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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1930, p. 10

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PACE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1930 duck 188, E. Mcintyre 188, J. Smyth 185, L. Dewsbury 184, W. Ratcliffe 8S. Watson 182, D, Platt 181, ¥F. Nixon 179, J. McClelland 178, J. Wilson 177, J. Doull 177, W. Har- den 177, Dr. Stevenson 176, J. Kier- nan 176, 8. McClelland 176, C. Rus- sell 174, A. Gill 173, Dr. Walker 173, D. Thachuk 172, G. Stott 171, F. Maguire 171, J. Greer 171, Dr. 8. Montgomery, 169, B. Walsh 169, T. Munroe 168, H. Robinson 166, R. McMinn 166, R. McGregor 165, Dr. Webster 162, B. Waterhouse 161, R. Van Horne 161, D. McGee 160, A. Rosser 160, G. Gilliland 160, S. Kirk 159, J. Gaw 158, G. Hutchinson 158, J. Hancock 157, S. Harris 157, J. Sleightholm 156, J. McCurdy 154, Dr. Hanna 152, M. Kerr 152, T. Greenaway 151, E. Vaughn 151, R. Dyer 149, A. Mcllwain 148, A. Herd 144, Dr. Hamilton 142, A. McMinn 137, J. Ashby 136, L. Bell 129, A. Smith 127, S. Whitney 120, W. Nich- olson 107, A. McLeod 107. (Continued from page 10) REV. DR. D. N. McLACHLAN Noted Canadian Minister, who will preach at Whitby United Church on Sunday morning in connection with the anniversary services. PROTEST LOWER WAGES IN NORTH Miss K. E. Best, of Montreal, and Mr. W. A. Best, of St. Catharines, spent the week end with their par- ents, Rev. T. F. and Mrs. Best, at "Killarney Green." tlantic City is always t'in season" There's never a dull moisent at Atlantic RAY (a S1-eef-loanu o vosmtion-time ceive Cut of 60 Cents a Day Cobalt, Nov. 12.--The action of the provincial authorities in reduc- ing to eight hours instead of ten the working day of men engaged in various works in northern On- tario, will be protested by members of the Ontario legislature from some northern ridings. The reduc- tion in the working day means a difference of 60 cents per day in the earning power of the men, The reduction follows the adop- tion of the eight-hour dav on jobs undertaken under the relief funds for unemployment. Hitherto the northern development men have worked ten hours daily at the rate of 20 cents per hour, but with the federal government supplying nart of the money available on the » , with us youTireturahomefeel- ingft-fresh~vigorous! f RATES | Plan In Atlantic City For a week or a week-eod enjoy the lusuryof the finest appointments without exorbitant price. Booklet. Write or wire for reservations. 290 ROOMS ~. OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN SEA WATER BATHS C. V. MEEKS, Myr. A.C. ANDREWS, Pres, fnion's eight-hour dav on works be the basis of the contribu- - Government Workmen Re-| relief johs. Ottawa insists the Dom- | puhlie | police | tion, hence the reduction of two hours in the working day in north- ern Ontario making the daily wage $2.40. FIFTEEN FILLED IN CROSSING CRASHES 154 Injured in 39 Accidents { at Level Crossings Dur- ing August Ottawa, Nov. 13--Railway crossing accidents took a toll of 15 lives in August while 54 persons were in- jured. ' Figures issued by the Board of Railway Commissioners show that of the 39 accidents, 30 took place at unprotected crossings while only nine occurred where gates or other | forms of protection were in use. Thirty-two accidents took place dur- ing daylight. By provinces crossing accidents were distributed as follows: Ontario 16, Quebec 10, Nova Scotia 3, Mani- toba 3, Saskatchewan 3, New Bruns- wick 2, British Columbia 1, Prince Edward Island 1, Alberta none. In accidents on the railways other than at crossings 28 persons were killed and 227 injured. Foxhounds Missing, Bear Also Wanted Truro, N.8.--The. foxhounds are | lost, but the* bear goes marching | minds of farmers of West Branch River John, Pictou county, in their | war on the sheep-stealing denizens | of surrounding woods. Investiga- tion revealed the depletion of the | flocks fo be the work of bears. Two | of the vandals were finally killed, | but the espionage system establish- ed the fact that still another was continuing his nefarious work. All efforts at capture failed. Then the foxhounds were requisitioned and set on the trail, Night fell. And now the farmers are advertising for information that may lead to re- covery of the dogs. Apprehensions | of the bear would also be appreei- | ated. | YOUTHS KIDNAP AND ROB GENERAL (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | Philadelphia, Nov 13.