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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Dec 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1930 PAGE NINE 3 THE | COO va L, SIASSEELED SE TION eller "o50\20\0e0 Ih W CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS ie gi gl led an prac tire of Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. Oshaws, done 4. G D. t, BA, LLB; A. F. An 'nls. BA. L. L.B N. LAI .. of Commerce Building. Dental DR, £ J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in Siesndanen Phone 959. House 813, DR. H. M. B, 9 ST. north, ovar Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. Phone 64. J H P. MANGAN, B.A. --BAR- rister Solicitor, Notary Publis, Money to loan. or "flee 1414 King St' Bast, Oshawa Phone 445. ResiCence phone 837. OH A HTON . Freser, Barristers, Conveyancers, . £saries Public, ete. Office over Standard Bank, Entrance Simcoe coe St. Phone 17. J. F. Grisrson, K.C., T. K. Creighton, B.A, N, C. Fraser, B.A. * OCIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Bimeoe street north, Phone 67. Resi dence 3473W. GRE AND REYS BAR- ristars, Sulicitors, etc, 24% Sim- coe St. N. Paone 3160. Money to Loan. ALEY C. HALL 2A, BARRIS- DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N, over Dewland's. Phone 1257. Res, 292W. Evenings by appointment. PR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES, Dencists, 37 King St. B. Special attention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse in attendance. Phones 1243 and £64. Palmist MADAME BROWN, PALMIST. business private, 93 Louisa Sreett Phone 2636F. (Nov. 22-1 mo) MADAME RENA, PALMIST, 345 Buena Vista. Appointments phone 1166W. (Nov, 26-1 mo) Optometrist ter, ete. Conveyareing and g practice. 23% King St, Bast Phone 3237. - (th) A]. PARKHILL BARKISPER A ha to loan. Alger Bldg op posive Pnsc Office. Phone 1614. FRANK 8. EBBS, BARRLITER, Solicitor, Notary 'ublle, Convey- ancer, money to loan. Third floor anew. Alger Buillin:, opposite Poa. Office. Phone 2996. Medical . DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone 2050. or- + fice hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 pm. Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, special attenticn +o Surgery and X-Ray Dr BH Harper, special attention to chtia- ren's Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun- day and night calls 2416 or 122. DR. McKAY PHYSIZIAN, S8Uk- geon, Accoucher. Office and res! * dence King St. East, corner Vie tora St., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY PHYSICIAN Surgeon. Oustetrician. diseases of {ntants and children Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1166, AVID 2RCHER, M.D. CM ag P. and S. Edinburgh. Phy- sician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Off'~e 143 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave, North Phone 3155. C. H TUCK, OPTOMETRIST specialist in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eye 2trajn, The Chilg and Its Development. Dis ney Block opposite Post Office Phone 1516. (Nov, 18-1 mo) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance. Residence 042 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO, Armstrong & Son, Funcral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Fhone 1082W. 87 Celina. (ate) M, PF Insurance DAVIS AND EON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies, = WHEN PLACING [INSURANCE e~psult R. N. Johns, &0 Simcoe aorth. Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro tected CANADIAN MOTOR writers' Automobile Insurance. Careful drivers received 25 per cent, refund during past 18 years. Agency Germond Cigar Store, (Nov, 28-1 mo) UNDER- and Obstetrician, office and erie, 185 Simcoe Street North ohone 3107 DR. HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET- rician Physician and Surgeon. Special reference to maternity work ad 4s peculiar to women. ce an hi PL 167 Simcoe Street North. Phone 303. R. W. GRAHAM, M.D,, B.