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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EICHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1930 BLUE DEVILS PLAY R.M.C. FOR DOMINION TITLE IN KINGSTON SAT. Victorias and Marlboros Advance i in S.P.A. Series a mm "Vics." Put Last Yeur's|. Champions Out of Race, 6-3 and "Dukes" Elimin- ate Mimico, 5-1--Games Hard Fought With Plenty of Talent Being \Uncov- ered Toronto, Nov, 28.-- Victorias and Marlboros advanced another round in the S.P.A. junior series at the Arena Gardens last night the Vies disposing of West Toronto, O.H.A. champions. by 6 to 3, while tho Dukes defeated Mimico 5 to 1. Both games were hard fought, good displays of early season hoc- kev, with plenty of promising talent uncovered on all four teams. West Toronto juniors, with a complete new staff, made an au- spicious start against Vietorlas in the first zame but lost an early two goal lead and were swamped | at the finish by their speedy rivals who skated them into submission. | had one player team fair pla} Toronto only vear's championship swwised squad, while failed at team a factor Went of last and the r individualiy. ind eombination, made the Redmen Ilastern Canada last season, Vietorias gave indication : championship playi greatly improved hockey last performance in the pre-seas series while They had speed to yarn. With W, Chisholm at centre ice and two ing-men the Vie advance plaved good hockey, while the de fence was strong.. The Vies-start- ed with their goalie, Webster crippled from a recent motor car accident, two easy the second session over the guard and Haworth took his place between the posts in { met the wis the last period. Vices Have Promising Staff Vies have the makings of a good team with a collection of plaver wha should develop into a high- class ear\hination. Mitéhell, who paired with Stew art on the defence, made a big improvement on heing effective in both directions. Stewart, the big man on the team, who holds down a regular position that | titleholders in | ason |! working | reliable | | years the rear guard, |] | of on the defence, played a fair game, although he seldom varies his style and makes many mistakes for an experienced player, Vics were strong along the front line, bottling up the West To- ronto forwards with steady check- ing, while they broke fast on the attack and carried their plays in close on the Redmen's cage. W, Chisholm led the Vie offensive, while Nicholson was also promin- {ent, the pair doing most of the Vie goal-getting. Héarn was the only player of West Toronto's Iaft season's regular staff with the club, all the others having graduated, but the new additions gave a good account of themselvse until they faded from Vics' fast pace. McKillop turned in a good game on the west end forward line, with Chapman, Kerr, McAlpine and Primeau giv- ing flashes of fine hockey, but they could not keep up a sustain- ed pace to reap any rewards for their work. Regina Rough Riders Not Coming East Rerina, Sask, Nov. 28--0Offici Regis Rougl that several of able ip east and he had decided racing Hamilton Tigers or Jeath with a weakened line- ek ago Rough Riders decided to challenge for the Grey Cup, em- blem of national supremacy, and Rit- chie was confident his team would make a better showing in the inters and We was the victim of | sectional tilt than any western chal roals hut he improved in | » in the past, It would have been R 's fourth straight titular hat- n the cast had the Rough Riders ner of Saturday's Beach gers semi-final, Champions of the unheaten in ghold for three, len ale west for five their prairie stron Rough Riders | were reckoned the strongest football nachine ever developed in the west. Tie han on parrots has been fted in Washington, perhaps in order to get ready for the session Congress.--Chicago Evening Post. Aeroplane Coming! Travel the Skyways By Leavens' Bros. Aeroplane To be at Oshawa FOR THIS WEEK-END (Weather Permitting) : EXTRA SPECIAL. Passengers Carried at the Rate of per Pound X€ Over 10,000:PassenfersCarried--NEVER an Accident he Look through the Cello- phane wrapping -- mark Peg Top's superior appear- ance --- a true indication - of its finer quality which smoking promptly proves to you. Sealed in moisture-proof Cellophane to keep them fresh and prevent pocket breakage. British Badminton Team arrived Egery, Va Vancouver, Victoria, ngston, Mon the British Badminton aaparts who are nhs Canada from coast to coast to measure their prowess against the best Canada can offer, They recently on Canadian Pacific liner Duchess of Atholl and pF in Ottaws, Moose Jaw, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Toronto, | R. M. and will sall from Saint John on the return trip about the middle of December. They are travelling across the Dominion by