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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Dec 1930, p. 7

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Cr at naa a aarp REARS THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20, 193) PAGE SEVEN _ Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on ... Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse- ment World Charles Ro On Rum-smuggling villains; smug, srumbling dowagers; heavy lovin' and heavy laughin'-- these are some of the features of "Heads Up", the frolicsome romance with musie which the management of the Regent Theatre has in store for patrons beginning on Tuesday next, Charles Rogers, who made such great musical achievements out of "Close Harmony," and "Safety in Numbers' is seen in the leading role of "Heads Up" as the youthfu) graduate of the Coast Guard Academy: who is sent aboarg a private yacht to get the goods on its captain who is "suspected of dealings with rum-runners at sea, Aboard the vessell Rogers gets better-acquainted with Margaret Breen, daughter of its owner, He had met Margaret, a very comely debutante, at the graduation exer- cises of his academy and had fallen for her in a big way, ers at Regent uesday in "Heads Up" There are a number-of thrilling episodes--and a number of hila- rious ones as well, before the ple- ture reaches its serene haven of a lovers' embrace, The comedy support is headed by Helen Kane, the '"boop-boopa- doop" girl herself, and Victor Moore, the Broadway musical com- edy veteran who was her partner a8 the Med Show Doctor in "Dang erous Nan MeGrew," The cast includes also, Gene Gowing, Helen Carrington, Billy Taylor, Harry Shannon, CC, An. thony Hughes and John Hamilton, "Heads Up' is the filmization of the musical comedy smash of the same name which enjoyed one of the few long runs on Broadway last season, The original show was written by John McGowan, Paul Gerard Smith, Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart, i i { VARIED RESULT IN YEAR'S WORK Prospecting in Canadian Northland Brings Many Finds Winnipeg, Man, Dec. 20 Win ter has swept over the northwest, and this week sees the last of the drill erews coming in from the far- off scenes of mineral exploration that has been carried out this year. , Never has prospecting and explora- tion been carried on over such a sweep of territory in such an am- bitlous scale as has characterized the activities of the various aerial and ordinary prospecting companies in the season now drawing to a close. Territory has been covered and recovered in a manner that would have taken years under the old methods, No world sensation has been: brought to light, but on the other hand there has been much of encouragement, and it is entirely possible that some of the discover- ies made the past summer will yet make their mark in Canadian min eral records, Some of the work done hag heen pioneering in the broadest sense, though some of the work has been in the nature of follow-ups of ear- ler work performed in the North- west Territories, Of the latter, much the most promising Is the lead-zinc deposit at Great Slave Lake, which has been explored hy Nérthern Lead and Zinc Co, an or- ganization which is jointly sus tained by Consolidated Smelters, Ventures, Ltd, Atlas Exploration Company and the Payne-Weber in- terests, A systematic study of the ground fs being made, with considerable diamond-drilling and shaft-sinking. The project promises as work pro- ceeds, and though remote from transportation at the present time there is no reason for discounting the value of the occurrences on that secount, Great Slave Lake, in fact, lles in a position to attraet raflway construction in line with the approaching greater exploita. tion of that great empire called "the Peace River Country." was the work of the Cyril Knight Prospecting Syndicate on the coast of Hudson Bay at Rankin Inlet, A diamond drill went in by a gpecial- ly constructed hoat for this work, The body is one of pyrrhotite, it is understood, and the drilling was in- tended to prove the extent and character of the mineralization, Elsewhere in the great north- west a galena Occurrence near De | tention Harbor was investigated by | Dominion Explorers, Ltd As ear- |ly ds 1820 reports told of galena on the Arctic coast, and during the past season glaims were staked in the vicinity of Galena Point, as. it is called, where it is reported rich, | silver-bearing galena was found, Abounding in romance, and not without its favorable aspects for future exploitation was the work of several organizations in the Great Bear Lake region, and in the great Coppermine country, Tales of utensils made from native copper of great bulk have featured reports from this region for scores of years, and this season such outstanding aerial prospecting organizations as Naum Deses cuassaliznw, ceRTuy mDuwS yg v N.AM.E, and Dominion Explorers went in to have a look, Consoli-| dated Smelters and Eldorado Gold Mines, Ltd, were also represented in the Great Bear Lake region, and | reports at hand tell of encourage ment in varlous degrees met by all of these Northern Aerial Minerals Explo ration, Ltd., carried on the most | ambitious program of