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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Dec 1930, p. 2

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ET ----. fhe PAGE TWO A ER ' 2 ay THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, | Pe BRODKLINY. .S. * NAMES OFFICERS C. Hanna, President, and Miss Bessie Garbutt, Vice President Brooklin, December _17--At the an- nual meeting of the Young People's League on Tuesday evening the fol- lowing officers were elected for the oo i . Ha resident: . nna, . Viee-President--Miss Bessie: Gar. bust, Secretary=Miss Florence Rahm, Sreanier-1ed Jake, Bovi t-<Miss Rose Boyd. im rope Ruth Bickel. 8, epafiments : gums, ¢ ry Doris Gee, and My= Holiday; Missionary -- Misses C. Harris and Ruth Morrison; Citizen- ship=Grant Ormiston, and Levi Ark- dey; Christian Fetlowship--Gordon Denny and Roy Jackson. It was decided to hold a Watch Night Service again this year, At Nu conclusion of the business a very interesting illustrated Lecture on South America was given by Mr, 7. W. Story, of the Evangelical Un- ion of South America, "The United Church -- Rev. P. L. Jull, B.A, pastor. Friday, Dec. 19 8 p.m. Sunday School entertainment, pageant, "The Christmas Story of the Holy Grail," "White Gift Service, offering for relief work, Sunday, Dec. 21st==10 a.m, Sunday School, Christ- mas service; 11 am, sermon theme, "I'he Holy Grail," Christmas music; 7p.m., the choir will render the Sac- red Cantata, "The Prince of Peace Thutsday, Dec, 25th -- 10.30 am, Christmas service. A cordial invita- tion extended to all services, The following is the Josramme for the Sacred Cantata, "The Prince of Peace." To be given by the United Church Choir next Sunday evening. PART I---The Promise--Sing, O Heavens (chorus); The Heavenly King (bass solo); And There Shall Come Forth (quartet); Fear Thou «Not (solo and Horan; Hail Bethle- contralto sole), he ART II -- The Fulfillment -- O Holy Night (male quartet); There were Shepherds (soprano solo, guar- tet and chorus) ; Bright Star of Hope (duet); March of The Magi, (chorus for male voices); O Blessed Lord, (solo); Blessed be the Lord God, (tinal chorus). Give your money a job and the other fellow will be able to find one. --Ameriean Lumbérman. TODAY AND FRIDAY The Bensationgl English Production "BALACLAVA" With Big English Cast of Favorites Paramount Talkartoon Chester Conklin Comedy FOX NEWS 4 test next Monday afternoon, Decem- ber 22nd, st three o'clock sharp. DON'T BE LATE, What Others Say The Editor of Daily Times, Osh~ awa, Dear Bir: In #eporting the coroners Inquest on the death i Leahating Much you nt the following: ¥ Dthou h mény in the southern section of the city contend that Monday's tragedy might have beet averted had the proposed Lakeview Gardens bridge been erected, there was no evidence last night to show that the little girl would have used this bridge on her way to school. Tala is contenty ab the foi inte rought out by the Crown 0! fl The witness, Mary Mucha, Mates that they went down to the Jog | Lol érossing the creek, leaving homé at $18, They were in the habit of using this log as a temporary bridge as & means of getting to school, The rain we had on the Previous Sunday washed this 10g away and the fatal sceident was the result. If the city had erected a permanent bridge théss children would have crossed safely and she would have been alive today. 1 have noticed in your "Editorials" and youf come ments on World Events that you "pun with the hares and hunt with the hounds," Such statements are not appreciated by the reading pub. le. Thanking you in anticipation, } remain, Yours truly, C. H., Matthews, THANKS EXPRESSED The Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, Ont, Dear Bir: We wish to compliment you on, and sincerely thank you for, the excellent publicity the Bank re- ceived in last Saturdays' edition of thé Times" on the occasion of the occupation of our new offices, You may be Interested to know that we received very favorable comments upon the issue from our General Manager, Mr. Jackson Dodds of Montreal, and from our Assistant General Manager, Major 8. C. Norsworthy, D.8.0,, M.C,, of Toronto, Yours very truly R. 8, Morphy, Manager, Gives real fin AY boys and girls like to take pictures. Since Brownies take 00d pictures the easiest way, one of these dependable catheras is ideal for any youngster's Christmas, Select your Cheistmas Brownies from our complete stock. These "simplest veal cameras" sell for as little as $2.25, and each catties with it a free sub scription ta" Kodakery," the monthly photographic magazine, Karn's Drug Store Next P.O, Phone 878 rsh grit It voor dosrog utenshls, floors, ork--in fact It ls your or Is economy to use may used. doesn't scrateh. biggest help for all house" Old Dutch hasne walls, wood- redden the skin. Old Dutch ++. because It goes Stock Market Prices Marked vusunsry Toronto and New York Wieck Biggar and Cvawford, : TORO! Sock High Br, A. OI 18% rez, .. 