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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Nov 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EICHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1930 LADIES SOFTBALL BANQUET --OSHAWA INTERS. WIN FIRST GAME Oshawa Team : Peterboro Game of Amateur Hockey Large Squad of Local Sen-| iors and Intermediates Are . ls vig Seen in Action in Exhibi- | played last night were as follows: tion Game at Oshawa | Black Played an Impress. | ive Game i There was a good crowd of In- | tggested fans at the Oshawa Arena last night to see the exhibition ganie between the Oshawa Inter- mediates and the Peterboro squad, which the locals won by a score of 4 to 2, the goals being scored | at the latter end of the game, | The game was just what it was meant to be, an excellent workout for both teams and a fine oppor- 'tunity for the two coachs to try different combinations, among 'their line-up. The Oshawa fans were favourably Jmpressed with the excellent talent produced on the first night and, judging from | last night's display Oshawa should have a real smart intermediate | team, besides a good Junior squad. Art Black Impresses Art Black played a great part | of the game, on the Oshawa for- | ward line, and turned in an im- pressive performance. He skated | fast, stick-handled well, and check- | ed cleverly, although of *course, like every other player om the ice. there was a noticeable lack of team-play or combination., It is far too early in the season to ex- pect very much along these lines but it was made quite evident last night, that the possibilities along these lines are exceedingly bright. Although, the team was advertised as the Intermediates, a number of last, year's Seniors, other than "Blackie" were in action also. Two Fine Goalers There is no lack of material for goal tenders in the major ser- jes in Oshawa this year. Both "yie." Burr and "Eddy" Leveque were in action last aight and it is just a question which boy will grab off the regular berth with the Seniors. They are a fine pair | of goal tenders d what's more, | they are a fine pair of sports When they were with the Junior team together, they used to have the same close fight for the posi- tion but they both always showed the best of sportsmanship and each player wishes the other, the best of success. It has been announced that Osh- | awa will have an Intermediate team and Senior "B" outfit as well 'as the Juniors this season and in view of this fact, it was very pleas- ing to note last night, that there is no longer a lack of defence players. "Kelly" DeGray of local "Jacrosee fame. Theo. Elliott, "Tom- my" Johnston, Denson, formerally of Bowmanville, "Red" Walton were a few of the boys who look- ed verr well back on the rear guard, When Gord, Cook and Dill Conlin, of last year's Seniors get out, 'there will be plenty of mater- jal from which to choose the de fences for each team, Plenty of Forwards There is also plenty of materigl available for the front line, There. were about ten players in. action {ast night, not to mention the several members of Senlar squad who have not yet begun to work out, because of rpsby activi- or some other reason. The game itself mere ess of a '"Jone-man" type, ver ittle team-play being shown, al though at times, oe nice single pass plays were pulled and met with success, Now that a start has heen made' it is expected that hockey will £0 ahead by leaps and bounds, A lot of practising will have to he dons pefore Oshawa hae n team res dy to compete with the Queen Bees o Stan Burgoyne's Beleville Marcous' the ies, 01 ' Elesrto-Magnetic © Health Appliance Free Treatments will cons i or vinee you, Ww. C. | : HUTCHISON wo 104 William. St, EE, Phone 260 pee ag AB | |] ! Navy or R. C. N. Applicants reply immediately giving ruting and qualifications, to Box 66, Oshawa Toronto C, Arena Last Night -- Art. | Varsity .... 8 Aurora ......2 Wins From in Opening Groupings In O.H. A. SENIOR "B" Group No, 1 Clubs--Queen's. University of Kingston, Belleville A.A, Associa- tion, Oshawa A.A, Association. Convener--Geo. A. Van Horne, Kingston. Meet at Belleville, INTERMEDIATE Group No, 2 Clubs--Peterboro' Hockey Club, Port Hope Hockey Club, Oshawa HOCKEY RESULTS The scores of hockey games Junior S.P.A. C. 14 Oakville ,....3 International League PORT SNAPSHOT By Gzo. Caursmis, Sports Editor, Banquet Closes Big Season The Oshawa Ladies Softball League closed a very successful sea- son last night in a fitting manner when they held its annual banquet and presentation of trophy, to the winning team, at St. Andrew's. The League had a big season 'this year and was successful in all ways, It did well financially, it produced smart softball and its representatives in the Ontario playdowns, the Chevys, made an excellent showing Cjourned to t oLondon ....1 Detroft ...."