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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Nov 1930, p. 10

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SN RA Bons os Eastern Ontario News Formal Opening Kingston --"Heathfield", the new Novitiate Home for the Sisters of the House of Providence will be formally opened on Tuesday next by His Grace Archbishop M., J, O'Brien, Hockey Player Injured Brockville~When the car he was driving swerved into a ditch near Coteau Landing a few days ago, Har- ry Meikie, defence player for the Morrisburg Maroons, suffered a frac- ture of the spine for which he is receiving treatment in the Cornwall General Hospital, Poultry Fair Dates Kingston, --Dates for the majority of the dressed poultry fairs to be held in Eastern Ontario have been set and arc as follows: W Napanee, Dec. 3 and 4; Westport, Dec, 9; Perth, December 9 and 10; Lanark, Dec. 10; Almonte, Dec, 10 and 11; Athens, Dee, 12; Winchester, Dec, 15, 16 and 17. Soup Kitchen Planned Brockville.~A proposal that a soup kitchen should be established in the Victoria building for the benefit of hungry and destitute people during the winter months is to be discussed at a meeting which has been called by the Chamber of Commerce, Factory's Good Record Brockville.--All of the 2,000 cheese manufactured this season at the Thousand Islands factory on Howe Island havc scored 100 per cent, spe- cials and firsts, Charles Gallery manager of the factory with Elroy Garrah as assistant, Kingston,~Ontario Hall was in ga- la attire Thursday night, the occasion being the annual dance held under the auspices of the Kingston Police department, Seven hundred people attended the event, one of the most successful of its kind of the season, is Election is Hot Lindsay.--Election matters in Lind- say are quite "hot" and many can- didates are canvassing for votes, Not in many years has there been such an interest in election fssues, Veteran Official Retires Lindsay. ~A pleasing feature of the Fenelon Township nominations held at Cameron, was the presentation of a cane to Mr, Manley Maybee, and a brooch to Mrs, Maybee by the clerk, Mr, J. B, Powles, Mr, Maybee has just retired from the treasurership of Fenelon Township, a position which he has held for thirty-three years, Barber Shop Robbed Peterboro.--~The series of store burglaries and gas station thefts that have almost reached crime wave pro- portions in the city during the past month was renewed early yesterday norning, when thieves broke into George Robertson's barber shop on George Street and escaped with a supply of cigarettes and more than twenty dollars in cash, Girls Injured Omemee,~Miss Helen Spratt, of Lindsay and a Miss Doig of Toronto, victims of a*motor accident near this village were able to proceed to their home after receiving medical atten. tion from Dr, Earl. Hiss Spratt sus- tained severe bruises to both ankles while her companion received head injuries, Given Relief Grant Peterboro, Members of North oMnaghan Township Council were successful in obtaining a Government grant of $1,000 as the result of an in- terview in Toronto with J, M, Ellis, secretary of the Railway and Muni- cipal Board, To Open New Bridge Belleville "While no has been set for the opening of the Up- per Bridge, it will probably take place about the fifteenth of December." stated Alderman J. D, McMillan, chairman of the Public Works Com- wittte, of the city council under whose department the two reinforced 14 date concrete bridges were built this year, COAL SOLVAY COKE Cut To Stove Length JEDDO PREMIUM THE BEST PRODUCED Hard Slabs - Soft Slabs - Cord Wood DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Five Direct FULL OIL No. 1 and Dry | week with her danghter, Mrs, BOWMANVILLE W. I. PAYS VISIT TOTYRONE BRANCH Visitors Provide Interesting Grandmother's Day Program -- Tyrone, Nov, 26~On Wednesday last about thirty members of the Bowmanville Institute visited Tyrone branch, It beinz Grandmothers' Day a number of the members were in costume and the program was in keeping with the occasion, The meet - ing was held in the community hall with the president, Mrs, Luther Hooper, in charge, After the busi- ness had been dispensed a hearty welcome was extended to the visitors by the president, Community singing was enjoyed, led by Mrs, Lorne Phair with Miss Mac Brent