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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1930 [Bowmansit Daily Times News, advertising and the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street. will be received at } Times in the Cowan Telephones--Offico-=587: House--131, Bowmanville Reptisenmmiivaut Herbert Motives HOCKEY CLUB HAS APPOINTED NEW MANAGERS, 1930 Rube Kemp and Art Edger Will Be Joint Managers of Intermediates Rube Kemp and Art Edger will control the destinies of the Bow- manville Intermediate Hockey team during the approaching season ft "was decided at a meeting of the club held on Armistice night. The club is looking forward to a most suce cessful season and although ft is rumored around the town that a number of last year's players will not be in the lineup this season there is still plenty of good materi- al to pick from, » Between Rube Kemp and Art Edger there should be produced a real snappy team' which will make all teams in the group sit up and take notice. Last season Bowman- ville lost just one game in the group series and that to Port Hope in a hectic battle. on local ice. On that memorable evening Crossett appear ed to do as he pleased and when he fancied to take a walk right through ¢ the Bowmanville defense he did so. It was a different tale, how- ever, when the game was played in Port Hope. At this game Crossett might just have well been off the ice so little did he worry the local boys. Of course tHe rest of the his- tory of last season is well known, In the first round Bowmanville met one of the crack teams of the pro- vince, R.M.C., from Kingston, and Jost both the game in the Limestone siy and in Bowmanville too, thus ending the season's activities, The team will commence train- ing as soon as a suitable place can be found and they expect to be on the ice within a very few weeks. It is hoped that before O.H.A. sched- ule commences a couple of exhi- bition games can be arranged so that the boys will be really limber- ed up before the start of the season proper. A game with the Gray Coach Lines as was played last sea- son should be a good attraction, SALVATION ARMY APPOINTS NEW OFFICERS IN TOWN Captain Bursey, of Toronto, Will Command the Local Corps, Assisted by Lieutenant Flett Captain Bursey, of Toronto, has taken over the command of the Bowmanville Corps o fthe Salva- tion Army replacing Adjutant Chit- tenden, who has been transferred to Fairbank, Captain Bursey will have as his assistant, Lieutenant Flett, who comes to town from Es- sex, Ontario and who fills the vac- ancy made by the transferring of Adjutuant Stokes to headquarters in Toronto from where she will be transferred to a new field of labor. The new officers were much {m- pressed with Bowmanville during their few days here and particularly with the New Citadel. In conver- sation with a reporter Captain Bur- sey stoted that he liked Bowman- ville very much and hoped soon to old Dutch goes further sn ss that means more cleanliness per package sss You practice economy every time you use Old Dutch... , for the simple reas son that you need less Old Dutch 10 clean things. It's surprising how much work a little will do...how for @ package will go. You save also in time ond effort, because Old Dutch enables you to clean quicker and easier. Furthermore, you're sure of Healthful Cleanlinesy; Old Dutch cleans thore oughly; removes all dirt and the ine visible impurities, t00 ... and you're sure of protection for the beautiful surfaces in your home; Old Dutch is moder in its methors; cleans withe out scratching; it's free from grit. Old Dutch has no equal cleaning on any surface on which water may be used. Keep a can handy in the kitchen, DIoY=X32}1 Scratch bathroom and laundry==you'll save time and many steps, MADE IN CANADA Listen to the Old Dutch Girl porng SF 4 AI. one ue Combi through station CFRB, Toronto. 1 received painful injuries vestgerday become acquainted with a Jorge number of people here. He thought, he said, that Bowmanville was a good field for Salvation Army work and it would he the endeavour of the new officers to have a strong and wel! represented corps iu the fown, It ig beiieved that with tw> men in charge-here, now, instead of the two ladies that have been here for some years, there will be a possibili- ty of a band being formed. Should this take place it will fill a long felt want in the community for not since the disbanding of the oll eitl- zens' band three or four years ago has Bowmanville had a band of any kind, although at one tinfe ft was the home of the finest band in Can- adu, the o'd Dominion Organ fac- tor: Bend. Newcastle Chief : Is Badly Bruised Newcastle, Nov. 12.