..1 Windsor ....0 Syracuse ..:...1 Kitchener City League Kiss Beverage 4 Ruff Riders ..1 oSt. Jerome's 2 Redmen ......2 Pacific Coast League o-zPortland .0 Seattle z--Played Thursday; : Exhibition . 4 Woodstock ....3 3 Port Colborne 2 2 Niagara Falls 2 erennes o--Over- Galt . Marlboro Srs. Marlboro Jrs. A.A. Association. Orono Hockey Club, Bowmanville Hockey Club, Convener--W. M. Lowe, Port Hope. Meet at Port Hope. Group No. 3 Section A. Clubs--Lakefield, Havelock, Section B. Clubs--Lindsay Hockey Club, Fenelon Falls Hockey Club, Port Perry Hockey Club, Uxbridge Hoc- key Club, Markham Hockey Club, Convener---Dr. J, A, Mathers, Port Walker Secu First Round Kayo 29.--Mickey middlewetght Nov. world's Chicago, Walker, | champion, scored a one-round vie- tory over Myer' (K. O.) Christner, of Akron, Ohio, here last night. Walker weighed 1663,, Christner 202. The bout was Walker's sec- ond invasion of the heavyweight class, but his victory brought him no new laurels, He was booed as he left the rink, The knockout ap- parently failed to satisfy and the fans believed that Christner had taken "a dive." The Akron heavyweight went to the canvas before the fight was a half-minute old. The punch which | sent him down was a left hook to the jaw. He rose after a count of | four and Walker rushed him across | the ring. When they reached the | far side, Christner plunged through the ropes without taking a hard blow and he was counted out lying | among the press row occupants, The time of the knockout was 68 seconds. | | LaBarba Wins Close Decision New York, "Nov. 29. Some of he ring glory that has come to Lristling Fidel La Ba¥bs, uncrown- | led king of the featherwelghts, in | the past few months, turned a bil | green last night under the two- fisted pressure of Blond Bud Tay- lor, Terre Haute veteran, though Fidel managed to gain the recision after ten rounds of casual and un- interseting dueling before a dis- appointed crowd of 8,000. LACK OF WATER CAUSES CONCERN IN PICKERING Farmers Hauling Walter Long Distances as Wells Nov. 27 1 27. ~The g in before Pickering, Nov, 2 prospect i the cold weather scttlir a good rain comes is causing some anxicty to be felt by the residents of this vicinity, as so many of the wells hoth in the village and on the arm Ly ar A nuuiber ol farmers have heen compelled to « water for th stock for soni tance. The lack of moisture will have an effect upon the crops text spring. Mrs, Theolore Tanner left this k to visit her relatives in England eral weeks Women's Missionary Society the United Church held its annual | wm Thanksgiving service in St Tuesda we after. ing, 0 is 1 India. She years country and | ivid accounts of | ences The ladies of | shbouring societi oi the aftérnoon, After the auditorium all ad: t where a soc Ss ¢ basemen pent, \rnat f veeks convalescing from | a serious operation is once More able to resume her work as operator on | the local telephone switch board, ! Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, of | Windsor. called on friends in the vill- | age on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. A, Wilson, of Whit- hy, were visitors 'with. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Andrew during the past week. H. J. Clark and C, M. Marquis. of ial hour wa M Nellie lor severa Toronto, were with W. J! and Mrs. | Clark on Sunday. Congratulations are due Arthur Smith, for having won the W, E, N, Sinclair cup for Oratory at the con- test held before the County Council r.cently, He qualified for that con- ecures among | Perry. Meet at Port Perry. JUNIOR Group No, 2 Clubs-- Trenton, Port Hope. Osh- awa, Bowmanville, Whitby, | vener,' Wm. Lowe, Port Megs in Port Hope. Group No. 8 Clubs--S8ection A Lakefield. | Havelock, Campbeliford, Peter- boro St. John's. Peterboro Hockey Club, Section B--- Lindsay, Hockey Club, Bobcaygeon Hockey Club, Fenelone Falls Hockey Club, Con- vener, J. Percy Bond, Peterboro. Meet at Peterboro, OSHAWA TALENT "WELL RECEIVED AT HAMPTON CONCERT Present Second Program in Village in a Few Weeks Hampton, Nov. 27.