A Growing Newspaper in | a Growing City | The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer 'All the News While It Is News" VOL. 7---NO, 146 V'wibiohet #1 Jebown Jet rary Day Earewt Sundove snd Pubic we OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1930 12 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy FOURTEEN PAGES PP > e Ne , A Aged Barrister Dies Mount Forest, Ont.--Alexander Btuary Clarke, believed to be th oldest barrister in Canada, died here Sunday after a hort illness, in his 80th year. Ld Ld To Announce Aid Plans Winnipeg. --Federal Governmen: plans to aid western agricnlturists may be announced by Rt, Hon, R, B. Bennett, Prime Minister, before be leaves Ottawa for his New Year's vacation, which Le intend spending in the west, » LJ ] Confess Arson Viot Chicago.~Four confessed arson plotters were charged with murder after two children were burned to death in the building they set afire, . Ld Drive Against Smuggling Ottawa, --A drive against cigar- ette smuggling into Canada has been launched by the customs pre- veptive officers of the Department | the | theatre operations the area around | of National Revenue, with Windsor, Ont, » v od Girl swallows Poison Toronto,-- Buffering from cramps, brought on by a dose of polson, Margaret O'Toole, 22, of 84 Pembroke St, was rushed to St. Michael's Hospital early Sunday morning, Quick use of the stomach pump saved her life, » » Yew Jobless at Milton Milton, ~--Gangs of men working on the storm the east end of the town, and un employment, so far as Milton i» concerned, is reduced to a mini mum, " nre w Fire Damages l@Iubhouse Welland, ~Damage estimated nat $7,000 was caused by au blaze which destroyed the upper part of the Welland Club here Bunday morning. v LJ . LJ Wife Kills Husband ¥all River, Mase, Joseph H, Kirby, aged 57, of 198 Rockland &irest, whose wife, police say, has admitted beating him with a chalr leg Inst Tuesday, died of a pun- ctured skull at Fall River General Hospital, LJ LJ] 400 Killed by Voleano London.--~A Rotterdam despatch to the Dally Mail asserts that be- tween 300 and 400 persons were killed In the eruption of Merapi Volcano in Java last week, LJ . 1] ; Seriously Injured Hamlliton, ~Stanley KE, LeBrocq of § Invernses Avenues, Mount Hamilton, who is Comptroller of the Steel Company of Canada, was seriously injured this afternoon on the Galt Highway, 10 miles from Galt, when his car Is sald to have skidded and collided with another vehicle, Ad . Liner Rammed in Fog Hamburg, Germany. The United States liner George Washington, inward bound, was rammed in a dense fog In the Elbe Estuary by the Danish motorship Malaya, whose bow plerced the George Washington's stern, Father Drowned Yarmouth, N.8.--Rushing oul on the thin ice of Big Brazil Lake in au effort to rescue his son, Len- dall Atwood broke through and was drowned before help could reach him, . . Went Through Ice Toronto.~Slipping through the ice while skating on Ashbridge's Bay at the foot of Knox Avenue Sunday afternoon, Willlam Sander- son, aged 22, of 218 Beech Avenue, had a narrow escape from drown. ing, » . . Bandits Loot Town Bogota, Colombla.~The news- paper El Tiempo's Cucuta, Colom- bla correspondent, reported tonight that 300 Venesuelans, bandits or revolutionist- had attacked and captured the Venezuelan town of Lobatera, near the Colombia bor. der, killed the chief civil authority, sacked the town, and fled to the mountains, . Pioneer Miner Dies Montreal.--Peter McKenzie, na pioneer of the northera mining districts of Quebec, dled Saturday night at his home in Chambly Basin, near here, aged 80, Ho waa formerly president of the Chibou- gamau Development Co:, and had been actively connected with min- fng until his retirement from busl- ness two oars ago. Grant For Mental Hygiene Montreal, --For the training ot advanced students and gruadates in the fleld of mental health, gp grant of $560,000 from the Rocke. feller Foundation has been made to the Canadian National Commit teo for Mental Hyglene, WEATHER Pressure is high over the Roe: ky Mountain States on the mid. the Atlantic Coast and relatively low over CUntarie and Qusbee and in the Mackenzie Valley. Some light local anowfalls have occurred in Ontario while in other parts of the dominion the weather has been fair with mod- erate t® ig in Manitoba but mild el ore, Forecast: Lower Lake Region and Georgian Bay: -- Moderate sou! west to west winds; mostly fa! 