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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1930 BLUE DEVILS MEET GALT IN LAST GROUP GAME AT STADIUM MON. "Blue Devils" Must Beat Galt on Mon. to Win Group | If They Lose Today' s Game Galt - Preston' a" "Combines" Will Present Strong Team --*"Blue Devils" Not Yet at Full Strength--If Blue Devils Lose Today Galt or Catharines Will Have a Chance to Tie -- Big Crowd Expected at Mon- day's Game Here at the Stadium While the Blue Devils may be slaying the "Cataracts" in Niagara "alls this afternoon, the most im- Jortant and most interesting game, as far as local rugby fans are con- serned, is the game which will be layed on 'Monday afternoon, at the Motor City * Stadium, when Galt ays Oshawa a visit, 1f Niagara Falls should win this Jfternoon, Monday's battle with ;alt becomes of paramount impor- ance. Local sport fans have very ittle to occupy their minds on Mon- lay afternoon except the big rugby zame which is the Holiday Attrac- zion. Galt put up a great battle against the Blue Devils, even though they were beaten by a dozen points. In rugby, twelve points is not a great deal and the boys quite ippreciate that they are not out of he woods yet. The game on Mon- day will be a lot more than just a ackling, scrimmage practice. It the Blue Devils lose today, (Satur- day), they must win on Monday to annex the group title. Even if they win against Niagara I"alls, they are more than anxious to complete their schedule without a defeat and (ialt would take a great delight in spoiling this ambition. Galt a Good Team The rugby fans of the city and listrict need have no fears of Mon- day's battle being unworthy of their attendance. Galt has a fast, tricky bunch of pig-skin punishers, who can make it very interesting for any team. They tackle well and their plays are smart. Steele, their booter, is a capable punter and he and Hubbell will have a nice duel. The Blue Devils Monday yill be almost at full strength, providing Saturday's game does not take too great a toll. Wanless will not be playing. Gum- now might, but it is doubtful. Lo- zan and Johnston while not playing n today's game, will be back into wetion on Monday. "Liz" Walker, nentor of the local squad, has che | who play on sharges working nicely now and the '"'dopesters" will have a great 'hance to get a real idea of the Blue Devils' strength and their rhances in the Ontario playoffs pro- viding, of course, that. they win; theid group. St. Thomas and Sarnia are having n great tussle to decide the winner of that group and local fans are watching developments with a great deal of interest. It is quite likely, that the winner of that group and the winner of this group will be the finalists for the Ontario Cham- pionship. If Sarnia loses today, St. Thomas wins but if the Wander- ers win, then they are tied and a playof{ will he necessary. Big Crowd Expected Monday It is fully expected that thera will be a large crowd at the Sta- dium on Monday afternoon to see the Blue Devils and Galt-Preston "Combines" clash in their last scheduled fixture of the season. The tickets have been on sale at Mike's Place for the last two days and judging from the sale and the en- thusiasm being shown, Art, and "red, the Stadium managers, will be busy men on Monday. The game is called fod 2.45 o'clock and will likely start right on | time. Bring your blanket and | come early to avoid the crush. "Bob." Armstrong will be the refe- ree and Alex. Sinclair will be the umpire. ocal The state of Pennsylvania has just removed 32,000 signs from the highways. Ontario should follow suit.--Guelph Mercury. A locomotive engineer has one hig advantage. There is no hack seat driving--unless the fireman is one of the interferring kind.--Cal- sary Herald. he CAREW Lumt R(0 | count of ei | VANCOUVER TO HAVE OLYMPIC TRIALS Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 8.--The 1932 Canadian Olympic track and field trials will be staged in Van- couver, Delegates attending the annual convention of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada, now meeting here, allocated the track and field events to this city after a lengthy discussion. Vancouver officials presented plans already completed for the holding of the trials in anticipation of receiving them, and generally impressed upon the delegates thot track and fleld athletics were at such a stage now in British Colum- bia that nothing but success could attend the holding of the 1932 trials, Hamilton Looks Hamilton, Nov. 8.