reconnais-| |sance from the air apd prospect. | ing by ground crews This work | was featured hy a series of six dis- | coverjes, all of which are stated to merit further work, To some ex: tent the fabled native copper wus found, too, though no great com-|'"" 1nd mercial significance is attached to | this, The six copper sulphide oes | + currences are very interesting, how- | ever, and appear to denote future STATISTICS SHOW mining possibilities, As in the other | areas mentioned, remoténess from transportation is a handicap, | though the least enthusiastic ob- | server of northwestern mineral ex- | ploration will admit that only finds of ore of sufMclent importance aro | needed to bring the rails hustling | into almost any territory, The] rallways seek revenue and few are J the sources more prolific than big tonnage mining operations, At Great Bear Lake there are gome of the most impressive cop-| per-hearing breaks yet reported from any. section of Canada, {not yet possible to pass on three years Canada submitted photographs the terms of the competition, Exhibition of the Royal ( recently held in Toronto, the necessarily Hmited th , due to handicaps of teansp climut condition {tion wa culture Makes Interest. ing Survey Boston Those who regard housewife as a bridge playing del It 18 | jeatessen patron are recommonde One of the more northerly efforts | ore potentialities because explora-' study statistics made public 7 Youth, Love and Courage Blazing Thro' to Glory! i In the most im- portant picture over produced Romance! Adven- ture! Realism in this , . + Epic of the pioneer: West Cast of 20,000 Wr Starting Tuesd rr ------------------------ & ay | » Throw Out a Latt-Line Man the love.boata! Rafts of fun, gales of hilarity ance and thrills--every girl's heart will 'he "on the akem" In his wake as he heady for Cuddlesome Harbor, CHARLES ROGERS In Paramount's New, Gay Play With Captivating Music "HEADS UP" The Keen Musical Comedy That Darbed 'Em on Broadway 4 Man Is On The Make" is just one of the snappy numbers hoop hoopa by eons, Helen Kahe Victor Moore Ridiculously Funny New York Stage Star, Join The Happy Throng of Merrymakers at the Regent's NEW YEAR'S EVE FROLIC Starts 11,18 pam--Decembor 31 Reserved Seats on Sale, he Royal York Hotel, Toronto, the largest hotel | in the British Empire, is again in the 4 having won for its architects the 1930 Gold Medal, | competi awarded by the Royal Architectural Institute of | and Robert H, Macdonald, F.R.1.B.A., of Montres) Canada, for the outstanding achievement in the past Sixteen architects from various parts of : "The Big Trail" Pioneer WOMEN WORK HARD: U.S. Department of Agri-| "ie i the | their | hy the American Farm Women to imelight, | Formal / ors: F.RIBA. right of hulldings, within to the 2nd Annual Royal York Wins Architects' Medal NEP left and right F.RIBA, LLD, ARCA , At the next annual meetin Canadian Pacific Railway's great new hostelry, wresentations will M émars a made to the successful George A, Rose, F.R.I.B.A., ; and Mesnrs: Henry Sproatt, RCA, and Erngst I, Rolph of Toronto, (lower left and of the Institute anadian Aeademy, | to be held at Lucerne in-Quebec, 'ebruary 20th and prize going to the, 21st, 1931, Wagon Trek at Regent Raoul "ox Walsh's "The Big Trail Movietone production which | rtant pleture this aon, | thi the beauty of CANnva and itn pathos and I'rall tands ul of the proce most imp has yet dran pow i It {moving weep of humor 1 nl the head very lon foot of film hespenk Lie act that no [ wprred made on an directed with tin suspenseful antertainment t | he pi Ha heen Ii pens on the production pre IV ale und brilliant, hard hit forthrightne \ nn nrpa i | Lure open tart of a plone wWilgotr train i westward, and | of stirring episodes of the turbuler if Wyoming, down re-crent a are fording Lhe River in bogging Department of Agriculture, | These figures, announced at the opening session of the National | Farm Women's conference by Dr Louise Stabley of the Bureau of Home Kcomnomies ot the Depart | ment of Agriculture, show that the farm woman spends 615 hours a | whek at good hard work, Moreover, | hor city sister isn't éxactly an id- | Arie by the U'. 8 that she spends no logs than 40} hours every week in performing tasks aboyt the home, According to Dr, Stanley, eight hour day and five day woek ara still a long way from thy housewife, despite the recent assis. tance of labor-saving applances, And the city woman, much malign. od by Jokes which link her with the bridge table and can opener, actually spends 104 hours a preparing meals, Dr, Stanley porta, The farm woman spends of her time preparing meals, hours a week, to be exact, The vest. of her time she divides an follows: Clearing away moals and dishwashing, 74 hours: clean Ing T4 hours, laundering 51 hours, mending 114 hours, sewing four hours, cave of the family 24 houps, management 2% hours, other ace tivities, such an making beds and ither household activities 4§ hours wid actual farm work, such as feeding the chickens, supervising the dairy, ete, 94 hours, The rest of her time she has to herself if | none of the children happen Lo be | lek or nothing else develops to up. sot the customary schedule, The urban wife