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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1930, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY: TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1930 Eastern Ontario News ga Si ---------------------------- START DISPOSAL TLANT Lindsay.--Preliminary work on Lindsay's new sewage disposal plant, which it is planned to con- struct as part of the towy's unem- ployment policy, has been under- taken by Engineer Dallyn, of the Provincial Board of Health. The construction of this plant will give employment to quite a number of laborers during the year, JAILED YOR THEFTS Brockville.--George Cherry, of Kingst« i, arrested by Provincial Constable - Robinson, appeared in police court and was convicted of stealing a car, the property of Moulton Morris, of Yonge town- ship, ag well as an overcoat and a hat belonging to James Morris, of the same township. Sentence of one year in the Ontario Reforma- tory was imposed for the theft of the car and six months on the oth- er charge, the sentences to yun concurrently. FIRE DRIVES OUT PHEASANTS Port Hope. numbers of pheasants were driven from the cover of gras and underbrush when fire razed about six acres m the section formerly covered by water of Corbett's Pond north of Port Hope. Large MINIATURE GOLD RUSH Cornwall.--Discovery of out- croppings of quartz closely resem- bling gold bearing ore along the banks of the Payne River at Finch, 20 miles north of here, has led to a miniature gold rush. More than 80 acres of farm land lying in and near Finch had been staked out by residents of Finch.. Opinion is ex- pressed that the outcroppings are iron pyrites. BROCKVILLE GROWS Brockville.--The assessor has reported the population for 1930 at 9,485, an increase of 53 over the preceding year. The total as- sessment for 1930 $8,686,850, Is | { as against $8,517,950 for 1920, an increase of $168,000, BUSH FIRES CHECKED Kingston.-- Bush fires have been causing concern at Perth Road and in the Bedford Mills District. It is believed they have been started by hunters or fishermen, A large number of men were engaged in aghting the fire apd it was reported that they had it under control, BUSH FIRE RAGING Havelock.--A bush fire is raging in the vicinity of Oak Lake, and has already burned over an area of about two square miles, The fire started on the plains about two miles north wesl of Fred DPoste's farm house. SUICIDES AFTER BIG | STOCK MARKET LOSS | Windsor, Nov, 13,-- Bart Man- | ning, former vice-president of the | Union Trust Company, Detroit, and former president of the St. Clair Golf and Country Club, near Wind- sor, was found yesterday lying in a | ditch at Lochmoor village, with a bullet wound in his left side. Near- | by was a revolver with four empty | shells. Manning was reported to] have lost millions of dollars in the | stock market crash last year, BANKER, JEWELLER SAID HIGHGRADERS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | Toronto, Nov. 13--Joseph M. Vig- | liotti, claiming to be a Detroit bank- er, was arrested with his prospective father-in-law, Joseph Bruno, local jeweller, here last night on charges of high grading. In a brief case carried by Vigliotti, police say they found $4,000 worth of nearly pure gold, stolen from 4 mine at Timmins, Police also claim that the two accused were in the Porcupine district of northern On- tario two weeks ago seen Are Stove Coal, Per Ton 25 Albert Street You Taking Ad- vantage of Our Pro- fit Sharing Plan? 12 not you should do so at once by getting your supply of The Famous Scranton Anthracite Coal. The best the mines produce at the following cash prices: Nut Coal, Per Ton ...... Egg Coal, PerTon ...........on © 14.50 Buckwheat Coal, Per Ton ........ We also carry a full line of Body Wood, Hard and Soft Wood Slabs and Factory Cuttings W. J. TRICK COAL CO. LTD. COMMENCEMENT HELD AT NEWCASTLE High School Pupils Take s Part in Annual Exercises Newcastle, Novy. 10 On Iriday night, Nov, 7th, Newcastle Tligh School held its Commencement ex ercises in the Community Hall be fore a large audience, Twenty-seven prizes were out ranging in value from the two Montague prizes of $125 each which went to Helen Lycett and Roy Jones of the graduating class, The following students also received graduation diplomas Murray Butler, Ruby Cowan an Maretta Law. The valedictory address was re by Helen Lycett, A splendid pro gram was given by the students, in cluding piano solos, scenes from Macbeth, and a modern farce call ed "Princess Stay Out," in which the princesses are invited in by mi 00 a vd 15.00 9.00 Phone 