Canadian Pacific, From left to jo Tight etre: D. C. Hume, R. C. P. Nichols, Major E resident Quebec Bad- figten ton Amoclytion J. F. n, Bir George Thomas, White, R. , ME Condy, editor Canadian Lawn Tennis and Badminton Magazine, and H. B. Uber, Detroit Falcons to get away | Beat Canadiens Detroit, Nov. 28 Montreal's fight- g Canadiens took their second beat- ns of their current western trip here ! last' night at the hands of the De- and-tuck National Hockey League battle witnessed by a crowd of 14,- 000, the largest this year at Olympia Arena. Tied when one-all in the first period, Tommy Filmore, man, flipped the puck over George Hainsworth, back into the net and Howie Morenz took a pass from Au riel Joliat to beat Dolly Dolson, Fal con goalie, the Habitants guffered through penaties in the final period when the Falcons piled in two goals real team was short-handed two men, who were in the penalty box. was no score in the second period, SARAZEN EQUALS REC 'ORD Vancouver, Nov. 28. six birdies and 12 pars, Sarazen, New York professional, provided the thrills to an exhibi- tion golf match here yesterday, osa, Chicago, defeated Dave Black, Vancouver, and Phil Taylor, Vie- toria, 4 and 2. Sarazen tied the course record of 67. THIRSTY CITIZENS OF WESTMOUNT GET WATER SERVICE Utilities' Commission Grauis| Temporary Relief to 20 Families The cry of sick children and thir-| sly parents for pure water received a sympathetic ear at the Public | Utilities Commission meeting last night, and the board decided to] provide temporary water service to the section of Westmount south of | King street, not now served, until | the winter is over and the sprink| rains replenish dry and stagnant | wells | The plea of a long list of people, | who had signed an urgent petition | for water connections, was present- ed to the commission by Reeve John Ross of East Whitby. Wells never before known to fail 'had | dried up, an epidemic of scarlet fe- | ver had broken out, and it was di-| rectly attributed by doctors to scar- | city of pure water, Reeve Ross de- | clared. Here was a district right | on the outskirts of Oshawa suffer- ing acutely from lack of water, There were approximately twen- ty families in a small area directly affected, he said, But most of the men were out of work, and they really could not afford to have wa- ter connections installed in their houses, even if mains were laid to their doors. So the reeve suggest- ed that a domestic hydrant, or standpipe, be placed at a conveni- ent point on Pine avenne, and that the families be allowed to secure their water from it. The town- ship agreed to keep a check on all families using water during the first month, and the municipality will pay the Oshawa commission on the same basis per family as the cheap- est flat rate connection to homes in Oshawa. "This isn't a question of busi- ness--we are doing It entirely as a humanitarian act," sald Chairman F. L. Mason, NewMartin SAT. - MON. Buck Jones "Men Without Law" Comedy "Nagging Wives" LU Ahoy" Cartoon Caper LIGHTNING EXPRESS Today "Sweethearts on Parade" troit Falcons, 3 to 2, in a wild nip- | Facon wing- | in quick succession while the Mont- | There Shooting | Gene | when he and his partner, Al Espin- | v PORT SNAPSHOT By Geo. CaursurL, Sports Editor In Quest of Greater Laurels having capture! the O.RF.U. championship in thrilling gridiron struggles ever waged, the Devils now prepare for their opportunity to ac- laurels Tomorrow afternoon at Richardson Stadium, the Blue Devils started their 1930 season, in an exhibi- Queens, they their 1930 season, as far as ned, whe ash with RRM.C, Royal Mili- death game the Dominion Intermediate be the last game of the year, win . . » » Dominion Title At Stake is called for 230 p.m at that nartest rugby aggregations will begin battling tor the covet Last year, Sarnia Wanderers 6 to 1. CNR. elim- turn, put out by R.M.C title on Wednesday and so they defeated McGill Seniors this year also defeated McGill, a real ot rugby, means practically nothing. After Intermediate one of the Motors' Oshawa Blue greater most General quire Kingston, where tion® game with ctual playing is concer n they cl tary Cadets, in a sudden for Championshi It will or lose. The game sharp and hour, two of Canada's cd Intermediate were defeated in Montre Westwards this the Dominion, , by the We year and were, O.RF.U Cadets have litle of twards, by inated in I'he clash with RM.C, Os! All Devils won the The awa team gave Blue and the Queens, who in the game » » LJ] R.M.C. a Smart Team RM.C well battle of which, team but there is no doubt illed 'and well conditioned. real champions and this exceptionally In Booth they vith the best and every other member of their squad They have had a week's rest, while the locals their third game days. Richardson Stadium. Both teams the Tri-Colour students wil be cheering for the Very little is known about the that they snappy R.M.C. car kicker who rar i$ a star at hs will be played upported, Blue Devils, will be a team have a reputatign for producing some cy have fine team have a hon, The game is being will be playing in eight m Kimgston, at as no doubt, well LJ - Ad » Blue Devils Ready to Battle Oshawa buys fully realize that they have a stiff task ahead of will be hard Sarnia Wand as it a sudden-death affair, train tomorrow evening, in Oshawa, they may termediate Champions, If they rail it won't be They are going to do all in their power. 