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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1930, p. 1

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'All the News While It Is News" A Growing Newspapcr in a Growing City The Oshawa Daily Tones Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 12 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy / ublisheo o oie ees "TEN PAGES MAYOR WEMP OF TORONTO RETIRES | ee ------------ ANNOUNCES WITHDRAWAL ON ACCOUNT OF ILL HEALTH AS RESULT OF WAR SERVICE BLAZING OIL WELL were o remo ss a ENDANGERS TOWN pital After Christmas to Undergo an Operation / New Oil Field in Oklahoma -- Scene of Huge Blaze McBRIDE AND TWO in Well OTHERS IN CONTEST '(By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Wewoka, Okla.,, Dec, 19 Th Wewoka oil field, Pess than with pro was endangered here this morning and part of the residential district was evacuated when a well believed he Deeprock Ofl Corporation's Davis, caught fire, There are 16 wells being drl i adjacant to the Davis farm and ' lort \ § fear was expressed that other pro- |, ducers in the South Wewoka field | wonld be ignited and that flame ansde, bvay Publis Haolld 've VOL. 7--NO. 144 Jot Ce Be ae a bg News in Brief | 89 Usosdion Prose) %. Churches Need Help Winnipeg.--Aid for western congregations of the United Church in Canada suffering financial dit- ficulties because of the present economic depression will be dis- cussed at a conference of church leaders to be held in Knox Church, Regina, early in January. EL \d LJ "up British Government Facing Another Great Test TRADESDISPUTES BL 10 [Eve Wor | ames (Govrymmans, BE DISCUSSED IN COMMONS | On. Nesosprint ( AFTER CHRISTMASHOLIDAYS =. = In Control by He Council. | Government Measure In- SX DROWNED AND (By Conadian Press Lenssd Wire) London, Dec, 19.--Reversing a I tended to Nullify Law| POSSIBLY NINE ernment After the Gen- Madrid, Dec. 19.--The govern- judgment of the Ontario courts, ment today w in definite domina- the judicial committee of the privy Passed by Baldwin Gov- eral Strike of 1926 | Launch Capsizes in Tomales Bay and All on Board LEADING LIBERALS tion of the 8 of general strikes council today allowed the appeal of disturbance of yesterday was re- supply a full share of the news OPPOSE NEW BILL Lost Ornburn Gray and Grant Gray, veloping into a 'vicious circle" Christmas Trade Brisk Brantford.--Christmas buying is keeping up well in Brantford, mer- chants being well pleased, Bank clearings of $1,406,884 are almost up to last year's mark, The an- nual Christmas market will be held next Tuesday, instead of Saturday. » . " To Improve Approach Owen Sound.--That upward of $15,000 will be spent improving the Tenth Street, West Hill, one ot the most dangercas entrances to this city, was the decision reached ser Miraculous Escape Sarnia.-- A light sedan car driven by Gordon Park of Man- | of im- | daumin, was struck by two trains directions | Brig- | proceeding in opposite at the level crossing on the den side-road, The car was com pletely demolished, but the driver had managed to get clear, . 0» " Twelve Candidates Including One Woman, Are Nomin- ated for Four Seats on To-~ ronto Board of Control ported from the village of Aspe, where three persons were killed, Hindu-Moslem Controversy Souht two months lifiec producers, Trapper Fined ar hid Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.--The first | conviction for trapping an the Goulais River game preserve was recorded when Kenneth Siobern, a Finn, was fined $10 and costs, Kalle Roulenen, Nemejos, charged MAYOR BERT 8. WEMP A Toronto, today announced his i withdrawn from the Mayoralty on account of ill-health arising ! out of his war disabilities, which, beginning Monday in pro- | the I'ort Frances Pulp and Paper print allotments during the war. -- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Debate in House Yesterday test at suppression of the Jaca { Company, Limited, from a decision | ( (J | San Francisco, Dec, 19.