21% Can, 1st Cockshutt Dm, Strs, Gypsum 125% 11% 16% 11% 11% A A 824 82% B. Station 31 31 31 I -- standard Mines Amulet 25 24 Ch, Res, 250 240 De. Mn», 840 836 Faleon, 1256 Holl, .. 600 Hy, Gold 18 Hd, Bay 405 Lk, Bh, 2160 Nrnda, 1285 8h, Grd, 87 8d, Bs, 46 Tk, Hg. 680 Wr. Hr. 167 by Cnaadian Press Siew Peibdtng, Oohavs NEW YORK Stock High Low Am, Can. 114 111% Am, Fr, Pr, 21% 20% Am, Tel, 182% 179 Am, Inter, 19% 18% Anaconda 28% Bendix ... 10% Beth, Steel 547% Byers AM, 41 Can, Dry ,. 34% Can, Pac, 39 Cn, Fl. Pr. 16% Cn, ¥1, Co, 12% Chrysler 16% Col, Gas .. 08% Fox Flim 28% Gen. Elec, 46% Gen, Mot, 35 Int, Tel, .. 28% Mt. Ward 19% Pl, Rd. Coal 8% Paramount 37% Pb, N. Jer. 11 Radio .... 14 Radio Kth, 17 Slmmons .. 16% Bt. NJ, .. 48 U.8. Rubber 13 U.B. Bteel 141% Vanadium 68% Yel. Truck 10% Money 2 per cent, W.E.N. Sinclair Regrets that He Found it Necessary to Withdraw from Leadership Regret that he had found it nee. essary. to retires from the contest for the position of leader of the Lib. eral party of Ontario, was voiced to a representative of The Times this morning, in & statement by W, B. N. Binelalr to his supporters in his own constituency of Bouth Ontario, "I am confident that, had I made an appeal to the convention, 1 would have been elected leader by a substantial majority, I know that the people of this riding were con- fident in my leadership, and I re- gret that developments at the con. vention were such that [ found it necessary to withdraw, Mr, Binciair eontirmed the fact that he would remain as Leader of the Opposition in the house until such time as the new leader, Mit- cheil Hepburn, secures a seat in the Ontario House. 'The choice of A house leader, is of course, made by the members of the party elect- ed to th o house," he remraked, The prepared statement which Mr. Binélalr issued to The Times, reads: "I regret the eclrcumstances which eompelled me to retire from the contest for leader yesterday, more on account of my friends in the riding here than for any other reason, Their loyalty and friena- ship have always encouraged me In the heavy task. I hope they will appreciate with me the difficulties with which I was faced and trust my Judgment in the matter as they have always done before." CONTEST ENDS NEXT MONDAY (Continued from page 1) special offer of extra .eash prizes was given to candidates doing the best work for a stated period, and when the total records were check- ed up tor this special period on December 16th, it was found that Miss Jean Thompson of Raglan, had turned in the most cash on new and second pay hew subscriptions dur. the special offer and is therefore declared winher of a $20.00 extra cash prize for last week, Elmer Wilbur and Miss Frances Sonley each win $10.00 extra prizes and Mrs. M, McQuay and Sam. Kivell both win $6.00 extra prizes. Now the only thing left to decide is the winner of the choice of free autos and the big cash prizes which will be awarded at the close of the con: REACHING ONE'S FRIENDS Hollday time will soon be here and there are so many people one wants to remember, ouldn't a Long Distance telephone call be one of the nicest possible ways of greet- ing out-of-town friends? THE LAST WORD Some women are jealous of an echo because it manages invariably to get the last word. WHAT OTHERS SAY THINK OF THE BIRDS To the Editor of the "Oshawa Daily Times." of Dear Bir: We would call the at- tention of the people to the starving birds, which ean not procure food in this kind of weather and would ask, please, to throw out their scraps and pleces of bread, instead of putting same in garbage cans, They will be rewarded by He who sees all acts of kindness towards hig "Dumb Creation "We speak For Those, Who Can- not Speak For Themselves." Mrs. BE, B, Grigs, President of Oshawa Humane Bo- clety. A GREAT CONVENIENCE Oshawa Daily Times, Gentlemen: Would you please bring to the at- tention of the Police Commission the establishment of a traffic signal at the corner of Centre and King Street, I have a tenant who has been living in the city near one of these auto. matic signals and three changes of the signal is just time enough for her to cook an egg and unless the signal is established there I am very much afraid of losing the tenant, Landlord. Love Is valued highest during the days of courting and the days in court.