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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1930, p. 2

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"Bowmanville Daily Times News advertising and the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street. T Bowmanville Representstive--8. PASTOR OF TRINITY (GAVE FINE ADDRESS TOH. ANDS. CLUB Club Takes Up Collection in Aid of the Community Welfare Committee The regular monthly meeting of the Home, and School Club was held in the Central Public School on Wednesday night with a good attendance. The president, Mrs, Frank Jackman, was in the chair and opened the meeting with Christmas carols, with Miss Leta Bragg presiding at the piano. Instead of the usual exchange of gifts which has been a feature of the December meetings in the past, a collection was taken andy subscribed to the Community Wel- fare Committee for its work am. ong the needy. Following the business session Mrs. G. F. Purdy, convener, took charge of the pro- gram which consisted of the fol. lowing numbers: Two vocal solos by Mrs. D. J, Chambers, accompanied by Mrs. E, Wood; a humorous reading by Mrs, H. Cameron; a piano solo by Mrs, E. Wood and a duet by the Misses Jean and Alice Purdy, accompan- fed by Mrs. Wood. All numbers were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. "Happiness and Education," was the subject of an address by the Rev. J. U. Robbins which followed the program. "Happiness 1s not a gift of the gods, like some people imagine," the speaker remarked. "It is a prize to be won by diligent ef- fort. We must discard one by one the methods that seem to promise will_be received at The Times in the Cowan' s Homse=-131, tarbert Mortock much and yet are known to fail Wealth and fame may bring hap- piness but more than earthly aad temporal happiness one needs m of all spiritual happiness. If we would achieve happiness we must find it in health, work and com- radeship with God and man." These three ingredients of hap- piness, without which all else is is necessary, the speaker added. Turning 'to education the speaker asserted that this should include, the training of the body, mind and soul. Bodies were intended to be temples of the Holy Spirit and God would have us have strong, vigor. ous bodies and good care and training would make them such. A trained mind and a clean soul in such a body makes manhood and womanhood complete, he sald, In closing, Mr. Robbins stressed the fact that the highest dim must be to serve mankind, and honor God and glorify Him. A hearty vote of thanks to the speaker was moved by Mrs, G. F, Purdy. who included in the motion all who had contributed to the gram. Refreshments were then served by the convener's group and a social half hour was spent. The singing of the National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. JUNIORS PLAYED FIRST GAME OF SEASON LAST NIGHT Boys Make Good Showing in Sheriff Paxton Trophy Game -- A trip was made to the Osh- awa Arena last evening for the purpose of seeing what the local juniors are going to shape like this Order Your oe Personal Greeting Cards ow Now at KARN'S Drug Store Next P.O. Phone 378 season. After seeing them in ae. tion against Whitby after only one practice it appears that one of the best Junior teams for some time will represent the Rubber Town this winter. Two players were missing how- ever, and these two are both con. sidered star members of the team. Tom Spencer, the Aura Lee play- er, did not go on the ick because he had not yet received his certi- ficate, but by Monday when the return game with Whitby takes place he will likely be in the line. up. The other missing star was Johnnie James who has not even been out to practise as yet this season. Johnny will no doubt be able to get away shortly and then it is hoped to see him back in the nets. What proved the biggest sur- prise of the evening was the. even- ness of the team. Every man, in- cluding subs, seemed to be right into the game, without any slack- ing and this promises an all-round team for the season. There is no doubt about that game last even. ing. - Although Whitby had more supporters present than did Bow- manville, nevertheless it was gen- erally conceded that Bowmanville had the edge on the play. While some of the boys played a little better than others last evening, all turned in a good game and with any luck at all they should make the much talked of Oshawa Jun- iors step around, and right on their own ice at that. DOLLARS SENTIMENTS It would, wouldn't it, be a grand world if one never had to give a thought to money . . . especially when you want to buy gifts to en- ( shrine your sentiments? . But sometimes sentiment must con- and Felt Bros. 