-- State | here joined city and county authorities in their | All Lines of Stanfield's Unshrinkable | Underwear Carried by : it i I | | | f | | Kinloch's Ltd. 6 King St. E. Phone 130 A COMPLETE LINE OF Stanfield's Unshrinkable | Underwear Always in Stock at ing, mis-fit underwear. Stanfield's underwear fits perfectly--from the day you first put it on, until the last day of its long life. Made of finest yarns, by an exclusive process, Stanfield's is unshrinkable. No matter how many timesitistubbed, it invariably comes back soft, warm, perfect. See this finest of all underwear at your favourite store today. Examine it. Notice its tailoring. Its softness. And then notice that you don't have to pay any more for it than for the ordinary kind. There's a weight and style to suit you, at the price you wish to pay. Try it! Number 3200-- Winter | and amite Magistrate Philadelphia |. ng search for three youths, who last night kidnapped and robbed Brig- adier-General Robert M. Brookfield 57, commander of the 56th Infan try Brigade, Pennsylvania Nation- al Guard. General Brookfield, a great war veteran and a leading figure in Pennsylvania military 'circles, haé participated in Armistice Day cere- monies here during the day. COLUMBUS NEWS Columbus, Nov. 11--=Mr. and Mrs, John Dyer and Miss Elsie Dyer, Osh- awa, spent the week-end at Urn Dyer's, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe and daughter, Kedron; Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Scott, Enfield; Mr, and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Bowmanville, visited on Sunday with Mr, H. L. Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. H, Hancock, Oshawa, spent Sunday with relatives. Miss Clarabelle Wray, Toronto, spent the holiday with her parents, Miss Marjorie Ashton, Toronto, visited over Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Sonley, Mrs. John Sutherland and boys, of Utica; Mr. and Mrs, W. Sutherland and family, spent Sunday at the home of Robt. Suther- land. Miss W. Caslick, Brighton, is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Metcalf Gil- ford, and Miss Jessie Metcalf, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr, Mrs. Lorne Cook. Mrs, Urn Robson, Miss Delma Gil- Mr. W. Cunningham and Rob. Gilroy, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr, Levi EHens Mr. John Bromell and Miss Lina Coulter, Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr: Wr, Bromell. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Cook, Bryce Cook, Wm. Ward spent the holiday at the home of Mr. Morley Cook, Mr. Ross A. Murison, St. Thomas, spent the week-end at home. Miss M. Mair spent the holiday at Clinton with her parents roy, THREE MONTHS FOR DYNAMITE THEFT Sudbury, Nov, 14.--Viljo Jakinen 511 Bensic street, Sudbury, was con- victed of a charge of stealing dyn- from the Frood Mines at Cop- vesterday apd than three mon- Magistrate Stoddart The stated that he would re- Jakinen be deported Jakinen was also charged with hay- court I police sentenced to not less perchiff ths bh commend that (omfort-Fit and Good-NatureareBrothers | weight. Neturel color. Sol ond very dureble. OU never saw a comfoxtzblz, ill-tempered man, did you? No sir!--for comfort bespeaks health--and no healthy man can be a grouch. In business or out of it, the world has no time for the irritable. Yet there's nothing more irritating than harsh, bunch- == St oer suit $3.00 POINTS OF TANFIELDS J UPERIORITY Accurate measure- ments . . . superb tailoring : . per fect fit. Exclusive easy-fite ting closed crotch: Non-rip cuff seams . + + smooth an elastic. Always soft 3 1 3 always warm 5 3 3 outwears them all; Buttons that won's pull off, Undfinkable- UNDERWEAR SOFT-WARM-=-DURABLFE A QUALITY TO MEET EVERY NEED THE BEST VALUE AT EVERY PRICE Guaranteed lo fit.