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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1930, p. 9

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2 er 1%, 1 1 1e le nf, ey, A EER 2 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, The Secret of MARGARET YORKE By Kathleen Norris ~ "he Story Thus Pars Margaret Yorke, a New York gint is companion to Mrs, Cutting, In California, and governess to Mrs, Cutting's small, adopted son, Jim, Btanley Crittenden Mrs, Cuttings nephew, is much attracted to Margaret, Mrs, Cutting tells Margaret that Mrs, Cuyler Theor bald of New York, the (former Shirley Wilson, and once Stan 1ey's Dances, 5 coming back to £85 a divorce, At the mention of Cuyler Theobald's name, Mar. BAaret turns pale, Stanley takes the news about Shirley eaimly, Me and Margaret pd them~ selves falling in love, Bhirley meets Margaret and questions tions her about Sten, She tries to find out from Margrast Stan's attitude on Mrs, Cutting's ado tion of the child, She meets Stan and hes a talk with him and for the first time recos- nises that Margaret Yorke Is her rival in securing Stan's affecr tions. Shirley (invites Stan to spend an evening with her, The next day Sian phones his sunt that be bringing Ehiriey to Uplands. Shirley makes herself very agreeabls, Ehiriey Stan go to a house party st ble Beach, On hie return Stan tells his sunt that Shirley has about made up her mind to mer cept him, Mrs, Cutting is taken {1} and dies. Margaret degides to take Jim and live at the ranch, Stan goes to the ranch and Margaret tells him Jim is her son, Shirley comes to the farm for the week-end and re eslves a telegram that Cuyler Theobald, her recently divorced husband, is dangerously fll, Margaret faints upen hearing the news, Stanley and Mar. garet realize that they are in love, Shirley decides to return to New York to sees Cuyler In the hopes of inheriting some of his fortune, She exacls a prom. ise from Stan not to see Margar- ot during her absenge, However Stanley cannot resist the tempter tion to go to ve ranch, Ie finds Margaret in a state of de- pression, She informe Ban that she and Tim are going away from the ranch, Btan takes them in~ to town the next morning, Bhort~ ly after he Is In his office he re~ eolves a telegram from Shirley announcing she and Cuyler have been remarried, Shirley returns to California and meets Mar. Earet and Btan | na restaurant, She invites herself to the farm, INSTALMENT XXVI "However when the glowing Apri | afternoon came, he drove down duly to the farm, with a trunkful | of beautiful frocks, and with an escort to give her countenance, Joe Pand, Stan's closest man friend, & quiet listener in almost all gather. fogs, a widower with a little girl, and as enthusiastic a player of tennis, golf, and polo as Flan was himself, Stanley himself bad driven down from town earlier in the afternoon and was comfortable fin his old tweeds, as he came out to meet them, He and Chung seized suit. cases hardily; there was great shouting and laughing as the 'lait. ors were made welcome to the farm, But it was all spoiled for Shirley, because she instantly not- ed that Margaret was hostess In everything but actual name, It was Margaret who said cord. fally, "We've put you in the room you had before, Shirley!" It was Margaret, who introduced, decided managed, | In vain Shirley tried to rutile (her; Margaret was serene, Bhe was evidently adored by the cous- ins; a ruddy, silver-headed old eountry doctor and his mild, fat, amused wife, Mrs, Peters was evidently a little impressed by the visitors manners, poise and anima. tion, but the doctor possessed the shrewd judgment won by -some forty years of practice among hu- man beings, and Shirley's charms gained almost no response from Bim, Margaret, on the other hand, vas ia favorite, He treated her much ae he would a daughter, And Stan, Shirley decided. resentfully, acted oward the girl as if she were act. wally his wite, Bhe supposed that there was an understanding bet. ween Margaret and Stan; rhe had umected his attachment long ago: was quite the natural thing, When Margaret too" her to her hedroom Shirley an dv of New [yor the litle shops mear the [Avenue, in the Forties and Wiftien ahe showed Margaret a little pre- gent she had brought for Stan, "Dearest fellow in the world!" she sald of him, And as Margaret Aid not speak, she stopped rum. aging in her hag and looked at he other woman fn well-simulated urprise, 'Don't you thing he's a soinating person?" she asked, * "Indeed he is!' Margaret sald, ith her bright smile, Shirley eyed her discontentedly, YW" supposes You two Are going ito have news for us, one of these days?" she