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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1930, p. 11

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es ST crt Ar sR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1930 I "wd PAGE ELEVEN $e (4 DS meets Seller CTION, ONANYT & ANNI> BARRTOTERR Bolieitors Notaries VPublle Ete Conveyancing and seners! pree tie of 1aw Oflees 74% w"imeor Bt south Oshawa ane 4 O D Conant BA LLu; A F Ap Bis BA LLP 4 nN NIN of Commerce Hulldine JOSETH FF MANOAN BA VAR riser Solieitor, Notary Vublte Conveyuncer toney Lo loan Of fice 14% King St East /Ishews Phone 446 Resicence ppone A3%7 § LL 8 gd A Framer, Barristers Conveysncers "J aries Publie, Stendard Bank coe Fr KC RK Creighton, BA Frases, B.0 COVIS 8 AVMAN, BARKIGTER. Holieitor, Notary. over Dewland's "ore Money to loan 16 8imeoce street porth Phone 67 Res! dence 3473W ER A 'Mp AR: risers. Solicitors, ete. 24% Sim coe ¥t N Pacne 5160 Money to TLoan : ATEY © HALL JA, BARRIW ter ete Conveyat sing and genera' ractice 28% King At. Bast Phone $257 ite A i PAnKHILL BARKISPEKR etc Money to lean Alger Bldg sire Prt Wier Phone 1514 ANK 8 s, A ' Solicitor, Notary vblle, Convey: encer, money to loan, Third tlodr sew Alger Buillin , eppnsite Posi Office Phone 2006 Medical PRE "HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disnes plock Phone 2060 Of fice Bours 9 a.m to 8,30 pm Dr B. J Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr B H Harper, special atten¥ion to eblio: ren 8 Diseases and Obstetrics Sup day and night calls 2416 or 122 DR McKAY PHYSIJIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher Office and resi dence King St Bast, corner Vie toria St, Oshawa Phone 94. Dit GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Olstetriclan, diseases of infants and chlldrep Office and residence, 97 Bond East Phone 1156 I ----------------_ i --rr------ py "DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM ry C. P and 8 Edinburgh Phy: sician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Off'ro 143 Simcoe St N Phone 3020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. North Phone 3166. DR 1 ARCHER ¢RCWN, PHYS) sian Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residen e, 185 Simeoe Street Nori phone 3107 PR HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET: rician Physician and Surgeon. Special "reference to nmfernity work and dis. eases peculiar to women, Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North Phone 303. : Tt. WW. GRAHAM, M.D, ©.5¢, LM (.C., physician, surgeon, obstetric. fan, 8 years' post graduate, Special attention to maternity work Office 142 Simcoe St, N, Office and resld- ence, Phone 3020. (Nov, 24-1 mo) NA "Contracting LONTRACTING CONCERTE plastering, electric cr alterations I'hone 130 for estimates Ocean Tickets BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS PAS- sage at 89 Simcoe St, south, Phone 515 for a personal interview at your home, (Nov, 20--1 mo) Veterinary Surgeon TI SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim als, Ont and Dog Hospital. 