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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1930, p. 11

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FVM JEST LE TT NE RE CE LETTE CRS TT REIN IRTL INRRE SE POET SERRE COOMA IARI RIES 54 1 FHI 6 HE A EA ET © vetiona] exercises and Miss Rey- HYDRO SERVICE t THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 0 PACE ELEVEN Tp HAMPTON Now Exists to ve Street Lights Hampton, Nov. 21.--A thing that is worth working for is well worth having. That -ig what a number of pLol 'think, at least, ri that jhe in Hiing of Hi who have nstatled 'this great convenience are enjoying it most assuredly. Houever. the task is uot yet completed, and there are those who are still agitating the lighting of our streets, which we wre hopeful of securing. With this In view it will mean one more step In helping to make the village one »f the most progressive little towns mal day's travel. Weather on Saturday was much older following the few scattered showers of Friday, The lar monthly meeting of the W.C,T.U, was held at the home »f Miss Reeve on Tuesday, Nov, 11 i an attendance of twenty. The ident, BE. Reeve, took charge. Mrs. Jag. Burns conducted the de- nolds had charge of the program. A discussion followed on ways and means of securing entertainment to garding this matter which was left over for the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rogers visit- ed the latter's mother at Whitby, who is ll, country reeently, geon. grandmother, Mrs, Toronto recently. Classes ing a few weeks Mr, and Mrs, Mr, gud Mrs, Salter, op Sunday. the Winter Fair, raise meney . for medal contest prizes. No decision was made re- Jimmie, Lorenzo Trull enjoyed "severa! days' gport hunting in the north 'Mr. C. W. Hastings and gon are busy buildfhg cottages at Bobeay- Garth Perrett acfompanied his E. Ludkin, Several of our young people are attending the Teachers' at Bowmanville, United Chureh, each might of this week except Saturday, Mr. R. Westaway has gone to Cameron where he intends spend- ths his daughter. mer Trimble vis- ited at the pe of her mother, Mrs. G. Niddery, on Thursday. R. Johns accompanied My. and Mrs, C, A. Johns to Oshawa on Sun- day where they visited relatives. C. Dunlop, Cold- water, visited at the home of Theo. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Wood, Oro- no, visited her parents, Mr, Mrs, L. Johns, recently. L. T. Pascoe and family are visit- ing Toronto, friends and attending Mrs. Levi Robbins visited Ennis- killen relatives recently. Her many friends extend sym- pathy to Mrs. W, J, Clemens in the passing away of her brother, Mr. Geo. Taylor, at Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Wood and son, Toronto, spent the week- end at the home of H. Holwell. PAGIFIC NATIONS MUST GO-OPERATE Treaty of London Forward Step, But Not . Enough, Says Jap Statesman agreement. ONTARIO ISSUES the Province of Ontario, learned today. The to (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Nov. 27.--As the '"'chief guardians" of the Pacific, the Brit- ish commonwealth, the United States and Japan, must co-operate, declared Prince Tokugawa, eminent statesman, speaking before the Ca- nadian Club here yesterday. "Cer- tainly J do not ignore any other Pacific country," he 'proceeded, "but it cannot be denied that the three nations I have mentioned are in reality the chief guardians of that region. It is pleasant to think those are the nations whose co-oper- ation at the recent conference in London brought about the result which it did." Four major facts particularly impressed him on this side of the Atlantic, said the distinguished vis- itor, commenting on his observa- Training Trinity to the Bank of Montreal it is understood. yield 2% per cent. and tions here. "I have never been so strongly impressed with the fact." he said, "That all the