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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Nov 1930, p. 10

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PAGE 1'EN THE "OSHAWA DAILY | IMES, Ea stern FINDS OLD LETTER Napanee. -- While rummaging through a bureau drawer John Hua- son came across an old letter, the date being June 20th, 1788. The letter is addressed to ome Paul Huff and is signed by the Captain General and Governor-in-Chief ot the colonies: Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and their depen- dencies, : The name of the official on the manuscript is Lord Guy Dorchester and the contents of the letter de- signates Mr. Huff a lieutenant of the battalion of militia at Adolphus- town, Marysburg and Sophiasburg. GOLDEN WEDDING Kingston.--Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward W. Earl, Lansdowne, quietly celebrated their fiftieth wedding an- niversary. WIN SCHOLARSHIPS Cornwall. -- Two students at Cornwall Collegiate Institute have been named as winners of the Car- ter Scholarships, according to an announcement made by the Depart- ment of Education, Miss Barbara E. Brown, of Cornwall, wins first award, $100. while Joseph Battista also of C.C.I., wins the second a- ward of $60. Miss Lois Beach, of Iroquois High School, has been a- warded the third scholarship, valu- ed at $40. MAY PASTEURIZE MILK Belleville.--It is possible that the City Council, before vacating their | chairs at the end of the year, will pass a by-law prohibiting the sell- ing of any milk in the city unless the same has been pasteurized or certified before being offered. VILLAGE THREATENED Pembroke, -- Chichester village was threatened by fire when a horse stable owned by Stephen McDonald, was totally destroyed. The fire is believed to have been started by some youngsters while at play with matches. BIG LIQUOR SEIZURE Brockville--A detachment of Brockville's police overtook a truck driven by Isaac Zander, 255 Cum- berland Street, Ottawa, way No. 2, five miles west of here and arrested him after they had discovered 55 bags of Quebec beer. aggregating 1.320 quart bottles, in his charge. The shipment was en route to the western part of the | Ontario News on High- | province and passed through here under cover of a heavy fog, the sus- picion of two officers being aroused. PROTEST TIME CUT Lindsay.--Thirty cents an hour, eight hours a day, to be cut down by the Lindsay board of works to three days a week, does not meet with the approval of the 200 men grading streets, installing drains and doing other similar work. The men claim it is hard enough to make ends meet mow, without the cutting down of their hours. A NOVEMBER DROUGHT Lindsay.--A prolonged spell of fall weather conditions with a lack qf snow and rain, has caused con- giderable hardship and inconveni- ence to farmers in this district. Hundreds of farm wells are dry, and in some cases the stock is be- ginning to suffer. Many farmers have to drive their stock to distant watering places, while many others are hauling water. Ranch owners in the north also state that their cattle are suffering through the lack of water, PLAN CANADIAN PLANT Kingston.--Len Whinyates, gen- eral manager of the Dye and Chem- ical Company of Canada Limited, has just returned to Kingston after a trip to Europe to inspect the Eng- lish, Swiss and German factories engaged in the manufacture of pro- SAILURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1930 The Musical Cruisaders at Work the letters being received; countless thousands of Canadians J el and dwellers in the United States the Musical Cruisaders of the Canadian Pacific Steamship their descriptive program based on the Empress of Australia's round-the- world cruise. The above illustration shows the Cruisaders at work under the leadership of Alfred Heather. They are in the newly fitted out radio tune in every Sunday afternoon to hear Company in studios CPRY at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. These studios are among the finest in North America' being equipped with the very latest devices developed for perfect broadcasting, There are two of these studios in the Royal York and from them, week by, week, programs are broadcast throughout the length and breadth of Canada over the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's telegraph wires and chain of broadcasting station™ dorite, which is soon to be manu- factured in Kingston. LADIES' CURLING OFFICERS Kingston.--At the annual meet- ing of the Kingston Ladies' Curling | Club, Mrs. R. N. F. McFarlane was again the unanimous choice for president. The officers for president--Mrs. R, N. ¥. McFar- lane; vice-president, Mrs. H., PF. Mooers; secretary, Mrs. 8. E. Re- velle; treasurer, Miss F. O'Donnell; ice Mistress, Miss M. Betts; house convener, Mrs, E. Green; assistant, Mrs. W. C. Baker: committee, Miss Van Alstyne, Miss H. Cartwright. (Co 1930-31 are: Ce nen ident stat city's i new with th FISH NETS STOLEN Deseronto.