230-231 Bargains in Guaranteed USED CARS 1--1920 Pontiac Coach, like new $695 $720 $695 1~1920 Essex Coach in new car condition 11920 Essex Coupe in 1st class order 11928 Chev, Sedan, A real family car $365 1==1927. Chev, Sedan, come ad $460 11928 Essex Coach in perfect condition Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd. 135 King Street West Phone 1160 EDDO PREMIUM THE BEST PRODUCED SOLVAY COKE - Hard Slabs - Soft Slabs - Cord Wood Cut To Stove Length -- No. 1 and Dry, DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 26 FUEL OIL Five Direct Lines | directed | School | Moise. take. The play was written and by. Mr. Coyne, the High principal Also choruses under the direction of Miss Hatlle Mason of the Public School staff Miss Switzer's girls gave a wonder | ful exhibition in physical training, including a Butterfly Drill which well deserved its two encore The following winners in the ora torical contests were Iirst, Al drey Bonathan; 2nd, Annabel Hen dry; 3rd, Lorine Batty in the girls' section, with Arthur Lock hart winning 1st and Edwin Han cock 2nd in the boys' division The two first prizes gented by Mrs. (Dr) Dutler the two second prizes by Mrs. (Maj) Dudley and the third prizes by Mi Batty The judges were Mr, MeLeod of the Oshawa Collegiate? Miss Smith of the Bowmanville High School and Mr. Rodger of the astle High School Prizes. were then given contestants taking part in the School Field Day To Bill was presented the Silveg Cup by Rev, W. I'. Rogers, apd to Jn Glover, captain of the Newcast! High School baseball team ver Shield, presented hy M Reeve F. Rickard pre ed to Tom Spencer a cartific from the Humane Society in reco nition of hig bravery in raving life of a young lady from drow Although the program' Ia four hours most of the audience mained until the end. A silver col lection was taken at the door, the proceeds amounting to $30.50 On Thursday, Nov. 6th, the W M.S. of the United Church held a Thank-Offering meeting in the Sun day School reom with Mrs. W. P. Rogers in the chai were pre Now to the Hig! Brunt who also read the Scripture lesson. | Mrs. A. I. Richards, AVhith) gave a very interesting talle on the medical missionary work among the pioneers in western Canada Miss Hattie Mason was made a life member, Mrs. W. P. Rogers presented her with a life member ship certificate. A note of thanks to the speaker was moved hy Mrs Robinson, seconded by Mrs. Glen- ney. Mrs. Wesley Bragg and Mrs Cecil Carveth sang a duet and a solo was sung by Miss Hattia Ma son. Quarterly tea was then serv ed and a social half hour =pent among the members. The Women's Association | meoting at Mrs, Geo, Rickards' Thursday, Nov. 13, at 3 p.m. Mr. BR. W. Walton sang at {he Fowl Sypper in Newtonville, on Monday "night, with Mrs. Laura Fisher, accompanist. Mr. and Mrs, Wise and family, | Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Breen,' Master Morris Ruinlaw, Toronto, were guests of Misses Breen, Pierview, Newcastle Reach. ' Mr, and Mrs, A, HB. Mellow and son, Clare, wore guests of their parents over the week-end in Na- nee, Earl Walton and Harold Laking left Saturday for a few days deer- hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walton, Gormley, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. A. E. Walton, and sister, Mrs. F, Graham, Miss KH, Webber, Trenton, spent the week-end with Mr. dnd Mrs. Harold Allin, the latter's sister, Mr, and Mrs, Role Carruthers, Bowmanville, spent the week-end home with the former's parents Miss Nellie Garred, Toronto, was home over the holiday with her perents, Mr, and Mrs. John Garrod, Mr. D. T. Allin, Misses Lorna and Isabel, and Mr, Clarence Allin, Oro. no, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Allin, Mr. W. H, Cock, C.P.R. agent, has resumed his duties again after recovering from an illness. Dr. and Mps, Walton Ball and tamily, Toronto, spent the week-end at Harris Lodge, u Mr. and Mrs, V. Thompsoh d | week President | 8 | doath of their With the ex- And "THREE BARS' REST" FOR SYMPHONY IN SHIRT SLEEVES When the Torento Symphony Orchestra goes down to the studio Sunday afternoon to play for Canada, 1t goes prepared for work. ception of the Conductor, Dr. Luigi von Kunits, and the concert master, Donald Heins, who usually go in frock coat for the sake of 'the dignity of music, the players appear In thelr working clothes because, to the vast audience, which stretches from Vancouver to Halifax, they are invisible, when they set to work, even the Conductor and the Concert Master doff their coats and perform in their shirt sleeves, orchestra 1s strenuous work, phony appears