nations of the civilized world are dependent on one another, and that no country in the world can do anything with- out affecting the interest of the other countries." In the matter of disarmament, he continued, the Treaty of London " Hope Columbus, Nov, 25. evening, 21st inst. Band of the the two-act drama is only a step forward and the na- tions must look forward to the con- clusion of a more comprehensive SHORT-TERM NOTES New York, Nov. 27 Short-term financing in the amount of $15,- 000,000 was done late lagt week by it whs finance offi- clals of the Province sold 3 per cent. notes maturing in six months and the First National Bank of New York, The notes were re-offered privately at a price to PLAY STAGED BY MISSION BAND OF COLUMBUS CH. Present Two-act Drama En- titled "The Golden Mission United Church put op | president and a splendid program consisting of a | council were arrested today for defy- | The Golden Hope," each young lady acting her part ex cellently. Other numbers were readings, instrumental and vocal solos as well as choruses, Mrs T, Pereman ably assisted in preparing for the drama, while Miss Gladys Roses, the capable president and other members of the Band, aretv be congratulated on the success of the evening. The pastor, Dr. Coop- er, presided, The pervices both at Columbus and Kedron last Sunday, were ip charge of Mr. ¥. Lewis of Toronto, who was here in the interests of the Prolifbition Union. Much interest was manifest by the good atten- dance and the generous financial responses. The Young People's League hela its regular meeting on Monday evening, the 24th, Miss Gertrude Webber presiding, After the de- votional part the subject "Birds" wae dealt with by Miss Greta Pere- man apd Mr. Thos, Wilson who gave papers on the services render- ed by the birds, while Miss Mary Carr dealt with their protection by law. . Miss Maude Cooper acted as pianist for the evening. Dr. Coop- er made a few general remarks ahout the subject. doli peasants who refused to pay land taxes. HUNTER KILLED BY COMPANION'S GUN (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) St. Stephen, N.B., Nov, 26--Thom as Robinson, 68, of Bass Wood Bridge, Charlotte County, shot in ing companion, Allan Dewolfe Corner, died man Memorial night. McGowan. Dr. H.-S be held, the neck at Dewolfe Corner, 12 miles from this town Monday by a hunt- Hospital here last He was conscious before his death and in a statement exonerated Stephen, coroner, decided death was accidental and that no inqnest would Campbellford. --My¢. and Mrs. James Farrell, lifelong residents of the town, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary here and their many friends 'gathered at their hone for the reception join. ed in good wishes, Mr." Farrell is 7b years old, ang his wife 73. Both are enjoying excellent health, They have seven children, all of them living, four sons and three daugh- McGowan, of in the Chip Everett, of St, The Stores i (By Canadian Press Leones Wire) | Bombay, India, Nov. 26e-8ix men, | including three members of the war | --On Friday | council of the Indian National Con- | gress, and 21 women, including the ing a police ban a procession in sympathy with Bar. 27A D FOR Re POLICE | vice-president of tie | They had formed | The "ELGIN" od lowboy welnut The STREL Finest DC redio combin- Awtomatic Vol. onivol; "Tone penelo; elecivo- J graph combmation with Harmonic Amplification. Superb alight tube vid model with vith He ie Am. Heme 3 5 A le * com The "MELODY" Hoditmalp, dias tube screen grid More people are buying pe FOREST CROSLEY than any other Radio! [RL UTI § [Nil Hie) i The "BROCK" Beautiful Sereen Grid Com: OOKS can be written on the excep- tional qualities of a product but the real test is whether or not if is selling. This is particularly true in radio. People turn more and more to the radio which gives the finest