at the Piano, The grandmothers in costume from both branches were asked to parade around the hall, The judges, Miss | E. Haycroft, town, and Mrs, A, W, Clemens, Tyrone, awarded the priz es as follows: Most old-fashioned randmother, Mrs, W. H. Hicks, Tyrone; Mrs, (i, H, Bekell, Bow- manville, Best dressed grandmother, Mrs, Clara Byam, Bowmanville; Mrs, G, Brooks, Tyrone, Mrs, Harry Allin, president; took charge and a short program given by the visitors, opening with a chorus, sing of old time melodies with short introductions to "Hold the Fort", "*Swanee River", and "Darling Nellie Gray," Mrs. D, J. Chambers in Spanish costume sang "Come 10 the Fair", Mis: Alice Medd sang "Just A-wearying for Yon," Mrs, ( E. Pritchard sang "Silver Thread Among the Gold", Recitations were give by Mrs, E. R, Lounsall, Verses on an Old-fashioned Picture"; Mr B. M. Warnica, "Whistling in Heav- en," and a reading "Them Ol Tunes" by Miss E, I, Haycraft, Mrs, L. J. Goodman voiced thanks of Tyrone branch for the en joyable program after which a tempt ing supper was served from tables decorated with yellow mums and can- dles. | The thank of the visitors for the splendid supper was voiced to the rone ladies in a vote of thanks mo ed by Mrs, Frank Jackman and sec onded by Mrs, W. L. Buttery, | Mrs. Robert McCullough and ) | and Mrs, Donald Davey spent Sun | day with Hugh McCullough, Ponty | pool. Wm| Turner and Miss Verna Tun er, Green River, spent Sunday with Floyd Dudley, Mrs, Turner return ed home with them after spending a Dud Wis ley. John Noble spent a few days with E. D. Hodgson, Oshawa and Bert Thornhill, spent. Sunda with her father, Edward Virtue Mrs. Clara Byam, Dowmanville visited at the home of L. Byam Several from here attended Royal Winter Fair, Mrs. (Dr) C. W manville, visited het Virtue Church service next Sunday p.m, Quite a number from here attended the anniversary services at Hampton on Sunday, Tyrone choir and male quartette supplied the mus ic at the evening service, Slemon, aunt, Miss | at MISSION CIRCLE Lines The World is. Overflowing with Good Things ~-- personal comforts, luxuries, the possession of which would make your life pleasant, And all these good things are practically within your reach--a chest of treasure waiting to be unlocked. iThe key to this great treasure is a Savings Account, Money can easily be spent for things that are not worth while, but every deposit entry in a Savings Account would bring you nearer to the life. 'The door that leads to them is open at every Canadian Bank of Commerce. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA } 800 Branches in Canada infinitely more things in branch of The " AT GOURTIGE HAS ANNUAL ELECTION Miss Anne Holt Is Supevin- tendent; Miss Velma Gay President Courtice, Nov, 25.-0On Friday ev- ening the home of Miss Sadie Muir was the meeting place of the Mission Circle, The Superintendant, Miss Anne Holt, presided and the offic. ers for the coming year were clects ed as foliows: Superintendant, Miss Anne Holt; president, Miss Velma Gay; Ist vice- president, Miss Beth Gay; 2nd vice. president, Mrs. Walter Snider; re- cording secretary, Mrs, Herb Nichols corresponding secretary, Mrs, Will Bickle; treasnrer, Miss Mary Found; treasurer of mite boxes, Miss Bernice Gay; superintendant of Literature, Mrs, C, Penfound, A program was then given as follows: readings Mrs, Frank Worden and Mrs, Marshall; vocal duet by Florabelle and June Marshall and accordian and piano music by Mrs, Cecil Found, Mrs, Walter Snider and Miss Sadie Muir, Afterwards refreshments were served and the evening spent in a social way, Sunday the services were well at- tended, In the morning the pastor, Rev, H, C, Wolfraim, gave an ad- dress on the M, M, Fund. The af- ternoon Sunday School session was presided oved by Miss Louise Cour tice, her father, Mr, Leo, Courtice, who is superintendant being unable to be present. In the evening the pastor preached a very practical ser mon from "A soft tongue breaketh the bone," to a good congregation, ~ People in Courtice have been tak- ing advantage of the beautifn! weath- er and getting their lawns and flower gardens in good shape for winter, This community extends kind sym- pathy to Mrs, Abernethy and family in their recent bereavements in the Jeatl of Mr. Abernethy on Sunday ast, Mr. and Megs. Albert Rundle spent a few