--It was reveal- ed here yesterday that Robert Kerr, as prestdent of the Hamilton Olym- pie Club, and given M. M. Robinson, delegate to the annual meeting of the A.A.U. of C. at Vancouver, a letter requesting that efforts be made to secure the Olympic games of 1144 and stage them in this city. Count Balllet Latour, who Was here for the British Empire games, was deeply impressed with the manner in which those games were staged, and appeared favorable to Hamilton being the venue for the 1944 games and the Olympic Club points to out- standing success with the Olympic trials British Empire games, Ox- portant meets as sufficient recom- mendation The letter asking for the games was to be presented to the A.A.U. by Mr. Robinson during the present sessions. The United States, Germany and Spain have the next three sets of games, but the fourth is still open. Walker Wins From Risko At Detroit Detroit, Nov, 8.--Mickey er, middleweight titleholder, ped out of his class last night and proved his right to heavyweight consideration by whipping Johnny Risko, Cleveland, in a rousing, 10- round fight. Walker gave away 28 pounds in his debut as a heavy, but never backed away from the ponderous bulk of Risko. The two mixed willingly in one of the best fights seen here in years. weighed 166 pounds and 194 3% Living up to his name of the "Toy Bulldog,' Walker continuous- ly waded into the Cleveland baker boy, flooring him for an eight count in the second round. After an even first round in which Risko gave notice that he intended to utilize his extra poundage in drap- ing himself on the Rumson, N.J., battler, Walker came out to win the second round by a large mar- gin, Risko took the lead, shoved Walker into a corner and Walk- tisko ing his wax out of the hole, Mickey backed Risko across the ring, found an opening for his deadly left hook and dropped the Clevelander in his own corner. Theb low to the chin, Risko got ght, attack until the bell, BIG TRAIN CONACHER REPORTS TO MAROONS Montreal, Nov, 8.--Linonel "Big Train" Conacher, acknowledged to be one of the greatest athletes Can- ada has ever produced, arrived here yesterday from Torontn to join the ranks of the Montreal Maroons, for whom he will - play defence this Winter. i He arrived at the arena just as the team concluded its morning practice and donned a pair of skates for a few turns around the 'ice be- fore going in to greet his future team-mates. Babe Siebert's back was still un- der treatment but was sald to be in fairly goed shape. The rest of the players are in fine condition and anxious to get into the first game of the season against Ottawa Tuesday. up at A professor says that university students in the Middle Ages wrote heme for money. Another medie- val rite perpetuated.--Woodstock Sentine]-Review. SKATIN at the ARENA Monday Afternoon From 2 to Long Way Ahead) Strikes, Spares TOTO TITOVA]CN ~~ Head Pin' .~ Oshawa Bowlers! Lend me your cars, We hear present for your kind appreciation and approval the first publication of the 1930-31 scasou "strikes, Spares and Blows," togeth- er-with a new heading. Incidentally, how do you like it, Jack and Wullic? g This year we are writing the bowl-! ing news of the two local alleys un- der the "nom de plume" (that's a good name) of "Head Pin". In the future, "Head Pin" talks this column, in "Head Pin" will appreciate any contributions any local bowlers or leagues would like to make to this column. All ideas, advice, informa- tion, etc, will be gladly accepted. We claim the right to use only what we want to but we promise not to be too strict. Almost anything goes. In the city of Oshawa we have two sets of Bowling Alleys, namely PORT SNAPSHOT By Geo, Caursriy, Sports Editor Blue Devils in Niagara Falls Today 'The General Motors' Blue Devils face a real battle this afterncon up in Canada's most popular "Honeymoon Centre". The Niagara gly' "Cataracts" put up a nice game last Saturday afternoon at the Stadium even. though the Blue Devils did win by a comfortable margin. The Oshawa squad presents a very weakened team for this afternoon's game because of the absence of Wanless, Gummow, Logan, Johnston and Lortie. None of these boys will be in uniform today and the other players will have ail they can do to keep their end up and help out in the weaker departments, * Hard Game on Monday If the game this afternoon proves hard, it can