Er ---- - - ~ TT mp ARE PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1930 SINCLAIR RETIRES FROM LEADERSHIP HEPBURN CHOSEN (Continued from page 1) going to call the bluif of these two men who are offering themselves as willing men for the service of the Liberal Party; I am going to give them a chance," . When he concluded his speech of retirement, Mr. Sinclair turned and eded for the door of the con- vention hall. Supporters--and even some who were known to be Hep- burn supporters--hastened after him to shake him by the hand and say nice things to him. To The Globe, immediately after in the cor- ridor, Mr. Sinclair said his decision to retire was reached within a few minutes of his call to the platform. He believed it to be in the Liberal Party interests. He would not re- sign his seat in the Legislature, he assured The Globe, and would even carry on as House Leader, if it was the desire of the members, until Mr. Hepburn enters the Legislature tb pick up the fallen mantle. 4 To Remain at Ottawa The new Leader, The Globe un- derstands, will not resign immedi- ately from his West Elgin seat in the Dominion Parliament, put will carry on at Ottawa for two years Itis representation of his West Ei- gin constituents. Then, on the eve of the next Provincial election, he will resign his Federal seat and contest his Provineial riding cor- responding to that of the Federal political division. But he will pick up his Provincial leadership respon- sibilities at once, and, as soon as Tte ean make the arrangements, tour the Provnce from end to end. He intended, he said, to maintain his reputation as a hard figh'er and nard worker, : Nothing could have,been more ' gracious' and more earnestly spoken than Mr, Philpott's motion" of un- animity for his victorious oppon- ent. "I never had a prouder privi- lege in my live," he said "than to move to make the election of Mit- chell F. Hepburn unanimous. We have elected the finest young fight- ing Liberal in Ontario for our Lead- er. Let us all get behind him:" And in his response to Mr. Philpott, Mr. Hepburn expressed appreciation of this sportsmanship and prophesi- ed for his beaten opponent a high place in Liberal councils and cir- cles when his time came. Deafening cheering broke over the convention when Mr. Hepburn eventually was announced as victor, and the young Leader, carried tu the platform, proceeded to make a brief address of thanks and injunc- tion to hard work. After thank- ing Mr. Philpott for his kind ref- erences, he said: "If I had been de- feated in this contest I would not have been down-hearted, and, on the other hand, having been elected I am not over-elated. I am over- whelmed with the sense of respon- sibility that now devolves upon me, I am going to do my best, but I am only going as far as my people will back me. If you will back me, as I know you will, I am going to go a long way. Iam going to make some contribution to the welfare of this Province. I hope when my span is over on this earth it will be better than when I came in." To Maintain Democracy He wanted loyalty, he said, such as he had from his West Elgin con- stituents. "We are going to fight for principles; we are going to maintain democracy in the Province of Ontario. I go forward full of optimism. I have earned the repu- tation of being a hard fighter, and I am going to uphold that reputa- tion in Ontario. I intend to go from one end of Ontario to the oth- er as soon as I can make the neces- sary arrangements." Admitting himself to be "a young man," he de- clared his intention of constantly keeping in touch with older coun- sel, which he knew would be will- ingly given him from among his older associates of the Commons and Legislature. Rousing Reception Mr. Sinclair was called upon to speak immediately following' Mr, Hepburn and Mr. Philpott, He was accorded a rousing reception 2s he went to the platform, before few in the vast convention could have known of his contemplated withdrawal. "We have had industrial hard times for the last few months," Mr. Sinclair commenced, "but I've had political hard times for seven year." Mr. Sinclair referred to Mr, Philpott's remark that the Liberal Leader had a hard. uphill fight in Ontario. "But he has only read about it; I have experienced it," he remarked. id Sees Opposition "I am sure that I can see here today a good majority for me if I contested the leadership. But what would result afterwards? There has been criticism of my efforts in the past few years so that win- ning the convention would con- tinue the same state of affairs. '1 can see today only a new man taking on the task and facing the difficulty which 1s confronting us now. You have heard of willing workers--there are little socleties of willing workers everywhere, We have here today two such voung men, eager and enthusias- tic. province, "Im not a boy any more, Why, bless your hearts, and Ms tae crinkled into a. smile. 'I voted be- fore Mitch Hepburn was born. Yes, voted, perhaps, two or three times, years of my life to this task, to [for we used to have our elections | trying to further the party in this | often down in old Ontario, hope and with the conviction th a new start will make things be! ter in Ontario. 