203 King West Telephone 620. (56 aug. 10 3 Skates Sharpened Ll 3 machine used by manufacturers. Scissors and axes, ete, Orders called for and delivered, 333 Buena Vista, Phone 3193W, ' (Dee, 16-1 mo) Ear Nose, Throat Specialist DR F T BRY ANS OF 160 BLOO Street West Toronto will be at bis office over Jusv & Lovells Drum Store ench Saturday from 1 til) 4 pa. for consnltation aud treat: ment of diseases of ear nose and throat only Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97 (1a Rates for Classified Ads' First (nsertlon -- 1% cents per word, Mintmuin charge for one {nsertion 80c Bach suonsequent een: secutive (Insertion 1¢ per word Three consecutive inset. tions for the price of Jwo first. insertions ithree cents a word), Minimnm charge for three insertions 0 cents. Box number 0c addi tional Profesrionnl or Busivess Cards $2.60 per morth for 30. words ov leas, 10 cents a word por manth for eath ad: Ational word Phone 35 vor A tuosald Ad Department Dental PRE J PRILLIPS OVER PAS sett's Special attention to XK ray work Gas extraction Norse In attendance Phone 969 House 1412 OR H © COOKE, » SIMCOE BT north, ovor Mitcheli"s Drug Store fia for extraction Phone 64. DR J F BROCK, DENTIST 16 simeoe St N, over Dewland's Poonc 1267 les 23:W . Evenings hv appointment, PR LANGMATL. DR DAVIES, Dencists, 37 King St B Specie) sttontion to gas extraction ang X ray work Nurse 1p sttendsnre Phones 1348 and 564 Palmist TADAME BROWN PATHIST business private, 93 Louisa Sreert Phone 2626F, (Nov.. 22-1 mo) NA, PALMIST, 345 Vista, Appointments pBoue Buena 1166W. SPIRFLLA BRINGS, STYLE, health comfort Personal attention and service. Phone Mrs Blatter, District Manager, 2189M, (Noy, 25-1 mn») ol I, (Nov, 26-1 mo). Optometrist » 6 A TICK oFTOMBTRIST shecialist in muscle snomaiies eyesight and glasses Author of Eye Care and Eye #train, Ihe Chilo and Its Devslopment [is ney Block opposite Post Office Phone 151¢ (Nov, 18-1 mo) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO 67 KING BT East, Ambulance Residence 64? Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M ¥ Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Mugerel and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1083W §7 Celina. (one . Insurance DAVIS AND BON, INSURANCE 19 King 5t. west, Oshawa The old est Fire Agency in tishawa 30 Re putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING [INSURANCY erpsult R. N Johns, 50 Simcoe dorth, Your fusurance wants at: tended to and your Interests pro tectod CANADTAN "MOTOR (UNDER writers' Automobile [Insurance Careful drivers received 25 per cent, refund during past 18 years Agency Germond Cigar Store, (Nov, 28-1 mo) I UI Ra al HH Transportation CARTAGE AND RTORAGE OOLE man's, 86 Bond west Specialists in furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment "hone 82 CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVE) san? and cinders Local and long dictance hauling Smith & Cox I'hone 924, 10 Nona St West, OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAR lished furniture movers Park Road cartage Local and long distance Frank Cowle Prop 656 Park Rd south Phoze 2156 (Nov 25-1 mo) BORROWDALE'S . CARTAGH -- General cartage and household furniture moving, Special atten- tion to commercial work, Local and long. distance, 609 Carunegle Ave, Oshawa, Phone 1618, (Dee, 10 tI) SET Br WETS B Al PERMANENT WAV 'shop Specialists (n permanent, finger and marcel waving Per manent wave prices $5, §7 60 $1v and $15 All other lines of Beauty Culture Phone 29638 Apply 80 Simcoe street north A 4 Ward at Retty Lou Permanent avo Shoppe. Marcel and sham poo $1 Phone 2098 ATSON'S A Beauty Shop, 6 Celina St We spe ialize In ladles Calr cutting, mar velllug, shampooing, facials Marce: 0 cents For apprintments phone 58, (Nov, 18-1 mo) Auctioneer PHONE 716J,° W, J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, 8, Oshawa, Out, Special *attention glven fo household furniture sales and farm stock ana {implements Your patronage solicited. a Money to Loan TUANS ON GOOD,0%: ¥ PROPER ty «nd