%¢c., LM. C.C., physician, surgeon, obstetric- ian, 8 years' post-graduate. Special attention to maternity work Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Office and resid- ence. Phone 3020. (Nov. 24-1 mo) Ocean Tickets OCBAN TICKETS BOOKED FOR all lines by expert staff. C.P.R. ol- fice. 11 King BE. Phone 40 or 41 for private interview at your home. (Nov. 11-1 mo) BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS PAS- sage at 39 Simcoe St. south. Phone 515 for a personal interview at your home. (Nov. 20-1 mo) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. (5 aug. 10) DR. W. D. PORSYTAB, V.5., honorary graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary College, seventeen years' experience. Fees moderate, Thorn- ton's Corners. Phone 202 r 2. (Nov, 11-1 mo) --- = Ce Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. FP. T. BRY ANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West Toronto will be at his office over Jusv & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consvltation sud treat ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. DR J. ARCHER 2ROWN, RHYSI- sian, Rates for Classified Ads First insertion -- 1% cents per word. Minimum charge for one insertion 30c.- Bach subsequent oon- secutive insertion 1c per word, Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of Swo first Insertions (three cents a ward). Transportation i CARTAGD AND STORAGE COLE- man's, 85 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone 82 CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance baullng. Smith & Coz Phone 924, 10 Bona St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB- lished furniture movers. Park Road cartage. Local and long distance Frank Cowle Prop. 65 Park Rd South, Phone 215. (Nov 25-1 mo) Contracting CONTRACTING CONCERTE plastering, electric or alterations "hone 139 for estimates. (18tr) = ' Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Speclalists in permanent, finger and marcel waving. Per- manent wave prices $5, $7.60. $1v and $16. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2968. Apply 86 Simcoe street morth., EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET- ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 29%8. WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 5 Celina St. We spec- 1alize in ladies' Lair cutting, mar- celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For apprintments phone 26658. (Nov, 18-1 mo) Auctioneer PHONE 716). W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, . 346 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa, Ont. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing . AV . IB. Swiss wctchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat- ronage is solicited, Proprietors. | ATOI........_J0 architectural work. recom floor. Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 908J. THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe St. 8. Over Feit Bros. Work Wanted R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP- erhanger, paintmg and graining. Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Avenue. Phone 3065W. (72tf) Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and scid. 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1617TM, (Nov. 25-1 mo) P 'S NITU TORE under new management. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand furniture. 17 Prince street, Phone 51, (Dec. 8-1 mo) Building Supplies CINDERS, SAND AND GRA- vel for sale--To insury prompt dellvery, place 'rders In advance of delivery date, W. Bo rowdale. Phone 1618. GRAVEL, STONE, SAND, CIN- ders and black loam, Also all kinds of moving done. Phone 1979W, (Nov. 26-1 mo) For Rent SIMCOE MANOR --= FOUR AND five room suites, electric stovee. refrigeration, laundry, conveni- ences. Apply superintendent phone 2671. (55th) VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera tion, electric stove, washing mach ine and dryer. Apply superiatend- ent. Phone 2633F. (65LL) FOR RENT--3 HOUSES, 1, 6 and 4 rooms, good localties, Im- mediate possession, Apply 260 Athol street east, (Nov. 15-1 mo) FOR RENT Apartments. Modern three rooms with 8 plece bath, water, gas-stove electric lights, hot water heating. laundry conveniences, private cei- lar; $30 monthly, Phone 2604W evenings. Gladstone Apartments, 12 Gladstone Ave. ' (Nov, Pa CSTs slim TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKE ing rooms, every convenience, heated. Phone SW. (132g) TO RENT--SEVEN ROOM BRICK house, north end, all conveniences, oak floors, fixtures, blinds, $25, garage, Apply Dr, Carr, Simcoe N. (134¢) NICELY FURNISHED FRONT bedroom, suitable for gentlemen, meals if desired. Athol E. Phone 3179W. (134¢) WARM FRONT ROOM, BOARD if desired. Phone 2652J. (Dec. 4-1 mo) HOUSE TO RENT--SMALL, CEN- tral, hardwood floors with all other conveniences, Apply 91 Rit- son Rd, N. (Dec. 6-1 mo) FOR RENT--SIX ROOM WARM house on Alma street, All convenl- ences, Possession any time, Phone 1257TW. (133¢) business | _ Atticles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 30F1 wos body wood. Waterous fice Limited Phone 1288 (Apr. 2611 of mixed stove wood, one foot long. $2.26 per