PAGE EICHT Eastern SUMMER HOME BURNS Brockville,.-- Fire destroyed the summer residence on ap sland in Charlseton Lake of Mrs, M, A Johnson, Athens, together with two boathouses, a motor boat, canoe, skiff and other equipment, No insurance was carried, EIGHT SMALLPOX CASES |, Kingston.--Dr, 8 J. Keyes, Medical Health Officer, stated that there are five cases of smallpox in the city, all developed within the past week, The Mediea] Health Officer also reports that three cases of smalipox have come un- der his attention, reported from Pittsburgh township, Ontario Bowm News = a _--, motorcycle driven by Jobm C Parks, of Latta, It was found that / | he bad been severely eut about the face and hands and that a bonc | in one arm had been broken. Block, King Street. Bowmanville ORONO MAN HURT BY BOY'S PRANK Mr. George Butters Knocked Unconscious by Chalk - FARMERS REORGANIZY Kingston.-- The - 'County { Frontenac United Farmers have | reorganized on a non-political basis, Vincent Redmond was re- elected county director, and James | Bell, of R.R, No, 2, Kingston, sec- | retary-treasurer, Ernest Day, of | Portland Township, Harvey Haw- | key, Kingston Township, Fred | Geldis, Pittsburgh Township, and Storrington anville Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received ot the Bowmanville Office of The Telephones--Office--5887; House--131. | James Shepherd, Township, was elected members of the executive, me / TARE FIRST PRIZE Brockville.--First prize in a clean yard contest held by the Eastern Ontario Retail Lumbe; GOLDEN WEDDING Dealers' Association' has been! Campbellford.--Mr, apd Mry, awarded the Brockville Lumber | James Farrell, lifelong residents of Corporation, which scored 909 [the town, celebrated their golden points out of a possible 1,000 The | wedding anniversary here and contest embraced all lumber con- | their many frjends gathered at cerns in Ontario east of Napanee. | their home for the reception join- 'ed in good wishes, Mr, Farrell is 75 years old, and his wife 72, Both are enjoying excellent health, Thes have seven children, all of them living, four sons and three dough tors, PEDESTRIAN INJURED Belleville.--Fred E. Panter, 10 Murney Street, was struck and knocked down on Front Street rear Woodley's fur store by a Anticipation Again let us point out that now is the time to prepare for Winter. Don't wait until the cold weather is here to insulate your house---do it now so as to effect full savings throughout the Season. TEN/TEST -- the one insulator pre-eminently fitted for this work --a purely Canadian product Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820 i School one day last week. Orono, Nov, 26.--A most re- erettable and unfortunate accident occurred to Mr. George Butters while unloading coal at the Public A piece of chalk stub and an air gun or catapult hit Mr, Butters with terrific force, on the left temple, rendering him unconscious. Luckily the horses did not take fright or the affair might have end- ed in a tragedy, An investization by the trustees follows and an example will be made of the pupil who perpetrated | this outrage. | 'for the premiership is expected KEEN COMPETITION | IN ELECTION OF BOYS' PARLIAMENT Two Candidates Are Work- ing Hard to Cover Terri. tory Before Election There is goinz to be a real elec jon this year, Two candidates are the field both aspiring to repre- the Tenth and at scene of a d both boye ver all the the riding is vgn fight an ard to ec campaign has sveral centres Leard with in- Enniskillen, een the al vorking hard spoken to audiences in Enniskillen, Orono, nd Courtice, John | received and has n. the elec- Bow- 20th spole poke in Noy t as they cache [raining Church and then first t the School in Trinit How a warm room and "B.O." cost her another admirer "So now I've adopted this simple I wash and bathe with | fry N1GHT when they skated together in the park, she had seemed so attractive. But here in the close, warm room her charm completely vanished. She felt his coolness. The same old story. Why did she always attract men ~hut never hold them? It had hap- pened so often. But not now! Today she makes friends and keeps them. For she discovered her fault and the simple way to correct it. Let her tell you how. Ld . . could have cried when my uncle, who is a physician, warned me in an indirect way about 'B.0.'