farins Apply A. J Park bill, 87 King St. Kast. Phone 1014 (July 81.0 ON YOUW AUTOMOBILE CARS re-financed Payments reduced Additional cash given Jerms rea sonable Motor Loans and Dia eounts, Suite 2, 141% King Su. B tupatairs), Phone 2790 Open even ngs, J (Aug. 15) Hematitching HEMNETITCATNG, PICOTING nine ents a yard. Skirta pleate: me dollar All kinds of beautifn embroidery worke¢ 3ooas, smock ing, etc Alterations and dress making rhe Dell Shop, 861, Sim coe south, phone 16686, (Nov. 24.1 mo! Music AENEERT ¢ THENEER, ATO M,, Orgaaist and' Cholrmaster ¢! King Street Church will ageept pupils in plano, pire organ ana vocal music. 50 Willlam Stre't "ast Phene 28968 ' y : (Sept 2 «t LEONARD RICHFR LLRAM SU pervisor of Music, (33 Carnegie For Rent in ~~ TOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves refrigeration, laundry, conven ences Apply superintendent phone 2671 al (6611) VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera tion, electric stove, washing mach ine and dryer. Apply superintend ent Phone 26330 (6hLey GLADBTONE APARTMENTS, 12 Gladstone, modern three rooms, with three plece ball, water, gas stove, electric lights, hot water heating, laundry, conveniences, private cellar, $30 monthly, Phone Po. + (144t0) ARM VHONT iUOM, BOARD if desired. Phone 20652J, (Dec, 4-1 mo) HOUS" TO RENT SMALL, CEN tral, hardwood flgors with all other conveniences, Apply Di Rit son Rd, N, (Dee, 6-1 mo) HEATED APARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, 4 room and bath, elec- tric stove, central, bright, airy and comfortable, Box 60 Times, (1410) BACHELOR APANTMENT, PART ly furnished, newly decorated, heated, electric light, ' water, in business section, Box 050 Times, (1410) FOR RENT---ONE BIX ROOMED house, All conveniences, near town, Rent reasonable, Phong 3221), ; ne (147¢) 3 AND 1 ROOM APARTMENTS, Modern to the minute, Phone 1550 or 2547W, (132 ATTRACTIVE FRONT APART: ment, three rooms, refrigerator, stove, hot water, re- decorated, central, reasonable rent Phone 1400, (1474) TWO ROOMS FIRNISHED, every convenlence for housekeep- ing, Phone 3338W (14710) BIX ROOM HOUSE ON BOND street west, Phong 138, (14811) Building Supplies CINDERS ~~ SAND AND vel for ssw/e--~To insurn prompt letiveyy, piace der. In advance if delivery date WwW Borrowdas e hone 1818 GRAVEL STONE, SAND, CIN: ders and black loam Also all kinds of moving done, Phone 1970W, (Nov, 26-1 mo) GRA- Elocution CESSONB IN ELOCUTION ARD public speaking, Private or In classes, For terms phone Lols Mun dy No, 30 or 312 (Dec, 17-1 mo Wanted To Buy WANTED CHICKENS, PIGS AND a cow, Phone 1956 r 1-3, Rahem, Burketon, Ont, (147¢) Rediv Service BATTER En» CHARGED To with -ertnl $1 00 I*epwirea an rebuilt Called for and delivered Promp' service Stan Bligdon */ Vill Bt Phone 188LW * (Nov, 206-1 mo) OSHAWA TADTO SERVICE We pairs on radios, power packs aud eliminators fubes tested anu supplied, radio poles for ale Batteries charged aua repaired Phone 3350) vharleas Wales 146 Elgin East, (Dec, REPAIRS DONE ON ALL MOD els, expert service, prices roasgn able, batteries recharged 76¢. Froe radio service to battery customers Phone 2808W. George Lurroughs, certitied radiotriclan (Dee, 8-1 mo) EXPIRT NWADIOTRICIAN, ALT makes of radios, power packs ana eliminators serviced and repaired. Phone 27151, (Dee, 23-1 mo) ER aaa] = TRAST Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE--=EIGHT ACRES, GATT den soll, 6 room brick vencer house, good out buildings, hard and soft water, orchard, 'For par ticulars apply Thomas Scott, North Oshawa, (Dec, 1-1 mo) ~=FIVE ~~ ROOMED frame house, one story, Price is low but must be cash, 178 Elden Ave, Mr, Kosak, (1460) "Help Wanted--Female | BEDROOM MAID, APPLY COM- mercial Hotel, (144b) WANTED -- EXPERTENCHD stenographer, State age, experience and salary expected, Box 7 Times TR a pa Aid ES oa id Sachin Upholstering UPHOLSTERING, DRATERTER and furniture, specially, at yveason- able prices, Phone 3323J. (Dee, 24-1 mo) bath, electric 16-1 mo) Asticles For Sale MARCONI RADIOS #185 LUV. Phone 2604 for demonstration or enll ot shop Gladstone Apts, Glad stone Ave, (14410) MIXED HARD AND 30F 1 WOU sabe, $3.50 A load Also bome dry vody wpod Waterous Meek Limited Phone Y288 (Apr. 261 WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL use in rebullt Underweods, They at less thap baelf the cost, Sent foy your aspproval, Address "Un derwood", 6 Victoria Bt, To ronto, (Oct, 19, 31) are ns serviceable as when new. W, GUTBOLE, vinsy CLABE PAP: erbunger, psinting apd graiping, Prices right, work guaranteed, 340 Pine Avenue, Phone 3086W, (7244) EXPERIENCED GENERAL WISH. es position of housework, Can cook woll, Phone 1074, (1462) BC Help Wanted--Male GOVERNMENT VOBITIONB--AB Postmen, Clerks, Stenographers, Customs and Immigration Officl als, Free booklet tells how to get them, Obtaipable only from the oldest Canadiap Civil Service Cor~ d School, M.C.C, Ltd, OVER HUNDRED PAIR OF BEC- oud hand boots snd skates, Must be sold, On very reasonable prices from $1 up, South End Shoe Hos- pital, 426 Bimecoe South, (Dee, 11:1 mo) FOI BALD =~ FPAINTH, VARN ishes. We Lave the largest assort r1ent of paints, varnishes, etc, in mn the eity The, Paint Store, #0 King street west (Apr 26 t1) SLIGHTLY URED ERATER AND boots, complete outfit $1.76 Bkates sharpened, 12 Richmond Kast, opposite Armouries, Open evenings, (Nov, 20-1 mo) POR BATE=DHY "HARDWOOD $14 per cord, Dry tamarack $12 sa cord, Normap Sanders, King St Last. Phone 1774M. (Dec, 8-1 mo) PIANO FOR PALE--HEINTZMAN Just like new, Rich tone, Real bar gunin, $160, Phone 371W, (147) CHRISTMAS TREES, BPRUCE or cedar, delivered 36c and b0c Phone Essery Bros, 882 r 11, (144e) FIFTEEN ™ JEWEL™ TGENT'S Bracelet Watches, 36,05, Pocket Watches $5.95, Half price sale of jewelry at Dell's, 26%; Bimecoe St, South, Phone 1656, (Nov, 25-1 mo) MUST SELL PIANO CHEAP, leaving town, lovely tone, almost new, apartment size, Phone SOW, (147h) ¥i0 BUYS A DANDY ~ PHONO" graph with several sblected rec: ords, 2 Simcoe N, (147h) Ea EN I a Second 'Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR niture hought and scid 186 Bloor street east Phone 1817M (Nov, 25-1 mo» PEOPLF'E FURNITURE STORE under new management. We buy and sell al) kinds of second hano furniture 17 Prince street, Phone 1761. (Dec, 3-1 mo) . . Lost and Found LORT-=BLACK AND TAN HOUND pup, nine months od, Answers to name of Jack, 'Reward, E, P, Burps, 61 Alexander 8t., Oshawa, FEITEET TET IEE rae ST et - Furs Repaired FURS REVATRED= VURS AND fur coats relined ang remodelled Experienced, Phone 632M, 110 Huron Crescent, (Nov, 20-1 mo) Cars ER Motor Ca . TT YOUR CA WASHED A ominfon Garage »% Bond streu west Phone $178 All cars ot 0u¢ price $1.00, (Nov, 19-1 mo) ERs aa a "Christmas Trees delivered, Phone 1490, Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERNITY work, Excellent references, Mrs Horrowdale, phone 1618 oo asl gd Ndv, 21-1 mo) PRACTICAT NUREE, DOCTOR'S reference, maternity, invalid, gen- eral nursing. WII assist with housework Charges moderate. Phone 3053, (Dec, 4-1 mo) Hospital WHITBY PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Whitby, also