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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Dec 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1930 Ta _"-"n@ ag PAGE FIVE omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community Social! & Personal Angus Hood, of Upper Canada College, Toronto, is in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M Hood, for the Christmas vacation. The annual Christmas dinner party given for the pupils of Bishop Bethume College, was held at the school last evening, Lorne Camp, No. 39, Sons of Scot- land, held a very enjoyable dance in Engels Hall on Tuesday night. Wat- son's orchestra supplied the music. During the evening the Christmas prize winners were announced as fol- lows: First, No. 326, second, No. 65, third, No. 68, fourth, 'No, 312 fifth, No. 40, sixth, No. 201. CHRISTMAS DANCE FOR CHOSEN FRIENDS The members of the Chosen Friends Lodge of Oshawa were for- tunate in having for their Charity Dance held last evening, music sup- plied by the Oshawa Citizens' Band. The band is now under the direc- tion of Bandmaster Andrew Knox. Lodge members who heard it last evening reported a marked improve- ment in the band. A most enjoy- able programme of selections by dif- ferent members of the band was presented. Mr, E. Bircham played a euphonium solo, a clarinet duet by Messrs. Knox and Terrett, a solo by Marx Terrett on the clarinet, "The Carnival of Venice." The newly organized mouth-organ band played for the first time last even- ing. Mr. Albert Henning led the community singing, which consisted this week of Christmas tunes. The "Terrible Twins" known to the Chosen Friends audience perform- ed 'a skit last evening under the direction of Messrs. Norrish and Noble. Dr. C. W. Carr spoke ou behalf of the lodge and welcomed the guests. The Christmas Tree to which every guest contributed something to be distributed among needy families in the city was heavy laden with parcels. It was a very pretty picture with its gay lights and burden of gifts in Christmas wrappings. This tree was in charge of Mrs. J. Marks, Mrs. Weeks and Mrs. Simpson. The guests enjoy: ed dancing to the music supplied by the Oshawa Citizens' Band. Another Christmas Dance will be held next Wednesday evening. Shaw places Einstein above New- ton in the scientific world. That is relatively speaking. -- McCook Gaz YOUNG PEOPLE OF KING STREET C: URCH CHOOSE OFFICERS The weekly meeting of the King street Young People's League was held on Monday, December 15, with Group "C" in charge. Al. Hor- ton, leader of Group "C", acted as chairman, and conducted the Christmas worship service, The president, Ed. Kiefaber, was called upon to conduct the ousiness period. After a few items of business had been discussed. ihe meeting was given over to Rev. Mr. Cragg, who had charge of the election. of officers for the ensu- ing year. The following slate of officers for the ensuing year. The following slate of officers was brought in by the nominatin, committee, and accepted as a whole by the League. Honorary president, Rev, C. E. Cragg; past president, Ed. Kiefab- er; president, Bert Wood; assist- ant president, Velma Harris; group leaders, Art. Wood, Marion Blew ett, Harold Barker, Madeline Tool ey; secrgtary, Lloyd Hennesey; as sistant secretary, Genevieve Sine. corresponding secretary, Mae Win- ter; treasurer, Hilda Milner; as sistant treasurer, Jack Chamber- lain; pianist, Marion Gummow; as- sistant pianist, Doris Salter; re porter, Gladys Oke; flower cou- venor, Marjorie Blewett; council irs, social, - Ruth Cook; citizen ship, Meredith Moffatt; devotion- al, Evelyn Massey; missionary. Ed. Kiefaber; assistant mission- ary, Mary Davy. H. C. Treneer led in a short sing-song, after which the meeting was closed with the Mizpah bene- diction. KNOX CHURCH WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION A very pleasant time was spent on Tuesday evening when the vari- ous groups of the Association met to report on the success of their ac- tivities for the year which is about to close. A delightful dinner served un- der the leadership of Mrs. Hamil- ton and Mrs. Sparks to all the la- dies of the Association, together with the members of Session and Board of Managers. After a short period of communi- ty singing a programme, which was much appreciated, was rendered by he following: Mrs. McClenneghan, a solo; Miss I. McDonald, a monologue; Mrs. Cousins and Mrs. Matheson, duet; Mrs. Morgan and Master Terry Mo: gan, plano and drum duet; Mr. Douglas, plano instrumental; Mr. Goldburn acted as accompanist for * tartar, 1 even teaspoon saleratus, * spoon salt, flour enough to stif- * fen so that it can be rolled out. * Christmas Jelly * Make one pint each of red * (raspberry or cherry) and green * (mint or pistacho) jelly. * red jelly add red cherries, and to * the green, * green grapes. * garnish of whipped cream dress- * ing. * Beat the white of one egg until ¢ stiff. Add gradually while beat- * nut, or pecan, which have been * 5 5 % 5 5 5 6 Fs 0 8 0 * Nut Pudding 3 * Chop fine one package of dates, * Graham * * three-fourths pound * crackers, twenty-four marshmal- * lows and one cup nut meats, Mix * * these together and add a half pint * * of coffee cream and pack into a * loaf in a pan. Let this stand over * night; slice, and serve with whip- * ped cream. * Doughnuts * One cup sugar, 1 cup milk, 1 * egg, 1 heaping teaspoon cream of FRAGA * l4teaspoon grated nutmeg, 7 tea- To the PERE Era > skinned and pitted Serve a spoonful * of each on lettuce, with a small . . Nut Macaroons * ing one cup of sifted brown sugar * Fold in one cup of very finely * chopped nut meats, mixed, wal- * sprinkled with a4 quarter teaspoon * of salt. Drop from tip of spoon * to a buttered sheet, and bake in * a moderate oven until delicately . % brow n. . Ld v ' What New York | Is Wearing By Annebelle Worthington Illustrated Dressmaning Lesson Furnished With Every aPttern Small daughter will love this little mother hubbard yoked dress. The matching bloomers are gathered into knee bands. The front of the dress joins the yoke with several rows of 'shirring. It is cut with sufficient fulness to give easy movement, Mother will love it too because it's so practical and smart and so suited to childhood activities. It's easily made and easily laandered. Carry it out in nile green cotton broadcloth. Use plain white for the collar, front tab, cuffs, pockets and knee bands, you'll have a sturdy out- fit that is charming and dainty. Style No, 2868 is designed for girls of 2,4 and 6 years, French blue pique with white pin dots and plain white trim is cunning. Rose-pink linen with white dotted rose linen trim is adorable Wool challis prints, sprigged dim- ty; printed batiste and gingham are ot' er attractive selections. Size 4 requires 2% yards 32-inch with 34 yard 32-inch contrasting. - young Muskrat, snow because known to his enemies, he enjoyed it, too, after a fashion: beside could dive in at the first hint of dan- ger, and watch what went on about him. people he saw were more' about. It was because against the white snow they were more readily seen. the Crow, the Chickadee, he saw nearli every day. times he fore speak. | a distance, | see Co oa CH EET RRR ERED RES | wi all the world i tI don't see how anyone keep from being seen under or in "Brown coats never a white world.' "Quite who have world just suit me, one of these 1s a fellow you i best watch « he wasn't white; Stumpy er Nature has since brown in the now. The only thing is the tip of his tail. Watch out for any time than any other time STUMPY 1S UPSET By Thornton W. Burgess Whoever