--body odour. Yor I thought I had been so careful. "But, as he explained, our pores are constantly giving off odour-causing waste--as much as a quart daily. We're so used to this familiar odour that we don't notice it in ourselves, But others do--especially in an overheated room with windows closed, And it always offends. ution. 5 we buoy purifies. won't forget. A REMINDER To write for the trial cake of Lifebuoy soap «sent Free, Cut this out s0 you won't forget. Address Lxves Baotusas Liman Derr. 10, Tononvo, Onr. HEALTH ifebuoy--and I love it! makes me feel so gloriously fresh and clean--so safe. For its rich, creamy antiseptic lather purifies ishes every trace of 'B.0."" New complexion beauty Lifebuoy is a marvellous complexion soap. Its gentle, searching lather clears away all impurities from the pores. Dull skins freshen. Complexions fairly glow with clear, healthy, radiant beauty. Its pleasant, extra-clean scent -- that vanishes as you rinse-just tells you Life- Lifebuo (Body Odour) Lifebuoy pores--ban- i candidates lin my hands on or before that date in three Adopt Lifebuoy today. First Cake Free If you have never tried Lifebuoy, send your name and supply the first cake free for test, with our compliments. Only one cake to a family. Cut out the reminder so you address. We will Do it now. Y SOAP --stops body odour-- Times in the Cowan Herbert Mortlock meeting of the Swastika Tuxis League of St. Paul's and the Newcastle Tusis Square, Albert Wood was intro- duced by John Salmon and John Jury by Donald Williams, Both made excellent speeches at both meetings, showing an intimate knowledge of boys' work and prob- lems Local boys are much interested in the approaching election and session of the Tenth Boys' Parlia- ment. For several years boys have been going to the parliament from this constituency, Stuart James, Alex. McGregor, Gregory Colmer, Jim Hancock and Stanley Rickard have been representatives in other years. There are three candidates for the premiership this year, Ted Leonard of Lakefield and Queen's University, John Lauman of Water- loo and Don Buchanan of Toronto | and Varsity, A! have had ample experience both in parliament and n boys' work and a keen contest at a combined Election Day Saturday, Dec, 6th {is election day. All boys eligible to vote are urged to do so. Many of the hoys will use a ballot for the first time. The eampaigns of the candidates have been managed by boys and the platform work done by boys. The membhersg-elect will go to par liament as the representatives of boys and will survey ' problems, eeting in ile, and discus hoys A mass Church st, Paul Wednesday Dec, ne hear both speanr, Voters' sts will De elosed Nov 20th, Lists must be completed and To vote boys must he twelve or over and nnder twenty-one year of age and must be members of Tuxis Squares, Trail Ranger Camp= Registered Sunday School ('1asses. If yout have not had your nam placed on. the voters' list do so | now, | Polling hooths and hours of voting will be announced | waok ALEX MeGREGOR Returning Officer } | BOWLING | | The standing of the teams in the town howling league still eon | tinues close with the South Ward on top of the heap BP) dg 3 point victory over th H letes on Monday night the Service Press galloped back into Bens | place with a two point deficit sep- | arating them from firet place, | With other teams yet to play fit | looks as though the whole stand | ing will be thrown Into a shuffle | for n re-dea! With the exception of two teams | every entry has a good chanco of | hooking onto second position for the play-offs, Enthusiasm {s run- ning at a high peak and the teams are turning out In full force. Just a short time now until the Fall Serica winners nail thelr trophies to the mast and get in fighting trim for the play-offs, When the next schedule for the New Year is drawn up, reprosen- tatives of each team will meet to dec!de on individual bandicaps so that all players will be affordea ogual chances, Handicap figures will be arrived at from the aver- ages rolled up during the present series. 1 League standing: Name P 8. Ward ... 