known as "Sunny. nook'; ideal rest home, Reglster: ed nurse in attendance, Plone, write or call Superintendent, (Dee, 11-1 mo) re Tab A PSG al a nade Battery Service CAI OR TADIO DATTERTES AT factory prices, Best prices allowen for old batteries, Batteries charged 75¢, called for and delivered, W gL 317 Celina 8t, Phone (Dec, 8-1 mo) TERY ST TERT AN = Architects CT¢ STENHOUSE GENERIL architectural work ecr'pd floor Royal Bank Building Phone 1496 tea _plione 909, THOMSON AND" JOHNSON, AS: soclate architects, Simcoe St 8 (147h) Over Felt Bros : "| GINNIN resp Toronto 10, (130 133 186 120 142 145 148 160 163) Ay Pets and Livestock CANARTER FOI RALE--CHOICE singers from $5 up, Christmas special, guaranteed singer with cage and stand for twelve dollars Oshawa Aviaries, 180 Centre Bt Phone 2118), (1464) FOR BALE---20 FAT CHICKENS, Ideal for Christmas dinner, cheap. Mrs, A, Ferry, 68 Cordova Road, (147b) RE EAR Ma Sheriff's Sale of Lands County of Ontario 10 WIT: On Saturday, the 17th day of Jan- wary A.D, 193], at the hour of Eleven v'cloek in the rorenoon, I will offer for sale by public auction at my office nm the Court House, in the town of Whitby, all the right, title and inter~ est of the defendant in the undermen- tioned lands and tenements seized by me under and by virtue of a Writ of kxecution issued out of the First Div. ition Court of Ontario, and to me directed, in which Harold Robert Stark is the Plaintiff and Grace E. Miler is the defendant, "The said lands and tenements being ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the 'Lownship of ast Whitby, composed of part of Lot Number Fourteen (14) in the Ninth Concession of the Township of Last Whitby particularly descrived as wollows, that 1s to say; COMM LLNC- ING on the South hmit of said Lot on a course Nortn 74 degrees East ten (10) enaing and Thirty-eight (38) links from the South-west angle of said Lot; THEN North 0 deg. ees East 'two Hundred and Fifty (250) links to a post; 'hen north 5 degrees. East One Hundred and Seventy-three (173) links; THEN North 5 degrees Kast One Hundred and Forty-two (144) links to a post; THEN North Id digrees East I'wo Hundred (200) links to a post; THEN North 54 de- grees Fast One Hundred and Eighty (180) links to a post; 4 HEN .vorth J% degrees rast One Hundred and Unirty-three (143) links to a post ; Lt HEN Nortn 40 degrees East une Hundred and Twelve (112) links to a post} FHEN Nora Jo degrees 30 leet Last dhree Hundied and eighty four (384) links to a post; HEN Noth Jo degrees West Eighty-six (86) links to a post; THEN South 65 degrees West 'three Hundred and Sixty-five (365) links to a post; + HEN South 12 degrees West Two Hundred (200) Inks to a post; HEN South 49 degrees West One Hundred and Ten (110). links to a post; THEN South 44 degrees West two Hundied and Twenty (220) links to a post at a high water mark at the head of the mill-pond; THEN Westerly and South-easterly along the niargin of the pond to a post at high water mark in line with a post and wire fence; THEN South 82 de grees West along the said fence Sey. en Hundred and Eighty (780) links more or less to the West limit of the Lot (Fourteen); THEN South 16 degrees.