--Nearly $2560 worth of fishing nets were taken from the r vany for boat house of Harvey Keech. pany ie Coulter Limited, Best Bread Flour Five Roses, Purity, Quaker. Best Pastry Flour XXX, Eclipse, Marvel. Best Cereals Rolled Oats, Wheat Granules, Rolled Wheat, Corn- meal, Bran, etc. Cooper Smith Co. OSHAWA 16 Celina Street It has ne ( the guida successful Company Simcoe Street Skinner Company WORK STARTS SOON ON NEW FACTORY ntinued from page 1) In making the announcement, Pres- nant made the tollowing | B1 hamber of Commerce, under ance and inspiration of. the dustrial commissioner, hus been negotiating for some time for | industries, | has now in closing arrangement Coulter Manufacturing for a plant on the site on South next The Cou ms a substantial part Copper and Brass of Toronto, a firm which has and ec been established there for fifty years. | now ni outgrown puanosma ElSoonSom SRCSRELR =2R82CE h-2-5- Phone 8 9.50 a. 9.08 p. COAL Pp. v. JEDDO PREMIUM THE BEST PRODUCED m7.00 12.08 a. 8.15 a.m. Daily, vm, Daily. .m. Daily. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September 25th 1930 (Standard Time) Ea 0! . Daily, except Sunday. Daily. . Daily, except Sunday. . Daily. . Daily, except Sunday. . Daily, except Saturday. Daily . Daly Westbound , Daily, except Swnday. , except Sunday. Ba; > CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 25th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eas m. Daily, . Daily, m. Daily, except m. Daily. . Daily, Westbound . Daily. m, Daily. Sunday. except Sunda aw SRAY COACH LINES Effective tember (Standard Leave Oshawa AM 28th, 1930 Time) Leave Toronto P.M. AM, P.M, 12.30 1 1.30 2.30 3.30 4.30 5.30 6.30 a7.%0 8.30 29.30 10.30 b!1.00 29.30 10.30 11.30 m- Except Sunday. i a--Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays only. b--Sundays ouly. been | ompany, | ps building for its f the expansion Albert Coult- er onc of the brothers in the busm- W. Toronto, | business on account which it has undergone ness, is coming to Oshawa, and Coulter will remain in They dre bringing to Oshawa a sul stantial part ot the old business, and assured that Mr. Albert Coul > organizing and manufact- genius of the company. We conservative estimate, which will be up diate payroll of mcrease four times satisfied as to th s concern, and feel in being l | and needs a larger | | | { we are (tery: 1 | uring { know, | that the plant {will have an i 100 men, and will three, or perhaps number. We are genuineness of t | that to locate as a set we & does manu- nurdware and | VP : gs, but in addi it does a large volume of general hardware manutacturi half of the business beng autu- { mobile trade, and the balance of a | general character, | months period, it produced | $250,000 or automobii in conditions, and mn a normal or three times 1 only for over materials, spite ot eyear, a business of tw that volume could be expected, from |! | the automobile trade. | Will Assist Firm | "We | tion tu | program have undertaken an obliga- assist ths company, involves the | Usnawa Industrial Foundation, Linmn- | ed, or Pu capital stuck ww | nuance th erect a building with 21000 square fect of Hoor space and to hnance th the company by sale the AA of its site, 1 | , | changing ot mu- IToml £9 to $10,000 lm tive | ors of | €ycle | | ot thas | stalments ower, ad an 1s to be reps mn- will be Osh- r cent, a ing with th lation, capital stock of the even pe d 1 he calis tor its rental for rental of ten per cent , with the option ol bisis of one t cust on a ¢riod of Oshawa Industrial Founda mitted," said Mr. Conant, * 1 1929 to take care of just situations as this. A city so far m assist years. | orga such | only go tries position in that respect. So we corporated the Oshawa Industrial Foundation, Limited, with wide pow- building, loan money, and operate as cating here, to scll $100,000 of its capital stock. We are now setting up machinery to sell this stock." - | dustries to two, | that | tamping and | ule | In its last twelve | the | i | uf $2,000 cacn, with mter- agreements regarding | and the balance spread can | g new indus- It cannot bonus them, and the Chamber of Commerce 1s in the same | n= | ers, and through it we can put up a | | rs : Without obligating you in any way a Clarion dealer will be pleased to demonstrate this remarkable instrument. we sec fit to assist an industry in lo- | It is a stock company | with a limited liability, and we hope | B. J. McCormic} Chamber of Cot issioner fc ead me to believe that there is just much money in Canad r as 12 months ago. If not, ing the