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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1930, p. 10

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MAYOR RE-ELECTED Ottawa.--J. J. Allen, member of the present board of control, will be Ottawa's Mayor for 1931. He was given an acclamation for office when nomination proceedings were held for the civic elections of December 1. . VETERAN CLERK RESIGNS Deseronto.--The clerk, Henry R. 'Bedford, after 21 years of faithful service asked to be re- leved of office at the close of the year, and Miss Mary Mahel has been appointed clerk in his stead. GIVEN 50-YEAR JEWEL Napanee.--An event unique in Odd Fellowship in Napanee, was held in the rooms of Napanee Lodge No. 86, when H. Boyle was presented by the officers and mem- bers of the lodge with a 50-year jewel. Mr. Boyle joined the fra- ternity of Odd Fellowship in the year 1879. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Picton.--Alvin Holmes, eight- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes. Woodville, was accidentally shot in the ankle by Norman Vanhorn, thirteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Van- horn, of the same place. The two boys were going aftér the cows and in some way the rifle, carried by Vanhorn caught in shrubbery and discharged. MINISTER PASSES Ottawa.--Rev. George R. Mac- Faul, pastor of the French Baptist Church, died here suddenly. MEMORIAL FOR CHURCH Lyn. -- There has recently come to the church of St. John, the Baptist, Lyn, a handsome memorial in a pair of brass five-lamp light standards for the sanctuary in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pergau and of Lewis, James, George and Ellen Pergau, the gift of the Misses Laura and Mamie Pergau. SILK SHIPMENT VALUABLE Prescott.--A shipment of raw silk from the Orient valued at $1,- 000.000 was ferried across the St. Lawrence River from Prescott this week en route to New York. WIN FERGUSON CUP Prescott.--At the fourth annual district degree competition of the Orange Order of Grenville Coun- ty, held in Cardinal, L.O.L. No. 403 of Heckston, won the Fergu- snn Cup with 74 points over Car- dinal L.O.L. No. 162 with 72 points. Eastern Ontario GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Prescott.--Mr. and Mrs. Isaac S. Johnston celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage at their hope in Prescott this week. FARMER LOSES BARN Lindsay.--The barn and con- tents owned by Frank Broad, at Zion, Mariposa, was a total loss through fire. The insurance was very light. The cause of the fire is unknown. BAGS LARGE MOOSE Peterboro.--Pecrcy Hunt, of Lakehurst is credited with the largest bull moose shot down in the district this season. The spread of the antlers was four feet, and when it was hung up in a tree it measured fourteen feet from its heels to' its nose. Mr. Hunt is said to have bagged the big fellow about 25 miles north of his home. TO ERECT STANDPIPE Lindsay,--The Horton Steel Works at Bridgeburg, Ont., has been given the contract by the lo- cal Board of Water Commissioners for the erection of a stand pipe in the western part of the town. This standpipe, will have a ca- pacity of 290.000 gallons of water. BELIEVE GOLD FOUND Cornwall.--Samples of quartz from the newly discovered vein along the Payne River bank, Finch, werc sent to the Ontario Depart- ment of Mines at Toronto, for fur- ther assay purposes, First testing revealed traces of gold and silver. MAGISTRATE DIES Cornwall. -- George A. Watson, Police Magistrate of Glengarry County for the past three years, diced at his residence at Willlams- town. He was 55 years of age. GOLDEN WEDDING Picton.