PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1930 Eastern Ontario News | aise $150 Vor Fund Lindsay. ~~Nearly $150 was real- ized from the benefit concert at the Academy 'Theatre for the santa Claus Stocking Fund, The crowd was pot as large as in pre- vious years, but those who did at- tend were treated to a program that seldom, if ever, has been sur- passed, Vienty of Turkeys Delleville.~--Present Indications suggest a fairly plentiful offering of turkeys on the local market for Christmas apd New Year's con- sumption, but the signs do not point to a large shipment of fowls out of this city for the outside trade, The presence of the local market causes, dealers state, a hesitancy on the part of the rafs- ers of poultry in regard to sale for shipment, Looking For Stolen Car Kingston,--The police of Gan- anoque, Kingston and the sur- rounding district are looking for a car belonging to Murray Sowards of this city, a son of John i fo- wards, which was stolen in Ganan- oque, The car was purchased about ten days ago, 62 Boats Lald Up ' Kingston.--The steamer Ce- mentkarrier owned by the Canada Cement Company of Montreal will winter at Kingston, f(t was an- nounced by Captain BE, Knudsen of Belleville, master of the vessel, he Cemmentkarrier makes a totas of sixty-two lake vessels winter- ing in Kingston, Dies of Burns Kingstsn,--Death claimed Mrs, Charles White, aged 21, who suf- fered terrible burns on December 1, when her home in Barriefield was destroyed by fire and she and her husband were compelled to flee from the house in their night clothes, Mrs, White was formerly Ruth Pear! Cassels and was the daughter of Stanley Cassells, now of Cataraqul and formerly of Mon- tague, near Smith's Falls, To Choose Candidate Kemptville.--At a meeting of the executive of the Conservative Association of Grenville, held In Spencerville, it was moved that a convention be held on Dec. 27 to select a candidate to represent this county, made vacant through the resignation of Mr, Ferguson, Valuations Surveyed Peterboro,-- Judge O'Connor's scrutiny of the assessments and rea] values of the taxable proper- ties of Northumberland and Dur- ham Countjes was focussed upon the Townships of Cartwright, _ Manvers and South Monaghan at the judicial sittings in Mill brook. The progress of his evalua- tlon continues today over the Township of Cavan and the village of Millbrook, Farmhand Arrested _ Lindsay. ~In police court Albert Hitchey of Oakwood, alias Sam Ry was remanded for two weeks on his own request, on & charged, 32 other employes of the last night by Provincial Constable Nelson, He has been working in Mariposa as a farm hand for years. Fractures Arm Kiongston,~8lipping on the curb as he was about to enter his car, Col, J. N. 8, Leslle, sustained a | travel in the fractured arm, He was immediate- ly attended by Dr, J, ¥, Sparks and Dr, ¥, Etherington, and today he is little the worse for the experi ence, Bus Driver Exonerated Cornwall--Testimony of a conflict- ing nature was presented at the in- quest on Mrs, Meriza Laplante, who died at Hotel Diew Hospital last Thursday after she had been struck by a motor bus driven by Harold Campean, The jury returned to Dr, C. J. Hamilton, enroner, a verdict at- taching no blame to the driver, Prizes Presented Kingston --A very successful rally of the R-K-Y campers was held at the "Y"" when over fifty campers sat down to dinner served by members of the Mothers' Council, About 101 badges won by Tuxis and Trail Rang- ers for swimming, lifesaving, camp craft, etc, were presented, Holstein Men Mast Cobourg. --As the fourteenth annual meeting, of the Durham County Holstein-Friesian Breeders' Associa- tion the following officers were elect td; President--Noble I, Metcalf, Bow- manville, Vice-president -- Walter Reynolds, Port Hope, Secretary- Treasurer--J], H, Jose, Newcastle Auditors Irwin R. Bragg, Harold Muir, Sales: Managers--1., C. Snow den and Neil Muttor Former Police Chief Dies Jelleville--~In the death of John Newton, Police Court Clerk and for- mer Chief Constable, Belleville has lost an outstanding citizen, He joine Noted Economist Passenger on "Duchess of Bedford" University of Baskatchewan, study agrarian problems, Oshawa, Ont, chairman of that province, Aros