--Caught oviel tea S Brought From Conserv- revolutionary movement, at ona the Ontario Supreme Court in in a strong outgoing tide, at least | on . atives a Challenge to the | with having poison in his posses" | time threatened to bring about. its | favor of Spanish River Pulp and six persons, and possibly nine, | q ? a.mon Trade sion, was fined $10 and costs. Government to Resign an ie----a------ " resem might be swept into the city. into overthrow, Paper Company, The dispute was were believed to have drowned . = ; | Conference Being Blocked | L U R BO AT | by Demands and Count- | | d m------ -- mediat ( ( Conditions were greatly over the lability of the Spanish when their launch capsized at the er-Demands } ed 5 Claiming that proved even in the Alicante region, | River Company to appellants in re- where however Lie solitary seriouy | speet of thelr alleged fallure to mouth of Tomales Bay, mile north of here yesterday, 3) -- { | k | London, Dec. 13 the negotiations the Indian Round-Table, Conference were de- to the Press Leased Wire) On his nomin- econd term May- announced his contest, for pers W¢ led 20 1 arranged to gO operation ime ristmas. For heen in {lle | hie aid, of cone LJ : ¢ I ti dition ri out of disabilities dl arnings received in t war. He was decor | oy i it gervice with the | British Columbia Packing In- dustry Faced With Real Menace brothers, who waged a hard fight to rescue the party, sald the launch apparently had become dis- abled and its occupants frightened { as the craft drifted toward the] open sea, | The Grays went to the rescue in a small boat with an outboard motor, but the little boat capsized and at the same time a huge wave struck the launch and overturned it Motorist Acquitted Milton.--C. H. L, Knuth of To- ronto, who was in charge of the automobile which struck Alderman | W, J, Stewart of Toronto on July 26 last, inflicting severe injuries, was today acquitted by Judge Mun- | roe on a charge of criminal negli- gence. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Parliament Adjourns London, Dec. 19.~Jaded by weeks of critical debate during which the Government has faced one "crisis' after anoth. er, parliament adjourned this afternocn until January 20. (By Canadian Press leased Wire) Winnipeg, aMn., Dec, 19 fet Rugsia is becoming a real factor in the salmon fishing industry, de- tlared R. E, Gosse, prominent Brit- ish Columbia salmon packer, in of Sov- : Royal 1 For Wemp last Show Increase A fgsue v 01 cd for Mayor to= - Sam McBride, whe Mi demand and counter-demand over the Hindu-Moslem problem one of | the leading Hindu delegates, Dr. 8S. > . Goes to Penitentiary london, Dec. 19.---Forced yes- Toronto.--Harold Rutledge was sentenced to five years in Ports- mouth Penitentiary by Judge Wid- difield yesterday afternoon after terday to accept an amendment in- sisted upon by the large Conser- vative majority in the House of Lords, the Labor Government will commenting today on the closing of the Vladivostok branch of the Bank of Korea by the Soviet government yesterday. -- | Canadian and Newfoundland | Men Charged in U.S. J. Moonje, today conveyed to Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald an ap- peal for a government declaration granting dominion status for India with Canadian Bank of Commerce day together with Alderman Wil- liam J and Harry W, Hunt, The {1 ere nominated Control: Controle for the Murder Trial Is in Exceptionally Strong Position Toronto, Dec. 19.- the business for the "Russia is gradually taking over salmon fishing concessions from the Japanese and it is only a question | of time until they are completely | absorbed," Mr, Goose stated, Cor-| rective legislation by the Canadian | | government to prevent dumping 1s | ! Mr. Macdonald's conference ! Dr. Moonje this afternoon was one of a series the prime minister has held with the leading Indian dele- gates in an effort to reach some agreement on the varying demands of the two great communities in In- the jury in General Sessions had found him guilty of several thefts and frauds against his erstwhile landlady, Mrs. Gertrude Leeks. face another severe test when Parliament resumes after the Christmas holidays. The next is- sue will be the important Trades Disputes Bill, the text of which was published today. le Will ). Robbins, Claude | Pearc J Simpson and Wil. {liam nnrville: Aldermen | George R 1 and John F. Bo- land; forme t ler Albert E. | Hacker i Thomas Fos Courts Results of year ending made public (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) York, Dec. 19 New Suspected STRANGE DISEASE 1S SPREADING AT KIRKLAND LAKE Five Persons Have Died And | Five Hundred Cases Are Reported (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Pec. 19.