THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1930 100 Extra This Week Twelve Candidates will win Extra Cash Prizes for good work in Subscription Getting during this week and next week HUSTLE ! HUSTLE !/ HUSTLE !/ Read Carefully How 12 Extra Prizes will Be Awarded FONTIAC BIG SIX SEDAN---FREE Offered as choice for First Grand Prize, Sez it at Moffatt Motor Sales, Oshawa $25.00 Extra The candidate turnips in the most cast on subscriptions this week and next week to the Lally Iimes and Gazotte and Chronicle will win an extra cash prise of $25.00, 'I's special offor dais from last Tuesday night up to and inclusive of one week from nest Monday night, Nov, 24th. All votes secured while working for the extra prizes tiles week couuts of course toward the winning of the choice of free autos and the rest of valuable prizes at the close of the contest, December 20th, MAKE BUKK YOU WIN ONE OF THE EXTRA PRIZES, Do it this week. The Big one if at sll possible, $15.00 Extra Fifteen cold dollars is the size of the second extra prize which will'be awarded to the candidate in the big contest for the second best work dome in subscription gelling during this week and next week, Pile up the extra club votes THIS WEEK, and make sure of one of the extra cash prizes. DURANT SIX STANDARD SEDAN---FREE Offered as choice for First Grand Prise To be seen at Thickson Motor Sales, Oshawa $10.00 Extra 'Yen dollars In the torm of a specis) prize will be awarded to the candidate turning in the Luird highest umount of cash for subscriptions to the Oshawa Dally Times and Uazette and Chronicle during the special offers this week and next week, A nice prize ag a bonns for work done during twelve days, and all votes you secure this weuk while working for your extra prize will help you in winning your choice of big prizes at thq close of the contest five weeks from next Saturday. Make hay THIS WEEK, $10.00 Extra I'he Candidate turning in the fourth highest total of cash for subscriptions this wenk and next week, dating from last Tuesday night, Nov, 11th and up to the oloso of the special cash offers one week from Monday night will win a $10.00 Waxtrs cash prize, ("fle up the elub votes before the close of the big 75,000 extra olub vole offer pext Monday night Nov, 17th, WHIPPET SIX SEDAN---FREE Offered as choice of Grand Prize To be seen at Roy Nichols', Courtice, Ont. PLYMOUTH FOUR DOOR SEDAN, PLUS $100 CASH--FREE Offered as choice for First Grand Prise See it at Davidson Motor Sales, Whitby $40.00 Extra Candidates turning in the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelveth highsst amounts of cash during this week and next week In the big subscription contest, will each win $5.00 extra cash prizes. Twelve candidates in Ali will win bonus prices for good work done this week and next week, and by doing #0, you will not only enhance your chapcos for being listed among the grand prise winners when the 'final count of votes is made by the judges on the closing day, but you will also "erefit in cash as to the amount of tho prize that you win, Win the big one for $20 00 If possible or the one for $15.00, All are worth your best eftoris for the neat fow days. These extra cash prizes will be given to the winners by cheque at the close of the offers, one week from next Monday night, November tha ¥4th. You can win on of them by making overy minute count now, each days thiv week, You may enter your own name or the name of a friend in THE DAILY TIMES AND GAZETTE & CHRONICLE CASH OPTION PRIZE COMPETITION Phone the Campaign Manager at 38 Oshawa, 79 Whitby, or 587 Bowmanville ENTRY BLANK Gentlemen i= Please enter the following name as a candidate in your great "cash option" prize distribution campaign t= Address ..i.. Saroittiiesess ME SIRO OVE a RIS TORRES Phone No. «ivi Nowinred by sa Fs Mail This Entry Blank to The Prise Campaign Headquarters of THE hay TIMES, OSHAWA; OR TO THE GAZETTE .& CHRONICLE, WHITBY, ' Yow Eauy Blank Alans Comk For 100,000 Votes CHEVROLET 6 COACH--FREE, PLUS $100 CASH Offered as choice for First Grand Prise See it at Ontario Motor Sales Whitby Bowmanville Oshawa FOR QUICK REPLIES, ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES FOR INFORMATION, ENTRY BLANKS, ETC., DIRECT TO PRIZE CAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT, HEADQUARTERS, The Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa or to The Gazette and Chronicle, Whitby, Ont. Campaign Headquarters in the Main Office of The Daily Times, Oshaws, Ont. Phone Number 35. Special - Bowmanville 887. Open Evenings for Convenience of i Offices aloo t The Gasette and tin Ta Stn fee a This Is How Extra Prizes Will Be Awarded Every candidate in The Daily Times and Gazette and Chronicle's great subscription contest started even last Tuesday night on the $100 in extra cash prizes offered to contestants for the best work done thls week and next week in securing new and renewal subscriptions. The hundred dollars which will be awarded at the close of the special offers. Nov. 24th, is divided into twelve special prizes. One for $25.00; one for $15,00; two of $10,00 each and eight for $5.00. each. THIS WEEK IS OPPORTUNITY WEEK FOR CANDIDATES JUST STARTING AS WELL AS CANDIDATES WHO APPEAR LCW IN THE BIG LIST OF WORKERS. Win one of the best extras this week and show your friends that you mean business and out to win Capital Prize Honors when the big race comes to a close Dec. 20th. 75,000 Extra Votes FOR EACH $10.00 CLUB OF SUBSCRIPTIONS TURNED IN BY NEXT Monday Night, Nov. 17 Don't Forget The Date Next Monday Night November 17th ESSEX SIX STANDARD SEDA--FREE See this car at Ross, Ames and Gartshore, Oshawa. Offerd as choice for First Grand Prize Tudor Sed.n FORD TUDOR, PLUS $150 CASH---FREE Offered as choice for First Grand Prize See it at Cox Motor Sales, Oshawa id 3. The, Dy Times Office la Bowmanville. Phone Whitby 79;