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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1930 Ministers of Oshawa Churches Extend Christmas Greeting Seasonal Gladness Mingles With More Sober Thoughts In Pastors' Reflections THE INCARNATE SAVIOUR ent joys, given snd received, but Kiev, ( A n Munro) Luke 2: 10-11,--And the apgel said unto them, 'Fear not, for be- hold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to al people, for unto you is born this day fu the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord,' The Christmas story--'"The Story of the Virgin birth"--is the sweetest and most charming the world has ever heard, It js the story that never grows old with time or stale with the telling. Many good stories can stand re- peating but In time they become stale and flat, but this old story of "Bethlehem's Babe" is just as frseh and happy as the sunshine and ever laden with a wealth of sweetness and inspiration as the pure air of a May morning, Near- ly two milleniums have come and gone since the advent of the Christ into this world, yet Christ mas increases in popularity every year, and the Birth of the Baviour sustains a freshness of appeal to every generation of men and wo- men born into the world, Now, after all, this is just when wo would expect in view of all the cireumstances and the facts as- sociated with the birth of Christ, and His relationship to time and to eternity, and to the world of humankind in the past, present and future, Countless thousands will return in thought this Christ. mas time to the Plains of Bethle- hem, In the stillness of the night they will listen in with the Shep- herds to the Angelic message They will hurry to Bethlehem and seek and search till they find the Royal Babe, the Child of Destiny. With reverent step proach the stable for the soll they tread Is holy ground, With ex- pectany heart they enter and re- hearse the Angel message to the happy mother, With wondrous look they will , * upon that in- 'orm, then prostrate thems selves in silent worship before Him, Boon they will retrace t' noir steps, but a new joy fs | ir heart and a new song on their lips, for they have seen the Christ, the Hope of Israel, and the Sav- lour of the world. Buch Is the Christmas Story, it opens with a thorus of Angel Anthem, an An- them which very soon was being they will ap- | also of abiding joys and unfais ing hopes, it must be because it brings to us the Vision of Him, Who became fncarnal: for us men and our eternal welfare, All well- grounded hope whether for our- selves for humankind is bound up with thie couvietion that we who was on an equality with God en- tered Into the conditions of hu- manity some nineteen hundred years ago, Education and legisla- tion and such like, important as they are, have no power to redeem the Boul or transform the heart, or develop the spirit of good-will among men, Jesus Christ alone has the ability to do this, and yeq only as this is done, and in proportion as it is done can we intelligently hope for a Society in which jus- tice shall prevail in which love shall be the law and happiness the universal condition, We, however, are not merely the children of time, we are also the children of eternity, hence our deepest joy on Christmas day ought to have its source in the fact that it speaks to us of One who Is able to bestow upon us the forgiveness of our sins and to make us meet not only for the service of this life but for the Eternal funheritance of the Saints in light, May Christmas bring to you, Its tripart joy, True faith, to free you e'er, From doubts alloy, Strong hope, to sing To sweet repoge, And love to help you smoothe, Another's woes, your heart, HOPE Bev, W, 1, Vletcher At this Christmas time there is much of depression and hopeless- ness, So there was over nineteen hundred years ago, The cry of that day was, "Will the new and bet- ter day never come', Then into this despair a babe was born and He grew, Still He grows in the hearts of men and the ken of the natior | always there are com- ing with Him better days ahead, This is not night; ft fs morning, This Is not age; it is youth, Jesus Is eternally young, eternally morning, and we ever go on to the fuller gladder day with Him, The sun of righteousness has on the glory of Christmas that §¢ makes known a truth which ean never be uttered, but can only be incaruated and