only be mild comparcd with the opposition Galt will put up when they come here for the Holi- day Attraction. Motor City Stadium should be a very popular place on Monday afternoon. The rugby game is the only local sporting attrac- tion of the afternoon and if the team loses to Niagara Falls, a great deal will depend on the result. Galt has a snappy team, light, fast, tricky and worthy opponents of the local boys. If the Blue Devils lose today and Galt wins against St. Kitts, then Galt can tic Oshawa by a victory on Monday afternoon. What a crowd will be on hand to sce this game. Even if the Blue Devils win today, they want very much to keep their record intact and Galt would like nothing better than to give the local boys their first defeat in the last scheduled group game, w * * Must Win Once for Title the Motor City Alleys, with "Wullie" | Myles as manager, and the Central | Bowling Alleys, with Jack Purdie | as manager, All leagues who, wish to have standings, notices, etc, | published in this column will please | give the necessary information to the manager the alleys where they bow! or send it to The Daily Times, Sports Department, | ford-Cambridge visit and other im-| Motor Walker | swung | rights and lefts to the head. Fight- was flush | the | to weather a savage | AT THE CENTRAL ALLEYS The bowlers who represented Central Bowling Alleys against City Colas, feel thes Well they the the Coca days. Ky coc Cc City Hall and Public Utilities League lrague we find whatever "that » leaders. Maybe the) e their 1 the Strikewells standing to date is as follow Rotel s 44 Points Brownies 28 Points Tigers 28 Points Dim Bulbs 28 "Watts" Lucky Strikes 2% Points stands for, should | ame, ' step- | Standards Dept. G.M.C. These General teams the noisest hos {eity, It mu.t be. that they arc very quite and ly | they get door recreation, know no bounds. The Parts | Service leaguc is the est at perhaps the | lcague in the and the Standards Dept. league the next noisest and about the second | best league, Here is their standing | Steinbirds 5 Points | Mixer 10 Points | Lucky 8 Points IT . 6 Points 3 Po wav ork when r they City Strikes the score of 308. Daily Times League [eams Won Lost Points. Supremes .... ' 1 { Dumb Doras ....... ] Invincibles Compos Rinky Dinks . This does not 0 2 ) include the last still leading. Naturally, Chosen Friends Teams Won H Box ... Sager ... (Clarke Benson League Lost Kiwanis vs. Kinsmen On Thursday night the Central Al- leys was the scene of a real lively battle between the Kiwanis and the | Kinsmen, The defeat by three points, was missing from the Kinsmen's ranks and no club can bowl their best 'when their President is absent. Tom, Kaiser was the "Drum Major" What I mean is, he led the parade. He won the special prizes. He is a member of the Central Alleys team. On Torco of .next week, the business men's league will get under way and any team wishing to take part is to enquire at once. These Motors: De partment and | ints at ti Fahd | : present time with the high single | week's points but the Supremes are | "men" went down to | "Pop" Osier | The Blue Devils must win one of these next two if want to clinch the group championship. A loss today and ar Monday would tie them with Galt and necessitate a playoff. harder than most people realize, they ther on Winning The want a win gam this one nceded victory may prove team will not be at its usual strength and the "Cataracts" badly. je on Monday afternoon, he Motor C There should be a very large crowd at the gan The game is billed to start at 245 p m., at ty Stadium . . "w St. Thomas and Sarnia Battling Meanwhile up in Western Ontario, a great fight is goin; 1 group championship. Thomas and Sarnia Wa champs., arc tied at the present time and both arc playis Thomas should 1 against Winds r bu Se year' this aftern Wanderers, Tecums giv are out of on ame the jon 1 St. Thomas champic they, themselves, the r ng. lf Sarni both w play title and right Oshawa be off, afternoor ordered to Monday will likely the playoffs, then they to enter on rugby terest, -. Hockey Meeting Tuesday Night in the London. fans are watc! great deal of i » LJ to enter Oshaw Association' s hockey league are must be made on Tuesday at 7.30 o'clack ar $ are remin 1 fee, chedule trics arc to be \il twenty-five cents, as an affil hockey league. The hockey 17, and as can team i in addit under w 4 cad the s get be appreciated, November teams 1¢ir entries in