the distinguished passengers on the TE of Bedford" on her last run from England prior to undertaking the two popu- lar West Indies winter cruises organized by Canadian Pacific Steam- ships, was W. W, Swanson, M.A, Ph.D, The Doctor, who is one of kpown figures in the public ife of Western Canada, is regarded as an authority on its economic and goclological problems and has made several visits to Britain, Russia amd other Furopean countries to He is one of the authors of 4 recent vole ume on the economics of the production of wheat and is a well» known writer and lecturer on this and allied subjects, Professor of ¥conomies at the the best. A native of he graduated at Queen's and later at the University of Chicago, and served on the faculty of Queen's from 1908 til] 1916, when he accepted his present appointment, man on two Royal Commissions appointed 'by the Province of Bas katchewan; one on Livestock Marketing, and the other, which re- ported this year, on Immigration and Land Settlement. He has served as chair- He is also the Committee investigating the Dairying Industry in Prot, W, w. BWANSON, M.A, Vh.D, day evening at the point of a re- { volver and demande 4 money or jew | ellery, has been discovered No Blame Assigned Lindsay, --No blame was placed anyone by Coroner Dr. Frain's jury Lin the death of Loy d Smith, aged 10, | who was shot by his playmate, Ver | non Parrish, also 10, between Gooder- ham and Haliburton, on December 6 | when they were playing with what they thought was an unloaded gur the polic e force in 1874 as pd i and in 1885 he was promoted to Chief | Constable, whieh position he held un til 1920, when he was retired, and was given the position of Police Court clerk, Providing for Transients Brockville, --Persons seeking ter in the police station have receiving light meals which equip them stand the winter months shelter rooms have and a transient "cook" meals, which for the present consis of bread and bologna, with tea, It is expected that the menu later will include soup or Irish stew shel been better to The Service Station Robbed Peterboro--For the third time in a period of three weeks, A, C, Curtis, proprietor of the British American Oil Service Station at Park Hill Road and Water street, was the victim of petty thieving, when entry was gain- ed to his premises, and goods to the value of $60 were stolen Appointed Chevrolet Dealer Kingston, -- The appointment of Harry V. Redden as Chevrolet dealer in Kingston is announced by General Motors Products of Canada, Limited Mr, Redden, who was born near Col- lins Bay, is quite well known through- out the city and district, though he has resided for many years in other places, Seeking Holdup Men Napanee. ~Provincial Officer Bar- rett and Traffic Officer Blucher of this town are investigating the re- port of an attempted hold-up near Yarker on Sunday evening. So far no trace of the men, who are said to have held up Munroe Barrett, 30, and a party of ladies about 830 Sun- ZERERERERIRERERERIR EXER "BUYING" IS BUSINESS VERYTIME anybody It puts money into circulation and "Buying"'. Market . . . so let's "buy"... 'gells". encourages more Let's buy our needs. Ceasing to "buy" we cease to "sell"', Such is the We can try bucketing this ir- restible fundamental but it "Law of Business". Men of Vision see in toay the "buys" somebody : o This is a Buyer's sanely , . , regularly, / zn ) wiil crucify us, opportunity to achieve big things... They are 'Buying'. Canada expects every man will do his duty, Etat itita tata tata tata tity Running Order ., 11929 ESSEX COACH 1--1928 ESSEX COACH, | "HONE 1100 Used Car Specials 1--1928 CHEV, SEDAN in Perfect ren 9319.00 11929 ESSEX COUPE Like de a i Nn 3695.00 1-12 FORD TUDOR, Balloon Tires in Perfect order .........oiovviniitanns Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co.,Ltd. 138 KING STREET W, OSHAWA HUDSON=---FSSEX $695.00 $685 00 $465 00 $95 00 PHONE 1160 rigors of | been renovated, is serving the | & j& Zu On| & Yu | Pumpkins, | Epidemic of Mumps Ottawa 275 | In the past fortnight 27 cases of mumps have been reported [ te » Ottawa board of health, and home [of the sufferers placarded with warn his number includes | children, pupils of one class at Hope School where the ing cards Avenue Publi has taken school in the cit {well | disease in any other PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotations, ro- tail, in effect on the Bt, Market, Toronto, Produce-- Egg extras 0.6 [1s rath 0 Bay, pullest extras ..,. Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 Do., Creamery, per pound ..... .. 0.35 Fruits and Vegetab) gp Carrots, 6 bunches oh Jeets, doz, Onlons, dry, basket Cabbage Canliflower Spinach, perk Mushrooms, per pound Leat Lettuco, three for Head Lettuce two for ... Parsley, per bunch 0,05 Onions, bunch, three for ,.,. Cress, three for .... bunches 11 qt. Celery, head Squash, each Parsnips, basket ... Deets, basket Peppers, cach Herbs, bunch Rudishes, bunch Oranges, Honeydew a each 0, Grapefruit, 3 for Potatoes, bag i.... Cucumubers, six for lemons, per dos, Bananas, per dozen, ,, Apples, bus, Do., 8nows, C qt, Oranges, doz, Can. Green Peas, 6 qt, basket Fgegplant, each ireen peppers, basket Poars, basket Sweet potatoes 6 lbs | Cranberries, qt. , each < © "2 an TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto dealers are buying pro- duco at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases return. od, fresh extras, B3c to bbc, fresh firsts, 48¢ to 50c; seconds 28¢ to 29¢; pullet extras, 40c, Buter~~No. 1 Ontario creamery solids, 29 to 29%¢; No, 2, 28 to 28%. Churning Cream---special, No. 1, 80cc; No, 2, 27¢. Cheese--No, 1 large, golored paraffined and government graded, 13¢ to 18%ec, Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows: Poultry dle; Dressed tlantic City is always 'in season" There's never a dull moment at Atlantic Clty... all.year-round is vacation time! Bracing alr wonderiulfrad-= bo ation! Spenda week a week-end, with u you'llreturnhome feel. {ngfit~freah~vigorous! in Plan STE H One ofthe Finest Hotels In Atlantic City pri 290 ROOMS - OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN wATRA BATHE A eV. MERKS,. jo A, C, ANDREWS, Pree, INS AN a heavier hold than | Lawrence |, "A" Grade; Alive Belect MLV, [Spring chickens, 6 Ibe res I Over 6 to 6 Ibs, 1 yA Over 4%; to 5 Ibs, 15 4 Over 4 to 4% bs. 13 y 4 Ibs, each and under 'atted hens, Ibs A Over 4 to 6 Ibs 16 Over 2% to 4 Ibs, 13 Old roosters, ovey b Ibs White ducklings, Ibs, each Over 4 to 6 bs, 12 Colored ducklings 2¢ less and turkeys, 3 ; | TH 11 over o 4 20 17 { } over b (jeese arket rices (iuinea fowl, "I grade poultry ' grade Tc les vices per pair, i , And | than (Kelling) Toronto dealers are produce to retail dealers following prices 55 Eggs I'resh, extras, in cartons N 60c; fresh extrad, be firsts, 03c; seconds, 3c; xtr loose, pullet He Bn utter to 33%e; No V4 12 to 32%e New, lnrge 16% « triplet 17 uid, large, 27 y to 29e; old No. 1 creamery, prints creamery 160 stil to 2X5 tons, Dressed 30-82 nk. 2 8¢ Poultry hickens, b lbs, Do., 4 to b lbs Do., 4% to 4 lbs, Do, iu to 4% lbs, . lens, uver b lbs, rollers up 26 ar ah 1) (CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Dec, 20 The prevail ing tone to yesterday's egg market was steady to firm, top grades un changed, fresh arrivals in small yuantity and clearing well Ap pears more friondly attitude by buyers for December and January delivery, former especially more tavorable action due in small way to absence of deliveries I'he day's decline in cash butter quotations proved too drastic, particularly so In view of general advance on all future options. The result wag a sharp rise on all top grades and moderate geattored over the remainder of the list restored more confidence to the situation, All contract months wold higher early but declined sharply later on profit-taking Open commitments De 3756; Jan, ref, eggs, 138, Dec, ter 62; Jan, butter, 306; ¥eb ter, 104 Two market receipts day, 16,470; last year, Kggs today, 12,806; last year, u18, Chicago spot market extras, 30c¢; standards, steady to firm, JKggs, tone steady. no but hut Buter, to 12,176 14, Butter, 20¢ tone, firsts, 24c; TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitohn wheat --- No, 1 hard, 61§¢; No, 1 Northern, 604c; No, 2 do, 67%c No, 3 do, 53%c; No, 4 do,, 684; (elf, Goderich and Bay Ports), Manitobn Oats 1 364¢; No, 3, N44, Argontine corn, Colborne), MillTeed, delivered Montreal freights. bags Included -Hran, per ton, $21.86; shorts, per ton, $22, 2h: middlings, per ton, $30,205, Ontario Grain Wheat, 67¢; harley, 20%; oats, 20c¢; Imeckwheat, §0e, No, 1 feed, 8c (c.1.f, Port TORONTO PROVISIONS Toronto provision dealors are noting the following prices to lo- cal retail dealers: Smoked meats--Iams, medium, 20 to 20¢; cooked loing, 40¢; amok ed rolls, 28¢; breakfast bacon, 25 to. 34¢; backs, pea-mealed, do,, smoked, 7c, Pork loins, 22%¢: shoulders, butts, 200; hams, 193e, Cured meats-- Long, clear hacon, G0 to 70 ba, 21¢; 70 to 00 lhs, 10¢y 50 to 110 lbs, 18¢, Heavy- welght rolls, 18¢; lightweight rolls, 60¢, Lard---Pure, tierces, 14jc; tubs, 10e; palls 153 to 16e. Shortening-~Tierces 1240; 18¢: pally. 1830, Specials pastry shortening--Tier- ces, 180; tubs, 1640; _palls, Me. Me; 10¢; tubs, aRnM AN OPERAS IN nu BLIN When 'German opera was pre- sented in Dublin, Ireland, this sea- son, It was greeted by large and enthusiastic audionces, Musical orities were. also warm in praise, r hove | f ahove | more | CEES, | rye, be; | CHILDREN PARTIES PRECEDE CLOSING OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS (Continued from pag terday afternoon for the cones its conclusion each clu Lo its own room for tion of re ents and a treat, Westmount pupils oncert 'on Thursday 1 B.M Johngon, Health Nurse, who dos her work in East Whith 18 chalrman for Friday morn nme and a ded hy the nell In the south Cedardale sche orated with n tree room, and every cla concen Muster Jac) neted as chalrman for given hy the assembled outh Bimeoe yesterda I'he Individual cla had trees and a Alhert treet the rest had It and n t from Banta Clay Provinefe end meoeoe tre |] as well a See it... Hear if taking advances | Licensed by Canadian Radio Datents Limited heard ic... | numerous progran every hoy and girls received some little gift from one of the hin i A very important event occurred Thursday afternoon at Centre | treet ¥chool, in connection with the other Christmas festivities at the school, Vrizes for the Ontario Safety league essay contest, were { presated by Mi acklin to the | three pupiis of the school to whom | they were awarded; the first to | Roy Martin, second to Norman In- man and the third to Mary Aldred, | Every class in the school also] bad a concert, ang a Christmas | tree, The festivities hegan at King | Breet Hehool on Thursday alter | noon, when gome of the parties | and. concerts were held, The re- mainder of them took plaee yester- | day afternoor Mary Street school had a unique | way of holding their Christmas en Lertatnme nt, There was a praty in every form, and a distribution of gifts In the morning, In the after. noon the school assembled in the auditorium for an eoncert, which was composed of few numbers ch cla talent from « The at these | varied numbers were excep | sing int jsplayed Some of he tionally well all the nrove i thi ir This Is no efforts of the | ugle director, M Leonerd Rich. | although some he ehildren in the | done, doubt of of much nd un and entg for of temen pupils WIORED a fortre 1, Black thian OLD CARTLE BY I't, USED Model AC-51 COAL - COAL Scranton Anthracite COAL THE BEST THE MINES PRODUCE AT THE VOLLOWING LOW CASH PRICES NUT... . $14.50 STOVE . . $15.00 EGG . $14.50 BUCKWHEAT $ 9.00 COKE W. J. Trick Co. Ltd. Phones 230, 231 25 Albert St, a marked im i= LACKAWANNA The Best Produced SOLVAY COKE - FUEL OIL Hard Slabs - Soft Slabs - Cord Wood Cut To Stove Length No. 1 and Dry DIXON COAL CO. , Telephone 6 Five Direct Lines With TONE CONTROL 4162 Less tubes 8 Tubes -- (3 Screen-Grid) Performance Extraordinary Value far above the price! di you have seen Clarion . compared it..... you cannot appreciate its artistic beauty construction . extraordinary. Before vou buy .. . its substantial Dal tS performance ardio.....gotoa Clarion dealer ..... hear Clarion..... check it...., point for point ..... feature for feature with any other radio, regardless of price. You can save dollars and obtain the utmost in radio satisfaction. Any Clarion dealer will gladly oblige. For Sale in Oshawa by The Bowra Electric Shop 70 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa = Phone 1075 STEINITE RADIO OF their | "Manufactured in Canada by LIMITED, WINDSOR, ONTARIO, CANADA CANADA, €.004