days in Toronto with their son Elmer Rundle, and took in the Win- ter Fair, Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Werry, Solina, visited Jack Short and family re- cently, Mr, and Mrs, G, F, Annis and Mr, and Mrs, Ross Pearce attended the Royal Winter Fair on Saturday. Others who attended the Fair from the | Mr, and Mrs, Talbert Findley, Ola the | Bow- | 71 | | GILBERT M, MURRAY whose appointment as Viee-Presi. dent of J, J. Gibbons Limited, # Advertising Agency, Is announce ed from Toronto, My, Murray was for many years Necretary of Canadian Manufacturers Assocl ation, n position that gave him » deep insight into all kinds of business problems Mr, Murray has charge of the system of branches in the Gib. bons organization, I: Flintoff, Masters Brue Muir, Harold Muir," Mr, Jas Mr Sandy Brow; | Russell Mrs, Ross Pearce number of relatives and friends re cently to a quilting bee, and the al ternoon was a happy one, Several from Courtice went to Newtonville on Sunday to see the remains of the United Church after the disastrous fire on Saturday night Rev, Mr, Wallace, who is pastor of that cf and the people there have the this munit Not long ago a number from | otored to Newtonville [and ent I a co ert in their hall st { church ar | Sulle entertained a Arg sincere sympathy of coms 1 | New i fine recept T0 GIVE LANTERN LECTURE, CHURCH WORK OUT WEST Mr. Maxwell to Speak North Oshawa Church in 2H~N¢ xwell is Western t Sun wing Mis veryone is welcome Brunt and son, Gor- unday at with her sister on welcome Fd, Fice, Mr, and Verna and Fddie tuday in. Toronto, at ter Pair ) 1). Stuart and family Mr Blight and family of FAW Mr Roy Brittan My Hight, of Smith Falls, all la nests of Mr, and Mrs vk, Ever nd Mi Lind y J Wii and Mi Sun (love \ dance was he Fowler new | Mr. and Mrs, A ¢ visited Mr, and wey W me and fam. Heaslip Balsam Mrs, R la ind 0), Burgovne, of Osh and Mi Mr Burgoyne, Mr A. Solomon, MN A. Phillips and fam ily, from New England were all at the Winter Fair iu Toront Congratnlations to Mr Brown on the arrival of a son Brown n Arthur Street Mrs, Cockrane MUSHROOM POOL GROWS RAPIDLY | Regina, Sask.--A Mushroom Pool, | the first venture of its kind to be | formed -in Canada, has been formed | in Assiniboia district, and boasts 400 members, Thomas Lipton Price, director of the Pool commenced experiments with a single bed at Conquest, Sask. some years ago, Results were such that lie now cultivates a large tract which produces large fungi of dis- tinctive quality, Mr, Price is a nep- hew of Sir Thomas Lipton, awn Mrs. | with BERTRAM R: BROOKER One of the most outstanding adver. tising and business writers in Canada, a contributor of special articles to magazines on busi. ness subjects, who has joi ' B J. Gibbons Limited, Advertising Agency as chief of Markets and veh Department, A close of business trends, Mr pL addition to the Res searc! partment of J J, Gib. bons Limited will be an asset to Courtice wera Mrs, Archie Muir, { i the clients of this Ad vertising Ye wa A extensive | and] Gordon Brown, Alan Law and | | will he ield on Friday night | and | Id at Mr, and Mrs. | | og home!" and Mrs, R. | J po a 4 ™ ll | (The Story Thus Pars ~ewessem-- | Margaret Yorke, an stirastive young woman from New York, | is companion to Mrs, Cutting, in Calitornia, snd governess to Mra, Cuttipg's small, adopted son, Jim, Mrs, Cutting knows nothing of Margaret's antecedents, Margaret takes a dislike to Mrs, Cutting's nephew, Stanley Crittenden, be. cause of his apparently idle hab- fits, Stanley Is curious about Margaret, At a bridge game be is much attracted to Margiret, but she is coldly indifferent to him, Mrs, Cutting comes to Margaret's room at night and tells her that Mrs, Cuyler Theo- bald of New York, the former Bhigey Wilson, und once Bian ley's fancee, is coming buck to get a divorce, At the mention of Cuyler Theobaid's name, Mar garet turns pale, The family §0 to their ranch at Uplands, and Margaret, driving with Btanley tells him what she has heard about Bhirley's coming, Stanley takes the news calmly, Margaret, at the farm, finds that her dls. like of Btanley Is being overs gone, INSTALMENT V Stan was home for breakfast the next day; went off again, and did not come back for forty-eight bours, A score of uproarious friends came down, on a Friday night, and straggled sway on the