before the microphone every Sun- day afternoon and is broadcast to appreciative listeners by means of the Canadian National Rail- ways' radio chain, which binds Canada together from Atlantic to Pacific, symphony sSym- Playing In a The Toronto | were guests of Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Cook, (.P.R. agent, on Sunday, Migs I. Thomas spent the holiday nm Oshawa Miss Lorraine Randle and Mr, B, Crry visited the latter's mother in Barrio over the holiday, | Miss Janie Singer, Toronto, has recovered from her illness and is taying in town with Mrs, Earl Walton Mr, and Mrs, FE. Laking, Toronto, ipent the week-end with the for- mer's parents, Miss Lucy Brault, Toronto, spent [the week-end with Miss Annie and | Pat Kenefick Mrs. BB. Mason and son, George, were of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Brown over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Howden and and Mr Roy Stout, Guelph spent the "Thanksgiving holiday at the home of Mr, and M Gao, Coyne, \ 1 ind Mr ( at a birthday party, fre. John Souch, Bowman latter celebrating her 88th gEnest nd Mr Roy Buller, Mrs Anderson Toronto; Miss Alli terboro, were guests of Mri Butler over the week-end I'loyd Butler spent the week- t home with his family and Mrs, A. D, Winn, Brant nd Mr A. RB. Wheeler, To nd family, guests of ents Mr, and Mrs, Duncan | Stella son, Pe R.'P Mi end | ford | ronto their pa Calby M and My Fred Luke were for Thanksgiving, of the for mother, Mrs. Frank Gibson, MacKenzie,. Toronto, and Britton, Oshaws, were guests ind Mrs, H, Britton over the ith guest men 14 oi of My AM rham Lodge, No. 66, AF at their last regular meeting 0 ith, elected oMcers follows Bro. J. L. Cry- W.M Bro. J. Hendry, Vor. Bro, J. E iro. I'. Hare, Branton, D Std Bro H. Jose, Ww 8.D.; of Cg H. J s.W.: Wor g, Chap.: Bro. J. W of Bro. B, E. Mois Bro Gaines, Sr. Std I, Gibson, 1.G. SEAGRAVE PEOPLE FEEL SYMPATHY FOR STRICKEN FAMILY Attend Funeral of Child Killed by Horse Wor Bro omg, J n (leo 1, O 1 "4 Many N The commu sympathize with Mr. and Mrs, Alldred, of Saintfield, in the little three-year-old almost instantly eagrave, No) 1 ny daughter who wa killed on Sunday last by their blind horse while the child was playing around the yard with her hrother We understand the horse being chasad by a dog. The funeral took place on Tuesday af- ternoon and was largely attended. I'he Quadrata 1Grls' Club met at the home of Miss Iva Reynolds on Thursday evening. Quite a num- ber answered the roll call with two visitors present, The planng of hazauar on Nov. 21 took up most of the evening Lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the meeting, « We are glad to report Mrs, Jas. Harding able to be around after her recent illness, Mrs. McDonald has returned home to Beaverton after spending fwo weeks with her daughter, Mrs, was | J. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. W, Byers, of Black- stock; Mr. and Mrs, Sanderson, of Enniskillen; Mrs, Sanderson. -and Mr. J. Byers, of Burketon, were guests of Mp, and Mrs, H, Wana- maker, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Johw Mark, accom- panied hy Mrs, Mark, Sr,, and Mrs, W. Martyn, of Prince Albert, spent a couple of days this week with re- latives in Port Hope, Sorry to report the sudden death of Mrs, Clarkson on Thursday morning at her home Mrs, Clark. son had been in very poor health for some time but her death came suddenly at the last. The funeral will be held on Monday afternoon from the family residence, A largo crowd attended the Hal- lowa'en party given hy Mr and Mra, g W. Clarke on ¥riday evening ast, Quite a number took in the party given by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cope- land at Oakwood on Friday of this week, ¥ Mr. Will Keen loft last week for Hastings county where he has charge of the canstruction of dams on Indian Creek Fur Farm. Mr. and Mrs, 8, McCoy and fam- ily, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs John Short; visited friends at Shir- ley on Sunday, . Mr. and Mra, Ginn and family, of and | Cadmus, spent Mrs. I. Irwin Mr. and Mrs, Kdga tives in Oshawa on Mr, and Mrs J, H, Brown, Mr, Will Brown and Miss West, of To- ronto, visited relatives on Sunday, Mrs, A. McClintock, of Baleares, Sask., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orchard last week. Mies Alma Frise, of Gamebridge, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr, and have taken Sonya, Sunday with Mr, and visited rela- sunday My up their where Mr, charge of a fox farm Miss M. Armetrong giving with her pa: Gordon Cherrie residence in Cherrie has pent Thanks- mtg