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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Dec 1930, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1930 3 | Eastern Ontario News Parked Car Damaged Brockville.--An automobile own ed by Dert Shannette, Apple street, and parked in Victoria avenue ad- joining King street, was consfdera- bly damaged when it was struck by another car which ran away down the hill of the avenue from a point near Pine street, Fifty Years Married Iroquois Mr, and Mrs, Peter E. Harkness recently celebrated their golden wedding at their home near Iroquois, where they have resided since their marriage, Victim of Discase Lindsay.--Citizens were alarmed and expressed great regret. when they heard that Miss Jean Collison, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W, G. Col- lison, of this town, was home from Toronto University, suffering from streptococous haemolyticus; this is the first case of this dreaded dis- ease that has ever been heard of in Lindsay. 86th Birthday Belleville.--Congratulatory tele- grams, greeting cards and individu- al callers were received by James Roy, who on Friday retained his 86th birthday and apparently will see more birthdays come and go. Assessments Scanned Campbellford.--Judge L. V, O'- Connor examined the local assess- ments and real values of properties in a broad cross-section of Selmour township as he continued his extra- ordinary duties as referee in the equalized assessment dispute of the united counties of Northumberland and Durham, 60th Wedding Anniversary Port Hope.--Two of the real pio- neers of Port Hope marked the six- tieth wedding anniversary, in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Yeo, 'Bruton Street, Hale and hearty, the years seemed to have passed lightly over their heads, avd they live in their happy memories of the past, seeing the younger generations growing up around them, yet content with their own accomplishments, very Close Bay Bridge The Bay Bridge is to be closed to traffic for about thirty-six hours starting tonight at seven o'clock to permit of improvements the bridge at the span to Priest Injured Campbellford.--Turning his 'car but to let another car pass him on the road, I'ather Joseph O'Sullivan of Wooler found himself forced in- to the ditch and in collision with a [simmer and tree, and sustained fact from the broken glass of his car To Manage Elevator Kingston --Lloyd Cross of Port Colborne, has been appointed super: intendent of the new Canada Steam- ship Lines elevator in Little Catar- aqui Bay city, he tor, Church Dedicated Marysville.--Before a large as | sembly of parishioners, visiting friends and priests, the new Roman Catholic Church, "just completed, was dedicated and consecrated for] God's wark, Hydro Rates Received Bath,-- After several waiting, word has been from the Hydro-Electric sion wars pect weeks of received Commis- in answer to the letter which sent some time ago with res- to lighting rates in Bath. The rates received are very satisfactory in e respect, and compare fav- orabl with' the rates which pre vail in other villages. injuries { soon be boiling. {that | no exception, George L. Dérry, of this been appointed in chargé |village, was buried Friday after- of all the office work at the eleva-| noon | | at Sent to Reformatory Kingston,--Captain E, L, Janney, former war aviator and later head of the Janney Airways and Boat Company here, was sentenced to one year in the Ontario Reforma- tory on the charge of obtaining a sum of money from E. Scullin of St. Louis, Mo., with intent to de- fraud, Guilty of Assault Lindsay.--After an all-day po- lice court case, Howard Maginnis was put on two years' suspended sentence on the payment of the costs of the court, amounting to $23, when he was found guilty by Magistrate G. A. Jordan of assault- ing and causing grievous bodily harm to Roy Abercrombie. Aber- crombie will have his doctor bjll paid by Maginnis, | 100 Years Old Trenton.--A very old-young lady celebrated her 100th birthday here Friday--Mrs. Hannah Bonter. She | chatted brightly of days which no one else about her could remember, | To Advertise Exhibition | Kingston.