--A very pleasant affair took place at Cherry Valley, when Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Goodwin en- tertained in honor of the 50th an- niversary of their marriage. Mrs. Jane Jewell, aged 104, of Emsworth, Hants, England, recent- ly paid a visit to Miss Bannister, aged 103, at Havant, making the two-mile trip by automobile. The mayor of Camberwell, Eng- land, wearing a silk hat and morn- ing coat, recently won a race round a cycle track with E. T. Campbell, a member of Parliament. Potatoes Single Bags 2. Bag Lots ........c...orcisnississsiiusionss GRADE NO. 1 wns nsnssansssscnnesss. $1.00 per 90 Ib, Bag 95¢ per 90 1b. Bag 90c per 90 lb. Bag Free Delivery Hogg & Lytle Limited PHONE 203 Condition .. 1--1929 ESSEX COACH 1--1928 ESSEX COACH, PHONE 1100 Used Car Specials 1--1928 CHEV. SEDAN in Perfect Running Order ............... 1--1929 ESSEX COUPE Like New ...... FE mE es 1--1928 PONTIAC COACH in New Cur $000 ()) Can't tell from new ..... 1--1925 FORD TUDOR, Ballcon Tires in Perfect order ............couu....... Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co.,Ltd. 135 KING STREET W., OSHAWA HUDSON--ESSEX $375.00 $695.00 $685.00 $465.00 $95.00 PHONE 1160 COAL SOLVAY COKE EDDO PREMIUM THE BEST PRODUCED Hard Slabs .- SoftSlabs - Cord Wood Cut To Stove Length -- No. 1 and Dry DIXON COAL CO. ' Telephone 26 - FUEL OIL Five Direct Lines PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re- tail, in effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. Produce-- Eggs, extras, per doz. 0.65 0.70 Do.. firsts, per doz. 0.50 0.565 Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 0.32 Do., Creamery, per ois pound . . Fruits and Veg®ables-- Carrots, 6 bunches .. ... Beets, doz, bunches .. ... Onions, dry, 11 qt. basket «.......... Cabbage Cauliflower ..e...... 0.10 Spinach, peck ....... .. Mushrooms, per pound ... Leaf Lettuce, three for ... Head Lettuce. two for ... Parsley, per bunch .. 0.05 Onions, bunch, three for ... Cress, three for ..... ... Celery, head .... Oranges, per doz. .... 0.3 Honeydew Melons, each 0.25 Grapefruit, 3 for Potatoes, bag ....... . Cucumbers, six for .. ... Lemons, per doz. ... ... Bananas, per dozen. .. 0.25 Apples, bus. Do., Snows, 6 qt. . Oranges, doz, Can. Green Peas, 6 qt. basket Eggplant, each Green peppers, basket Pears, basket Cranberries, qt. .... Sweet potatoes. 6 1b Pumpkins, each Squash, each Parsnips, baskat .. Beets, basket .. Peppers, cach .. Herbs, bunch .... Radishes, bunch .. ee 1 = oo PONS OONOSOPD P0029 0 SS "1 1 00 BO BO BO BS ih =) bb ed bd pd BS bk od ie 03 et OF COMO TNNNNOUIOOOTOODUDS OHO RTILISON ~~ NONODITIUINNMN I © Gt CHICAGO PRODUCE URES Chicago, Nov. 19--Quiek trading prevailed again today on spot egg market with quotations unchanged except in case of refrigerators (April and May), which were fractionally higher. Ordinary grades of storage eggs, also in bet- ter demand. Improved quality light deliveries and better storage movement were factors behind ad- vance of Novembers and Decem- bers. Lower prices for higher scoring butter were on- ly changes in to-days's spot butter market. At now levels undertone steady with many operators feel ing no further decline will follow to-morrow. Future volume un seasonably light today, price: shade higher and market feature less. extras, 34§c; no tono. Eggs, fres! firsts, 34 to 38c¢; tone abou steady. Chicago Spot Market -- Butter extras, 34c; standards, 31c¢; ton: barely steady. Eggs, fresh first: 35 to 36¢c; tone steady to firm. Closing prices were--Nov. eggs 20%c; Dec. eggs, 20%¢c; Nov. but ter. 