in. Bow- | manville or | | |Th ico, Joll were On on Sun- | the | | | | | | | | for | Philip, | | held in the urch and was ! Mr, and M) nyder ronto, visited at and Mrs, Ja in the fowl ursday evening Tuesday evening No ith, friends gat ad at the home of Mr. and Mr McMillan, the oe- aglon being a cellaneous shows of our popular marriage to place on 11th, The after which was asked to take and the Rev, Mr, Hitt] peech in honor of the | before pro eeeding to ur any beau- tiful and useful gifts that were brought in on a nicely decorated waggon drawn hy Dorell Mar= tin and Mast Green, The bride-to-be hanked her many friends for kindne nfter which "She joll rood fellow! SUNK meh was ed and jolly hour was spent hy all, unday last were ing at Sunday morning. Communion it the evening ser 4 meat rd wa fairly ! To- home of Mr. this , and ut Wick on , of unk week took upper in honor *of one young ladies, h Mr, Ralph Reynold Tuesday afternoo spent in variou the brideso-he the seat of houo Green made [4] fake me 1 nie bride-t¢ wrap the r wa another The service well attended, 53 he School in the was obrerved vice On Mondny ing of 1 Quarter) on ening Do well attend BETHESDA Bethesda Vhiite, pent Thani White's parents at Miss Margaret Hooper "nd Mi Victor Hooper, of Toron ), wern dinner gue of Mr, and ' Frank Werry o I'hanksgives 10, Mi Marie giving Port and Mrs Edith Mr, A and with Hope and Mr, verton n Miss Vlsle and Irene Bragg, of wonto; Mr. W. G, Bragg, M.P., f Bowmanville spent the week-end and holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Couch, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Annis, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests at A, H. Brent's home, Ideal weather and grateful hearts made Thanksgiving Day a pleasant day for all, ALMONDS Almonds, Nov. 7.--~Mr, and Mrs. Maunder, of Oshawa, were visitors on Monday with Mr, and Mgs, 7, C, Osburne, Mr, and Mrs. W. Hall and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Waram, of Ashburn, Mr. Milton Balsdon, Lois Bals- don, Mr, and Mrs, Walter MacCar) and children visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Balsdon, of Pickering, Migs Maud May, of Harmony, visited several days with her cousin, Miss Edith Kempthorne, Miss Kempthorne "returned home with her to spend a couple of weeks, Mr. Lucian Michand is visiting bis mother at Cash-a-Bay, Mr. and Mrs, Challis Mabel Chal- lis, of Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Witcox and family, of Hampton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T, C, Osburne, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Brown and family, of New Liskeard, spent the week-end at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. N. W, Stafford. Ladies' Ald met at the home of Mrs. Robert Pilkey on Wednesday, A good number were present and were kept busy quilting after which they all enjoyed a hearty supper. Mr, and Mrs. Rickles and family, and Miss Mildred Brown, of Aps- ley, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Richard Brown over the past week- end, Mr. A. Bennett, of Whitby, was present at the Young People's meeting on Tuesday night, and gave an interesting talk on Playing the Game of Life," which was listened to very keenly, A good number were present to welcome him, A very interesting evening was spent at the Young People's Hallo- we'en masquerade social held at the church on Wednesday evening last, some thirty coming in cos- tumes and sauntered about ih their unusual garb, The judges called them to order and had them march around and finally they gave their decision to three ladies representing "Spark Plug," which created great commo- tion, Some unknown tramp of the funniest type carried off second prize, while Mrs, Irene McBride got 1st prize for the prettiest costume, a Pierret, Miss Helen Chambers got 1st prize for children's cos- tumes representing a Chinaman. Several contests were enjoyed after which candy and apples were serv ed, Miss Ross, of Columbus, is holl- daying with Miss Eva Bunker, Miss Hutchison, of Sudbury, visiting with Mrs, Done, RIDES MOTORCYCLE is 21 MILES STANDING IF orced to Provide Own Transit to Hospital to Have Appendix Removed Quesnel, B.C, Nov, 13,--~Clutch- ing the handle of a motorcycle with one hand, while pressing the re- gion of his appendix with the other, Otto Reinfrandt rode 21 miles to the hospital here to have his appen- dix removed. . Suddenly stricken at Cottonwood House, where he had been working, the young man mounted his motor- eycle when, at the end of two hours' frantic effort, the only ear at Cot- tonwood still resisted all attempts to start it, and headed for Quesnel, Forced to ride in a standing posi- tion because of the pain in his right side, he was two hours making the journey and in tho semi-dark- ness the machine threw bim off twice. Reinfrandt finally reached the hospital. His appendix was re- moved an hour later. Next day he was sitting up reading a newspap- er, BUSH FIRES RAGE, ANXIETY KEEN IN PETERBORO COUNTY Hunters Blamed for Scores | of Outbreaks Now Being Fought Peterboro, Nov. 13.