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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Dec 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, - I, i MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1930 Eastern Ontario News First Divorce Case : Kingston. ~The first divorce action ever tried in Kingston was concluded when Mr, Justice McEvoy reserved decision in the case of Lottie Selina McAllister, plaintiff, and Thomas George McAllister, defendant, in which the plaintiff was claimisg dis- solution of marriage. 1 On Last Trip Brockville. --On its last trip of the season westward, the Canada Steani- ship Lines steamer Saskatoon called at the C. I, R. wharf and loaded 85 tons of condensed milk for transpor- tation to Fort Willian, Annual Turkey Fair i Kemptville--With many buyers! present from Toronto, Montreal and | Oitawa, the annual turkey fair was held at Kemptville, Well-Known Farmer Dies Brockyille.~In the death at Lyn of Edward Harrison Easton, the village and township lost one of its best known and most enterprising farmers, a man who was widely known throughout the district and who was held in high esteem by a very wide circle of friends. Grocery Truck Buygns Picton.--A burning grocery truck gave residents of Waupoes a thrill. | With a roar, the vacudm tank explod- | ed, alarming residents for miles | around, Assembling quickly and en- | deavoring to save some of the groc- | eries, they were driven off by the ex- plosion of cartridges in the load $8.8. Britannic Closes Season i Brockyille,~The ever-popular sire- | wheeler Britannic has completed her | season in freight and passenger ser- | vice between Montreal and 'Kingston | and has laid up for the winter at Cornwall, Banker Transferred Belleville~], Frezelle has been transferred to the local branch of the Bank of Montreal. Mr, Frazelle was transferred here from Fenelon Falls, Ontario, where he has been for some time. Takes Cornwall Position Cornwall.--Wallace E. Findley, who was for seven months organist and choirmaster of St. Andrew's church, Gananoque, and who has lately been in charge of the choir at Danforth church, Toronto, has been appointed to a similar post at Sts John's church, Cornwall, succeeding Lt.-Col F. G. Robinson, resigned, Fined for Assault ! Brockville.--In police court a local man paid $1 fine and $2.50 costs for | Squash, each assaulting a book agent, 242 Pensioners Peterboro,--~Peterboro county's Old Age pensioners now number 242, Harold B. Rye, chairman of the pen- sions board, informed the County | Couricil in his annual report. | Successful Bazaar Bethany.--The members of the adult Bible Class of the United | Church held a very successful bazaar in the basement of the church when about one hundred and fifty dollars was realized. Heads Children's Aid Peterboro.--~The Rev. J. H, Sut- cliffe was elected as president of the Children's Aid Society, at the annual meeting held last evening in the City Council Chamber, | Elect President Peterboro.--John I. Allen was un- aninmously elected to the presidency of the local Kiwanis Club for the| yedr 1931 at the club's elections, Brockville Man Brockville--At the 15th annual con- | vention of the Creamery Association ! of Ontario, Warren W, Dool, manag- | er of the Whyte Pucking Company, of this town, was elected second-vice president | Masonic Reunion ! Peterboro.~A fine list of candid- | ates, a 'record attendance and the presence of a number of officials from Supreme Council contributed to the | complete success of the eighth au- nual reunion assembly of Peterboro Lodge of Perfection, Ancient and Ae- | cepted Scottish Rite, held in the Mas- onic Hall, * Creamerics Do Well , Peterboro.~Seven district creamer ies are named as prize winners in the Creamery Association contest, con- ducted during the summer, The | Radishes, bunch ..... | firsts, ble to 62¢; | No. -1, | ™ Under 4 bs, ea. awards, won in close competition against a large entry list, reflect con- siderable credit on this district, and give just cause for pride in the high standard of cleanliness and perfection maintained hy these creameries, in the manufacture of their butter, Sportsmen Guests i Lindsay, --~Sports night was held by | the Kiwanis Club 'thursday, when | some 75 members, 0 met at the Benson House, Kiwanian Chic Baker, Chairman of the Sports Committee was in charge and the guests included some of the most outstanding men in amateur sport in { Ontario, PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re- tal, in effoct on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. Eggs, extras, per dos. 0.65 Do.. firsts, per doz. 0.50 pound ..... 