truly is in need Will find that Nature taketh heed. --Jerry Muskrat. the three-lekged was afraid of the it made his presence While Stumpy He liked to sit the open water, where he It was surprising how many It wasn't that there No, that wasn't it. Sammy Jay, Tommy Tit and Slatey the Junco Sey eral saw Peter Rabbit long be- Peter came near enough to Twice he saw Reddy Fox at He was quite satisfied to Reddy at a distance. all these littel pe de m't see how anyone can hide white, | mean cat hope to unless were intended f replied Jerry Muskrat true Jut there are white coats, them "True," and a white That 1 } remind ut for.' "Who 1s he?" asked Stump; "Shadow the Weasel," replied Jerr "He 1s a little fellow, but it woul be just like him to attack you it should discover three legs, him into the would not have much chance." that you hay and unless you could get water I am afraid you "I saw him once last and he was brown," said summer "He has changed his coat, or Moth- changed 1t for him said Jerry "It was summer but it is white It is as white as this snow. about him not white This is black He 1s dangerous but more so now because | then," him of the year, that was startling to say the least. There was a squeak of fright from "the Mouse and that was all. trim little person in a white coat had pounced on him with a fierceness dreadful to see, so wholly unexpected was so startled he fell over backward Laughing Brook with a |perg present splash. When he ventured to put his |g s the head out of water for a look he was just in time to see a rapidly moving iny black spot into the tip of a tail. "That must have | Weasel, Blacky | He was right. (Copyright, And, of | le saw him. | hiding | something," said, he | people | A slim It was so sudden and that Stumpy against the white He guessed it was the black been Shadow the and he was sitting right » all the time," gasped Stumpy. That is just who it 1930, by T. W. Burgess) dies' United Church was held on Wednes- day evening at the home of Mrs. Ho- ward. president, Mrs. Fletcher; Assistant Sec, Flora French; .eporter, mittee, Mrs. Vice, Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs, Sargent; Manuel, Mrs. W. Johnson, Miss Elsie Stephens. given: The next story: "Stumpy Has An- other Fright." LADIES BIBLE CLASS OF CENTRE STREET A special meeting of the adult La- ible Class of Centre Street The meeting was opened with pray- er by Mr. Samells. The minutes were read and approved. After the busi- By Thornton W. Burgess n ing officers were elected : ess part of the meeting the follow- Ed. James; vice- Morris; secretary, President, Mrs. Mrs. treasurer, Mrs, Vice; press Flora French; social com- flower committee, Mrs. There were eleven mem- A dainty lunch was erved by the hostess. MISS JACKSON'S 8.8. CLASS The regular monthly social of Miss Jackson's S.S. class was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. L. Ave. Ferguson, 21 Westmorland was The following readings by program Mrs. E. Mrs, Trew | {and Mrs. Campbell and the ginging | ports of the of Christmas carols; man on behalf of the class present ed Mrs, L. Ferguson with a Life Member Certificate in the Y.W.A.; Mrs. Pogson, on behalf of the class, presented Mrs. B. Martin a Life Member Certificate in the W.M.S. A contest then followed, Mrs. Skinner and Mrs Smith being the winners. The class gave a shower for the White Gift Service, There were sixty present. Lunch was served to all after which a hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs. Yerguson for opening her home to the class. PANTON A AU XILIARY regular monthly meeting of the Jessie Panton Auxiliary of St. Andrew's United Church held on Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock the annual election of officers took place. Mrs. ¥. J. Maxwell was elected nonorary