--Chief of Police John Garrod, of Newcastle, morning when a skidding car hit him, knocking him to the ground and bruising him badly. Mr. Ger- rod had been on the lookout for a couple of boys who had escaped from a local institution and suspect- ed that they would endeavour to get a ride east, He was keeping watch on the four corners and was stopping cars and making enjuiries when a coupe came along. He held out his hand to stop it and the driver immediately applied his brakes which caused him to skid on the wet pavement knocking the chief down and finishing up by running into the front of the Brow- nie Tea®Rooms. The chief expects The finding grew ed by anxious premier grippe, PEOPLE IN TEN HOUSES KILLED BY FRENCH LANDSLIDE (Continued from page 1) As the day wore on, fainter, their numbers constantly augment- | ;, new their feverish efforts, Police held a Mayor Edouard superintended the work of rescue despite his being 111 with intestinal | ert hope of any of the victims alive but the rescuers, |,.,.x hill, volunteers, continued large crowd of | people at a safe distance Herriot, former personally [ ¢ 'aithness | 1922, has of France, which has forced him to at ome a.m. treatment. standing on the and been remain in bed the past few days. Result of Rains landslide, apparently the result of heavy rains during the last two days. hillside at the hase of cathedral Three buildings co lapsed in the twinkling of an eye and occupants of other adjoining buildings rushed to their doors on. ly to be caught themselves when their own bomes collapsed. When the first rescue squad was buried beneath falling masonry, the ambulance which had with them to the site of disaster, was cut in"two by a large falling block of stone. A few persons were able to leap from the windows and doorways to safety but most of the inhabi tants of the houses were buried a: they collapsed. There was an fi tial landslide at 1.00 a.m, shortly after, a third at 3.00 a.m, and aAfourth at 4,00 a.m, thorities fear that additional movements. All buildings in the immediate vicinity of have heen evacuated, including the charity hospital nearby, were taken to the Cathedral for The building, one of the most noted churches in Europe, the top of a which dominates Lyons, said .to be in no danger, swept down there stricken Named Chief Liberal Whip { London. --8ir Archibald Sinclair, | Liberal membé@r of parliament for Sutherland appointed Liberal whip in succession to Sir Robert Hutchison, resigned. the come another The au. will be district Victims huge since chief FINISH WATERWAY FOR $100,000 MN AS CANADIAN COST Former Montreal Harbor Chairman Says Proposition Sound and Advantageous London, Ont., Nov, 13.--Major George Washington Stephens of Montreal former Chairman of the Harbor Commission there, yester- day addressed the Canadian Club of London at the noon luncheon in Hotel London, "If the United States undertakes to construct at their own expense, power and navigation facilities in the International Rapids section and deepens the Great Lakes," he said, "and Canada undertakes to construct the 11 miles of necessary canals irom Montreal to Beauhar- nois, deepens the ship channel in Lake St. Louuis and Lake St. Fran- cis, the St. Lawrence Waterway can be opened for navigation from the ocean to Lake Superior for a capital cost to Canada of something like $100,000,000 according to the estimates now available, and Can- ada will have had developed with. ont expense to her 1,600,000 horse- power of electricity which can he used to increase her industria) wealth and prosperity. "This would leave 3,600,000 horse-power all in Canada, still to be developed as and when it might be required. "On this basis I regard the de velopment of the St. Lawrence Deep Waterway as a sound and advant- ageous proposal." FIVE WITNESSES HAVE DISAPPEARED (By Canadian-Press | Press Leased Wire) Regina, Nov, 13. --Following the disappearance of James Gallen, principal witness, before the royal commission fnvestigating alleged administrative scandals of the for- mer Liberal Government of Saskat- chewan, the Crown is now baffled by the non-appearance of five wit- nesses who were subpoenaed to ap- pear Tuesday morning. Col. Gregory K.C., counsel for the Crown, told the commission today that his witnesses had left home early Tuesday morning for Regina but since then alPtrace of them has been lost. AIR MAIL SERVICE FOR NEWFOUNDLAND (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) St. John's, Nid. Nov. 13.--~The moth plane of the Newfoundland Airways, which will inaugurate the first air mail gervice in Newfound- land, probably in January, arrived here yesterday. Pilots I. D. Sulli- vap and D. C, Fraser flew the plane by easy stages from Toronto, In addition to the mail service between St. John's and settlements in northern Newfoundland Airways will engage in general aviation work, Cherries Liquid Cream 1 IB. BOX 49c |Karns' Drug, Store Phone 378, next P.O. Vancouver, B.C.