--The chicken pie supper on Wednesday was an | other way in which the recent in- stallation of electricity was celebrated when a goodly crowd from neighbor- ing towns and cities were in attend- ance. The tables in the Sunday School room of the church tastefully decorated with pink green streamers, and chrysanthe- mums, and were generously laden, When all had done justice to the splendid repast they repaired to the | body of the church where they were entertained with music from local s program given Ly Herbert ind th King St em SCC yd invitation ap- both at on Wednesday 1 they presented nniskillen, also the program. , 1 ite first snowstor nm Wednesday 1z a white blank- t on old motl earth, The ther mometer dropping considerabl Mrs. Ida Smale is visiting mother at Baltimore The Winter Fair at Toronto, has Leen the chief attraction for a num ber of the villagers this week, Mr. and Mrs. L. Goodman, Tyrone were guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, W, Horn on Sunday. Mr. Shay and friend, Oshawa, vis- hen 1 expressed | 1 contributed Hampton ha he {ited Mr,.and Mrs, R. Avery on Sun- | day. Edna Reynolds is visiting Toronto | brought home a deer from their trip | and its Functions." The choir was in friends and attending the Institute! in the wilds of northern and eastern! 1s usual s Convention, Misses Sadie ronto, ends, Mrs, W, Jeffrey and Mrs. Ernest Virtue, end Laura week and the spent im relatives for a few days. The Sunday Services were largely attended, Rev. J. R. Cowper of Drooklin, preached very inspiringly who has been |at the morning service, when the | ment of Eldad Church, men to pro- choir provided special music, Mes- | { dames Souch and Wilbur and W, Wilbur, taking the solo work in the anthems, "Consider and hear me," and "Oh that men would praise the Lord," Dr. G. H. Stephenson, M.D, of Ontario Hospital Whitby, spoke very interestingly on "The Contribu- tion of Science to Religion." Tyrone choir assisted in the service of song with anthems and male quartette, "My advice to those who want to 'live to a good old age," says a doc- | tor, "is--walk slowly," Those who follow his advice should take the precaution of keeping to the side- walk.--The Humorist, test by winning first prize at the School Fair held here this fall, Be- sides winning the Cup he was pre-! sénted with a watch by the Council. his is the second contest the young man has won in the last month, hav- ing come first in an ovratorical cou- test held in the Continuation School and the village is proud of his abil: ties, The Y.P.S. of the United Church motored to Brooklin 'on Tuesday ev- ening and spent a very pleasant eve ening with the Young People there. Mr. and Mrs. Harris, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Stephenson. Mrs. John Murkar is visiting in Belleville with her daughter Mrs. Dit J. Callaghan. ' f PLOW DEEPER {| In those districts in which the | white grub outbreak is a setjous me nace to crops and where fall plowing {1s being done as the one effective | period of the year, the Kntomologi- cal Branch of the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture call attention to the importance 6f plowing about one lach deeper for October than in September. November and Decem- ber plowing, where possible, should be each one inch deeper than the plowing of the preceding month. This ensures the grub cells being urned up for efféctive action by rost and natural enemies. { softball, ball in this city and it is hoped that her decision, Her loss would be a » . were | and | with | control measure available at this | could be lined up. very near future, . . Possibilities Are Good There are plenty of good hockey players in Oshawa. members of last year's Senior team were out last night, most of the | boys belag members of the Blue Devils, who are in Kingston today, After today, the ranks of the hockey prospects will be increased con- Art, Black was back in action last night and looks to be in siderably, for a big year. He did town soon, who knows? both teams. Neither squad showed not turn Newcomers Several members of last year's of the age-limit class and were in act boys were in action, one of them, When Gord. Cook and Bill Conlin get out, Oshawa will have plenty of defencemen to pick from and it begins to look as the Senior team will Sill, it's carly yet. ceptionally good