--Professor J. 8. Bro- vedani of Queen's University, has sailed for Buenos Aires be in| charge of publicity work for the | coming Canadian Exhibition at Bu-| enos Aires. He will deliver a se ries of lectures in the chief towns | of the Argentine, and will also ad- | dress the universitiees of various | South American states. | Shooting Accidental | Lindsay.--After 20 minutes' de- | liberation, the jury at the inquest on Luella Evelyn Birmingham, who died in the Ross Memorial Hospi- tal on Saturday, December 6, ag the result of a shooting accident, found that the shooting had been acciden- tal, and that. her brother who left the gun in the house loaded was subnorgial, The jury strongly cen- sured the practice of leaving loaded firearms in any dwelling place, No Christmas Paroles Kingston.--There will be no par- oles for prisoners in Portsmouth Penitentiary this Christmas so far as can be learned here. For some years it was the custom to allow a number out of the big prison on parole, but from what can be learn- ed the Department of Justice feels that it would be misplaced kind- ness to release a man in the middle of Winter, especially when work is 80 Ecarce. Real Election Likely Port Hope.--The municipal pot Hope Township is beginning to it looks as if it will It is very seldom Hope doesn't have a real bat- tle and apparently this year will be in Former Postmaster Dies Iroquois.--Willilam Moore, {01 many years a resident of Iroquois and at one time postmaster of that at Point Iroquois ceme tery. Queen's Graduate Promoted Kingston.-- Word has been celved at the Department of Fx tn fon, Queen's University, that Mr, Campbell Innes, M.A. : graduate of Queen's University, and a native of Bruce County, Ontario has just been appointed inspector of schools Estevan, Saskatchewan. Wanton Vandalism Committed Port Hope.---Wanton vandalism occasloning breaking of windows | and the smashing of doors of the Summer School of the Ontario Col- lege of Arts in Port Hope, is round- ly denounced by J. W. Beatty, R.C. A., principal. A close watch is be- ing kept for a repetition of this wil- ful destruction of property and an | Ee anyone example will be made of principal caught in the act, says Beatty, Awarded School Pin , Smith Falls,--Frances lodger "auley, of Toledo, has been award- ed "The School Pin" by the Board of Education of the Smiths Falls Collegiate Institute for the highest standing per cent. in his class dur- ing the past year, Banker Transferred Lindsay.--Within a few weeks Lindsay will lose a popular citizen in the person of Mr. C. L, Jewell, 80 Bond Street, manager of Lhe Bank of Commerge, who has been notified that he is bejng transferred to Niagara Falls, where he will take over the position of manager of the main branch of the Bank of Commerce, Radios in Hospital jrockville.--~The patients and staff of the Broceville Ontario Hos- pital will shortly be able to enjoy all the pleasures that can be deriy- ed from radio with the installation of three central electric receiving sets in the buildings and loud speakers in every ward which will carry the programmes from the central machines to all corners of the institution. PRODUCE PRIS TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are guotatious, re- tail, in effect on the St, Lawrence Market, Toronto, Produce-- { Kggs, extras iggs, Firsts Fggs, pullest extras Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 Do., Crealnery, per pound rel Fruits and VegetablCs-- Carrotg, 6 bunches "» Beets, doz, Shes. ae, 1 Onions, dry, basket Cabbage Cauliflower Spinach, perk Mushrooms, per pound leaf Lettuce, three for Head Lettuce two for Parsley, per bunch Onions, bunch, three for , Cress, three for 0.62] 0.40 | 0.60) 0.32 | 0.45 | | | 50 | 00 0.35 0 Celery, head Squash, each Parsnips, basket Beets, basket Peppers, cach Herbs, bunel Radishee, bunch | Oranges, per doz Honeydew Melons, each Grapefruit, 3 for Potatoes, bag Cucumubers, lemons, per doz, Bananas, per doz Apple bus, Do., Snow Oranges, doz. Can. Green eas, basket Cggplant, each eis Green. peppers, basket Pears, basket Sweet potatoes Cranberries, qt Pumpkins, each six for TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto dealers hy r pro 1 the following Eggs-- Ungraded, ca ed, fresh extras, 40 seconds 25¢; pullet e Butter---No. 1 Ontar