0000. 0.40 Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 Do., Creamery, per Vrnits and Vegetabl®s-- Carrots, 6 bunches .. Beets, doz, bunches .. Onions; dry, 11 qt. basket Cabbage .. Canliflower ' Spinach, peck .... Mushrooms, per poun Leaf Lettuce, threo for Head Lettuce. two for . Parsley, .per bunch ,. 0.00 Onions, buneh, three for ... Cress, three for ..... Celery, head ... Oranges, per doz. .... 0.836 Honeydew Melons, each 0.25 Grapefruit, 3 for ..... Potatoes, beg ... Cucumbers, six for .. lemons, per doz. ... Bananas, per dozen. .. 0.26 Apples, bus, ...... 1.60 Do., Snows, 6 qt. .. ... Oranges, doz. ,...... 0.40 Can. Green Peas, 6 qt. basket Eggplant, each ,..... Green peppers, basket Pears, basket . Cranberries, qt. ..... Sweet potatoes. 6 lbs Pumpkins, each ..... vee ve seer aes 1.18 ee oe EE EEE see Parsnips, basket ..... Beets, basket .......0 Peppers, each ,... Herbs, bunch ... cooococo oc MoO SD ert IIE NOOO UMETITAITIO TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto dealers are buying pro- duco at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases return- ed, fresh extras, 50c to 60¢; fresh seconds, 32 to 36c; pullet extras, 46e. Buter--No. 1 Ontario creamery solids, 30 to 80%¢; No, 2, 29 te 29%ec¢. Churning Cream-----special, 80c¢é; No. 2, 27e. Cheese--No. 1 large, Sle; Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows: Poultry---- Alive Select M.Y. Fatted hens, over § 1bs., each .... Over 4 to 6 lbs, oach .. Over 34 to 4 Ibs. [1 Se Under 33 Ibs. ea. Spring chickens, over b Ibs, ... Over 43% to 6 Ibs, eae ....x.0. A Over 4 to 4} Ibs, each 19 22 23 16 19 20 13 11 16 13 18 18 24 22 13 11 18 Broilers, 1% to 2% ibs, each .... Ducklings (white), over § lbs, ea Over 4 to 6 lbs. eae viv van Colored, 2c 1b, less, Guinea fowl, pair ......... 1.50 Geese and turkeys, market prices. Selling Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to reta!l dealers at the fol- 17 12 12 | lowing prices: Eggs--Frosh extras, in cartons, 63 to 66c; fresh oxtras, loose, 62¢; firsts, 62c; seconds, 38 to 40c; pullet extras. 49 to 62e¢. ests and visitors | Dodd's Kidney pills Butter--No. 1 creamery prints, 334 to 34c; No. 2 creamery, prints, 324c to 83¢. Cheesc-- New, large. 17¢; twins, 174c; triplets, 174c; stiltons, 20c. 01d, large, 27 to 28¢; twins, 28 to 29¢; old stiltons, 28c, Poul Dressed ry-- Chickens, 5 Ibs up ...... .22-.34 Do, 4 to 6 Ibs, ...... 28-32 Do., 8h to 4 Ibs, 2.0... .26-28 Do.. 8 to 34 Ibs, .... Hens, over 6 lbs. . Broilers Ducks ..oo0000 Turkeys Ceeso Pesca nrrnrrey 21-23 srr ss tannins | Butter--Decomber, { 369; December fresh, 1, ! Fresh | steady, colored | paraffined and government graded, | | 14 to 14je. 16 | | 16. \ of aerodromes necessarily located several miles away is one of the chief disadvantages of present day civil aviation in densely populated areas, like the European countries, where the airways have severe com- petition from railways and every minute saved in transit to the aero- drome is a matter of importance, Given a suitable catapult and, equally important, an efficient land- ing gear resembling, perhaps, the net- ting with which certain experiments in landing-have been made from time to time, the air liner of the future should be able to operate from a comparatively confined space, such as the roof of a large building. Among the experts in Great Britain who are watching the catapult ex- periments are the design staff of the Cunard Steamship Company, who are likely to equip their projected super-liner with catapult gear for seaplane launching. Not only would mails be expedited, Consideration is being given to the provision of gear sufficiently powerful to launch a sea- plane large enough to carry a number of passengers, MAN HELD AFTER BRUTAL ATTACK CHICAGO PRODUCE VUTURES Chicago, Nov, 29.