president, Mrs. H. Brant, president, Mrs. B. Rutledge. first vice president; Miss N. Scrogie second vice president; Mrs. C. Sad- ler, recording secretary; Mrs, A. Pipher, treasurer; Miss K. Walton, messenger secretary; Mrs. Drew and Mrs. Gamble, bale secretaries; Mrs. M. Baird, stranger secretary; Mre. H. Parwell, presg secretary; Mrs. B. flower JESSIE 1 At the Mrs. M. committee; | This being the annual meeting re- | many, were read and |! year Hager- | voted satisfactory. College, at the evening and Friday evening. e Christmas Story, will be told in song and with six beautiful tableaux. The tableaux, school in artistic companied by the 'sc will continually and hymng. time after the 2 shepherds e and stand before ship. This last tableaux is accompani- ed by the choir which sings "O Come All Ye Faithful", ) OMINION STonts Crackers Box 75 c A With a Surprising t 7 Novelty pec 1 4 $247 ot Poursg--- A Very Merry Christmas TOT TOP TO JA SAE FT STR TK RS YR JR YA RT YR OR SA TR YG JK Ok JR JO ee MR Braeside Brand 1b. BB.C.T0 AID LOCAL CHILDREN There is much in store for those who will attend the tableaux present- ed by the students of Bishop Bethune Masonic Temple -this posed by tle The proceeds of Loth evenings will go to local charity, | students White and Mrs. H. Collins, | doing Miller. | The and faculty some sery who in return a version of the Chee Story 1 on be forgotten. TW = y 77) Where Quali lity Counts Ey a Zs Chocolates 7 1b. 3 9c nn Fancy Box a A A SS EE A A A A a A A A ok A ER OEE, And to Pou and costumes, hool choir, which ing Christmas Carols The tableaux, beginning with the Annunciation lead up to the birth of Christ, when and the Three Kings in this way the feel ice to the community. will appreciate the Patronage of BUTTER Bacon = 31. RAISINS i: 3ws.25¢ | BISCUITS Cooking Apples 35¢ | MINCEMEA ORANGES Smaller Size, Doz. . 1§¢c i "iin i BRE/ AD : NUTS harder to sce. Stunipy promised that he ould watch out and then promptly iorgot all about Shadow the Weasel sce Shadow was a rare visitor to Smiling Pool and those living there seldom thought of hin He wasn't what might be called a regular en emy. The very next morning Stumpy climbed out on his favorite tussoc and, after a look all around to make sure that all was safe, began to make This marks the most successful his toilet, Je was combing his fur year the Association of Knox with the nails of his one front paw Church has ever enjoyed and short and thinking how peacful and safc addresses of congratulation were everything was when he saw a Mouse made by Rev. D. Munro, chairman, come out of a little hole in the snow Mr. Connach on behalf of the ses- sit up to look about and start for an sion and Mr. McIntosh on behalf of other little hole be ide 'he Board of managers. i enrod. As the Mo long A toast to the Association: was making a pretty trail oh fe foot very ably proposed by Mr, Gilchrist prints in the snow, he passed or start and was responded to by Mr, Mech ed to pass what Stumpy had taker in and Mr. Matheson on behalf of to be a little lump of snow. He had the ladies. | noticed it when he had first climbed Mrs. C. McDonald, president of out on the tussock, the Association, thanked the ladies z Just as a at M 'or their co-operation for the year 4 | that little Jump it came 'ust closing and hoped for the same sir it came to life wit help for vear 193.. Nip that Cold a in the Bud Grippe or pneumonia may develop. So, at the first symptom--ache, snecze or chill--take a ZUTOO TABLET. They stop the pain and fever and help nature throw it off. Taken in time, they will bring relief overnight. ette. Our large Fashion Book shows how to dress up to the minute at very little expense. It contains most attractive Paris designs for adults and children, embroidery, Christamas uggestions, etc Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin preferred). Price of book Price of patte'n 31° the entire programme. Probably the most interesting part of the evening's programme was the financial reports as re- ceived from the groups under the leadership of Mrs, Sparks, Mrs Parker, Mrs , Knight and Mrs Jamilton. The amount turned in from these organizations together ith moneys raised by the Associa tion as 2 whole reached the magni ticent sum of approximately $1650. A Selected Sweet Creamery PEAS GOOD QUALITY---NEW PACK Our favorite Nimrod, the Prince of Wales, is going to South America to hunt big customers.