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Oshawa, Ont. Established 1866 "Buy where satisfaction is a certainty" dross and with which nothing else | BANK OF COMMERCE N MANAGER TO LEAVE TOWN FOR STRATHROY A, W. Cgawforth, for the past eighteen months manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Bowmanville, is to be transferred shortly to Strathroy. Mr. Whalen, accountant in the Belleville Branch of this bank will be the new man- ager. The new man has had con- siderable banking experience in Ontario. The departure of Mr. Crawforth from the town will be received with regret by his large circle of friends and acquaintances which has been formed since his coming here a short time ago. He has been found to be a man of sterling qualities and possessed of an ac- curate business judgment. WHITBY DAILY TIMES COUNTY COURT Dates for Hearing Arranged ~--Criminal Case Hear- ing Today With a number of cases ad- journed to be heard at a later date, and dates set for the hearing of others, the docket of the County Court and General Sessions of the Peace which opened on Tuesday was considerably shortened, The criminal case of the King vs, Phipps, which was. struck off the jury list to be heard by His Honor Judge Ruddy without. a Jury, Is proceeding today at the Court House. The accused fis charged with a serious offense. The criminal case of the King vs. Wilson, the defendant being charged with arson will be heard by Judge Ruddy on the 20th of December. This case has to do with several fires in the village of Harmony which stirred the residents there recently. The ad- journment was granted on account of the fact that one of the chief witnesses had to leave on account of the death of a relative, L.O.B.A. ELECTS OFFICERS FOR THE ENSUING YEAR At their rocent meeting, the Loyal Orange Benevolent Assocla- tion, Lodge No. 351, elected the following officers for the coming year: Worthy Mistress, Miss Lily Gib- son; Deputy Mistress, Mrs. Arthur Trolley; Past Mistress. Mrs. New. ton; Chaplain, Mrs. Folliat Navin; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Dear- man; Financial Secretary, Miss Eva Watson; Treasurer, Miss Mar. jory Andrews; First Lecturer, Mrs. Herb Harden; Second Lecturer, Mrs. Norman Minifie; Director of Ceremonies, Mrs.. Morley McIntyre; Inner Guard, Mrs. Wm. Pierce Sr.; Outer Guard, Mr. Morley Mcin- tyre; Committee, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. George Gibson,. Mrs. Newton; Mrs. Mcintyre, Mrs. Plerce; Guard- fan, Mr. Norman Minifie; Trustees, Mr. F. Navin, Mr. M. Mcintyre, Mr. N. Minifie; Auditors, Mrs. F. Navin, Mrs. A. Trolley, Mrs. Doar- man; Pianists, Mrs. Ross Watson, Mrs. Leiper, Mrs. Dearman. WOMEN OF UNITED CHURCH HOLD CHRISTMAS MEETING The Mothers' Department of Trinity - United Church held their Christmas meeting on Thursday af- ternoon, Dee. 4th. The meeting, which was largely attended, open- ed with the singing of a Chrisumas hymn, followed by a short prayer. Mrs. Earle, the President, con- ducted a short business poriod, and then Mrs. D. Tex, convener of the program, took the chair. Rev. W. R. Tanton told the story of the "First Christmas Tree" which had a special appeal for the children present. Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. A, Staples favored' the audience with a well. rendered plano duet, Miss Ruth Pago with a delightful recitation, and the Misses Tex and Parkinson with a few Christmas songs. At the conclusion of the enter- tainment those présent, one hun- dred and twenty-four in number, sat down to a tasty afternoon tea in the beautifully decorated gym. fasium. China imported nearly $1,000,- 000 worth of American leather in 1930, GASES ADJOURNED -- Every available man on the police force was engaged last night in sn active search for the killer of Constable Roy MeQuillin, who was fatally shot by one of two automobile bandits, took the dying officer to Toronto General Hospital in his car, At the extreme right is shown the stolen car, which the thieves abandoned, the first to reach the scene, Murray and other officers are shown examining the machine, «the glass gplintered by two bullet holes, THREE PLAYS GIVEN FOR BENEFIT OF WHITBY CHEER FUND On Wednesday cvening the Re- bekah Dramatic Club presented