said, wuggestively, Well, T shan't he fealous she add- 'ed, good-humoredly, "TT ghall 'never feel to anvone In the world what 1 feel for Stan Crittenden Hut T had to do what T did--my Mushand is a siek man, and all alone in the world, {Margaret sald nothing, Tut to Shirley she seemed to have noth. ng to say, Shirley simply didn't unt any more, excent as a \ex't- ate source of astonishment and amnsement, * Perhaps Shirlev felt it, for she as more than avdinarily determin. id to pleases, this afternoon and vening, She tramped ahout the farm, on the nsual hefore.dinner sound, with great responsiveness and amiahility, She anneayed, Wressed for the meal, in her most Pecoming frock: ehe was a atiide in tact, high spivits, charm and flat tering interast during the meal, Stan had his ald place at tha font of the table: Margaret was In his aunt's old seat, at the head, hire Jaw was ot Stan's Teft, and o!Y Mpa ley told herself that it was per- fectly sickening to see flow this women had worked her way in, Pretty, confident, serens, Mar- gavel filled the hostess's position splendidly, Fhe drew them all out; Joe, the doctor, Stan himself, Afterwards, there was bridge, They had a cut-in game, Margaret begging off the first rubber hecstse she bad to see Hang about break- fast, and Nors about Jim, and dis- charge a dozen other small do.pes- tic duties, When she came back she played with Joe; and then with the doctor, Stan, eut out, eat, Shir. ley #Aw, on the arm of her ehalr, and watched her play, The last rubber Bian and Marget played Joe and Shirley, and Shirley, who felt that she had been losing ground ell evening pleaded fatizns rhen the disgusting rubber was over, und went off to bed, Rut she hoard the murmured volces and laughter of Margaret and the men for another hour, Bhe went to sleep viciously deter. mining upon 8 campaign aguinst all this fnnoeent plaeidity, Old Mrs, Peters was an creature, and the doctor's chames fonship of Margaret was the gals Iantry of a simple-minded old man, Shirley wondered what the ~ut. come of a few well-planted suspic- fons would be, Suppose she sus- gested to Mrs, Peters that Stan was very inzaously pulling woo! over het eyes? Nothing 1ike these small. town women for sinister suspic. fons! ; Bhirley could imagine tha ruffled feelings, the auick confirmation of | any hint of four play, Rha smiled In the soft darkness of the spring night, Why not? she mused, Fhe hergelf would be on her wav rast a week from todav, the protMhility of her marrying Btan was extvomels remote, Yet the possibility was stil] there, But at least it rhonia.! n't he all smooth sailing for Mar- | | ish Co-Operative Wholesnle {by Canada, and it is five times the | Canadian garet Yorke, "I won't say that anything's wrong, 1 won't even sav that | think anything's wrong." she deeld- od, "But 1 shall simply hint that Stan admires her framendous!y- for all 1 know," Rhirley mseured herself, bridling, "it Is true, ! Paters at hia wight: Margaret had the men on either side, And Shive} don't know anything tn the econ trary!" "I'm stil) In love with that man," she mused; "I'm still In love with Bten Crittenden." And Shirley paused, to remembhe the feeling of his biz arms aliout her, the touch of his Wisees, "Lord, what fun a woman could have with Btan, running down tn Honolulu!" she reflected, 'Dol Monte for the tournaments, or n little bungalow at Pebble Teach: he's always sn stunning in any rie, and that silly, easy line of talk of his makes evervone love And makes any kind of party gn!" And not for the first time sha thought of herse!! with Cuyler's alm, | money, and with Stan for her hus band, "If only he doesn't marry this Yorke air), in the meantime," Shirley fretted, fo the following day, at hreal- fast, Shirley announced that she Was not going to drive into town with Ftan, she wanted to stay an. other night, and really rost, Stan. ley, who was needed for a few hours at the office, was re retly relieved to be spared the lone (ete- astete of a drive intn tow Joe Pond had »'orrdv gone, "We shall 104¢ loaf and goskin all day,' Shirley «ald, tralllag arross the side-pofeh after him, In her lacy hreakfast apparel "and when --dear me, doesn't this sound ike the bride --=when shall you be back, Stan?" "Shirley's going to stay tonight," Stan sald to Margaret, and her face brightened just the correct f:ac- tion ay she sald, pleasantly: "Oh, T certainly expected her to stay! And I thought yu were going to bring'a man or'two down? It's Friday, you know." she added, "Well, maybe I willl" the man answered, Shirley followed Stan to the low ear and stood chatting with him, bealde it, "You don't know what this means to me, Stan, honestly,' she