303%e; Dec. butter, 30%c Jan. butter, 30%ec. GRAIN AT TORONTO Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol- lowing quotations for car lots: Manitoba Wheat--No. 1 hard, 66%c; No. 1 Northerr, 65 1-2¢; No. 2, do., 63¢; No. 3, do., 60%c; (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports). Millfeed delibered Montreal Manitoba oats--No 1 feed, 28c¢; No. 2, 26ec. Argentine corn--74c¢ (c.i.ff, Port Colborne). freighte, bags included -- Bran, per ton, -21.25; shorts, per ton, $22.25; middlings, $29.25. barley, 32c; oats, 28¢c; rye, 45c; buckwheat, 50c. TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded. cases return- ed, fresh extras, 56c; fresh firsts, 47 to 48c; pullet extras, 40 to 42¢c. 29%ec. Churning crcam-----special, 33¢; No. 1, 32¢; No. 2, 29c. Cheese--No. 1 large, colored paraffined and government graded, 14% to 15ec. Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows: Poultry-- Alive Select M.F. Fatted hens, over 5 1bs., each .... 1y 22 23 Over 4 to 5 Ibs. cach ] 20 Over 33 to 4 lbs. each 13 Under 33 lbs. ea. 11 Spring chickens, over 5 lbs, ... 18 Over 43 to 5 Ibs. each ,. 13 Ibs. ea. 11 Broilers, 1% to 2% 1bs. each .... 17 Ducklings (white), over 5 lbs. ea. 16 Over 4 to 5 lbs. each ......,. 12 Colored, 2¢ 1b. less. Guinea fow!, pair 1.60 Geeso and turkeys, market prices. Selling Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to retail dealers at the fol- lowing prices: Eggs--Frosh extras, in cartons, 62¢; fresh extras, loose, 60c: firsts, 52c¢; seconds, 38 to 40c; pullet extras, 45c. Butter--No. 1 creamery prints, 334 to 34c; No. 2 creamery, prints, 32%c to 83c. Cheesc--New, large, 17¢; twins; 174c: triplets, 17jc; stlitons, 20c, Old, large, 27 to 28¢; twins, 28 to 29¢c: old stiltons, 28ec, Poultry Chickens, 5 hs up Do., 4 to 5 1hs, . Do., 24 to 4 Ibs. .. Do.. 3 to 34% lbs. Hens, over § lbs, New York Spot Market--Butte* Ontario grain -- Wheat, 68c;, seconds, 32 to 36c; | Buter--No. 1 Ontario creamery | solids, 30 to 20% ec; No. 2, 29 to | "THE BABY" He rules your home and your hearts like a royal monarch. A real blessing and joy to all: radiating sunshine and happiness un- to those who approach him. There he lies cooing in his crib, helpless but hap- py. His Mother knows how to keep Baby happy. She keeps him well powdered with TINY TOT BABY POWDER His skin is always dry and soft, free from scald- ing and irritation. Tiny Tot Baby Powder is made especially for this purpose; a product of the chemist's art, delicately perfumed put in a real handy can. ' 25¢ a tin You "Save With Safety" at The Rexall Drug Stores Jury & Lovell Ltd. King St, E. Phone 28 Simcoe St. S. Phone 68 Broilers Ducks. . Turkeys .... Geese ...v004 cesses sas 4 .32-.36 .21-.23 sess sssr anne GRAIN AT TORONTO Grain dealers at Toronto are quoting the following prices for grain in carlots: Manitoba Wheat--No 1 hard, 6838¢c; No. 1 Northern, 68%ec; No. 2 Northern, 66¢c; No. 3 North- ern, 63%. Price on tracks lc higher than above, Manitoba Oats-- No, 1 feed. 23%%c; No. 2 feed, 2635¢ per bush- el (c i.f. Goderich and Bay ports). | Argentina Corn--76¢c (c.i.f. Port | | Colborne), Millfeed (delivered freights, bags included); Bran, per | 'oz, $20.25; shorts, per ton, | $31.35; miCulings, per ton, $29.25 middlings, "er ton, $29.25%%00,) | TIME TABLE | «witandard Time) thound » by. except Sunday. i except Sunday . except Sunday. , except Saturday. BERR RS except Sunday. except Sunday Anon 534-344] oSpsees 8222838 , n. 7.04 p.m, 8.02 p.m. ady, except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 25th, 1939 (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.90 