<ast Seven Hundred (700) links to a cut stone monument at the South-west angle thereof; THEN North 74 degrees Fast along the South limit of the Lot, One Thouss and and Thirty-cight (1038) links more or less to the PLACE OF BE. G, AND SECONDLY ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate lying and being in the Town- ship of East \Whitby, and being coms Resed of the South quarter of Lot umber Fourteen (14) in the Ninth Concession in the said Township, ex- cepting thereout those parcels thereof heretorare conveyed to John Moffatt by Fre bearing date July 27th, 1887, and registered August 2nd, 1887, as No. 3812 to Daniel Robertson by Dead bearing date March 31st, 1888, and registered April 7th, 1 as No, 39-68, to Anna Badeock by Soh bear- ing date April 20th 1909 and regists ered May 4th 1909, as No, 0688, be. ing all of the said South quarter now owned by the Gramtor, J. ¥v PAXTON, ounty of Ontario Vhitby a Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Qctober 8th, 1930, a or SE Pressmaking appuint 25 peg three hour (Now, Y, A, VON GUNRTEN, Bwiss watchmaker, ropair shop at 447% King Street Weet, Your pal ronage is solicited, INSTRUCTION GIVEN OF CUT» ting, fitting and sewi evening 1493). $1.2 1g problems, day ents, 7 aaa] Phone T TIME TABLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September 20th, 1940 (Stendard Time) , Daily, except Bunday, daily, n, Daily, except Sunds i, Datly, escept Sunday, 1, Daly, eacept Saturday, . Daily, hot : » Daily, except Bunda . Daily, , Daly, , Daily, except , Daily, except , Daily, Effective 9. 3 n 9. 1 2, ¥ 6. 7, 5. 7. LZ ve P . . . . m I GRAY COACH LINES ENective September hth 1930 (Standard Time) m (Standerd Time) stbound Daily 1 Wally, p. Daly mn Daly Ww baly esthound Daily, n. Dwily, 8.15 a.m Dyily, except Bunday, pm. Daily. n. Daily, Leave Oshawa Laay AM, I AM, m7. ml. 3 [20] 9.40 10.30 0 nn Except s~Baturdays, Sundeys snd Holidays only b--Sunday WHITBY OSHAWA. BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES (Effective on and after October 6th, Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 6.20 a,m 7.20 a.m 8.20 a.m WW a.m HA5 am 1.45 pm 1.00 p.m 40 p.m 5.40 p.m, 7.00 pm 9.00 p.m. 10.45 pom Leave Hospital 1.25 pom, 4.25 p.m, 7.15pm, pm HASpm 1218 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Leave Bowmanville 90 a.m, 11,00 gm, 2.00 p.m, 12,00 p.m, 2.48 pom, 44 pm, 645 pom, 8.15 pom, 10.45 p.m, Times marked * connect & Lindeay | Hpec - 0.15 p.m "M, 12% wx 1.30 0.4 LJ) 9.5 3.30" 10.% 49 LJ) wh (ve 83 #95 10,30 bilo Bundey, » only, (Standard Time) Going West Leave Arrive Whitby 7.05 a.m, 7,20 a.m, 8.05 a.m £20 a.m, B50 wm. 3.05 am, 10.50.80, 10.45 a.m, 1210 pm. 12.25 pom, dpm 24¥ pm AW pm S45 pm S.15pm 5.30 pan, 6.30 p.m 8.00pm, 9% pm, 94pm, is pm 1,5 pam, ng E. Leave Whithy 6.3 am 6 7,30 am 7 EX am "10 mm 10.45 a.m Iv, 12.05 p.m Lpm, 2.00 p.m, 30 pm. ar, 3.15 pm, Iv, 4.10 p.m 4,40 p.m, 5.05 pm, $40 pm, 6,05 pm, 70pm, 7745p. §10pm, EXpm 9.50pm, 10.10 pm, 7.40 pin am West Arrive Whitby 45am 11.45 a.m, 5 p.m, 4.43 pan, 6.45 p.m, 8.13 pois, 10,43 po, ing East Leave Arrive Gol Leave Osh Oshawa Bowmanville 10,45 a.m, , 42.48 pom, AW pm, 30 pn, 9,00 pon, 1,00 por, 11,30 ps Judses, Sunder, unday, Dany Daily egeept Bundy, - ------ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY A September 4h. 1999 except Sunday, Oshawa Bowmanville 7. Vi eo Foron P 2 I ' J 4 5. Ll 5% ed 1 1 Arrive Hospital 12.40 p.m, 40pm 645 pm 7.80 am, L0am, 16,00 a.ra, 1.80 nn 12.3 pon, 2.50 pan, 40pm 5.460 pm, 6,40 p,m, 8.2 p.m 9.00 pm 10.45 p.m p.m Five new fortresses, Leghorn *7Telegrafo," constructed at Capo Corso, or Cape | Bear, st the northernmost point of | the island, rafo, five transports astis unload munitions, armored cers, ficid tele phones and cannons, "France is arming Covsiva in a formidable manner," grafo, ates the north Tyrrhenian sea eon- stitutes the idea! hase for an event. shores, camp, ready for defensive