'onight nnd Tuesday, not mut chanrs in temperature, some scattered snowflurtics, severely | sewers in | WHEAT GONFERENGE BEIN Daring Robbery Co NIGHT WATCHMEN BOUND: SAFE BLOWN OPEN AND FOUR MEN ESCAPE WITH $1,100 Bandits Blew Open the Safe With Four Charges of Nit- tro-glycerine to Secure Money and Cheques | WATCHMAN"S POCKETS ARE ALSO RIFLED | Robbery Committed in the Office of Coleman Packing Company at Pottersburg| at Two O'clock This Morning (By Canaditn Press Leased Wire) London, Ont, Dec, 22,~--Binding ind gaging the two night watch. men, four masked gunmen were reeensful in removing $1,100 in cash and checks, after they had dis- od four shots of nitro-glycer- in 1 ain f at the Coleman Packing Company at Pottersburg £2 o'clock this morning. All tele wire from the. bullding it by the bandits two night watchmen were Brown and Charles Me- Lean, They called the police hortly after 4 o'clock after they had been guccesgsful in cutting the stout cords that pinioned thelr arms hind thelr backs, A check-up by the manager, Ar- thur Dleman this morning revealed that about $500 In cash had been removed along with checks valued at $600, The company are now on= deavoring to stop payment on sil the checks, VENER mat ared With looting the huge safe, the bandits rifled Mr, Mee Lean's pocets of $22 and also secur- ed 10 cents from Mr, Drown, How the bandits gained entrance to the bullding is a mystery, There were no windows broken or locks pleked Only one suggestion was offered hy the company. Karly ench morning ono of the night mon has ocension to go to the hog- pen and to the garage. The door lending from the plant may have Inft open, allowing the gun- men Lo enter in his absence. Tho first intimation of the rob- hery was notleed by Mr, Brown as he was working on a freezing ma. chine in the boller room, Ie was ordered to 'stick them up' by a man who approached him from the rear, The man was masked, He then placed a large plece of rag over Mr, Brown's face and backed him into the corner while three other men securely bound his wrists behind his back, The gunmen then carried him to the packing room where they lnid him on the floor, They then proceeded to locate Mr. McLean who was working in another part of the building, The same methou of procedure was carried out with Mr, Mclean and he was lald on the floor beside Mr, Brown, At this' point the hearts of the gunmen must have heen softened as they spcured a chalr from the office and gave It to Mr, Brown to sit on, They then secured several blankets and wrapped these around Mr. McLean, FIGHT INJURED INGAR ACCIDENT Car Crashed Over Fifty foot Cliff Near Cornwall, But No:e of Occupants Killed in Accident char fy 0 nlione were ¢ The James A bi heen vo "a Gieorge Alk- 17, 18 ina Cornwall Gen. fracture of Cornwall, Dec, man of Morrisburg, oritieal condition in eral osplital with a the skul, sustained when the car in which he was driving from Cornwall to Morrisburg broke through a guard rail on a curve Just east of Farran's Point and crashed over a B0-foot cliff into a rocky gully on Saturday afternoon, With him were his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Alkman, and two slstors and a brohter, Alkman, Sr, fractured his shoulder, Miss Laura Alkman hroko several ribs and the other oceupsnts were out and bruised, As the car left the road it elips ped off six posts of a guard rail at the base, and in the fall took a complete turn and landed upright PROHIBITIONISTS SCORE. LIBERALS Suggest Liberal Party Has Gone Wet, and Will Sup- port Only Dry Candidates in Future (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Dec, 22. Strongly sug- resting that the Liberal party went wot at its recent convention, the Ontario Prohibition Union, In a statement issued over the week-end, openly declares that {ts whole weight will be thrown behind all political candidates supporting ite cause in future election campnignsg Delegates were sarcely home from the Liberal convention before the Prohibition Union sub-executive was assembled to examine the plank adopted at that meeting by which Liberals declared that prohi- bition should not he a "partisan political issue," but that the Liguor Control Act should be administered by a non-political commission, The Iiberals onded their convention last Wednesday, The Unjon sub-eaxecu- tive met Thursday and drafted. the statement now made publie, (Continued on page 10) Christmas in Royal Family Prince of Wales and Prince George Will Spend Day With Parents at Sandring- ham (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Londen, Dee, 22~The again de ended over parts of Eng land