following Monday morning, after tearing madly through all the amusements that the ranch af- forded, Margaret found the seventy bours of their visit exhausting. Mrs, Cutting played the part of hostess, which meant that Mar- garet carried the heavy responsis bility of manpager-house-keeper; she 'had pot a second free, The ranch-house and the guest houses were stretched to their utmost capacity; the very sight and smell of food sickened Margaret before the two dave were over, Margaret and Mrs, Cutting each other wearily, when the last car honked away into the Monday morning, upon An exper. fence that bad undoubtedly 'been a great success, Stan was pleased; that was Lhe great thing to his aunt, Bbe had fer own room put into spotless order and went peacefully to bed with some new books Margaret and the BSpenish Wwo- men, with Nora, gathered a great bundle of sheets and towels for | the laundry, folded blankets, clos. | od rooms, threw out dead flowers, In the late afternoon peace des- cended once more upon "Up Jands." Margaret and Jim bad a ewim; the girl washed her halr, | 4dled and dozed in her sieamer- | «<halr under the oaks, | Bhe wakeued to silence, sunset, and the zumming of awift boes | through the bright still air, Her | eyes roved lazily, happily about: | = ---- ' she sat erect, smiling eonfusedly, | | Stan was near ber, in a basket | chair, turning the pages of mage | zines, Margaret blinked, brought her | | feet to the ground, and gathered | her cloud of baly confusedly Lo- | gether, "Stan!" later she tongue out; she sald, A moment could have bitten her she had never called hm that, Nut he did not netice it, or was it a part of his exas- per iting adequacy that at lesst he pretended that he did not notize | it? "I thought you weren't com- stammered Margaret, | "1 wasn't, Margaret," he sald, | It was deliberate; he had noticed her slip, then! He never had call od her by her name, | "The truth is," he sald again, | smiling in his friendly way, "I got to thinking about you, and | all the nice things these people said about you, and l--sorter-- thought 1'd eome home!" | "You humiliate me," she said, "by saying they spoke nicely of me, I've been spending all day ro- senting the-~the waste of this beautiful place upon them! They might just as well have been in-- in Hale's Bright Bargain Dase- | ment for all they saw or cared | about-this"" Her gesture took in the whole ranch, "That's exactly it--but 1 care!" Stan said eagerly, He took a neighboring chair. "I--honestly, 1 hate that sort of ~=0h, social thing as much as you do! 1 realized that, today, I'd much rather fuss around here with you and Aunt Hat and the kid, You think I'm=-you think" "No, I don't----naturally I have no right to-I don't think of you at alll" Margaret sald, in an ems« barrassed volce, "Oh, yes, you do!" Stan assert. od simply, with a sudden signifi cant flash in his grey eyes that made her heart begin to hammer, "We hated each other--last year, he reminded her, laughing, 'But even that's something, lan't ft?" "I never hated you, Mr, Critten- den!" Margaret assured him, be- gloning to be oddly frightened. "I was unhappy when I first came here---~1 had been {ll, But I=no, of course I never hated you! And I'm=I'm glad to be friends~" ahe sald confusedly, getting to her "Don't run away!" = Stan sald authoritively, "Oh, by the way, he interrupted himself suddenly. "By the way, a wire came for you today; it was telephoned to the house, and I copled {t down." "A telegram!" ghe was suddenly tanse; she turned pale. He took a pencilled memoran- dum from his pocket; and without moving her eyes from hia she re ceived it from his hand, "Excuse me!" she sald, read. ing it, Stanley knew what it said, he had been consclous of surprise upon receiving it. It contained the w ords: | "No immediate. occasion for ale arm, Person you fear plans sume mer in Southampton, I will keep |pa The Secret of MARGARET YORKE By Kathleen Norris - sre, Am copstantly concerney for your interest," "It was uneigned, is that sll right?" Stanley seid, trying to be very casusl, sorry for ber, and noticivg the effort she made 10 ;| show no emotion in her expression, "Unsigned?" she echoed con- fusedly, "l---yes, | thought so. congratulated | bot | you adviged, remain where You [--]=it's nothing. Juet some~ business of mine, that's sll!" Her agitation was so marked, snd be felt so embarrassed to bP |» witness to it that Stanley 1 led to restore her ususl calm by euy- ing elgnificantly snd pleasantly: "I'm quite aware, st least, that it's. no business of mine!" "Ob, it's not that!" ebe seid with sn apologetic laugh, "It's it's someones 1 have been----annoy- od by," Margeret added, some what regaining her composure, "We all have worries!" Stanley assured ber lightly, She did not answer, except by & homed smile, Bhe read the mes. sage pain and earefully tore it into minute pieces, "You mean you stil] care for---- someone else?" 