last night, considering it was the first game, Several ys who played last night should have no difficulty in be even better than last year. of the b the grad: Scnior team, Blue Devils in Kingston , the Oshawa Blue vilitary Cadets' Intermediate rugby squad at Richardson Stadium, King- the Dominion Intermediate champion- Th ston, in a sudden-death game for ship. The Blue Devils will arriv and if they bring back the Dor hot time in the old town tonig! Dominion Championship for this « they have already covered tl They have had a hard third playoff game in eight days a credit to this, win or loose. | disgrace. Play Golf After Banquet : After the Ladies' softball banquet last night, all present were ex- tended an invitation to play golf at the Elite Indoor Course, by A good number took advantage of the opportunity but they found that their game had not improved since they used to play after (O'Dowd. a ball game, this summer, Still Nothing Doing It is Saturday again and still nothing has been announced about However, the members of the «0.C.1, A.A. have been | busy this week and it is expected that there will be a meeting called Industrial hockey, before the next weck is very old SOLINA HUNTERS BAG THREE DEER ! Epworth League Hears Can- | didate for Boys' Parliament $ Solina, Nov. 25.--~Messrs C, Swet, Miller and Percy Dewell each iL. | Ontario, Messrs Thos. Baker, Chas. Howsam and Herbert Tink were at the Royal | Fair on Monday. | Elmer Wilbur is busy canvassing were | Hobson, Toronto, visittd friends and | for the Oshawa Daily Times through! They seem like an evening's stars | this district, The members of Solina Women's Institute are entertaining their hus- | bands on Friday Dec. 5th in the base- vide the program. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Howsam were at Port Perry on Sunday. Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. A, S. Pascoe. Mrs. Grace Allin, Newtonville, vis- ited her sister at Mrs. John Yellow- ee's. Misses Helen and Muriel Baker, Evelyn Tink and Ruth McKessock have been attending the Royal Win- ter Fair, Misses Murie' Baker andj Ruth McKessock entering the judging | course at the Fair, Messrs Will and John Baker and C. Mumford, Zion, were at Guelph on Saturday attending Mr, Elliott's sale of short horns, They also visit- ed ¢ e¢ Royal Fair, Master Russell Hardy was the guest of his grandfather, James Ree- son, Columbus, over the week-end. Messrs Harvey and Gordon Hardy | were at Lindsay recently, | - On Sunday at Sunday Schoo! Mer- vin Hobbs and B. G. Stevens took charge of the services, Geo, Werry { opened the session with a pleasing {iano solo, after which ghe lesson was read in unison by the school. The CGLT. girls sang as a closing num- 'ber "Now the Day # Over." ; . At Epworth League Will, Westlake introduced Mr, Chalmers of Tyrone, who in turn introduced Albert Wood, one of the candidate: for the boys The only jarring note in an enjoyable evening was the announcement by Mrs, "Vi" Norris that she had decided to drop out of Ladies' Mrs. Norris has long been associated with Ladies' soft- Hockey Makes its Debut Hockey, as played by a local amateur team, made its debut here last night when the Oshawa Intermediates entertained and defeated the Peterboro team in an exhibition game, by 4 to 2. A good crowd was on hand to look the boys over and they were rewarded. There is plenty of very promising material in Oshawa and a smart team Hockey rumours are filling the air and some Con. | YY interesting and important announcements are to be made in the Hope. | Last night's game was a good workout for best any player did, in one play, but, there was plenty of talent and Oshawa fans are going to have something to cheer for this season, es with glory and even if they are beaten today while there wll*be reg If they play like they did her talent" until the hour came for the| nesday, the RM.C, boys will have their hands full, | ens, piano duet by Mrs. Hugh Annis {The snowflakes are sifting slowly parliament to be held in Toronto duz- she can be convinced to reconsider great blow to the League. * * Very few Pro, Arvi Maki may be back in any teamplay, one pass being the » NE With Team Junior squad have graduated out jon last night. In addition, two new Denson, former Bowmanville star. They looked ex- making Devils are fighting Royal thé beck in town tonight at 8.20 pm, 'litle with them, there "Will be a i they win, it will be