today, after a crisp frost at dawn, may interfere with the plans Norfolk they will In any event it is expected be at Sandringham for following the custom of the Royal family in recent years, The Duke of Gloucester, the King's third son, is now on his way home to England after attending the cor onation of Ras Tarari in Abyssinia, The Earl of Harewood and his wife, Princess Mary, will spend Christmas with their two children at their Yorkshire home, STORE PROPRIETOR IS SHOT BY BANDITS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Boston, Dec, 2--Two young ban- dits shot and possibly fatally wound ¢d Michael Rovin, a store proprietor, and robbed Edward Dwyer the man- ager of another store of $75 in two holdups in the Charlestown district this morning, mmitted CHANGED STATUS FOR MANITOULIN TURKEY: (By Canadion Press Leased Wire) (ore Bay, Manitoulin, Dee, 22. ecause 40 years ago Manitoulin Island wag ravaged by grasshoppers more than 8,000 turkeys are this week being shipped to all parts of Canada and the United States, In 1890 a single flock of turkeys was imported as an experiment in combatting the plague of grasshop- pers, Within five years the grass- hopper menace was ended and » few turkeys found thelr way outside of the island. This week the larg est erop of birds in the history of the island is on its way to market, MANY HURT IN }0B RIOT fog whieh | of the Prince of Wales and Prince | George to fly to Sandringham Lodge, | Christmas with the King and Queen, | ' Disturbances Break Out in' | Monaco as Result of Ac- | tion of Prince Dissolving Councils (By Canadian Vress Leased Wire) Monte Carlo, Monseo, De . Seven thousand persons here today when Prince Louls of Monaco came home from Paris, In | protest against his dissolution of | both national und municipal council | More than a dozen persong were Injured und near) fifty were rested, but the riot did not assum more proportions because | the poll yer prepared for It hey lined the street from the | | rallway station to the palace with school children, hoping that the | friends of Vrime Minister Mar | ques is one of the prince's principal opponents, would call oft any contemplated demonstration for fear of hurting the children, | Dut the marques' adherents were massed near the gztation exit and a» soon us the prince showed him- solf rioting began, Yesterday the 100 men of Monaco's standing army were mobilized to prevent such an outbreak, but the prince postponed his arrival for a da riotea the | | ar- | Three Firemen Badly Injured | Accidents Occurred When Large Manufacturing Plant Was Damaged at Lowell, Mass. ul (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Lowell, Mass, Dec Three fire {men were injured during a general | [alarm fire at a four-storey Congress! | Strect manulactuning plant and ware-'| | house early today, Loss was estim- | fated at $50,000 and the cause of the fire was undetermined The injured firemen were John J, Harley, who was pressed against a fence by a skidding firé truck and had both legs broken; Joseph Will ard whohad his hips injured when he fell through the roof to the basement of an outbuilding; and Captain John Thomas, whoginjured both arms and legs when he jumped from a second storey witidow, Ears 22 Wewoka, Okla, Dec, 22, -- The gigantic blow torch created by the burning of No, 2 A, B, Douglas wild gas and oll well, still roared detlance today as plans for a third attempt to "shoot" out the flames wont forward, "Wild "Abe,", as the well has become known, yesterday won the first two round of the fight with M. 'M, Kinley and Harry Kinley, famed fire fighting brothers of the mid-continent oll field, when two Blazing Oil and Gas Well Defies Efforts of Intrepid Fire-Fighters flve-quart shots of nitroglycerine failed to extinguish the flames, A truce was called and the bro- thers retreated by plane to Tulsa for more ammunition, The nitroglycerine, heavily in. sulated, was placed as close as pos. sible to the towering flame by. the intrepid brothers and fired by elec. tricity, A charge planned to be shot at noon today was to be double the size of tho first two, Soviet Russia Tries Its System (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Moscow, Dec, 23. --Soviet Russia {a shaking down her entire food distribution system under a decree published today .by the central committee of the Communist pars ty. Its primo objoet, beyond res moval of sabotage agents boring from within. appeared to be provi. slon of more food for the stinted millions in areas far from agricul. tural centres. 