--~Open com- mitments: Eggs----December, 623, 400; January, Two makret receipts: -- Nutter | To-day, 25.673; last year, 23.164, | Eggs--~To-day, 24,310; Jas. year, 19,261, New York spot market:--Bulter ~Extras, 83¢; no tome, Kggs-- firsts, 83 to 36¢c; tone Chicago Spot Market: -- Butter --Extras, 32¢; standards, 20}; tone firm. Eggs--Firets, 25 to 36c; tone steady. Toronto Grain Quotations Grain dealers at Toronto quoting the following prices grain in carlots: Manitoba Wheat---No, 1 hard 67%¢; No. 1 Northern, 66jc; No. 2 Northern, 64c; No. 3 Northern, 61%c. Price on tracks 1c higher than ahove. Manitoba Oats--No, 1 feed, 28; i No. 2 feed, 26e per bushel (c.f. | Goderich and Bay Ports), Argentina Corn 77%¢ | Port Colborne), | Milifeed (delivered Montreal, } Loignts, bags included): Bran, { are for (ed! per ton, $20.25; shorts, per ton, $21.25; middlings, per ton, #29. " Manitoba Flour-- First | In jute, $5.50, Toronto; patents, in jute, $4.90, Ontario Grain -- Wheat, #6S¢ | oats, 29¢; barley, 32c rye, 40 buckwheat, 50c. patents, second TORONTO PROVISIONS Torontn provision dealers are quoting the following prices to lo- cal retail dealers: Smoked Meats --Hams, modicm 28 to 80c; cooked loins, 48 to Hoc; smoked volls, 84c; broakfast ba | com, 26 to 4 0c; backs, pea-mealed, 84¢; do, smoked, 44 to Ooe. Pork loins, 24jc; shoulders, 19¢; butts, 22¢; hams, 20 to 22¢, Cured meats-----Long. clear ba can, 50 to 70 lbs, 22¢; 70 to 90 1bs., 20¢: 90 to 110 Ibs. Heavyweight rolls, 40¢; welght rolls, 20c. Lard, pure tlerces, 164c: tubs, 17¢; palls, 17§c; prints 18 to 184c, Shortoning--Tlerces, 124¢; tubs | 18¢; pails, 133%e. Specials pastry Tlerces, 13¢; tubs, light shortening 164e; NEW CATAPULTS FOR AIR FORCE Used to Send Planes Into Air for Speedy Take-off London --Acroplane catapult de- vices, similar in action to the Ro- man Balista of 20 centuries ago, have reached a high stage of development in experimental work at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnbo- rough, For several years the work has pro- One of we laid down for the conduct of this business was--"We will al- ways truthfully describe our stock, as to grade, so that the confidence of the buying public will be re. posed in us". Adherence to that policy will be maintained. You can absolutely depend on it, we will not overdescribe our stock. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820 the first principles which in secret, to some war ships and a certain num- ber of aircraft are strengthened to withstand the shock of catapult launching and fitted with attachments at four points by which the aero- plane is held in the catapult cradle. Recently tests were made with a Fairey biplane, possessing safety auto-slots in the leading edges of the wings so that the maximum lift might be obtained directly the craft was propelled into the air. Complete success was recorded and foreign technical experts who have examined catapult apparatus in other countries declare that the British device is much the best yet constructed. The aircraft is launched by compressed air and leaves the catapult at the end of a short run at a speed of about one mile a minute, The present catapult weighs ap- proximately 20 tons. It has many potential uses other than the launch. ing of acroplanes from war vessels. Already it is used for expediting mails; a seaplane is catapulted from the deck of a liner some three or four hundred miles out to sea and the mails reach land several hours ahead of the steamship, In military operations aireraft might be launched from a catapult, drawn by a tractor, from a point near the front line in- stead of from a flying field some dis- tance behind, Catapults on land should be particularly valuable in dif- ficult flying country--for example, in mountainous territory. . Possibly, too, the catapult may pro- vide a feasible solution of the prob- lem of aeroplane services to the cen- ded i Catapults are fitted tres of great cities, The general use ialmost strangled, { Edward Buckett and ON AGED COUPLE ' Woman Dragged Downstairs by Brutal Assailant in Hamilton Hamilton, The home of Alex, II. Thomson, retired furni- ture dealer, 26 Bay Street South was the scene of a hrutal burglary late on Saturday night when his wife was dragged downstairs and and Detectives Ernest Dar rett overpowered the husky prowler after a furious struggle in the bath room of the house, The man, who