the second ity in two years, Win or loose, cts, there will be absolutely no and today's battle is the I'hey are a great rugby team and on Wed- scason "Eddie" ing Christmas week. Miss Ruby Dew- ell, 4th vice pres. then took charge. | Buick | Chey. | three games when they met Strikes, Spares ~"Tlead Pin." ANNI NAINA Saturday, November 29, AD. First of all---On behalf of all the bowlers of this city, who are all true sportsmen, even in the Ladies' league, wo extend to the Oshawa Bule Devils our hearty congratula- tions, on their wonderful winning of the O.R.F.U. title on Wednesday, These boys are nearly all members of one or another of the many bowl- ing leagues in the city and rugby is 204 the only sport at which they ex- cel, Now that the wonderful warm autumn weather seems to have for- saken and Winter seems to have really arrived to stay, the managers of the local bowling alleys are wear- ing broad smiles as well as their overcoats these days. This cold weather is good for their business. At THE MOTOR CITY ALLEYS Parts and Service League "Jimmie" Toppings led the par- ade in the last session of the Motor Accessories (Whatever they are) Chevs., and Oaklands continued théir neck-and-neck race. The high marks from last week still lead for the second serious. The following is the standing. (Not in order), P W L Pts Oakland A 6 Olds, LaSalle Viking 4 4 2 h Cadillac BOBS Ba RON CE RS EE Pontiac The Motor City Team, not the Coca Colas, handed the Centrals an awful pasting when they met this week. C, Rowden and A. Roots led the way with totals of over 700 each. Purdie and Branch were the best for the losers The Lucky Strikes waxed warm against the Head Pins and took all this week, "It's Toasted," said the Iucky Strikes as they hopped them down the alley, Remember the big game which was played on Tuesday night be- tween Chuck Rowden's Specials and the Ladies. The Ladies won the last game from the men and they only lost the first one by thirty-six pins, The Specials were shown a few tricks and these ladies sure spliled 'em plenty. A. Reece, E. Bentley, M. Pirie, I. Goold, and V, Norris composed the Ladies, Tomorrow morning at 11.00 am. Jack Purdie's Pin Boys are going | to play the Motor Cities Alleys Pin Rafsers in a challenge match, The criterion of Oshawa pin setters will be settled at this match, The Parts and Service Ladies' League is going great guns consid- ering that it is a new organization. They are coming along fine under the tutorship of Vi, Norris. On Wednesday, Miss F, Keenan rolled 287 to nose out Mrs. E, Pope. It has been moved by Wullle and seconded by "Head Pin' that the ladies' team which gave the Specials uch a battle will take on Karry's smart Ladies' team, Bible lesson was read by Miss Gladys Yellowlees: Mrs, S. E. Werry then | read a letter dealing with the portion | f Scripture just read. Miss Nora Werry then took the devotional topic | in a concise paper. A solo was sung | by Mrs, John Baker. Miss Dearborn | then took as her topic "The Benefits of Reading." A piano solo by George Werry, reading by Mr, B. G. Stty- and Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees, closed the program. On Sunday Rev. Mr, Birk preached a thoughtful sermon on "The Church plendid form, SNOWFLAKES down, So crystal and white are they adrift, Clear-patterned against the grey. Oh, frallty they rest on the lilting alr, Aflame with an eager light, The whisper of angels passing by Has failed them with strange delight. Perhaps in the hush of the dreamy dawn The starry, white flelds will show That vision of beauty the angels gave-- The ethereal flakes of snow. ~~Willlam E. France, Tilsonburg. Nothing in parental influence? Then why do so many of the liquor sellers come from the only country shaped like a bootleg?---Colorado Springs Gazette. Geneva's consideration of a "per manent disarmament commission" fe in a way a confession that the Job will never be completed,-- Phi- ladelphia Evening Public Ledger. Nandit in Regina stole $468 from a theatre, but was caught before he got a block away, However, a little run' like that helps to keep money eirculating.