solids, 29 to 20'%c; No 2814. Churnoing Cream to 30¢; No. 1, 28¢ 26c to 26¢ are d | at ture tras 30 Joc; to 24 col graded, Cheese--No. 1 large, paraffined and government 13e to 1315¢. Quotations to are as follows: Poultry poultr shipper Dressed Making the Best of It! "Perfect 100°' Artistically designed mountings, Modestly --true quality. priced That's the way to get the most out of life. That's why we recommend the jew. dllery and silver- ware made by the people who "make the best of it" It pays to buy quality jewellery. Man's 15-Jewel STRAP WATCH Engraved gold filled cases--America's finest models to choose from, 26 Pcs. Community Plate Now Crestwood Tray a ovel service for six, Deauville ern 1lustrated. Modeled Banbica Deluze Stalalgss Knives, BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner Wedding Ring Newent engraved bands set with five genuine Diamonds, LAY rade; Alive Select MLV, Spring chickens, 61bs. ve Over 5 to 6 hs, Over 41, to 6 vs, .. Over 4 to 4% Ibs, , 4 Ibs, each and under Fatted hens, over 5 hs, A Over 4'to 5 bs, , Over 31; to 4 bs, ,, Old roosters, over 5 D8, da White ducklings, over f Ibs, each irda Over 4 to 6 hs, Colored ducklings 2¢ less. Young turkeys over 15 Ms, (dressed) Over 12 to 15 hs, Over 10 to 12 hs Over 8 to 10 hs, e Over 6 to 8 bs, each Old turkeys Geese, over 8 to 12 bs, cach All other weights "RB" grade Je less and *'C less than above prices Guinea fowl per pair $1 . *B"" grade poultry 3c less, and "G" grade than above prices, 25 22 17 we a= hE ET - HH grade ic Tc less (Belling) Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to retail dealers at the follow- ing prices; Fggs--Iresh, extras, Hoe; fresh extras, firsts, 43¢; seconds, extras, J8¢; Butter--No, 1 to 35; No toa ('hee © twin tons, 2 24% Poultry Chickens, 5 hs DDo., 4 to 5 he Pe Do., to 4 hs Do 3 to 3 ih Hens, ) Ibs Broiler Duck Turkey In cartons, loose, 48¢c; 20¢; pullet creamery 2 creamer printg, prints, 15%e¢, stil twing, | Ww, larg: 15% cc; triplets, Oc, Old, large old stiltong, 205¢ Dressed | up in-521 over o TORONTO PROVISIONS Wholesale provision dealer Toronto are quoting the foll prices to local retail dealers Smoked meats 6 to 20 cooked ked roll 28¢; breakfast » to 340; backs, pea-me do moked / Por l 32 butts, Cured meat Long, clear, bacon 0 to Ih 21 7 04 Ih 111 In | wing Ham , medium, 100; ba loins, in 0c; h pails 16 CHICAGO PRODUCE Chica Dec FUTURES 20 Open com aled |! : | | mlders 19¢: | |W mitments -- Eggs December 5656; January refrigerator, 153, Butter -- December, 60; January, 399; February, 192, Two market receipts: --Butter-- Today, 13.3567; last year, 13,104, Kggs--Today, 105,164; last year, 10,713. Chicago spot market; --Butter-- Extras, 30¢; standards, 284c; tone steady, Eggs--Firsts, 25c; tone firm. New York spot market--Butter, Fxtras, %0ke; no tone, Eggs,-- Firsts, 26% to 27¢; tone firm. Movement at the four markets: Butter, net out, 339,771; last year, net out, 599,100, Eggs--Net out, 43,377; last year, net out, 38, 487, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of rade are making the fol- lowing quotations for car lois; Manitoba wheat -- No, 1 hard, 614c; No. 1 Northern, 60j¢; No, 2 do,, 67]e; No. 3 do,, bhje;, No, 4 do., hije (cif. Goderick and Bay Ports), Manitoba Oats 364c; No.3, 34je, Argentine corn 706e¢ Colborne), Millfeed dellvared Montreal freights bags included--Bran, per ton, $21,256; shorts, per ton, $22.. 25; middlings, $30.2, Ontario grain--Wheat, 67¢; bar- ley, 30c; oats, 29¢; rye, 4b¢; buck- wheat, bbe. SOLINA LEAGUE EXECUTIVE NAMED No. 1 feed, (ed.f. Port W. R. Westlake Is President, | Marian Baker Secretary of Society If Epworth league Vill Westlake devotional was taken Baker Rev, Mr charge of the election of vith the following result N. BR. Westlake; 1st olina, De ned with hy Bick Miss then ffi ; pres Frn P, Mc y Baker; 4th lyn Tink; sec J. Yellowlees; Fach made she Nichol and les Yor pianist, Mac rt speeches 4 game con ald 33 Mr of Missios Dept n and Muriel Baker sang Mrs I'hen Bick on ' supt ary Hele in pleasing manner while read a missionary letter ur Rev. Mr hed « serm 1 and its s Ih service thoughtful n cial implications," presiding | Marion Baker || 4 | Alan Bal Mr, Alan Balson sang "Holy Bible Book Divine", a