on ™ O.H.A. Hockey In Oshawa receiving numerous enquiries as t OHA. i people * have been as hockey 11 this « "There regard S f vast majority of we have been told this will be only awa this ter and one of them will be that Oshawa will have in Osh either an Intermed said | tcan should be and no doubt, a deal cans There is a great deal to be with regar of dicussion that be." better calibre than Inte In the first place, ¢ and Queens, wi On the teams they by "the powers just little t is not very profitable. we grouped with Bellevi reached hockey is of a other hand likely agai trips and very niany ho games. I | diate te will get mc games, more and in ad and | fl n the group title ve a good tea Mean advance in the playo developments, * "Strikes, Spares and Blows" Starting with today's issue, we begin, once again, c entitled, "Strikes, Spares and Blows," about local alley bowling. We will endeavour to run this col Saturday and perhaps Wednesdays. proved | popular with the local bowling fraternity | » » » Fall Meeting of Oshawa Anglers The Oshawa Anglers' Association will commence their Fall and Win- ter activities on Wednesday evening, November 12, The meeting wil be held in Welsh's Parlors,' starting at 800 p.m, The prizes for the year's best fish (and stories) will be distributed. Several members of the Toronto Anglers' Club will be on hand. It you want to join a rcal live association, and hear some great stories on "the one that got away," you should become a member of the Oshawa followers of Isaac Walton, | * » Hockey Game Here Mon. Night We were informed late last night, by the management of the Oshawa Arena that three would be a hockey game at the Arena on Monday night, Thanksgiving Night. Two pro. teams will be in action; the Kitchener "Dutchmen" of Ontario and the Syracuse team team of U. S.A. This is the first hockey game of the season to be played at the Oshawa Arena and incidentally, the first pro. game to be played there, It should be a big attraction. ® | St ur special colu which, as might be expected, i mn every This column has very in past years LJ » » ON THE SIDE LINES (Toronto Daily Star) The sad fact is that side roads are about as popular as side whis- London Wins from boys have a real league and they should turn in some good scores { The big event at the Central Alleys is their regular Monthly Prize which is a suit or overcoat. There is no red tape or entry fee. All persons rolling six hundred or' over, for three con- jecutive games gets his name on the board and at the end of the month 4 O'clock MUSIC they all roll off, the winner getting the valuable prize, which is presented by Don. Kinlock, popular local bLusi- ness man, Every name which gets on the board gets a .special . prize from from Don. Kinlock, The fol- lowing are a few of the names who are at present eligible for the roll . 847 746 709 off. L. Gledhill Art Clark M. Munroe (Continued on Pago 10% Chicago Hawks London, Nov. 8.--London Tec- umsehs not only defeated the Chi- cago Black Hawks here last nignt but they,doubled the score on the big leaguers, 4 to 2. The only sad gvgle to the party was that there were only about 500 or 600 fans on deck to enjoy the display of Brothers powerful team, Técumsehs had a little extra as- sistance tonight, but this did not detract from the merit of thelr winning performance against the speedy and huge equad of Hawks. "Dolly" Dolson came on loan from Detroit for the night to play goal for London in place of Norfolk. Bostrum, of the Chicago * team, subbed on London's defence, and Arbour' of Chicago subbed on Log don's third forward line, kers. And for the same reason. Too many close shaves, Business will discover it is much harder to turn a corner lying down. --DBrandon Sun. EXTERIOR DECORATOR "It's most essential that you should refrain from doing head- work during the next few weeks.' Patient--"Yes, doctor, but it's my living " + Doctor--"Oh, are you a cholar?" Patient--' "No, I'm a barber." "So you took that plppin home from the movie last night?" "Yeh, "How far does she live from the theatre?" "Oh, three soda-fountains and a candy-store." SAIL ALIL E22 8 o ---- - So dddd a MAS ~ as anaes nn IW" 1 > a b » io - a bo ov 4 Will the Blue Devils continue their string of victories with a win over the Falls and Galt on Saturday and Monday? * * « The gang are taking over a very much crippled team to play the Cataracts and it is not unlikely that the Falls boys may just tie a