~ Stratford Beacon-Her- ald, Indeed, why should not the city make special provision to care for the single men? The other fellows mostly have capable wives to look after them --Port Afthur, News: | ing by one lone pin, Ed. Goodman and Geo. Wright, two members of the Oshawa Lawn Bowlers, known at the alleys as two | nombers of the Grasshoppers, gave Ed. Higgins and Alf, Roots a beat- Milt. Morris and Ed. however, paired up better and administered a severe {rimming* Mayhe the "Grasshoppers" miss the Kitty, Last night the Chosen Friends league got under way and tonight the P. and S. teams, ladjes ang men, clash with the Weston teams, Ladies Major League The following Is the standing of the Ladies' Major league, which is going great guns at the present time, The standing of the league is Blue Bells 3 2 Reglers Fellers Whirlwinds Black Cats Wepcos ow Has Beens Moskuiteers Cara Nomes LOW am1 P. and 8. Ladies' League The following is the standing of the Parts and Service Ladies' Lea- gue. P LL. WP Head Pinners ....14 9 7 18 Live Wires 18 7 20 Sparklers 9: 7-18 Speeders 6:10. 12 SPORT--C DICK TRY HEADS.--C Toronto, Nov, 29.--~One of the most representative annual meet- Ings of the Ontario branch of thd Amateur Athletic Union of Canada ever held took place last cevening at Central Y.M.C.A., when over 60 delegates heard the reports of the various officers of the unions. Although there were no amend- ments to the constitution on the agenda'to canse any heated debates one of the closest: contested elec- tions in the history of the branch tor the office of president featured the meeting, In which Richard G. Fry, of Toronto, received a scant majority over Geo. S. Guthrie also of Toronto, President Chales E, Higginbot- tom in his retiring address outlined the various activities of the branch during the past year and stressed the many forward strides made in Chronicle. the interest of amateur athletics Oshawa Ladies' Softball League Closes 1930 Season a ROR 0 2 00% 0 GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TACTICS, XI1v. With Its Annual Banquet Annual Banquet of Oshawa Ladies' Softball Ass'n Held in St. Andrew's Tea Rooms Last Night-- Banquet Is Well Attended and Big Success--League Has Fine Year, Both Financially and Otherwise ~--Chevs. Get Trophy -- President Announces Res tirement In the St. Andrew's Tea Rooms last night, the Oshawa Ladies' Soft~ ball league held their annual bane quet and presentation of trophy to the league winners, The banquet was well attendea by the members of the league, each team being well represented, al- though perhaps not as well as might have been, and the coaches, um- pires and members of the Execu- tive were present. The only ab- sentees were the specially invited guests who did not turn up, and, for the most part, did not notify tne Secretary that they would not be present, The banquet was one of the best ever held by the league and per- haps the absence of the guests was one of the best things which could Strategy is the propellor of your | Badminton craft. It is the force which enables your play tc { duce the desired results, give a meaning and function to your stroke equipment, and lends a fascination to the game which would otherwise be | lacking, Strategy or TACTICS is | largely a battle of wits and is both offensive and defensive in character It is vital to reduce tactics to its simplest fundamentals and on those principles base all your future man- ouvres. General tactics may be grouped as follows: (1) There are three places to hit the bird where the opponent can do the least with it, namely, to the back of the court, close to the net, and straight down the line. (2) The adversary's wea! points are generally his backhand and over the right shoulder, also any individual weakness which may crop pout during play. (3) Keep the other player on the defensive by hitting as far away as possible: by hitting over the head; by making the player change the direction of movement. (4) Hit where it is not expected: concealing the direction of the shot; by feinting. (5) Keep the opponent from seeing the flight of the bird; by Speed, using the smash or a sud- den hard drive, during the year. His report cov- ered in detail the action of the branch officials in various matters and was well received. Marlboro Juniors Tie Niagara Falls Niagara Falls, Nov. 29.