cord," James Adams, Burketon, Ont. (134b) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- use in rebuilt Underwoods. They are as serviceable as when new--- at less than half the cost, Sent for your approval, Address "Un- derwood", 135 Victoria St, To- ronto. (Oct, 19, 31) FOR SALE -- PAINTS, VARN- ishes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, etc., in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 26 tf) Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE--BIGHT ACRES, GAR- den soil, 6 room brick veneer house, good out buildings. hard and soft water. orchard, For par- ticulars apply Thomas Scott, North Oshawa, (Dec. 1-1 mo) Pe SPIRELLA BRINGS, health, comfort. Personal attention and service. Phone Mrs. Blatter, District Manager, 2189M, (Nov. 25-1 mo.) INSTRUCTION GIVEN ON CUT- ting, fitting and sewing problems, day or evening appointments. Phone 1493]. $1.25 per three hour period. (Nov. 27-1 mo.) SLIGHTLY USED SKATES AND boots, © complete outfit $1.75. Skates sharpened, 12 Richmond East, opposite Armouries, Open evenings, (Nov. 29-1 mo) FOR SALE--DIAMOND RINGS, Signet Rings, Watches, Silverware on easy payments. Small deposit secures delivery, Dell's Jewellery, 26% Simcoe St. South, Phone (Nov. 25-1 mo.) FOR SALB--DRY HARDWOOD, $14 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a cord, Norman Sanders, King St. East. Phone 1774M, (Nov, 6-1 mo) ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC HOME water system. Phone 1G588W, ; (185¢c) Furs Repaired FURS REPAIR FURS fur coats relined and remodelled. Experienced. Phone 632M, 119 Huron Crescent, (Nov. 29-1 mo) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERNITY work. [Excellent references, Mrs. Borrowdale, phone 1618. Nov. 21-1 mo) PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S reference, maternity, invalid, gen- eral nursing. Will assist with housework, Charges moderate. Phone 30337, (Dec. 4-1 mo) Battery Service FOR SALE-HARD AND SOFT wood slabs, also dry body wood. Fred Bailey. Phone 598W. (Nov. 18-1 mo.) ONE ACME OPEN GRATE HEAT- er for coal or wood, with stove board. 75 Willlam W., or 1698J. (135a) Money Wanted LOAN OF $100 FOR ONE YEAR is desired, Good security given Will pay 10 per cent. interest, Ap- ply Box 37 Times. (133¢) WANTED-- $1200 ON FIRST mortgage, good property, on paved street. Phone 1412M. (136¢c) - Lost and Found = LOST--MONDAY EVENING, BE- tween Centre and Elena streets, via Fairbank and Simcoe, west side, gold brooch with pear] set- ting. Apply 309 Centre street. (18b6a) LOST--FAWN COLORED COLLIE pup, ahout nine months old. Answers to the name of Tony. Phone ¥. J. Clemens, 1567W, (136a) Pets and Livestock SOWS FOR SALE--PURE BRED Yorkshire sows, in farrow, bacon type; grand sire was grand cham- pion at the Royal. T. J. Cole, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Phone 203-4. (135¢c) PEDIGREED GERMAN SHEP- herd dog for sale, male, 18 months old, good house and show dog, 24] Dearbourn Ave. Phone 2928W, (134h) FOR RENT--DOWNSTAIRS FLAT furnishéd or unfurnished, 241 Dearborne Ave. Phone 2928W, J+ (133c) 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS, furnished or unfurnished, Reas- sonable rentals, Phone 1550 or 2847TW, (132t1) TO RENT--- 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for light house- keeping. Apply 47 Celina St., side door. (134c) FOR RENT-- GROUND FLOOR apartment, 3 rooms and bath, cen- tral. $15 per month. Immediate possession if desired. No objection to children. Phone 3173W, (135a) FOR RENT--THREE ROOMS A bath, furnished, well heated. Phone 3345W. (135¢) FOR RENT--TWO NICE ROOMS on bath flat furnished or unfur- nished, heat, light and water. Cen- tral, Phone 2729F, (135h) Wanted to Buy APPLES--CULLS WANTED FOR cider, Apply Cider Mill, 253 Court St. Phone 2355. (135b) Motor Cars GET YOUR CAR WASHED A) Jominion Garage, £8 Bond streot west. Phone 31f8. All cars at one price $1.00. (Nov. 19-1 mo) OLDSMOBILE SPORT TOURING, trunk, sidewings. Well closed 'in. Good condition. Bargain for some- one. 178 Simcoe St. N. (133¢) FOR SALE---A LATE 1926 FORD coach, Wil sell cheap. Apply 140 Tyler Crescent, (186¢) Help . Wanted--Female SEVERAL GOOD RELIABLE WO- men, married preferred, can secure congenial permanent work in Osh- and district, The work is interest- ing and profitable, Apply by let- ter in first instance to E, R. Bals- don, 126° Oakcrest Ave., Toronto. (134b) Radiv Service BATTERIES CHARGED T6¢ with rental $1.00. [epaired ano rebuilt. Called for and delivered Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, ?0 Mill St. Phone 1885W. (Nov. 25-1 mo) "Elocution LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND public speaking, private or in classes. For terms phone Lois Mundy, No. 35 or 312. (Nov, 14-1 mo) Money to Loan LOANS D CIY PROPER- ty und farms, Apply A. J Park- hill, 87 King St. East. Phone 1614. (July 31-tf) ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE. CARS ce-financed Payments reduced. Additional cash given. Terms rea- sonable. Motor Loans and Dis counts, Suite 2, 14% . King St. B. (upstairs), 'Phone 3790, Open even: {ngs. (Aug. 15tf.) Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, PICOTING, nine cents a yard. Skirts pleaten, one dollar. All kinds of beantifu! '| embroidery worke¢ goods, smock movrth for 20 words or "less; 10 cents a' word 'por month for eash ad. ditional 'word, ' ing, ete, Alterations and dress making, The Dell Shop, 261; Sim south, phone 1656. his (Nov. 24-1" mo) Cy - sic HERBERT C. TRENWER, A.T.0. M., Orgaaist and Cholrmaster c¢! King Street Church, will "accept pupils in plano, pire organ ana vocal music. 650 Willlam Strest East. Phene 2896. ; (Sept, 2 tf) LEONARD RICHER, 1.R.AM. SU. pervisor of Music, 6562 Carnegie Avenue, 2578F, (Aug. 25tf) ETS IRERTIN TTI Piano Tuning NEIL YELLOWLEES, PIANO tuner, will be in Oshawa every week-end all winter. Orders left at Harrls' Music Store. Phone 1490. (Dec. 3-1 week) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE--KIF pairs on radios, power packs and eliminators. Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for cale. Batteries charged and repaired. Phone 33560J. Charles Wales 146 Elgin East, (Nov, 14-1 mo) REPAIRS DONE ON ALL MOD- els, expert service, prices reason- able, batteries recharged 76c. Free radio service to battery customers. Phone 2806W. George Burroughs, certified radiotrician. (Dec, 8-1 mo) CAR OR RADIO BATTERIES AT factory prices, Best prices allowed for old batteries. Batteries charged 75¢, called for and delivered, W. H. Platt, 317 Celina St, Phone 16567, (Dee, 8-1 mo) Room and Board A BED SITTING ROOM WITH { board for two, conveniences, $17! per week, Box 39 Times, Storm Windows ! WHY SHIVER IN COLD ROOMS? STORM WINDOWS BRING COM- | fort, save fuel. Get our prices for storm windows, Ready Glazed, Painted and with Hardware. We measure your windows free. J. W. Melley, 6596 Christie St. Oshe awa Phone 2830W, «(Nov 25-28-Dec 2-5-9-12-16-19). | { INEEFICIENCY WAS CAUSE OF DEATHS Five Die Due to Improper Sterilization in Alberta Hospital Edmonton, Dec, 9.--Inefficiency in operation of the sterilization chamber on the part of the steam engineering staff was blamed by a committee of bacterlologists at an inquest yesterday for five post- operative deaths at the Royal Alexandra Hospital recently, Operating-room linen passing through the sterilizing apparatus was not properly sterilized be- cause of this inefficiency, and hae- molytical streptococci, germs which caused each of the five deaths, were not killed, The Chiet Engineer of the hos- pital has been discharged follow- ing the investigation. MORE POLICE RAIDS IN PARIS Because of the sudden wave of crimes of violence in Paris, M, Chiappe, the Prefect of Police, has, with characteristic energy, set the machinery of the Paris police force to work immediately to stamp it out. "So far we have not carried out our night raids sufficiently frequent. 1 am going to order more of them," he said. He also intends to reduce highway offences to zero, he declared. When auto bandits, youths who had stolen a car, lield up an actor and two Rumanian officers, the Flying Squad made a round-up of the most criminal quarters of Paris and arrest- ed 14 suspected characters. Among the hundreds of suspects whom the police stopped and questioned that night 90 per cent were found to be Algerians, Italians and Spaniards. BROKER PSYCHIC ARTIST Among the displays at the recent exhibition of the work of members of the Stock Exchange Art Society of London, crayon drawings by a psy. ¢thic stockbroker attracted the most attentinn, . They wete the work of Gilbert P. Cooke, of Wembly, Cooke decTares he can draw only under psy- chic influence. He sits down at his table in the midnight hours and waits TIME TABLE | {ADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS (standard Time) m. Daily, except Sunday. a, a.m, Daily. p.m. Daily, except Sunday. Noo =2Rz25808 , m. Daily, except p. pom. Daily, except a. a m. Daily, Sunday, Saturday, m. Daily, m. Daily, SRoan 33 anv BER CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective 20th, 1930 9.50 a.m, Daily, 30 Dail .28 a.m, Daily, 7.21 a.m, Daily, 8.15 a.m. Daily, except Sunday, [} JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Womill, Oph, D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 3215 Disney Offers 100 acres good bush, and free and clear house, to trade tor good home fn Osh» awa, : Disney Opposite P.O. ' -- "i COLEMANg . I CARTAGE moc] Wood CI V0] LONG D 83 Bond Street, West 3.23 p.m, Daily, .30 p.m, Daily, Re ------ GRAY COACH LINES Hective 20th, 1930 Time) Leave Toronto E Leave Oshawa AM, Pp, 12.30 = Ne ®7,30 30 w 8. 