can to thelr tails and send them scurrying back to the haven of their homes in Oshawa. v Wee Willie Wanless wants to tel] the world and all its folk that at last he has discarded the artificial legs and is able to earry on unas- sisted. He las no objection though, if a few pretty dams wish to escort him about. In fact, | | | | | | i one produces from things seen on King and Sim- coe streets last Thursday night we would say that he even might like the punishment, : . v a on trips there is always a great fight for positions Not the posi- tions on the line- up, but positions in Terrible Tim Garton's "Pride of Bowmanville." The choice seats are in the rear and great is tHe struggle thereof to obtaln posse: sion same. Layemdown . Logan always manages to secure ringside pasteboards for at least one seat and the remainder are split up among Gray, Boulthee, Cornish Gummow, ( utler and the "Scribe." Ld of As s00n as the trip beging, some- from depths as nnexplored, a deck of cards thereupon sterts the most vet and interest. { Ing game of Ol Maid that you ever fekering | vour friends | ga | next [1 saw logan about and Snap lwavs busts time insisty up the Tame the they reach on a few inde o 1 thins un » ha ean » nthere ANA Yat a in on ur Sam Johnson is the ed navigator hi position, Tiecans at bus) at from that the dope : elf-ap roint- on all these ex-officio, he st an Tim right position he regarding 8, side trips o (and tha sit in the hand and hands out all altitude, verti- a hank lips, ceiling and ground fl for the special benefit of the pilot, **1T ' cal * » INVITED, ang are included in the in- attend the last league season at the Stadium at 2.45 p.m. sharp. It he far the hest of vou cannot afford to voy ' The: YOU ARE all vitation. to me of the Monday nromises to the | mize season and a it. Bo : Es) BY : . CM AIKMAN OOruN ION CHAMP 1928-27 QUTBEC Crowes 4. SERVICE Vill. THE IMPORTANCE OF E SERVIC The service is all important be cause the points made on it are the only ones which count for you. That in itself constitutes the game's most offense part. Although the SERVE as a stroke is defensive, since it must be hit below the waist, the actual play in the service point is offensive because you must go out after SCORE. The function of the serve is merely TO PUT THE BIRD INTO PLAY. Do not forget the old adage, "well begun is hali done," for it ap- plies directly here. It is vital to serve well for it is the beginning of play. The other half which leads to- ward scoring depends on the rest of your equipment, It is what you do with what happens after your ser. vice that determines successful point winning. The object is to start the play with least disadvantage to the server and as much as possible to the receiver, Study constantly the manner in which your service is returned. Note the effects of your various deliveries on your opponent. Arrange .your play so that every shot will have a definite meaning. Fach play or series of plays during service points must, ead towards scoring. FL RAI Pro. Hockey Game Monday To Open the Local iin Oshawa hockey fans are due ta have a new thrill at the Oshawa Arena on the evening of Monday, November 10, Thanksgiving day, when the first professional hockey game to be played here will be staged at the Hambly Brothers' Ice palace. In this game, an evening attraction, the Kitchener team, Fly- ing Dutchmen of the Canada-Pro- league will be matched against the Syracuse team of the International Hockey League to open the local hockey season. This should be. a big holiday attraction, as the Osh- awa fang are keen hockey enthusi- asts, and to have two fast profes- sional teams for the season's cure ever, failed tu Leg @& poal ag tain-ra er will set them all agog, his old team-mate, Clint Benedict, gra Jeu draw a great crowd te but his. mates collected a pair tn | 2 "7" ; the first period, ane in the second Yala lot depends on the ng Ad Ta hel : of this game from the stand- A point of support from the fans. Harold Cotton led the Leafs Oshawa crowds last season gave big their goal-getting with a pair, tal- support to Amateur hockey, and lied on nice passes from Balley and | there is a belief in some quarters Horner, Jackson and Conacher hus- | that this city would be quite able ky and aggressive young wing stars {to upport a am in the Canadian contributed two more, with lelp | Professional Hockey League. Steps from Primeau and Hap Day. The [are already in progress towards this latter notched the only marker lend Alvin Forler, one of the gained i handed, sailing [most prominent in minor lea- through alone when the ndsor gue professgionzl hockey, along with defence was short-handed in the j|@ group the leading sportsmen second period. Bulldogs Lose To Maple Leajs Windsor, No¥. 