8. Press. Clerks .... Philip Kemp B, Foundry ... T. School .. Athletes ... Dick Brett is still King Pin In the battle for individual honors with cleven games over the 300 mark to his credit. W. Johnson and William Hearle are both trail. fog closely in a dead heat with ten games aplece. From now on theso three pace setters will be clearing Score Pts 14,7568 13,889 13.433 14,078 13,889 13,954 13,669 13,159 Keeps You Internally Fit! Stir a teaspoontul of Rexall Health Salts in a morning glass of water. Pleasant, refreshing, effervescing. ine for sick headaches, bil. lousness, indigestion, Keeps bowels regular and the sys tem fit. Makes the whole day bright and cheery. Rex. all Health Salts is sold only at Rexall Stores, Large tin GOc Save with Safety at YOUR REXALL STORK Jury & Lovell / Simcoe 8S. Phone 08 i the decks for heavy action and new season records are expected. Walter Hately, just into long pants, took a fall out of the best of them last week with a high of 319. netting him a cash prize of $2.00, After this rude shock the old reliables will have to clear the cob-webs out of their eyes and look to their laurels, There are a smart lot of young bowlers hov- ering this side of the 300 and they will be right up with the Big Lea- guers some of these days. Prizes for this weck are $2, $1 and b0ec respectively for first, sec- ond and third, A Special prizes are also offered, BOYS CONCLAVE ATNEWGASTLE NOVEMBER 29TH C. F. Plewman, Secretary of | Boys' Work Board Will | Be One of Speakers Newcastle, Nov. 25-4 conclave for | boys 15 to 18 years will be held in | Newcastle Community Hall, Satur- | day, Nov. 29th, commencing at 2.15 | pa. The committee in charge of the | conclave have drawn up an attractive | programme and have been fortunate | in securing able leaders for the day. C.F. Plewman, secretary of the | Boys' Work Board, Rev. Charles Daniels, Director of camps, Ed, De- vitt, who is. in charge of sports and thers will Le present, be presented to the best six man relay team. pared and there will be other fea- tures, Every boy who comes within the age limit is urged to go. Regis- tration fee is only fifty cents, Other Conferences Held Reports come to us from other centres of successful conferences and conclaves held this year. Midland was the scene of one of the largest three days conferences on record. One hundred and fifty boys were present and great enthusiasm has been aroused in Simcoe county as a result, Charlie Plewman was in charge, The Cornwall conference was also a success, The attendance went over the hundred mark, Gordon Lapp was in charge and he had a strong group of leaders with him to make the ey- ent onc to be remembered by the boys. PROSECUTOR ADMITS ACCEPTING BRIBES New York, Nov. 26 -- Admitting that in eight years he had received $20,000 in bribes, John C, Weston, who served as assistant district attorney, provided an unexpected sensation yesterday at the open- ing of public hearings In the ap- pellate division's investigation in- to magistrates' courts of Manhat- tan and the Bronx, The bribes came largely from lawyers. Canadian Kiwanis Clubs to be Active Chicago, Nov, 26 -- Kivanis clubs in the Ontario-Quebec Maritime Ki. wanis district during 1921 will con- A banquet is being pre-- dren, teach citizenship and the fun- I to permit either the Dominion body damentals of government, promote | or any local or provincial com- ethical business standards, develop! mand to conduct lotteries or town and country group meetings | sweepstakes. He had asked Col, ¥ for fellowship and the discussion of | I, Clarke, president of the Quebze urban and rural problems, and pro-| command of the Legion, also to vide vocational guidance and place- | jyestigate the matter, the Domine ment for high school students. An-|ion president said, ' nouncement of these objectives for In a telegram to Premier Tas~ next year was made by Isaac I'. Mc- | chereau, Col, La Fleche called Nabb, of Peterboro, Ont., governor-| upon him to "see that those re- elect of the Ontario-Quebec-Mari- | #ponsible for this forbidden aud Ottawa, Nov, 26 -- Premier [I A. Taschereau of Quebec, in his | Ww ot 92 | supposedly illegal enterprise are Ume Kiwanis district for 1931, brought to task forthwith and that | effective measures are taken in ! your province to prevens repeti- | tion as long as laws remain as at lottery, it would be reprimanded | by the Dominion organization for la breach of policy. He believed, | however, that some persons or an | organization had used the Leglon's . . | out Permission, Is Claim | torent ottmremert OBSTRUCT BUSINESS capacity of Attorney-General, has | -------- been appealed to by Col, L R, La| TYondon, Nov. 26 == Obstructive | organization