--With only 80 hospital beds avallable, with a shortage of doctors and nurses, heads of Ontario's Department of Health, are battling at Kirkland Lake the most serious epidemic of septic sore throat ever reported in Canada. The local medical officer and the sanitary inspector are am- ong the seriously sick. There have been five deaths. Five hundred cases have been diagnosed and the number is rap- idly increasing. Dr. W. J. Bell, deputy minister of health, who re- turned from Kirkland Lake yester- day expressed the opinion that would be fresh cases developing until the end of January. Prompt measures taken by med- fecal authorities, have prevent «d an even worse situation. The source of the infection, the milk supply --has been shut off hut there will be cases developed from personal contact with the victims. Pasteur- {zation of milk, as in the case of Toronto's supply, is an absélute safeguard. In a pioneer town with a popu-- lation variously estimated {from 4,000 to 8,000 facilities for caring for snch a large proportion of ser- jously ill citizens are meagre. In nearly every home there is a pa- tient. In some whole families are stricken. With neighbors in the samo situation there is no way of getting help. Young and old are both victims; there is no immun- ity for class or age. Aid From Government Nurses have been sent from the surrounding districts. Three Tor- onto provincial health nurscs leave Toronto in the morning for the stricken camp, Hon, Dr, J. M. Robb announced last night. Dr. As L. McNab of the department, who re. turned yesterday to Toronto will leave again for the scene of the out- break. WEATHEL Pressure is high over Que- bec and the Maritime Prov. inces and in the western states, but low over the Canadian northwest with a moderate depression centred over Lake Superior. Bome light snow has fallen in the region of the Great Lakes while in other rta of the dominion the * weather has been fair and com- | paratively mild. Pratt Lower Lake Re- gion and Georgian Bay--Mod- erate southerly winds, cloudy { with some light local snow or yra'n "aturday--\loderate to fresh wseterly winds, fair and comparatively mild, This measure important in the government's pro- gramme, is intended to nullify the law passed by the former Baldwin government after the general strike | of 1926. The new bill is intended to restore the Labor Union rights, | Including sympathetic strikes and peaceful picketing which had been removed by the Conservative Gov- ernment, The present bill would also per. mit British civil servants to hold membership in organizations affili- ated with the Trades Union Con- gress, or the Labor Party itself. It also would nullify the former restriction against compulsory payment of trade union dues, Debate on the bill will commence on Jan. 22, Some of the Liberal members, including Sir John Simon aro expected to vigorously oppose the measure, Hints that the dyestuff import duty question would be an issue in a future general election were given by the government as ac- ceptance of an amendment insisted upon by the House of Lords was moved yesterday by Rt. Hon, Wil- liam Graham, presidént of the Board of Trade. The peers intimated they would insist on their amendment to the expiring laws act, which amend. ment prolongs the duty on dyestuffs for another year. Rather than see the entire bill, with other import- ant provisions, swept into the dis- card, the Government accepted the amendment under protest, This annouc¢emet by Mr. Graham | led to Conservative shouts of "re- sign, resign!" ; FRENCH PREMIER UPHELD IN VOTE New Government Remains in Office by Majority of Seven (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, Dec. 19.--Premier Theo- dore Steeg, beset by the resigna. tions even of members of his gov- ernment and facing a hostile cham- ber of deputies, managed to sur- vive his first parliamentary test by the narrow margin of seven votes. The chamber granted the new government, admittedly a makeshift and not given long to live even by its supporters, a vote of confidence by 291 to 284. Sees Danger: In Hog Raising (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Edmonton, Alta, Dec. 19.