is a Scotsman, about 30 years of age, sullenly re- Dee. 1 believe he is Robert Halladay, not long in this country, as they found an immigration ticket in his clothes bearing that name, They are srek- ing to connect his with the fiendish 10¢. | pails, | ON CANADA'S PACIFIC COAST This unusual setting for the legislative buildings at Victoria, B.C., is typical of the scenic Solis to be found in British olumbja. Its climate tempered by the Pacific currents, tbls Women's Flannel DRESSES Smartly tailored all wool Flannel Dresses. Pleasing color contrasts, 6 only. Reg. $4.95, $1 95 Women's Leather- ette Sport Jackets A garment most practical for sports wear. Made of heavy Fleeced Back Leath- erette, nicely finished with patch pockets and belt with deep Astrakhon collar. % length, sizes 14 to 20. Sev- provinee is a magnet for tour- ists every winter. Nature was lavish in its handiwork in the Pacific coast province for its glant trees frame many a lovely view, «Photo by C.N.R. Help Every Mem- ber of Your Family to Enjoy Good Health This Winter Upon your watchful care depends the health, com- fogt and happiness to those née and dear to you, You consider it your duty to see to it that they are provided with everything necessary for the mainten- ance of bodily . strength pure, wholesome food and fresh, potent medicine, For youn realize that the mo- ment bodily strength is lowered, the resistance the germs of sickness ulso lessened, Puretest Cod Liver O11 will prove a great help to yon ut this season in preventing sickness, Puretest Cod Liver Oil has been tested for vitamin potency by one of the greatest selentists of modern times, Each ounce contains mot less than 14,000 units of vitamin "A" and between 7,500 and 10,- 000 units n. As far as we know, is no other Cod Liver Oil made today that ean claim such a high contents of these necessary vitamins, to In Paretest Cod Liver Of 8 oz. 50; 106 oz, $1.00 AT THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Simcoe BS. Phone 08 King E. Phone 28 = 1% erful Then he is alleg Bake Your Own "IT'S CHEAPER" Five Roses Bread Flour 98 lb. bag ...$3.30 241b.bag.. 95¢ Hogg & Lytle Limited PHONE 203 WE DELIVER Miss Mary Hill, a maid in the home (of Dr. Bruce Sutherland, 61 Vic- Ttoria Avenue South, She was drag- (ged to the backyard and severely (cut by jagged glass in the hands of {a man to whom she had earlier giv- | (l,rough the co she decribed her assail- |; lant as a Scotsman of powerful bulld. | f (jc Inter | en food. | Mr, Thomson, an elderly and well-known citizen, (a furniture business for mapy vears at York and Day Streets, has been | bedridden for many months. Ow- ing to his condition, other occupants of the house usually retire early. sees Husband Attacked About 10.320 o'clock on Saturday night Mrs. Thomson, who is also el- der was awakened by what she | believed were the muffled outerfes |' | of her husband in another room. | room, | | | when she was confronted by the levelling. fused to glve his name, but police |, i, prowler ,who had one hand |act position of | clapped over Mr, Thomson's mouth | surface from a « North American eontinent and pro Mrs, | ceeds by exact measurement throug! | [She rose and entered his |and with the other was holding the invalid back upon the bed Thomson screamed and her cry was heard by thelr daughter, Alfretia In an instant the prowler leaped at Mrs, Thomson and fastened hi about her throat d to have het th at downstalr violently on he wa & daughter talr Her 1 Apartment 8, i1 hand where the floor ier until 3 un the had up window a ried for he cry wa by Hugh Bennett, Main West lost no time in reaching a and notifying the police Whether prowler the daughter's cries for help feared that e At I iH Siroeet n passer-hy, telephion the te or heard ther hear cag was cu not known any Thom brutally left M hall, nea rate. hi on lying in the the eded to the upper rooms Police Soon on Scene ves Buckelt and house within three eo the call was calved, Wh they entered the on home they were not sur Ihe man » wi in house had fled rather believed he was in the h n, how irried search showed that the doors were still locked Detective Barrett then proceeded to search the lower part of house, while Detective Buckett went upstalr Detective Duckett had tered the dark bathy was all but stunned by of a heavy object on his face was a glass tumbler hurled hy the cornered prowler. The plucky of ficor saw the man and closed with him. and he swung a savage right to the burglar's jaw, which the latter crashing athwart the batlitub and virtually laid the prow- ler out, PICKERING LEAGUE ec Barrett min re Detect rea ute of the 'hed the ever, as a h just en oom when he the impact This Program During the Evening Brooklin, Nov. 28.