sald, smiling and blinking with a little emotion, "To be down here =it's Just wonderful, I love it se! T love the feeling of being near you---you silly old idiot! Tike you an awful! lot, Tanny," sald Shirley whimsieally, "That's lucky!" sald Stan, ohain- od where he was by the delicate little slipper that was laid upen the running-hoard, "You know just how my mar. riage came about, don't you!" Shirley asked suddenly, "I ean imagine it!" Stanley nod. ded with a brief smile, "Think I felt awful happy abeut ft, Stan " Shirley asked, with an upward aweep of brown eyes, "Poor little me, I cried nll night, But he was so alone, Stan, and ! remembered that he always heen #0 good to me---always, in his way." she said, "How much chance has The!" Stanley asked, to say something, But Shirley was not Interested in Cuyler, "To got well? Oh, none!" she sald' carelessly, dismissing him, "He may live some time though, poor fellow," she added, as Stan. ley looked somewhat seandaliged, "No, but tell' me," she went on, 'were you angry at me, Stan? When you heard of the weddim, I mean?" "Ne, not a bit, honestly, "I wonder, Stan, if you didn't feel that this was the square thing for me to do? 1 did, | know. 1! thought, 'This squares accounts with Cuyler, he can't live long, poor fellow, and I'll be glad all my life that I didn't let him die angry!' Don't you fea! that, Stan? Shirley ended earnestly, "Doa't you foe Stanley sald unsuspoetingl 'Russian Wheat | erative [ tain, | o ] thet-maybe~I did the right | thing?" : "I'm glad if you feel so my dear' be said, with his crooked grin. "And some day you will be good friends with me again?" "I hope I'm always that," Sian said awkwardly, "Tomorrow's Baturday," Ehiriey | suggested, "How about driving me to luneh at the Burlingame Club? Could we do 7 ) wiully nice to watch some tennis, Vm an old married woman now, $n, per. fectly safe, you know, "Couldn't be done," he sald briefly. "I've got 8 barre! of things to do here! | promised 'he Kid, for one thing" Shirley had slightly drawn back and had removed the arresting foot, Now she looked him enldly fn the eyes and sald, with » faint smile: "My God, what 8 hold 'hat wo- map has on you, Stan! Bs awfully careful that ft fsn't too much of a hold for your comfort, one of these days!" Btanley touched wiz starter, jerks ed his gears, touched his ean, "Thank you, Shirley, "1I'l} re member," he eaid levelly, "Now I've done it! Be hates me, I don't care!" said Bhirley to her. self as he drove away. I Aon't ears, it" make him think of me anyway!" sae suid sg she turned end went back to the house ---- ------ a eh A i -- Pouring Into | Great Britain We read that the British Co-op- Wholesale Noclety buys much of its wheat from Russia This society is "reputed to pos. oss Lhe largest flour mills in Bri- During the first two weeks in Oc tober it purchased from Russin THO tons of wheat, and earlier in the fall took another 45,000 tons from the game county That wiwount represents a ton nage equal to that sold to the Brite | Moclety | amount which Australian wheat pro- | ducers sold to the woclety, [ Plainly, there is something seri | ously wrong something wrong with our meth- | od of negotiating with these firms | n Britain; something wrong with he manner In which the Wheat I'ool tried to secure a high price | 0 great o section of the British | market being lost to the Canadian | rowers of wheat | Coops | Canada can furnish the Wheat | erative Boclety with betier than it can secure in Hussia Canadian wheat Is grown by men ho ure interested in bhullding up | the British mpire | Russian wheat 15 produced under | fn owystem which is anxious to do what It can to utterly destroy the British Empire I'he purchasing of 110,760 tons bushels «of Cana or JN01,0640 dian wheat instend of wheat, would not cure the situation In Canada, hut it would help, More than that, Canadians would Ike to have the sensation that the Hritish Co-operative Wholesale Bo- Canada than with the Russian | agency, Jnstend of talking about Limnpire trade In a general way, It wouil he hatter to tackle individual covey and work them out, Here 14 one; Why fn (t that this great purchases Ing society in Britain prefers to take. on wo much Russian wheat while Canada has so mueh for rate? Ha aur Government secured fhe Anaw y that question, or cun it Has the Wheat Pool itself an Information on the subject? Tt might be found, hy securing a definite reply to queries about this one specific case, that we could find out a good deal about Empire trade which we do not appear te know at present, ~--Stratford HBeacon-Herald, A German inventor is predicting steadier flights, for his alrplane, in which