9.55 am. tomorrow morning and returns on leaving the Limestone City soon after at 820 p.m. The team is fit and full sixty minutes. Every player sur- Sarnia, which well for the will be the referee and Gordie The them. R.M.( erers and there is When the Just as as only the ones game, 15 Blue be be- Devils step oft the l Dominion In cause of lack of trying. Ihe train at Kingston, leaves by last tran 6.00 o'clock and man is ready the gruelling Sam Johuson. will be umpire, team the trom arriving in Oshawa cyery to go the with speaks Batstone series Harry vived trainer, Britnell . . . * Maybe--Who Knows? If the Blue Devils are successful in defeating the Cadets tomorrow, they will be accorded a rousing welcome, when they arrive home at 820 p.m. Oshawa never has had a Dominion Championship in rugby, in fact, we believe that this is the first year, an Oshawa team has played in the finals, Many Oshawa fans are going to take in the game and every Oshawa fan is wrshing the boys the best of success. They have already won a great title but the Dominion Championship is even more desirable. "yy o» » . Hockey Game Tonight Hockey, played by an Oshawa team, will make its first appearance of the season tonight at the Oshawa Arena, when the Intermediates meet their Peterboro rivals in an exhibition game. The locals have been drilling for two weeks and are ready to go. They have a nice team lined up and no doubt a great many fans will be on hand to- night to give them the "once over" » . . * Ladies Softball Banquet Tonight The Oshawa Ladies' Softball League is holding their annual banquet and presentation of prizes won during the season's play, in the St, Andrew's Church Tea Rooms tonight at 7.00 p.m. Invitations have been sent out to all the league officials and members and a very enjoyable evening is anticipated, * » » » Still On the Subject The following was taken from this morning's issue of the Globe: Canadian Hockey League Sponsors Make Headway Missionary work done by Ken Randle, Alf Skinner and other en- thusiasts has progressed far and it now seems almost assured that there will be a Canadian Professional Hockey League in existence this season, Oshawa, Stratford, Kitchener, Galt and Niagara Falls are ready to operate, while efforts will 'be made to include Hamilton, Brantford and Guelph in the circuit. A final meeting will be held next Monday at either Hanulton or Kitchener and, if plans materialize, the series will soon be under way. There is no dearth of good play- ers, such notables as Goalkeeper Burmister, "Butch" Kelterbourne, "Bud" Norfolk, Steve Rice, "Pud" Murphy, George Hiller, Mac McCully, Magaffin, and others, too numerous tb mention, being ready to get into action. The severance of relations with the National League by the American League left many good players out of employment and really worked a hardship on them in these days of distress. Some of them might have signed American League contracts, but they pre- ferred to take no chances of being barred by the loops affiliated with the National, Cities -entering the Canadian League" will be strongly represcuted, 2 Chi-Hawks Blank N.Y. Rangers 4-0 New York, Nov. 28--The Chicago Black Hawks swept over another of their leading rivals for National Hoc- key League honors last night, defeat- ing the New York Rangers, 5 to 0, in a lightning-fast game, The big and fast Chicago squad completely outplayed its rival for the first two periods and eased up only a trifle in the final frame after it had given 13,- 000 fans a sample of nearly every kind of scoring that hockey can boast. Johnny Gottecliy. started the scor- ing in the first period on a pass from Vic Ripley. Art Somers tallied un- assisted early in the second frame, Stew Adams slapped in Miller's re- bound about eight minutes later. Cy Wentworth scored alone just before the end of the frame when the Hawks had two men in the penalty box. Wilf. McCluskey, Toronto, Runner, Is Third in Berwick Marathon Berwick, Pa, Nov. 28 -- Richard Detwiler, Penn State cross counsry star, yesterday wrote his name among the winners of the Berwick marathon out-sprinting Louis Gregory of Ro- chester, N.Y, and Wilf. McClusky, of Toronto, with whom he had raced abreast for more than eight miles. Detwiler crossed the tape in 50 min- utes and 15 seconds, more than two minutes slower than the record set by Willie Ritola in 1922. Gregory fin- ished secona a few yards behind Det- wiler, and McCluskey trailed the New York State runner by 25 yards. The race was the greatest in the 21 years of the event. For more than seven miles of the nine-mile course, scven runners were bunched within a hundred yards while the three lead- ers kept together until the last mile, when the huge crowd which braved | the intense cold, saw the event decid- ed. | | | | | | | | Cornell Finally Wins a . Game From Pennsylvania i Philadelphia, Nov. 28.