lived." If this be true then jt ought to be the earnest desire of us all to repro- duce that life among men, And that becomes possible through His Grace and Spirit, In all the joy and glory of Christmas, In our homes, and In our Churches, let us not miss the best blessing it has to offer, There is an old Swiss Legend that is worth remembering, Among the mountains was 4 boy herding goals and he saw a pure white flower growing at the hase of a cliff, He pleked it up and im- mediately a door opened jn a rocky wall, He entered and found himself in a cave, the (floor of which was strewn with precious stones of every description, A voles called out; . "Help yourself, but do not for- get the best', He dropped tho flower hastily and filled his poc- kets with jewels, When he gsth- ered all he could conveniently carry he heard the same voles call again, "Do not forget the best'. He stepped out Into the sun- shine his hands full of gems, and the door clgsed behind him, When he amin his treasures he found they (had turned into ashes, Then he thought he would revisit the cave, but the rock refused to open, He had lost the key, He looked for the flower and eventual- ly remembered that In his greed he left it lying on the floor, He had forgotten the best, Let us learn the lesson taught [In this old legend; and Jet us see to it. that in our mad rush after the glittering baubles of life we do nov get so fascinated and be- witched that we forget the best Whatever we do, or do not do, | must | memorating, | with in these Happy Yuletide days, we not erowd out the Christ Child whose birthday we are com Rather let sing Brooks us Phillips | 0 Holy Child of Bethlehem, Descend to us, we pray; Cast out our sin and enter | Be born in us today, We hear the Christmas Angel { The great glad tidings tel); O come to uw, abide with us, Our Lord Emmanuel The season's greetihgs and best wishes for the New Year and all, A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Rev, I. B, Patterson It 8 not for nothing that we find Christmas Day next dopr in to one | | | | | overywherd | the | It shy It | where | with Christ Jesus, that was the Babe of Bethlehem, God Himself ealendar- ed the Advent of His Bon just on the eve of a New Year, for His grand purpose in the Incaruation was Lo make all things new; even to make an old world new, And #0 the Christmas time comes with a tremondous rejuvenating power, It puts 8 new song on our lips for as it were earth became infected with the joy of a heaven which could not contain the gladsomeness portended, It puts a new hope in the heart of mankind because God Himself stooped down to us in that lahe His Son, It puts new Wie into the soul because of that His | inestimable gift, teaching us to go out into the lives of others, tu serve, save and support, By reason of the spirit of it, we renew our youth and become young again in heart and thought We renew old friendships and | family ties which time or frost ha« frayed or unravelled, Above ali, whould we not renew our heaven- ward ascocintions, trim and replen ish old altar fires and, because of | that "His inestimable gift" to ux and all mankind, give ourselves, | our souls and bodies into a new and more acceptable service of Him, Only this can we render this world a better place © than we found it, and on leaving it have | added some Wttle bit to the sum of human happiness, A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE By Rey, 8, ¢, hioore Once again the Spirit of Christ- mus holds gracious sway over all Liearts, Once again the wide, wide world rings with the glad song and and to all men, Then will the real Joys of Christmas become our very own, - ' "What angels sang on that firzt Christmas morn, . 'Good-will to men, the born' Breaks once again in benediction clear, Bure Bong of God, the climax of the year, Prince is Good will and peace, the song is in the alr, Good-will and peace, 1 hear it everywhere, 'Peace on the Karth' divine 'Good-will to men', will to mine, in purposes and a good O friend unseen--no gift is in my power, Gold would he dross in this most gracious hour, Take then the strains the sing to me Angels 'Good will and peace', I send it all to thee," Wishing all a joyous Christmas and a Prosperous New Years, Sin cerely yours, 8, C. MOORE, Success has attended experiments in an Minois city with a brick street pavement laid on a metal hase that is resilient enough to overcome changes in temperature without breaking . Ultraviolet ray lamps have been in vented a German physician to treat the interior of the human body, an attendant being able to wateh the effect of the light on various organs 1 hy Prospecting for petroleum ir althous Zealand is continuing more than 50000 barrels of « obtained fro them {ou : heen feet ovaki Czechos! 