--Five men were killed and one injured in a rock and dirt slide at the Anyox Mine of the Granby Consolidated Min- ing, Smelting and Power Company. to carry on his duties but is report- ed to be quite painfully bruised. No charge was laid against the driver of the car. ARLINGTON MAN IS COMMITTED FOR | TRIALIN COBOURG Patrick J. Murphy Accused of Theft--Council and Mag- istrate Figure in Verbal Tiit : | Patrick J. Murphy, of Darlington | Township, was committed for trial in the next court of Competent jur- | Isdiction at Cobourg, by Magistrate Floyd in Bowmanville Police Court | yesterday afternoon, when he ap- peared charged with the theft of two calves, two sows, and moneys for milk delivered to the Oshawa Dairy, in all in excess of $400, The case was very complicated and it was featured by a heated verbal tilt between Frank 8S. Ebbs, of Oshawa, counsel for the defen, dant and Mr, Shier, of Toronto, representing the complainant. The story of the case commenced with the taking over of a farm own- ed by Mr. Murphy by a Mr. Despard of Toronto, who held a second mort- gage. The latter also held a chat. tel mortgage on the stock but let this run without renewing. It ap peared that the sheriff then came on the accused and to protect his own interests Mr, Despard was practical- ly forced to buy in his own stock He then let Mr, Murphy live on the as a sale shoflild be made. Davidson of Adelaide Street, To- ronto, and with the bill of sale Murphy had given the purchaser a list of everything on the farm which belonged to Mr. Despard. This list bill of sale, chaser, who acted for her in the sale later found that certain stock and grain was missing and Murphy was then alleged to have claimed ownership of this property. He haa also heen getting moneys for milk from the Oshawa Dairy it was stat. ed in evidénce which he had kept for his own use. Frank S. Ebbs contended that what was grown on the farm hy Murphy when a tenant: on suffer- ange was his own property and that none of the alleged stolen articles had actually been stolen. He con- ducted a close examination which raised the ire of Mr, Shier who ap- pealed to the Magistrate for a less thorough examination g#'things that he claimed did not effect the case. Mr. Ebbs questioned the right of the Toronto solicitor of speaking in the court claiming that he had nothing to do with the case. Hot words were then exchanged by the two counsel and by Magistrate Floyd and the Oshawa lawyer with the result that Mr. Ebbs refused to carry on with the case and Magls- trate Floyd then committed the ac- cused for trial. WHY BURN POOR COAL! WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE RIGHT HERE IN OSHAWA farm in sufferance until such time | A sale | was then made to a certain Ada | of stocks was then included in the | H. H. Davidson, son of the pur- from slate and NOTE The famous Reading Anthracite is a clear, bright burning coal with wonderful heating qualities, free ers, with a minimum of ash, one ton of this coal will convince the most dis criminating coal user that this is the best coal that money can buy in Oshawa. The Stores That Are OUTSTANDING VALUES for THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY COFFE Cream of Wheat .. Quaker Oats . Old Canadian Cheese ..... New Canadian Cheese ..... New Seedless Raisins, Thompson's .. . ... pkg. 24¢C «i... lge: pkg. 25¢C Ib. 33¢ 1b. 25¢ .. 2 1bs. 25¢ Hallowi Dates, new crop, 2 1bs. 21¢ Lemon Peel ... Orange Peel ... Citron Peel ... ... ... Mincemeat A McCormick's Royal Assorted Biscuits Fels-Naptha Soap . Soap Flakes, bulk ..1b. 19¢ ...lb. 19¢ ... 1b. 29¢ .2 bs. 25¢ 1-1b. pkg ; 3c .. 5 bars 33¢ 2 lbs. 25¢ Jelly Powders, McLaren's, 4 for 25¢ BUTTER FLOUR "CHASE & SANBORN'S" or "MAXWELL HOUSE", 1 LB. TIN A Blend of the world's finest Week End Tea Special "SALAD TEA HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP BLACK 1.LB. PKG. LARGE BOTTLE 19¢ Stop & Shop Finest A Ee §Fe 7A. & H. Sal Soda Kellogg's Rice Krispiss, 2 pkgs. 25¢ 47° ...2pkgs. 13¢ Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, small , Toddy, Cocoa, bulk . sie aeees Jatin 8 Shirriff's Good Morning Marmalade, .. .. .. 16.0z. jar 23¢ cess U5-1b. tin 33¢€ .3 tins 49¢ Canned Cherries, choice 2's ... Moyer's Horseradish, 8-0z. btl. 18¢ .Swansdown Cake Flour,. Holly Toilet Paper .... 6 rolls 25¢ Shirriff's True Vanilla Extract, 12502. ...... .. btl. 23¢ cris snveen ID 196 .pkg. 36¢ '"SILVERLEAF" CREAMERY ............. LB. Pastry, ade from finest Canadian wheat by one of Canada's bestflourmills ..cc.o0vvevese.. 241b. bag ? WESTINGHOUSE MAZDA LAMPS White Frosted 25-40 and 60 Watt 6 or $1.40 \ ROUND SHOULDER ROAST BLADE RIB ROAST LEAN BRISKET .... PRIME RIB ROAST FRONTS OF LAMB MEALED BACK BACON COOKED HAM (Sliced). LOIN ROAST OF LAMB LTE |; 15¢ ors lb. g2e alba 2 Leet 1s, Walig risus. Ie Licorice Allsorts Mint Mixed. «v.00 200 visa ness +0 1D. 280 100% Filled ....... . ce.ov svvss 200 10. 29¢ Chocolate Buds .... «cove. vsaeess oe 1b 330 Neilson's Chocolate Bars . ..... .. CANDIES ..1b. 27¢ CHUCK .5 for 25¢ mest QUALITY 13 ROAST 22¢ 17¢c 31c 47¢ Per 19c | Po* 1b. Lhe Iceberg Lettuce t Large Heads 15¢ FRUITS and VEGETABLES Florida Oranges Grapefruit Large and Juicy 25¢ FOR Whole or mn. 23C ROASTING Half Ham McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Ltd. - v 150 KING STREET Ww, PHONE 1240 FRESH HAMS

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