8.--Windsor Bull- dogs made their home debut in an exhibition game last night and ab- sorbed a 5 to 0 defeat when they met the Toronto Maple Leafs tra- velling in mid-season form, Playing before 3,000 fans, the teams offered a fast skating dfs- play of open hockey that made a big hit in spite of the adverse re- sult to the home club. King Clancy, speeding as fast as inst ce for gle Wi of of the city, has cecured an option- al lease for a number of years from the gshawa Arena, Limited, and If the game on Monday night proves to be a good drawing card, it is more than likely that the option will be ed, . and that a professional team will make its home here. Balmy Beach Beat Airmen Nov, 8.--Balmy Beach ected their O.R.F.U. group campaign without suf- a defeat when they came hind last night at Ulster to Camp Borden game played une The Fliers turn- gtubborn machine that points before the group pio us had scored and that was lead at half time by 10 to Had it not heen for the injury * {to Stan Cable, i 34 Les Canadiens Determined to Hold Their Title (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Que., hockey team is never & ty or quality. Althoug Canadiens of the National league were good enough spring to go though an amazing tough post-season playoff scheduls Cecil Hart has strengthened | hand for the 1930-21 seasor ' take the Cup last and with it the world's professional hockey title, Canadiens battled by 1 0 10 the sturdy Chicago Blackhaw} flashing N York Ranger record-breaking Boston Bruin submission, Cecil Hart will offer for approval | of the supporters of the club four youngsters all of proven merit other leagues. In addition othe newcomers have tried out with the | team but will go to a minor outfit for further seasoning of the f« likely to make the team, thr from the far west. iud Cook, 1 ther of the famous Bill and Bun o the Rangers, and reported to have just good in brain rtain to make a brothers, also Noy, Toronto, Stanley reverse in a , the | its 1 the | . who tore the ankle in the sec- might have been a victory over the Coach Ponton substitutes in the 3 >» game and Borden- went to work and carried a t deal of the play. Cable's ; relieved pressure around Arments E , they > out Gold a team of ielded part of as hockey his and legs, seems ce place, The Giroux from the west, have shown up well in pre-season activities. Johnny Gagnon, who burned up the Cana- a -- American League last as right winger for Providence, will probably get the Call as right win- ger to aid the first string forward line of Howie Morenz and Aurele Joliat. Unlike Lhioof the ning 1ccounted for in the {1 was rem away » with LaLonde first touchdown al session, When Cable d from the game it great deal .of tite Bor- strength Cable played with Danforth Tech junior school two years ago. year took den the team ana- {| CANADIENS EXTENDED or | BY PROVIDENCE TEAM Montreal, Nov. 8 --Sprague Cleg- horn's Providence Reds of the Can- in fadian-American League last night Hains- | fought Montreal Canadiens tooth In front of him will be the land nail in the second of a twoe potent defence of Silvio Mantha, | game exhibition series and lost the Marty Burke, Albert Leduc and ]|decision 4--3. The winning tally Bert McCafle came from Howie Morenz in the last minute of the game. The world's champions took the first game on Wednesday by 8 to 4 other teams C diens have not traded otherwise disposed of members of last year's squ goal-tending berth will again be the capable hands of George worth. most sold or it The average man would rather he | held up by a stranger than thrown [down by a friend.---Montreal Star. | "Golf," says Glenna Collett, | the master beauty specialist." | does put one in a fair way. | chener Record. { chivalry may be every householder days of shovelry us.--Toronto The days of dead, but what knows is that the will soon be with Star. "is It Kit- PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY MONDAY NOV. 10 Oshawa Arena YRACUSE MERICAN ITCHENER FLYING DUTCHM Game Called 8.30 Admission--50¢, 75¢, $1.00 Tickets on Sale at Mike's Place

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