~Eight bun- dred ueres of woodland in Methuen township in the northern part of Peterboro county have been swept by fire, and every avallable man in Apsley and the nearby district has been pressed into service to check the outbreak, which is belleved to have heen caused by hunters, With the closing of the tourist season a few weeks ago, the main foree of fire rangers throughout Peterboro and Hastings county was withdrawn, but with the in- vasion of the hunters, fires have broken out in many parts of the district, causing a great deal of anxiety and labor to the chief fire rangers who have bgen kept on duty at several central points, in- cluding Apsley, and who have been forced to augment their forces, It is sald that hunters have a practice of hullding fires on the runways while watching for deer, and from these sources the sudden and general upflaring of flames in the dry underbrush this week is be. lieved to have spread into a wide menace in several townships, Chief Fire Ranger Hess yester- day stated that there were 500 men Wesk, Nervous, Lost Weight yo, --Photo by Becker Raymond Tomsett Son of Mrs. C., Tomsett Stratford, Ont.-- "During ©3~ pectancy 1 felt very weak, nervous and rundown, lost weight apd felt badly all over, I saw Dr. Plerce's Favorite Prescription advertised as boing good for the expectant mother, and it built me up, SAVE me an appetite and strengthened me, | kept up my strength to the very last, was able to do all my own work, and my baby has been fine and healthy from. birth, Is now six months' old and has never had a sick day."--Mrs, Constance Tomsett, 222 Douro Street, Fluid or tablets, All druggists. Bend 10c to Dr, Plerce's Labora~ tory in Bridgeport, Ont.,, for a pkg. of tablets, Describe your symptoms If you desire free medi- cal advice, engaged In suppressing fires in his area, Outbreaks were belpg re- ported almost hourly to his depart- ment, This is an unprecedented condi- tion at this time of the year, The woods gre dry as tinder, due to the" fact that there has been no rain or snow for a month, and in the leaves and underbrush a fire spreads with alarming rapidity. Keep iness In Oshawa Do you realize that practically all the lumber and mill-work busi- ness which is now being sent out of Oshawa, can be done right here more easily, more quickly and' generally at less cost due to the fact of lower over-head as against City factories, We accept, on orders placed withs us, full responsibility for your satisfaction, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED Telephone 2821-2820 Your Bus- Ritson" Rd. North The 'Viking' water bottles, A perfectly An unusual value in hot moulded two quart bottle, This bottle should last for several years, Special price Thursday, Friday and Saturday e-- 35¢ Chase's Kidney Pills 25¢ Gin Pills 35¢ # for $1.00 END OF THE WEEK MONEY SAVERS 'We list here a few of the outstanding money savers fol Thursday, Friday and Saturday----hundreds more in our store! Ow large volume purchasing gives us discounts that make these unusual values possible--check this ad over carefully! 85¢ Kruschen Salts 69c¢ 40c Flelcher's Castoria 29¢ + $1.30 Scott's Emulsion 99c No. 2 Size 60c Virol Infant Tonic 50c Robinson's Patent Barley 40c¢ $1.25 | Rex Alarm Clocks 98¢c operate a Hawkeye. ERE Solid ebony brushes neatly Hawk-Eye Cameras To appreciate the value of these cameeras you must see the perfect pictures they take. Anyone can Helena Rubinstein These far-famed toilets ries have come to town and are sold at yowr Rexall Store. A more gorgeous colour scheme could not be imagined. They must be seen to be appreciated and the prices are moderate, 98¢c ERE Military Brushes tN a LA and with long snow-white bristles. Regular price $4.00 Thurs,, Fri. and Sat., pair 60c Opeko Coffee 50c Milk of Magnesia R EXPERIENCED DISPENSERS FILL YOUR 'PRESCRIPTIONS Compacts $2.98 A few attractive designs in compacts w=discontinued numbers. With re. fill And putt, Your choice on Thurs, Fri, and Sat, ..., SAVE WITH SAFETY AT 39¢ THE REXALL STORES Jury and Lovell KING E.-PHONE 28 SIMCOE S.-PHONE 68 ALL PARTS OF THE CITY

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