--Fear that the wheat farmer, turning to hog raising for a livelihood, will double the bacon production and put the market on an export basis where the dominion will have to fight for a place that had heen lost overseas, with consequent lower prices, was expressed here at last night's meeting of the Alberta . Swine Breeders' Association, one of the most | Evidence nds Fate of Major Charles Shep- ard Will Be Decided by Jury Tomorrow Kansas City, Kas., the murder trial of Maj, Charles A. Shepard, formerly of Ont., accused of poisoning his wite so he might he free to marry er, Indications were that the case would reach the jury in federal court here at about noon tomorrow, At the end of rebuttal testimony, the defense filed a motion for a directed verdict of acquittal on the ground that the government- haa not produced sufficient evidence. to convict, The motion was denied by Judge Richard E. Hopkins, All witnesses then were excused and counsel prepared for final ar guments with three hours alloted to each side. Fire in Factory Preston.-- Sparks trom the ney are beleived to have been the origin of a fire which broke out in the shaving flue of the Preston Furniture Company, causing con siderable damage. Prince May Take Scottish Title London, Dec, 19.--The Daily Ex- press says it is expected in official quarters that Prince George, fourth son of the King, will be created na duke on his 28th birthday anniver- sary, Dec. 20, The paper adds that there is a general desire in Scot- land that the title of Duke of Kdin- burgh be revived, with suggestions that this may be chosen for the young prince. Dec. 19 | Testimony was completed today in| Belleville, | Miss | Grace Brandon, young stenograph- | | young residents of Newboro, had a chim- | lc urgently needed for the 'protéction | of Pacific Coast canners and fish- | ing men, The present regulations are working a great hardship on the British Columbia industry Two Men Escape From Death by Drowning | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville, Dec. 19. Winford Houghton and George Warren, narrow escape from death by drowning when the car in which they were travelling over newly formed ice on Newboro Lake, crashed through it yesterday and went to the bottom in eleven feet of water. Although imprisonea in the car, the two men managed to open the doors, Houghton tak- ing hold of the slender ice by standing on top of the car ana bringing Warren to the surface, Both finally reached shore in an Harry C larkson | Again Remanded| (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Dec. 19.--Hafrry Clark- son, of Windsor, who is he on | a charge of murder arising out of the fatal shooting of Police Con- stable Roy MecQuillin last week, was remanded until Dec. 26, when he appeared in police court today. (Clarkson, who is an accomplice of John 'Brockenshire at present in St. Joseph's Hospital suffering from wounds he received when he tried to evade capture, was arrest. ed shortly after the shooting on a charge of murder. Although po- lice say Drockenshire has confessed to the shooting the charge against Clarkson has not been reduced. SENATOR BORAH FAVORS HELP DEVELO (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, Dec. 19.--A govern- ment loan to Soviet Russia or an export guarantee to American busi- ness men in order to develop Rus- sian trade, is favored by Senator William E. Borah, chairman of the foreign relations committee, In a letter to Miles M. Sherover, New York exporter, Senator Borah 5. TRADE WITH SOVIET RUSSIA (says such measures would help to GUARANTEE LOAN [0 finance soviet purchases here and serve to hold soviet trade, "I think the greatest undevelop- ed market in the.world awaits us it we are bald enough to seize it," Senator Borah writes. "If we do not do something of this kind, we will continue to be in trouble in this country. Montreal Man Executed After Being Carried from Prison Cell (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Dec, 19.