the air stream trom the pros peller is directed straight through slightly conical tubular fuselage, We wish to thank our pats rons, at this festive season, and ask them to accept our sincere good wishes for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR 4 J.S. KYLE? GROCER Ring Street East Hussian | clety would rather do business with | [more than 18,000,000 female sub (St, Catharines Standard) low Rd The #tandsrd referred last week to the updoubted movement, of United #tates and British branch fac tories to Canada, 8 movement which it seems, in spite of depresgion, 1s already making iiseit felt, "Agri- eultural and Industrial Progress of Canada," published monthly by the C.V.R, contains for December ref- erence to this movement, whic will without question have & pronounced bearing on Canadian industry in general within the next year or two, The C.V.R, publication says: The strongest assurances of im- mediate and future expansion of Canadian industry is seen in ine remarkable number and the nature of press dispatches issued during the past month emanating chiefly from Ottawa, London, Washington, and New York, | Confirming as they do the inéi- cations of accelerated British and American interest in the estab'ish- ment of branch factories in Canada another important festure of thes: | press reports is that they, in| themselves, represent very vali- able publicity for the Dominion and | the advantages to be derived by | the location in this country of nev | industries. / | Vor the Canadian public, too, the | reports have a special futerest, They sorve as reminders that the expan- sion of existing industries apd the establishment of new ones signify the investment of new capital in the productive use of the country's resources, increased employment, | the desirable growth of population, a larger market for agriculture) produce and raw materials, increas. ed purcasing power and all the oth- er concomitants of economie growth, "Wyery branch of this kind adds to the economic and industrial growth of & young country," says a | Canadian Press dispatch from New | York, quoting an official of a Cana- dian bank president in that elty "Employment is given to Cauadicn labor, and sueh industrial ente prises, even If originating with capi tal supplied by a friendly neighbor, soon pass As thoroughly naturaliz ed units into the great hody of industries, furnishing in that respect a parallel to the early history of many American indus tries and transportation arteries.' There Is no allusion, in the above to the eause of hraneh factory move* ment to Canada, but every-one knows what the cause is, It is no more nor less than the adoption of Canada First policy, otherwise rec. ognized In the form of protective tariff for home industries; with the | OO COTO NOON © PRR OOONN" | last pearon; something wrong with possibility in the background of preference in trade with other paris of the British Empire | JAPANESE WOMEN MAY BE ALOWED MUNICIPA VOTE! Taste of Political Power to be Given in Next Elections Tokyo, =Japanese women soon may be given a taste of political power, The sample will be the right to vote in municipal elections, and it ls accompanied by the im- plicit promise that if ft is taken with no ill effects, within a few years the full feast of politios- equal rights with men to vote and hold oMee will be svread before jects of the Mikado. | At the fifty-ninth session of the Imperial Diet 'meeting this month, (December) a bill to permit womeu to vote in elections for village, town and city assembles and to hold office in those governments is to be considered, Backed by the over-| whelming majority held by the gov- | arnment party, the -Minseito, the bill should pass the lower house without diffeulty, There may be op- | position in the more conservative | House of Peers, but the chances are | the measure will become law, The bill stops short of admitting women to partieipation in national and prefectural affairs, It will not allow them to vote for members of | the 46 perfectural assemblies nor | for BOT, of the national house of representatives, (he highent alocted officials, in the Japanese pol- itioal system, Political leaders ho: | lieve it will be ten years before wo men of Japan will have the same voting and offce-holding rights as men, COAL IN VAST QUANTITIES IN NORTH ONTARIO Cochrane, Dee, 24-There areove: 150,000,000 tons of lignite midway be tween Cochrane and Moose Factory, as now pretty clearly outlined by | boring operations conducted by the | Ontario Government, there is believed, to be possibilities of other deposits vet to be found or explored, "The coal is low in grade, but is bet- ter than some being