9.. 10. 11. 335 » Sm Nona an 8% 8s 838 OCRPNI AUN =~ BB8EB888EES = bil.co m=Except Sunday. a--Saturdays, Sundeys and Holideys only. b~Sundays ouly. & J. H. R. LUKE For automobile, house and contents insurance, in good sound companies. Apply - 52 King Street East Phone 871, Residence 687W ---- rm SILK TIES For Christ- | a seid A0c | Scotland Woollen Mills WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANYVILLE BUS LINES (Effective ori and after October 6th, 1930) 8. ROTISH, Manager at a Sa Stn od (Standard Time) Going W. Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 62am, 7.05am, 7.20 a.m. 8.05 a.m, *820 am. 8.50am, 10.00 a.m, 10.30 a.m. Hospital p.m. 6.15 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 9.00 pm. 9.30 p.m, 10.45 p.m. Leave Hospital 1.25 p.m, 4.25 p.m. 7.05pm. est Arrive Whitby Goieg Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 9.00 a.m. 30 11.00 a.m, *2.00 p.m. *6.00 p.m, 7.30 p.m, 10.00 p.m, L1Spom, 8.30pm, 9.00p. 1045 p.m. 31.00 pm. 11.30 p.m, imes ma ! vi Ne Baise connect at Whitby with usses for all occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Waltlay Room, 10 Prince Street hone 2283 until the pencil begins to wander over the paper. When finished his pro- ductions appear to have been built up in a symmetrical pattern and show a marked Eastern influence. Some of the titles of his pictures are "An English Garden," "A Devgnshire Stream," "Allflowers," "Roses," and "Polyanthus." One title, ascribed by a waggish critic to the stock market crash, is "Light of Other Days." MAHON, MEFEKING HERO, DIES General Sir Bryan Mahon, who was the leader of the Imperial Light EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always EYESIGHT SPECIALIST * Specializing exclusively in muscle anemali¢ eyesight and glasses, 1516--~Phone-1516 Disney Block « Opposite Post Office i W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs | THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Delivey 1 W. J. TRICK COAL CO. LTD. Phones 230-231 25 ALBERT STREET POTATOES Ontario or New Brunswick 90 1b. Bag, $1.00 Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. PHONE 203 FOR RENT 9 Room House E v er y convenience. Warm, two car garage. Excellent address on Sim- coe Street North. Telephone Day 262 Evening 2111 Machinery Repaiting NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Skop Horse, which in 1900 cut through the Boer lines to the relicf of Baden- Powell at Mafeking, died recently at Dublin, Irish Free State. He went through the Egyptian campaign, win- ning the D.S.0. in the Dongola ex- pedition, and he also was awarded the Soudan War Medal and the Egyptian War Medal with eight clasps. Sir Bryan commanded the Cavalry Brigade in South Africa, was created a C.B,, and was awarded the Queen's Medal with three clasps. During the World War he raised the 10th (Irish) Division, and in 1915 was in command of the Salonika Army. In 1917 he was created a member of the Irish Privy Council, and had been a member of the Senate of the Irish Free State since 1921. 161 King St. \v. Phone 1214 REPAIRING WATCHFS OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tcl the correct time. D.J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads 20 King St. W. Phone 189 ROYAL YORK Tae Tea Fekoe ee 28¢ At all Superior Stores | HOUSE TO RENT 7 rooms Per mont $15.00 Dominion Clothing Co. Jb King St. W. Phone 21412 oF Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1886 : 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Chevrolet Sedan, 20 model price «eae S028 Chevrolet Coach, 28 model Price cco viineies 3328 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe Street South seen Doe CART W LUMBER (© + ATHOLL NV BRINGING UP FATHER BY GEO. McMANUS CAN | HAVE IT BUT, DADDY! THE DRESS 19 BEAUTIFUL AND IT DONT COST MUCH - CHARGED To "You? | SADNO.-DO YOL THINK I'™M MADE OF TO THE 1% THAT 207 WELL, LL GO AN' SEE THAT UT GOED RIGHT, BACK- DOOR HERES YOUR CIGARDS-MR: } JIGGD- 1'D LIKE TO HAVE A CHECK FOR"EM- VST TWO HUNDRED

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