'More than mysel!" she said, Then she gathered up towels, hairbrush, book, Btanley had also gotten to his feet, They paused, and looked at each other in a little bewilderment, "Was there something?" girl asked, "No, T was Just thinking--"" he sald, Margaret hesitated, not knowing just exactly how to end | the conversation, "It a funny dreamy eort of |dav," ane suggested, "Listen," ke sald, eagerly, "There was something I wanted {to get over to you without hurt. |ing your feelings, 1 don't know whether 1 can or not! This week. |ondi--well, this week-end every. {one was crazy about you!" "That's nlee!" "I mean--"" Stan floundersd on | == "that they all mid---we!l, how unusual you were, and that you weren't the regular comranion type, vee? Thev all ssid that-- (well, soeaking French, and play. {Ing contraet--" "I'm glad if they she mid, In the pause, | "I mean, it's perfectly ohvious {that you're---well, you're not not what I've been sorter think. Ing!" Her halr tumbled down, and |she put down her book and brush {and busied her brown hands with [Its shining masses, | "I never----sort of--knew |before!"" he sald, "This week-end" she _hegan [resnonsively, and stenned short, | "This week-end--whst?" Le en- {couraged her. "It seemed to mov eo sald evasively, the liked me" you ery nice," | oth "It seemed tn me Pfhat--well, I'd always thought you kind of dowplsed me," Stan persisted, "But Liis week-end you were terribly nice to me!" "That's good!" she maid Inaud- Ibly, with a fleeting, uneasy smile, She turned to pass him, and {Stanley put out bis band and de. tained her "My hair!" ghe said faintly, It had loosened again, it fell in a dusky eloud shout her face and] on her shoulders, "It's beautiful!" Btanlev sald, | They stood still, locking at each other in the enchanted hour of sunset and summer, Suddenly brushes and book fell as Ktanley caught at her hands, and brought them to his lips, "Maybe, instead of hating each other, we've been liking each other, Margaret?" he said. For a moment she regarded him, sneechlens, her hreath coming) a little unevenly. Then she sald, also in 4 whisper: "I'm sorry," | "Sorry?" "Yes. You--you musin't talk like that!" she murmured. "I'm not to like you?" he de manded, Her answer was a swift, troud led smile, | "But that's the whole thing," he explained, "I've been right in your nelghborhood for years without even seeing you, And now I do ses you, and I think you're grand!" She smiled again, briefly, une happily, This was not flirting, She had freed ber bands, but she was not going to run away, She was look fog at him squarely, with a cours age that be found touching and gallant, "Why may I not thank you for making my houwe-party such a success," Stanley asked, "and tell you that I have been thinking of you with gratitude~--with affec- tion, all day long " | A flicker of troubled laughter brightened ber anxious face, "You may of course do that! she sald, "That was all I meant!" he ex plained, aggrieved, "Then-~that's all right, then" she agreed, somewbat dublouely. "I didn't mean to frighten you," be assured her, floundering deep~ er and deeper {nto the {ntoxica~ tion of intimate talk with ber overy second, "You didn't frighten me," sbe returned, almost with her usual composure, 'I think I frightened, myaelt." : \ They were walking mow bes tween the blooming borders and under the great oaks toward the house, "Now, when you say & thing like that, what am I to think?" Stanley demanded. Margaret lau ghed quite naturally, "1 didn't mean that I was frightened, of mywelf," 'ghe ex plaiped. "But, that I Dbadu't thought" "Thought what!" he said, in & use, "That anyone--- anyone would r ,~like me, spain" 1 'nguardedly, ' The Only Thing that Gave Relief "Two years ago I had bad back: ache," writes Mr, I. G, Haffner, Aylesbury, Sask, "I tried different medicines but couldn't get any re-' lief, I then tried a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and have never had any trouble singe. to Dodd's Kidney Pills," Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate snd nr weak kidneys, You will be she began, "Again" Blanley's senses were { imming, "Did you---4if somer ' Mug unhappy happen to you?" the asked, lowering bis voice, ! "Something very unbapyy." "And you can't talk about It?" "Not yet," Silence, Then be sald: "Since you cams to Aunt Hat?" "Loog before thet" "You must bave been very | young." "Eighteen," § baven't forgotten ""But you Bim?" "No." } There was another pause while they walked slong through # strange new world, Btanley broke it, "I'm agraid I'm falling in love i 30 rather you dudn't," { of October and the first part of she said, quite simply, | vember, Nearly all districts in this "But if it could bappen to me | vast arca have reported summer-like this fast, Margaret, mighta't It | conditions, with bright sunshine eye bappen to you?" Her smile was exquisitely kind 400 kind, Her voice was mater. | nal, "It would ruip my only chance of happiness in life, 1 it did," she | sald slowly, WE WILL "liven SoBe be made you " LOAN unhappy?" ! * Mo Rin porn Mg i | YOU MONEY laughed, Still walking slong she ON YOUR CAR GILBERT L. SCOTT looked sidewise at bim, inquiring~ | MOTOR LOANS & DISCOUNTS LID, 14% King St. KE, upstairs Open Evenings, Phone 2790 Dodd's Kidney Pills No- ly. "I was thinking--how meant all this!" he said, "You didn't mean it?" she ask- ed, in such genuine pleasure and relief that he laughed again, this time in some little mortification "What 1 said to you? Oh, yer I meant it all, in that sense," bel hastened to say, "What T was try. ing to say was that I hadn't plan~ ned it--hadn't the faintest notion of saying more to you than just | thanks for being so fine about everything this week-end," Stanley, unable to analyze his | own persistence, © yet irresistibly held by some perturbing eharm, faced her about, at the foot of the | |porelh steps, and took her hands, The touch weakened ber sud- | {denly and unexpectedly, apd he saw that it did, She stood, breath. ing bard, ber blue eyes smould ering with excitement, "How sure are you of yourself, Margaret!" He sald, with his friendly smile, Or are you?" he | - ir added, shrewdly, as the eolor § i - | Margaret Ine: ooked at him,| and be was shocked and ashamed, | The Gift for Any Child, (EN ] A BROWNIE to seo that her lips were tremb You can make a hit with any little I | Hog. Instantly be released her hands She turned without a word, and went, not too guickly, up the steps "I'm sorry--1'm awfully sorry!' | child with a Brownie for Christmas, Besides the thrill of owning a camera, your gift will bring many an hour of pleasure and interest, Stanley said, not moving unt!) she had disappeared, Ho had nev | er seen ler ' break before. The thought of 'those smooth, thin, vital Lande, ! that flushed, | New Eastman cameras, all casy »] 23 ell Syn. A | {Compra H 30 By The Dell Syn for children to use, are in stock ' ' here. And they're all reasonably | priced, We'll be glad to show them to you, Come in. Jury & Lovell troubled face in its frame of dark { | King St, ¥, Simeoe 8§t, N, hair, stirred in his veins like wine, | (To he Continued) Phone 28 "hone 08 Peace Country Has | Long Indian Summer | Peac: River, Alta. -- Following a severe cold wave, Indian Snmmer set- tled down upon the Peace River Country this year and continued vor an unusually long period, Threshing proceeded steadily during the month Used Car Specials 11928 CHEV, SEDAN in Perfect Running Order .......ccoooonvmnninnnns 11929 ESSEX COUPE Like 1-139 PONTIAC COACH In Nr. 3099.00 11929 ESSEX COACH $685 00 $465 00 11925 FORD TUDOR, Balloon Tires .in Perfect order ......covennnninnniinne $95 00 Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co.,Ltd. 185 KING STREET W, OSHAWA | PHONE 1160 HUDSON--ESSEX PHONE 11600 11028 ESSEX COACH, Can't tell from new ........oovmninninnnn OUR EXPERIENCE SO FAR IS THAT THE PEOPLE OF OSHAWA WILL NOT SUBMIT TO ANY COMPROMISE WITH QUALITY. WE INVITE YOUR IN- SPECTION OF OUR STOCK. '(Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820

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