1 at the foot of the embankment, The decree plllories the commis. for Distribution of Food to Re-organize sariat ol internal supply, doscribing its work as un. satisfactory and reporting that the 'meat and vegetable trusts are clog- ged with antl.Soviet agents, 48 of whom were recently shot," It as. serts that the cooperative agencies must be "cleaned out from top to bottom." and it details 100 trusted members of the central committee and others to the provinces under orders to reorganize the meat and FEAR EFFECT | Impossible, { certain, whatever their upshot, to vegetable supply system. in Plant Near London OF TARIFF IN DOMINIONS London Newspaper Says! Sense of Grievances Is Be- | ing Created in Minorities | in Overseas Dominions (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Dec, 22.--That the em- pire tariff negotiations, regardless of the outeome, are certain to reate a sense of grievance among mportant minorities both here and in the dominions, is the assertion 4 the Liberal News-Chronicle in nu editorial today I'he tariff is not proving, in ie prairie, a very fortunate ex- pedient: for cementing the em- | pire," the News-Chronicle said, "It | 5 caused an outspoken demand | lon from the common ome Australian states, farjners of the Cana- | stated to riev tariff wealth in nd now the y pradrie are " provinces ccession if their Canadian ing under the met not No doubt this sort of talk need too seriously, It is to dismiss cool demon- Manitoba Free Bennett cannot better terms for Canadian in foreign markets, unless lie Is prepared to make real breach- the Canadian tariff wall so thelr manufacturse are con- Ie he taken though, Hghtly the the Premier not | quite xo tration b Ire that Ket wheat C8 In far as cerned "Thig, of course, is perfectly true but the fact that the tariff negotiations are almost certain to be futile. is {fmportant so far ue the 'Crusader' {1s concerned than the other fact that they are quite 1 loxs create in important minorities both here and in the dominions a bitte: sense of grievance.' shepard Case Before Jury | Unable to Reach Verdict! Jury Has Entered Its Third Day of Deliberation in Murder Trial (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) lvansas City ; kan, Dec, 22-<Th y deliberating the case of Major | A, Shepard, army medical charged with the poison mur- ler of his wife, was still deadlocked cd today Arriving at the federal building at 9 am, trom their hotel, the jurors be gan the third day of discussion and ballotting. Bailiffs reported that the twelve men were still hopetul of reaching an agreement, There was no indication as to how the jury was divided, TORONTO BOY 1S KILLED WHILE SLEIGH RIDING (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Dec, 2=-Victor Morris, 13, was struck by an automobile and kill de while sleigh riding outside of his home here Sunday, He is the sec- ond victim in two 'days of the lure of sleigh riding on the ice-bound streets, Charles Former Professor Of McGill Dies (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Que., Dec, 22.-~Word has been received here of the death at St. Andrews, Scotlund, of Rev. Dr.¥Alexander Reld Gordon, former professor of Hebrew at Mc- Gill University and Old Testament Hterature at the United Theologi- cnl College, Montreal, He left Montreal in April 1930 to take the chair of Old Testament Literature at St, Andrew's University, Rhodes Scholars . Named for Ontario (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Dec, 22--The 1930 Rhodes scholars from Ontario who will go to Oxford University, England, for three years, were today announced. They are E. B, Jolliffe, of Rockwood, SOVIET RUSSIA ADDS T0 ACREAGE OF WHEAT (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) .Washington, Dec, 22.--The De- partment of Agriculture was in- formed yesterday that Soviet Rus- sia contemplates an increase of 19 per cent, in her wheat acreage to be seeded next Spring above (Pls year's total, The foreign agricultural finfor- mation office at Berlin advised that the present intentions of Rus- #la called for seeding 186,807,600 acres, The acreage sown in Prussia and Germany up to the early part of December was reported as 6.6 per cuet, greater than a year ago, PLEADS FOR OUT-CASTES Indian Leader Declares That Franchise Will Have to be| Extended to the Untouch- ables London, Dec. 22 The case for the depressed classes of India was put before the franchise sub-com- mittee of the Indian Round-Table Conference today by Dr. Bhim Ambedkar, founder of the Depress ed Classes' Institute, a leader of the movement to uplift the millions of Indian "untouchables" and a barrister of the Bombay high court He urged the necessity of adult suffrage. "We cannot consent to either Dominion matuk or respon wible government unless we aro sure | the depressed classes are going to be represented," he sald Subsequeritly the discussjon re- vealed a general agreement on an appreciable extension of the fran- chine, In the federal structure commit- tea a federal legislature of two | houses--a senate and house of rep- rescntatives | | | | | was discussed, | Bishop Seriously 111 London, Ont.