--Cornell | scored its first football victory over Pennsylvania since 1923 here yes- terday afternoon, winning 13 to 7 as some 70,000 persons looked on. {In 1923 it was the all-America player, George Phann, who led the Ithacans to victory. This after- noon it was Bart J. Viviano, a sopohomore half.-back of Plainfield N.J., who enabled the New York- ers to triumph in the thirty.sev- enth meeting between the two old rivals. Viviano, a stocky 180- pounder with the drive of a flve- ton truck, bora the brunt of the Corncll attack. It was his piston. like legs that carried the ball over jon the first touchdown and placed | it in scoring position for the 'sec- | ond. Viviano's best work was | done on Gil Doble's old favorite-- the off-tackle smash. But Bart didn't stop here, He circled the ends and cracked the centre of the Penn. line with great success all afternoon, Much credit for Cornell's sur. prise win must go to the line, a line that, although outweighed some ten or fifteen pounds to the { man, consistently out-charged and | out-fought the Quakers. The two | Martino-Zorilla boys and Hunt at right guard were superb linemen | all during the game. | Cornell used but 13 men during the game, the first substitution | coming in the third perfod when {| F. A. Leuder, left end, was badly | injured and carried oft the field, | and the other when. Wallace re- | placed Rickert at centre In the closing minutes. -- TEXAS U. WINS TITLE Austin, Tex., Nov. 28.--Texas University won the Southwest Conference football title yesterday, defating the Texas Aggies 26 to 0. The Texas' scores came as the re- fult of straight, hard-driving foot- ball, The Aggies offered the state university eleven but little tom- petition. OKLAHOMA LOSES CHANCE Norman, Okla., Nov, 28.--Mis- sourl, displaying "bulldog tenacity, held Oklahoma to a scoreless tie yesterday in their annual Thanks- glving football game, automatical- ly making Kansas Big Six cham- pion for the season, "Bus" Mills, diminutive Oklahoma halfback, was the oustanding individual star of the Oklahomans, The entire Missouri live played its best game of the season. A crowd of more than 12,000 witnessed the game. KYRONEN WINS MARATHON New London, Nov, 28.--Willle Kyronen, 29-year-old baker hoy from Brooklyn, led a field of 34 runners here yesterday to take first place in the 15-mile mara- thon. His time was one hour, 24 min- utes, 31 seconds. Leslie Pawson of Pawtucket, R.I., like Kyronen, without club affiliations, came second, while John D, Semple of the Lynn Y.M.C.A,, of Lynn, Mass., took third, Clarence De Mar of Kenne, N.H., was fifth, HOCKEY RESULTS . NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston......«v..2 Ottawa ....1 Detroit... «s+3 Canadiens ..2 Chicago........4 N.Y, Rangers .0 JUNIOR S.P.A. Cietoriak........6 West Toronto 3 Marlboros ,.....5 Mimico .... CANADIAN AMERICAN LRAGUE New Haven ....2 Philadelphia ..1 LONDON FINANCIAL Huron and Erie.1 London Life ..0 Imperial aBnk..4 Northern Life 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago. ......4 "Tulsa .....:.} Kansas City....2 St, Louis ....1 Minneapolis... .2 Duluth i A i rr a Bot el | | | | { behind our club since its inception, | teel that their efforts have been not | : | Boston Bruins Win PUNTS | From Senators 2-1 28 -- The Bostoy { Bruins regained thir winning stride | here last night by coming from be- hind and ramming through two third- period scores to set back the Ottawa Senators by a 2 to 1 sc The cone flict was sensational in spots and exe citing at every stage, Boston, Nov. Hi TTT nda dit, Jb. db ore Mo iiig Clark, diminutive mascot of the Blue Devils, claims that he| fri. Pett 3ruir was entirely responsible for the | Sores 4) ine fh Sebiuin, pit the great Victory over the Wanderers. | cq the puck into the. Boston cage ow we will let you in on the sec- | 0; oj, rr} ret. Young Bill has a charm which | secon. is ir op Hasold San iu the he claims has marvellous powers |, squ fo hoy Bruins f1ed ian of magic. This charm fs in the form | 41 ie fro foes or Jt Was Rot ul of the left hind foot of a jack rab- w seconds of the fina bit and was presented to Wee Wil- | pevieit