solo, the Choir join- ing in the chorus Mr, and Mrs, S. E. Werry visited John Shatts on Sunday, : Mr, and Mrs, John Baker and Miss Kathleen visited Mr, and Mrs, How- ard Cinch, Bethesda, Sunday, Miss Evelyn Tink is visiting Mrs Hilton Tink, Salem, Mrs, John Pascoe spent last week in Hampton, guest of Miss Silas Wil- ligms, Mrs, Fraancis Annis recently visit- ed Mr, and Mrs, Holden, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Cinch and Marjory and Eileen, Bethesda, visited Mr, and Mrs, John Baker, Miss Lena Taylor visited with Tor- onto friends, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Hardy children, New Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Hardy, Mr. and Mrs, R, Armstrong and son James, Maple Grove, visited Mr, and Mrs. B, G. Stevens. W, Hoar, Newcastle, is spending some time with his sister, Mrs, 1, It Taylor, Master Stanley Millsin, child of Mr, Ed, Millsin, is Bowmanville Hospital, Mr, and Mrs with Mr, and Mrs erhoro Mr, und Mrs, G, Gibson and Doug las and Miss Laura Wickett, of Osh- awa spent Sunday with Mrs, A, L Pascoe, Sorry we ommitted Mr, Ralph Wil hur's name from the program on ihe night the ladies of the tertained their husbands, Mr, and Mrs, G, Carr, of Gifford Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Shaw, of Hamp 1, Misses Reta, Ina and Vera Carr of Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrg, Howard Winnacott John Baker was in Thursday attending a Harold and youngest ill in Geo, White visited McBride of Pet Belley sced fair Hampton vis ile on Nilliams of ited Mrs, Carl Wilbur Mr, and Mrs, Harr | Donald of Kingston ad Mrs. James Annis of Chicago visited™¥Trs. Gord len Leask The church | with parent Qche Jardine and Is of 1 lars ol Darl » { Eldad on Friday ni; y , ¢ of the | act evening scho trustees « chairman for the at the following program tat 1 by Har y that got into ed a | called on cl eno "Ihe pups od Morning Merr iors; "Drink to me only rus | | Balsor ; recitation | {i hard time story of two "I'he Band by the Ruby Parker, recitation; Mr Jo; chorus by seniors "Billi horus Boy"; chory Perry 1" tion n, "Laughing ! | recitation, 1 1: | gue, "Cucumber hill deba | by senior boys; solo, Mr, Robb; dia hoy logue, "John and Susan"; chorus by seniors "1 saw three ships come sail- ing in"; "God Save the King", THREF INJURFD, HIT BY A TRUCK One Zion Girl Rendered Un conscious by Force of Impact Zion, Dee, 17--When Micses May and Dora Ball, Pearl Leach and Dorothy Vinson were walking to Arthur Stainton's home on Friday night, just east of Alan Fisher's, a truck owned by a Raglan man, end Josded with Christmas trees, side swiped the girls and knocked May and Dorothy in the ditch, May was unconscious for a time and her head wag cut and she sustained a terribly bruised face and forehead Ralph Glaspel overtook tho girls and conveyed May and Dora home and called Dr, Slemon to attend May, Dorothy was not hurt so badly but all were badly frighten- ed, The driver returned to the ae- cident and called again the next day, May is progressing very wel now Mre, J, W. McMaslgr attended the Women's Institute at Solina and gave her report, from the Conve tion held in Toronto Mr. and Mr Thos, Bhirley and lawrence nesday with Mr and Martin at Bowmanville, Migs Helen Lewis attended the of her two uncles, hoth of Mr, Lewis, at Weleome, course of two weeks Mr. and Mrg, Frank Pascoe, Herb Pascoe and Miss Irene have heen spending a few with Drayton relatives Mrs Cha Martin ana spent Wed- Mrs, Arthur brother in the day Ferguson and bab "| Kingston, of Oshawa, Mi Marie Clepry, were Monday visitors at {the home of J, W, Balson, New officers of the SBunday School were elected on' Tuesday evening {at the annual meeting in the | day Behool room, Rev, J, R | opened the meet] and led [prayer Mi Bert Glaspell presid | ed tha plano Tracy Glaspell Iwan re-elected superintendent; A, iT ist, supt,; J £ | Balson, treasurer; Miss Elva Miss Eileen Miss Pearl Doris Flee, Norma Glaspell, McMaster, supt Ww Balson, Migs Beryl sun- ng at Stainton, as con, Recretary; Stain- Leach, assist | tL med ton, asgl [librarian Migs librarian; Miss planist; Mj J. W of Mission; Mrs, J supt, of temperance; Glaspell, gupt. of cradle roll; Mrs, R. W. Ball, supt Home