or offen~ sive action Corsica on the map resembles o closed pointing toward the ports of Genoa and La Spezia, and the shiphujld- ing yards of Bestri, Bays are the | being According to the Tele arrived ot vom. Toulon, Vrance, and | rifles, machine puns | H says the Tele- "This island which domin pction against the Iiglian Now it Is transformed into most powerfully entrenched " Disney Offers Now is the vime to own your home; Jower, Fhis opportunity will never come uguin, Mr, Beptes payer, Modern homes, while they last, can he purchased with your rent money, member no This plan cheerfully esplaius ed in our office, HOUSES! HOLKEDSS HOL Bim NO PAYMENT DOWN prices will never be Hee payment down, Disney Opposite P.O, a oll fist, with the first finger + Laid by expert wechanics, Phone 4851 HARDWOOD FLOONIS Old floors finished like new, General Contractors, 5B, W., HAYNES 161 King St, West i H ) ) ' ' | Disney 4 --tt EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 4 Specializing exclusively in muscle ssomaf, eyesight snd glasses, 1516--~Phone--~1516 Block . Opposite Post Offic Residence B073W SR COAL COAL Phone 108 W. J, SARGAN] Nord ov Bloor 'treet K 1 HOUSE TO RENT 7 rocms per month $15.00 1 PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs | THOMPSON'S Slecoe St, 8, We Delived Dominion Clothing Co. hing mt W) Phone 2000 W. J. TRICK COAL CO. LTD. Phones 230-231 25 ALBERT STREET Orange Healt Pound ROYAL YORK Tea Pkg, 28¢c At all Sugerior Stores Fekoe POTATOES | Ontario or New Brunswick 90 Ib, Bag, $1.00 | Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. PHONE 203 EA"OX GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always ", t WhLithy with FOR RENT 9 Room House Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Esablished 1880 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH E v ery convenience, Warm, two car garage. Excellent address <n Sim. coe Street North, Telephone Day 262 Evening 2111 On Oshawa's Main Corner Diamonds! Bassett's a {al Busses for all Ressonabls Rates and Careful Drivers T, A, BOWMAN VIL, Oshawa Waiting ARTON, PROPRI one 22 ETO! LE PHONE 417 or 340 Room, 10 Prince Street CORSICA ARMED: ITALY ANXIOUS Claim Made That Under- ground Arsenals Have Been ¢ Established Leghorn, Italy, --Armaments 'on the feland of Corsica have brought anxlety to the Ligurian coastline of Italy, munitions Powerful , according to deposits of informa. tion gathered here from Carsleian sources, have been placed in under. ground arsenals In strategic polnts on the island, (148a-153a-158a) BRINGING UP FATHER Machinery Repaiii achinery Repai ing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO BMALL ¢ Adanac Machine Skop 101 King St, \v, Phone 1213 Chevrolet Sedan, 20 mode) price ,BOSs heyrolet Coach, 38 model price , Di) ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 00 dSuneoe Street' mouth REPAIRING W TCHIS oun sI'eClaALTY It your watch Is not giving eatistaction we can repair iy make ft te" the correct me, D.J. BROWN His JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh: Yo CAREW ALE 1 ATHOIL TW 2) (0 {AWA awa Nallroads 20 Simooo 8, hone 180 find cause they Mill pever wake up, » Brandon Sun. Some folks will never wake up and themselves fainous simply bee GRAC\OLS, Avedue, 2578F, (Aug, 25) | LOOK AT THAT [THAT'S ONE OF THOSE 1 i; Nd BY GEO, McMANUS Ad L DIDNT BHIT UR: LISTEN END CAL HERE AGAIN. YOU Will BE SORRY HES CONE HE BAID HE HAS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR YOU FROM THE LADIES OF YOUR CLUB iM

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