--Paul Belisle wag carried from the death cell of Bordeaux Jail Here this morning and hanged on the scaffold for the murder of Constable Dollard Pelle- tier of the Montreal police depart- ment, Belisle, who had been ill for a month, collapsed 'yesterday when informed there would be no in- terference with the sentence and was too weak this morning to walk to his death, The cxecution took place at eight a.m, with Arthur Ellis, official execution, in charge, and the customary legal witnesses present. Newspapermen were bar red in accordance with a provin- cial ruling in some three years standing, The crime for which Belisle paid with his lite took place on the night of August 3, 1930, when Constable Pelletier was killed by Belisle in a lane back of St, Cath- erine street, during the last six wee | Lunenburg; year been active surrounding villages ated as a heavy rolled down alarmingly and slowly filled the neighboring valleys. Prince Sufferin g From Slight Chill f having supplied many with thousands of ca peed boats of liquor , the crew of the Shanaliam, motor vessel siezed off Fire Island by the coast- guard, "were free on bail today. Hearings on a charge of conspiracy to smuggle liquor were for sot { December 31, before United States Commissioner Francis O'Neil. The men game addresses in Canada and Newfoundland. Bail was fixed at $2,500 for the captain, John H. McKenna, who gave his home port as Lunenburg, N.S.; $2,000 for first William Hunter, Lunenburg, and Francis Olando, radio operator, home ad. des# not given and $1,000 each for Lockhart Lohnes, chief engines Edward Isnor, Lune burg; Lean Lohnes, eed, Lunenburg; Mils third enginec r, Fortune Bay, Charles Bolt, boatswain, Bay. N.F.; William tune Bay, N.F. ames Croucher, Jurnt Island, N.F.; Herbert Lane, Halifax, N.S. and Linton Shep- pard, Bayoff Islands, N.F. mate N.F.; Fortune Hasquil, For- Unfriendly Act The Foreign the Japanese Tokio, day cabled dor at Moscow to inform the Office Soviet Government that the Japanese Gov- as an unjustifi- ernment considers able and unfriendly act the closing at ea Viadivostok, Bullet-Riddled (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Norfolk, Va., Dec. 19 -- The bul- let-riddled body of J. I. Howe, old farmer and hunter, was found today by friends on the Nore ( 0 fold-Virginia Beach highway at his home here. Howe, prominent in New Haven, Conn., was to have left tomorrow to spend Christmas in New Haven, Volcano in Java Claims 15 Lives 19. -- Fifteen sudden and volcano at which had weeks, Many were evacu- stream of lava Batavia, Java, Dec, persons died In the violent eruption of a Merapi, central Java, for two (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Dec, 19 --The chill from which the Prince of Wales sufferea yesterday course, it dence, York House, today. said to have had a good night. normal his resi- He was is taking fits was 'stated at The British public and press, used to official honesty with regard to illness of its royal figures took the York house statement at their word and accepted the official ex- planation as a "slight chill," of the princo's malady | Australian | eligible {ship because a justice {court is not |other office second engin- Court, Squires, | | BROCKENSHIRE ON WAY TO RECOVERY to- ambassa- of the branch of the Bank of Kor- | dia, the Hindu-Moslem differences, the supreme problem in India itself, have far, baffled the informal efforts of the conference leaders. SIR ISAAC ISAACS MAY BE INELIGIBLE 50 AS GOV.-GENERAL Adelaide, Austraila, Dec, 19.-- Sir Joseph Simon, chairman of the judical committee that framed the constitution, today de- clared that Sir Isaac Isaacs was in- for the governor-general- of the high permitted to hold any Sir 1 * is chief jus- of Australian tice the -John Brock- St. Joseph's definitely Toronto, Dee, 19. enshire will recover, Hospital authorities | made this announcement early this morning, At that time the youthful alleged slayer of Constable Roy McQuillin was sleeping peacefully after spending a satisfactory day. | Will Try to Send Capone to Chair Chicago. Dec. 19.----Judge John H. Lyle today was quoted as say- ing efforts would be made to send Alphonso Capone, gang chief, to the electric chair in connection with the slaying of two men. "We will send Capone'to the chair if it is possible to do so," said Judge Lyle, who issued a vag- rancy warrant for Capone several months or more ago. 