--The Young People's League entertained the Young People of Pickering, on Tuesday ovening last, The Young People of Plckering provided a splendid program and the rest of the evening was spent in games and refreshments. Frank Batty has returned home after judging at the Royal Winter Fair, Miss Bernice Eddy is very {ll In the Toronto General Hospital, All lope for a speedy recovery. H. Spears and family have mov- ed Into Mr. Wilson's house, Miss Doris Love spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Ruseel and Clayton White, of Ot. tawa, Mr, and Mrs, R, E. White of Nowmarket, and Mr, and Mrs. G. 8. White and son Donald, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don White. Miss Madeline Blight has return. ed home after sponding a couple of weeks in Burketon. About thirty-five members ' of the Women's Institute chartered a special bus and attended the Provinelal Women's Institute -r* the Royal York Hotel, after which they were given freo tickets to the i]! Royal Winter Falr for the rest of | the afternoon. POWER TRANSMISSION TOWERS The steel towers supporting the two power-transmission lines from the Gatineau valley north of Ottawa, to Toronto, are 73 feet in height and are spaced at ahout five towers to the mile throughout the 230-mile itein- who conducted attack made last Monday night on]erary. {1 who | had failed | bottom of the stairs, and again pro- | the | sent | VISITS BRODKLIN | Visitors Provided Splendid, | Unit \ I menced at the \ dragged | | the of 1 I 2.09%) fee eral shades. Spec. $5.95 : fal, each ..... The two lines themselves are bout 100 fect apart, TRACING MIGRATORY BIRDS | Much valuable information concern - g Canada's birds is being secured | peration of the Na- | ada, Department the onal Parks of ( frit , Ottawa, with qd Sate 1 s of | re tr | s of | bird 1 ARCADE Women's Genuine French Kid Gloves The colors are brown, black, grey, beige, neatly trimmed in a multitude of nove'ty styles. Regular $2.95 pair. $1.69 Babies' Knitted Sets Pure wool sets ccmprising of sweater, bonnet and er 31.85 | Visit The Arcade | Gift Suggestion oat Booths n connect wil y b) oluntary « GEODETIC SURVEYING licre are two principal div st ving work of the Ge survey of Canada, Department of th nterior, namely, triangulation and Triangulation fixes the ex- | urve ints on the. earth' ommon datum on the ts over th was com coast ard to the Pa 1 { 1 series of triangulation ne ountry, Precise levelling Atlantic as car 1 west ! the INTER fo mu NATIONAL BOUNDAR Y ( v of n of r ti vi nt of the In es the re vista air of NEW BRUNSWICK ts (« a ak, 2,086 feet, SKYLINE TUDOR PLATE An entrancingly lovely new design, in- NEWEST OFFERING IN aif ; spired by the soaring towers that sym. d at an average interval rg bolize the spirit of today. Styled by the ; came designers who style the famous Community Flate... made by Community craftsmen.) Gg A Corplete 26 pic... attractive Mirror Tray, is only $22.50. cet in the n Mh hes iN je i BASSETT"S On Oshawa"s Main Corner 'THIS YEAR gx ACCMOUTFIT C.CM, Shate and Shoe Qui fits--$5.00 to $20.00 Your Feet Will Be Rarin' To Go In This Outfit HE minute you stand in them you can tell by the "feel" that you can skate like a speed demon, The balance is perfect, the fit comfortable, the result of building a new line of shoes, according to ideas given us by star hockey players. Correctly attached to the world famous C.C.M, Skates right at the factory. C.CM. Skates and C.CM. Shoes--that's a real C.C.M. Outfit. Look for the C,C.M, trademark on both, "C.C.M. on skate and shoe is your guarantee of value," If you don't need shoes C.C.M., Skates may be bought separately, CC -sior OU 1 SHOE wh FITS Sold by OSHAWA CYCLE WORKS Richmond St. li, Sold by THE BURNS CO., LTD. Cor, King & Simcoe Sts,

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