has it much oaxior, but she has enough to keep the most 164 Gay December 29 her busy, Maybe some of them rely largely on 'the dolicateasen and the can opener, hat oven that the average city home maker spends 104 hours a weok prep. Ing meals, and 6% hours clearing them away, She spenda T) hours cleaning, 4% hours laundering, 1} hours , mending, 41 hours sowing vith the Including the | ter, either, for the statistics show | | week | | | the broad | | hurg | | y of the mudhola, hundreds of participate, .a buffalo and the lowering of equipment and humans side precipitous train desert in massacre in which {real Indian tlampoede Wagons {down "the of a A compelling love Lhe lish May actress of the first tory runs film and merves to nerita Churchill ns magnitude talented news to the screen in the person Wayne Hoth of these turned in finished pere formances, Tyrone 'ower's mena {ing bull wha lHkewise will ne to forget, Other memorable | chavacterizations were enacted hy {Tully Marshall, David Rollins and | El Brende) throughout usin {an I come lof John | youn Riso Introduces n key 61 hours caring for the family, 44 hours at management and 43 hours at miscellaneous activites, To say nothing of the time lost In answer- ing the telephone and the door hell, MOUNTAIN TOP T0 BE CHOSEN FOR TELESCOPE SITE Astronomers Are Seeking Location for 200 Inch Instrumnt Mt. Wilson, Calif, mountain top will where astronomers for tho first timo will look at stars 16 million times fainter than the faintest now visible to the unaided eye. This mountain will he the site for the 200<inch telescope, the loeation for an event that may influence the world ultimately as much as did Galileo's first instrument, Whereas Galiloo's telescope re- vealed an unexpected universe near at hand, the 200-inch instrument twice as lnvge as any telescope pre- viously made, may help solve the mysteries ahout the far-off outer odges. of that same universe pro. vided such Limits exist, This much is known--=that some. thing appears differently far out in the direction of the hypothetical "odge," namely that the light from Soon a be selected | that roglon is redder whon it reach. 08 the earth, This much the great 100<inch telescope here has helped ta verify, 'The 200-inch telescope may he sufficiently more powerful to help clear up the origin of the mysterious red shift, It will take in four timer an --r ------ -- . > - [a much light, and this is expecied | ; to show 10,000 millions of stars, yl h which is 10 timos more than the | € 100.inch reveals, The 200-inch | will bridge the astonishing jump to | stars 16 million times fainter than the naked eye sees, The 100.fpch weighs about 1456 tons and is 45H feet long, while the big one will weigh about five times as much but will be about five feet shorter, In its great mirror star mages will be brighter and sharper in | Years, outline, Astronomers will look at this mirror with microscopes, and there they expect to detect oh jects so distant that the light just | wo now arriving from them started iis journey, travelling at 186,000 miley 8 second, perhaps 400 million years 880, & time long hefore there ix proof of existence of animal life | upon earth, Con Hoot Cubson, who has thrilled the hearts of young and old with his dar | ing adventures and clever comedy ir vill be newest een again in I'1in' Kid". which comes to the New | Martin Theatre Saturday | f has dared to bring in 1 modern elements and v tions, still retaining the tradition an atmosphere of the real wild and ro frantic The automobile and the airplane have been utilized to develo the theme in a number of his .- - pictures, and now the radio becomes att important element in "The ( atin' Kid" These innovati 0 deftly handled by the writer that they add i eertam netures that west REGENT TO STAGE NEW YEAR'S EVE VROLIC On the streets, in the shops and |. Oshawa business offices everyone | 0 is talking about the forthcoming | : 4 Midnight Frolic which is to : staged in the Regent theatre New Year's FKEve, commencing promptly ay 11,156 pm, With a gala array of talking screen enter- | tainment, headed hy Maurice Chevalier in his latest Paramount production "Playboy of Paris' 8n| icv which clea the side t interesting programme of fun and | voivive Lrushes give a Lhe amusement will hold sway for two | oo unbing and polishing, hours or more, when gay, ca'refre crowds of merrymakers wil] for get their troubles of the old and usher in a more prosperous and happier new one, There will he decorated hats and community singing and a other features Street ' leave directly following formunce from in front of the theatre to sccommdate patrons, In | order to insure everyones of getting n seat for the big New Yenr ve Midnight Frolic, the management this year, reserving all They will ba placed on sale at the | box-office at ten-thirty on Monda | morning, "re they can centr yl tors 10 the Gibsot ind in other be | 1] -- ------------------------------------ on | lin, Germany, since the installation of po new automatic spraying equip. ment Vvery morning before they ent for service the through high pressure jets of | are ont Cay Ji MAHARANET SETS FASHION That the Mabaranee of Behar responsible for eal the re balloons