--Rt, Rev, M, F.| Fallon, Bishop of London diocese | Is reported by his attending | physician, Dr. W, J. Tillman, as loging ground, Although he is not at present in a critical condition, | ils case is regarded as serious, Philadelphia | Bank is Closed State Secretary of Banking Closes Doors of Important Financial Institution to] Conserve Assets Philadelphia, Dec, 22--The Bankers Trust Company of Philadelphia, one of the prominent institutions of the city, with assets of $55,000,000 was closed today by the state secretary of banking. I'he bank has nincteen branches scattered throughout the city, some of which came into the company through gmergers of neighborhood banks within the last few years, A statement issued by Samuel H, Barker, president of the bank, stat- ed that the institution was closed in order to conserve the assets for the protection of depositors and stock- holders, . PLANNED DOMINION GOVERNMENT IS GIVING CONSIDERATION T0 SERIOUS PROBLEM IN WEST REVOLUTION IN President of Manitoba Unit- ed Farmers Sees Serious Situation Developing on Prairies (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Dec, 22. Something in the nature of a mild revolution is likely to take place before Spring, in the opinion of W, J. Ward, president of United Farmers of Manitoba, unless the Dominion Government, at the coming session of Parliament shows direct inter- est in, and sympathy for, condi- tions surrounding the lives of the agrarians of Western Canada "No more outrageous condition could exist--could be perpetrated than the collecting of nine per cent. Interest from the farmers by our banks: excessively high freight rates now being pald; continua- tion of the high prices of farm fmplements; imposition of 25 per cent, duty on agricultural imple- ments and 50 per cent, duty on (Continued on page 10) Communists in China Routed Loyal Forces Have Driven Reds Out of Province, and Have Relieved Towns Which Were Besieged (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Canton, China, Dec tary announcements today credited provincial forces with having de- feated Communists threatening an invasion of Northern Kwangting province, The announcements said the out- Jaws had been driven northeast- ward into Fukien province., This word was received here with the re-ostablishment of communication with Shiuchow. Northern Kwaog- tung, Shiuchow had been besieged several days, according to reports. Shiuehow advices asserted Red orces near Namyung, another be- feged city in. that area, had been scattered, relieving the threat against Northern Kwangtung towns, 0 Owen Sound Store Robbed Owen Sound, Dec. 22--Entering the grocery store of T. E. Elliott, short- ly after' midnight on Saturday, two armed men froced the proprietor to hand over the day's receipts which amounted to a little more than $100. Elliott had just closed his store for the night when he heard a knock on the front and expecting a late cus- tomer he opened it" and was con- fronted by two men who forced him to stand with 'his back to the wall while they looted the till, Lord Willingdon Congratulated on Courage in Accepting Indian Post (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Dec, 22--Lord Willingdon, retiring governor-general of Canada, is congratulated by the Morning Post today rather on his courage in ac- cepting the appointment as viceroy of India, than on his good fortune in receiving the great office in view of the fact that affairs in India have grown so difficult and critical. In Qualities which endear the gov- ernor to the governed, Lord Willing- don is most happily endowed, the post continued. "Nor could anyone preside more hospitably at the vice- regal lodge 'than her ladyship," the newspaper added, Bombay, India, Dec, 2--Apart trom one of two extremist newspapers the appointment of Lord Willingdon as Viceroy of India is welcomed every- where here, The typical Indian view- point is