-----That the Toronto Marlboros, managed by Bill Christie and coached by his son, Jack, are going to be heard from before all the junior hockey bacon is passed around next Spring was exemplified here last night when the Dukes held Gene Fraser's formidable Falls collection to a 2 all draw. The game, which was the feature event of the Lions' ice car- nival, wag witnessed by 3,000 fans, and was a decidedly interesting spectacle till the last whistle, Though held to a deadlock, it must be said of the Power City boys that they had some little margin on the play. Their failure to come through with 8 win can be laid at the door of over-anxiety when in the superb work of Roberts, in the Dukes' cage. However, the Marl- boros gave a splendid exhibition and looked like top-notchers at every stage of the battle, NEW TURNIR GRADES 5 The Dominion Fruit Branch, as the result of the first year in opera- tion of the Turnip Grades under the Root Vegetables Act, have intro- bh ¢ |duced four new grades which will more adequately meet the require- ments of the trade, The new grades are determined by size ranging from 2 to 4 inches foi the grade Canada No-1 Small to not less than 4 inches in diameter for Canada No-1 Large. The Four Grades are Canada No-1 Small; Canada No-1 Small Medium; Canada No-1 Me- dium; and Canada No-1 Large , { mon} by | happen. The happiest feature of driving | the gathering was that long, bore- | some speeches were very conspicu- 1] {ous by their entire absence. Har- and good-fellowship, which has predominated throughout tne Oshawa Ladies' softball league dur- ing the past season was the fea- ture of last night's entertainment. The entire evening was a great success but several important fea- tures predominated. The Oshawa Ladies' softball league had an ex- ceptionally successful season this year, both in a financial and in & playing way. They made money and in addition they satisfied their supporters as they were able to give ample accomodation, Besides, the Chevs., winners of the local lea~ gue, made an exceptionally fine showing in the Ontario playoffs, President "Vi" Norris presented the trophy to the Chevs., Miss "Dot" Kennedy accepting on behalf of the team. This is the third year that the Chevs. have been in | existence and the third year that | they have annexed this trophy. The excellent showing of the other | teamg and their good sportsman- | ship was commented upon by the President. President 'Announces Retirement It was with much regret that the gathering heard the announcement made by the popular President of | the Ladies' league, Mrs, *"Vi' Nor- | ris. In Ler remarks, Mrs. Norris | stated that she had decided to cease being an active member of the As- sociation but would be willing to help in the future, Mrs, Norris has been connected with Ladies' softball ever since it was started in this city, years ago. For several years, she starred with the O.M.IL. team and then, after her marriage, she has been of untold service to the league, in different executive positions. She has certainly handl. ed her "job" exceedingly well and Ladies' softball in Oshawa will suf- fer a decided loss if Mrs, Norris does drop out of the league. It is to be hoped that she will find her way clear to remain in the Associa- tion, in an advisory capacity, at least. The supper, served by the ladies of the Presbyterian United Church, certainly found fovor with all pres- ent and after everyone had eaten [ tin satisfied, the presentation of the {trophy and other entertainment was held. "Bill" Harmer gave two enjoyable solos. "Viv" Elliott de~ lighted the audience with a reading which was not exactly compliment- ary to the men present. Hazel Mc- Donald gave a recitation, Doris Kennedy and "Ede" Elliott each sang two or thras snappy songs, which were loudly applauded. Bella Rlair gave a piano solo. Eileen McBride and Edith Neil gave a pleasing duet and everyone joined in the community singing. Mr. Drury, prominent member of the local branch of the Canadian Or- der of Chosen Friends, gave a short but interesting talk to the meeting, complimenting the players and give ing some excellent advices, in his few words. In all, it was a very successful evening and a fitting climax to one of the best seasons ever enjoyed by the Oshawa Ladies' Softball Asso- ciation. Pe CROSSWORD PUZZLE FANS Send for your free copy of the Official Entry Form, con- taining large puzzle and con- ditions under which THE NATIONAL PRIZE FUND WILL PAY $25,000.00 to the senders of the winning solutions of this crossword puzzle. to-day, and are over FRE [rma ------ years of age ADDRESS: THE NATIONAL PRIZE FUND, DEP. 2- MAGAZINE DIGEST PUBLISHING CO. "138 University Ave., Torents, Ont. A free gift will alse be sent you if you vet

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