their dramas, "The Scheme That Failed," "A Night With the Mow- hawks," and 'Birdseye Centre Characters," in the Community Hall at Port Whitby, in aid of the Christmas Cheer Fund. The admission was two dozen potatoes. Eight bags of potatoes were col- lected and also a baskat of canned goods. Albert Jackson, reeve, represent- ing the Relief Committee, was pre- sented with this bountiful supply of goods by Mr, Watson. In ad- dition to the dramas, the following program was presented: solos by Mrs. Mowat, Mrs. Erskine, Mrs. Lynde and Miss Agg; drama by Miss McIntosh and Mrs. Erskine: reading by Mrs. Roberts. At the close of the evening those takirg part in the program were served refreshments by Mr, Watson. CONSTABLE SLAIN SUSPECT IN JAIL (Continued from page 1) Into the border cities, in the ex- pectation that Jack Brockenshire, wanted in Torogto for the murder of a policeman may attempt to come home, Brockenshire is well known to the local police who claim he is on parole from Toronto and last reported to them in November, Jack Clarkson, {8 known to James Wilkinson, superintendent of identification, but has no erim- inal record here. His local address is not known, Toronto, Dec. 12.--Riddled w§h bullets from a revolver in the hand of a 20 to 25 year old stolen-car driver, who had been pursued and forced to the roadside at Scarlett Road and East Drive, Constable Roy A. McQuillin 27 McGregor Avenue, aged 33, crumpled up on the stole car running-board, and died on the way to the General Hospital about 7.30 last evening. The youthful slayer and his back-seat companion, after engag- | ing in a revolver duel with Police Speed Car Driver Roy Haliburton, who accompanied McQuillin, broke for the temporary freedom of the swamp country to the east and north of the intersection, where a small army of armed police be- lieved they had them cornered last night. Early this morning it was esti- mated that a thousand citizens were aiding about one hundred police officers, city and county, in fhe search of the swamps and ra- vines on the county side of East Drive, to which it was believed (Continued on page 11) Will Bring Back Body of Aviator White Horse, Yukon Territory, Dec 12--Plans were laid last night for recovery of the body of Capt. E, J. A. Burke, Vancouver flier who died after six week' wandering in the wild Yukon foothills." Buried in a grave made from a pile of logs, the body was left behind when Burke's fam- ished mates--Emil Kading and Bob Marten--were rescued last Sunday by Pilog Everett L. Wasson, Left is Robert Smith, 48 Macaulay Street, who Right is Ed gar McCollgan, Jane Strect, who was Inspector Below is a view of the rear window of the car with McQuillir Constable Haliburton, 's companion, fired the two shots, the Congregation of Notre and Sister Anne Marie, di- of the School of Pedagogy, Montteal. AUSTRALIAN PREMIER | {crs of IS RECEIVED BY POPE. rc: rc - | ¢ ress th of Vatican City, Dec. 12--The Pope | " - - today granted an audience to Prime Military Revolution Minister James Henry Scullin of Is R ed in Spai Ais ry € mn ain Australia and Mrs. Scullin. Charles Reon P Bewley, the Irish Free State repre- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) sentative at the Vatican acted as in- Madrid, Dec. 12--A military revolu- tion was started in S today on terpreter, : This afternoon the Pontiff granted | the heels of widespread troubles have continued for several an audience to Mother Marie Ju | which Cenacle, Superior Generat of the Sis- weeks. BOYD AND CONNOR OFF TO MONTREAL Civic Reception To Be Tend- ered Atlantic Fliers in New York (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Dec, 12.--Capt. J. Er. rol Boyd and Harry Connor, recent conquerors of the Atlantic, hopped oft for Montreal, shortly after noon today in the aeroplane Columbia It was originally planned that the flyers would leave yesterday but owing to adverse weatner condi- tions they postponed their flight until today. Boyd and Connor expect to spend two days in Montreal before they fly to New. York where a civic reception awaits them. GIRL WITNESS IN TRIAL QUESTIONED Gives Interesting Evidence in Murder Trial of Belleville Man (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kansas City, Kas.,, Dec. 12.