expressed by the Indian-own- ed Daily Mail, which says that Lord Willingdon must shed some of his pet theories about a national move- ment, but hopes he will bring with him the Canadian ideal and. make an earnest. attempt to raise India to Canada's level, All Hope Abandoned for Safety of Missing Victims of Steamer Crash 2) 22 = Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec, With 41 passengers and crew of the Finnish line steamer Oberon still missing today, all hope has been abandoned for finding any additional survivors of Friday night's crash be- tween the Oberon and her sister ship The Acturus, off Laso Island. Two brothers commanded the two ships, Captains Erik and Ossi Hjelt, Ont, and Harold Day, of Brantford. a "nm a aerate -- cd EE SA Se and they had exchanged Christmas ¥ WE greetings by radio a few moments before the crash, not realizing in the dense fog that their ships were in Such close proximity. As the fog lifted Danish today Danish seaplanes and * Finnish boats found. three lifeboats, empty, and two Christmas treés. Mariners believe a majority of those lost were trapped in their bunks and sank with the ship. 2 tp | WEST PREDICTED Mili- | Premier Bennett Believed to be Arranging Conference With Representatives of Bankers' Association FARMERS MAKING | BITTER COMPLAINTS | Wheat Prices at Winnipeg Drop to New Low Record | of Fifty and a Half Cents | for December Delivery (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bankers in Ottawa ont, Dec. 22.-- Prominent bankers reached Ottawa early this afternoon and proceeded to the office of Premier R, B, Bennett. It is understood that the wheat sit- will be discussed. Dec. --= The wheat situation is being given very great consideration by the Dominion Government and may be the sub ject of a conference between cab- fnet ministers, possibly Premier R. B. Bennett and representatives of the Bankers Association. While no ! such conference has been held so far today. the conjecture is that one is being planned In an interview yesterday W. J. Ward, president of the United Far | mers of Manitoba complained at Winnipeg, of various conditions affecting the western farmers, One of them was that banks were col | lecting nine per cent. interest from | the farmers. Although the infor- mation cannot be confirmed, it is | suggested that the question of in- terest rates as well as the financing | of the erop will be taken up should | tire members of the government' | and bankers meet in a round-table | conference, Ottawa, uation 22 Ottawa, Low Mark at Winnipeg Winnipe Man., Dec. 22,--Low- | est marks on record were touched by wheat quotations at the opening | of the Winnipeg market today. Ex- | treme declines at Liverpool and Buenos Aires markets injected' strong British feeling into the pit | and all futures plunged to low fig. | ures, ) ! Al the opening bell, December | was down to 51 to 50) cents; May was at 54% to 537% dents and July at 556 to 653 cents per bushel, LD) MAKES APPEAL FOR | RADIOS FOR BLIND (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Dec. 22--Rt. Hon. Win- ston Churchill has renewed his Christmas appeal, broadcast by radio, for providing every blind person in the country with a wireless set, Last year he received $125,000 on this ac- count and needs another $100,000 to complete the scheme. FIRE PUTS END TO CHRISTMAS EVENT Girl Seriously Injured ini Rush From Church to Scene of Fire in Worship. per's Barn (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Merrickville, Dec. 22,--~A Christ- mas pageant in the local United Church came to an abrupt end last night when a barn belonging to a member of the congregation caught fire. The church bell at once sounded an alarm, and the crowd rushed out to fight the flames, In the rush 6-year-old Veldena Muscles was probably fatally in- jured when she was struck by a motor car. The child with her mother was hurrying to catch a sight of the blaze, The barn, owned by William J, Dickson, was completely destroyed, Damage was estimated at $10,000, and 34 head of cattle were burned, Urge Closing Liquor Store (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brantford, Dec, 22.--"We res spectfully recommend to the Liquor Board that the Government liquor store be closed during this period of acute unemployment." This reso- lution was passed by the Ministerial Association of the United Church of the Brantford Presbytery, copies of the resolution to be sent to Sir Henry Drayton, Hon, H, C. Nixon, M.P.P,, and Franklin Smoke, M.P, pincer | ---- PUR LEH