performance, the greatest value. This year Cenadians are buying more DeForest Crosleys than any other make. sell Sales Success Measures Value Behind DeForest Crosley's clear-cut leadership are engineering and performance develop- ments of the utmost importance. These great DC improvements cover quality, perfor- mance, appearance and value, Outstanding amongst the exclusive features in the new DeForest Crosley models are Har- monic Amplification -- the sensation of the current radio season which, for the first time, gives you the full beauty of the Harmonics so essential to music--the " full-efficiency" Screen Grid Tubes which raise the performance level of DC radios to new heights. ! The HARMONIC Series . designers. sole, embodying Amplification. a redle sr , armonic The Jasons buill in 148 Complete wich pubes, Exceptional Cabinet Beauty DeForest Crosley cabinets are the achieve- ments of the continent's foremost furniture In their perfect harmony of line and the exquisite beauty of their rare and costly matched woods, they offer unusual grace and beauty entirely apart from their radio excellence, Early Reservation Advisable In spite of increased production schedules, the demand for radios with Harmonic Amplifica- tion has caused a shortage of DeForest Crosleys. See your DC dealer now before his present supply is exhausted. + + The DOMINION Series . . Batteryless and battery models . | . $128 to $395 E FOREST CROSLEY "YOUR RADIO FOR YEARS TO COME [ SET DISTRIBUTOR'S NAME HERE IN 12 PT. ] ano : tore 80 Simcoe St. North Phone 251 Simcoe St. South Phone 701 Rams Furniture Co. % ET em -- -- that are 98,657 Owned by Canadians Lowering the Cost of FOOD / STOP & SHOP Leads the Way LOOK OVER THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL LIST OF QUALITY MERCHAN. DISE PRICED WITHIN THE REACH the price within reach of all. OF ALL. Bread, Butter, Flour--only three of the major food items that Stop & Shop have been responsible for bringing Butter Silverleaf Pasteurized 1b, Creamery 31: EGGS poz. 3 Qc Flour" §7° Storage Firsts Stop © hop SANTA CLARA MEATY PRUNES w. Te Good Size Readicut Macaroni, 1b. 9¢ Ib. S¢ Fancy Pink Salmon, hn 13's, Cornmeal ic Libby Pork and Beans, FRESH 2's, squat .. . 10¢ Hallowi Dates.. .. lb, De EASIFIRST OR DOMESTIC Shortening: w.rks.1 4 Rolled Oats 4c New Austrafian Currants . Jb. 15¢ Mincemeat ..Q lbs. 25¢c New Thompson Seedless Raisins .. ..Q Ibs. 28 ¢ Cheese, mild Canadian, 1b. 28§¢ Palmolive Soap with free balloon.. 3 cakes 23 ¢ Aunt Dinah Molasses, 1%'s ..tin §¢ Robertson's Bramble Jelly, 12-0z. bottle .. .. 23¢ McCormick's Royal As- sorted Biscuits, 1b. 29 ¢ 2-1 Shoe Polishes, all colors.. .. @ for 23c¢ Flour, 24-1b. Spices, all ki Icing Sugar Lemon or Orarige Peel Caps .. Citron Peel ... . Cut Mixed Peel Glace Cherries ... Shelled Almonds Shelled Walnuts, halves .... Yellow Sugar Almond Paste, 14's Sultana Raisins . BAKING NEEDS . bag 61¢ +b. 17¢ : bag... .... nds .. .... 1b. 49¢ . lb. 59¢. 1-1b. pkg. 9¢ «vo .v 5 1bs. 28¢ tin 23¢ .. 21bs. 25¢ FANCY ROSE RICE 3 ibs. 23 HAND PICKED WHITE Gum Drops ...... ....1b.15¢ Jelly Beans .. ., ..... 1b. 19¢ Quaker Puffed Wheat . 2 pkgs. 25¢ Aylmer Choice Corn, 2' s Beans 2-11. 'Regal Salt, shaker .. .. .... 8c Aylmer Choice Tomatoes, 2%'s . 2 tins 27 ¢ Cooking Figs ... «+. .«:.1b. 9¢ Pot Barley . ..c.s «0... 1b. 5g CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NAVEL ORANGES Good Size doz. 25¢ FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT 5-25. LAMB Breast of Lamb Rack of Lamb ,..... Ib. 18¢ Loin Roast .... Legs ....oovneenneass Ib. 260 - BEEF Porterhouse Roast ... 1b. 28¢ Sirloin Roast ........ 1b. 23¢ Short Rib Roast .... 1b. 20¢ Flat Rib Brisket .... Ib. 12¢ Chopped Suet ....... lb. 15¢ Fresh Pork Shoulders. © 17¢ Butts - ©23e | MEALED Back Bacon sic 29¢ STOP & SHO?

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