Dept, Teachers will he appointed later, Mr, and My J. W, Balson visit. Mr. and Mr Dave Thompson at Raglan on Friday last, and also visited thejr cousins, Mr, and Mrs Pascons Luke at Epsom of Several from this locality were pleasantly entertained by Mr, and Mre, J, J. Langmaid, Oshawa, when they also entertained thelr nephevs and nieces, . Mr, and Mre. Leslie Hoskin and family, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Fergus- on and babe, Mr, John Sonley, of Oshawa, Miss Marie Cleary, King~ ston, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Cameron, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Balgon, Mr, and Mre, Jesse Arnott and Jack helped to eelebrate the 20th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Blake Oke's wedd-~ ing on Saturday evening at their home at Ebenezer, when shout fifty attended, All had a splendid time, Several rabbits and pigeons have heen caught thig week by the young men, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton spent funday evening with their daughter, Mrs, Ross Lee, of Kedron, Mrs, Stainton staying a few days, BOGUS OPTICIANS SWINDLE FARMER? Old Gang Mekes Appear- ance in London District and Secures $600 London, Ont.,, Dee, 22.--A pair of alleged swindlers, 45 and 60 years of age, for whom the provin. cial police have been searching for three or four years, worked an old optician racket to extract $600 from a Thorndale farmer, accords ing to complaints laid with Inspec tor H. Gardner, of the London bureau The inspector has Igsucd a warns ing, especially to people in small- er towns and rural parts, to he? ware of the men who victimized the Thorndale man on Oct, 20, They had been heard from during the previous year, and thelr last known cake was in Barrie, On Oct, 20 a car drove to the not Bien | business in | evidently heard that in the house | was a Pag- | Thorndale farmhouge and tue of the two men solicitea an optician He had younger He well to-do man of 75 years, whose eyesight had weakened, He made an examinatoin, told the patient his condition was alarming, and that blindness was in store for him Fortunately, he sald, he had a radium specialist along with him on the trip, and the accomplice, a man of about 60, was called in Then followed a second examination which ended in a bargain for a radium treatment for $1,000, They put three drops of something, the police believe was water in the farmer's eyes and accepted in payment a cheque for $600, which was cashed at @& London hank the. same afternoon, the name of the payee as shown heing George MM, Miller, rrr e-------------- Luke Furniture Co. CLOSING-OUT SALE IS GOING STRONG price, 50 PAIR All Feather Pillows Regular price, $2.25 per pair, $1.25 pair Hundreds of Buyers visited our store on Sat- We Still Have urday and we are very grateful for the re- Sale sponse to our sale that it has been our pleas- ure to receive. We are again offering bar- from 75c¢ to $1.50. Sale 150 YARDS Madras In assorted colors. Regular price range gains in house furnishings that will pack this Simmons Bed Outfits Consisting of steel bed, sagless spring and felt mattress, Complete for, $15.00 a Limited Number of store during the next two days. price, per yard, Casement Sale Price, 70¢ 800 YARDS In assorted colors. Regular price $1.00. Cloth DAY BEDS Leader Couch, complete with mattress. Regular price, $11.25 for, $8.95 LEY, onstrate. Radios Secure your radio for Christmas. We can give you immediate delivery on the following models--DeFOREST CROS- STROMBERG CARLSON, STEWART-WARNER, FEDERAL & SONORA. We will be pleased to dem- 25 REVERSIBLE ALL WOOL Bedroom Mats In rose, blue, mauve and green. Size 25 x 48. Regular $4.15 for, $3.25 Size 30.x 60. Regular $6.75 for, $4.95 1 Davenport Regular $34.50 for, $22.00 Toys We still have a few toys left which will be cleared at sacrifice prices. See them before purchasing. 50 Wire Lamp Frames Regular Price $1.25, for §50c¢ each Floor Coverings We have quite a number of remnants of oilcloth which we will sell to clear at as low as 25¢ yard. Printed Linoleum remnants at, per yard, §0c¢ yd. Inlaid Linoleum remnants, at, per yard, 90c¢ yd. Luke Furniture 63 King St. East ompany Phone 78-79

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