that Eddie Shore put on one lie at the first of the season by Bill | rugged drives and fed Clap. Tribble. Now every time that|} th a scoring pass, The Bruins Billie has rubbed each and every | 'St-String forwards caged the other player with this rabbit's foot be- Sete. Ihe trio rushed and Harry fore a game, the boys have won in| liver scored = rebound that no uncertain manner. It was im- | 9lowed Perk iths' hard drive possible to take Billle to Sarnia |! Goalie Cometh Ottawa plyed de- with us, as he wouldn't leave |{ensive hockey most of the time, and school (?), but he was right on the seldom sent more t! 1an two men up job with the old Bunnie's Hoof last | On the attack. Twice visiting players Wednesday and you know the re-| Were penalized for breaking the antie sults. There will be no school on [defence rule. Saturday so it is to be hoped that Billle sees fit to travel down to Kingston with his rabbit's foot tucked away in his overalls, ssion, on The crowd got a big kick when the team trotted out on the field, and they saw Big Ed Wilson car- rying a wicked looking axe over his shoulder. He tucked it away in his belt and went through the entire signal practice with ye axe in belt. It was really quite a significant gesture. The Blue Devils have had a very strenuous season to date. They have played eleven games in nine weeks | and next Saturday's mellee will | complete the even dozen. Phis is an exceptionally hard season for a foot-ball team and very few teams have played near that many, In fact the Tigers of Hamilton are the | only team to have surpassed this record, i Heaven's Gift to Cows and to Cowboys' Gals! Bill turns Cowboy to save his neck ~-- He says the girls would miss his neck so! William Haines Takes You Where Laughs Are Laughs 6" 9" After the game when the crowd W ay Out West was in the dressing room and 1 y . a M-G-) ie "Wally" Clarke said "I am the hap-| in: M-G-M Talkie With LEILA HYAMS POLLY MORAN plest man in Oshawa." That was |all that was needed to start the STARTS SATURDAY jargument, as Nick Nicoll, Don Swartz; Russ Wilber and Ross Mac- Kinnon all claimed the same honor. It was a great day for the execu tives, and these boys were mighty glad that they had the pleasure of | making these men, who have been Can any of our readers give an instance of a game, where all the points have been scored on singles? | The writer cannot recall of any team winning a championship on nine single points, TODAY Ceell B. Mille's Spectacular Drama "MADAM SATAN" BIG CAST {in vain. De- Sam Johnson, who was voted the most valuable player on the team | | earlier in the season, was the most excited man on the team and couldn't be persuaded to sit down. He was only satisfied when he was nrancing up and down the side-lines behind Cecil Cannon, the head line- | man, Sam was right on his toes all day long, and had the satisfaction | of seeing eleven of the men that he trained, go sixty minutes without | relief. Truly th is is a great comp- | limen tto a trainer. She CAREW LuMBE RC 2 WN: [011A RON TAY Phon p Everybody was happy after Wed- nesday's game and we want to tell | you right now that the Wanderers | were the first to come in our dress- ing room and offer congratulations, They certainly went away high in| the respect of the Blue Devils. Come down to Kingston to-mor- row and see the gang in action for a Dominion title. It promises to be a mighty struggle and on a frozen ground, it should no doubt be a "hummer." It is understood that Harry "Red" Batstone will be one of the officials. Well, Harry Bat- stone is the whitest of the white [Li when it. comes to real sportsmen |} and we can have every confidence in | getting a square deal. Gordie Brit- || nell will be Umpire. | Windsor Tech. Wins "Wossa"' Game But Lose Round to Woodstock Windsor, Nov. 28--Windsor, Tech defeated the Woodstock Collegiate rugby team yesterday afternoon by a score of 9 to 5 but lost the W.O.S. S.A. round 18t09 as a result of the deefat in the previous game at Wood- stock. Woodstock was in the lead in the first half of the game; but the locals managed to draw to the front in the last half. The game gives Woodstock the W,0.8.S.A. jun- jor title. The field was covered with snow and there was a cold wind from the northwest which made play any- thing but enjoyable, and the wind contributed to the fnmbles which were chalked up. HOCKEY Oshawa Arena PETERBORO INTERMEDIATES vs, WANTED Instructor Ar---- Ex Petty Officer of Royal Navy or R. C. N. Applicants reply immediately giving rating and qualifications, to Box 66, Oshawa Elecrto-Magnetic Health Appliance Free Treatments will cons vince you. W. C. HUTCHISON 154 William St. E, Phone 269 INTERMEDIATES FRIDAY NOV. 28th 8.15 p.m. Adnisiion--25s 8 & 50c. No Reserved Seats | : erm

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