used in Manito. ba as well as in Germany, Being on. ly coal so far discovered in Ontario, the desposit will he of very great benefit to communities within a lim ited radius, There are cluse observers who hes lieve coal of still better grade will be discovered farther north and at a deeper horizon, The geological data on the James and Hudson Bay basin is very limited. The pre-cambrian rocks dip gradually to undetermined depths beneath this basin, and with And fn that respect, there should | be keen anulysis of exiting organiz- | came played on a 32 § ation and effort being made to add | 1ersos to the Industrial fabric of this ity | Oshawa has had a hig! The measure of success In recent months | aio due to the adoptilon of 8 progres: | Peeps sive poliey with the necessary ae companiment of considerable expen- diture, and distriet, The time is, anticipated |, when a city with the resources of | Bt, Catharines and its exeallent field | for manufacturing should not he! A satisfied with one or two new In-|inch ir The movement | that | toward Canada is golug to be very | that can be operated with a pronounered, dustries per year RITE = 4 orn ate the basin itself containing an: undet- J UEEH ARSE ALAR Th ermined depth of clavs, shales and linestones ) ESTABLISHED 1859 - (WHERE ECONOMY RULES" ! Store | ! Open ! Tonight 79078 MSR ar TE OT 9) A ST Pk BRR A&P Xmas Cake Plain ...... lb. Size 37¢ Plain .....2:lb, Size 69c Almond Iced"! pr" 49¢c Almond Iced "fh! 93c A&P Xmas Puddings 2.1b. Bag Size. Xmas Chocolates 49¢ oo 99¢ One-Pound Box . Three-Pound Box A&P Bread ENCORE ui Ze RYE "uae tent 6c style SRO Make Christmas Dinner Complete With BOKAR WHERE Fruits and Vegetables Celery HEARTS BUNCH 19- Celery 2.27. Fancy Quality California Seedless Good Size Oranges2--37. Texas Seedless Grapefruit 4-25. J | radio New Industries (2% instruetion Actual training § is sad to be dicated by spinning a needle ger barges materia eleety WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1930 soe 1 dancing are giv pupils 1s consisting of nui- their homes to fol- given by the teach fn Ciermas the floors squares i thai 714 } imparted by, 4 new ch field hy tw 5, 652 possible results bein H 4 haryes has been iustalled 1 port of Rouen to enipt P { dei . and deponit the drg aids sain case, 5300, Pring in eon amp only a qu diameter has hee assorted to be the Nal es vest Post Office he vocker KODAK J. / 1 Tn smart Colors | Adolightfal Modern Christmas Gift ... P 1 WIR colors tochoose from, and a trim, capa ble camera, Well suited for Christmas giving def #0 | man or a 'woman, No, 1, and ' ' | 15 89.25; case, $2.50, | to either for 21453 V4 piesuses, 0, 1A, for 2% x 414 pictures, $10.25; our Christmas gift list and see our av ractive Kodak line. There's a model for every gift purpose, KARN"S DRUG STORE hone B78 hosse Lighting emrrent dA A A a A A A tii] 8 \ -- NE HY a2: 5H A MY ¢ The Stores thathelp Xmas Cheer . b I AL this scason--when you have so much 0 buy=the LCONOMY of shopping at A & P Is more im~ portant than ever! Go ahead with your plans for the big Christmas dinner ~ make Jt an occasion that will be In the memory of every member of the family, And count ¢n A & the finest qualities ~ at A & FP economy prices, Again This Year We Offer Finest Quality Prime Fresh-Killed Turkeys Ib. 35- i --_ All Sizes From B to 15 Lbs ONLY ONE PRICE Every Bird Government Inspected In addition to the careful selecting and grading by our experts, we also wish to add our endorsement and guarantee that our Turkeys are the pick of the Northwestern and Ontario Turkey crops, and have been care- fully selected for quality by our own experts, With these endorsements of quality, we recommend that you purchase your Turkeys for your Christmas dinner at your nearest A & P Market, Fancy Milk-Fed Average 415 to 6 Ibs, Chickens: 32- Sweet Briar Smoked Hams wx 25¢ Holly Farm Sausage Meat 2155.29¢ Fancy Oysters 38 Choice Quality No. 2 Sieve Standard Quality Cranberries 21 Qur Own No. 1 Blended India I" to supply all the necessaries -- in Holiday Suggestions Lemen or Orange Turn-Down Peel ii » 17e Citron Peel "5 ov 2% Brazil Nuts. 27¢ In the Shell Walnuts © 34¢ Fancy Quality Mixed Nuts. 22¢ Finest Quality Currants » 14¢ Valencia Spanish Raisins 2 31¢ Raisins ~. 33¢ Ib 48¢ Walnut Pieces Bulk, 1», 17e¢ Cut Mixed Peel Mixed Peek Cut Mixed Peel Fancy Cooking Figs Layer Figs EJ 25¢ 2 36e¢ Figs we 25 Fancy Cellophane Wrapped fon, Figs We 1le Golden Hallow: Dates 21bs.21¢ 2 WP 21. 3 Ib. 19: No, 2 Tins Tar GreaTr ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA Co. FRBFFIIINR HIRI INITED OF CANADA RBBB IBDDE DRI RRI IM \

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