negotiat 1 ulter | where has it gone? If we can get Company, e! le to take the lid of their money ant had , and get it in circulation, we buildings. If w uildings, he re- | » found the key to the situ- | sarked, they could be filled with in- If we can establish confidence within a week jut while it ' money into circulation, we hand have 1 |v bring back to a more or less de- 3 + | gree, real prosperity and we will have solved our difficulties." Mr.Mason also spoke strongly on necessity of electing at the next pal election, a strong business cil for the city of Oshawa. "We 7 a very critical year," he the people of Oshawa can- rd to gamble on the council be clected for next year." of the | 1 ndustritl | n ou da today as Ce 11881 ¢ need o | was: a facto Oshawa factories w ing people. was fo ore Alderman Peter MacDonald also | congratulated the Chamber of Com the i suppo.t 1 | oposal Mason, in . made a poi » need « | : x ar as plans for the building are now of C. C. Stenhouse, and tenders will be l hands architect, culation | called for at once by the Oshawa In- dustrial Foundatien Limited, It is expected that work will start in a week or ten days, as it is the desire of the company to speed construction as much as possible. The contractors wiil be asked to have the building completed by January 1 if at all pos- sible. The specifications will demand that local labor and local materials be us- ed in building the factory. The plant will be 150 feet by 160 feet in size, of modern brick factory-type con- struction, with lantern type roof. The site being secured by the company is 2%; acres in extent, ENFIELD LADIES HOLD BANQUET IN HUSBANDS' HONOR | Members of Ladies' Aid Stage Enjoyable Event | Enfield, Nov. 12.--The Ladies' Aid | entertained their husbands to a banquet at the home of Mr. Arthur | Ormiston last week. Forty people | | sat down to well laden tables which | gave good evidence of the skill in the culinary art. The even- ing was very pleasantly spent. The first item was a mock ding, which caused much laughter. | Rev. Whyte entertained with | guitar and the remainder {evening was spent in playing pea- Mrs. F. Gilbert won the nut euchre. the consolation prize. Messrs. Godfrey Bowman Wallace Roscoe have purchased large garage and taken over Ford agency in Brussels. them every success in their new en- terprize, in this community as they took an active part in church affairs. Rev. Wm. Stirling of Orono will Thank Offering This is to be our Service. Miss A. Page, Boston, and Mrs. C. Branton, Oshawa, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Page. Mr. and Mrs. E, W. Pascoe. Brook- lin, visited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's home. Miss Helen Pascoe, Wick, is spend- | ing a few days at her home on ac- ladies' | wed- | his | of the | Ladies' prize and Miss Ventriss won | | and a | the | We wish | They will be greatly missed | preach here next Sunday afternoon. | Couldn"tWorkOn Account of Pains "I used to have such pains in my back," writes Mrs. M. Thompson, Warden Junction, Stettler, Alta. *I could hardly do any work. The worst was when I did my washing and had to bend over the tub. I had no ambition for anything. I tried three boxes of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills and I found them won- derful. I am doing all my own' work now." : To be assured of good health the kid- poi oll pe Tp Bm WR strengthen weak Kidneys. " 230 Dodd's Kidney Pills POTATOES Ontario or. New Brunswick 90 1b. Bag, $1.00 Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. PHONE 203. ROUP Common, Contagious, Fatal Poultry Disease. Symptoms: --Evil smelling discharge at mouth and n ils, swollen head. closed eye, bad breath, hard breath- ing, canker spots, Treatment: --Use Pratts according to directions Boup Teblets rats, ROUP TABLETS SAVE THE FLOCK Sold by all Dealers Write dor Fratis Useful Poultry Pratt Food Co. of Canada, Led. 328 Carlaw Ave., Toronto For Sale By Cooper- Smith Co. Ltd. & Feed Phone 8 Flour | 14 Celina St. | il I | | = § AINE | | | | your choice. UNSURPASSED PERFOR | mm mn Unequalled in Value Limited, LARION offers you and all Canada a standard in radio performance to be expected only in receiving sets selling at much higher prices yi -- a radio set surpassing in workmanship, dependability and inbuilt : quality anything offered at or near its price. Before you consider any other radio,--regardless of the price you are prepared to pay,--see and hear Clarion. Check it for Beauty, Tone, Sensitivity, Selectivity and substantial construction with any or all other makes. If you are seeking value, there will be no question as to 'A Few Clarion Features:-- IN MANCE ! J ra Model AC-53 SOLVAY COKE - FUEL OIL Hard Slabs. - Soft Stabs. -. Cord Wood Cut To Stove Length -- No. 1 