1 hope it will b better. At least, if it is not, shall know that | have not stoo in the way, Thank youn." He turned and stepped slightly (Continued on page 12) "Give your new leader--one of these two men (you see I used these ballots for notes because I knew 1 wouldn't need them)--- every help you can. Support him until there comes a better day for the party in. Ontario. "So I stand aside today in' the have stood behind me in the past 20 years. I can never forget those friends amongst whom I have moved." Asks Support for Leader He paused for a moment and shook the little pad in his hand, "I have given these bes years of my life and heart because I'm a Liberal, by heredity and convic- tion. I have three generations of Liberals behind me on both sides of my family. I thank those who land then looked up and conitnued: these two men." He smiled armingly over his shoulder at the two on the platform behind him. themselves as willing workers to the party. It will give them a chance to go on and 1 will follow their careers with interest and sympathy always, "lI want to thank those who have given me such loyal support fn the past and to tender my for- giveness to those who have said unkind things of me, perhaps thoughtlessly. I have given the best SIS BINNS MIS ME TEC MANO MEX NENE DO NNS | SIMPSON'S OSHAWA TOYTOWN Simpson's Oshawa Toytown carries a complete line of toys of all descriptions Below are listed seven numbers at exceptionally low prices. Shop for these tomor- row, as there are only 6 more shopping days Store will be open Saturday night, Dec. 24th until 10 p.m, will quickly 'sell night, Dec. 28rd, and out," till Wed nesday night, Dec. Christmas <) and quantities 20th, Tuesday Phone Orders Filled Oshawa 2000 35- INCH STEERING SLEIGHS-- Strongly made hardwood top, finished In red enamel, neatly stencil- led--"'Simcoe Flyer". Bolt- ed to heavy nonekid T steel runners finished in blue, BETTY LOU DOLLS-- Beautiful composition head of hard-to-bread material with sleeping eyes and love- ly hair. Dressed in dainty felt dresses with hats to match, shoes and stockings.. 16 inches tall, Friday 93c All These Items Can Be Bought at Oshawa Store. $2 DOLL TRUNKS -- Strongly made wood Trunk metal covered, with rein- forced corners, Has brass lock with key, two brass catches, leather handle and dress tray, Sizes 15 x 8 x 8 inches, Friday .. ..1.49 - ------ << -- LARGE SITTING CAT-- Hear it meow! Well made of grey felt cloth with silk ribbon bow. 14 inches long, 1114 inches high. Friday 49c COMICAL FACE RUBBER BALLS--Made of good quality rubber, Splendid bouncer. 5% inches in dia- meter. Friday:,.... ..40¢ CRAYON AND PAINTING ' SETS--Consisting of cray- ons, paints, two painting books and 3 story books. Friday ' EXTRA SPECIAL of 6 and large tea- Set consists large coups saucers, pot, bowl covered sugar and jug. All nicely dec- orated. Friday 79¢ cream ' ~ CARRE LARRR LAREN RRO NNRN SN COMPANY LIMITED SRN : a A SENENENE TS SONENENE' S MMMMENA 3 MRR RORNINE © NO NENENE © NONINENE D MONENES 3 "I am going to call the bluff of | dis- | "The two men who are offering | SEITEN S PERRIS BPS: SIVA © III © BREN SHED: S BIN PREM HANKS SEH; BW GROCETERIAS 5-2 » it : L BLA 'S and > SANTA CLAUS Both Bri GOOD CHEER... poco e co bab co SSR Ct Cab Sa Se SN Spe Se eps pS SS Serve Our RA 2% "a i FORILESS wae {Christmas Cake with Confidence A SSE SE SARS SRS SR California Budded Made from a very fine Old English recipe. It contains the very choicest of Oriental Fr ruits, Valencia Almonds, Fine Spices, High Park Butter, New Laid Eggs and covered with a Buy it by elicious Almond Paste. the Slab, Pound or Slice~ BAKED IN OUR MODERN, SANITARY BAKERY 3% Ib. 1 1b. For those desiring the FINEST TEA PROCURABLE EGYPTIAN BLEND pexoe. he 23c 4 45¢ Blended by Loblaw's experts RED LABEL Pkg. 37¢c Pkg. 73c rune. BLUE LABEL 7525e } 2850 Black or Mixed BROWN LABEL 4% 23c ht:45¢ STORE HOURS FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK Xx XX FRI, Dec. 19, open till 10 p.m. SAT., Dec. 20, open till 10 p.m. MON., Dec. 22, open till 10 p.m. TUE., Dec. 23, open til! 10 p.m. Sin CHOCOLATES Brazil Nuts Almonds Filberts Fancy Large Fancy, Large Washed --New Stock ...... ro ssl Tarragona--Fancy Large... ERAN An entirely new assortment in a lovely Christmas Box er. 1 Lb. Box PEC have never before shown such Dor't Forget ! ) . Xmas and Bridge Mixtures, Jelly PRIDE of ARABIA offee, Liquorice Allsorts, Butter-Scotch and Lb. Lb. Mixed Nuts Walnuts, Almonds, Brazils, Filberts COFFEE "fi mes vil do ch t Value vg Jolly Tyme {Double Filled .. The Finest we have ever had --Every one Double Filled From the lowest price to highest with a hat or cap and a high class novelty You'll Want More"' s. mixtures will do much 15 1b. 11b. tin 28° 'Tin 49° Timely Suggestions 21c 23¢ 79 34c r at "4, Fy Rudy SURE Cranberry Jelly = An Tomato Marmalade Shirriff's, Really Delicious 16 oz. Jar Skinless. Figs Texas Sy psec $0 OZ, glo Jar ....12 os. Jar Maple Syrup : Table Raisins ..~.16 oz. Bottl ig Fancy Quality--Cluster Box of 12 39c yy Carnival Festive $ Merry Maker : Mrs. Hamilton's Libby's » q } Libby's Double Filled with Rhyme Double Filled with Rhyme Double Filled with Rhyme Finest Quality--Bulk ........u.oinmmssssiie Lbs Royal Jar, Finest Quality ....... Pure Honey Nature's Food......... 22 os. Fey. Jar Shortening Domestic or Easifirst Purely Vegetables ............ 2 Lb. Tin Apple Cider Allen's, ~Made from the finest Ontario apples........ Bottle Raisins California--Seedless ......ccwnrrinn..... Raisins Australian Sultanas, World's Finest Raisins 2 Spanish Valencia--Finest Quality SS -------- mouse OLIVES HOUSE Club House 26¢ 32¢ Box ot 12 B6C ur 33C Bottle 18¢ noes 14¢ Lunch Queen Club House No. 8. Club House No. 5 C & B's Old English Style PLUM PUDDING SPECIAL--WESTON'S ROYALTY PACKAGE BISCUITS Table Figs Fancy--38 Crown Smyrna uum Natural Figs 2 Excellent Value ..........cmmnniiond t bates Hallowi--Fresh new pack 2 17¢ Stoneless. we. 17¢