'He deserves to die. He has no right to live." Supreme Nov, 29, 1930, were today by the Canadian Bank Commerce. Profits, after provid- ing for all bad and doubtful debts, were $5 878,000, or more than $300,000 in excess of the previous year's earnings, but $10,000,000 was added to the capital reserve last year, and was only available as earning assets during the part of 192 The statement says the bank is in an exceptionally stroug position, particularly as regards holdings of gold and Dominion notes, $74,500,- 000 which together with notes and cheques of other banks and bank balances of $51,600,000, totals #126,000,000 or more than 20 per cent. public liabilities. I'otal liquid assets amount to $344,637 - 000, representing 655 per cent. of the total liabilities to the public, of of | PRESBYTERIANS SEEK [ou ball and Mi Cotton, Mrs. Cotton is t woman to run for ithe Toronto board of control. Four o elected. FI Il take place on Jan~ uary , nto's traditional muni. 1 day, © nominations for ntrol, was George eason run for ale k, a Communist, tter, : ter are t Amo the fC King derman and I'. G Free Baths For Jobless Part Art Port Arthur's une | employed took a free pre-Christe mas bat erdav, Three civie bath © opened and 400 of th plazhed and soaked in the SPAINIS UNDER SECURITY FOR NAME (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Dec, 19.--A effort will. be made to secure for Presbyterians throughout dominion the name Church in Canada," it was the | "Presbyterian | in- | } renewe:l Harsh and Rigorous Control Follows Attempt at Revolution dicated last night by the moderator | church, Rev. Dr, Pictou, N.8, of the Baird, Water is Sold at Dollar a Barrel -- London, Ont, Dec. rain, and heavy rain, comes soon the farmers of Western Ontario face a serious situation this Win- ter, West Lorne farmers are pay- ing a dollar a barrel for ater delivered at their barns, R. H Dowler, a member of the public utilities commission, stated after visiting the dry district. FRE. CH GOVERNMENT ASKED TO RETALIATE AGAINST AU TRALIAS EXPORT DUTY ON WOOL Melbourne, Australia, Dec. The Australian government's decis- fon to impose an export duty of one cent a pound on sheepskins in the wool, to benefit tho Australian hide and fur industry, has aroused strong objections among exporters of sheepskins to France. Following a meeting of French sheepskin exporters here today the French consul-general cabled his 19.-- government urging that 'France should impose special duties on Australian scoured wool, as retali- ation for the new Australian export duty. Announcement of the duty in the house of representatives at Can- berra earlier this week provoked a stormy scene in which opposition members charged the government had been "bribed." Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Had Satisfactory Year Toronto, Dec, 19.--No railroad in Canada had a better financial year than the Temiskaming ana Northern Ontario Railway for the fiscal twelve months of 1929-30, in the opinion of George W. Lee, chairman of the T. and N.O. who conferred with Premier G. 8. Henry here, During the period, gross earnings of the government line' amounted to $4,950,662.10 and net earnings to $949,989.15. These earnings represent a decrease of $9,929 and $77,00, respectively, from the earn- ings of the previous year but ip view of an increased interest pay- mont of $60,000 which the railway made this year and an unexpected expenditure of between $150,000 and $200,000 on storm damage and washouts, the 1930 earnings are congidered very satisfactory, said Mr. Leo, Frank | 19.--Unless | Dec. 19.--The under another harsher than Barcelona. Spain, { Spanish nation is dictatorship, mach the first, as a result of the recent revolutionary attempt against the Government of Premier Gen, Dame {aso Berenguer. | The country has not experienced Hin many years a censorship so strict or a military control so rigid. Martial law has heen enforced many time as recently as 1917, when the railroad strike occurred and in 1923 when the late Gen. Primo Rivera inaugurated his dictatorship. But the tight control insfituted to put down the present outbreak of revolutionaries threat- ening the throne of King Alfonso was more rigorous. de Five Youths Killed In Auto Accident (By Canadian "ress Leased Wire) Lewisburg, Pa., Dec, 19.--Five youths were killed and a sixth ine jured when their automobile crash- ed into the abutment of a bridge which connects Léwisburg with the Susquehanna Trail near here to= day. 3 . |May Refuse High Office Leased Wire) Melbourne, Dec, 19. Lady Isaac wife of Nir Isaac Alfred governor-general designee of a, today told the Jewish telegraphic agency that she 'was not sure whether Sir Isaac would accept tho appointment. The appointment of Sir Isaac cre- ated a great stir throughout the British Empire as it was said that he was. not the choice of King (By Canadian Pre George but of the Australian labor | party,

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