and Dry, DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 '*: Dire Lines Model AC-51-Ungsually ailractive cab- inet of swirl walnut and satinwood, 40 inches bigh. Full sized--yet mot too large for smaller rooms. Standard chassis, electro- dynemic speaker. De luxe cabinet 44 inches high. Standerd chassis, electro - dynamic speaker. $192.00 less tubes. WHITBY. OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES (Effective on and after October 6th, 1930) (Standard Time) West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 6.20am. 7.05am, 7.20%.m. 7.20 a.m. 8.05am, 8 Tubes (3 Screen Grid), Fully Shielded, Power Detector, Push-Pull Amplifica- tion, 12 inch Electro-Dynamic Speaker, Automatic Line Voltage Control, Power 40% above Standard, Local- Distance » 00 t Switch, Phonograph Jack. : less tubes. | "That is the reason we are here | tonight, We believe the city council What Clarion Gives You: -- p is just as interested-as, we are in in- : : | | | "It is proposed to appeal for a stock subscription of $100,000, We not only have to finance the Coulter proposition, and erect' that factory, but we have to construct a plant ror and develop another industry. We had hoped to have this second pro- | ject ready to make an announcement of it tonight, but we are not ready. We have one or two other industries whizh would fit very readily into the picture if we had $100,000 available, Arrive Hospital 1240 p.m, 4.00 p.m. 6.45 p.m, Model AC-55 Clerion Radio= Phonograph Com- bination. Complete with electric pick wp and electric- driven turn-table. $292.00 less tubes. Arrive Bowmanville 7.20 a.m. 8.20 a.m, Hospital dustrial development of the city, and Richer Tone, Unusual Beauty of Cabinet, they arc the body to which this in- Greater Selectivity, Greater Sensitivity, formation should first be given," . : ; ; Council Will nl Sturdier Construction, Permanent Satisfaction. Mayor Mitchell, speaking after Mi. Conant, expressed thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for the suc- cess of it sefforts. "So far as the council "is concerned," he said, "If the Chamber of Commerce has a pro- posal to make regarding and for the building, I would ray it would be no trouble to put it through the coun- cil. The city council is as anxious as the Chamber of Commerce to have factories built, and if it is pro< posed to put up a building worth $65,- 000, the council will not be afraid to give you the land to put it on. I am confident that the Coulter Company will be an asset to the city." Mr. Conant remarked that the lack of industrial premises in the city had been a great hanidacp to the Cham- ber of Commerce in its effort to se- cure new industries. In erecting buildings, therefore, it was proposed to make them of standard factory type con.tryction, so that they would be suitable for almost any class of enterprise, . If buildings of that kind were availuble, he said, he was confi- dent they could Le filled in a very short time. | { Clarion 10.00 a.m. T 11.30 a.m. 12.35 p.m. 2.30 p.m. A 9.25 a.m, . 11,00 a.m, Iv. 10.05 p.m. 1.40 p.m, 3.00 Pa. @ v 4.40 p.m, 5.40 p.m, 7.30 p.m, 8.10 9. 1.25 p.m, 10 p.m. 5.05 p.m, 6.05 p.m, 7.45 p.m, 8.30 p.m. 10.10 p.m. 4.25 p.m. BARGAINS IN "Guaranteed Used Cars" 11929 ESSEX COACH, in first class $745.00 CONCIUON occ. oovcsineininimirnnsisienssssssscsureens 2 1920 PONTIAC COACH, msn 3095 00 Ina pSseX mpaN, smpeey . $5905.00 $275.00 $395.00 EE ERD RN rr 3100.00 Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co.,Ltd. Phone 1160 135 King Street West Phone 116 715 p.m, p.m. 50 p.m. 10.45 p.m. 11.30 p.m, 11.45p.m, 12.15 p.m. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 9.00a.m, 930am, 9.45am. 11.00a,m, 11.30 a.m. 10.45am. 20pm. 2.30pm, 245pm, 4.0 p.m. 4.30pm. 4.45pm. *6.00 pm, 6,30p.m. 6.45pm, 7.30 p.m. 10.00 p.m. Leave Whitby 10.00 a.m, 12.00 p.m. 2.45p.m, 4.45 p.m, 6.45 p.m. Licensed by Canadian Radio Patents Limited ELECTRIC SETS Wholesale Distributors BATTERY SETS SPOTTON ENGINEERING COMPANY, GUELPH, ONTARIO Manufactured by STEINITE RADIO OF CANADA, LIMITED, Windsor, 8.00 p.m, 10.30 p.m. Going East Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10.15 a.m. 10.45 a.m 12,15 p.m, 12.45 p.m, 3.00 pom, 3.30 p.m, 5.00 p.m, 530 pm, 7.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m. £15p.m, 830pm. 9.00pm, 1045 p.m, 11,00 p.m. 11.30 p.m. Times marked * connect at Whitby with Lindsay Busses. Special Busses for all occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street Phone 28 8.15 p.m, 10.45 p.m. Ontario, Canadea 1--1928 CHEVROLET SEDAN, BOF cree ivciiine unr: nsconsivesninsraassssstsrinssshivustosen For Sale in Oshawa by The Bowra Electric Shop 70 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 1075

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