papers of the union, They took all the pap- ers of the Unemployed Organiza. fon of Port Arthur, and the hooks and papers of the Canadian Labor defense League, They smashed and broke the locks and ransacked the office in the most brutal man- ner." ' City police were accompanied by Provineial Police and one member of the detachment of the Royal Mounted Police, which arrived here Monday to stand hy in oasa of furs ther Communist and unemployed demonstrations, No arrests were made, Chief of Police George Tay- lor sald, The search was made, sald Chief (Taylor, on the strength of reports that Communist agents in the city (ware carrying on their activities In ofMces and residences on Bay Street, TAX RATE THE SAME Athens.--The village tax rate re. mains the same as last year, 47 millls, G. Robinson has heen ap- pointed tax collector, for injuries and damage to the other | william Bell, Jr., of Harvey Ave, by Magistrate | +. Has been authorised for | CITY OF OSHAWA TAXES 'FINAL NOTICE A further extension up to and including Friday, October 31st of the 1930 taxes without penalty, After that date 55 In accordance with City Bylaw No, 2008, will added to all 1930 taxes outstanding, and' | will proceed lo collect all arrears. ond the ; City Treasurer's Office. payment of the second instalment vely be ax Collector Oshawa, October 15, 1930 HALLOWE'EN ' DINNER DANCE | October 31st 9.30 pm. Hotel Genosha GAIN WEIGHT $8 | Dress Informal $1.00 Per Person Reserve Your Tables Early--Phone 3000 confined in Canada to British Columbia and the Yukon, Viacer deposits have also heen associated the Banuvockburn god field On- tario reaches fits peak, Maple Mountain, highest point of the provinee, rizes 3,000 feet ahove sen level and commands the whole Temagami country, with mountainous country, Near | INTERMEDIATE $ERIVS of Grimsby Hockey Club officialy It was decided that no O.H.A, inter- mediate team will he entered from here this season, Jordon intermed- ates will ikely use the Grimsby ice fr their home games and Grimsby piayers will probably appear on the Jordan line-up. Grimsby will not Hack for hockey as it is probable an O.H.A, punior team will be entered Vinds of placer g01d Bave been [GRIMSBY NOT REPRESENTED IN land it 1s alko stated apotber ingers |mediate | Grimsby, Oct, 20,~=At 8 meeting why home ice, team will use Grimsby ~AMother was very annoyed with her little son one Sunday, "Bertie," she shouted, "I thought 1 told you not to play with your tin soldiers on a Sunday, It's very wrong of you to do so!' "That's all right, ma," replied the bey. "On Sunday 1 call them the Sal- vation Army." ITEMS MARKED SPECIAL UNLESS OTHERWISE te STATED WILL BE ON SALE Oct. 31--Nov. 6 PEANUT LUNCH BISCUITS | VI-TONE HOT OR COLD The Health Drink SPECIAL-- EATON"S Me-Java Blend Coffee 2 69. THE POPULAR BLEND AT A SPECIAL LOW PRICE SPECIAL Lynn Valley Brand Canadian No.2 Grown Size Tin MANYFLOWERS The Cold Cream SOAP WATCH FOR RED PRICE TAGS The New Improved SUNERA CEREAL Pkg. . . 23¢ Santa Clara (90-100) be" Tall Tin Until 9.30 p.m, 43¢ Packed by makers of the famous Clover Leaf Brand OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Jewel Shortening prin X3€ No. 1 Quality SPECIAL Snow SPECIAL-- Heinz Tomato Ketchup = 19¢ Apples Well packed Li 39¢ " bekt. SPECIAL ~ EATON'S Flavoring Extract 2 i=. 2l¢c (Artificially. Colored--Non-Alcoholic) Vanilla or Lemon EATON'S MEATS--, Choice Legs of Young For Roasting Half or Whole Piece Pea Mealed Cottage Rolls » 27¢c|Weiners » 22¢ v2 3€C yy J Zunn's Tip-Top 4 po fs, i) SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT, 7 to 9.30 Household Blend TEA * Granulated SUGAR 2 Ibs. 65¢ '10 1bs. 46¢ ' Eatonia CHOCOLATE BARS 8 for 25¢ WE CLOSE WEDNESDAY AT 1.00 p.m. ~ E ATO SY, i h om -- . { N AY -- ME

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