a.m. Daily. JW p.m. Daly. 9.08 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 12.08 a.m, Daily LOS a.m. Daily, y, ily, except Sunday, p.m, Daily, v.m. Daily, GRAY COACH LINES Effective September 25th, 1930 (Standard Time) Leave Oshawa Leave Toronto AM, P.M. M. BM, m7.00 12.30 3 12.30 m7.30 E. 50 1.3 £30 2.30 3 2.3 9.30 0 10.30 w a » E5%mtioma Bru sses m-Except Sunday. a--Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays only, b--Sundays ouly. WHITBY. OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES (Effective on and after October 6th, 1930) (Standard Time) Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 6.20am. 7.05a.um, * 7.20 a.m. 7. 8.20 a.m, Arrive Hospital 7.20 a.m, B8.05am, *8.20 a.m. 8.50a.m, ©.05a.n, 10.00 a.m, . 10.45 a.m, 11.35 a.m. 1 m. m, 12.40 p.m, *1.45 p.m, 3.00 p.m. 3 4.40pm. 5. .m. 5300p. *5.40 p.m, 6.30 p.ni 7.00 p.m, 8.00 p.m, 9.00 p.m. 9.45 p.m. 10.45 p.m, Leave Hospital 4.00 p.m, le 6.43 p.m, Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 6.50 a.m, 7.20 a.m. 7.50 a.m, B8.20a.m, 9.00 a.m, , 9.25 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 10.45 am. 11.00 am, 11.30 a.m. lv, 12.05 p.m. 12.35 p.m, 1.40 pan, 2.00 pan. 3.00 p.m. ar, 3.15 p.m, lv. 4.10 p.m. 5.05 p.m, 6.05 p.m, 7.45 p.m, 8.30 p.m, wm, 10.10 p.m, kp 11.45 p.m, 12,15 p.m, SUNDAY AN HOLIDAY SCHEDULE est Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 9.00 a.m. 9.30am. 945am. 1L.00a.m, 11.30 a.m. 11.45a.m, 2.00pm, 2.30pm, 2.45pm, *6.00 P 3 7.30 pam, 10.00 p.m. Leave Whitby 10.00 a.m. 12.00 pn, 2.45 p.m, 4.45 p.m, 1.25 p.m. 4.25 p.m, 7.15 p.m, 10.30 p.m, Going Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10.15 a.m. 10.45 ani, 1215 p,m, 12.45 p.m, 3pm, 3.30 pm. 5.00 p.m, 6.45 p.m, 7.00 pm, 815 p.m. 8.30 p.m, 10.45 p.m, 11,00 p.m, 11.30 p.m, Times marked * connect at Whitby with Lindsay Busses. Special Busses for dll occasions easonable Rat Montreal, |} Oshawa Waiting Reap 10 Prince Street R and Careful Driver, T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 348 one | CRET OF RET YORKE Stanley sought Margaret. and little Jim in the swim- : ming pool. The path, . wound under trees and be-| tween flower-beds, all deli-. cious and dewy still in the. exquisite coolness . . . The, morning was intoxicating, the water clear, the tree: . shadows mellow, and the! sunshine already warming and heartening . . . Stan plunged after Margaret, they swam about the pool . with glorious swift flings| of their arms... Presently) both were panting beside in the shallows, breathless, cxhilarated , , , be Jim Mystery hung around this lovely girl, clouding her happiness; a secret that she was triply sworn never to reveal. Love came to her, and thawed the springs of feeling frozen by the dreadful experiences of her past... But the scheming of a selfish, unscrupulous woman threatened to wreck the romance . . . Don't fail to read this moving story by one of America's most famous novelists. KATHLEEN NORRIS Author of BARBERRY BUSH... BLACK FLEMINGS... STORM HOUSE... MY BEST GIRL... CHRISTINE OF THE HUNGRY HEART... RED SILENCE... PASSION FLOWER and many other stories of great Popularity THE SECRET OF MARGARET YORKEI| is a charming love-story. It is laid in a delight-| ful setting. The plot is ingenious and different, full of suspense and surprises. What was Mar-. garet Yorke's secret? Who was the little boy! Jim? Why did all Shirley Theobald's contriv. ing to win the rich and handsome Stanley, Crittenden fail at last? Read | THE SECRET OF MARGARET YORKE begins Tuesday November 25th OSHAWA DAILY TIMES

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