host « nm wi Lhe floor the hellef followers in London fond of dancing duving her visits {to London and looked so particu larly slim and graceful in her sar) compared with the English "leggl of f ) 1 per | Are, entn, | December eit) he secured daily after untf] the lmited num | wold for the performance REANR AR A CARH (nor (Experimental Farms Note) popular are the heans as an of diet that among the many plants helonging the | legume family there is none so fm. | [ portant from the standpoint uke for human food Owing nnperishable nature of dry beans they ara marketed in all | countries of orld and at all | seasons of the To satisfy the demand o Canadian i0 article economie to of its! to the field the w Yen! 1 weople | requires nunually whout 1,800,000 | bushels of which 156 {000 must be imported Production in Canada ama five vear BVorage {| has been 1,212,400 bushels, Productivity varies in a given lo [-eality with such factors as strain of | weed, weather, soil fertility, preval once of disease and date of first killing autumn frost Tests car ried out under the Dominion ¥ per imental Farms have shown that beans may be grown successfully in any provines of the Dominion nl though sections of Kastern Canadn | are more particularly ndapted form profitable extension of hean grow Ing Beans frequently lave no {place in the cropping system generally do best 50d much as 0,000 tn 200,« | fixed The following clover Aweet clover down from the previous . season seeding, The land must he in good condition in every regard since the | crop cannot stand "wet feet competition from weeds Special machinery is not required Heeding may be done with an ordinary gral drill with rows twenty-eight fnehe apart, using thirty-five: to forty | Ive pounds of soad per acre I'he lordinary corn cultivator Is. rear jranged and used for bean work. A special attachment swung nde the ordinary farm cultivator may be used for harvesting The small 'white pea are more popular in the market | [than the larger types Among the jvarieties tested at the Central Kx plowed bean 1} pes | | L ' b tor | his western pictures for a number of | new | {drama of the west, "The Concentra { Kid," the p 11 (1 recent | [ ne dirs 7 | i Cooch | turn of the long skirt to the dance | a fashionable | she was very | t It Lith centrating Kid" New Gibson Picture" ----------------------------r The radio has beeen used in a num~ er of > ries, but its use is believed to he plot of a western thriller, n the case of "The Concentratin® radio elements permits the tion of some excellent dramatic to mention splendid coniedy, This ne of the mos! n starring Hoot in the ments not onent clever eral release 118i er sho 1h filin 7s Crawford who he ine Want " ( ner, wig number I ve Golden West," Lee und Rob ete the Duke exceptions of the players vas Arthur Rosson, Y. many roclety womem dopted. the dea of long skirts, a circus ummer t has plac xhibition in ave made mies, zebras almost alive with sketches of be- ricularly vivid K members of ited. the exhibit turn to show artist of the en He "ap { ati Cc Tar ra cmber hard 0 pi Wie Wy dig, NEW YEARS EVE | DANCE FROLIC At Hotel Genosha Phone 3000 For Table Reservations | perimental Farm at Ottawa, Navy [Ottawa No, 711 has matured on the {average in 102 days and yielded well, Michigan Robust, though a little later, has given good results New Martin | 2, Saturday Monday particularly in resistance din oase, Norwegian Ottawa 710 has been an outstanding vieldor among the colored types, The most. profitable crops of hoans are secured when careful at- tention is given to soil and plant food requirements, seed selection and culture, The average yield for the Dominion has been 16.7 bushels per acre, At the provailing market price for beans this crop in com- parison with other farm crops seems worthy of consideration, W. G, McGregor, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa lo NO "THE MONK IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS Among the picturesque hgures In the House of Lords af {he opens of the present English Parlia- ment is the Bishop of Truro, who ."HQOT" GIBSON Falls in Love via. the Radio, and thereby eliminates a gang of cattle rushers IN CONCENTRATIN' A western with an entirely new angle -- Chorus Girls -- Dancing -- Music -- Thrills Romance KID" Fun and is & member of a religious order and wears the leather helt of a monk, Dr, Frere was the Superior of the Community of the Resurvec. tion of Mirfield in Yorkshire for 17 years; COMEDY "GO TO BLAZES" SHIP TRAVELS BY SHIP, MULK When the steamship Ollanto are rives at its destination at Lake Ti. tieaca, in Peru, it will have travel. led hy ship and by mule pack. It In being constrnoted at Hull, Kng. land, and when finished will be taken apart, packed in sections and shipped in a steamship to South America, It then will be taken overland by mule pack. The ship is 270 feet long. ------------ "B--CHADPTE Express" 'The Show Down SHOWERS FOR STREET CARS Daily shower baths are part of Lhe program of street cars in Bere NOVELTY Wo ------------------ "TOBY THE MINER" Cartoon Capers FE CARR ll lll l: LL ay ociety dramas and prizefght' ---- Ee pe ---W a

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