=$2%t0 0% Unstrinkalble UnpERWEAR Anderson's SOFT=-WARM=DURABLE | King St. E. Phone 1110 ! A OSHAW. A QUALITY TO MEET BVERY WEED EET Simcoe St. S. explosives in his possession and | was committed to trial before a judge on this charge. The accused did not offer any defense in either charge. MUSIC FESTIVAL AT ENNISKILLEN Six Schools Toke Part in Singing Com- petition Enniskillen, Nov. 11--A fine musi- cal festival was held here on Thurs- day, Nov. 6th, when six schools were represented and took part in the competition of singing. The judge, Mr. Sutton, of Bowmanville, had quite a time in judging between the schools, they did their parts so well, quite a time in judging between the Great credit is given to Miss M. Or- chard as the musical supervisor. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bingmaster, Mrs. Levi Brunt spent Thanksgiving with friends in Buffalo and Rochester, Miss Elsie Oke, Toront Gertje and Winnie, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke spent Su.iaiy with their parenis, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Oke. The Ladies' Aid held their monthly meeting 'on Wed, Nov. 5th. A Thanksgiving programme was given and it was decided to hold their an- nual bazaar on Dec, 4th, A good Ttongregation was out on Sunday evening and heard Rev. Mr. Bunner,.of Bowmanville. Miss Hel- en Knox, of Hampton, sang a solo which was much enjoyed, Mr. J. Graham, Oshawa, has been busy wiring Dr. Ferguson's house and intends' doing several houses in the village ready for the light. Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Fallis, Toron- to, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herring, and son, Bobbie, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wotten and family spent Sunday with their parents, Mg and Mrs, Wm. Herring. Mr, and' Mrs. S. Pethick, Lloyd and Clifford, cpent Sunday with friends at Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldred, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm, Sweet- man, Miss I. Stevens, Oshawa, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Stevens. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson and sons, Allan and Donald, spent Sunday with friends at Mt. Albert and Uxbridge. Mrs. C. Usher, Toronto, visited Mr, J. Stainton at Mr, / Moore's and other friends, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Stainton and Clifford, Toronto, spent the week-end here, bringing irs. Pye home after spending two weeks in Toronto. Our annual Thanksgiving service will be held here on Sunday, Nov. 16, when Rev. W. Sterling, of Orono, will be the speaker at 7.15 p.m. Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto, Mr Ira Travell, Oshawa, visited the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C, Ashton, Mrs. H. Werry and Mr. Gordon Werry spent Friday with friends in Orono. Mrs. A. Knox, Orono, re- holiday Mr. and Mrs, C. N. Woodbridge, visited Mr. Wm. Stain- ton and Mr. Lloyd Ashton, on Sun- day. REY. JULL GIVES PEOPLE'S MEETING Brooklin Pastor Speaks on Religion and Per- sonality Brooklin, Nov. b.--Miss Ruth Morrison had charge of the Young People's meeting last Tuesday night. After the first hymn was sung, Miss Irene Harrison and Mill Elinor Mackey led in prayer. Miss Ethel Gascoyne read the Scripture lesson. The second hymn was 337, 'Jesus Calls Us.'" The programme was: gs Doris Gee gave an in- strumental solo and Rev. P. L. Jull spoke on "Religion and Personal- ity," which was very interesting. The meeting came to a close with the Mizpah benediction, Miss Jean Slater of Toronto, spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. E. Mackey and 'daughter, Helen, are staying a week with her mother, Mrs. J. Mitchell, of Green "River, Mr. and Mrs, Stevenson, of St. Mary's, spent the week-end with Miss A. Oliver. Miss Dorothy Vipond, of Toronto, spent the week-end at home. We welcome Mr. W. Baup, of Napanee. He has taken Mr. Virgen's place in the Bank of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. J. Coolidge have rented their cottage to Mr. C. Han- na and Mr. Willis for the winter months. Mr. Joynt has sold his property to Mr.W. Adams. We understand they are to move in soon. Miss Elsie Grills, of Columbus, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Cook. We are pleased to see Howard Mackey out agaip after his recent illness. NORWAY ADNITS CANADIAN CLAM T0 ARGTIC ISLES Removes Last Ground For Disput in Land Claimed by Dominion Ottawa, Nov. 13--~The Government of Norway has formally recognized the Canadian 'title to the. Arctic is- lands commonly known. as.the