~Grand Rapids Press. Would you modernize your home....clocks will do it Electric clocks ; sweet sound- a Gaily task or a tn A a wel home is known by its and of the tments organized clocks ry .v..And a good jewel store, too, may be sure to chandise I ita ble mer« assortment of clocks includes the best known makes . . . Like ours, for example--see for yourself. FELT BROS. 12 Simcoe St, South Oshawa, Ont. Hetablished 1800 "Buy Where Satistaction is a Cer tainty" "i oN N LLL " | kd iy | a CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS: I'riday, Dec, 19, 9 a.m. till 9.80 p.m, "aturday Dec 20th, 9 a.m. till 9.30 p.m, Monday, Dee, 22nd. 9 a.m. till 9.30 p.m, Tuesday, Dec. 23rd, 9 a.m, till 9.30 p.m, Wednesday, Dec, 24th, 9 a.m. till 9.80 p.m. SPECIAL-~-DELMONTE PINEAPPLE SLICED 26¢ No. 2 SIZE TIN EXTRA SPECIAL --- Storage Firsts EGGS > 36¢ Order Several Dozen at This Price EXTRA SPECIAL--CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NAVEL 4 No Christmas Complete Without Mince Pie EATON S Cholee Qual. 1 7c ity ~~ Neaitite container, Wethoy's Kvaporated 14¢ 46c¢ Por pkg Wagstall's Finest Fruita 2)5-1b. Jar For Putting That Delightful lover in the Turkey Mited. 8c and Spices Thyme Per tin Feehsanenenen Poultry Dressing Per ta. , , 8c Dates and Figs Old City Selected Quality 10or he... @ rer 2860 2 36¢c Karavan Ktone. loss Daten, pki layer Tunis Figs Bon phy ' Layer Tunis Figs 16-08. pkg ie botlle os. 34¢ [Ame Juice Cordial bottle , 38¢ pan bot 68¢ .. 82¢ Ap ay . elch's Grape Juice, Por qiiart pe . 684¢ Ginger Ale Canada Dry' (Jc refund on bottles), Half-dor. pink carton Quart bof Roses. 18-00 Ginger Wine non-alcoholic Welch's Grape Adanae | fund on Spanish 4 Crown, Pound pk Spanish 6 Crown Pound pkg. Dessert Brand Cal, Muscatel, 15.0e, box SANTA brings EATON'S Aimond-iced Rich FRUIT CAKE '; 46. A delicious cake~~made from the Ethoicest fruits--nuts and spices~--with a rich almond icing--truly a real cake. CHRISTMAS CRACKERS AND STOCKINGS Aroch EE eessnussarse. 8¢ Stockings, Largo size............. £50 Pan Box Fancy caps included. Box of | hos Lo rge size 38¢ NU YY BRALZILS NEW Large, Washed STOCK 22; Mized in Bhell--- Waksuts, 22¢ | fpmonds. & uma Lb Pradiiod %i nn 34c Ps a Yue, 18 Roasted Peanuts, Per hb. .... sors 15¢ EATONIA Assorted English le. 1:0b, pkg. seeesses s Sweet t 14 oz, tin , eek Frean's Short Large t orthread, Gileh Scotck 8 or Animal Biscuil hristies' Barnum, WILLARD'S FIRESIDE CHOCOLATES A Delicious Assortment Christmas Package CHRISTIE'S DELICIOUS PLUM PUDDING Sauce Recipe Attached 2-POUND 89~ 2-1b. 5 4) Cc Box MAKES AN IDEAL GIF1 J Assorted Creams, 3:1b, box THE CREAM OF THE CREAMERY SUNGLO Butter » 32¢ Cowan's Maple Bu 12.00. box ... Popcorn, Jolly Times Por tin ......orvsiiennensas Popeorn, "Little Buster." 10-02, tin EATON'S Ch Assorted, Small. Bar .... Co Bie 100 oa = amphre 34c (Baking, Topping, Eating and Toasting.) EXTRA SPECIAL CREAMS and JELLIES Sunrise Wrapped Loag CANDY 1-16. 19¢ Box Just the thing for the kiddies' stockings DLIVES BREAD «7c McLaren's Invincible EXTRA SPECIAL~.CHOICE OF AYLMER HEAVY SYRUP No. 2 Size Tins PEACHES sarierr PEARS 14¢cr2™s 27¢ Pimento Stuffed No. 10 19¢ 8q. Jar JA A Quan. . 190 Femi. No. 3 8c RELISHES Yorkahire Relish, Por bottle. ............ 24¢ SPECIAL~HANDY BRAND AMMONIA 5~24c¢ Sra ER aves Sn. 19¢ rT... 28¢ Branston Crome a Biackweils. Bt 29¢ \ SPECIAL--LIBBY'S PORK AnD BEANS POULTRY gARLY/| 35¢ to \} BUY YOUR Z CHRISTMAS. w= HAMS PHONE NO. Choice sis TURKEYS No. 2 Squat Tins Fresh Largs and", 23c/: Killed, 39¢ CHOICE YOUNG > CHOICE YOUNG GEESE » "CHICKENS »*°" Half or Whole PRIME RIB ROAST > 25C| BEEF = © 20¢ J DELIVERY ON GROCERIES 10c EXTRA 0 BE RRR ER a -- it \ { > SN f (Sj oldli[Kefenlo [I=IN / \

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