--The New Yorker, None Better Procurable 10 cents 20 cents. 1b. - Weston's Pkg. "Parisien" 25 ib. 1 Qe 23¢ to S90 doz- it's Fresh a stalk of gold- New Navels Bright Golden Fruit -- Sweet and Juicy -- Adds Just the Right Touch to the Christmas Table Vish Cu The Fashion "hoppe 84 SIMCOE ST. 8. CEINNCCCCOCCTRCCOOOOONCL pe, = A Our Famous Tasty LE Fall 24-02. Loaf We invite you to come in and look arcund at our Christmas G'ft Sugges- tions. LAMBLE'S rr -- -------- 1a E3253 Puddings With That "Homemade" vor % Ths. 650 In a good grade white bout 3 tlantic City is always 'in season" There's never a dull moment ast Atlantic City... all-year-round is vacation-time! Bracing alr--sporte~ wonderfulfeod--relax- ation! Spendaweek,or a week-end, with us .., you'llreturnhomefeel- ingfit-fresh--vigorous! RATES a esican Pla, ingle . , $7 to § Donbic 1216817 Br Cholee sui; CANDIES Jelly Beans ......lb. 19¢ 'Gum Drops ......Ib. 19 Allsorts--Licorice. .Ib. 25¢ xvas 21D 23¢ ese21bs. 2% " Ib. 25¢ CHOICE Horseradish ............Bot. 14c AUNT DINAN 4 olasses «........Lge. Tin 18¢ ASST, Spices «.sisse 0 v..2-02, Tin Oe KARAVAN ; Stoneless Dates ..... 2 Pkts. 35¢ DOMINO A Baking Powder ......Ib. Tin 19¢ New Season Md . LARGE Brazils . .. TARRAGONA Imonds . SICILY Filberts . ... THIN-SHELL alnuts ...... FRESH ROASTED Peanuts Dark, Made ih ow Own Rich and Fruity m '35¢ PLAIN OR ICED pan conn 15 1 A PO PS ES ESP Jb. 23¢ ..Ib. 25¢ «Jb. 23¢ db 19 Ib. 23¢ ! pi All cur stores have a large and varied assortment of Scasonable Fresh Frui's and Kayser Chiffon or Service Hose, Silk to top. $1.00 Guaranteed firsts ATKINS' HOSIKRY AND LINGERIE SHOP 134 Simcoe St. South Groceries will make a wel- come gift! Our managers will be glad to assist you in the selection and preparation of your por-els. Creams . . . : Hard Mixed goon - Bon-Bons . . Vegetables at lower than average prices. SYMINGTON'S Gravy Salt . ... OAKVILLE Crabapple Jelly . TABLE Figs . RICHMELLO Coffee. ...........1b. Tin47c HP: Sauce ..........Bot. 27¢ CLUBHOUSE Olives--Plain... . TABLE Raisins ALMOND Icing--" Tasty" .... SHELLED .Ib. Pkg. 29¢ Almonds ..............1b. 49¢ SHELLED Walnuts ..............Ib 33¢ RDI IRR 61/o-0z. Jar 14c peeing Slton Manor One of rhe Finest Hotels In Atlantic City week or a week-end enjoy the luxury 8f est appointments withcut exorbitant . Booklet. Write or wire for reservations. 280 ROOMS ~. OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN SEA WATER BATHS C. V. MEEKS, Mgr. A. C. ANDREWS, Pres BA I TSR ER Courtesy means Kind- or the pri ness, sympathy, a de- Cigna sire to serve, and a will- Province MLLIE THE TOILER : ! HELLO, MUMSY - \'M @RINEING A FAMOUS INVENTOR HOME To DINNER « WHY, MAC. OF COURSE ingness to help ........ .... WELL, eee oT MUCH. TO TELL, EXCEPT] THAT MR. SIMPIINS LIKED IT SO MUCH THAT MNES GonNA Pay ME § 10,000 FOR AY THIS 1S TILLIES IDEA IN HAVING ME COME OUT TO DINNER, MRS JONES BUT MAC, \ MARVEL EXPLAIN HOW AT TIWLIE'S "THE MACHINERY SUDDEN INTER ll WORKS IN Your. IN WASHING | ELECTRIC WASHER - MACHINES [| THAT'S T™E MOST FASCINATING THING OF ALL REMEMBER THE <OTEM POLE J QUITE HONORED IN HAVING =L) f OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820 |

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