referred to fin press | that a vote would be taken Thurs- despatches as 'The Canadian Le- | day on a Conservative motion of | glon"', | censure on the Government in re! i Leo Plaisance, a Montreal bell- | gard to. its Imperial Conference boy, was credited with winning | policy, but before that the game { resent," | Col La Fleche sald if it were y ' {name in operatin gthe sweepstakes Name of Veterans' Organiza- | .;q i, that case he called upon Fleche, Dominion president of the | tactics are to he employed by the Canadian Legion, to investigate | Conservative party in the House of £50,000 in a sweepstakes on the! of blocking had n, Manchester handicap, Col, la | The obstructionists succeeded | discovered that any local or proe | vinelal command had conducted a . : . I the province to conduct the ine tion Used in Lottery With nll eo the supposed conducting of a | Commons, it appeared yesterday. gweepstake in that province hy an | Premier MacDonald announced Fleche said last night ft was con- | in wasting a lot of time in techi- | trery to the policy of the Legion, | cal argument with the Speaker on 1 heg A shield will ' tinue to help under-privileged chil-| 2s enunciated at Regina fn 1929, (rivial matters, 10 DAYS OF SMASHING PRICE REDUCTIONS | A GNEW--SURFAS SHOE STORES, LIMITED va ANNUAL FALL WW SHOE SALE! "The Short Cut to Shoe Economy" TE great once a year event releasizg the entire contents of our 51 stores . . . sale unmatched in either volume or the sensational bargains we offer you . . . brand new up-to-the minute Fall footwear for men, women and children . . . now to be here when the doors swing open on this everything in readiness for your coming. SEE THE BIG 4-PAGE CIRCULAR I'OR OTHER SUPER VALUES Sharp wan. THURSDAY, NOV. 27 Strap Shoes The best value choice of I kid or patent Cuban heels, Sewn neat at Fall Sale Special Ladies' Smart ever offered, new styles, black yt soles, patterns, Reg. $3.00 values In all sizes, $1.98 first quality at less than new Fall shades , . = Establishing a New Lower Price Level On LADIES' Quality SHOES = Group No. 1 Choice of six styles in straps or tics, all new styles, all heels black kid ealf or patent, All sizes $2.48 Group No. 2 PE width comfort shoes in tie or strap, neat lasts, Reg. $3.50 values, at $2.59 Group No. 3 The finest assortment ever offered, every known style in all leathers, black or brown, 10 styles. All sizes Opening Day Special Slippers On Sale From 10 to 11 a.m. Ladies' Boudoir Don't miss this great special ladies, assorted colors in kid or black patent, soft padded soles, low rubber heels, limited quanti- ties. Shop early. Sizes 3 to 8. 39¢ Oshawa 23 Simcoe §t.S. A SHOP AT. YOUR PHENOMENAL OPENING DAY SPECIAL LADIES SILK HOSIERY (On Sale For One Hour Only 9 to 10 a.m.) This grect bargain is well o'clock for, fine quality silk and made, neat ankle fitting, reinforced heel and toe, all you'll have to hurry though folks the quantities are limited LIMIT 2 PAIRS TO A CUSTOMER 9 TO 10 AM.; SHOP EARLY A PAIR Savings That Are Well Worth While Mothers CHILDREN'S SHOES STRAPS, TIES OR OXFORDS Great assortment of quality shoes for the kiddies, black calf oxfords or patent, 3-eyelet ties or neat 1« strap slippers, grod fitting and stout long wearing goles, A saving opportunity no buyer can afford to miss In various size groups $1.49 $1.69 $1.98 GNEW-SURPAS Shoe Stores Ltd. 51 Stores Offer These Wonder Values plan Gigantic Bargain Event . . This Sale Starts Boys' Sturdy School Boots A well made school shoe for boys, uppers of English box kip with stout sewn and nail ed "panco' soles. Save $1.00 a pair now.. All sizes 11 to 651i 39¢ $1.98 Real Quality Here Men at Worth While Savings Genuine Goodyear Welted OXFORDS and BOOTS FOR MEN Think of it men! Genuine A.8. quality oxfords, fine calfskin uppers, black or 4 brown, welted soles, leather { or rubber heels, the greatest value we have ever offered, 10 styles, all sizes, Look them over men. worth being here at 9 rayon hose, well factory 'cost, choice of six Feature Sale Special Men's good quality black ealf oxfords sewn leather soles, rubber heels, all sizes, Miracle values now, at ...... Rare Value Here in Ladies' Kid Strap Slippers dongola uppers, flexible sewn leather soles, roomy EE figfing, real comfort- able and pHenomenal value in all sizes, Fine black Value Toronto 952 Bloor St. W. _ 2948 Dundas St. W, NEAREST STORE