-- Miss Grace Brandon, star witnes for the government in the trial of Maj- or Charles A. Shepard formerly of Belleville, Ont,, for the alleged poison murder of his wife, today underwent a grilling bv the defense as to her love » "air with the elderly army medical officer, Harry 8. Class, Denver attorney, led off with a barrage of questions Sohteraisg Shepard's first meetings with the girl a San Astonio, Tex., stenographer, for the love of whom the major is charged with poisoning his wife at Fort Riley, Kas, in June, 1929. Asked if Shepard had not always conducted himself as & gentleman, the girl replied. "Yes, he was a perfect gentle man," Referring to her relations with shepard while he was stationed for several months at San Antonio prior to his wife's death, Class asked if he major ever had attempted care ses, "No," was the answer. TITLE CLAINANT CREATES SCENE Tries To Interrupt Sale of Portraits of Earl's Family _ (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) London, Dee, 12.--Startling a sedate crowd in Christie's auction rooms, & hitherto unknown claim- ant to the title and estate of the Earl of Egmont, dramatically in- terrupted the proceedings just as the sale of the Egmont family por traits was about to begin this af- ternoon. "I protest against this sale," cried the stranger, who was under- stood to say there had been legal proceedings against it. The interrupter finally subsided after the auctioneer had refused to proceed until quiet wes restor- ed. Then he walked out of the auction room, but before going handed out a card printed as fol- lows: Mr. R. Pownall, Haydock, Lan- cashire, claimant of the title and estates of the Earl of Segmont." JUNK DEALER IS FINED $11,000 Is Found Guilty of Receiving Property Stolen From Railway St. Catharines, Dec. 12--A fine o. $1,000 and costs, an additional restie tution payment of $682 to the Michi- gan Central Railway and a suspended sentence of two years on account of ill health was the penalty imposed today by Magistrate J. H. Campbell on Maurice Morris, junk dealer of this city, for receiving stolen proper- ty. The case arose out of Niagara Falls theft case, as a result of which William Fisher and three Hazard Brothers are now serving sentences for having stolen brass car journals from the M.C.R. at Niagara INTERNATIONAL PAPER and Oued, including subsidiaries, by 79,000 shareholders in Canadas, Great Britain and the United. States. The Company's securities are listed and traded in on the Montreal and New York Stock Exchanges. Koc on the Gatineau River, International's Quebec power develop- ment programme was initiated five years ago. : Then, the great power resources of the Gatineau were running to waste. °* Now, the Gatineau is harnessed on this river alone, and within less than two years, International built hydro-electric plants with a total designed capacity of 562,000 horsepower. Of this capacity, generators aggregating 438,500 horsepower now are in operation and their entire output is in the service of Canadian industry. Two great storage reservoirs, with a com. bined capacity of one hundred and forty- five billion cubic feet, likewise have heen constructed by the Company, and are being operated by the Quebec Streams Commission to regulate the flow of the river, restraining otherwise destructive floods and impounding their energy for the later creation of useful power. POWER COMPANY "For the first time in the history eof Canada, perhaps in the history of the world, a whole river has been taken over, every available source of power marked out, and the greater part of this powee harnessed to giant turbines."* From its inception in 1925, development of the Gatineau has been carried forward by Gatineau Power Company, a wholly. owned subsidiary. of Canadian Hydro» Electric Corporation Limited, and itself one of the largest oducers of electrical energy on the North American continent. (®) From The Engineer, London, Englond, \ What International Paper and Power Company is, whe owns it, what are its policies and where and of what nature its undertakings, is being told in a series of advertisements, of which this is the seventh. CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY NEW BRUNSWICK INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY RIORDON, SALES. CORPORATION LIMITED SAINT JOHN RIVER POWER COMPANY GATINEAU POWER COMPANY INTERNATIONAL PAPER and POWER COMPANY CANADIAN: HYDO-ELECTRIC CORPORATION LIMITED GATINEAU ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY LIMITED CONTINENTAL PAPER PRODUCTS LIMITED INTERNATIONAL FIRE BOARD LIMITED NIPIGON CORPORATION LIMITED INTERNATIONAL PAPER AND POWER SECURITIES LIMITED J |

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