14 300 w plant in which orkn bored for eight ingle ounce of radium t io} mated to ON SALE FROM Specials Dec. 26 Dec. 31 story of joy." No matter the message Is repealed; ter how often sweat wtraln take up the on m many times no mat- choirs chant its congregations "Peace ood will men no how busltiess burdens tear, | duties and social acti | till the Shnismas and prevails till to- day It uppermost thought | In anont nnd the same old fell nod emo Joy and | glade 11 a'l heart | How msom f 1 how | will OCH how and plad refrain of "the good tidings of great | | | | | carih to ite OF comestic pri persi«t Is the mind, vil pirit LN Of uppea I it tes) | I Into of all I? hi. h and und poor, youn: and old, in the souls of children, it fn the face f older folk. enters the workshop and the It pervades the palace and Hardly a home any- 0 humble or neglected but Christmas spirit touches It ome token of Jove and good- of brightness and heart low, rich 16s smile 0 factory the cottnr« the will good cheer some ray EXTRA SPECIAL-- STORAGE FIRSTS EGGS Dozen in Carton SPECIAL Replenish Your Stock for New 1ear's MIXED NUTS Braz'le, Fllbzrts Walnuts, Almonds 0° » 19¢ SP :CIAL-~ Hunt's RASPBERRY JAM «~~ 34c Store Hours Befo Friday, Dee, 26, 6.30 p.m, Saturday, Dec, 27, 9.80 p.m. Monday, Dec, 200 6 p.m, re New Year Tuesday, Dee, 30, 6 p.m, Dec, 31, 9.80 pan, Wednesday, SHIRRIFF S TOMATO Marmalade 16-02. 23¢ Jer Something New and Different Cotatn Tin 3 5 C MH. A G, COFFEE [of fey fg - PINEAI'PLE, Delmonte 8 PEACHES==Australian, 16. WAX BEANS-----Lachine Ra CORN~Del Mais Brand, No, 2 size tin 30c¢ 1c BET 10¢ liced, No. 2 size tin vz, size tin ,,., pids, No, 2 size tin , 1 h years to prec the calendar, to New Year's Day; $0 close In thought too that wi often make our card of greet Ings perform the double office In our wishes "A Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to You," It wns even so methinks In the Divine purpose of God In arigen; Ile has healing In His wings, and that sun will never go down, WHOLE BEETS, Aylmer Brand, No, 1 size tin tases 2 for SWEET POTATOES, Libby's, large tin ,..... SP. CIAL--AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY No. 4 Sieve No. 2 Size Tin S UNER A SARDINES SPECIAL~ 2 Tm 33¢c Pe 23¢ rior ~19¢ = ~Brunswick Brand, Thn,... SPECIAL~- Delicious Served Hot on Toast ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS .. .. 2 1 Cc ames PEACHES 2: 19¢ EY EXTRA SPECIAL--EATON'S LMOND I T ' jGL0 FRUI : 43c sung by the lips of man, and which will continue eto echo and resound throughout the world so long as time shall last, However "If Christmas is to mean to us all that it ought to mean, and may mean, If it Is to speak to use not merely of transi- Surely the present season, wide-spread depression afford special for the exercise forgetful Spirit, Let banished Jot brotherly-love with | and | opportuni- of this mself- selfishness be | and us, | Its " 23¢ need, Lies 220 tin A CHRISTMAS STORY Rev, ¥, J, Maxwell some one has wisely sald "It 1s wolence among abound Heinz's or Crosse & Blackwell's Large Bottle --Green Giant Brand, No. 2 6leo M8....... iv 0ie.. BEBO HOT OR COLD TODDY The Health 1-1b. 5 1c Drink Tin The Modern Toilet Necessity FLUSH-0O ™ 23¢C 1 Hl i fi SPECIAL-~ UR business dealings with the community have been of the most gratifying nature, Therefore, in this season of gladness, do we wish to ex- press our appreciation, A MERRY CHRISTMAS g and a HAPPY NeW YEAR George C. Allchin Limited 18 Church St, Oshawa Heavy Syrup 8-02. Tins ---- Specials for Friday and Saturday COTTAGE ROLLS PEAMEALED , 230 § HALF OR WHOLE PIECE MILD CURED BREAKFAST BACON *%:'» 29¢ CHOICE SHOULDER and BLADE ROAST = 15¢ 2 or I8C GHoicE BUTTS 2555 PORK Zin 22¢ 25¢ DELIVERY 10¢ EXTRA CAKE zo. i FRUITS «« VEGETABLES EXTRA SPECIAL! NAVEL SWEET AND JUICY Oranges « 19c¢c 2 doz. 35c¢ FLORIDA EXTRA SPECIAL! Grapefruit ICEBERG Lettuce Large Size A a pi OPERATED 8Y *T. BATON Ct. 1 ------ maa Un

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