Sver- drup group, comprising Axel, / Hei- berg, Ellef Ringnes, Amund Ringnes and King Christian, This friendly ac- tion on the part of the Norwegian Government removes the one possible ground of dispute . as to Canadian sovereignty in the whole Arctic sec- tor north of the Canadian mainland. Announcement that Norway has given formal recognition to the Can- adian title of these northern islands was made yesterday by' Sir George Perley, acting prime mihister. The islands in. question were dis- covered and explored in the years 1898-1902 by Commander Otto Sver- drup, leader of the Norwegian polar expedition in the "Fram." With the anmogncement from the acting preimer? came a statement from Senator Robertson, Minister of Labor, that the Dominion had paid Sverdrup $67,000 in return for his services rendered by him in his ex- plorations and discoveries. From the explorer Canada will réceive the or- iginal maps, notes, diaries and other documents relating to Sverdrup's ex- peditions. The payment was describ- ed as the liquidation of an old Can- adian obligation. Sir George Perley's announcement says in part that "in the Spring of 1900, Commander Sverdrup took pos- session of the islands m the name of his soveign, but no further act of oc- cupation took place. The Dominion of Canada has long claimed sover- eignty over the entire area north of the mainland. On July 31, 1880, the rights acquired by Great Britain mn this area were transferred to Canada by order-in-council providing that 'all British territories and possessions in North America and islands adja- cent to such territories and posses- sions which are not already included in the Dominion of Canada, shall, with the exception of Newfoundland and her dependencies, be annexed MSLAREN'S INV, Lu i For Kiddies especially, these quickly made desserts are a real favorite. 0, ICK PUDDINGS to and form part of the said Domin- ion.' The title thus based on the geo- graphical contiguity and British dis- coveryrand exploration, was complet- ed by effective occupation and ad- ministration." GERMANY PREPARES RECORD OF PAYMENTS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Berlin, Nov. 13.--Preparation by the Reichstag foreign relations committee of a record of German reparations payments to the for- mer enemy countries in no wise means that Germany 1s preparing to seek further revision of the rep- arations agreements, the Associat- ed Press learned -on high au- thority. This Is merely a routine pro- cedure occasioned by the expira- tion of the old Reichstag and the convening of the new body. The previous compilations were cone sidered obsolete and tbe new fore eign relations committee wants its facts brought up to date, BANK MANAGER GETS THREE YEAR TERM (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) uelph, Nov. 13.--Pleading guilty to two charges of forgery and theft from the Imperial Bank, George McNee, 32, former mane ager of the Belwood branch of the bank, was sentenced to three years in Portsmouth penitentiary on each charge when he appeared before Magistrate Watt in police court yesterday. The sentences are to run concurrently. Although the charges only mentioned $350, both Crown Attorney J, M. Kearns and P. Kerwin, defense counsel, stated that the total amount of McNee's defalcations is $4,092. H.| turning home with them to spend the Tamblyn, ADDRESS AT YOUNG! EVERYTHING you want in RADIO/ MODEL 76 HIGHBOY With sliding doors. Complete with tubes, $249.00 Arwatrer Kent RADIO with the Golden Voice i te" NEW tone NEW tone contrdl NEW quick- vision dial NEW engineering NEW. _ beaully Performance . . . beauty ... value . . . you'll find them all here in abundant measure. New beauty. reception. Quick-Vision Dial. New graceful design. Rich No-Mar finish. New beauty of New Tone Control. new, cxquisite Golden Voice. New The You'll be proud of this new wonder radio. You'll enjoy it for what it brings in song and melody . . . in drama and lecture and sport. Call at your dealer's and see it now. Malcolm and Hill, Limited; Kitchener, Ontario, Canadian Licensees 3: Radio P Lede d by C DISTRIBUTORS RADIO MERCHANDISERS LTD.. TORONTO JOHN MEAGHER LOCAL DEALERS ADAMS FURNITURE CO. , 92 Simcoe Street North Simcoe Street South

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